Idle Hands Ch. 05


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"You're not the only fertile man in this household," she said, her cheek pressed against the silky wood of the table. "And I bet Alex would be more than willing to fuck a baby into Mommy. But it's your children I want now, Josh. Alex can wait his turn."

There was a long silence, broken at last by the sound of a zipper being lowered. Rachel closed her eyes. In moments, she could feel the hot head of Josh's cock slip between her nether lips. Before she could do more than take a deep breath, her husband had driven himself inside her.

Their moans broke from their mouths in unison, more an exclamation of relief and completion than of pleasure.

I wonder, Rachel thought. Is Althea's influence even greater than she thought? Are we becoming like her, where sex is more of a need than a desire? She reached out for her friend with her mind, but only received a sense of drowsy contentment.

Sleeping, she thought, and smiled, even as Josh continued his welcome assault of the dripping folds of her pussy. His groin slapped into her ass, making the table creak alarmingly as he drove his weight against her. She lifted up, allowing her hands to cup her breasts. She slowly kneaded her mounds, stoking her lust higher.

"Let me," Josh said, his hands gently replacing hers. "Have I ever told you how much I love your tits?" he breathed into her ear. She gasped in pleasure as he gave a nipple a tiny tweak with his fingers.

"Maybe once or twice," she said. "Or a thousand. But it never hurts to hear it again." She let her hands drift down between her legs. One tapped the bud of her clit and pushed on the rise of her pubis. The other moved even lower, her fingers reaching to stroke Josh's shaft as it plunged in and out of her. She could feel her wetness on his rigid pole, and the thought aroused her even further. For a moment she regretted their position, which kept her from using her tail on him.

Just wait until he finds out what that feels like, she thought smugly. Remember how he nearly lost his mind when you licked his asshole for the first time? This will be even funnier.

Her thoughts suddenly cut off as Josh changed positions, shifting slightly to find a more comfortable angle. As he did so, she found her pleasure spiraling upward, until there was little she could do but lay on the table and gasp. One hand flailed behind her until it caught Josh's, gripping it hard.

"Coming, baby. I'm coming. Please, come with me. Help me make our child."

Her spasming vagina clenched around Josh's cock as her orgasm swept over her. At the same time the crashing waves of pleasure gathered her in their stormy grip, she felt Josh reach his own peak. The steely bar inside her erupted in a volcanic climax, shooting torrents of hot seed into her. She sighed as she felt them coat her womb, every precious drop a potential life.

Josh slumped across her back, shaking. She turned her head and caught his mouth in a long, lazy kiss, her teeth nibbling his lips playfully. "Thank you," she whispered.

With an effort, she levered her body off the table. Josh's arms came around her, holding her upright as she staggered to her feet. She could hear his deep chuckle in her ear as he took in the spot where she lay. The shining surface of the table was streaked with sweat and smudges.

"Maria is going to have some problems figuring out why the table looks like that."

She smiled up at him. "She knows us, darling. I don't think she'll have any trouble figuring it out at all."


At that moment, Maria was wondering what she had done to deserve such exquisite torment. The thought made her giddily happy.

As soon as she and Alex had entered her apartment, her master had stripped naked, laid on the bed, and with his cock rapidly rising, had ordered her to pleasure him with her mouth. She had fallen on his bone like a starving dog, but his generosity was, as always, tempered by restrictions that drove her mad and at the same time aroused her even further.

Which was why she was giving her lover a blow job while she was fully clothed, despite her need to feel his skin on hers.

"No, Maria," he had said, even as she had taken him into her mouth, swirling her tongue around his wonderfully hard, thick shaft, the very embodiment of male virility. "You can't touch me. Only your mouth on my...on my cock," he had sighed. "Touch me anywhere else, with any other part of your body, and I leave."

Part of her was convinced it was an empty threat. That her master needed her as much as she needed him. That after the cataclysmic events of the past night, they needed the comfort of each other's bodies.

But she didn't dare put her convictions to the test. If he were to leave her now, frustrated and unfulfilled, after having been exposed to the erotic magnetism of Althea, she didn't know how she would cope. So she clutched the bedsheets between her hands, the better to drive away temptation, and prayed that Alex would be pleased with her when she finished pleasing him.

I need to come, she panted, caught in her own mind. She dove down the length of Alex's shaft, not flinching as the spongy head of his phallus bumped the back of her mouth. I need it so bad right now. Holy Mother, I've never been so horny! That woman...angel...succubus...whatever she is, she drives me crazy. I wanted to lay on the floor and spread my legs for her, right in front of my master and the senora and everyone!

"You're doing well," her master whispered. Suddenly she felt the cold press of metal against her right thigh. She froze in sudden fear. For the first time since she and Alex became lovers, she seriously considered using her safe word.

"Shhh," he said, as if he were reading her mind. "Don't be afraid, mi novia. I just wanted to make things easy for us."

She heard a faint snip, and realized Alex had taken the small pair of sewing scissors off her nightstand. As she slowly resumed giving him head, he snipped away at the legs of her shorts. In a few minutes the garment was reduced to tatters, and he could remove it without having her stop what she was doing.

But the removal of her shorts only resulted in an increase of temptation. Her discipline wavered as Alex tauntingly blew a stream of warm air across her trembling thighs. God, it was maddening. His hot, loving mouth, so skilled, was only inches away from her fiery cleft. But to give in to her need would only result in having her needs denied.

She took refuge in discipline and the need to please her master. The more she did for him the better the odds of receiving a sweet reward. To that end, she concentrated on the lovely cock in her mouth. She slowed her pace, making love to its full length with her lips and tongue. She let all but the pulsing head emerge from her mouth, and ran her tongue around the sensitive glans over and over again, until her master's hips were twitching upward helplessly.

"Witch," he muttered hoarsely. "You've enchanted me."

She smiled around him, then unexpectedly swooped down the length of his cock, running her tongue along the underside of his rod.

"Oh, God," he said. "Maria..."

She felt the changes in his body, and knew his time was close. As he tensed under her, she waited in joyful anticipation. His cock swelled in her mouth, the muscles at the base of his phallus pulsing strongly. When the first spurt of his semen hit the back of her mouth, she closed her eyes in rapture. She swallowed as his throbbing manhood delivered burst after burst of his seed, his essence warming her belly as she took it inside her.

Slowly, the quaking aftermath of his climax subsided. She swallowed one final time, then cleaned him thoroughly, only letting him escape from her mouth when he was shining damply with her saliva.

"That was very good, Maria," he said. His voice was slightly hoarse. "You can, if you like, take off your shirt."

In moments the garment had been torn off and was flung into an empty corner. Now unconfined, her breasts hung, down, her nipples fiery points on her chest, trying to drag her down towards her lover. His hands settled on her sides, then slowly crept higher, towards her ribcage. She bowed her head and shook in anticipation.

"And," he sighed, his voice low, slow, and teasing, "you can touch me, if you want to." She felt her breasts gathered up in his hands.

Without taking the time to thank him, she spread her legs and sat on his face, her nether lips placed directly on his mouth. For a long, excruciating moment, her master did nothing. Then his mouth opened.

At the first lick, she opened her mouth and screamed in rapture.


"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Jeremy asked uncomfortably as Sarah dragged him into her bedroom. "I mean, we did sleep together earlier today. But should I be spending the night in your room?"

"Probably not," Sarah said. "But at this point, I don't care. I need a man, Jeremy. And since Daddy is probably doing the horizontal mambo with Mom right now, you're elected." In moments she had taken off her clothes and was lying on her back. She held her legs apart, her knees in her hands, allowing her channel to gape open lewdly. "Come on," she urged, "pull your dick out. I know you're hard for me. Stuff me full of it. Come inside me."

Jeremy blinked and stopped taking his clothes off. He shuffled backwards, his shorts around his ankles, feeling vaguely ridiculous. He shook his head at his girlfriend. "No. Not until you tell me what's wrong."

"Nothing's wrong," she snapped. "God, what kind of man are you? Or is it Althea that you want? Decided you'd follow her around like Yasna, hoping she'll give you a pat on the head? Or on your cock?"

Jeremy opened his mouth, stung by her anger, then slowly closed it. "It's Althea, isn't it?" He sat on the bed beside her, pulling her into a sitting position.

"She's too beautiful," Sarah moaned. As if a cable had been snapped, she slumped in his arms, her cheek resting on his chest. "No one's going to look at me with her around."

"That's ridiculous," he said, patting her shoulder awkwardly.

She gulped and lifted a tear-stained face to his. "But that's not the worst of it. She made me..."

"Made you what?"

"Horny," she whispered, as if confessing a terrible sin. "I'm not a lesbian. I'm not bisexual. I'm straight. Why is she making me horny?"

"I'm not trying to take her side, but I don't think it matters," Jeremy said. He shrugged in resignation. "From what your mom has told us, I think Althea is almost...omnisexual. Like she can make people horny even if she's not their type. I bet she could even make a gay guy hot for her," he said with a lopsided grin, earning him a watery smile. "Just think. If it had been an incubus named..." he fumbled for a second, " incubus named Randy who wandered into your Mom's mind, I'd be here freaking out because I had a crush on a man."

Sarah giggled and relaxed in his arms. "And remember," he continued, his hand stroking her back, trying to comfort her, "Rachel and Althea have both told us how much free will means to her. She might ask. But she'll never force you."

Sarah nodded and drew an arm across her eyes, dashing away her tears. "It just...felt weird. I mean, Mom and everyone keep talking about how wonderful this all is. And most of it is," she said, kissing him firmly for emphasis. "I enjoy the way I'm always ready to go. I liked making love with Daddy. And I loved fucking you. But Althea..."

"A step too far, huh?"

She nodded. "When does it stop?" she asked. "Are we going to lose control? Turn into sex-obsessed monsters, going after anyone we find attractive?"

"No," Jeremy replied. "I can't believe that. Just because you found the immortal scion of an angel to be attractive doesn't mean you're losing who you are. I mean," he said, trying to cheer her up, "we might be sex-obsessed. I have been since I was about fourteen. But never monsters."

"Oh, Jeremy," she said, laughing softly. "I love you." She peered up at him, her face slightly worried. "Or is it too soon?"

In answer, he kissed her. "Too soon to be told I'm loved?" he said softly. "There's no such thing."

Their kiss deepened, lengthened, until Sarah had moved off the bed and was sitting in Jeremy's lap, his cock trapped firmly between his stomach and the wet furrow of her sex. She looped her arms over his shoulders and shifted up and down, teasing him with her heat. In response, he let one hand rise from her hip to her breast, teasing her nipple into turgid fullness.

"Enough of this foreplay shit," she gasped, when their mouths finally parted. "I need a good come, then I might be able to finally relax and fall asleep.

"No," she said, placing a hand on his chest as he shifted his weight, ready to move on top of her. "This time I'm in charge." She pushed him back onto the bed, smiling at his cock, jutting upwards like a spear.

"So beautiful," she said. She straddled him, crouching on the balls of her feet. She grasped his manhood at the base, angling it until the head brushed the lips of her entrance. She bit her lip, savoring the moment, when desire mingled with reality. Then, slowly, she sank down, opening to him, feeling his rod pierce her with wonderful thoroughness.

He reached for her, and she caught his hands, their fingers entwining. Partly for balance, but more for the sense of control it gave her. With slow, lingering strokes, she rose and fell above him, each time rising until only the head of his cock remained inside her, then filling herself up again. More quickly than she could have possibly expected, she felt her climax approach. She locked eyes with Jeremy, willing him to see her love for him, her desire, her need.

One last series of strokes, and it began. She shook all over as the waves of her orgasm swept over her. Unable to speak, she panted through her open mouth, her body rippling ecstatically.

Slowly she regained her senses, and found Jeremy looking up at her with a combination of pride and chagrin.


His lips twitched. "I'm not done yet," he said, mimicking her words from earlier in the...good God, could it really be the same day?

"I can tell," she replied tartly. "Do you think I don't know the difference between a dick that hasn't come yet and a dick that has? Just hold on a second. Men," she added. "I don't know why we put up with you. You have no idea what it's like when we come."

"Well, try to explain, then." Jeremy said reasonably. "I'll never know if you never try to tell me how it is for you."

She glanced down, but there was no trace of mockery in his eyes.

"It's not that easy," she protested. "You don't have the...the background."

"You mean I don't have the right parts," Jeremy smiled.

"Well, maybe," she admitted, then gasped as he shifted inside her. "Although the parts you do have are awesome," she said softly. "But...when I come, it takes me a while to recover. Everything is so sensitive. Imagine, if you can, your skin being so responsive that every time someone touches you it brings pleasure that is almost painful, it is so intense. That's what it's like for me. My lips. Both sets," she said with a smile. My titties. Inside me, where you are." She laid a hand on her flat belly. "And especially my clit. I just need time to calm down. Otherwise, it almost hurts if you start to fuck me again.

"But now I'm fine," she finished, beginning to move. "It doesn't take long." She moved off her feet and onto her knees, and leaned down to kiss him, her hips still moving. Her breasts brushed his chest and she sighed into his mouth as his hands came around her rear, guiding her pace.

He turned his head, presenting to her the clean line of his jaw. Sarah instinctively knew what he wanted. She leaned down, her teeth gently fastening on the lobe of his ear, then she stuck her tongue into the ear itself, swirling it around as he twisted and groaned under her. His hands clutched at her thighs hard enough to leave bruises. His loins pushed up into her, driving his cock into her womanhood.

"Sarah..." It was a tortured gasp.

"Do it," she whispered. "Come for me, Jeremy."

With a strangled shout, he did. He wrapped his arms around her tightly and hugged her to his chest, the sweat of their love mingling on their joined bodies. When his joyful spasms eased, she turned off the lamp. Not even bothering to remove his phallus from her body, she pillowed her head on his chest and fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.


Yasna woke the next morning, and for a long, disjointed moment, had a difficult time remembering where she was. Then the memories of the previous evening came crashing back down in all their impossible reality.

The strange family who had showed up at the hospital, and their avowed mission to remove Althea Carpenter from her care.

The panicked chase through the streets of Chicago, pursued by a monster out of her worst nightmares.

The bizarre, sex-soaked ritual, during which Althea somehow regained consciousness.

And lastly, Althea herself doing something to her mind, which dispelled the fog of obsession which had slowly clouded her wits over the last several days.

Let it all be a dream, she begged, her eyes still closed. A very detailed, realistic, weird dream, brought on by overwork, stress, and peanut butter and banana sandwiches.

But when she opened her eyes, she found Althea's beautiful face smiling at her from across the bed, her glorious green eyes open, aware, and amused.

"Good morning," she said. "Did you sleep well?"

She shifted in the bed, suddenly shy. "Like a baby," she replied awkwardly, using an old joke of her mother's. "I woke up every two hours and cried."

Althea's smile widened. She lifted a hand, brushing her cheek. Yasna closed her eyes, fighting not to lean into the touch. Her skin was soft as silk and as welcome as a warm fire on a cold night.

"Do you want to talk about it?" she asked. "Your parents? And why you're so afraid of sex that you've all but walled yourself off from all human contact?

"I am sorry about last night," she added "And what I did to you. I would not blame you for not wanting to be near me again."

Yasna blinked, taking a minute to remember the violent conclusion to last night's ritual. She had been distraught, almost out of her mind with anger and grief, convinced Althea's spirit had departed for whatever afterlife was reserved for succubi. Leaping onto the platform where Althea and Rachel lay, she had ranted like a madwoman.

And then...

Althea had stirred in her arms, returning her kiss, her mouth opening, her hands lavishing sweet caresses upon her. Then, with sudden, heart-stopping swiftness, Althea's tail had pierced her, stroking the inner walls of her vagina passionately. The sensation had been indescribable, and Yasna squirmed uneasily as she remembered the unbelievable pleasure and intimacy they had shared.

"From what I have gathered," she said carefully, "you were not completely in control of yourself."

"That is no excuse." If she expected Althea to take the offered way out, she was mistaken. "It was the next best thing to rape. I woke in my body to find someone on top of me. Kissing me. Rather skillfully, too," she said, her eyes twinkling. Yasna lowered her eyes. "I thought it was Rachel. We have become rather close over the past few weeks. Still, I should have taken a moment to make sure."