If I'm Honest Ch. 11


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"I shouldn't tell you this, but she was looking at you as her next safe haven, so let her watch as you get a heavenly lay, as your last great hurrah," she said, her fingertips brushing along my neck. "Don't you think she's got it coming, seeing you being happy with someone else?"

I looked up at Veritas and gave a little shrug. "Honestly? I think she's suffered enough. Let her go. Don't make her any more miserable than she already is. There's no need to be cruel. She's got plenty of pain in her heart. I don't want to add to it any more than I already have."

Veritas brushed her fingertip under my chin, lifting my head to make me look at her. "You're still full of surprises. There's not necessarily a need to be cruel, but no one would've blamed you if wanted to be, one last time. But you've stood your ground and I admire that." She glanced over at Vanessa. "This is your one and only warning. You can leave now, but if you stay, all you can do is watch. You cannot speak and you cannot interfere. He's giving you your chance to excuse yourself, so you don't have to suffer any further ignominy, but if you're truly glutton for punishment, you're welcome to stay and abuse yourself at your leisure."

It was a long moment before Vanessa turned back from the window, then slowly moved over to the table, grabbed her purse from the top of it, and headed down the hallway, not saying another word. The elevator door opened, she stepped into it, and it closed behind her. That was the last I saw of her. I don't know that I'll ever see her again, either, but I think that's fine. That chapter of my life is closed and done with, and it's all for the better.

Vera offered me her hand as I stood up. I took it and let her lead me around the temple or apartment or whatever it was we were in. We moved down a hallway, turned around a corner and then headed down another hallway, because the place was ridiculously large. In fact, it might have even been bigger on the inside than it was on the outside.

Magic's crazy.

Eventually we made our way down to a bedroom that looked big enough to fit dozens of people. The bed I found myself looking at was giant enough that if I laid my feet at any edge of the bed and did my best, I still wouldn't even stretch a third of the way across it. It was covered in expensive Egyptian cotton sheets that had a thread somewhere in the tens of thousands, if I had to guess. And pillows. Jesus, I'd never seen so many fucking pillows in my entire life. It was like the pillows were rabbits and the only reason they'd stopped multiplying was because we'd come into the room and they couldn't do it while people were watching.

I should probably say that Vera wasn't the normal type of woman I'm attracted to - I know a lot of people aren't bothered by the "naturalist" look, and I respect a woman's decision to groom herself however she wants, but leg and armpit hair are generally sort of a turnoff for me. Vera had both, and yet, it worked for her in a way that it never had for me with any other woman. It wasn't unruly, and, frankly, my attention was drawn elsewhere as she pulled the tank top up and over her head, revealing a pair of perfectly teardrop shaped breasts exactly at that sweet spot between full and shaped without going over the top. She pushed her shorts down and revealed that while she have preferred the natural look, she still kept her bush trimmed at least, so I wasn't looking at a savage garden of hair everywhere.

She gestured with her hand to the bed, an eager smile on her face.

I didn't know what to say, so I quickly undressed as well, getting out of my clothes, setting them on a chair nearby before I finally found my voice again. "You're the deity here," I said with a soft laugh. "How do you want to go about this?"

A sly grin spread across her face as she spun me around, my back to the bed, then lifted one of her legs up, up, up, until her foot was level with my sternum, the flexibility very impressive, as she pushed against my chest and shoved me onto my back suddenly.

"Now, I know this is going to be intense," she said, slowly lowering her leg down and moving over towards the bed. "But if you cum in my mouth, I am going to be extremely disappointed in you. Now be a good boy and enjoy this, but not too much."

She giggled a little, something very out of character for, well, a goddess, but who am I to tell someone thousands of years old what they can and can't do? She placed one hand on either side of me on the bed, bending down at the waist, as she just engulfed my cock with her mouth, sliding all the way down until I could feel her lips at the base of my shaft, as her tongue began to explore as much of my dick as she should without moving her mouth.

And she just... she just fucking waited.

For, like, a really, really, really long fucking time.

I could feel her throat quivering a little bit around the tip of my cock, her tongue slathering over different parts of my shaft, but she didn't pull up and didn't draw back, and I was starting to get worried that she was going to be choking or in pain before it dawned on me.

She really could do this all damn day.

She didn't have to breathe.

Once it was clear that I had figured it out, she pulled her head back and off of my prick, looking up at me as she started to giggle again. "The look on your face when you realized I didn't have to stop if I didn't want to... that never gets old with you mortals."

"How many mortal men have you been with?" I asked her. I shouldn't have asked her, but I knew I wasn't going to see her again, and I just didn't have any filter left in me.

"Men?" she asked, her fingertips stroking my dick slowly. "Not as much as you might think. I would say less than the number of presidents this country of yours has had. Women? Probably a similar count, so, all in all, less than a hundred partners over the millennium. And in recent years, the pickings haven't been to my tastes, so it's been quite some time."

"I hope to fit in comfortably into the middle of where they all performed over the years," I said, as she started to climb on top of me. "And not rank in at the bottom."

"Oh Derrick," she purred at me. "I never rank partners. I never compare partners either. Each person is their own unique experience, and you should never measure people sexually against one another. It's impolite and only makes you overly critical. Was it difficult to hold back your release?"

"I was doing every bit of calculus I remembered in my head, reciting old call center routines, anything I could to counter the impending release," I told her, laughing, more than a little winded. "You did things with your tongue I didn't even think were possible."

"Then believe me when I tell you that it's okay if your first orgasm arrives quickly," she said, reaching down to grab my cock, lining it up against the opening of her pussy. "Because you and I, we're going to be at this all. Fucking. Night."

Her hips slammed down, splitting her snatch open on my cock, and the sultry, wicked moan that tumbled from her lips was one of the sexiest things I'd ever heard. Her cunt was warm, wet and velvety around my shaft, as she started to bounce and hop, up and down atop me, both of her hands reaching up to cup her own breasts, pinching her nipples as her eyes closed.

"Fuck that's nice, Derrick," she moaned down to me. "Push your hips up while I ride you. Fuck me like I'm fucking you. That's so fucking good, feeling you inside of me. You're the first man in there since the lightbulb was invented, so you had best leave your mark."

I knew I was going to do more than that, and soon, but even though she'd given me permission to fire off quickly, I wanted to give it my best, and so I dug my heels down onto the bed, pressed my shoulders and arms along the top of it, and did what I could to snap my hips up and into her as she dropped down onto me, the first collision of our bodies drawing an almost surprised squeal from her lips, as her head whipped forward.

"Yes, Derrick! Yes! Fuck back at me! Fuck me and let me feel you worship at my temple! Let that bitch Aphrodite look on in envy as I show her true lust! Cum for me!"

Even now, having found my perfect love, I can honestly say that my first orgasm of the night with Veritas was the most overwhelming sensation I've ever felt in my life, and my soon-to-be wife has told me repeatedly she's okay with that. I mean, she totally gets it. It wasn't human; I was communing with a goddess. That orgasm was like my soul being torn from my body, run through the washer, shoving into a dryer, yanked out and then quickly stuffed back inside of my body before it had time to worry. I know that I lost consciousness for like a minute. I would say I blacked out, except that everything went white, and saying I whited out just sounds weird.

I didn't leave Veritas's temple until morning, after we'd both had half a dozen orgasms each, and had been forced to stop for a couple of water breaks, and a shower somewhere in the middle as well. I don't remember the last words I said to her. By morning, everything was hazy. I was definitely still in something of a daze leaving the place, but when I sort of sobered up from being fuck drunk a day or two later, I looked into the address that Harvey had given me, and the apartment I thought I'd been in... didn't exist - there was a business on that floor, and they'd been there for the better part of a decade.

I never saw Veritas again, but that was okay.

Harvey told me I did good, and that my great reward was coming soon.

I'd won.

Now I just needed to be patient.

So I decided to keep busy.

The movers came and took all my things out of the house, and for the next few weeks, I lived at an AirBnB that had plenty of room. Even though I'd negotiated a great price because of the length of my stay, I decided I wanted to do a little bit of traveling while I thought things over. I wasn't sure where I wanted to be or what I wanted to do with my life.

I left Astro with David and TJ again, telling them I'd be back for him within a season or so, once I'd figured out where I was going and what I was doing. I'd had a few possible ideas of things I wanted to look into, so I was going to take a two-month long trip, stopping at all sorts of places like Dublin, Berlin, Cairo, Rome, Singapore, Hong Kong, Tokyo and Melbourne, giving each location a week.

Harvey had promised me that things were going to get into motion soon, and that me being on the go wouldn't be a problem. He had it all worked out, and I didn't need to worry about it. When I least expected it, everything would fall into place. And hey, he'd been right so far, so I agreed to trust him on the matter.

Magic knows best.

The first two weeks of my trip went great. Dublin was more of a sightseeing trip than it was anything to do with my plans on what to do next, because literally every time I'd been over to Ireland in the last five years, and I'd been there a bunch, it had been to set up a call center or improve on a call center. Those trips had been consumed by work from dawn til dusk. I'd never seen much of anything of the city or the surrounding area. I had a great time this time around, even meeting up with people who were working at call centers I'd established, but now purely on a social level, insisting that we not talk shop the entire time I was there.

Berlin was a similar story, although I'd never set up any call centers there, so I didn't really know many people. I found that it didn't matter that much, though. Despite what I'd always heard, I found the Germans a remarkably warm and inviting people, eager to share a table and swap stories, even when they found out I was an American. As it turned out, their politics around then were nearly as badly fucked as ours were, and they mostly hated it, just like I did.

To get to Cairo, I needed to fly from Berlin back to London and then down to Cairo, simply because it was least crowded flight I could get, and while I was flying first class these days, I liked not being swarmed with other people on the plane, and it meant I was traveling in off hours.

Sadly, and I'll bet this'll come as a shocker to you, I was in London Heathrow Airport, waiting for my connection, only to be told the flight had been canceled. Either they hadn't sold enough tickets to justify the trip, or they didn't have staff for the flight, or the wing had fallen off the plane, or some other excuse that didn't really bother me. It was nearly midnight when the flight was canceled, and the airline offered me a complimentary hotel room for the night and a space on the first flight out in the morning, although I told them if I was flying out the next day, they didn't need to make it the crack of dawn, and I'd much rather fly around lunchtime instead. They assured me it was fine, and they would make it work.

"We'll see you tomorrow, Mister King, and thank you for being so accommodating," the woman at the counter said to me. Same song, different verse, am I right?

I headed over to the hotel, the same hotel that I'd been waylaid in a year and a half ago, when this whole adventure had started, although it was someone different behind the counter. I could swear I smelled Brenda's perfume in the air, though. I checked into the hotel, placed an order for room service to bring me up a club sandwich with no tomato, some fries and a Coke up as a late-night dinner, then headed up to my room.

"Some times you have to travel a long way to end up right back where you started, huh, Harvey?" I said out loud.

In more ways than you know, boss.

"Wait, what?"

In just a few minutes, there's going to be a knock at that door, and you and I are going to part ways. I mean, a day or two later, after I make sure I've got it right, but we're at the end of the line here, the last stop on the road, the final leg of our journey, and I just want to say, thanks for not being an asshole. It means a lot to me that you didn't try and be a dick when you were offered basically unlimited power, and I hope you'll give me to someone else who's got a similar mindset, who's not a complete jackass. I've had a lot of owners over my existence, but I think I liked you best. So cheers.

"Aw, Harvey," I said, trying not to tear up. I was gonna miss him, as weird and chaotic as he'd made my life over the past eighteen months. "I'm gonna miss you too. And I promise not to put you in the hands of someone who doesn't deserve you."

Just then, there was a knock at the door...

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Had me worried there with that whole Vanessa situation. But Deke has learned from his mistakes and learned well. Though to be fair anyone with half a functioning brain wouldn't take Vanessa back; it's obvious she's only in it for one thing: looking after herself. Good riddance to her.

I did think that maybe Veritas was going to be his perfect match but that seemed to be ruled out pretty quickly. Surely it's not Brenda from the start.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Glad he said no to Vanessa, sad he's losing Harvey.

maxsteelemaxsteele11 months ago

So this is it. I feel sad that Harvey and Derrick are parting ways but this is kind of like Yugi and Atem parting. Being together made both of them better people, and they parted on good terms after making both persons better than how they were when they first met. Let's see who is Derrick's soul mate.

thunderousexplodethunderousexplode11 months ago

I loved this story. Perfectly in my wheelhouse.

Lovely plotting, lots of call backs a joy from start to finish

RomanceLivesRomanceLivesabout 1 year ago

First I was "Arrrrg, cliffhanger!"

But almost immediately I realized I would be perfectly satisfied if this were the end.

It had been a great story, and could have ended just there.

As it turns out, of course, there's one last chapter where All Is Revealed. :)

BlankefordBlankefordover 1 year ago

I could honestly see several directions after this chapter. You could do a prequel in a way, telling how Deke's chosen one came to him, and all about her, or go the Harvey route and continue the story of his next user. Honestly, i would love to see both, as i enjoy your stories immensely but i also understand there is only so much time in a day. As long as you keep writing, there are many of us out here willing to read, as I've found your stories are always both creative and entertaining. Thank you

DoctorAlanDoctorAlanover 1 year ago

This, like so much of your work, has been delightful, and it pains me to have to make the tiniest criticism of work that has been given me for free, but... The word is "bated." You wait with bated breath, as in "abate." "Baited breath" sounds like...well, unpleasant.

I am more than willing to believe that this error, like that of people who can't spell "piqued," is a result of a Spellcheck fiasco, but we are responsible for the work of our tools.

Again, thank you so much for the gift of your work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

It occurs to me that you could end the story right here, and it would work.

I hope you don't, but you could.

CorruptingPowerCorruptingPowerover 1 year agoAuthor

Chapter 12 marks the end of this particular If I'm Honest story, although I may revisit the concept at some point again in the future. The finale's been up on my Patreon for several months now, and will be out publicly within a month or two.

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