I'll Cry Instead


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Roy carefully picked his way through the brush toward Donna's car. It took a few minutes since he was concentrating on stealth. Once he was close to Donna's car, he carefully peered through the car's windows. He was shocked to see Donna tied to a small broken down porch. She was facing the structure with her wrists secured to a couple of rotting posts.

Her captor was using a knife to slice her clothes from her body while Donna sobbed miserably! Roy was surprised at how his anger flared. The bitch deserved what she was getting, but Roy took no pleasure in her predicament.

Roy tried to formulate a plan as the man cut away the last article of Donna's clothing, her black lace panties. Donna was pleading with the man to let her go just as he brought his hand down hard on her left ass cheek. The clap of his hand echoed throughout the woods. Then he repeated the action on her right ass cheek.

Now Donna was slumped over the old porch, her face buried in the rotted floorboards as her hair cascaded around it. Her captor unbuckled his belt and dropped his pants around his ankles. He reached out with his left hand to open Donna for his intrusion while his other hand worked feverishly on his cock.

Roy decided he would never get a better opportunity to approach the guy undetected, so he crept around Donna's car as silently as he could. He clutched the oak limb in his left hand as he drew nearer

The man once again slapped both of Donna's ass cheeks. "Stand still, Bitch! You wanted strange cock and I'm going to make sure you get it."

He was concentrating on getting his cock lined up with Donna's opening when the oak limb delivered a crushing blow to the back of his head. Roy had learned his lesson when the first guy he smacked didn't go down immediately. He had swung for the fences this time.

The man groaned and collapsed on top of Donna, who was almost catatonic by this time. Roy was reaching to yank the man away from Donna when the sounds of silence were broken by several loud sirens. Roy turned his attention to the gravel driveway and saw an older Mercedes bouncing up the driveway at a much faster speed than was prudent. Several sets of flashing lights were closing in on the car as it went out of sight behind the second trailer.

Roy made a snap decision and quickly made his way back into the thick undergrowth of the forest. No one had seen him and he had no desire to go over the sordid story with the police. He saw no legal, or psychological advantage to be gained by joining the cluster fuck. To that end, he made his way quickly through the woods and back to the Camry.

Roy checked his cell phone, only to see it was still dead. That fact suited him. He obeyed all traffic laws as he drove back to Ben's place.

"Ben, I don't want to say much about how my day went. The less you know, the better," explained Roy as he handed the Camry keys to his friend. "I'm not asking you to lie about anything if the cops show up to question you, but I'd appreciate it if you didn't volunteer anything to them. There's no reason for them to look for you, or your car, as far as I know."

Ben studied Roy's face for a few seconds before nodding. "I'm betting there's going to be quite a story flying around work tomorrow. I'll keep my mouth shut, unless the cops come to the door asking questions. I have a family and I can't risk hurting them by lying to the police."

"I'd never ask you to lie," responded Roy. "I'm just asking that you refrain from disclosing anything to anyone else. I appreciate everything you've done for me. It's good to have at least one loyal friend."

"Okay, but I'll be expecting a full accounting over a few cold beers once this all dies down," answered Ben with a crooked smile. "It's got to be some good shit."

Roy made it home as the sun was setting. He warmed up some leftover lasagna Donna had prepared for him and chased it down with several beers. He was in bed and asleep by ten.

The constant ringing of his doorbell woke him shortly before midnight. Roy crawled out of bed, scratched his balls a few times and lurched out to the front door. Donna's parents gasped at his appearance when he opened it.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Roy? You can't open the front door in your underwear!" shrieked Donna's mother, Clara.

"Oh, really? Okay," replied Roy as he slammed the door closed, locked it and slid the deadbolt home. He was half the way back to his bedroom when the doorbell began ringing again. He grinned as he closed the bedroom door and stretched out on his bed. The continued ringing of the doorbell was like a balm for his soul. They weren't Donna, but they had raised the bitch. He wouldn't be putting up with any more shit from his mother-in-law.

Roy awoke to a bright, cheerful morning. He had already taken the day off work because he had believed he was going to follow Donna all the way to Corning. He shaved and showered before heading out to conduct the usual business a man faces when he realizes he cannot trust his wife. He managed find a lawyer who would see him that afternoon, so he took care of his financial affairs in the morning hours.

Donna had given up on survival. Jim had raced into the woods with that crazy bastard chasing and shooting at him. They had only been gone a minute when the driver bound her hands to the posts of a rotted porch in front of a dilapidated house trailer. She was left alone with a psychopath.

Once she was bound, the man began slicing her clothing from her body. He squeezed her breasts and tugged on her nipples as he slowly stripped her. Donna begged the man to turn her loose, but her pleas fell on deaf ears. Once she was completely naked, he slapped her ass cheek with a great deal of force. Before she had finished crying out from the pain, the sadist bought his hand down hard on her other ass cheek.

That drained all her resistance as she collapsed while bent over the old porch. She endured two more stinging blows to her ass before she felt the man's hand opening her pussy. She felt the tip of his cock at her entrance and steeled herself for the expected rape.

To her surprise, the man collapsed on top of her and remained motionless. From her position under him, she had no idea if he was toying with her, or had had some sort of medical problem and had passed out. Then Donna heard the sirens!

Unable to see what was happening, she relied on her hearing. A car skidded to a stop and a door slammed. The there were several voices, all from police it seemed, telling a man to put up his hands. He must have done as he was bidden since no shots were fired.

The inert man lying on her back was removed and her hands were cut free. A policeman handed her a blanket and offered her a bottle of water. She wrapped herself in the blanket and drank the proffered water. Then the questions began.

Donna explained how she and a friend, Jim, had been abducted at a gas station and brought to their current location. She had no explanation for the cracked skull of the unconscious man who had been attempting to rape her.

While she was being questioned, the second man was found lying along the trail. He had also suffered a nasty beating. Again, Donna was unable to tell the police how it happened.

"He was chasing Jim, so I would guess Jim found a way to club him before getting shot again," reasoned Donna as she considered the situation. "You didn't find another body or a lot of blood, did you?"

An ambulance arrived and the man who had tied up Donna and attempted to rape her was loaded. Just as that ambulance left, another arrived to transport the other unconscious thug to the hospital.

Donna was taken to State Police headquarters to be questioned after she was given some clean clothes. It was a small station, so she clearly heard Jim speaking to the police as he arrived about half an hour after she had. Donna wished they would be allowed some time together to formulate a story, but she and Jim were kept apart while they were questioned.

Jim was a single man who had broken no laws he knew of, so he cooperated completely with the police. He explained how he had come to be riding with Donna, and why. He was unable to explain the source of the injuries to the two kidnappers, however. He had simply run until he heard traffic. He headed in that direction where he managed to flag down a motorist who called the police.

Donna tried to call Roy several times from the police station, but his phone was off. In desperation, she called her parents and asked them to find Roy and tell him of her troubles. She needed him with her!

It was after one AM when her parents walked into the room at the station. It was painfully obvious that neither parent was very happy.

"Where's Roy?" asked Donna. "Couldn't you find him?"

"We found the miserable bastard, but when your mother chastised him for opening the door in his boxers, he slammed it in our faces and locked it up" revealed her father. "We rang the bell and banged on the door for another half hour, but he never answered the door again."

"I needed him here with me, so Mom yells at him for not being properly dressed to answer the fucking door? Did you just expect him to roll out of bed and run to the police station?" snarled Donna. "Why do you always have to tell him what he's doing wrong? Would it hurt so much to be nicer to him?"

"Your father and I won't be even close to nice to him after tonight" stated her mother defiantly. "His wife needs help and he answers the door in his underwear? Then he won't get properly dressed and speak to us? I've had it with your husband. He can go to hell!"

"What am I supposed to do now, Mother?" questioned Donna more calmly than she felt. "It's the middle of the night, my car is part of a criminal investigation, and you don't approve of Roy's sleep attire, so I'm stuck here."

"Come home with us and get some rest" offered her father. "We can sort it out in the morning. I want to hear how you got into this mess to start with."

When Roy returned home in the afternoon after meeting with his new lawyer, Donna was sitting in the living room. He nodded to her as he made his way toward the stairs.

"Aren't you wondering why I'm home?" demanded Donna. "Why is your damn phone turned off? Why aren't you at work?"

Roy kept on walking. He went upstairs and changed into more comfortable clothes for yard work. Donna was streaming when he returned to the living room.

"I asked you some questions and I expect some answers," fumed Donna. "You can't just ignore me like you did my mother."

"That was pretty funny," replied Roy with a chuckle. "The old bitch thought she had the right to chew my ass for not answering the door to her satisfaction. I think she learned not to try that shit again."

"Funny?" repeated Donna. "I sent her to get you because I needed you and your phone was turned off. You're never there when I need you."

Roy couldn't help but think back to the previous day when his wife was bound and stripped while a strange man prepared to rape her. He was there when she needed him, but she hadn't been "there" for him in a very long time.

Nodding, Roy forced a smile and went out to the garage to get his lawn mower. He just didn't see any reason to listen to the horseshit his wife was going to throw his way.

As the overhead door opened, Donna strode into the garage in a rage. "What is wrong with you? I was talking to you and you just walked away. Are you drunk or something?"

"Look, there's the Binghamton newspaper," observed Roy calmly as he pointed to the paper lying in the driveway. "Read the fucker. Then we'll talk, Bitch."

Donna was shocked at Roy's tone. He never spoke to her like that. He never even swore in her presence. With more than a little concern, she picked up the newspaper.

The headline was disconcerting. The actual article was even worse. Roy had already read the paper at his lawyer's office, so he already knew what had been reported.

The long and the short of it was quite simple. Donna's paramour had sung like a fucking canary. The paper had interviewed him as he left the police station and managed to place the interview into the next day's edition.

He claimed he and his married lover were on their way to Corning for a work seminar/love fest when they were abducted by drug-crazed killers. He managed to run off while being used unsuccessfully for target practice. By the time he had safely escaped and flagged down help, the state police had already chased the missing wheel man to their robbers' roost. The perps were then taken into custody and his girlfriend was rescued.

Donna felt sick to her stomach as she read the account Jim had given the paper. Once she finished the article, she read it again. Her name was never mentioned. Maybe no one would connect her to Jim!

Then she saw the police version of the situation. It was located next to the interview Jim gave, also on the front page. Her name, as well as her age, address and marital status were all reported. Nickolas Brennan, William Lansing and Bo Jackson had been arrested and charged with numerous offences, including kidnapping and unlawful imprisonment. There was no mention of why Jim was with her, but once a person read both articles, the entire sordid story was obvious as hell. The only mystery was how the two kidnappers had been rendered unconscious. Police suspected a good Samaritan had knocked out the criminals, but had no explanation as to why he was not present when they arrived on scene and they had no leads to his/her identity.

Donna was so intent on reading the articles, she failed to notice Roy had taken the mower out and was cutting the lawn. She staggered back inside, sat down at the kitchen table and waited for Roy. As she waited, she noticed two suitcases sitting near the back door.

An hour later, Roy walked in from the garage, went to the refrigerator and grabbed a beer. Donna searched his eyes for any hint of what he was thinking, but saw no emotion.

"I'm sorry," began Donna. "I've humiliated myself and embarrassed you. I never meant for that to happen. It saddens me to see you such pain. I wish there was something I could do to make you smile again."

"In what way did you humiliate yourself?" asked Roy softly. "What were the results you had hoped for, and how did they differ from the reality?"

"Don't be coy, Roy. It doesn't suit you. I fucked up. I was almost raped and killed. My hope was to spend two nights in the arms of another man," admitted Donna. "It would have been the first time I ever cheated on you. If it helps any, Jim and I never had sex. I've never had sex with anyone but you."

"I see," replied Roy. "You fell in love with another man. You simply had to have sex with him. You were tossing me to the curb for this Jim. It feels like a hard slap to the ass, if you know what I mean."

"No! I never stopped loving you, Roy. I have no feelings for Jim. He was just a guy who was going to scratch an itch. I was never going to leave you," insisted Donna as she reached down suspiciously to feel her still tender ass as she studied Roy's face for any indication how he might know about her ass being slapped. "I know you've packed two suitcases, but you don't have to leave. If you love me, you'll give me another chance."

"Don't talk to me of love!" snarled Roy. "I've heard all the words before, but they're meaningless. I'm not going to revisit feelings that have died. If I had never loved you, I never would have cried. That's over now. You turned my heart to stone, or more accurately, into a damn rock. It's actually a fucking rock island now, all because of you. You know what? It's all good, because a rock feels no pain. An island never cries."

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AnonymousAnonymous10 days ago

Stupid song lyrics

Thor2530Thor253023 days ago

Good set up, perhaps a little less focus on throwing lyrics in and more on resolution of the issues would have made it better. 4 stars.

AceAureliaAceAurelia25 days ago

Seems like an incomplete story..perhaps the writer is looking to others to provide their unique ending ?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Mixing your song writers a bit there?

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

If you REALLY feel that smug that you know the story better than the writer, WHY IN THE WORLD DO YOU KEEP READING? Does Webster have your name / picture beside the word STUPID? What makes people so smug to believe they know a tale better than the writer?

Thanks for another tale HDK.

somewhere east of Omaha

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