I'm Not Who I Used to Be Ch. 02


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Let me also add that, to me, he looked sexy as hell, when, with a warm smile on his handsome face, he cast me a knowing wink, then smiled and said "Good morning, ladies how are my favorite girls doing this morning?"

"Go put some pant on," Myra Gayle giggled, "You look like a slob, Mikey," eliciting girlish giggles from the twins at hearing his sis call Michael by the nickname they used when the three of them were all young.

And because the women in Michael's family were all rather big in the chest, as well as the fact that Myra Gayle, too, was wearing a tank top with her rather prominent cleavage unavoidably showing, he grinned at her, and teasing her, said, "You're one to talk, little sister. Why don't you put on a different shirt and quit trying to flash your boobs at everybody?"

Needless to say, Myra Gayle looked down at her chest, and with a very loud, clearly embarrassed gasp, her face turned bright red as she quickly rose from her seat and fled the room, much to the giggles of Susan and Claire.

"Michael Thomas Taylor, how could you say such a thing?" I quickly scolded him, "You just embarrassed your sister to death. You ought to be ashamed of yourself."

"I know, and you're right," he openly laughed, "I ought to be ashamed, but I'm not."

"Don't worry about Myra Gayle, Sarah honey" Susan giggled, "Michael and his sisters have been mercilessly teasing one another ever since they were all little."

"But what he said was..." I began.

"Was nothing more than what that mouthy little sow deserved," Michael laughed, interrupting me.

"You need to watch who you're calling a sow, you fucking asshole," Myra Gayle spat walking back into the room buttoning up a shirt that she'd gone into the back and quickly changed into.

Of course Kerrie and Karlie were giggling at the language their Aunt Myra was using making Michael immediately, and rather sharply tell his sister, "And you need to watch your language in front of my daughters."

"It's okay, Dad," Karlie grinned, "We've heard a lot worse than that at the orphanage."

"Maybe so, sweetheart," Michael tenderly replied, getting down on his knees and pulling both of our daughters into his arms, "But this isn't the orphanage, this is your home; and we don't talk like that around here," as he chuckled, "Well, not very often anyway...



"We love you so much, Daddy," Kerrie softly told me, "You and Momma both."

"I love you girls more than anything in the world," I tenderly replied, "And there isn't anything I wouldn't do for either one of you."

"Cool," Karlie giggled, "Does that mean that you'll teach us how to kick butt like me, Kerrie and Mom saw you doing a little while ago on the hill out back?"

"Lord have mercy," I chuckled, looking over at Sarah, who simply shrugged her shoulders as if to say, "Don't ask me," then I leaned back and looked at the two of them and said, "I suppose so, but we need to talk about it right here and now, before we go any further, okay babies?"

"Okay," they simultaneously replied, making me grin...


The phone rang and Mom got up to go answer it as both of my sisters left the room as well for whatever reasons, leaving me, Sarah and the twins alone to talk.

"I'll teach you girls as long as you both practice twice a day," I told them, "Do we understand each other, you two?"

"Make that three," Sarah giggled, sitting down between the girls and wrapping an arm around each of them, "Okay honey?"

"Why not," I sighed, grinning as I gave in, "I guess the more the merrier, huh?"

"Alright," I consented "But we're going to start lessons after the band plays this weekend. Is that okay with ya'll?"

"I think I speak for all of us when I say, yes," Sarah smiled, looking at the twins, "Right girls?" as they excitedly nodded their pretty little heads...


Chapter Eight

Our performance at Hofheinz Pavilion went off without a hitch, and while Sarah and the girls sat backstage during the show, I could tell that Kerrie and Karlie were very proud of me simply by the way they acted while they were around everyone.

They also finally got the chance to meet and talk with Lee and Kevin at the same time, who both spoiled them rotten, practically waiting on the Karle and Kerrie hand and foot.

"I'm really sorry that I didn't get the chance to talk with you girls while we were in New York," Lee gently told the twins, "But now that you're both members of the family, maybe we can talk your Dad into all of us going to the beach...I'll even teach you girls how to surf if you're interested."

"That would be nice," Kerrie bashfully smiled, "But we have to learn how to swim first, Uncle Lee."

Knowing Lee like I did, I could tell that having Kerrie call him "Uncle Lee" greatly pleased him, simply by the proud look on his face.

"You don't care if we call you Uncle Lee, do you?" Karlie asked, batting her big blue eyes at him, "Besides, you said that my sister and I are members of the family now, and that includes you and Uncle Kevin, doesn't it?"

"You bet it does, little lady," Lee smiled, gently pulling both of the girls into his arms, "If either one of you ever need anything, I want you to call me, okay?" and of course they answered him by leaning in and kissing him on both cheeks at the same time.

To be honest, it was the very first time I'd ever seen Lee show any kind of emotion whatsoever, and to say that I was greatly pleased would be a huge understatement.

"Hey, you two," Kevin grinned, stepping in and playfully asking, "What about me? Don't you girls think I should get and hug and a kiss, too? After all, didn't you just called me Uncle Kevin, Miss Karlie?"

"I sure did," Karlie delightfully giggled, practically leaping into Kevin's arms as he knelt down on the floor with Kerrie right behind her, both of them hugging and kissing his cheeks as well.

"Hey, what about me?" Mark teased, "I'm your second cousin so I know you girls are gonna give me some hugs and loves, too, right?"

"Wow," Kerrie delightfully giggled, subtly winking at me and Sarah, "You guys are almost as bad as Daddy is when it comes to hug and kisses."

"Ya think so?" Mark grinned, playfully goosing her in the ribs and making her loudly squeal and giggle, "We're a whole lot worse than your Dad ever was when it comes to getting hugs, girlie girl..."


Because of the fact that Lee and Kevin both lived there in Houston, we all went in four separate directions once everything was said and done. Of course I had hired a limousine to take me and my wife and daughters to and from the show and on the way back, Kerrie was snuggled up against me while Karlie had snuggled up against Sarah, the both of them sound asleep.

"I know two little girls that had a great time tonight," Sarah softly said, leaning down and gently kissing the top of Karlie's pretty head, "What do you think, baby?"

"Are you kidding?" I smiled, leaning down and tenderly kissing the top of Kerrie's head as she slept, "They had a blast."

"Did you see the way that our daughters had Lee and Kevin eating out their hands?" Sarah grinned, "I thought it was sooo sweet."

"I did, too," I agreed with her, "But let's not forget about Mark. I think he might've been feeling a little left out."

"I saw that," Sarah softly giggled, "It only reaffirms what you told me when you first met our girls New York."

"A lot has happened since then and now," I teased, "You're going to have to remind me, baby."

"You were right, my love," Sarah tenderly replied, looking into my eyes and leaving me feeling as loved as ever, "These two little angels are indeed very special girls."

"I know, baby," I smiled, reaching over and taking her hand, "But so are you, Sarah."

"I love you Michael," she softly replied, her deep blue eyes filling with happy tears, "I love you very, very much."

"I loved you the first moment I ever saw you, baby, "I softly and sweetly told her, "I always have, and I always will..."



I woke up just a little after the sun rose, and knowing that I wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep any time soon, I leaned over and gently kissed Michael on the cheek while he slept, and then slowly got out of bed so as not to wake him.

After I went into the bathroom and performed my morning rituals, I made certain that my gentle and precious husband was still asleep, and then pulled on my robe and left the bedroom, gently and quietly closing the door behind me...


The moment I left our bedroom, the smell of coffee brewing made its way down the hall, letting me know that someone was already awake and in the kitchen. And because I'd begun sleeping in my pajamas while Michael and I were temporarily living in his boyhood home, I simply tied the sash/belt around my robe, making sure that no one could tell that I was braless beneath my pajama top...


"Good morning, my daughter," Susan smiled, pulling me into her arms for a hug the moment I entered the kitchen, "I hope you slept well."

"I did, thank you, Susan," I softly replied, returning the hug, "It sure smells good in here."

"J.T. woke up early this morning, so; I got up with him and made his breakfast," she sweetly replied, "Would you like some coffee this morning, sweetheart?"

"Yes, please," I grinned "But I can get it myself, so; why don't you take a seat so that you and I can talk before everyone else gets up?"

"I'd love to," she knowingly giggled, taking a seat at the kitchen table, "I take it that Michael is still asleep, yes?"

"We didn't get home from the concert last night until well after two o'clock in the morning," I told her, as I poured myself some coffee, "I would imagine that he won't get up until later on this morning."

"So, tell me," Susan asked me, "How did the twins like watching the show from backstage?"

"Are you kidding me?" I widely smiled, "They had the time of their lives."

"I haven't had the chance to tell you this, Sarah," Susan softly said, "But I think that you and my son did a very wonderful and selfless thing when you adopted those little sweeties; and I wanted to let you know that I'm so very excited that I'm a grandmother now."

"Thank you, Susan," I honestly replied, "I can't begin to tell you how much what you just said means to Michael and I."

"The girls told me how they lost their real parents," she softly yet sadly replied, as tears appeared in the corners of her gentle eyes, "And it was all I could do to keep from breaking down and crying right then and there."

"I know exactly how you feel," I quietly agreed with her, "But you know what? Those are two of the strongest little girls I've ever met...really."

"Yes, they are," she replied, "Especially after all they've been through in their little lives, God love them."

"I agree with you on that, but there's something I wanted to talk to you about," I told her, "And I don't really know how I know this, but..."

"It's Kerrie, isn't it?" Susan politely interrupted me, as I nodded my head, "I can feel it, too."

"I think that she was mistreated at the orphanage," I painfully replied, "I don't know who, or what, but I can't talk to Michael about this...at least not yet anyway."

"Now it's my turn to agree with you," she said, "I'd like to call my brother-in-law, Brian, and have him make a quiet investigation into this, but only if it's alright with you, Sarah."

"That's fine, but I'm going to have to talk about it with Michael first," I told her, "I will not go behind his back...I can't."

"I understand sweetie," Susan understandingly replied, "Maybe it will be better if I'm there when you approach him with this."

"You're probably right, Susan," I replied, a wave of relief washing over me, "Let me finish this cup of coffee, and then I'll go wake him up. I want to get this over with as soon as possible so that we can all get on with our lives..."



"Wake up, baby" I heard Sarah's voice gently coming from somewhere, "Your Mom and I want to talk to you before the girls get up," as I felt her soft lips on my face "Wake up, my love."

"Good morning, baby," I softly replied, opening my eyes to see her beautiful face in front of me, "What're you doing up? It's still early."

"It's not that early," she smiled, gently kissing my lips, "I need to talk to you about something though."

"Of course," I smiled, pulling her into my arms for a hug, "Give me a couple of minutes and then I'll meet you in the kitchen. Okay, my love?"

"That's fine, honey," she sweetly replied smiling, "I'll have a cup of coffee waiting for you..."



After my morning prayers and making myself presentable, and also realizing that it was still early; I quietly made my way into the kitchen to find Mom and Sarah sitting together at the kitchen table quietly talking amongst themselves.

"Good morning, you two," I smiled, leaning down to kiss my wife, "How're you doing this morning?"

"Hi, baby" Mom smiled as I leaned over and hugged her, "I hope you slept well."

"You know me, Mom," I grinned, kissing her on the top of her head, "I could sleep through a hurricane."

"Ain't that the truth," Sarah giggled, handing me a hot cup of coffee fixed just the way I liked it, "You slept like a log last night."

"He's been that way since he was a baby, Sarah honey," Mom softly told her smiling, "In other words; Michael has always been a lunk-head," as the two of them giggled like schoolgirls.

Once the laughter died down Sarah looked at with concern and told me, "We need to talk to you about something, Michael, something that involves little Kerrie."

"What is it?" I asked, a sudden feeling of dread overcoming me.

"I'm not positive, honey," Sarah quietly began, "But I have a very strong feeling that she was mistreated when she was in the orphanage. Like I said, I'm not sure but there's just something about the way she clings to you and I," and by this time her eyes were beginning to fill with tears.

Just the thought of someone mistreating my daughter quietly began to enrage me making me angrier by the second.

"We need to sit her and Karlie down and have a talk with them, "I told Sarah, "What do you think, my love...?"



The girls had awakened and were now sitting at the kitchen table with Sara and I while Mom cooked breakfast for us. It was easy to tell that the both of them had slept well simply by their demeanor that morning, for which I was grateful.

Before we eat breakfast this morning," I began, "You mother and I have something we need to discuss with you, okay?"

No problem, Dad," Karlie delightfully smiled, "What is it?"

"I think I might know," Kerrie quietly replied, "You want to know why I act so...Oh, I don't know the word, but I'm right, aren't I, Daddy?"

"You're right, baby," I softly told her, gently taking her hand into mine, "And the word you're looking for is "Clingy", Kerrie."

"We don't know how else to ask you honey," Sarah sweetly told her, "So we're just going to ask you. Did somebody mistreat you while you girls were in the orphanage?"

"No," Kerrie quietly answered, tears beginning to fill her bright blue eyes, "It's just that...all Karlie had our whole lives were each other..."

"And now that we've got you," Karlie continued for her sister, "This is the first time we've ever felt like somebody truly wants us," tears beginning to also fill her eyes as she continued, "I'm stronger than my sister when it comes to certain things, but don't think I don't feel the same way that she does," and the moment she finished speaking, she literally jumped into Sarah's arms as Kerrie jumped into mine.

"Please promise us that you'll never send us back to that place," Kerrie began to cry, her face tucked into my chest, "Please, Daddy?"

"I promise you girls with all my heart that you'll never have to go back there again," I waveringly replied, my face now soaked in my own tears, "As God as my witness I promise...you girls belong to your mother and me now. What kind of father turns his back on his own daughters huh?"

To drive the point home, Sarah stood u from her place at the table, and with Karlie still in her arms, she came and stood next to Kerrie and I, and after throwing her arms around the three of us, she tenderly told them, "We're a family, babies, and we take care of our own. Do you girls understand what I'm telling you?"

"Yes, ma'am," Kerrie happily sniffled, her arms tightening around Sarah and I, "We love you and Daddy so much, Momma."

"She's right, Mom," Karlie girlishly giggled, "We love you and Dad more than anything in the world."

"Your father and I feel the same way about you two," Sarah smiled, holding me and the girls in her arms, a gentle smile on her face, as she winked at me, "And we'll never stop loving you either. Isn't that right, Daddy?"

That's right, Mom," I softly replied, afterward kissing her lips, followed by a kiss on the cheek for each of my girls...


Once breakfast was over with, Sarah and I took the girls into town to the dojo where Mark learned Karate in order to get not only them, but also Sarah fitted for their own personal ghee's. I knew that, because it was Saturday, the dojo would be open...


The Dojo, known as Gulf Coast Karate, was owned and operated by a man named Wayne Tyler. Not only was he the highest ranking Black Belt, but he was also considered to be more than just a Sensei. In Togakure Ninjutsu, once a person reaches a certain level, they're no longer called a Sensei, instead they're referred to what's known as a "Shidoshi", which, loosely translated, means, "Venerable Master", and because of what a generous and kind man Wayne was, he more than fit the title.

"Michael Taylor," Wayne smiled, when I walked through the front door, accompanied by my wife and daughters, "What a sight for sore eyes. How in the world are you, son?"

"Hello, Mister Tyler," I respectfully replied, "It's good to see you, too, Shidoshi."

"And who are these visions of loveliness that you brought with you?" he widely smiled.

Please allow me to introduce you to my wife, Sarah," I proudly replied, "And these two cuties are our daughters, Kerrie and Karlie Taylor."

"Your cousin Mark, told me about you and your wife and children," Wayne gently smiled, "And let me be the first person to congratulate you and Sarah for having such beautiful daughters."

"Thank you, sir," I respectfully yet still proudly replied, "We're very proud of our girls, which brings me to the reason for our visit."

"Let me guess," Wayne knowingly grinned, "You're going to teach them, aren't you?"

"Yes, sir, that's correct," I replied, unslinging the athletic bag I brought with me which contained my ghee and pads "And while we're here, I'd like to go ahead and test for my third dan (degree), if you have the time that is?"

"Of course I do, besides; the Saturday classes doesn't start for another two and a half hours, Mike," he smiled, "I assume you have your ghee and pads in that bag on the floor next to you...?"



Once I was suited up, I flawlessly performed the full kata, which started from white belt level, then continuing on all the way up through the rest of the belt ranks and finishing at the end of the third dan of the black belt level. Mister Tyler then put me through what're called Kiso Katas which have to do with hand-to-hand striking and blocking techniques. And then once that was done, he and I put on our pads and sparred, with me landing some nice punches and kicks as well, which of course we both pulled, all in order to keep from striking one another full contact...something that is highly frowned upon in the dojo.

I'll have your certificates filled out and ready for you to take with you before you leave," he told me smiling, "Congratulations, Mister Taylor, You've now reached the level of Sensei, and I know that you're going to be a very good teacher."