I'm Possessive of My Mother

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A young man is possessive of his mother, perhaps vice versa?
3.5k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 02/22/2022
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Chapter 1

My mother has always been the single most important person in my life. Leading me through it with a bright beacon of stalwart motherly love which she used to imbue within me the confidence I might have otherwise not had. The only thing I could ever be more thankful for was the body she, and my absent father had passed down. I held a nice stature of lean muscle that could easily be improved if I put a little more work into myself, and was slightly taller than average.

I inherited my mother's blonde hair, while she says I took the green from my father's eyes. I would never know if that was true, but I had no reason to believe she'd lie about it. My mother was particularly lucky when it came to single motherhood, able to support us well enough to live in a three-bedroom apartment as a part-time accountant. My mother herself was a well-figured woman with thick features, mostly around the best areas. She had grown into them as she aged, her hips naturally developing into their childbearing purposes even more as she grew up.

From what I had seen of her legs, they were always smooth and seemingly untroubled by the touches of hair. From the earlier photos she'd had around the house, her breasts used to be a firm 36c from my rough estimate. Nowadays, after her childbearing years, she'd grown into a solid 38d or bigger. Though I never had the privilege of sneaking a glance around her naked form I could only guess what she was hiding under her clothes. She almost always wore business attire clothing, meaning knee-length skirts, a tucked-in short sleeve shirt, and perhaps a small buttoned-over jacket if it was particularly cold. The high heels she often sported sent me to my room more times than I'd care to admit.

As I developed over the years she grew into more of an idol for me, showing me what strength and resilience looked like in the face of the unending tides that came our way. Shining through our darkest times like a lighthouse designed to ferry those poor souls to safety. And though I hate to admit it, I had begun to sexually fantasize about her. It wasn't enough that she was my mother, I felt possessive over here. Sabotaging dates she planned to go on numerous times for my own selfish desires. But even I knew that she'd never take interest in her son.

I was 19 in my last few weeks of high school. I had entered it late so my mother could keep me in daycare for a little longer while she sorted out our finances, and had just entered the house. Jiggling the keys and pushing forward through the door, I saw a sight that would've caused any man in their right mind to keel over in sexual frustration. My mother had come home earlier than I expected she would. The kitchen right in front of me and with nothing blocking her, I saw as she bent down by the waist as she opened up our oven to put the cream pie inside.

Bending at the waist meant she had to get lower than she might've wanted to, but it had the great effect for me of showing off that heart-shaped ass. It was perfectly pressed into her skirt, looking like it wanted to break through and breathe. I was happily entranced by it while she faced away from me, taking longer than I could've ever hoped for her to get the pie inside. I could only imagine myself pushing forward and sinking my hands into it, the cheeks of her ass filling my hands as I caressed her. She turned to look at me and flicked her hair out of the way as she turned towards the door. I was still entranced for a few seconds, unable to pull away from her blinding beauty.

"Honey, I'm making some pie if you want some." She told me with a beautiful shiny smile as she pushed some of the blonde hair that had collected on the other side of her face aside. Even as I was already out of her entrapment, I found myself breathing in heavily and pushing it out before even answering. "Yeah mom, I'm gonna-" I started to push out my answer before she cut me off. "Oh, perfect honey! You're going to love it, just wait." She told me, going over to the table in the kitchen and pulling out a chair for me to sit in with a loving smile.

I wanted to say 'I'm gonna go to my room and wait' but that seemed off the table now. I no longer had any choice unless I wanted to risk disappointing my mother. And that was never an option in my book. So with a careful swallow of the drool that had been slowly collecting in my mouth ever since I got an eyeful of that ass, I put my backpack down and walked over. Sitting in the chair as I tried my best to avert my eyes from my loving mother. It felt wrong, sinful even, to get these thoughts in my head. I might have even secretly hated myself a little for it.

Luckily, my mother hadn't seemed to notice the frequency of my stares nor the intolerable inability to speak for a few seconds afterward. It was like being trapped in my own world. Anyways, my mother bent down as she had been grabbing a plate and some silverware to place in front of me. Giving me one of the best views of her tits I'd had probably since I was a baby. They were just as smooth as her legs. Curved and perky, I couldn't help but want to grasp at them like I once had. Pressing my lips together and averting my eyes, she again went back to lean over the counter for yet another pair of silverware and plates.

This time she had set them in front of her side of the table, turning to look at me with a raised eyebrow as she sat down in her chair. It was going to be a while before the pie was done and I was a little worried by the circumstances in which we were in. Typical mom trick to offer a prize only to drag you into a lecture. I could already feel it coming. "You know, son, I've been looking at some of your recent grades and you're lacking in some areas." She began as I already started planning my excuses, disguising my attempt to coordinate lies by lightly sighing and cradling my head against my hand.

"Your teachers also told me that you're lacking focus. Interest in some subjects." She was right, of course. Mom was rarely wrong, just like she was rarely dating. I countered back, "Mom, it's the end of my Senior year, I think I get to relax a bit-" she had cut me off once again. "You know how those excuses end with me, young man. You're smart, clever, and definitely funny, but half-assing is not in our DNA. What are the colleges gonna think when you apply to them and they see these slip-ups?" Oh great, we're talking about colleges again. "Mom, I already said I'm not sure if I even want to go to college." She pressed her lips when hearing such a thing. She had gone to college despite all of her personal and family issues. She expected the same from someone she raised to near perfection.

Releasing a breath I hadn't realized she'd been holding in, and inadvertently giggling those fucking milkers of hers, she smiled confidently and stood up. "We'll talk more about it later sweetie, okay?" It wasn't really much of a question, more like something I'd be forced to revisit at her behest. "Okay." I still answered. I pulled out my phone while mom made some more preparations for our dinner, taking sly glances at her whenever I got the chance. The one thing I could say that turned me on more about her than anything was the natural curve of those hips. The way they look is designed by some greater power to be handled. Gripped by the hand as someone gave her the good stuff from behind.

I swallowed at my impure thoughts, feeling my dick grow larger with everyone I had. It got to the point where I had a noticeable bulge, that thankfully would never see the light of day under the table. Soon after I got done with my eye candy mother the timer for the pie dinged and she got it out. Unfortunately not extend herself as she did last time and instead crouched more than bending over. While it wasn't as sexy as seeing her bent over, I still found the way her ass jiggled as she stopped lowering herself very nicely.

Putting the pie down on the table and letting it cool off for a bit, she eventually cut a piece out of it and put it on my plate. It certainly looked delicious. "Here's your creampie, my dear." She nearly sang but came out more like a nicely pitched hum. I wondered what else that throat could do before pulling my mind out of the gutter. Speaking of creampies, I wondered how cum would look dripping out of cun- mentally I slapped myself. It was unhealthy to think in such ways. It would only lead to me teasing myself more. I hadn't been paying too much attention to my mother as I was focused on my inner monologue, but as I looked around I saw her sitting across from me. The table was fairly short and we could reach each other under the table with our feet if we wanted to.

"So," she started immediately as I began my first bite into the pie. I immediately sighed but held it in so she wouldn't get frustrated with me. "I have an idea about how we can help with your grades, honey." Electric jolts of energy coursed up my legs and caused me to shake/shiver as I felt her foot push against my lower calf. It wasn't unusual for us to play footsie under the table as a game, but this felt different. It was in the context of playful behavior, but whether due to my own imagination or what she was intending to imply, I felt the sensual nature of it as she rubbed up and down my lower leg. I had stopped eating at this point and was staring down at my plate as my fork hung suspended in my mouth. My eyes had gone wide.

Finally, I regained the ability to control myself as I kept eating my pie with my eyes down, looking only at it. I had worn very short shorts today due to sports practice and could feel her running the foot along my bare skin. It was soothing. Gentle. Exactly how you'd expect from a mother. "What if we started giving you more incentives?" I looked up at her as she said that, wondering what exactly she could mean by that. However, she hadn't met my gaze, instead of staring into her own food as I had. Still, up and down she went. "Like what, mom?" I managed to pass through my skill check without stuttering.

She shrugged, shaking her head as she took in a deep breath like she was really pondering it. Staying silent for up to a minute as she took a piece of her own pie and gently placed it into her mouth, those succulent thick lips enclosing around the fork gently and pulling it clean of all that delicious creaminess. A small portion had been left along her upper right lip and she used her tongue to pull it out, the wetness of it looked staggeringly tasteful as she scooped up the small portion and sucked it right back into her mouth. Licking her lips just to be sure she had gotten everything.

My mouth practically dropped to the floor when I saw that, loving every single second of her apparently unintentional sexualized display. I controlled myself better than last time and was able to stop staring at her lips before she looked up at me. Fluttering her eyes naturally, she looked at me with those beautiful blues. She had such perfect facial features and I had always been so thankful for her being my mother. The only thing I could ever think of to make them even better was pearly white strings of my cum being splattered across them.

That made my mind jump into a fantasy, spraying my load across her face and soaking her with every last bit of cum I had. Mom was there, sitting on her knees as she took my balls with one hand and gently massaged every little bit of spectacular seed out of them. Pulling her tongue across her lips once again, she maneuvered all that delicious cum straight into her mouth. Looking up at me as I heaved in my heat, waiting for permission to close her mouth and start sucking it all down her tight throat.

"Baby?" She asked. I looked up at her again, my eyes widening as I realized she had been talking to me during my zone-out fantasy. Not only had she been talking, but apparently she had asked a question. "O- Oh yeah, totally," I answered immediately. "So you'll get rid of her?" She asked as a follow-up. Woah, what? I cannot believe I just walked into that. She was most likely referring to my new girlfriend, who I had been acquaintances with for a while in high school. While we had been dating for a few weeks, I was still the virgin out of the pair. "I heard she's a bit slutty, sweetie. I just don't want my little baby getting his heartbroken by some two-bit whore!" She exclaimed a little bit harder on that last part, passion seeping into her voice as she tried to tell her son what trouble she could lead to.

Admittedly, I got a little bit more than frustrated at that. Angry even. This was my first girlfriend, really the first woman who had given me a chance. I know I might have denied my mother the chance to date out of jealousy, but that was only until I was out of the house. I just couldn't bear to see her with others. "Mom-" I said standing up immediately and putting my plate down, "-I'm not doing that. I'll find another way to bring my grades up. And Kelly is not a whore." I had my eyebrows slightly furrowed in annoyance that she would even ask such a thing. It seemed as if some of the brightness drained from her face and as if I had taken a little out of her step.

I didn't give her a chance to reconvene herself, "Thank you for the pie, mom. I'll come back down and have some more later, alright?" I didn't wait for a response either, simply going on my way up the stairs to my room.

Chapter 1 end

Chapter 2

I had come home again from a Friday at school, ready for the weekend and already have forgotten about the conversation with my mother. Mom asked me about my plans for the weekend the day before and while I wasn't particularly enthused to give up the information, I felt it was wrong to keep it from her. "I'm gonna hang out with Kelly, maybe spend some time at her place or even an entire night." She looked worried when I said that, though I gave it no thought.

Although my mother might disapprove or not agree with something, she would never force me to not do it unless it actively put me in danger. I could tell by the way she left my room that day she had more she would've liked to say but couldn't for some reason. I was laying in my room towards the end of the night, playing some games on my phone when I heard a knock on my door. Admittedly, they might have contained a small amount of softcore porn, but what game doesn't nowadays? "Come in," I called out, putting my phone to the side but apparently not deactivating it yet.

Mother had apparently been preparing for sleep, wearing a simultaneously gripping and loose nightgown that showed off the beauty she withheld from others. The valley of her tits was much more visible with it on, no longer being compressed by a bra or covered by a shirt. Her nipples were also slightly poking through the fabric and they jiggled as she walked her way over to me. The nightgown was very nearly transparent but just not enough yet for me to actually see anything. A tease, I hate teases. It hugged around her hips and they swayed naturally as she sat down next to me on the bed. I was laying down and made some movement to sit up, but she put a hand on my chest and shook her head. Slowly I slid back down.

"Honey, I really just.... Don't think that girl is right for you." She put her hand on my knee, slowly sliding it up and down my thigh. With her legs somewhat in my direction as I laid down, she shifted slightly and then pulled one leg over the other. It almost seemed dramatized, but it was impossible to tell definitively as she played it so well. Either way, from my point of view I got to see between her legs and at the perfect pair of beautiful white panties that covered her lips. They were plump and juicy, ready to be taken. The price for never having a mate that could take care of your needs, I suppose.

Despite all of this, I couldn't help but hate how she kept trying to move me away from Kelly. It was doing the exact opposite of her intention. Pushing me towards her. "She's not like what you think, mom. Having past boyfriends doesn't make her a whore." Who knows, she might've even learned some things from her past experiences. It was made pretty clear that I was gonna get lucky this weekend, Kelly had been making me wait for a while but now she was suddenly being much more sexual with me. My mother pressed her lips tightly together as she looked me over with jittering eyes, I could see the unending sadness in her eyes for a brief second.

"I know honey, I know." She told me, "Let me hug you for a second, okay?" I nodded to her weirdly put-together suggestion and made a move to sit up, but she put her hand on my chest again. Sliding against me and snuggling down, wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me closer to her body. She pushed her leg over my crotch, adjusting herself to be slightly on top of me with my now hardening cock pushing against the inner parts of her thigh. "Mom-" I said briefly before she cut me off. "Shh, honey. I love you. Please don't go, okay?" Her face turned to look at me, slowly and consciously as her dazzling eyes put their effect on me. Man, I was weak for beautiful women.

I swallowed and averted my gaze, knowing that this would likely be my one chance with her. If I canceled, she wasn't going to just wait for me. She put two fingers on my chin and turned me back to look at her. Kissing my chin and then pushing herself onto me more, her leg rubbing my groin with intention now. I could feel those tits smash against my chest and naturally, my hands went around her waist. I could feel the upper parts on the curves of her ass but my hands dared not venture to those valleys in which laid that perfect motherly ass.

Again she kissed me, this time on my cheek, catching the tiniest bit of my corner lip. "If you don't go, we can spend the weekend together. Maybe catch up on some homework," that part immediately turned me off and she could feel it, my eyes instantly diverting. Losing focus on what she was saying."And other things." A promise it almost felt like. She gave me a final peck on the cheek as she pushed herself off of me. I wanted to grab her and pull her back down but I knew I couldn't.

She sashayed her way out of my room, looking back at me as I got the best vision I could get of her ass for a mental image later. "Goodnight, baby." She told me and switched off my light. My hand grabbed my dick and I started my sleep routine.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Some creative single mom's have used an incentive system to improves son's grades, behavior and confidence. Excellent results have been achieved

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

As you said, I hate a tease.

mmnazixmmmmnazixmmover 2 years ago

Remember we have similar story with the same plot.. anyhow nice to read again

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I loved it. The slow build up is great. Please more!!!!

nil_r2nil_r2over 2 years ago

Good start, please continue to its logical conclusion

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I like the build up. Just don’t drag it out too long. It would be interesting with a risk of pregnancy. Or mom actually does get with child by her son.

VitoMartonoVitoMartonoover 2 years agoAuthor

Appreciate the feedback, friends. Next part of it will be out soon, if Literotica allows for it.

maxx308maxx308over 2 years ago

I have no idea of what I just read. Is this it or is this part 1 of a series? You give no indication in either the story title or at the end that there will be a continuation.

No score as this story made no sense, at least to me it didn't.

muskyboymuskyboyover 2 years ago

1/4 of a story....

mross2004mross2004over 2 years ago

would like to see a part 2

cageysea9725cageysea9725over 2 years ago


Get it, then use it.

AlwaystabooAlwaystabooover 2 years ago
Masterfully crafted

So realistic it's as if the reader is there.

Thank you for such a beautiful story

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Thanks for contributing. Obviously part of a slow burn story. You might want to warn your readers that. Not sure you need to tell us that the chapter is done because that is obvious when you start the next one. Keep going, I'm sure this will get better.

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