Impact 10: of Revelation


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"Harder..." I tell Claire.

Her eyes go wide, spark with something feral. She draws her hand back and strikes.


"Uh!" I grunt, again surprised. She hit me much harder this time. Claire is watching me, her hand once again hanging in the air, threatening another blow, but she's studying me, waiting to see how I'll react. I turn my face back to the carpet, squeeze my eyes shut and wait. There's a long pause, I can feel Claire straddling my calf, standing over me on her knees, she doesn't move. I know her hand is still held high.

I think of the way my mother came to my bed that night after she'd spanked me. I had been laying on my belly, too tender to be on my back. She had cried and held me. I'd been the one to pet her hair. I'd comforted her. She hadn't been too much older than I am now I realize.

"Harder," I whisper.

"My beautiful Sarah," she murmurs, and then CRACK!


This blow was much harder. Claire's hand gently rubbing over the area she just slapped. CRACK!


My ass is truly burning. I'm about- CRACK!


Perhaps sensing she'd reached my limit Claire switches hands and strikes the other side of my ass. CRACK! CRACK!

"OWcHA!" I cry in surprise. I look back at Claire, my eyes wide, but her cheeks are flush and her eyes are glittering. This isn't ironic, she isn't teasing, this is what she wants. I'm shocked to see how into this she is, how much this is turning her on, but it definitely is turning her on.

Holding her gaze I stretch out my arms and press my breasts harder into the carpet, letting her see me surrender. Only then do I turn away again, pressing my cheek into the shag and bracing for more, but nothing happens.

I tilt my head to look at her, her lips are parted and wet, she's staring back at me, glassy eyed

"Harder," I tell her. "Do it!"

"Je veux te faire briller tout rouge" Claire swears.







My eyes burn, and I realize that I am biting down on the carpet, pulling at a great tuft of shag with my teeth.


I clench my jaw tight on the tangle of coarse wool and squeezing my eyes shut against the tears; think of Father Mike asking me if I love my friend.

"YES!" I cry. "VERY MUCH!"

"Very much what Sarah?" Claire's voice is soft and gentle, but high and shallow. She's panting; out of breath from her exertions - or her excitement.

"Mnnn!" I moan, expecting more blows, but instead I feel Claire's fingers, stroking my lips from behind, fingering my slit, pushing towards my clit.

"Very much what Sarah?" she repeats, her voice lower, huskier now.

"I love..." I sob. "I love this very much, Claire."

My voice is girlish, barely controlled. I feel loose strands of Claire's hair tickle my ass. Then her pursed lips, soft and cool and wet against my tailbone.

"Oh Jesus Claire," I moan, smearing my lips against the rug.

She's kissing my cheeks, the hot sensitive skin of my abused ass, her lips feel enormous, landing softly over and over, momentarily cooling my skin wherever they lingered; like cool dewy poppies blooming in the sizzling heat of sun baked thistle.

"Sarah, qu'est-ce que je trouve là? Je te fais mouiller autant que ça? Ton cul est vraiment beau tu sais, surtout quand il rougit," she growls, sliding her thumb deep into me.

"AhhhYYY," I moan, my voice rising in pitch at the new addition. Nothing has ever felt better than her thumb. I have never wanted anything as much as I want Claire to fuck me with her thumb.

She's moving it in and out while her fingers circle and work my clit. Her hand makes wet noises in me, sloppy and base. I answer with lewd animal noises of my own. I'm chewing at the carpet again and force myself to stop but I'm drooling uncontrollably. I think of Claire's shaking breath as she pushed her wet finger into my ass the night before; the wet sound of her mouth as she whispered in my ear; Darci's clenched teeth.

"Please Claire," I whine, wanting to please her, wanting her to take me, to give her everything. "I'm yours. Please do it... what you want... anything you want."

I feel her lips touch my tailbone. And I begin to whine - almost a screech. The sound is pulled out of me.


"Oooh, listen to her moan," she whispers. Her lips are touching the crack of my ass. I'm mewing helplessly. "I think this is about more than what I want," Claire coos. "Is Young Sarah waiting for me to lick her asshole?"

I'm pulling at the wet shag with my teeth again. I freeze, jaws locked, shocked motionless by the image; something I've never even imagined asking Claire, and now the idea crowds out every other thought.

I remember how she purred and swore as I licked her ass, how her hips rolled and her hands held me by the hair. I'm holding the deep shag of the carpet in my fists, pulling at it with my teeth. I spread my knees wider, the sharp toes of my shiny black boots stabbing the white shag for purchase, pushing my face and tits harder into the scratchy wool.

"Pleeshh," I murmur, still clenching my teeth, not looking at her. I can't look at her.

"You know, I have never even been remotely tempted to do this for a man," she tells me, her lips losing contact with my ass as she sits up. Her tone is matter-of-fact, as if we were discussing cutting hair or making toast. "Not for love, no amount of wine... or begging."

Her last words are spoken so close to my asshole I can feel her breath and clench. She sighs - I feel like I can hear a smile in the little sound.

"Pleash..." I cry, almost silently, pushing my tongue into the wet carpet, as if her tongue follows its lead.

"But I love hearing my Young Sarah beg; and her ass... your asshole is impossibly pretty Sarah. Ça me fait très folle... such a lovely pink - I want to lick it. Would my Young Sarah like that?"

I feel her breath as her words glide across my asshole, I force myself to stop licking the carpet, smearing my face in my saliva, as I turn my head to the side.


"It was such a treat for me," she whispers, her hands resting on my ass. "So unexpected... so much nicer than I ever imagined, but also something I never imagined you doing..."

She paused to blow cool air against my asshole, her lips pursed; her thumb slowly pumping. She is teasing me.

"I had imagined making you do it... in the shower. It had been tempting, the idea of pushing you between my legs... a slip of the tongue, watching your eyes. I imagined your shock, your surprise..."

She pauses to touch the burning skin of my spread cheeks with her lips again, a tiny moist bloom.

"Claire, please..." I whine.

"What you did though, that was a surprise..."

Another kiss punctuating her words.

"When I felt you kissing down my spine..."

And another.

"I didn't know..."

And another.

"What you wanted..."

And another.

"Moving down the bed..."

The kisses are growing wetter, her lips pressing into larger blooms. A line of thick drool is hanging from my lip. My breath is coming in tiny huffs. Her thumb has slowed, is bearing down, her fingers compressing my clit.

"But then..."

Her lips lingering and smearing.

"My Young Sarah..."

They are moving inward, no longer soothing the tender bruised cheeks, she's kissing the hidden flesh, making me moan.


Pushing into my crack.


The tip of her tongue.


Licking me.


Her thumb is making powerful slow rocking movements inside me to the cadence of her speech, her tiny kisses and licks. Her fingertips mashing wet over my clit. I turn finally to look at her, to beg. Her mouth is hidden from me, but her eyes are smiling at me over the rise of my ass - naughty, mischievous.


Flicking her tongue.

" So..."



Only to retreat, pulling her lips away, sliding her beloved thumb out.

"Nnnnoo...." I moan.

"Sarah, you can't know," she says, suddenly earnest, her cool palm holding my stinging cheek, her wet thumb absently making little circles.

"To see you this way... Nothing has ever made me feel this way. I have never wanted anyone the way I want you. If you knew how much I think of you... I woke up so early this morning, it was all I could think of, your hands on my ass, of your beautiful mouth, your tongue... your wonderfully sharp little tongue!"

She is pressing the sides of her face against my cheeks, mashing my ass with her face.

"Claire..." I plead. I'm fingering the carpet, it's drenched with my saliva. Cum is dripping down my thighs.

"You have no idea how precious you are Sarah, how much I burn for you..."

She's no longer teasing me, but I can't stand it any longer all the same.

"Please Claire," I whine, and then hiding my face in the wet shag again, I beg in earnest, "I'm so sorry I held myself back all I want is you; all the time. I want you so bad, Claire, please..."

I feel her palms resting on my still burning cheeks, and at first I think she's going to make me say more, make me beg. But her thumbs trail down my crack, she is spreading my ass, opening me to her. I feel her tongue, soft and wet and wonderfully warm, flesh made liquid. Starting at the base of my spine, pushing down the wide open split she's created with her thumbs, a serpentine gentleness. I jolt as her tongue touches my asshole.

"Mmm," I cry. The sound is high and infantile, but so is the feeling; something primary, out of the depths of memory - being cleaned. My muscles go limp, softening like butter in response to her warm wet touch. Claire drags her tongue down my perineum; pushes into my wet channel.

"oh god almighty..." I whisper.

She pauses, I turn my head to look at her. I feel my breath catch. Claire is so beautiful. Part of me can't believe this is happening. Momentarily she seems to be appraising my ass before she leans forward again, her perfect face disappearing from view. I feel her flat tongue sliding up my perineum, slowly pointing as she drags it higher. Her tongue stops at my asshole.

"OooohhhhGD!," I surprise myself with a throaty deep cry, as I feel her slowly circle my rim.

"I love my beautiful Young Sarah," she hushes before flicking her tongue again, little jolts of pleasure shoot through me.

I realize I am pushing my ass back into her. I feel her grip on my cheeks, each of her fingers pressed deeper into my bruised flesh, making me call out.


Her tongue is gentle, even if her fingers aren't. Claire is lapping at me like a cat. Her licks growing playful and quick, only to slow and widen and press wetly against me. I feel her tongue stiffen, sharp at my entrance, her breath warm against me.

A sharp inhale as her tongue flicks, a slow exhale as it circles and then presses in again, and again. I'm biting my bottom lip.

Claire continues, repeating this same pattern, I can feel her moaning, vibrations coursing through me. I can no longer tell where my moans end and hers begin. Slowly, I feel my sphincter soften slightly, her tongue pressing deeper on every pass.

"Ohhhhhhh..." I cry as her thumb slips back into my pussy and begins to pump.


The sound of my voice surprises me again, it's deep and throaty, full of a lust that is rising up through me.

She pushes her tongue into me and I am pushing back at her. Feel her filling me, stretching me. I picture Darci again, wild eyed, on top of me, our bodies slick with sweat, and the high pitched sound she made as Kwasi buried his giant cock in her ass

"Mmmmmmgggg... OH GOD.... ohhhh... GOD YES!" I cry as Claire's tongue obliterates the image; as she obliterates all images.

"I love doing this for you Sarah," Claire moans, her thumb now rubbing the wet flesh of my asshole. "I love licking your ass," she says, kissing and licking me. "I love feeling you give into pleasure, pushing for more. You cannot know how much I've longed for this."

Her thumb slowly pushing and pulling at my asshole as she tells me this. I whimper and suck on the carpet as she starts pumping, her fingers are curled under touching my clit and stroking my lips. "This is what I want, Sarah. I want to feel you cum for me."

It's as if her command short circuits whatever self control remains to me. I feel my back spasm and head yank back.

"YYYES!" I howl as the orgasm explodes through me. "OH GOD YYYES!"

"This is what I love, this is what I want," she husks as I collapse forward, quivering and jerking, I moan and whine as she slides her thumb out of my ass.

"This is what I want from my beautiful Young Sarah."

She is smoothing her hands over my still shuddering ass and thighs. I feel her tug at the zipper of my boot, pulling it down and slipping it off. I try and help but I'm in a haze. Twisting, I watch as she finally frees my heel and drops the boot, reaching for the second.

"Look at you," she smiles, tugging at the second zipper, "you're a little cross eyed."

I let my eyes close and drop my head back to the carpet, hissing with the pain as I'm reminded of my bump. I hear Claire tsk and sooth my bare leg, as she pulls the boot free. I rub my bare soles through the thick shag as she pulls nervously at the hem of her little top. Her nipples are hard and stand out beautifully under the pale silk. She smooths her flat belly with her hands.

"Come my beautiful girl," she urges, pulling at my hands. "It's time for bed."

I let Claire help me to my feet and bundle me off to the bathroom wrapped in her arms.

"First, for your head," she says, handing me two Tylenol. I swallow them with water from the tap as she fusses and tsks at my rat nest bedhead. We wash our faces, looking at each other in the mirror as we do. Me shy, her not at all shy, more naughty and feral.

'Just two girls getting ready for bed,' I think. 'Except I'm going to lick her cunt.'

She is babbling happily. Struggling to make herself understood while brushing her teeth she makes me laugh and spit toothpaste at the mirror.

She guides me to bed. I'm not crashing, after my long nap I am not really tired, but I am a little weak. I watch as Claire moves around the apartment turning off all the lights. I watch her with hooded eyes, my head and ass throbbing, my muscles wonderfully slack. Lastly, she dims the bedroom lights, but not all the way.

"You don't want the lights off?" I ask. She's still in her beautiful silk loungewear.

"No, I have something to show you," she tells me, standing at the end of the big four poster.

"Come to bed," I ask, holding my arms up to her like a child begging for a hug. "Please."

"First I have a surprise for my Young Sarah," she whispers, drawing my attention away from her face as she lifts the silky top up and over her head dropping it to the floor. My attention drifts down. Her thin square shoulders, her round full breasts and their gorgeous dark nipples, which look oily and hard. She is fingering the drawstring of the bottoms, loosening them and pushing her waistband down her thighs, letting me see her pussy.

She's shaved. The skin of her labia is perfectly smooth and unblemished. The flesh is full, almost chubby. Her slit is glistening, fragile wet folds peaking out at me. She is very wet.

"Claire!" I croon.

"Do you like it?"

"Very much," I tell her, I can feel my mouth growing wet. "Is that for me?"

"All for you," she smiles, crawling up over me. For a moment I think she's going to climb up and straddle my face, but she stretches herself out over me, bringing her mouth to my ear. "Only for you," she promises. "Only for my Young Sarah."

My heart is racing as I listen to her heavy breathing as she shimmies the rest of the way out of her pants and lowers her pelvis, pressing her hips against the mine, the smooth flesh of her shaved pussy bumping against mine.

"I love this more than anything I've ever loved, Sarah," she whispers, her hard nipples stabbing my breasts.

"This?" I ask, sliding my hand between us, slipping my hand between her legs, touching her skin, wetting my fingers, her smooth lips.

"All of this. You, us... I've never been so happy. I was so afraid I'd lost you. I'd do anything..."

"You can do whatever you want," I promise to her, my fingers moving into her. "I don't ever want to stop, Claire."

"Sarah," she moaned, stopping me as I begin to shimmy down. "I want you like this," she tells me, holding me to her. "This is what I want," she says, squeezing my right arm, "this!"

I curl my finger up and into her and she lowers her lips to mine, pushes her tongue into my mouth, moans down my throat. Claire kisses me like she has never kissed me before, long and passionate and deep. Her fingers push through my hair, hold the back of my neck, scratch at my shoulders, claw at my back, pinch my nipples and knead my flanks, but her lips remain pressed against mine, sealing us together. Our legs and arms twist, push and pull. Our bodies grind and exchange a building heat. Our breath gusts from our nostrils, drawn with desperation. We sound like animals running, but our lips don't part, our tongues dive deeper. Until finally she arcs away from me.

"Oh fuck Sarah I love this so MUCH!" she cries. "Oh fuck I love this so much SARAH! OH FUCK SARAH! OH FUCK! OH FUCK!"

I've never seen anything so beautiful, I have never loved anything so much, or felt so loved.

'I don't just love Claire,' I realize. 'I'm in love with Claire.'

The thought is like a jolt of electricity through my body. It's both searingly obvious - something I have known all along - and totally astonishing. But isn't everything obvious in retrospect? Can't we surprise ourselves?

'I'm in love with Claire,' I wonder as I watch her scratch and shake and laugh above me, giddy with her orgasm. Finally she looks down at me with glittering eyes, her cheeks glowing and lips full and wet.

"Can you again?" I ask.

"Anything for my Young Sarah," she laughs as I begin to move down the bed.

"Turn on your belly," I tell her.

*If you have been reading along and are waiting for the end, I am like you - I very much want to see how their story ends, that is why I continued on by myself. I hope that when BC gets back to writing she will write her own ending - I very much look forward to reading those stories. Until then, we have what follows.

*For those of you rereading these stories this is for you: on 06/09/23 I uploaded my final edit version of this story for moderation. This chapter is only a few hundred words longer than the original. In addition to correcting mistakes I did stretch some moments, and added a few small details.

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SiteNonSiteSiteNonSite11 months agoAuthor

My intention is never to shock or cause pain, BrilliantAnon. I am glad to know I might have offered you some catharsis. Placing this story in Manhattan has been a treat for me. It’s wonderful that the setting feels fully realized, that the characters come alive for you - in flesh and in spirit. I also really like the phrase “has a cum”…

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Brilliant! I actually had a similar spanking history myself, and I feel like being able to imagine that scene and in some way recreate the experience was beneficial to me.

I truly love the descriptive writing being used, especially as I'm getting to feel like I know the characters, as well as their bodies. I can definitely imagine being in NYC with them, living in those bodies and dealing with the issues that they are.

Both Claire and Sarah have taken up residence in my mind's eye, it's really like I can see, hear, and feel everything that they do. That's the physical part, but even more important is a spiritual component, they've moved into my heart as well.

It's really almost like, when either of them has a cum, particularly, we are in a way sharing one together. I can't wait to see what's next, and I am thankful for both SNS and BC for the work.

SiteNonSiteSiteNonSite11 months agoAuthor

In defense of HaltWhoGoesThere, a dedicated and conscientious copy editor, I am not only NOT trained as a writer, but I am willful perfectionist, and can always be counted on to make changes after the final copy edit. HWGT and I have discussed at length my unconventional use of certain terms, my desire to put how a phrase “sounds” to the “ear” above any and all grammatical considerations, etc. I like to think I have gotten much better over the past two-plus years (read the comments on the first story I posted), that HWGT has rubbed off on me, but I am still a handful, and very grateful to HWGT for their patience and steady hand.

That said, PerfectStranger, I’m so pleased you are enjoying the writing and are giving so much focused attention into these stories, and putting so much careful thought into your comments - they are energizing to read and think about. To be mentioned in the same sentence as Pride and Prejudice makes my day. (And yes, Ms. Darci is a much nastier creation than poor Mr. Darcy.)

As for Sarah’s neurosis, I think if I ever submit myself to therapy I will ask the therapist to read these stories… hopefully she’ll be into this kind of thing.

PerfectStranger82PerfectStranger8211 months ago

I understand your point of view of how you see your writing and I respect that. And, not to be too prurient, you do achieve what you set out to do. I find your writing delightful in every way: deep and complex characters (flawed, interesting and wonderful as people are), excellent pacing, delicate handling of sensitive situations and subjects as well as well described, detailed and very, very sexy lovemaking. There are a few grammatical errors here and there, but they don’t detract from the enjoyment of your story.

Finally we have reached a point where we are actually communicating — not fully, but still to a much greater degree than earlier. It’s lovely to experience the love and care of two fully participating lovers. I find that they expressed their love for one another in every sense, short of actually saying the words to each other. Although the declaration of the words is important, it’s the actions behind them that truly makes them special.

Still so many layers of tangled confusion and neuroses for Sarah and Claire to untangle and work through together, as Sarah lets her ever deeper in. Sarah still hasn’t said anything to Claire about the reasons why she feels and reacts the way she does. Thinking about one’s repressed traumas is good, talking about them is better. Sarah really would be a treasure trove for a therapist.

I feel that we learned more about Sarah and Claire’s earlier interactions during these last few chapters than was given at the time, which likely is an effect of having a somewhat biased narrator. Sarah tends to have a history of ignoring, downplaying or outright repressing anything she’s not ready to deal with. I’m already looking forward to rereading the story to see each moment with a deeper knowledge of their intentions and underlying meaning.

Interesting to hear about Sarah’s mother from another source. Sarah is so defensive in her interactions with her mother that she is reduced to come across as the quintessential nagging mom. It comes back to the fact that if you hide your true self you disrespect others, as well as yourself. Though as Sarah has lived with fear as a constant companion since her childhood — especially the fear of upsetting her parents, and by extension the fear of killing her dad by doing so — it is very understandable. It will be interesting to experience future interactions between a more open Sarah and her parents, should the opportunity arise. As we have a father with health problems there is potential to force a visit to Buffalo, with or without Claire — preferably with.

I must say that it was a very interesting, modern and adult version of Caroline using Elizabeth to get Darcy to pay attention to her. This story’s Darci, though, is really a nasty piece of work. Abusing Sarah’s crush on her and Kwasi’s crush on Sarah to rope in Kwasi to have sex with her whilst he’s simultaneously making love to Sarah by proxy. The emotional version of mutually assured destruction. Although, physically Darci appear to have achieved her objective as she is now together with Kwasi, though one has to wonder how solid the foundations of said relationship are. It will be interesting to see how a more centred and empowered Sarah will handle future encounters with Darci.


GaiusPetroniusGaiusPetroniusover 1 year ago

The The great declaration d’amour lies ahead of us. Each of them has set her toes on the verge but neither has outright said, "I love you." When it happens I expect the rocks to split, the waters to boil, and the skies to open up. Sarah's love for Claire holds nothing back and in giving all without reserve she redeems the painful memories of her mother's spanking and her own stunted love of Rebekah.

MikeykeithMikeykeithover 1 year ago

F _ C K .


ReesertonReesertonalmost 2 years ago

So glad you have returned! This solo storyline is amazing so far. Like others, I’m looking forward to see how some of Sarah’s behaviors are explained. Her thoughts seem so hazy. What else has she missed about her relationships?

SiteNonSiteSiteNonSitealmost 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you MyPOVAnon. We all come her looking for something. I found a lot that I like, but when I gave up on finding exactly what I wanted and started writing it for myself I surprised myself It’s been great fun, so wonderful to know you enjoy it too.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

With this and Stronger Girl you're one of the best lesbian sex writers on here from my pov. One of the few that can involve lesbian ass play fetish (which I admit is my major turn on) into stories which is just enough kinky and dirty without going ridiculous or over the top nor much too tame and superficial. I could read your rimming descriptions all day long :P

DylanAnonDylanAnonalmost 2 years ago

Wes tells the parents about Claire!!!

SiteNonSiteSiteNonSitealmost 2 years agoAuthor

It’s been a particularly intense Sunday for our Young Sarah, DylanAnon. Monday is going to be a bitch.

DylanAnonDylanAnonalmost 2 years ago

Am I allowed to say I loved this yet wanted so much more?

I’m still digesting and will read it again. I’m still puzzled by Sarah’s infatuation with the night of Darci. And then I realize this is the third chapter fully taking place on this Sunday - she drops her brother, goes to confession, makes the mad dash, and now this.

As Sarah has always been a lesbian even though the thought has never crossed her mind (or has been repressed so deep?) this Sunday she reaches that conclusion.

The masturbation session at the start of the previous chapter always struck me as a somewhat denial of her sexuality. Why after confession did she go home and Jill instead of going back to Claire’s? Or was that about breaking free from what was basically Danny raping her after church, reclaiming her own body?

Or maybe that’s it? She freed her self from Darci. She freed herself from Danny. She freed herself from shame and now she can finally give herself to Claire?

Can’t wait until she comes out to her parents!

SiteNonSiteSiteNonSitealmost 2 years agoAuthor

It’s wonderful to know Sarah and Claire (and I) are welcome back - I certainly am very happy to inhabit their world again, and to be sharing it. I’m not sure I’ll be able to tie every loose thread into a pretty bow, but for those of you concerned about Darci and Kwasi, that’s an aspect of the story I hope to resolve in a way we will all find satisfying. XOSNS .

Nicole2023Nicole2023almost 2 years ago

Thanks for coming back, missed young Sarah ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Qwer12Qwer12almost 2 years ago
Outstanding 5 Fabulous Stars

So glad you came back to this story. The characters are so wonderfully entertaining and the story so well developed. So enjoyable to read over it a couple of times it is that good. Great storytelling. Thanks for writing and sharing it. Looking forward to more adventures from these two wonderful ladies. Bring on more. Cheers

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