Impractical Joke

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Who laughs last?
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We were known as the Three Musketeers Plus One. There were myself, Ryan, Jack and Bobby. Lanie was the Plus One and later became my wife. Our 'gang' happened by coincidence. Our families lived in the same neighborhood. We were of the same age and in the same class at school. We did everything, good or bad, together.

We played doctor as children and became familiar with the body parts of the opposite sex from each other. Our explorations were limited to brief touching as our parents had threatened eternal damnation if we had premarital sex. As we dated in high school, we would compare notes on what 'base' we had reached with our date except when one of us dated Lanie. Of course, we lied about our successes.

We were known as practical jokers. Just a few examples: The principal's car was toilet papered. Our old hag Algebra teacher had her dress superglued to her chair. For graduation, we snuck into the school and built a six-foot high concrete block wall on the main hallway of the school. That last one almost kept me from graduating as I was the one with the construction background. There are too many examples to present in this brief story.

Jack and Bobby went off to college. Lanie went to Beauty School and I went to trade school for drafting and construction. I wanted to work with my father in the construction business. He was the crew chief for the owner, Ben Stone. It was his job to assess potential jobs, prepare the bids, and see to It that the right material was delivered at the right time to the job site. If a project was behind schedule, he pitched in wherever needed. It was a job I wanted to eventually take over. I just didn't know it would be so soon.

My father was killed in an accident on a job site about two years after I started working with him. Mom had left for another man years ago. I was on my own, but, at least, I was used to taking care of myself and the house. Mr. Stone called me in and asked if I wanted the crew chief job. Stupidly, I argued against myself because I thought I was too inexperienced. I doubted the crew would be willing to take direction from me. Mr. Stone said that he and the foreman had talked. Max, the foreman, had confidence in me. He said he felt loyalty to me and believed he could talk to the crew and convince them to give me a try. Luckily the guys cut me some slack until I caught on.

As far as Three Plus One, we knew that one of the guys would probably wind up marrying Lanie. It happened to be me. She graduated from Beauty School and started working in her aunt's salon. Being the only two in town from the Three Plus One kind of made our marriage almost inevitable. Jack flunked out of college and returned to town after a few years. I got him a job on our construction crew. Bobby got hurt playing football and gave up college when he was told he could never play again. He moved back soon after Jack and found a decent job at a factory. Soon both found girls they became serious with. Neither were originally from here.

Before long, the old gang was back with the addition of wives for Bobby and Jack. Their wives were warned about the antics of the gang and were soon talked into joining in our highjinks, although half-heartedly. After a few years of doing almost everything together, I matured (my version of the reason I became less inclined to play jokes) while the others kept going strong. It was our trip to the Bahamas that finally did it for me.

The resort where we went had a nude beach. Lanie, Jack and Bobby fed us enough drinks and teased us until all six of us were in the nude together. The gang all remarked as to how each of our bodies had changed over the years. Jack and Bobby's wives were very self-conscious as they did not share the history of our earlier sexual explorations. Once they saw how little a deal it seemed to us, they relaxed.

I can't say we were totally unaffected by the scene. All of us guys kept semi to full erections almost the whole time because it was the first time we had seen the new wives in the flesh and it had been a long time since they had seen Lanie. Her body had changed, especially her breast size. In my opinion, Lanie, Jack and Bobby had lustful looks and the touchy-feely teasing we normally shared with each other seemed to take a different slant when we were all naked. Jack and Bobby's wives refused to participate beyond taking their swim suits off.

At dinner that night, Lanie, Jack and Bobby made sexual innuendoes every chance they had. I spoke up, "One of these days, you all are going to get so drunk or bold enough to go too far and our friendship will be damaged if not destroyed." My comment was poo-pooed by the three. When I looked at Lanie, however, I saw a different reaction. Having known her most of her life and being a good poker player, I saw the light bulb go on over her head. She was going to use my comment on the danger of the nude adventure to create a new practical joke. I had a pretty good idea what it would be.

It was on a Friday night a couple of weeks later, I was sent a video. It showed Lanie giving Jack a blowjob while Bobby was taking her from behind. Then they reversed places. It appeared heavily edited and didn't last very long. At the end of the video, they all made a plea for me to join them next time. Jack and Bobby promised their wives would join too.

Later that Friday night

Lanie, Jack and Bobby laughed a long time at what they speculated would be Ryan's reaction. Once Lanie had confirmation that her husband had looked at the email and the video attached, she and the boys came over to Lanie and Ryan's house. They had trouble stopping laughing. Lanie was glad to see Ryan's car was still in the driveway. "Good, he hasn't done something stupid like going to get drunk."

They opened the door still giggling at what they thought was their best joke ever. Lanie started yelling for Ryan when she opened the door. "Ryan, we're home. We've got another video to show you. Come on out. Don't be a spoil sport." There was no answer. "He's probably sulking somewhere. I'll go find him."

Lanie looked around and saw nothing out of the ordinary. She went in his office and noted his laptop was missing. Their safe was open. All the money was gone as well as Ryan's passport. "Oh shit." She ran upstairs calling Ryan's name. Ryan's toiletries and some of his summer clothes was gone. On his dresser was a note and his wedding ring. The note said, "Now you guys can fuck each other all you want."

Lanie went downstairs and told Jack and Bobby what she had seen. They were glum for a little bit when Bobby started out laughing. "That asshole figured it out. Now he's playing a joke on us." All three joined in laughter. They were sure that was right. Jack suggested that Lanie send the video showing how the first video was staged, just in case. Doubt crept back into the three's mind, but they had trouble believing anything really bad would happen.

Almost simultaneously, Jack and Bobby's phones went off. It was their wives. Their conversations was almost identical. "I just got a copy of the video from Ryan. Don't bother coming home. I'll see a lawyer Monday. You'll regret this."

Jack and Bobby had Lanie make a copy of the second video to go show their wives that it was just a joke. Then they hurried home. They promised to call each other with how it had gone. Within a few hours, both reported that the second video had not made as much difference in the attitude of their wives as they had hoped. Both wives said they would still have divorce papers drawn up but hold them until they calmed down. They wanted to speak to Ryan again before deciding what to do. Both husbands had to promise to stop the practical jokes. Time with Lanie without their being present was also now off limits.

Lanie sent Ryan a copy of the second video as soon as she could. In her email message, she said, "You know I couldn't be that cruel to have actually had sex with our best friends" as further evidence to support the first video being fake. After several hours, she started calling relatives and co-workers to see if Ryan was there. She called his favorite bar. No one had seen him or knew where he was. She waited and worried. Monday came.

Jack called early Monday morning. "Lanie, Ryan didn't show up to work this morning. I asked in the office about him and they said that he had resigned. When Mr. Stone came out of the office, he was pissed. He told me that Ryan had told him about the video when he quit. Mr. Stone told me that the only reason I still had a job was that Ryan's unexpected departure had left him short and he couldn't afford to lose me, at least not yet. Damn Lanie, you've got to do something. I can't afford to lose this job."

Lanie thought she was on good enough terms with Mr. Stone that she could talk to him personally. He was the only one who had spoken to Ryan since the first video had been sent. He had a grim look on his face when Lanie came in. "Thanks a lot, Lanie. You've managed to screw up my business. I hope you and the boys enjoyed your gangbang adventure."

"Mr. Stone it was a practical joke. We didn't really do anything. We made a second video showing how we faked it. Ryan reacted before he could see the second video."

"A practical joke? Having a threesome with your husband's best friends? You are one sick lady. So, just who is laughing at this joke?"

"No one now. We thought we would be able to get to Ryan before he did anything stupid."

"It sounds like you're the one who's stupid. Now, why are you here?"

"When Ryan comes back, will he be able to get his old job back?"

"IF he comes back, he will not be rehired. I have a company policy that anyone who leaves without at least two weeks notice will have a 'NO HIRE' letter in his personnel file. I put Ryan's letter in his file this morning."

"But isn't there any exception? He's been a good employee, hasn't he?"

"He's been a great employee. Just like his father. The only way he could come back is if one of the partners wanted him back."

"Partners? I thought you were the sole owner."

"I'm the majority owner. I've taken a few partners over the years to provide capital for the business. Speaking of business, I need to get back to it. Anything else?" Lanie nodded no and left.

Lanie became really worried. She had tried calling Ryan all weekend with the calls all going to voice mail. Today she tried again and got a 'no longer in service' message. He seemed to still be accepting emails, so she tried that. She explained that it was a joke as he could tell by the second video. She asked what happened to his sense of humor. She apologized and promised she, Jack and Bobby would make it up to him. She tried to guilt him for the trouble he caused with Jack and Bobby's marriages when he sent the first video.

There was no response for a couple of weeks. Lanie was busy during those days. She found out that her credit cards and ATM card no longer worked. Her cell phone service was cancelled. She received notices that she was now solely responsible for the mortgage and all utility bills. There was no money in any of the joint accounts she and Ryan had shared. All she had was the money she had in her personal savings account. Then came the notices that her name had been taken off his life insurance and she was no longer in his will. Since he resigned from work, he no longer had health insurance. That meant Lanie did not have any either. Lanie had to scramble to open a checking account and apply for new cards. She was afraid that she might receive divorce papers, but none had come, so far.

After work one day, Lanie came home and noticed she had incoming email. It was from Ryan. She opened it up. "Hey Lanie, I hope you and the boys are having fun. I sure am. I really fell for that 'fake video.' Congratulations to you and Jack and Bobby. Too bad I have been automatically deleting your emails for several weeks. The attached video was made when I still believed your video was real. I thought about destroying it and hoping you never found out. Then I kept thinking of how cruel your joke was. Now I don't give a crap. I intend to proceed as if the video were real. Hope you enjoy it although I doubt you will like it as much as I liked making it."

The video showed Ryan with two beautiful women in a setting just off a secluded beach with palm trees. They took off their tiny bikinis and showed off their perfectly tanned bodies with no tan lines. Ryan apologized for them not speaking and said they only spoke Portuguese here in Brazil. He stood next to them and asked Lanie to notice how he had shaved his body and genitals at the girls' request.

Next, the girls showed they knew how to use their great bodies. Several hot sex scenes in various positions with Ryan followed. Ryan attributed his staying ability to the Viagra he had taken. At the end, Ryan said, "Now that's a sex video."

Ryan continued after the sex part of the video with this message: "I guess by now you've figured out I have taken all our money. It came out to be over $500,000. I was pleasantly surprised. You may have wondered why no divorce papers have been served you. YET. My plan is to serve you as soon as my money runs out. These girls cost so much, and I found I love to gamble, so it shouldn't take too long. When I return, I will file for divorce and you will get half of nothing. Then I will disappear and start working in construction off the books.

"Lanie, I sincerely hope the so-called joke was worth it. Sorry about Jack and Bobby's wives, but it's the guys' fault along with yours." The video ended.

Lanie was devastated. With only her salary and tips from the beauty salon for income, she had to beg her parents for financial help. Even then she had to scale back her lifestyle. Her hope was that when Ryan came back, she could somehow convince him not to divorce and get their life back in order.

In two months, Ryan announced he was broke and returning home. He asked for a time and date to meet with Lanie. He said his lawyer would have the divorce papers ready then. When he arrived, Lanie, Jack and Bobby and their wives were all there. They all sat around the kitchen table. Apologies and promises quickly erupted from the jokesters. It only took a few minutes before they became silent and waited for Ryan to speak.

"I saw the look in Lanie's eyes right after I made the comment about one day about the dangers of you all actually having sex. I knew she would plan a practical joke regarding sex among you all. I had the house and her phone fixed to record conversations. I hacked into her emails. I knew of your plot from the beginning. I got busy planning my response once you pulled your trick. I let your wives into my confidence.

"The video surprised me some, but after spending time together on the nude beach, seeing you in a room together naked was not totally unexpected. Your simulated sex acts were believable to some extent, especially when Bobby sprayed his cum all over Lanie's face.

"As soon as the video arrived, I followed a plan. I had it set up to take away all my finances from supporting you. Then I headed for Florida to visit my grandparents at their retirement village. Lanie, do you remember what my grandfather did for a living?"

Lanie thought for a second, "He was a photographer." A deeper realization hit her.

"He thought your video was amateurish as best. My grandfather was a pioneer in video special effects. They call it 'deep fakes' I think. I asked him what he thought of the videos. He informed me that the so-called 'fake' video was only partially fake. It appeared to him that during the blowjob scene, Jack had mistakenly gotten his penis inside Lanie's mouth instead sliding it along her left cheek as the second video portrayed it. Lanie looked surprised, but with a dick in her mouth the next actions were almost automatic. That's when Bobby probably felt left out and joined the fun. That was the first thing he revealed to me." From Lanie's and the guys' expressions, Ryan knew he was right.

"Ryan, we're so sorry. We didn't mean to do it. Once we got started things just seemed to take a life of their own. It will never happen again. You got your revenge by having sex with the two girls. You did the same thing we did, so we're even. It was supposed to be a joke. Can't you see?"

"I see my prophecy came true. There's a difference between a 'sense of humor' and having common sense. You all should have known what you were planning was too dangerous. Now to the second thing my grandfather helped me with.

"After he told me about the first video, I asked if he could do a better job. He got angry at my lack of faith in him. The video you saw of me having sex is how a real fake is done. Someone had sex with those two Florida girls, but it wasn't me. I thought you would notice the difference in bodies. It took a while for the girls to find a man from their escort business who was close to my body and penis size. Then he had to gain a lot of weight in a short time to come close to my love handles. My grandfather told me not to worry. Most husbands and wives usually don't REALLY notice the fine details of their spouse's body, unless there's a tattoo or Port of Wine mark. He said shaving body hair would help.

"When I stood on the beach before the sex, what you saw was another guy's body with my head on top. That became the body you thought was mine in the sex scenes. And, yes, I have a video of the proof so you can't use adultery against me like I can with you."

Lanie interrupted, "But you took all our money and you lost your job."

"Nonsense. I took the money and invested it in Mr. Stone's business. He needed a capital boost to get some new equipment that will allow him to do twice the work with no new personnel. We'll make the money back with interest in no time. And, as one of the partners, I can re-hire myself. I may even give myself a raise. I'll have the household budget back in shape very quickly."

Lanie smiled while she spat out, "You miserable son-of-a-bitch! Hell, I guess we deserved it. I, for one, am done with the practical jokes. I apologize to my husband and all of you. I'm sorry. I'm just glad this is all over, and we get back to a normal life."

"Not so fast." The two wives went over to Ryan and each sat on one of his knees and put arms around his neck and gave him a kiss on each cheek.

"When I was telling the girls about your trick and my response, they wanted to participate in the revenge. I was surprised that the girls both said they had become intrigued by the size of my penis when we were on the nude beach. They wanted to see it again, and again, and again. We have managed to refrain from sex so far, but we've decided to move in together after the divorces." The wives and Ryan each brought out large clasped envelopes and handed them to their respective spouses.

Shock, anger, and confusion took turns on the faces of the trio as they read the Petition for Divorce enclosed in each envelope. "You will notice that a state of legal separation starts as of today. The girls and I are going off for a weekend of fun. By the time we get back, you should have removed your possessions. You can get a place where the three of you can continue your 'impractical jokes.' If any of the three of you resist the divorce, we will release the first video to the following. He pushed out several pages of email addresses to everyone who might know any of the three.

After a few moments of stunned silence, Ryan concluded the meeting. "Okay, girls, go home and pack. Don't bother with packing any sleepwear." All three grinned.

Lanie stayed seated at the kitchen table after the others had left. All of a sudden, she perked up. "This is just a revenge practical joke, isn't it?"

Ryan pondered a moment. "Now I wouldn't do anything that cruel, would I?"

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Ryan is a dead man walking. He will not live to see any changes in Mr Stone's business. BTW, attorneys do not send out notices to potential beneficiaries of changes clients make to their wills. Such notices would serve as valuable evidence in an attempt to contest the provisions of the revised will.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Meh. Way too complicated of a reply to the first joke.

NitpicNitpic3 months ago

So why didn't Lanie ask him to return all the money he had taken form their account or if he didn't, have him charged with theft.?

nixroxnixrox3 months ago

1 star - I hate ANY kind of practical joke, PLUS seeing the 'hot wife' tag automatically gets you a one-star rating.

In this story the TRUST, LOVE and RESPECT have all been trashed, so divorce is inevitable.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Hehe. Definitely divorce them. It isn't just the accidental penetration, it is the brutal cruelty of their (im)practical "joke". Can't stay married to that. The second video was wait heavy editing to cover up the mistaken f$cking of the first. They were like stupid, spiteful children. The two guys will be left with nothing. She will get half, but being a private company, doesn't mean she will see much any time soon depending on how the investment is structured.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

THAT was fun. 5 stars DMW aka Sumnut96

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Five stars.

As I scrolled through the comments I wondered where the first plea to "finish the story" would appear. It wasn't too far down. Perhaps Skippy should have added a final sentence for the hard of thinking, "And the jokers all lived unhappily ever after."

EastCoaster1EastCoaster19 months ago

I thought this was very nicely done.

Leaving an open question, at the very end didn't bother me as much as when other writers have done it in other stories... overall, it was a good mix of over-the-top 'practical joking' and revenge... in my humble opinion, 5 *****.

Nothingman83Nothingman8310 months ago

It's only fun until someone loses an eye...or a spouse.

Pappy7Pappy7about 1 year ago

Practical jokes are just passive aggression that can get you killed or maimed. Like they say, it's all fun and games until someone has to die. Ha, still not that solid a story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Just fucking stupid. Why would he want to be with her? When he said, "Then I kept thinking of how cruel your joke was," he was right.

ReadyOneReadyOneover 1 year ago

As per @studebakerhawk:


ALL practical jokes are cruel. They are in no way a joke, they are flat out aggression.

NonSequitourNonSequitourover 1 year ago

I was sitting with my brother and some of his coworkers in a big bar that catered to airport employees. One of his buds was good friends with one of the bartenders and her husband. The husband comes in a few minutes before she is to get off work. He is invited to join the table, but declines and leans against the wall beside the pass-out from behind the bar. A few minutes later she comes through the pass-out, and not seeing her husband, trots over to my brother's friend and they wrap into a hug like a pair of Anacondas. Over her shoulder, he says to the husband, "I might need to borrow her for a while." He replies, deadpan, "Rinse her off good before you bring her back." Everybody roars, including her (after a few seconds).

THAT'S a joke.

The video is NOT. Neither is the infamous "A Joke" by Agena.

orion2bear2orion2bear2over 1 year ago

No one who loved spouse would risk marriage with this kind of dangerous joke also who would marry girlhe and buddies shared

TajfaTajfaover 1 year ago

Finish the story please.

EdgeOfSundownEdgeOfSundownover 1 year ago

Shit ending especially since she did actually cheat, a sequel about their weekend and the aftermath needs to be done..

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Worst story I've ever read .

Terrible writing

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

She got hers with her practical joke that was somewhat mean. He returned the "favor". However, at the end, having their wives & daughters (if I read write) all going on a weekend with him after giving their husbands the legal separation notices seemed a bit much, as in unbelievable. However, 4stars Bob

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Load of bollocks

studebakerhawkstudebakerhawkalmost 2 years ago

ALL practical jokes are cruel. They are in no way a joke, they are flat out aggression.

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