In a Stranger's Eyes


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The Don's only daughter with his deceased wife, Christine, was a stunning beauty. She was tall and slender with the swarthy skin that befitted her southern Italian origins. Her eyes were large and such a gorgeous shade of sea-green it was like looking into a calm ocean. The lustrous waves of brunette hair that surrounded her face drew even more attention to her flawless skin and high cheekbones. Grace's mother had been a beautiful woman in her own right, but she would have paled next to her daughter.

"Who are these men, Papa?" asked Grace forming her sweet, full pink lips into a frown.

"These are the men who are going to keep you safe, Grace."

"I don't need protecting, Papa. We've talked about this..."

"And now we are through talking," said Don Luigi in a voice that was suddenly as cold as ice. This was the tone of a man used to being obeyed, and everyone in the room knew it.

"Lenny, my boy, this is the assignment I have for you," went on The Don as if he had not been questioned, "Carmine and I fear that someone might try to take Grace and use her as leverage to get me to step down. We have decided that it's best if she quietly got out of town for a while until we can either negotiate our way out of a fight with Manzano or win the war whichever alternative presents itself."

"You want us to escort her alone? Just the two of us?"

"Carmine thinks a large group would draw too much attention. As a matter of fact, we are going to be employing one of your favorite tactics a bit of misdirection. You and Marco will take Grace into hiding while Carmine will send out a decoy group to make it seem like we are sending her back to Italy."

"I see..."

"The plan doesn't meet with your approval, Lenny?"

"No, It's fine as far as it goes."

"Good. Carmine will give you your itinerary. He has planned everything out."

Grace was apparently not happy with this decision and spun on her heels leaving the room in a huff.

Carmine pulled an envelope from his pocket handing it to Lenny.

"Follow the route instructions in there. I have included some traveling money. You need to stay off the radar so no fancy hotels or restaurants. I've designed things so that you keep a low profile. Ms. Riccoli won't enjoy it, but it's safer that way."

"Understood," said Lenny shoving the envelope in a jacket pocket.

"If there is nothing else?"

"Marco and Carmine, would you mind waiting outside for a moment? I would like to have a private word with Lenny here."

Carmine looked uncomfortable with the request, but he left the room with Marco in tow closing the door behind them.

Lenny felt instantly nervous but tried not to show it.

"Would you like a drink? I just got this single malt Scotch from a friend of mine who had been on a trip to the U.K. It is truly excellent."

"No, but thank you. I never had much of a taste for booze I'm afraid."

"That's right! I forgot you didn't partake of alcohol. Sorry, the older I get, the more brain cells die off."

Don Luigi poured himself a drink swishing the amber liquid around in his glass.

"How did that business with Stuart Parson's go?" he asked casually.

"Fine...By the book," lied Lenny trying to keep his voice calm.

"Funny thing, our man at the airport, swears he saw a guy who looked just like Stuart Parsons getting on an outbound flight to California last night. Isn't that strange?"

"Whoever your man is he needs to get some glasses. Stuart Parson's is out of the picture. I can attest to that."

The old Don walked closer looking Lenny square in the eye.

"It's a terrible thing when a man goes soft...loses his edge. I've seen it happen before, all those years of making the hard choices starts to wear you down. You begin to think it's time to quit, and put this life aside. The thing is, Lenny, you can't quit this business. This is the life we chose, and once we're in, we're always in. Do you understand what I'm saying, Lenny?"

"I hear you loud and clear, Boss."

"Good! Good, Lenny! I know I can count on you to protect what's mine."

"Sure...Was that all?"

"Yes, Lenny, that's all. Go out there and make me proud."

Lenny sighed quietly in relief and headed for the door, but Don Luigi's voice stopped him just as he grasped the handle.

"Oh! and Lenny?"

"Yes, Boss?"

"If Marco makes one move on Grace I'll have his dick in a jar. You tell him I said that won't you?"

"I'll tell him."


For Lenny, it was like the worst family vacation he had ever been on.

The more the miles rolled by, the more Grace and Marco were getting on his nerves. They had taken an instant dislike to each other compounded by the fact that Don Luigi's edict had stripped Marco of the only thing that might have salvaged the situation. If he had thought he had a shot at getting into her pants, he would have at least remained civil, but with that gone he quickly grew temperamental at her constant bitching. For Grace's part, it was clear she was not used to traveling anything short of first class, and the lack of ass-kissing was not helping her mood.

"This car smells like a dead monkey! Have you ever heard of a car wash?" she asked from the back seat.

This was her third complaint in the last twenty miles about the condition of his car.

"I was given this car by my Dad when I was sixteen. It belonged to my grandfather before that, and with careful maintenance, I have kept it going for more years than you have been alive. Think of it as a family heirloom if that helps."

"The trunk in this thing is huge maybe you would be more comfortable in there?" added Marco.

"Very funny! I swear if you two are the best in my father's organization I'll be lucky to live to the next town."

"Look, Lady! This isn't my idea of a cool Saturday outing either, but..."

"Enough!" shouted Lenny.

"I want some fucking quiet in this car, or I swear to Christ I'm pulling over and...Jesus, I've become my father..." said Lenny shaking his head in disgust.

He tried to forestall any more arguing by switching on the radio. Bobby Darin was singing "Dream Lover," and he sank back in his seat trying to enjoy what had been one of his dad's favorite songs.

"What is that? It sounds like something I heard playing at my Grandma's retirement home before she died," said Grace.

"At last! Something we can agree on," echoed Marco.

"This is Bobby Darin, and he happened to be one of my Dad's favorite singers growing up. Is it too much to ask for some quiet?"

They at least let him get to the end of the song before another gripe reared its ugly head.

"I'm hungry," offered Grace.

"We're going to stop in Akrona and get a bite to eat o.k.?"

"Actually, I'm kind of hungry too. What if we pulled off at the next exit I think I saw a sign for a restaurant?" said Marco.

"You two can hang on to Akrona. It's only another hour."

They rolled another two miles before, "I'm seriously getting hungry!"

"Fuck!" shouted Lenny.

Marco looked over into the back seat, "Watch it! Daddie's getting mad!"

Marco and Grace both broke into gales of laughter while Lenny felt his face going red.

"This is going to be a long fucking trip," he thought.

In the end, Lenny took the exit and found a small, family-run restaurant along the side of the road. It took Grace Riccoli all of thirty seconds to declare within earshot of the entire establishment that the place should be condemned, and there was no way she was going to eat anything cooked in what had to be a rat haven in the kitchen.

"Pipe down and sit!" snapped Lenny tiredly.

"I'm going to pee first. I hope I don't get syphilis off the fucking toilet," Grace snapped right back as she walked away.

"We should be so lucky," mumbled Marco as he perused the menu.

"You could be making this easier, Marco," said Lenny.

"I can't help it if the Mafia Princess from Hell keeps baiting me!"

"Grow up! We have to spend the next couple of days together, so we need to call a truce on all the sniping."

"Tell her that!"

"I plan too."

He caught sight of Grace as she made her way back from the restroom her scowl perfectly in place. The fact that she was wearing a knit shirt tight enough to make it look like her substantial chest was about to explode out of it was eye-catching, but it didn't make her constant bad attitude easier to take. She threw herself into the booth next to Lenny refusing to make eye contact with either man as she looked down at her menu. The perfume she was wearing was quite alluring, and it made Lenny's head swim as he tried to focus on his menu.

"The chicken fried steak looks good," he remarked out loud.

"You have any idea how they prepare processed chicken these days! It's appalling what they do to those poor animals," said Grace.

"Oh! Wow! Are you one of those vegeterians?" asked Marco.

"It's vegetarian, moron! You should try it. It's better for you and the planet."

Lenny could see this devolving quickly.

"Alright! For the duration of this meal, I'm calling a moratorium on any fighting, name-calling, or baiting. Let's have a nice, friendly meal o.k.?"

"Fine!" said Grace tightly.

Marco managed a nod but sulked lower in his seat.

Their waitress arrived a moment later. She was a petite blond with very perky breasts and a country accent.

"What can I get for you folks?"

"Well, Sweetheart, You could start with your phone number," replied Marco with a smile.

The waitress grinned back at him while Grace rolled her eyes and uttered an "Oh! Brother!" under her breath.

They eventually got their drink orders in and after the waitress left Grace took the opportunity to go after Marco again though in a more conversational tone than she had used up till then.

"Do you hit on every woman that crosses your path?"

"Why? Are you jealous?"

"Easy..." warned Lenny.

"Oh! Right! Because my idea of a dream man is a Wiseguy in a leather jacket with a high school education."

"I had two years at community college," said Marco his voice rising.

"Good for you, Marco. What was the last book you read, 'Sally and Spot play hide the pickle'? Did it at least have pictures?"

"Oh! Excuse me Ms. High and Mighty! Sorry that Daddy couldn't pay for me to go to school in Italy. What did you study? How to lay on my back in ten easy lessons?"

Thankfully the waitress returned before things could get worse.

The group placed their orders and Lenny got up to make a phone call checking in with Carmine and letting him know everything was going smoothly so far minus the part about how he might kill both Marco and Grace saving Donnie Riccoli the trouble.

Things were quiet when he returned, and he went to eat his burger praying that the peace lasted for the rest of the meal. He should have known he wouldn't get that lucky.

"I'm tired of riding in the back. I get car sick if I have to sit back there too long," complained Grace.

"How about the roof? Think you would get car sick tied to the roof?" offered Marco.

"You can ride up front for the next leg of the trip if it makes you feel better," cut in Lenny.

"You want to wipe her ass the next time she needs to use the restroom too."

"Give me a break, Marco," sighed his Uncle.

Lenny left a tip on the table and took the check up front to pay. They got back in the car with Grace taking the passenger seat and Marco stretching out in back. Thankfully, Marco fell asleep after a few miles and except for some occasional loud snoring things were quiet in the car. The countryside went by in a blur while Grace watched it out the side window.

"This must be a strange place for you to be in being a city boy," she observed.

"I've spent some time in the country," replied Lenny.


"Yeah. When I was growing up, my grandfather had a cabin up in the Catskills. We used to go there every summer and hang out. It was peaceful without all the city noise in your ears. I took Marco a few times after his dad died. I think it helped get his mind off things."

"That was your brother, Pauli, right?"

Lenny nodded.

"What was he like?"

"He was a lot like Marco, to be honest. The apple didn't fall far from the tree. They both have that innate charm that the ladies just love, along with a sense of humor that that can get on your nerves. I guess you take the good with the bad."

"So, is there a Mrs. Lucchesi? How does she like your line of work?"

"There's no Mrs. Lucchesi. My 'line of work', as you put it kind of precludes relationships, or at least makes them difficult."

"Sounds like a lonely life," she observed.

"I don't really think about it."


"What would be the point? We are what we are. You decide at some point in your life to be on a certain path and become a certain person, and then you live with it."

"You don't think a person can change? That circumstances can open up that point you in a direction you didn't expect."

"Maybe...I don't know...I try to keep things simple. I don't spend a lot of time thinking about fate or stuff like that it just gets confusing."

"If you had the opportunity to do it over? Would you still be the person you are now?"

Lenny stopped to think about that catching the sight of his own eyes staring back at him from the rear view mirror.

Would he do it again given the same choice?

Before yesterday, he would have been sure about the answer, but after that moment with Stuart Parsons, it didn't seem so clear anymore. He had never doubted his place in the bigger scheme of things when he was younger, but Luigi had been right that the more hard choices you made, the more they weighed on you. The burden of sin Lenny carried now felt some days like a ten-ton load on his back. He sighed deeply taking one hand off the wheel to rub at his tired eyes.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you blow a gasket in your brain," said Grace with a light laugh.

"Don't worry about it. I'm just getting old I guess."

"You don't look so old to me."

"I wish I felt as good as I look then," he said with a laugh of his own.

"Why don't you two keep it down some of us are trying to sleep," groaned Marco from the back seat.

"He gets cranky when he doesn't get his nap," explained Lenny making Grace laugh louder.

Their itinerary had them hunkering down at a motel in the city of Bostwick for the night. Carmine had picked the hotel for them near the center of downtown. It was a run-down fleabag called "The SleepEZ" and just the sight of it made Grace shudder.

"This is where we're sleeping?"

"I know it's not up to your usual standards, but that is the point. No one would think to look for you here."

Marco got them a key to their room.

"One room?" said Grace incredulously.

"Don't worry, Princess, I will let you be the big spoon," said Marco.

"Like hell!" started Grace.

"Hold it! You won't be sharing a bed with anyone. There are two queens and Marco, and I will be sleeping in shifts, so everyone relax," said Lenny.

"I want my own room," said Grace defiantly.

"I want her to have her own room too," added Marco.

"No one is getting their own room! Jesus, you two are driving me nuts! Let's just bed down for the night and try to start fresh in the morning."

The room wasn't as bad as they expected. It was no five-star hotel, but the sheets were clean, and the shower had plenty of hot water.

"Do we flip a coin to see who showers first?" asked Marco.

"I'll happily defer to you, Marco, I've been downwind of you for half the trip," said Grace throwing herself down on one of the beds.

"Fine. I will try and save you some hot water. Unless you want to try a little conservation effort by showering with me?"

Grace flipped him off, and Marco smirked back at her, "Hey! I thought you were trying to save the planet."

"I'm going to step outside and check in try not to knife Marco in the shower while I'm gone," said Lenny.

A few stars were starting to appear in the early evening sky as Lenny dialed his cellphone. Carmine Salvatore answered on the second ring.

"Hey Carmine, still eating out of the corner of your mouth?"

Don Luigi's lieutenant refused to rise to the bait, "Did you make it to Bostwick?"

"Yeah, we're all checked in. The trip has been uneventful so far."

"Good. I think it was advisable that you got out of town when you did."


"Yes. The word on the street is the Calivari brothers were seen in the city around the same time."

"Is that right," replied Lenny trying to keep his voice calm, but feeling a twinge of apprehension creeping up his spine.

Jimmie and Max Calivari were the boogeymen of the underworld. A couple of heavy hitters who ran a small crew of assassins that had an unsavory reputation for enjoying their work a little too much. The brothers were often used as a threat to keep unruly mob employees in line.

Do right by the family, or the Calivari will come for you!

They were free agents and had supposedly worked for a number of different families over the years.

"You think Donnie would stoop to hiring the Calivari brothers to put the grab on Grace?"

"I don't know, but I would be on your guard just the same. Anyway, it's just a rumor, and we did a good job of throwing anyone looking for you off the scent so there shouldn't be a problem."

"Fine. I will check in again tomorrow."

"Goodnight, Lenny."

The phone went silent, and Lenny tucked it into his jacket pocket heading back into the room. By the time he returned, Marco had finished his shower and was sitting on the bed in a t-shirt and jeans. Grace had gone in after him, and Lenny could hear the shower running.

"You talk to Carmine?"

"Yep, and he gave me an interesting tidbit. It looks like the Calivari brothers were seen in town."

"You know, I always thought you looked a lot like Jimmie."

"Don't put that sadistic prick and I in the same sentence," said Lenny angrily although sadly he had to agree that he and Jimmie Calivari did look an awful lot alike.

"I'm not worried. If they cross our path we will put them both in the ground, and their crew right along with them."

"Look who's so full of confidence! If we run into the Calivari brothers, the smart play would be to duck down and run like hell."

"Who are we talking about?" asked Grace coming out of the bathroom.

She was wearing a long, dark gray t-shirt over her body. The outline of her large breasts shown clearly on the front and Lenny tried very hard not to stare. Grace was rubbing at her wet hair with a towel.

"Nothing. I was saying that Carmine was happy with our progress and everything is fine back home."

"No war with Manzano yet?"

"Apparently not."

Grace returned to her bed sitting down on the edge.

"I'm going to grab a shower. We sleep in shifts tonight, Marco. You can go first, and I will wake you at 1:00 a.m. o.k.?"

"Sounds good. The Princess can tell me a bedtime story while you're gone."

"Screw you!" said Grace.

"Oooh! That's one of my favorites," commented Marco as he curled up with a spare pillow.

Lenny shook his head for what seemed like the umpteenth time that day and went into the bathroom closing the door behind him.

By the time he showered, Marco had drifted off to sleep. Lenny stopped in the dim light from the television. He could make out Grace Riccoli sitting up under the blankets of her bed her back propped up on a pillow.

"Anything good on?"

"I was thinking about buying one of these Butt Masters. Only three payments of $19.99 and guaranteed to make my ass look terrific."

"I don't think you have an issue there," said Lenny.

"Why Mr. Lucchesi are you paying me a compliment?"

Lenny suddenly felt embarrassed at his off the cuff remark and tried to change the subject.

"We're making good time so you won't have to put up with Marco and me much longer."

"I don't mind so much. I'm sure you're just as ready to be rid of me. I know I'm not the easiest person to get along with on a trip or any other time for that matter."