In from the Rain Pt. 03


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Larry's face had become a red mask, and a vein near his temple threatened to pop. "I don't think so. I'm pretty sure you're going to get walking your little bitch ass and never talk to her again. And if you don't, I'll drive your teeth down your fucking throat."

Mike had never been in a physical altercation past the age of 10, so he was completely unprepared and unsure how one would go. But when Larry moved to push him back again, he held his ground. "No. And you're going to leave Casey alone too, dick."

Larry's laughter now was bitter cold. "Leave him alone? After all I've given him? That little sissy is mine to do with as I see fit. If I tell him to stay home, he's going to stay home. And if I tell him to stay away from you, he will. I've dealt with his kind before, plenty of times. Ungrateful, whiny, demanding little slut. I should have tossed his ass out on the street, where his parents left him. Mincing little fa-"

The next thing Mike knew, his fist ached like a son of a bitch. He clutched at it. It took a second to register why his knuckles felt like they'd kissed a brick wall. He'd just thrown a wild, unbalanced haymaker, straight into Larry's jaw. The man was built like a freight train, and likely would have trounced Mike in a clean fight. But a combination of his overconfidence, Mike's quick reflexes, and a considerable reach advantage had made the blow a lot more effective than it would have been with Larry's guard up.

Casey's boyfriend flopped to the pavement. The others around had their smartphones flicked up to record the incident, though there really wasn't much to see. Larry was breathing, but he wasn't going to be getting a Round 2.

Mike didn't pay him a second glance. He took off in the direction that Casey had ran, hoping he wasn't too late.


He found her leaning against the driver's side of his car. Her head was downcast, but she wasn't crying. Mike approached her like she was a crate of nitroglycerine, ready to go off.

"Are you-" he managed to get out before getting cut off by her withering glance. She was absolutely livid.

"Who am I to you?" Casey asked. His voice was the normal, boyish tone. The illusion had popped, leaving both of them out in the hard cold of reality.

"I'm sorry?"

"I just had a falling out with the only person who liked me for who I was. And...I don't know what I'm going to do, Mike. You know what my Mom said on the day I left? She said 'My son is dead.' I can't actually put into words how destroyed I was in those days after I left home. Larry took me in, he protected me. And now...what? What do I have left?"

"You're more than his boyfriend, Casey. You have your art, you're a smart person, you're-"

"Who am I to you, Mike?" Casey repeated, the strain in his voice tighter than piano wire. "Tell me."

The hurt from Casey's words started to stir something dark in Mike's mind. Those nagging thoughts he'd had ever since this thing with Casey started. "If anything, I should be mad at you."

He scoffed, throwing up his hands. "Oh, really? Fucking tell me then. Why should you be mad?"

"Are we together just to get back at your cheating boyfriend? Do you care about me at all?"

Casey's eyes widened. "What?"

The adrenaline that had faded in the wake of the fight was building up again. There was a heat, a pressure in his head that he only got during arguments, especially the ones where he said things he regretted. "That's why you first fucked me, remember? To get back at him? Is that all this is to you?"

"Hey, c'mon. That's not fair, Mike."

"But it was how we first met. What about when you called me up after. Did he slight you again? Is this all just one long revenge scheme to spite your boyfriend? If it's that, tell me, because...I don't think I can do this again." Mike felt the slightest bit of moisture at the corner of his eyes. He blinked it away furiously.

"Mike, please," Casey held out his hands. "That's not at all why I-"

"Then tell me, straight up. Are we in a relationship, or is this just a cheating for revenge thing?"

He shook his head uncomprehendingly. "Why do you care so much?"

"Because I love you, okay?!" Mike shouted. Casey recoiled as if struck, red cheeked and speechless at the revelation. For the first time in their relationship, Mike had said something that caught Casey flatfooted. The taller man sighed. "I know, I blew it. I got too involved. All you wanted was a fun relationship, or maybe it was all just revenge on your real boyfriend. But I fell in love with you. Fucking...damnit." He clenched his fists, and was suddenly reminded that his hand hurt like a motherfucker. He groaned, grasping his injured appendage. Casey stepped over, either out of concern or just out of curiosity, Mike didn't know which.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, but I might have busted something in my hand."

"How did this happen?"

He let out a breath. "I...might have punched Larry."

She stopped examining his hand. "You...what?"

Mike shrugged, careful not to jostle his hand. "He was going all Alpha Dog bullshit on me, and I might have accidentally popped him in the face."

"But...he had like 50 pounds of muscle on you!"

"Not in his jaw. Guy folded faster than Superman on laundry day."

She lifted an eyebrow at him, as if to ask if he was joking. When he stayed stonefaced, she snorted out a quick laugh. "All that lifting, and he got decked by a beanpole. No offence."

"None taken." Mike fished out the keys from his pocket, the movement awkward because it was in his right pocket. "Wanna get out of here?"

Casey nodded. "I'm okay with closing the book on tonight if you are."

Mike reached for the door only to be reminded of the incredible pain his hand was in at the moment. He seethed, cursing under his breath. He was going to have to actively remind himself not to use his right hand for a while.

"Should I drive?" Casey asked.

"Can you?" Not an unreasonable question. Most people Mike knew in the city didn't drive. Some didn't even have their license. To top that off, Casey had had a couple of those flirtini things. But Casey nodded, gently pulling Mike to the passenger side of the car before opening the door for him. Mike carefully leveraged himself inside in such a way as to not use his dominant hand, then buckled in. It felt odd to be out of the driver's seat of his own car. Casey took a bit to move up the seat and get the mirrors ready before sliding the key into the ignition.

"Where am I going?"

Silence ruled as both wrestled with what had just happened. Casey had pretty firmly burned his bridge with Larry, but all of his stuff was back at the place they shared together. Not a whole lot would fit into Mike's sedan. If they didn't go grab his things, Casey might be starting over from square one with regards to his possessions. If they did, there was always the chance that they could run into Larry again. And this time, Mike doubted he'd be on the winning side of the fight.

But even if he grabbed the essentials from Larry's place...where could Casey go?

"Here's the plan. You get us back to Larry's. We pack as much of your stuff into my car as we can. And then we drive to my place."

Casey turned to him. "Mike, I...I appreciate the ride, but-"

Mike cut him off. "No. Whatever we have between us isn't what's important right now. My place is safe, and that dick probably doesn't know where it is. You can sort out the rest of your stuff with him when he's either cooled down or you get a third party involved or...whatever. But tonight, you're parking this car in my driveway, and you're sleeping at my place. You can have the bed or the couch, whichever you'd prefer. Unless you got a better idea."

Casey chewed his lip. "I don't. I have plenty of friends around here, but Larry knows most of them. If he wanted to, he could track me down. Doubt a hotel would put me up in the middle of the night."

"So you cool with the plan?" Mike asked.

"I think so. I did call his phone with your place's location the night we first met, but I doubt he kept that voicemail. I just want to go to sleep..."

"Me too. But only some place we know is safe."


Three hours later, the first glint of dawn was rising from out of the driver's side window, but the sky above was oppressively overcast. Casey pulled into Mike's driveway. He was tired, his muscles ached from the sudden exertion of lifting bags of his stuff into the back of Mike's car, and what was left of his makeup was stinging at his left eye, forcing him to squint until he could wipe it away. In the end, he didn't take a lot of the stuff he owned. Much of it carried bad memories, or were things he was willing to wait and collect. He did take his art supplies, along with his favourite painting from off the wall. It was hard, leaving that place behind. But he'd done it.

Casey managed to turn the car off before he started crying.

It started as quiet shaking, but turned into heedless bawling in moments. He pressed his hands over his eyes, as if to staunch the flow. Mike wanted desperately to wrap his arm around Casey and cuddle him until he felt better, but...after the words they'd exchanged in the parking lot...

"Are you okay?" he asked, a little superfluously. Casey looked up, mascara a mess down his face.

"No. No I'm not. I'm in fucking pieces, man. I just lost everything that mattered in my life."

"No you didn't," Mike responded instantly, "That's ridiculous. You broke up with an abusive asshole. That doesn't make you any less amazing."

Casey shook his head. "I wish I could believe you. But...what do I do now?"

"Do whatever you want, without him. You might need to get a regular job, but you'll survive. You're obviously a smart person, Casey. You'll land on your feet. And...and if you need anything, I'll be there to help you."

"Even after I snapped at you?" he asked in a voice that nearly squeaked.

Mike risked putting an arm around Casey's slight body. "Of course, dummy. I wasn't kidding when I said I was head over heels for you. I don't know if you have anywhere near the kinds of feelings like that for me...but I'll take what I can get. And even if we're just friends from here on out, I'll still do what I can to get you back on your feet. You can even stay at my place, if you want, though it's pretty far from the city."

Casey cried again. But this time, it didn't sound like tears of helplessness or desperation. "God damnit Mike," he muttered through the sobs, "Why do you have to be so damn sweet?"

"Just a guileless idiot, I guess."

She socked him in the shoulder. "No, you're not. You've been a nice, sweet and honest guy and I've been nothing but a flake to you. It was just too hard to consider life outside of Larry. But without him..." She inhaled, her breath catching midway as she fought her tears. "I wish I was as strong as you."

Mike turned to him, gripping both of Casey's small hands with his uninjured left.

"You're stronger than me." When Casey raised an eyebrow, he clarified. "Not physically, obviously. But you've got mental toughness that I don't got."

Casey shook away the idea, causing more moisture to roll down his cheeks. "What the fuck are you talking about?"

"You're not afraid. You're not scared to be who you are, or do what you want to do. Most of my life is spent dealing with fears and anxieties. I live alone, away from others. I don't deal with relationships well. You're a lot braver than I'll ever be. I...I respect you, more than you know."

They sat in silence. Both men let the words that had passed between them settle, both stewed over their own anxieties and worries about what had transpired, and what the future would hold. While they waited, the first few drops of rain hit the windshield.

"Mike. I don't know where our thing is going, if it's even a real relationship or if I'm just washed overboard and clinging to the only thing nearby to keep from drowning. But...I need you. I need you now more than ever."

Mike opened his mouth to speak, but was caught off-guard by the press of strawberry lipgloss. Casey's mouth mashed against his almost forcefully, like he was physically stealing this kiss. Mike's eyes slowly closed as he leaned into the gesture of affection. The kiss turned from cute to open mouthed passion in short order, and he pulled in Casey with his good hand. Tongues touched and dragged against one another, Mike for a moment tasting a hint of what Casey had drank at the bar a few hours previous. When he pulled back, there was a single rope of saliva connecting them for a moment. A lingering, physical connection.

"Mike," Casey whispered. Even as his heart was melting, Mike's shaft was painfully stiff. Casey's own strained the fabric of his adorable outfit. If they didn't do something about these erections, there's be a wardrobe malfunction. "Here. In the car. We need to...right now."

Mike didn't need to be told twice. Hell, he didn't need to be told once. He shoved himself off from the dashboard and flopped gracelessly onto the back seat.

"You know my house is right there," he said as he peeled down his pants. "We could easily just go inside."

"No. I want you now," Casey responded, his own garments easily shed. Mike helped him slide back into the back seat and onto the larger man's lap. Legs wrapping around his back, for a little while they sat, naked, with their cocks pressed up against each other. Mike's was significantly larger. Casey shivered as she placed his fingers around them, jerking them in tandem.

"You know...we're both boys right now," Casey said softly, waiving in between his girly voice and his real one. "You sure you want to...y'know...when I'm not in full slutty girl mode?"

Mike responded by thrusting his shaft forward, rubbing them both. "I fucking adore you, any way you wanna be. Girl, boy, just be Casey for me and I'll be happy."

Casey fumbled for his purse, trembling fingers frustrated temporarily by the fastener. He pulled the familiar tube of purple lubricant from the bag, but instead of applying it directly to his hole, he smeared the fluid liberally on Mike's shaft. That was certainly one way to do it, Mike thought. With the task complete, Mike held Casey's body gingerly as he angled his clenching hole down towards Mike's throbbing pole.

The penetration took Casey's breath away, and he gripped Mike's neck hard. Gravity did most of the work initially, sliding the crossdresser's body down the length, which also smeared lubricant throughout his depths. Free to spill forth moans and whimpers as he was taken so thoroughly, he let loose a torrent of shameless noises that only served to get Mike as hard as humanly possible. With his injured hand, he couldn't pull her down like he wanted to. But that was no problem, because Casey seemed intent to do all the work herself. With her head bent forward to be within an inch of Mike's, she bounced herself down onto him. Almost like she was hammering a nail into a piece of wood. Each slow, deliberate pound against him drove Casey further alone Mike's member until her tight ass met his hips.

There was very little resistance from Casey. The lubrication and his complete openness kept the motion relatively painless. But any discomfort was easily ignored by the horny crossdresser as he impaled himself deeper. He pressed his mouth again to Mike's, hungrily stealing another kiss while he pounded them both closer to orgasm.

The rhythm was punishing, and the moaning from Casey never quite stops. Each slam home brought a quiver to his tight rump. Mike tried his best to angle himself to stab the pleasure button within Casey's rear, but it was difficult to manage. Instead, he gripped Casey's flopping cock and stroked it. It was a much more adorable version of his own rod, so he knew that rubbing the underside of the head was extra pleasurable. He used the tricks of the trade to make his anal lover squirm even more.

"O-oh," Casey whimpered, his breathing hot and heavy. "You feel so good...inside..."

They fucked harder than they ever had. Bestial noises filled the car. Neither guy had any idea how much time had passed. Everything seemed to focus into this single moment, of being so perfectly close with another person. Mike's heart hammered in his chest, and only partially because he was being ridden for all he was worth. The boy he loved had given himself utterly to him. The passion with which Casey returned his kisses was hotter than all the women in the world.

"I love you Casey," Mike moaned, nearing his limit.

There was a pause, as Casey thought about what to say. There was lust there for Mike, that had always been there. But there was something else too. He hadn't known for the longest time what it was, as he'd never experienced it before. It felt like homesickness, but only when Mike wasn't there. It sounded like music when Mike laughed or said his name. It tasted like ice cream and candy when Mike kissed him. And it made everything in the world seem not so bad when he fell into Mike's arms.

"I...I love you too!" Casey cried out, and with that he came. A weak trio of spurts from his snack-sized shaft spurted out onto Mike's chest, encouraged by Mike's own stroking hand. Involuntary muscle contractions squeezed the cock inside Casey, which in turn triggered Mike's orgasm. Spunk filled the lovebound crossdresser's body as for one blissful instant, both guy's minds were synched in primal pleasure. Casey pressed a kiss to Mike, which he was only too happy to return.

The time dragged by, with the kiss feeling like it went on for an eternity in what had only been less than a minute. When they pulled back, their eyes were locked together as if they were seeing each other for the first time.

" you mean it?" Mike asked. "It wasn't just because, y'know, we were fucking?"

Casey giggled in that amazing way he could do without trying, planting a quick kiss onto Mike's nose. "Yes. Yes I mean it. I mean...I don't know where this thing of ours is going. But you make me feel special. Not just because you think I'm hot, or that I look cute in a dress. I feel like I have real, intrinsic worth when I'm around you. I've never felt that with anyone else. It scared me, at first. And I'm worried that this might just be my hormones raging...but I'm willing to try this out, if you are."

"Of course!" Mike could barely wait for him to finish before injecting his affirmation. That's the only thing he's wanted these few months they've been seeing each other. "We can take it as slow as you want. And we both got boundaries and stuff. But I can't think of another person I want to be with."

By the time they'd finally unwrapped from one another, it was pouring outside. A crack of thunder from somewhere distant rolled past the car. They stepped lively over to Mike's door, causing the automatic light on his porch to pop to life. He fiddled with his keys until he got the correct one, water dripping down his face and making him need to wipe a hand across his brow to see properly. Finally the lock gave, and he pushed the door inward.

"After you," he said. Casey smiled. So did Mike. They gripped each other's hand, and they both stepped in from the rain.

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SlutCupcakeSlutCupcake6 months ago

God, so good, I loved every moment, even the parts with that asshole guy, because it ended with him getting knocked the fuck out

So very satisfying all around

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A great story with complicated and relatable characters. Didn’t even care about the erotic parts, I was just invested in the story of these two and rooting for them all the way. Here’s hoping you revisit these characters - perhaps see what their relationship is like after a few years pass and they are out of the honeymoon stage of their courtship. And would love more of the story or perhaps even the whole story told from the POV of Casey. That was some of the best content in this third part where we got to glimpse into what Casey thought instead of just Mike. Again, a great job - love your work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This is a great story on all levels. The lovable complicated characters, the family dynamics alluded to, dick ex, the cool as fuck friends, potential upsides careers with maybe a collaboration, and they bring out the best in each other. And only scratched then surface of their sexcapades! So hot! So many directions and so many engaging storylines. Not trying to argue with your previous reply but the Casey and Mike saga would make a wonderful ongoing story. They have something genuinely engaging between them. I would love to read more. Whatever happens, thank you for Casey and Mike finding each other. ❤️😈❤️

MCJOHN11708MCJOHN11708over 1 year ago

Loved it. Easy 5/5. A chapter 4/epilogue sort of thing would be the perfect cherry on top of this sweet love story, imho.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

A fitting ending to an improbable but possible romantic tale. Enjoyed it. Hope you continue writing more non-Sci-Fi, cross-gender tales.

LatexZashaLatexZashaover 2 years ago

More. Does Casey become fulltime woman over time? Can we see her as the 50s house wife?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Still good. Even though i was speed reading

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I love stories where a CIS man like Mike ends up crushing on a gurl like Casey and he tells her he loves her. Like, really loves her enough to treat her like a CIS woman. Not with just sex stuff but with all the respect and emotions people in proper mature loving relationships share.

Isn't that all anyone wants in this world? A partner who truely cares for them.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Omg you actually got my jaded heart to cry here, I utterly loved how relatable these two were. You wove a beautiful, sad, powerful story. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing it.

TSreaderTSreaderover 4 years ago
A wonderful love story!

Wonderfully done! Thank you so much for sharing this with us!

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