In Service of the Queen Ch. 07

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Adelaide and Tiara spend the day in bed.
4.5k words

Part 7 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/02/2024
Created 01/22/2024
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In Service of the Queen

by Davina Lee

An alternative future of women and their adventures


Author's Note

As the conclusion of our last chapter, Adelaide found herself searching for an epic stash of cheese with friends Vivienne, Cosette, and the mysterious acrobat, Beatrice. She got to hang backstage with Tiara's band, Deus Contra Machina. And at the end of it all, Friend Tiara blew off the band's after party to go home with Adelaide instead. This chapter picks up the next morning.

* * *

Chapter 7: Breakfast in Bed

Vivienne and Adelaide's apartment, the next morning

"Friend Adelaide," whispered Tiara, from where she lay curled around behind Adelaide. "Are you awake?"

"What? Mmm. Mm-hmm. Good morning, friend. I enjoyed your sweet kisses last night."

"Um, yes..." said Tiara, pushing herself up onto one elbow. "Uh... Can I...?"

"Did you want to...?"


"Oh. Oh, did you need to...?"

Tiara nodded.

"Right," said Adelaide, scooting toward the edge of the bed. "Let me move so you can get out."

Tiara slipped out, swinging her legs to plant her feet on the floor. "Sorry," she said.

"You know where it is, right? Just down the hall. Though if you see Cosette..."

"I know about Cosette, friend," said Tiara. "We've shared a house for many months. I'll be fine."

Adelaide smirked. "Okay, well, if she's still sleeping, and you need somebody... I could watch while you--"

"We're not in that stage of our relationship yet." Tiara remarked as she hustled through the bedroom door and turned down the hall.

"Not in that stage of our relationship?" mumbled Adelaide as she ducked back under the covers. She pulled the comforter up over her head. "What stage are we in, I wonder?"

Adelaide rolled over, flopping onto her stomach.

"Tiara, Tiara, Tiara," Adelaide whispered into the pillow. "What stage are we in?"

In the dark, humid space under the covers, Adelaide balled her hands into fists and grinned. "Whatever it is, I think I like it." Adelaide giggled and kicked her feet, forcing the sheet free from where it was tucked in at the bed end, and sending it flying upward with the rest of the covers. "I like it a lot."

Adelaide rolled over onto her back and clutched her hands together over her heart. She let out a long sigh that was muffled by the comforter over her face.

* * *

Two minutes later

"What happened in here while I was gone?" Tiara's voice filtered through from above. Adelaide pulled the covers down to just under her chin.

"Um..." Adelaide blinked twice and then fixed her eyes to stare at Tiara's bare chest. Her face turned three shades of crimson. "You're hot."

"Whatever." Tiara rolled her eyes. "Let me back in. Your apartment is chilly this morning."

"I know," said Adelaide, still staring.

"Perv," said Tiara, cupping her breasts and hoisting them upward. "You want some of this? Scoot over so I can get back in. And share some of those covers. You look like a mummy all wrapped up like that."

Adelaide threw the covers aside and grinned. Tiara jumped in and yanked the covers back over the top of them. She shivered from head to toe.

"You're naked," whispered Adelaide, before giggling again.

Tiara grimaced as another shiver ran the length of her. "I know. It's cold."

"And you're in my bed," said Adelaide, giggling. "You're in my bed and you're naked."

"Are you okay, friend?"

Adelaide reached over to poke Tiara in the shoulder. "Still naked."

Tiara turned to stare.

"I'm going to go brush my teeth," said Adelaide.

"You sure you're alright, friend?"

Adelaide sprang to her feet and bolted to the doorway. After crashing into the door frame with her left shoulder, she turned down the hall.

* * *

Several minutes later

Adelaide sat on the toilet, hunched forward with her elbows resting on her knees and her head in her hands. She grimaced as she massaged her temples with her fingertips.

"Friend Adelaide?" inquired the muffled voice of Cosette from the other side of the door.

"I've already peed, honey," replied Adelaide. "Sorry, I thought you were asleep. I'll see if there's any left, but I don't think so."

"It is not about the peeing," replied Cosette.

A gentle tapping on the door followed. "Addie, it's Vivienne. Are you okay? You've been in there a while."

"My head hurts," grumbled Adelaide, massaging above her eyes with her thumbs. "And I whacked my shoulder on the door. I think I need some aspirin."

"Friend Adelaide?" This time it was Tiara's voice.

"For friend's sake," complained Adelaide, "is everyone standing out there waiting for me to pee? I told you, I already peed."

"Addie?" inquired Vivienne. "When's the last time you ate? Something besides beer or a pretzel?"

"I... I don't know... A while."

"Addie, can I come in?"

"I already told you, Viv. There's no more pee in me."

"Addie, I think your blood sugar's crashing. Can I come in so I can help you?"

"My what?"

"Addie." Vivienne tapped on the door. "I'm coming in."

* * *

Adelaide looked up from her perch on the toilet. She glanced at the faces of Tiara, then Cosette, and finally Vivienne, who was holding out her open hand. "You're naked," said Adelaide, and then squeezed her eyes shut. "All of you."

"Addie," said Vivienne. "Take my hand. I'll help you up."

Adelaide blinked a few times. "I'm fine. I just need some aspirin. And I need to brush my teeth so I can kiss Tiara. She's totally hot."

Adelaide shifted her gaze to Cosette as she turned and hustled down the hallway. "Where's she going?"

Vivienne and Tiara exchanged a glance. They had each taken Adelaide by an arm to hoist her up when Cosette returned. As Adelaide fell into Vivienne, Cosette held out a small piece of chocolate, sitting on its open wrapper. "Bonbon," she said.

Adelaide shook her head.

"Eat the chocolate, Addie," said Vivienne. "You need to get your blood sugar back up."

Cosette pushed out her hand with the bonbon. "I will get started on the breakfast," she said. "What would you like in your omelet?"

Adelaide shrugged. Tiara reached out for the chocolate and popped it in Adelaide's mouth.

"Friend Tiara," said Vivienne. "Can you help me get her back to bed?"

Tiara nodded. She ducked under Adelaide's right arm, while Vivienne ducked under Adelaide's left. Together, they maneuvered Adelaide down the hallway and into her bedroom.

* * *

"This is so embarrassing," mumbled Adelaide, as Vivienne got the pillows situated and Tiara pulled up the covers.

"Keep an eye on her?" Vivienne said to Tiara. "I'm going to help Cosette with breakfast."

Tiara nodded and sat down on the edge of Adelaide's bed. She turned to look down at Adelaide's face.

"So embarrassing," repeated Adelaide.

Tiara reached out with a fingertip to brush aside a strand of hair that had fallen over Adelaide's eye. "We just want you to be okay," said Tiara. "Friend Vivienne seems to know what she's doing."

"Yeah, she was in the clinical dietitian program before switching to culinary. She didn't finish, but she probably knows a thing or two. When she comes back, I should apologize for being such a derp."

"You're not feeling well. I'm sure she'll understand." Tiara shivered once.

"And I should apologize to you too, friend. You're chilly and haven't invited you back into bed."

"I wanted to make sure you were okay first."

Adelaide threw the covers aside. She grinned. "Get in here and press those fabulous boobies up against me. Then everything will be just fine."

"There's the girl I remember from last night."

"Cosette, honey," hollered Adelaide. "The bonbon's working. Thank you!"

"De rien."

Tiara swung her legs up and slipped under the covers that Adelaide held open. She snuggled in close. "Sorry, I'm probably making you cold," said Tiara.

"I've got bonbon energy to spare. Get in here." Adelaide pulled the covers down tight.

No sooner had Tiara snuggled in than Vivienne appear with two steaming mugs. "Latte," she said, standing in the open doorway.

"You don't have to fuss over me," said Adelaide.

"Nonsense," said Vivienne, striding carefully toward the bed, keeping an eye on the mugs in her hands. "As your roommate and your friend, it's my duty to take care of you in times of need."

"Thank you, Vivienne," said Adelaide. "I'm lucky to have you looking out for me. I'm sorry for the way I acted earlier."

"Omelet will be up in another minute." Vivienne turned to go. "Take care of her, Tiara."

"I will, Friend Vivienne. I will." Tiara blew across her mug and took a tentative sip. She ran her tongue over her lips and took another, longer pull at the mug. "It's not too hot, friend," she said to Adelaide.

Adelaide smiled, pushed her shoulder up against Tiara beside her, and lifted her mug to her mouth.

"I always wondered what it would be like," said Tiara. "I live in a house with ten other girls. Well, eleven when Eniola's there. We all take care of each other, so I've always wondered what it was like for people who don't have a big family like mine."

Adelaide wrapped both hands around her mug and leaned her head against Tiara's shoulder. "Viv's the best, as you can see. And Cosette comes around quite often, because... well I didn't know two people could have so much sex, but they do. She's a sweetheart."

Tiara chuckled. "Explains why I rarely see her outside of football practice these days."


"Ladies," announced Cosette, "Breakfast is served." She was naked except for a kitchen apron, and holding a wooden tray with a single plate and two forks. On the plate, steaming, was an extra-large omelet.

"I love you, Cosette," said Adelaide. "Between the omelet, and the bonbon, and just your general cheery Parisian self... You're the best."

Behind Cosette, Vivienne swooped in to unfold and deposit two napkins onto the comforter. "She's a keeper, isn't she?" said Vivienne, winking.

"You too, Viv," said Adelaide. "Thank you. For everything."

"Enjoy your breakfast," said Cosette, depositing the tray as Tiara and Adelaide adjusted the pillows propped behind them.

"Thank you," said Tiara.

Vivienne closed the door after she and Cosette left.

"Oh, I am starving," announced Adelaide, picking up her fork. "I don't think I realized it until now." She tore off a big chunk of omelet and shoveled it into her mouth.

"This looks amazing," said Tiara, picking at her half with her fork. "Peppers. Onion. Perfectly sautéed..." Tiara pulled a piece off with her fork and brought it to her mouth. "Mm! Wow. You eat like this everyday?"

"Mm, Mm-hmm." Adelaide chewed. "Mostly, yeah. Viv's in the culinary program. Cosette's the teaching assistant. So whenever they're not salivating over each other in the bedroom, they're in the kitchen whipping up something delicious."

Tiara nodded as she chewed and swallowed. "I don't want you to think I'm trying to be your mother," said Tiara, "but maybe you should see someone at the medical clinic about this. Just to check you out."

"Yeah, I suppose." Adelaide ripped off another hunk of omelet and snarfed it up. "I think I just don't have a lot of reserves. You've probably noticed I don't have much meat on my bones."

"Really?" Tiara grinned and reached over to poke Adelaide on the shoulder with her fingertip. She poked Adelaide two more times in different places along the length of her arm.

Adelaide elbowed Tiara in the ribs.

"Next time you come by, you can talk to Tonje."

"Why? She's gonna fix me up with some more of her delicious coffee?"

"She's studying medicine," said Tiara, sticking her fork back into a corner of the omelet. "Cardiology, so not exactly the right specialty. But you already know her, so--"

Adelaide pulled off another forkful of omelet. "Friend Tonje's studying medicine, not teaching?"

"I suppose it's a little bit of both once you get to her level. But that's what brought her to Empyrea, the study of new techniques in heart valve reconstruction."

"But Cosette is here teaching."

"Some come to teach, some come to learn."

"I really don't understand this whole gap year thing," complained Adelaide. "I thought you just came for the experience. And maybe the Mabon festival."

"Friend Eniola is here studying particle physics."

"The Mabon Priestess is studying--"

Tiara nodded. "Mm-hmm. Particle physics."


"We talked about it a few times. I don't pretend to understand it, but she says the Tevatron outside Empyrea City is the largest particle accelerator in the world. She gets very excited about it whenever her time slot comes around and she gets to run an experiment."

"I thought she... I don't know..."

"That she was only here to serve as the charming and exotic Mabon Priestess?"

Adelaide nodded. "Well, yeah."

"She only agreed to that duty to extend her stay. But she's a very gracious priestess, wouldn't you say?"

"Mabon Priestess... To extend--?"

A rapping on the door caused Adelaide to stop short. "Are you two having sex yet?" inquired Vivienne's muffled voice.

"What?" complained Adelaide.

"I'm coming in for the dishes," said Vivienne, as she opened the door. "So if you're having sex... Oh, there's a little left. Sorry."

Adelaide turned to look at Tiara. Tiara shook her head. Adelaide stabbed the last bit of omelet and crammed it into her mouth. "It was delicious," she mumbled as she chewed.

"Alright, no more dishes in the way," said Vivienne, picking up the tray. "Let me get those mugs. Holler if you need anything. Or just holler, because... well, you know... I trust you'll take good care of her needs, Tiara."

"I will, friend."

"Bye, Addie." Vivienne winked as she closed the door.

Tiara took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She turned and touched her fingertip to Adelaide's cheek. Smirking, she asked, "Do you need me to take care of any needs, friend?"

"I need you to tell me about Eniola. What did you mean when you told me about extending her stay?"

"Well, for the exchange students, the queen has a special program where--"

"Tiara, honey," came Vivienne's muffled voice from beyond the door. "I'm putting my trust in you, but I don't hear any moaning."

"Viv!" exclaimed Adelaide, "Are you listening through my door?"

"Not just me. Cosette's here, too."

"Cosette!" Adelaide threw her hands in the air, sending the bed covers flying in the process. "I don't... why are you two listening through my door?"

"Breakfast has replenished your body, Friend Adelaide," said Cosette. "Now you must undertake the journey to replenish your heart."

"Replenish my...? What journey? What's my heart got to do with any of this? It's my blood sugar that's the problem."

"Tiara," said Vivienne. "I'm counting on you, friend."

Adelaide glared at the back of her bedroom door. "And here I was just telling Friend Tiara how nice you two were. Now... ugh."

"Friend Adelaide," whispered Tiara.

Adelaide turned. Tiara had pulled the covers down to the level of her waist and was hoisting her breasts in her hands. When Tiara began pinching at her nipples with her fingers and thumbs, Adelaide's mouth dropped open.

"May I replenish your heart, friend?"

Adelaide said nothing, but soon began nodding, slowly at first, but speeding up the pace the longer she stared.

"Good." Tiara reached over to tuck a hand behind Adelaide's head and pulled her over. Tiara only stopped tugging when Adelaide's face was parked in the center of her chest. She then moved her hands to the sides to smoosh her boobs against Adelaide's cheeks.

"How's things going in there?" asked Vivienne.

"Replenishing has begun," replied Tiara.

"Okay. I'll leave you to it. Holler if you need anything."

Adelaide heaved a breath and popped her head up. "Friend Tiara..."

Tiara shook her head and pressed Adelaide back in. She stroked Adelaide's hair while Adelaide babbled something incoherent.

"Friend Adelaide," whispered Tiara, "Now that I have your attention. We're in your bed. We're both naked. We're both sober. And we've both been well fed."

Adelaide popped her head up. She gazed into Tiara's eyes and chewed her lip.

"I think it's time, don't you?"

Adelaide raised her eyebrows. Two seconds later, she nodded.

"May I show you what it is I've been feeling whenever I'm with you?"

Adelaide nodded again, without hesitation this time.

Tiara moved her hand to cover Adelaide's. She wove their fingers together. Bringing Adelaide's hand to her lips, Tiara kissed each one of Adelaide's fingers.

Adelaide shivered.

"Do you need the comforter over you?" asked Tiara.

Adelaide shook her head. "It's not that kind of shiver, friend."

"Good," said Tiara. Rolling onto her side to face Adelaide, Tiara propped herself on her elbow. She kept Adelaide's hand wrapped up in hers.

Adelaide swallowed noisily.

Tiara reached out with the hand that clung to Adelaide's. She extended her index finger and moved to the top of Adelaide's chest, just below the notch in Adelaide's collarbone, where she touched down. Tiara dragged her finger, and along with it Adelaide's hand, to the bottom of Adelaide's rib cage.

While Adelaide was shuddering, Tiara moved in with her lips puckered to plant three kisses along the trail she had just drawn with her fingertip.

"Oh-hh-hh," mumbled Adelaide as her chest shook in time with her ragged breaths.

Tiara lowered her head for three more kisses, stopping at the place where Adelaide's ribs met. She looked up at Adelaide's face, smirked, and then lowered her head again. With her tongue poking out between her lips, Tiara dragged a long, slow line back up to the notch of Adelaide's collarbone.

"Friend Tiara!" heaved Adelaide, arching her back in an attempt to maintain contact with Tiara's mouth.

"Friend Adelaide," whispered Tiara, lifting her head.


Tiara moved her hand that still held Adelaide's fingers trapped. She touched her own fingertip to the notch of Adelaide's collarbone that was glistening and moist from the recent attention of her tongue. Tiara dragged a trail halfway to Adelaide's right shoulder and stopped.

Adelaide pushed her head deep into the pillow and squirmed against the sheets underneath her.

Tiara lowered her head and planted three more kisses over the trail she had made with her finger, while Adelaide closed her eyes and canted her head to expose her neck.

Tiara moved in with a swipe of her tongue over Adelaide's throat that caused Adelaide to jerk hard enough to shake the bed. Tiara grinned and returned her gaze to Adelaide's collarbone, where she still held Adelaide's hand in hers.

Tiara sent her hand moving again. She trailed downward, nearly bumping up against the pink of Adelaide's areola, before taking a sudden detour to circle around and down.

Adelaide squirmed and dug her heels into the mattress as she arched her back in an attempt to maintain contact. "Friend Tiara," she moaned.

"Friend Adelaide?"

"You're teasing."

"Yes, I am."


Tiara chuckled as she lifted her finger and laid a kiss where it had just been. "You have your fingers tangled up with mine, friend," she said. "If there's something you need..."

Adelaide lay still for a couple seconds. She then pulled at Tiara's hand with hers. She moved Tiara's finger to just below her throat and stopped there. Tiara dipped her head and planted a kiss just above where Adelaide pointed.

When Adelaide moved her hand, and with it Tiara's, Tiara lingered to swirl her tongue over the spot before catching up. Adelaide shivered, causing her hand to shake before she got herself under control again. She moved Tiara's finger to point at the top of her right breast, a few centimeters above her nipple.