In This Isekai All My Girlfriends are IP Violations Pt. 10


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"Oh, no, actually, that was a coincidence," Luz said, blushing. "I really did just want to talk about invisibility spells."

"Oh." Ada blinked.

"...but it was so I could perv on my boyfriend nailing my mom..." Luz admitted.

"Well," Ada said, then snapped her fingers. A golden ring of shimmering magic flared around her body, sweeping down and, with it, taking off her clothing, leaving her nude and proud. "If that's the case, lets at least give you something more fun to perv on."

"Ada!" Camilla exclaimed, then gasped as she was kissed - Ada the Bat Lady crawling onto the bed and pressing herself against the curvier of Luz's moms and kissing her fiercely on the mouth. The fluttering tightness Camilla's pussy around Aiden's cock drew a low, husky groan from him as he clenched his teeth and clenched her hips. His skin rippled as his tentacles twitched behind him and Ada drew her mouth away from Camilla, leaving a thin line of glittering spittle connecting their mouths. Her pale hands cupped Camilla's full breasts, gently rolling, tugging, teasing her nipples with lustful little twitches of her fingers - wringing out mewls, moans, and desperate pleas in Spanish.

"Ada, honey, ahh, you can't, Luz can't, ah, oh God forgive me, yes!"

"I think she likes it," Ada said, grinning. She opened her mouth - about to say something cocky and confident and playful. But Luz was already acting, moving forward with her palms reaching out and slamming into Ada's pale, taut rump. She pushed her other mom forward, so that the two older women were grinding together, getting Ada's hairless pussy right above where Aiden wanted her. Aiden flashed Luz a grin - then grew a second cock, which whipped up and slammed directly into Ada's cunt, filling her to the brim as Aiden went right back to his bouncing. The two MILFs moaned in almost the exact same tone - though with very different words.

"Si! Si! Si!"

"Oohh fuck yes! Yes!"

Okay, maybe not that different.

Luz, who had stepped back with her helpful shove completed, sat back against the wall, then slid down, watching with shining eyes. "Wow," she whispered. " mom's are hot!"

"Still incesty," Aiden said, grinning as he grunted and bounced his hips faster, the wet plap plap plap of his balls slapping against Ada's ass and Camilla's thighs - depending on the random chaos of movement and bouncing bodies - filling the air. His hands gripped onto Ada's ass as he kissed and nuzzled and licked against Camilla's neck, drawing more and more moans from her, the two women working his shafts like...well, like they had been born to do this.

Aiden groaned low in his throat, thrust up once more and cried out. "YES!"

His balls clenched and he began to fill both girls with his cum, panting slowly as more and more of his seed filled them, bit by bit by bit.

"Wow," Ada said, raggedly, her eyes half closed as she leaned against Camilla. "I can see why Luz likes the kid so much."

"Y-Yeah," Camilla said, laughing. "I-I, uh...I never expected to do that." She closed her eyes.

"Yeah," Aiden said. Then, grinning. "You know, you won't be able to get away with that in the Earth Prime, Camilla, honey." He kissed her cheek, his hand reaching around to gently cup and squeeze her breast. She moaned and blushed. Hard. "People might think its weird."

"Get away with what?" Ada asked, drawing her head back so she could look at both "You didn't seduce her?"

"Welllll," Aiden started.

"We should be seeing about getting the key! And dinner! Ah! The carne asada!" Camilla squeaked, wriggling and trying to escape.

But not very hard.


Dalann and Aiden walked together past the factory complex that he had spent the past few days laboriously summoning into existence. While using mana to create thinking, feeling creatures out of thin air was a no go, the same magical practices that had let him summon a lodestone and then use that mana for his own purposes worked just fine to recreating and expanding the same schematics that Jean Biggers and the rest of the Steampunk Club had worked out to turn magical energies and electrical energy into lithium, uranium, lead, steel, and dozens of other industrial metals that they had worked out as being useful.

Some of it wouldn't be sold - it would be used by people like Giacamo and Agatha to start working with normal Earth physics. They were pretty damn excited to see what would work and what wouldn't work and were devouring as many textbooks as they could pull from the school library on Earth physics, taking advantage of the compressed time scale and rapid learning abilities in this weird little pocket dimension.

Right now, the factory complex was emitting a quiet series of thumps as, every few minutes, it produced another chunk of precious materials, and then dropped them onto conveyor belts to drag to the preparation facility, where automated robots loaded and packed them in.

Dalann favored Aiden with a dazzling smile. "It all seems to be working well enough," she said, then tucked the small clipboard she had under her arm. It was full of all the back of the envelope calculations that Jean had given her when they had set out to check up on the factory, ignored for the moment. "Now, why did you ask me out here?" She grinned, playfully. "Need another jolt of protagonist?"

Aiden laughed and blushed. "Uh. Kinda."

"Oh, well, then!" Dalann said, then playfully made as if to undo the first button on her blouse, flashing just a bit of her delicious, pale breasts to him. Aiden held up his hand, stopping her with a laugh.

"Not like that!" He exclaimed.

Dalann pouted. For such a dignified, refined lady, she had the remarkable ability to pout cutely when she wanted too.

"Okay, after that," he said, grinning. "It's just..." He slid his hands into his pockets. "Am I doing the right thing?"

"Trying to make Earth-Prime a better place?" Dalann asked, arching an eyebrow. "Yes."

"But-" Aiden started, then stopped. He kicked at the ground, then shook his head, trying to figure out the right words. "But like, I'm just a weird outer god that's printed on the fabric of the expanding wave of dark energy of the universe that has only been human for, like, a few weeks at best. A month now, maybe, if you stretch it. I'm still so fragmented that my own psyche sent a horrible handbeast to try and rip the humanity out of me."

"Notice how none other have come?" Dalann asked. "In fact, I think that every step you took towards being...well, Aiden, made the monsters less and less likely to show up." She paused. "In fact, wasn't it right after you and Kara made love?"

"And Luz found me and-" Aiden put his hands on his head. "Oh my god, I was feeling guilty about cheating on Luz!"

"Ahhh, I see, I see," Dalann said, grinning. "Good thing you two had that discussion." She paused. "You did discuss it, yes?"

"Of course I did!" Aiden said, laughing. "Luz is an absolute...what's the girl version of a cuck?"

Dalann shrugged. "I do not know. I'll have to research it, human sexual mores are still shockingly complex...why, the other day in my research, I learned about something called paraphilic infantalism and-"

"Moving on from that!" Aiden said, hurriedly. "The. The thing! The thing that I'm worried about is that I...what if...what if I just make things worse? This world is simple and small and easy and runs on magic and bullshit. The real world is big. And, like, everyone in it is a person! There are no simple people out there. They're all born and live and die and I'm going to show up with a bunch of sexy teenage super-geniuses and try and fix it? What even gives me that right? I-"

Dalann stepped close. She put her hand on his shoulder and gently shook him. "Aiden," she said, her voice soft.

Aiden blushed and shut up.

"You will fuck up," she said, her elegant voice making the word 'fuck' sound oddly incongruous. "People will get hurt. Some may even die."

"" Aiden asked.

Dalann smiled, wryly at him. "but right now, doing nothing, people are already getting hurt. People are already dying. The fact that doing nothing allows their deaths is just as true as doing something causes other deaths. You cannot let the...the fact that the status quote makes everything seem invisible and inevitable freeze you into inaction."

Aiden nodded. "Quo."

"...what is quo?" Dalann whispered. "Is that...Spanish for agreeing?"

"No, uh, you said status quote, the real term is status quo. It's Latin. Or...Greek?" Aiden paused. "No, it's Latin, I'm pretty sure it's Latin." He slid his arm around her back, drawing her in close. He leaned forward and kissed her cheek. "But you're right. I think I'm just getting cold feet. Or cold tentacles. Or whatever I have." He smiled at her as Dalann huffed.

"I've heard a great deal about these tentacles," she said. "And yet, you've never offered to show me them."

"I thought, uh, considering the aesthetics of the big bad evil from your fictive universe, you'd be kind form," Aiden admitted, his cheeks heating a bit as Dalann arched an eyebrow slightly. She leaned in, slowly. Her voice was surprisingly...warm in his ear. Her tongue teased the curved edge of him as she enunciated every single word, very clearly.

"Aiden," she purred. "Even I have read the definition of the words corruption fetish."

Aiden gulped.

Several extra eyes opened across his body all at once as Dalann took a step back, her eyes widening as she saw his skin shift from healthy pink to rubbery black.

"O-Oh my," she whispered. "I...uh-"

His shirt tore. Tentacles writhed.

"I had...just been...jesting..." Dalann trailed off, her eyes widening more. She took another step back.

"In Valen's name," she breathed softly.

Then squeaked very loudly as tentacles lashed around her wrists and yanked her in close - her moan growing loud.

Then very muffled.

Very muffled indeed.


The day had come.

Someone had brought balloons. Considering several of the balloons that were drifting by overhead were decorated with pink hearts and POUND MY PUSSY SO HARD THE DIMENSIONAL WALLS BREAK, Aiden was pretty sure that Kyute was behind them.

Mayor Kallie Criggs kicked off the opening ceremonies by giving a little speech, then cutting the big blue ribbon that had been drawn across the curved portal that severed as the nexus point for the upcoming adventure. The portal device was a bit misleading. It looked like a hooped ring, kinda similar to the stargate. From Stargate! But rather than being a portal people would walk through, Aiden knew it was just the central point that would emit the dimensional warping bubble that would fling everything in a kilometer wide radius from Dimension City to their target location in the...

Real world, he supposed was the right term.

After the speeches and the ribbon cutting, there was a jubilee. Drinkers were served. Dishes were laid out. And maids in very skimpy outfits swaggered around with both, while the people who were leaving spent their last few hours with the people who were staying. Aiden wasn't entirely shocked that a huge chunk of Dimension City's population were leaving - honestly, he was more surprised that so many of them had wanted to leave in the first place.

"Nah, man, we're explorers," the black woman from the zoo's ticket stand was saying as Aiden walked past her - she was one of the people who would be leaving, and she was talking to Evening Glitter's mom, who was nodding slightly, listening to her. "We're in this together, right Zoims."

"Yeah!" Zoims, the purple haired man who had been her fellow ticket taker said. " you think they're going to have zoos with displacer beasts in them on Earth-Prime?"

"Doubt it, buddy..."

Aiden found Eve in the party, whispering to her. "So, uh, quick question: Your mom is staying behind?"

"Yeah," Evening Glitter said, biting her lip. "She likes risking her life too much to want to actually risk her life, you know." She smiled. "And there's enough eggheads sticking back here that she hopes that a portal can be thrown open between realms permanently. Hey. Not impossible."

Aiden nodded, then kissed her cheek gently, before walking on to find Luz and her moms, all three of them watching the stargatelike dimensional portal. Workers in heavy duty uniforms were attaching power cables to it and running up coolant systems.

"Is that thing safe?" Camilla asked.

"Probably!" Luz said, then beamed at Aiden. "Hey babe! Ready to go to another dimension and start kicking butt and taking names?"

"Sure am," Aiden said as the music ofr the party got more and more jaunty. "I'm kinda half expecting the people who made this place...uh...Celestine and Steve or whatever their names were to show up and crash the party. I mean, they can't be happy about this."

"That's assuming they're paying attention, honey," Camilla said, her voice firm. "From what my Luz has told me, they're not exactly the best workers."

"To be fair, they seemed more overworked than undertalented," Aiden said, grinning at her. She blushed at the smile.

Dalann and Thirsha and Eve and Kara and even Kyute came ambling over as the final moments of the ceremony approached. Final hugs had been exchanged and people were being escorted a safe distance away as those who were going to leave remained behind, all of their eyes locked on the ring that had begun to spin and spark. Metal rasped against metal as the air seemed to grow heavy with gathering static energies and the whole Earth began to quiver and shake. The buzzing resonance begin to build within the glasses that some people still held, chiming and ringing as the bolts of lightning that sparked and arced off the ring grew brighter and heavier.

The platform they stood on - a rectangular series of cargo containers full of Earth-Prime designed tools and Earth-Prime compatible materials - began to set up a low, resonant tone as it vibrated along with the ring. Luz slid her hand through Aiden's hand, and Dalann took his other. Kyute turned to face him, scowling.

"You're fucking lucky that your dick feels good enough to make me give up my wings," she said, scowling even harder at Aiden's nervous smile.

"Love you too, Kyute," he said.

"Ew! Gross, ugh! Get me off!" Kyute said - but she didn't move as a dome of white light began to expand outwards.

Luz clung tighter to Aiden's side. "W-What if it goes wrong?" she asked. "I...uh...should we test it more?"

"We can't test it more," Aiden said back. "This is going to draw enough notice as it is - tests would just get the Caretakers involved even sooner. This is the only shot we have." He slid his arm around her, drawing her in closer, then drawing in Dalann. He gulped. "So, uh...lets...lets just..."

The dome spread more and more. Aiden realized how many chances that they were taking - and for a moment, as the gate swirled and the dome spread, he remembered the image of the galaxies, twirling. He remembered the sight of the stars dying, and then their corpses themselves dying - the black holes fizzling away in a sheen of Hawking Radiation and the passing of uncounted, unending eons. He saw it all and, in that time, he knew there would only ever be this one moment. This one now.

Every mistake was forever.

He glanced down and saw Luz, looking determined and brave and fearless. Even if she was currently hugging him so tightly that her arms were cutting off circulation to his hips.

Every mistake was forever.

But that meant every triumph was forever, too.

Every victory unique.

Every love won, etched into the history of the cosmos.

There, to be savored.

"Lets do this!" He pumped his fist up as the dome spread and spread.

There was blaze of white light.

And then, with a sonic boom that shattered every window in Dimension City and left thousands of citizens deaf (for the time it took for their medical technology to fix it), several hundred million tons of raw material and hundreds of people vanished into thin air, leaving behind a glassy crater a few kilometers from town.

In the ringing silence that echoed afterwards, Mayor Kallie Ciggs stepped up to the podium that had been erected for this and said, hesitantly: "There will be punch in the afterparty, for...can any of you hear me? Hello?"


Celestine Nexus Thirty Three hummed cheerfully as she walked into her office. She saw SparkySparky sitting at his desk and downing what looked like the fifth bottle of cheap pandimensional beer. Since each beer had to be drunk by each of his heads, this meant the office was literally swimming in a Zeno's Paradox of beers. Celestine waded through the glass, looking around herself with a gape of horror.

"What the fu-" she started.

But her coworker - underling, to be honest - just pointed. Then he slurred. "Sssa ghood job for them they did it they...fuckin'...I quit! I quit!" He stood, and the bottles rattled around him. "Joining their side they know WHAT they're DOING!"

"Quit, you can't-" Celestine exclaimed, but SparkySparky stormed past her, swaggering, drunk, confident and belligerent all at once.

"Fuck youuu, Celly, you...fuck you!" He flipped her off.

Then he was gone.

Celestine Nexus Thirty Three gaped after her underling.

Then she sat down at her desk, pulled the screen around, and read what was glowing in text and shimmering lines of code.

She blinked.

"Ah shit," she said. "I'm fucking fired aren't I?"


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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Many thanks to the author for your time n dedication. I enjoyed ...

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A great fun story. Hope you will be writing about their further adventures on earth.

DragonCoboltDragonCoboltover 1 year agoAuthor

Glad you enjoyed it!

BriteStudioMKMBriteStudioMKMover 1 year ago

This was weird and dumb and goofy and fun and fantastic!

Full marks all around, I had a BLAST reading this

SlofredSlofredover 1 year ago

Please tell us there is a follow on story about what happens next. PLEASE. 5stars again.

FlyingGuy1958FlyingGuy1958over 1 year ago

Weird as usual. Loved the satire.

DragonCoboltDragonCoboltover 1 year agoAuthor

This story is brought to you by the following harem members (and patreon supporters)

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