Incest is the New Black


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"I made dinner," Vince declared as he opened the fridge and took out a Coke. "I didn't know you were working late. I left a plate."

Carmen gripped the back of one of the chairs and tried to remain composed. "Mmm, something came up at work. Sorry I should've called."

"No big deal," Vince offered. No, he screamed at himself. This wasn't how it was meant to go! "Well as I said, lasagna's in the fridge if you want it." He looked at her for a sign, a thrown bone.

"Uh huh," Carmen replied. "Thanks."

Nothing. "Ok," he resigned, deflated. "Well, I'll be in my room."

"Ok," she managed as she watched him shrug and shuffle off back down the hallway.

She slumped where she stood.

"Ugh, you idiot Carmen," she whispered. You're acting like a child, she told herself. Opening the fridge she found the meal, a note attached, 'five mins in microwave should do,' an 'x' at the end. Now she really felt a child. She wanted to go to him. To break the awkwardness and confess her sins but cowardice won out. She heated and ate the meal in silence.


The clock read 10:30pm and Vince stared at the wall of his bedroom. No sound for nearly an hour, she must have gone to bed, he reasoned. Fuck this, he thought. I can't hide in here forever.

He was surprised to see the lamp on in the living room, the flicker from the television on the walls as he approached the doorway.

She was slumped on the couch, her legs out before her, feet on the coffee table. Her head turned in his direction as he stopped at the entrance.

"Hey, I thought you'd gone to bed," he ventured.

"Nope, just watching tv," Carmen offered.

"Sound's down low," Vince observed.

"Mmm, it's ok. I didn't want to disturb you."

Vince exhaled, frustrated.

"Look, Mom is something wrong?"

"No," Carmen looked back incredulous.

"Is it about the marijuana? I can get rid of it if you want," Vince offered.

"No, I told you I don't care about it," she stated. No, no, no. Carmen screamed at herself. What is wrong with you woman? Tell him, confess everything. But still she remained silent.

"Well then," Vince shook his head, throwing his hands out in despair as he turned to head for the kitchen. "I don't know what to do!"

Carmen hated herself. The moment he was out of sight she slapped a hand upon her forehead. What are you doing? Fix this.

Vincent placed the jug of cold water back in the fridge and switching off the light headed back to his bedroom. If only there was a way back that didn't take me past her, he lightheartedly imagined. Instead, with head down he hurried past the doorway.

"You know I used to smoke it in College!" The voice came from the room and Vince stopped in the hallway.

Carmen's heart beat rapidly as she waited for him to acknowledge her confession. The seconds for him to return to the doorway, like hours.

"What?" He smirked as his face came around the doorframe followed by his body.

"You heard!" She giggled as he ventured into the room.

The mood between them had dramatically changed, they both felt it as Vince knelt down on the sofa a cushion away.

"Really?" He challenged.

"Hey I was young too once!" She laughed and it was infectious, Vince too joining her.

"You're still young," Vince chuckled. "They say forty is the new thirty!"

Carmen snorted, stifling the laugh that leapt from her.

"What?" Vince asked, surprised at her reaction.

"Oh nothing Baby. Something someone said at work."

'Baby,' Vince repeated to himself. Like, 'show it to Mommy Baby,' or whatever she had said. It was so good to see her laughing, smiling. The wall that had been between them for twenty four hours now seemingly crumbling. He looked at her legs, her dark burgundy skirt ending mid thigh, pantyhose covering the rest to her unshod feet, the television beyond.

"What ya watch'n?" He enquired.

"Oh nothing really," she admitted. Had he just looked at her legs? She wondered. Please stay, she begged to herself. Please stay.

Vince dropped his knee from the sofa and slumped down in the seat, still a cushion dividing them. "There isn't anything on free to air anymore," he lamented, picking up the remote and scrolling through the channels, eventually leaving it where it was.

There was another awkward silence and Vince was determined to not let it linger.

"Look how small your feet are!" He laughed.

"What?" Carmen feigned indignation, twisting her foot on the coffee table. "There's nothing wrong with my feet!"

Vince took advantage and sidled across on the couch, his hip meeting her own.

"Look," he stated, placing a foot up against hers, their entire legs touching. "That's a normal sized foot!"

Again Carmen laughed. "No, that's a freakishly large foot!"

"I'm offended," Vince laughed, nudging her body with his shoulder. The action caused Carmen to further slump, her skirt rising noticeably along her thigh.

"You shouldn't be," Carmen spoke after debating whether to say it or not. "I mean you know what they say about men with big feet!"

The statement hung in the air for moments before they both laughed, Carmen covering her face with her hand in mock embarrassment. She wasn't. She wanted nothing more than to talk about his cock. To discuss its size. To weigh it in her hands. To feel it inside her. She could feel herself getting wet, the fact she wasn't wearing panties accentuating the sensation.

Their feet remained side by side, legs touching. Innocently Carmen stroked her sons foot with her little toe, such a gentle contact that would ordinarily possibly go unnoticed. Not now. The sensation was as stimulating as a massage to Vince. He moved his foot against her, again so innocently, a mother and son incidentally touching as they watched television together. But neither of them concentrated on the screen.

Vince moved a hand from his lap to rest along his thigh, his little finger making connection with the pantyhosed leg of his mother but keeping his eyes on the tv. Just as she did his foot, he subtly moved his finger against her, feeling the silky nylon. The contact had immediate effects. On her, on him.

Was that movement? Carmen asked herself. Again she glanced at his groin, the same jeans he wore the night before, the bulge of his cock and balls, nothing like the mistaken protrusion of yesterday. Yes, it happened again. Unmistakeable, she saw the lump move, a defined shape appearing under the denim, lengthening. Hardening, she stated to herself.

His little finger was now not so subtle. More than an inch of space it covered as it moved back and forth on her thigh. Her nipples stood out boldly through her white tank top. Jesus, she could smell herself, she thought aghast. But then checked herself. No, it was exactly what she wanted.

Vince wondered if she'd noticed? Half erect, steadily growing he felt the urge to move its position in his pants but didn't dare upset the flow. Let it happen naturally, if it's going to happen at all, he proposed. Don't fuck this up. He allowed another finger to touch her leg and she didn't stop him. A third. Her foot moved harder against his own and he wondered which of them would finally make the first overt move?

Her breathing was laboured. She could feel her face was flushed as she turned her gaze to look at him, her head resting back on the cushion. Vince had his whole hand on his mother's thigh. The skirt was under the palm, his fingers caressing the pantyhose. Fuck, he thought as he turned to look in her eyes. I can smell her.

Their arms, shoulders touching, mother and son stared at each other in silence. Both aware of what was happening but finding that final hurdle almost insurmountable. Almost imperceptibly slowly their faces closed in, eyes never unlocking. Vince was fully erect, his cock pained and begging to be loosed from its confines. Now or never he thought as he covered the last few inches between them, seeing his mother's eyes close at the very last second as their lips connected.

It was soft, sensual. The first intimate kiss between mother and son. In no way to be misconstrued as anything but incestuous, with confidence they exchanged their love through their lips, a tongue and then two. Mouths open as they explored the taboo. A whole new world of passion opening up to them.

With an open mouth, lips wet, Carmen withdrew to look again into her sons eyes. "I didn't know it was pot!" She confessed, an unnecessary admission in the circumstances but a relief to be out in the open nonetheless.

Vince couldn't help smiling, his eyes dropping to his crotch. "I'm afraid the reality isn't as impressive."

Carmen grinned mischievously. "Let me be the judge of that!" She sighed as she leaned forward, her hands moving to the front of his pants.

Vince looked on in contented awe as his mother unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans, wrenching them with his underwear below his buttocks to leave him bare assed on the sofa. His cock looked fantastic if he did say so himself. Fully erect, pointing at the ceiling, a trimmed covering of pubic hair at the base. He wondered if she was as impressed but lost the thought to pleasure as her hands were laid upon him.

"My baby's all grown up!" Carmen exclaimed as she was able to wrap both hands, one above the other around his cock. Her face descended upon him to plant her lips against the swollen head protruding between thumb and index finger, kissing the bead of clear pre-cum that daubed the eye. Her tongue drew it into her mouth to savour before she was back, this time not so restrained.

Vince watched her lips envelop the tip. Her mouth so warm around him, so loving. A hand removed, half of his cock sliding into her, saliva dribbling down his length to be used as a lubricant.

"Oh Mom," he exhaled as her fist stroked him, her mouth twisting around the head seemingly determined to extract his orgasm as quickly as possible.

Amazing the things one thinks when being given head by their mother, Vince pondered. Do I tell her I'm about to cum? He wondered. She made sounds he'd never expected to come from his mother, a slurping, a pleasured moaning as if she was gaining as much satisfaction as he by the act. Her spare hand moved to his balls and cupped and it was then he needed to stop her before it was too late.

"Mom stop," he gasped, sliding back on the couch, his slick cock popping from her mouth but her hand retaining its grip.

She looked up at him with wide expectant eyes, her chin glistening. "Why?"

Vince exhaled laughing. "Because I was about to cum."

"But it's what I want," she admitted, almost begging.

Vince pulled her off her knees to once again be by his side.

"Is this a once off?" He asked.

"I hope not, why?"

"Then. And I can't believe I'm about to say this Mom but, I'll cum in your mouth another time," he promised. "But right now there's something I really need to see!"

Her skirt had ridden up to her groin anyway but the final reveal came as he gently pushed her back onto the lounge. Her legs spreading, Vince pushed the skirt the rest of the way and revealed her pantyhose covered pussy. She saw the surprise in his eyes at her lack of underwear and felt she needed to explain.

"I had no clean panties!" She acknowledged.

Vince took in the vision. The small gusset and her inner thighs saturated, her labia splayed against the nylon and a thick patch of dark pubic hair above pressed down by the thin material. Such a beautiful sight, his cock hardened further, twitching below to remind him it desired to inspect as well.

"It's beautiful," Vince declared, looking up from her groin to her face. "You're beautiful Mom."

She felt when he was born she could never love him more. Now that he knelt between her legs, so close from whence he came, she knew that was untrue. "I love you Vincent," she sighed, almost on the brink of tears.

As if in response, he moved his head into her.

"Oh," she breathed and he stopped, inches from her pussy. "I haven't showered!" She volunteered and she watched him shake his head at her almost in pity with no malice attached.

"I don't care!" He proclaimed and pressed his face into her cunt.

Carmen threw back her head and arched her spine up from the couch. Her pussy pushed up into his nose and mouth, feeling his lips opening and his tongue slide along her slit. Greedily he licked her through her pantyhose, revelling in the strong flavour that seeped through the nylon. He wanted more. To be inside her. Taking hold of the waist, Vince wrenched his mother's hose down her hips, hitting himself in the jaw as he tugged them over her pussy and along her legs.

Carmen wasn't idle. Her tank top removed, her bra followed until she was naked for her son. How she was meant to be around him. To be his slave, his slut, his mistress. Whatever he wanted her to be as long as she was naked. Vince once again buried his face between her legs, finding her clitoris, wrapping his mouth around the hood, a tangle of wet pubic hair. He pressed his nose in her bush, inhaling her. Back in her cunt to delve his tongue deep. Mining his mother's vagina for nutrients, for her quenching fluid.

Carmen cupped her breasts as she watched him, her mouth fixed in an open 'O.' Had anyone been so enthusiastic about going down on her? Not even her husband had lavished her cunt with such affection. Again her son licked, sucked her clit as he pressed a finger to her opening. "Oh yes Baby," she encouraged. "Finger me son," she insisted as she pinched her nipples, feeling his digit slide gently inside her.

Holding apart her clitoral hood, Vince nibbled on his mother's little button. Such a precious pea he'd be happy to suckle for hours. Two fingers he now used to fuck her, moist slapping sounds music to his ears. "I'm cumming, I'm cumming," he heard on repeat from above and he increased his rate of penetration before her declaration changed to an order. "Give me your cock Baby," she demanded and Vince wasted not a second more.

Her pantyhose on one foot, his own jeans around his knees, he climbed between her spread legs and shrugging off his t-shirt, fell upon her. His engorged dick finding its mark and effortlessly sliding deep into her body. Her mouth was at his before their bodies had even connected, drawing his tongue between her lips as his penis reached its zenith.

She bit down as he felt her cunt convulse around him. Thrusting into her as she came. With her eyes closed, Carmen saw stars. Felt outside of herself as wave after wave of orgasm swept her shores. This was love. This was what a true connection with another human was meant to feel like. To hell with the world if what they shared was immoral. Seen through her eyes, a mother and son fucking was the most beautiful act that could be committed. The purest form of passion.

Vince pounded away. She was wet, possibly too wet. He could feel her walls hugging him inside the way her mouth embraced his tongue, the way her arms clung to his back. Finally she set his tongue free, only to fill his mouth with obscenities. "Fuck me Baby, fuck my cunt. Fuck Mommy's pussy lover," she begged, their eyes fixed on one another's.

He brought her knees up to her chest, locking her legs in place with his forearms. His heavy balls slapped her asshole as his cock plunged piston-like into her perfectly moulded vagina. And then. Her boobs framed by her thighs, her red face blemished by the dark streaks of her running eyeliner, he came inside her. Inside his mother. Releasing 19 years of pent up unacknowledged incest in the form of an orgasm. Jet after jet of jizz escaped him. As she'd flooded him, he did to her. A firehose of cum surging forth into her red hot fiery mom cunt. Seemingly never ending pulses as they stared into the other's eyes. Carmen feeling and loving every spurt until finally he fell again upon her chest declaring his love.

Her fingers ran through his hair and it was possible he'd fallen asleep for some time as he eventually moved his head from the crook of her neck.

"Big shoes," he whispered, kissing her collarbone.

Goosebumps ran all over her body as she laughed. "What?"

"What they say about men with big feet," he explained and she chuckled, kissing his mouth.


Carmen swivelled in her chair when her name was called from behind her.

"There's a young man here to see you," the receptionist explained, pointing over her shoulder at Vince who stood unsurely beside the elevators.

"Thank you Inez," Carmen stated, taking her handbag from beneath her desk.

"Cute too!" The receptionist acknowledged before heading off in the other direction.

Carmen could barely hide her pride as she walked towards her son, eyes of her workmates spying her activity.

"Hello beautiful," Vince welcomed her as she approached, surprised when she leaned in for a kiss in front of her workplace. She encouraged his arm around her waist and as they turned, the door of the elevator opened upon Barbara whose eyes immediately dropped from their faces to the open display of intimacy.

"Oh, hello," she stated. "Going to lunch?"

"Uh huh," Carmen beamed as they sidled past through the doors. "Oh Barb, you remember my son Vincent."

The two smiled toward each other in response as Carmen pressed the down button before leaning into Vince and kissing him again lasciviously.

"Oh and you were right," she called out to Barbara as the doors began to close. "Incest is definitely the new black!"


The End

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GrandEagle53GrandEagle533 months ago

Lost me at the drug purchase. No rating.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Over the top and inconceivable, no its not the new black it's the same fake crap that people post on here for chronic masterbaters with no life. Going from zero to hero with no story is implausible and ridiculous.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Big virile potent sons are totally helpless to resist the allure of mommy’s shining satiny pantyhose…once inside, they cum so hard thinking about it…I know I did…

GeorgeGaleGeorgeGaleabout 2 years ago

Wonderful story, very well written and told................():\

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Could be a great series.

I’ve come back to this story coupl of times, like a few of your stories. I find this one fascinating in the prospective of social view of people being more open to this kind of relationship. Perhaps we could hear from other mothers in the office or a story of another group of mothers discussing it showing how it has become more commonplace between consenting adults.

montywingermontywingerover 4 years ago
True Love

As was said in the story, mother and son fucking IS the purest form of love.

blackknight314blackknight314over 4 years ago
This all happened too fast.

The sex happened so fast I hardly had a chance to be ready. I also like when the couple talk about how good it is. Maybe even get loud, expressing their excitement. 4*

sparkle8sparkle8over 4 years ago
So Hot.

The Buildup was amazing. So hot. I eagerly awaited the consummation, and I was not at all disappointed. Great story.

gotranegotranealmost 5 years ago
Dream, Or Real?!

Great, sexy, story! Thanks for including pantyhose! The ending left the question. Hopefully, the sequel will provide the answer. Can't wait to read more of your stuff!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
links to other stories

Reacquainted and Nepotism.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Morher and son fuck put me hard

Love story about mother and son fuck. Better when father lives with both and dont know but lick his boy sperm from mothers pussy.

blaster666blaster666almost 5 years ago
Very enjoyable read

Loved the angst, the passion, and the end. A truly satisfying story. Thanks for sharing.

goducks111goducks111almost 5 years ago
clever story idea

well written, as always. 5 stars. only compliant is it seemed a little rushed at the end. the tease was great, but the sex seemed a little quick. but your stories are always fun and sexy. as was this!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

I wanted to give this a four until the end. I wasn't sure why you had to turn a rather touching display of affection between a mother and son into her wanting to be his slut. And him showing up at work as her lover, not gonna happen. Nice effort though. *3

Frankie1952Frankie1952almost 5 years ago
More please

Hot and very sexy I want to read some more of these two as their relationship progresses. She is young enough to be knocked up too so maybe there is a baby already in her.

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