Ingrid (Act 1 of 2)


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"And I want to taste you, Sis."

"Oh?" she squeezes his cock, "But there's got to be a sexier way to put that."

"Yeah? Okay. How about I want--I want to eat your adorable little sister cunt. I want to lick you from your tight little sister pussy to your tight little--fuck--sister asshole. And then I want--I want to suck your cute, pink sister clit until you--until you cum inside my mouth. I want to drink anything and everything you've got. You could--p-piss down my throat, Sis, and I would take it. I would love it. I--I--I wouldn't s-s-spill a drop." He sounds like someone either scared to death or about to cum in a hot tub.

"I will have you know," his sister breathes heavily, sounding a little off-balance herself, "That I am unfortunately not a squirter. But so, really, you're a pee guy? Did you just come out to me as a pee guy?"

"I--I--I. Hey. No judging. I'm just r-r--oo--riding the groove."

"Well," she shifts on the smooth round hot tub bench they're sharing, her hand just kind of holding his cock inside his trunks for a moment while she processes this strange new information about her brother. "I mean. Fuck. You ever actually tasted a girl's pee?"

"Um, no."

"Well, I have. Just to see." She gives him a few distracted pumps. "Don't judge. I just get horny and I get weird ideas."

"You've tasted a girl's pee?"

"Hey, It was mine, to be clear. No judging."

"And? What did you think of it?"

"I guess it was tolerable. I don't know how I felt about it. I peed in a glass, took a sip or two and poured the rest in the toilet. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great. Just kind of warm and ... bland? I'll admit it felt kind of hot to force myself to sip it, but it had kind of a ... piss-like aftertaste. Like, you can kind of tell it's piss while you're drinking it. I couldn't quite get that out of my head, you know?"

Will is giggling, earnestly giggling. He's got a case of the giggles.

"What? No judging!"

"You're my soulmate, Sis. My soulmate."

"Well, you ever try yours?"

"Couple times," he's still giggling as he says this. "Just like you. Just like you! Down the toilet and everything!"

"I have to be honest, it's not really my thing. But ... I guess if I can picture me and you trying it," she seems to be doing some sort of Beautiful Mind math he can't see. "Yeah, you know what, I'll bet on acid I could do it no problem. Would you ... like that?"

Will keeps his cool.

"You know what?" he says. "Probably."

"Okay. Tomorrow maybe? When we get home? Doubt Mom'll be all that interested."

"Nothing sexual, though."

"But like actually, this time," she makes a genuinely grossed-out face at him, then melts back into her horny little sister smile. "Now, sorry, where were we, Bro?" And she resumes jerking Will off under the water.

"Okay lovebirds, break it up," Mom calls as she slaps barefoot around the edge of the hot tub and lowers herself slowly, breathily, back in. "Ooooh, oh-oh, hot, hot, ahhh--"

"Mom, let's go back to your room."

"In a minute, baby girl. I just got back in. Let me soak. Momma needs to warm up."

"Fine," Ingrid groans as she reluctantly lets go of Will's cock. She is visibly flustered. "Okay, well, I think I need a turn in the pool now. Why don't you two catch up?"

Ingrid rises up out of the hot tub and mother, brother, and horny old couple all watch. She adjusts her bottom. She bends over at the waist, picks up her piña colada, and pads away. Will is struck with the realization that his sister's frame is just a slightly taller, more expensive-looking replica of Mom's. Ingrid sets her drink down poolside and slips headfirst into the chilly blue water without so much as a splash.

Mother and son are left with an Ingrid-sized gap between them.

"So how are you doing tonight, sweetie? Better?"

"You know what, Mom--" Will falters.

His cock is still reeling from her interruption. He regards his Mom's sweet, earnest gaze. Had he and Ingrid actually just said they wanted to suck this woman's tits? This was Mom.

"What is it, honey?"

"Uh--nevermind. I've been doing alright."

"Well ... good," Mom fidgets, not entirely relieved.

"Mom. You want to know something funny?"

"What's that?"

"So, I took off this weekend from work, obviously. But the manager subbing in for me is kind of getting fucked--I mean getting 'screwed,' sorry. And he's basically working straight through the weekend on my behalf. Anyway, he was asking me the other day why I needed these days off. And I could not for the life of me remember why. So I lied and told him you were coming into town. Or at least I thought I'd lied."

"Because you forgot I was coming."

"Because I forgot you were coming," he admits, then realizes what he just admitted, "But hey, it worked out, right?"

"It ... worked out," she smiles a little halfheartedly. "I'm glad you got your shifts covered this weekend."

Georg stands up, clambers out of the hot tub, and slings a fluffy hotel towel around his waist. He grabs up his things, nods goodbye to Ingrid, and leaves through the glass door leading back into the hotel hallway.

The horny older couple across from Mom and Will slide over to where little Georg had been, taking advantage of the slightly better view of Ingrid. They are growing less interested in each other, and are now stealing bolder and bolder glances at this curiously beautiful family bathing with them.

"Sooo," Mom says, trying to sound charming, "your sister says you have been taking good care of her?"

"Oh. Uhhh--"

"She's a handful, isn't she?"

"Mom, I um," dang it. Get it together. It's just Mom for pete's sake.

"Come here, dear, I can't hear you over the bubbles." She reaches out under the water and touches her son's swim trunks.

Will bats her hand away. Had she felt what he'd felt her feel?!

"Will!" she startles. "I'm not trying to--" she struggles to finish this sentence.

"Sorry," he says automatically. "I didn't mean to--sorry." He scooches over next to his mother. His hip touches hers.

"Hi," she says shyly. "You know ... I'm not going to do anything inappropriate to you. I was just trying to..."

"I know. I know."

"You're my baby boy."

"Yeah," he grimaces. He has a question he needs to ask, and that she needs to answer. "It's just ... Ingrid's your baby girl, too, isn't she?"

"Right," she smiles. "I love her too." Mom isn't sure where Will is going with this.


"Listen," she looks him squarely in the eye, her face impossible to read. "I know you probably have a lot of questions for me, just like I do for you. I promise I will answer them. I trust you not to ... um."

"... not to turn you into the police?"

"Honey, please!" Mom laughs uncomfortably. "Don't joke about that. You'll scare your sister."

"What's she got to be scared of? You're the one who molested her."

"WILLIAM!" she gasps, and smacks the back of his head.

The older couple gawks at them, a little confused, a little aroused.

"Oh, get a room, you two!" says Mom. The older man scoffs. The woman giggles.

"Well, you did. Right? She told me you did. She said you didn't want to but that she 'has an effect on people,' and so you did it anyway."

"William, you don't know what you're talking about," Mom seethes. "You need to learn to see the right of this, okay? I love my baby girl and I would never, ever do anything to hurt her. Everything I have done these last few years, ever since she grew up into this--this frigging liability--I did to protect her. We have been through hard things together, Will. Hard things. And just very naturally from that, we ... we got close. Our relationship is ... well, it's a little hard to explain. But I think you of all people know what I mean when I say that."

"She told me this ... weird story about a tiny dancer and her mommy...?"

"Oh Ingrid. What in God's name."

"You're telling me you never--?"

"Will, I bathed her as a baby. Is that okay? But then eighteen years went by before--well."

"Right, so then okay, next question--"

"Please tell me it's better than the last one."

"How did it happen?"

"How did what happen?"

"Your first, I don't know, your first ... boundary crossing? Shoot, we need to come up with a language for this stuff."

"Boundary crossing. That works. Well, as I'm sure she told you, it was your sister who ... 'crossed' first."

"Huh. Right. What'd she do?"

"If you must know?" Mom shifts a little, suddenly insecure about her breasts, and lowers herself into the water. "She commented on my, ah, nipples."

"Your nipples?"

"We were changing, hon. I forget what for. And she was ... staring."

Mom reaches for her piña colada, but it's empty. She finds her son's instead. He's barely touched his. She takes a long icy sip, winces, and continues telling her story.

"So, I asked her why she was staring. I was just curious. And then she ... complimented them. She said she wanted to--um--Will are you sure you want to hear this?"

"She wanted to suck on them, didn't she."

"She did. And I guess I must have blushed the wrong way. And I think that's how she knew."


"That I ... wanted her ... to do that."

"Oh. Wow."

"So there that is."

"So ... the whole 'secret place' thing?"

"Honestly, with the 'secret place' again. For chrissake, what is that?"

"Huh," he shakes his head, feeling strangely manipulated. Had Ingrid intended for him to corner Mom like this?

Payback for the intrusion, maybe?

Ingrid could be like that.

"Nevermind, Mom. Sorry."

"If you say so," she frowns and slurps up the last of her son's cocktail.

"And so. Okay. You wanted her to do it. Then what happened?"

"William!" Mom play-slaps him.

"Okay, lovebirds, break it up!" shouts Ingrid as she plops back into the hot tub. She wades over to their side and tries to reclaim her spot between them. She winds up in both of their laps.

"Oookay kids," Mom says. "I'm starting to get a little overheated. Let's get out of here."

"Awww," says the horny older couple as their kinky sideshow departs.

Chapter Fifteen

The three of them stand around a coffee table in Mom's hotel room. Each family member stands variously draped in towels and still wearing their cold damp bathing attire, each holding their own tiny scrap of drug-infused paper in their pruned fingers. The tiny phial rests ominously on the table. Ingrid says "Like this" and places her tiny slip on her tongue.

"And then you juth kinda hold it theh," she grins, and shows Mom the diabolical simplicity.

"Okay," Mom sighs anxiously. She pops the tab into her mouth. "Theh," she says, breathing quickly in and out. "Welp, okay. I'm going to hop in the thoweh." She abruptly and awkwardly departs for the bathroom.

"We'll come with!" Ingrid giggles, grabbing her brother by the wrist and tugging him after their mother. He almost stumbles.

"No, you won't," Mom already closing the door in their faces. "Thith a momth-only bathroom for the nextht twenty minuteth. You two thtay outthide and cat-th up."

"Mom, come on, it'll be fuuun," Ingrid purrs, and strikes a pretty-please pose that makes Mom blink rapidly and look away.

"No. I need my privathy. You two play out here."

She shuts the door. Ingrid is left holding her brother's hand. She turns and addresses him, the disappointment stark on her face.

"Probably needs to shave her pussy or something," she lisps [I am not going to make you keep reading lithpy dialog, dear reader] exasperatedly.

"Let's go sit. I guess we can continue what we were, um," she raises an eyebrow as Will places a hand on her ass and squeezes, "what we were talking about in the, um--hey?"


"Am I your girlfriend or something now?" she gestures at the hand, annoyed. "What makes you think this is alright?"

"I thought you wanted me to touch you?"

"When I want you to touch me. Have a little respect, dick."

"So, you can suck me off whenever you like, but I touch your butt once and I'm an asshole?"

She pauses beside an evergreen armchair, waiting for him to sit down first. "See, you do understand."

Will sits. Ingrid sits.

"These wet swimsuits feel gross."

"Yeah. Should we take them off?" he tries.

"No," she considers this for half a second, "we should wait for Mom. Hey, I wonder--"

"But why? She saw us naked yesterday. And it's not like we don't know where this is headed."

"Gross!" his sister says, elbowing him in the gut. "What has gotten into you tonight?"

"What?! Is that not what we're doing here? In her hotel room? On acid?"

"Bro, you listen to me and you listen good. We are here to hang out and catch up with Mom. We do not--I repeat we do not--know where this is headed."

"So ... but ... you don't want to ... that thing you said? In the hot tub?"

"Honestly, Bro. You're being aggressive. It's not a good look."

"Shit," he grumbles, deflated. "I was just trying to--"

"I get that you were trying." She wriggles in his lap, her butt looking for his cock. He reaches under, adjusts himself for her, and she mutters thank you. "I get it, and I'm proud of you for stepping out of your shell or whatever. But, like, maybe get a little back inside the shell. The shell is what we love about you."

Will's heart finally gives out. He just isn't made for this. Solace in the face of so much never-ending confusion was never going to be a long-term option for him. He lets himself sink into the chair and waits for his spirit to depart altogether.

"Okay," he says. He doesn't know what else to say.

"Sooo, I wonder what Mom is going to be wearing when she gets out!"

"Yeah," Will nods lifelessly.

"I didn't see her take anything with her. Just the towel. And the bikini I guess."


"Hey Bro," she smiles at him, "What do you really think of Mom's bod, now that she's not here?"

"Um. I guess I like it. It suits her."

"Do you love her cute little butt? I saw you looking when she got out of the tub."

"Umm," Will pauses to reflect, "sure."

"She's always had a cute little butt. Even before." She lowers her voice for some reason. "Don't tell her I told you, but I've ... licked it. She acts like she doesn't like it. But she loves it."


"Does that not ... excite you?"

Will flexes his hardon beneath her by way of agreement.

"I mean, mine is nice and all, but hers is special. Mine is like ... a Corvette. Big, strong, sexy, whatever. You see them all over the place. I look like a racist asshole should be driving me around. But Mom's is like a ... like a Lotus. Rare, exotic, made to look cute. I don't even know who owns a Lotus. Maybe they just roam free?"

"Huh. Since when do you make car analogies?"

"Oh, so what, I can't know about cars?"

"No I just never took you for a--nevermind."

"There's his shellll," Ingrid swoons, and musses her brother's damp, chlorine-smelling hair.

"Yeah. To tell you the truth, it kind of sucks to be back inside," he says miserably.

"But it's what makes coaxing you out so much more fun," she coos. She slips a hand under her bikini top and pinches a nipple at him, biting her lip and grinding herself onto his cock. "See? You like what happens when you do what your little sister asks?"

"Hey," Will says. "Can I ask you a question without you getting mad at me?"

"Maybe," she stops grinding. "What is it?"

"What do you want to happen tonight? Even if we don't know where this is headed."

"Oh?" She looks him straight in the eye, checking to gauge his intent. She approves of the timidity she sees.

"I want Mom to cut loose a little bit. She needs it. She's pent-up. Aaand, obviously, she looks great. So ... yeah, I also kind of want a bite." Ingrid is sort of absently tugging at and massaging her clit through her swimsuit, not necessarily just for Will's viewing pleasure. "God, I've really missed her."

"Me too," Will admits.

But this Mom had seen his naked cock. She had felt his boner inside his swim trunks, though neither of them had said a word about it. Then she had sat there beside him with her cute little boobies bobbing in the hot tub water. Now she was taking a shower so they could all "hang out" on a government-engineered truth serum.

Will's cock twitches.

"I felt that," Ingrid smirks.

"My bad," he says.

"Awww, I like Sorry Will! Sorry Will gets to dry hump his sister." She stretches her arm behind her head, behind Will's head, rakes a finger through his damp hair, and holding him like this begins humping with extravagant drama.

"More like damp hump," he chuckles lamely, a little drunk on how hot his sister is being.

"No," she grins, picking up what he's putting down, "the damp hump comes later. Now shut up and let me see if I can get you to cum before Mom comes back."

The shower shuts off.

Will's cock rages.

Both siblings look to the bathroom door. There is total silence throughout the suite. They hear Mom's feet squeak against the tub as she steps out of the shower.

Her son's imagination runs wild. Her daughter's performs a practiced dance.

"Fuck. We're going to see her naked, aren't we," he mutters.

"Maybe," his sister sighs fondly.

"Right," he says, uncertain.

"So, Bro. What else do you want to happen tonight?" She resumes her incredible humping.

"I ... want to ... kind of do that thing we talked about."

"Right, you already said that. That doesn't count."

"But I don't know what else to say."

"Come on. Play the game."

Will sighs like a spoiled idiot.

"I guess... I want to see... I don't know. I guess ... I want to see how you and her ... touch each other."

"Huh," his sister contemplates as she humps. "I could get into that. But it might be tricky to get Mom to, you know, relax. For all I know she just wants to watch a movie with us and go to bed. She might not even want us to spend the night." She digs her nails into Will's head. "And if she doesn't, that's fine."

"Ow, fuck, stop. You're the one who asked what I wanted to see happen!"

"Yeah," she sighs. "I guess I'm just feeling a little mean tonight."

The bathroom door opens. The light switches off. Mom comes out wrapped in a towel, just like how she went in, minus the bikini strings that had been tied around her neck. She quietly regards her children, then steps back into the darkened bathroom for a moment. Will and Ingrid look at each other. Ingrid shrugs.

A second later Mom reappears, looking a little more confident. She crosses the suite toward the lounging area, and smiles at her children snuggled together in the armchair.

"Hello my darlings. Can we spit these out yet?" Mom asks Ingrid.

"Oh, right," Ingrid says, and plucks the slip from her mouth. She reaches into Will's mouth and grabs his too.

"Here," Mom says, and collects their soggy strips. She goes and discards them in the bathroom. She pours herself a glass of water while she's in there. She returns and takes a seat on the couch, puts her legs up and sighs a little too naturally.

A pregnant silence settles between them.

"Okay then," says Will.

Strange he should be the first to speak.

"Yep," says Ingrid.

"Are we supposed to be feeling it by now?" Mom asks, a little nervous.

"It comes on subtle. Let's just hang out! Talk a bit, unwind, play a game or something. It'll kick in when it wants."
