Ingrid (Act 1 of 2)


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Ingrid has returned at some point. She does long, naked, De Gas-looking stretches on the carpet. Will flashes back all of a sudden to that first day she arrived at his place, to her doing profane stretches on the mattress. She had known about his secret photographs, he remembers. 'Don't look if it bothers you, weirdo.' He suffers a kind of psychosexual whiplash.

His sister is naked in front of him now. The way her hip bones jut, her ass cheeks bulge, her pussy simply wins, and with those chest-like tits, is mind-erasing for Will. And her face, like his own face but perfect and more cute, or like his kid sister's face but smarter now, and crueler, and more prone to gazing at his cock.

Ingrid looks at her brother and barely even moves. She doesn't have to. She uses her every contour, from her toes to her thighs to the nape of her neck, with such practiced and devious ease. She can be angular and exotic in silhouette, sweet and girlish from straight on, or smart and imposing from below. In a single deadly pose, she can be all of these things at once.

Will isn't even sure he wants to look at his sister right now. It's intimidating. She looks made for some terrifying equal opposite much deadlier and meaner than him.

But then her look softens.

His sister approaches him, gently parts his knees, and stands between them like only dancers stand, somehow relaxed but with legs crisscrossed, ankles at strange angles to each other.

"Maman," she says to their seated, masturbating mother, while still holding her brother's stupefied gaze with that blank look he's beginning to suspect she knows he likes, "Get your camera."

Chapter Twenty-four

"So, okay. I think I understand. Right." Will is nodding like this is cool. Yep. Just need to figure out which hole he's going to fuck his little sister in. Got it.

"Right, but so, listen," Ingrid says, matter-of-factly to the room, "you're going in my butt."

"What?" he sighs, then realizes he has no right to feel disappointed. "Okay. ... But why?"

Something strange flickers in his little sister's eyes, a momentary 'do I really have to explain?' sort of squint, as though there is yet one last sibling secret they are keeping from Mom. One that he has apparently almost just given away.

"Because your dick doesn't vibrate," she feints. "If you had a pussy you'd understand."

"But it's my dare."

"Yeah, and it's my body. But hey," she is suddenly straddling him "You get to be my butt plug. Congrats Bro." She pecks him on the forehead.

"... you're welcome."

"For what it's worth--woo--" she suddenly stops midsentence.

"... Inge? You alright?"

Inge's face goes strange. She looks at her brother like he's just sprouted teeth out of his eyelids.

"Honey?" Mom says, concern pitching her voice upward. She lowers the phone in her hand.

"Noth--nothing. I'm good," Ingrid shakes her head, and relaxes into her brother's lap. "Sorry, just had a bit of a, uh, moment there."

She settles into her big brother's lap. She's bigger now, of course, but something about the familiar sensation of his little sister relaxing in his lap lends an extra coat of wonderfulness to being naked with her and about to enter her. Her rear end settles onto his cock, his shaft nice and cozy under her pussy.

Holy shit, he is going to fuck his little sister in the ass. Like, momentarily.

"Mom, you're getting this, right?" Ingrid asks, her gaze not leaving her brother's.

"I've already gotten some great shots, honey. Keep going. I'm not even here."

Chapter Twenty-five

"Uh, Mom, did you happen to bring any lube on this work trip of yours?"

"I wouldn't leave home without it, sweetheart!" She flops open her carry-on and pulls it out of a netted pocked under the lid. She tosses it to Ingrid, sort of startling the girl. Right now, she is a happy Mom watching her children share a sexy moment together. She opens up the camera app again. She trains her lens on the scene.

First is a thoughtful shot of Will's wide-eyed face as Ingrid squirts lube into her palm.

Another of him, wincing excitedly as the chilly lube makes first contact with his cock. Ingrid's giddy, evil grin is priceless.

Shots of Ingrid and Will's cute little chit-chat as sister lubricates brother. Ingrid's lips slightly parted as she whispers something cruel. Will is kind of blushing. This one's a keeper.

Mom wonders if she has enough storage for all the photos she is taking. It's already a lot.

Ingrid lubricating the vibrator. Just one shot of that. Not a whole lot of drama there.

Ingrid raising up. Her brother watching her face.

Another nearly identical shot, this time Will looking at the vibrator in his sister's hands.

Ingrid handing the vibrator to her brother, giving him two simple instructions.

Will following the first of Ingrid's instructions. Lots of shots of this, actually, as more and more of Mom's vibrator disappears into her daughter. Will's face is that of someone falling in love.

Will following the second of Ingrid's instructions. Ingrid holding the vibrator in place while her brother twists the little switch that turns it on.

Ingrid's face as she adjusts to the sensation.

Ingrid's face as the sensation makes her eyes shut and her eyebrows furrow.

Ingrid's face as she cums, grinning at her brother.

Her brother's face in all these shots.

Ingrid grabbing Will's cock with one hand, holding the vibrator inside her with the other hand. Still a considerable, well-lighted gap between his cock and her ass.

A similar shot, this time with Ingrid winking at the camera. Will is making a candid, confused face.

Ingrid's asshole making first contact with her brother's cock. Her back sort of arched, her shoulder blades protruding, her gaze kind of aiming in the general direction of what neither of them can see.

Ingrid pressing her brother's cock's lubricated head up against her asshole. Not penetrating, just letting them meet. Hello, I'm your little sister's anus. Nice to meet you, I'm your big brother's engorged penis. Another milestone for the scrapbook.

Ingrid sort of wincing and biting her tongue, locked in focus, as she sits down on the head of her brother's cock. The tip of him disappearing into her. Milestone number--hm--what is this, three? And a special one! Will's face is kind of hilarious here. It's the face of a man realizing that when a very large peg enters a very small hole, both sides lose. And little Ingrid's butt especially is adorably tight, Mom happens to know.

Approximately thirty billion shots of Will's entire gorgeous length disappearing inside his sister's rectum. Some of these are quite close up. A few are made sort of strange by Will's delirious fourth-wall breaking glances at Mom through the vanishing gap between his thighs and his sister's ass.

The shot to end all shots. Her daughter simply sitting in her son's lap. The two of them looking at each other like siblings. Or like they have just agreed to get married. Or like they just survived a near-death experience. Or like--okay, Mom, we get it. His cock feels good in her ass.

Meanwhile, that vibrator hasn't stopped even a little, doing what it's doing up inside her baby girl.

"Okay," Mom chimes. "I'm starting the timer. Fifteen minutes begins ... now!"

"Fifteen minutes?!" Ingrid hollers, wincing.

"Are we--like--" Will grunts, and sort of pats Ingrid's ass, which is fully in his grip, and pantomimes humping, "you know?"

"No," Mom smiles. "I can't imagine you'll be able to hold out for long if you two start going at it. Now, if she cums, that's marvelous. But if you cum, honey, then you're stuck with your own mess inside your sister's butt, and she's stuck with a soft little dick instead of a raging hardon inside of her. It's hardly the same thrill, trust me."

Will's mind reels, thinking about going soft in his mother's ass.

"So, think about her, okay?

"Now, you two sit here and have fun. Be nice to each other. Mom needs to go take a nap, okay? I could use a little shuteye before the interview. Ingrid, sweetie, how are you feeling?"

She places a hand on Ingrid's shoulder. Ingrid brings her hand up, gently rests her fingers on Mom's, says nothing. She's in pain, reduced to soft touches.

"Well," Mom chuckles, and gives her little girl a smooch on the cheek, the neck, the shoulder. "Guess I finally shut her up." She gives her girl a little pat-pat on the ass.

"Mmmnn," Ingrid whines.

"Good night, kids. You're welcome to stay over. Just try to be quiet? Mommy needs sleep."

"Good night," Will says.

He doesn't warn her that acid has stimulant effects. He hopes she can get some sleep.

"Hey, are you going to be able to hang out again tomorrow?" he thinks to ask.

"We'll see, sweetie. Mommy's flight's in the afternoon."

The way she says this, he isn't entirely sure they're on the same page.


"Sweetie, I know. But right now it's your sister's turn." She gives him a funny little 'hooray' face and waves her hands in quiet celebration. "You're inside your sister, sweetie! Isn't that fun? Just enjoy it, okay? She really loves you. And as for you and me, we will have fun again some other time, I promise."

"--right," Will laughs, a little embarrassed, a little about to blow his load. "Okay. I'm inside my sister. I'm inside my sister. I'm inside my sis--"

"Good night sweetie," Mom yawns contentedly. "I'll leave my watch here for you, okay? You two have twelve minutes left. But you two don't have to stop at fifteen minutes if you don't want."

"Thanks, Mom. Love you."

"Love you too."

Mom leans toward him, and he leans toward her, and they kiss.

Chapter Twenty-six

"What's it feel like?" Ingrid asks, her voice a little scared. She's cum four times in a very short space of time. She's not ready to cum again. Her pussy hurts.

"It feels--like ... my dick is being crushed. In all directions."

"Can you--feel the vibrator?"

"A little, yeah. It's the strangest thing."

"Mmm," Ingrid clenches, "you're telling me." She takes a deep unsteady breath. "I really want to take it out, Bro."

"So why don't you?"

"I don't know. I think Mom wouldn't want me to. She likes to torture me. And I kind of--I kind of--like when it hurts."

"Hey Sis?"

"Y-yep?" she sort of twitches.

"Did you ... did you hear all that stuff Mom said earlier?"

"About--you and me?"


"Bro," she does a careful little laugh, "I did have kind of a good--ha--good seat to that show."

"Did you? Was it as good as the seat you have right now?" he can't help himself. He does a gentle little hump-hump motion up into his sister's ass.

"Ha--ow," she laughs and hurts, "don't."

"Sorry," he mumbles.

He really wants to fuck his sister's ass.

"Hey Sis?"


"Did you like that stuff? What Mom said?"

"... Yeah? Of course, I did."

"I mean, so ... then how come you--didn't want to, you know, let me--before?"

"You're inside of me right now idiot." She clenches a little, just to make his eyes bulge.

"OW," he grunts. Then she shimmies on him a little bit: a good feeling. "WHOA."

"Listen," Ingrid says. "I am going to fuck you, okay, Bro? Relax. Obviously, we are going to fuck. Probably a lot. Like--oo--I can't see me not wanting to fuck you at pretty much any point in the near future. But I am going to fuck you on my terms. Mom doesn't get to make me fuck you. You don't get to make me fuck you. Only I get to make me fuck you. It's my pussy."


"Are you ... Bro, did you just cum?"


"Eww, are you cumming inside my ass right now?"


"Shit," she blinks at the curious sensation. "I can feel it."

"I--I can't--I can't help it. I'm sorry."

"Yeah, you are. You're stuck inside me for another ten minutes, dingus," she smirks as this visibly dawns on him.

She gives him another happy little squeeze and his whole body lurches violently underneath her. She catches him mid-sentence.

"I'm sorry, you just feel sooOOGOOODOHMYFUCKFUCKOW-OWSTOP."

"Kiiids!" Mom groans from the bedroom.

"How do I feel, Bro? I didn't quite catch that."

She squeezes again before he can answer.

He tries to muffle his ecstasy, but the agony is harder to keep quiet.

Ingrid releases her grip. Her brother gasps, chugs for air, his body suddenly sweaty, his cheeks red.

"That was fucked up, Sis," he pants at her, shaking his head in woozy disbelief.

"Sorry," she shrugs. "My ass, my rules."

"H-hey Sis?"


"I have a weird request."

"Oh man. I'm sure you do. What is it?"

"Can I ... eat the cum? Like after the timer goes off?"

"William," she says, acting aghast. Then she grins a little uncomfortably, "You're really into this bathroom stuff aren't you. Are you sure you want to drink asshole cum?"

"I want to drink your asshole cum, Sis. I really do. Look at you."

"I guess I do have a pretty sexy ass."

"You do. And I want you to climb up on my face and let me suck cum out of your pretty sexy ass."

"Bro, if that's what you want, I am happy to oblige. But you're not kissing me for the rest of the night."

"Ha," he says. "Then should I kiss you now?"

"You probably should."

They commence to tongue-wrestling.

"Hey B-Bro?"


"You taste like pussy."

"Oh. Yeah."

"You ate Mom's pussy."


"You liked it, didn't you."

"It was the best-tasting pussy I have ever experienced. No offense."

"None taken. I'm very familiar."

"You want me to stop kissing you?"

"Hell no."

"You want to lay down while we do this?"

"... God, please yes. This hurts."

"Okay Sis. Up we go."

Still kissing Ingrid--maybe a little bumpily, okay--Will heaves himself up into a standing position. She gasps, whimpers, but keeps her legs wrapped around him. He turns and carefully lays her down on her back on the sofa, positioning himself right on top of her. He does not leave her body.

Ingrid lifts her legs up in the gap between her and Will. She grabs her hamstrings, hugs her knees to her shoulders, and keeps herself folded in half like this for her brother, just as she had that first night on the mattress, while he presses himself just slightly deeper into her. This position is intensely penetrative, she quickly discovers--but by no means uncomfortable.

"Bro," she pants, breathless but relieved.


"This feels sooo much better."

"Yeah," he nods, unable to disagree. "You're welcome."

"This is how we do this from now on. This is how you fuck my ass."

"You--you're going to want me to do this again?"

"You going to want more asshole cum?"

"For breakfast, lunch, and dinner."

"Then you're going to have to fuck me in my ass, aren't you, dummy."

"Sis," he pants, "I could cum again right now."

"I thought you were going to kiss me?"

"I can do both," he laughs.

"Prove it," she smiles.

Will's earlier cum--from somehow just minutes ago--provides an additional layer of gooey lubricant as he pounds into and out of his sister's ass. His hairy thighs slap against her bare, sweaty ass cheeks. Mom can probably hear this, or else she's finally passed out, but either way there is no complaint from the bedroom. His pelvic bone slams against the base of the vibrator still humming inside his little sister's pussy, making her whimper that little extra bit each time he rams himself back into her.

After a minute or so, the repeated plasticky punching on his groin starts to hurt. Whatever. He fucks his sister's ass until he feels her cumming on his cock--she is trying to be quiet, despite the noisy slapping--and he then picks up speed and cums again himself. He plunges as deep as he can and holds himself there, mashed against her ass, spraying as deep inside her as he can reach.

The timer goes off with, for once, expert timing.

When Will finally pulls out, Ingrid makes an embarrassing, moaning, grunting sound as if she's taking an enormous shit right in front of him. He pushes himself up and off of her, plants one foot on the carpet and steadies himself as he appraises his sister's freshly fucked bum. She doesn't let go of her legs, just keeps herself folded like that, utterly unself-conscious, panting and laughing.

A smell rises up to meet him. It is strong, and almost knocks him out at first. It smells not sort of but exactly like you'd think. His cock is a swollen mess. There are little streaks here and there along the bright red shaft, a bit of something gathered under the head, and but he gazes at this and sighs fondly: proof of fun well-had.

His little sister lays there clutching her hamstrings, her eyes still closed, her breathing ragged and happy. With a shaky hand she slides Mom's vibrator out of her tortured pussy, turns it off, and hands it to Will.

"You want this?" she pants.

"I do," he nods.

Will shoves the vibrator all the way into his mouth, hits his gag reflex, chokes, keeps it there anyway, and then sucks it back out. Then he does this again.

"Wow," says Ingrid. "You're better at that than I am."

Will turns the vibrator on just to see how it feels while he gags himself, and what do you know, it feels amazing. The humming has its own flavor. He feels like he could practically cum again just with his hungry, vibrating mouth and brutalized throat. Swallowing his sister's flavors, sweaty and fruity and stinky, almost make this a reality. Alas, his cock needs a minute.

Then Ingrid speaks up.

"Okay, bro. You still want that drink?" She pats a little drumbeat on her ass cheeks for him.

He withdraws the vibrator from his throat, turns it off, and drops it on the carpet. His sister's asshole gapes up at him, puffy and red, a single rivulet of pearly white cum dribbling cutely out onto her crack.

He nods gravely. His head is spinning a little. He needs to sit down. He does so, kind of just letting himself drop sideways onto the sofa.

"Okay, so how are we going to do this?" Ingrid muses, clenching her butthole shut as she lowers her legs and starts to reposition. "Maybe if you just sort of slouch down a bit, like--there we go--perfect--and then I can just--" she stands up on the sofa, slightly hunched, with her ass over her brother's face. "Okay," she sighs nervously, "you ready? This is your last chance."

"Hit me," he mutters.

She starts to try and expel the cum. He can see her asshole working. A little toot comes out, and with it a small spurt of cum falls onto his unprepared face.

Will reaches up and with both hands grabs either ass cheek and spreads his sister apart. He sits up, craning his neck, actually kind of hurting something at the back of his head to get his chin up where it needs to be, and shoves his tongue cock-like into his little sister's rancid red hole. It smells worse than he'd maybe bargained for.

But his brain takes this information, skims it impartially, and stamps it with a big green "APPROVED" sticker anyway. It's Ingrid's asshole for God's sake.

His sister toots again as she continues to try to expel her brother's cum--hey, hey asked for this--this time the noise bouncing comically around inside his mouth, and he sort of tastes his sister's fart for a second. It's weird. Hot and rotten. But a bit more cum drips out along behind it, and he swallows this with pleasure. His cum still tastes like cum, but now it also has a deeply savory pungency to it.
