Injured Ch. 01 - Can Brother Heal Them?


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"I'm scared being naked. It makes my heart race and I have a huge, nervous lump in my stomach. But I realize I have to get over being anxious about being naked with a naked guy. I'm hoping you will undress. Let this be my practice time."

Crystal spoke. Curtis turned her way and was surprised that she too was naked. She said, "We want to be confident women. To be in control of our faculties and emotions. But well, even the idea of having sex or being naked is overwhelming. We need a walk through like the one your coach gave you. We seek an introduction to a strange and scary place when there's no pressure. Where we can take our time, be with someone we trust and get acclimated to a situation we will surely encounter.

"Can you help us get over our fear? If we are comfortable with the situation, we are less likely to do something stupid or something we regret."

Curtis said, "I was afraid I was going too far too fast. I understand what you are asking for and I think it is a good idea. Sure, I'll help."

He stripped. He didn't have an erection. The girls saw a soft, stubby two-inch cock.

Crystal said, "We are going to be super demanding today. We want you to help us be more confident and assured, then we can have our groin therapy. I was telling Molly about some of my dates where I ended up with my bra around my neck or a hand in my pants. One minute we're kissing and the next thing I know, I have a finger in my cooch."

"We call it the three G's," Curtis said. "The gateways to pussy. Get her high, get her drunk or get her boiling so she can't think straight."

"Those things have happened to me!" Crystal screamed. "Guys are always offering girls a drink or a toke. I've made mistakes. I overdid it and got in trouble. But the time I find most confusing was the date where I didn't drink or smoke and I still went further than I had planned. I didn't even like the guy!

"I'm not sure how it happened. I got distracted and the next thing I knew my panties were off!

She continued her story. "We were making out. I'm thinking, "This is nice." Then somehow his hand is on my boob, caressing it and toying with my stiff nipple and I'm like "This feels great." Then suddenly, I'm feeling guilty. "Oh my God! He's touching my boob! How did this happen? And how come I like it so?

"Now I'm embarrassed and also paralyzed into inaction. I'm worried that if I tell him to stop, he'll say "What's wrong with you? You were moaning and groaning a second ago. Are you a woman or a scared little girl?"

"So I don't say anything. I stop arguing with myself. It feels good. I go with it and I let him continue."

"Curtis," Molly said. "We need you to inoculate us from having our passion used against us. Just as your football coach helped you not to be overwhelmed by the big stadium, we need you to help us keep a clear head when we're with guys.

"We understand we need to make good choices about drugs and alcohol. We need some insight so we don't get carry away by our passion."

Curtis thought he understood them. He said, "I can spill the beans and explain the meathead's playbook. God knows I used it often enough. The goal is to weaken your defenses and reduce your inhibitions.

"Our best weapons are drugs and alcohol. If these fail, the third option is to get you so aroused you can't thinking straight."

Molly interrupted, "Curtis, I'm afraid knowing the plan isn't enough. I've never been with a guy. How am I supposed to stay calm and be under control? I'm afraid I'll be a puddle of quivering flesh. Putty in the hands of the first man that excites me. Could you show us? Then I'll have a better chance of recognizing it and defending myself."

"I guess," he said nervously. "The both of you?" He was made nervous thinking about being with his sister."

"Please," Molly pleaded. "It might be the difference between us responsibly enjoying ourselves and getting pregnant."

"Oh! I hadn't thought of that. Yeah, some guys don't like to wear condoms. They wouldn't think twice about firing off inside an unprotected girl.

"Are you both sure? This will be intimate," he asked wanting to make sure they knew what they were getting into.

"More intimate than our pulled groin therapy?" Crystal asked cracking a smile. Everyone knew she was joking.

Curtis went and sat on an upholstered chair. His dick was standing at attention. "I don't want to get her guard up, so I avoid being on a bed when seducing a girl. They are more at easy if we're sitting on a sofa or a chair."

He looked at his watch and said, "I'm worried people will start coming home. I'll do this with both of you, but then we need to get to the treatment. Save you questions for when I'm massaging you. Okay?"

The teenagers nodded.

"Molly, for this to be authentic, you have to pretend you're interested in me. I'm guessing if you like a guy, you are open to kissing him. If you had a crush on a boy, is sitting on his lap flirty or scary?"

" Fun and flirty. I wouldn't be afraid to sit on his lap."

Molly sat. He wrapped his arms around her, looked deep into her eyes and said, "I've always thought you had the most beautiful eyes."

He said it so genuinely she believed him. He touched her lips with a finger and said, "Your lips are so soft. I bet they'd be great to kiss." He leaned down and kissed her.

They continued to kiss. She was amazed at what a good kisser he was. She almost forgot this wasn't real intimacy. Now his tongue touched her lips. She opened her mouth and they French kissed. It was lovely for Molly. She swelled with a good feeling. Her pussy was getting moist.

Curtis varied his kisses in length and pressure. His hand slid up her back and caressed her neck and then he ran it through her long, chestnut hair. When he massaged her scalp, goosebumps formed on her back.

He complimented her, "You're a very good kisser." Then he planted soft, little kisses on her face. He gently caressed her face with his hand. He lifted her face so they could look long and deep into each other's eyes. Her heart fluttered. Then the kissing resumed. She was warm and wet below.

He broke their kiss and nuzzled her neck. The hair on her neck stood up as she felt his breath warm her skin and his lips grazed her collarbone. He kissed her neck sending chills throughout her body. Next, he nibbled on her earlobe. Her nerve endings fired off in pleasure. Then he whispered in her ear, "I really like you."

She was elated to hear those words. Visions of future dates and the prom danced through her head so she didn't notice that his hand was cupping her breast. He kissed her neck again and then thumbed her fat nipple. Her little breast was smaller than her sister's but just as soft and the nipple just as rubbery, responsive and fun.

Curtis pulled back and looked at Molly. She was in a daze. It took her a moment to realize that it had been a game and that he held her breast. She said, "Wow! I was so out of it. The pleasure was so wonderful and I was believing the fantasy that you liked me. I'm not sure which was more intoxicating.

"I noticed belatedly that you were holding my breast, but I didn't care. I might have let you have me."

Curtis released her tit and said, "Think about what happened. Hop up and let Crystal have a ride on the lying train. We'll talk later."

Molly stood still a bit woozy. Crystal sat on his lap. She laughed and said, "There's not much room for me with your big erection." She teased him because she was nervous about the simulated sex they were about to have. She needed to break the tension.

He recognized her feeling because he felt the same way. He said what they both were thinking. "This is weird. Do you want to do it?"

"Yes. I need to learn this lesson."

He said, "Okay. Let's get into character. Close your eyes. Breathe deeply with me and let the air out slowly." He took four deep breaths. It settled them both.

"Now imagine. You see a classmate you like. You talk. You're both having fun. He invites you to sit on his lap, you do and we begin."

He said, "I've always thought you were cool. I'm glad we've finally had a chance to talk."

Curtis touched her forehead and brushed her bangs into place. "I like you with your hair cut short. It's cute like you."

He let his hand drift down her face. He looked into her eyes and said, "Blue eyes are pretty, but I like brown eyes best. You have soulful brown eyes."

He turned his head as if he was studying her eyes. Then he leaned in and planted a quick kiss on her lips. He said, "I liked that. Can we do it again?"

He did. She responded thinking "I guess I'm supposed to play my part". At first, it was weird kissing a sibling. Did they become better actors or did the pleasure the action engender overcome their uneasiness?

Curtis softly scratch her back. Remembering she enjoyed ass play, he let his hand drift down and touched the top of her butt crack.

He didn't kiss her as much as he had Molly because the kisses didn't have the same effect on her. The goal was arousal. He explored other option. He gave her a hand massage and rubbing the pads of his fingers against the underside of her fingers.

She moaned when he nibbled her ear and kissed her neck. He did that often while complimenting her looks. He had her earlobe between his teeth when he captured her breast. He bit her gentle as he hefted her boob. She hissed when he dared to bite it harder.

Her appreciation of the pleasure and the pain allowed him to tug her brown nipple. He pinched the tip. That finally woke her. She said, "You sneaky fucker." And knocked his hand aside.

"Game over." He glanced at his watch and said, "On the bed, Molly. We have to hurry."

Molly got into position and Curtis began with the warm-up light massage. Many of his dozen strokes ended with his fingertips in her thick pubic hair. The section of her bush between her legs was damp. Curtis reckoned their make-out session was the reason.

Molly said, "Was it all an act for you? It seemed so real when we were kissing?"

Curtis continued working on her pulled groin as he answered. "Obviously, the kisses and my actions were real. I enjoyed them. You enjoyed them. The point I was trying to make, is that boys want sex. I was able to caress your boob because I distracted you with pleasure and your desire to be loved.

"Guys have learned they can score if they say what girls want to hear. "You're special. You're beautiful. I like you. I love you!" You're vulnerable to these lines. Meatheads will say anything to get in your pants and then drop you like a stone.

"A real relationship takes time. I may like how you look and acted, but real love takes time. And remember, love is not enough. To stand the test of time, we need shared values, shared goals and be able to communicate effectively.

"You noticed I didn't say big tits and big dicks are needed. Kindness, compassion, all the traits associated with inner beauty are needed."

"I see," Molly said. She and Crystal were quiet. They had a lot to think about and pondered everything carefully

Near the end of the session, while Molly was doing some butterfly stretches. She was seated and pushing her knees out and down. She smelled her scent. It reminded her she had meant to ask about that.

"Umm. Curtis, you are going to think this is pretty gross, but I have one more question about my body I want to ask you." she blushed red but spit it out. "When I get aroused, like I did today when we were kissing. I get wet and my pussy smells. I really notice it and get embarrassed. Is the odor as bad as I fear?"

"All women worry about how their pussy smells. Unless something is wrong done there, like you have an infection, your odor is a positive, not a negative. Men consider a woman's juice an aphrodisiac."

"But mine is really pungent!"

"Molly, do you want me to check?"

She nodded embarrassed.

"Lie back," Curtis said. He crawled between her legs. He placed his hands on her slit and pushed her hair aside. He studied it. Then he breathed in her scent. He licked her slit and probed her with his tongue. She tasted wonderful -- tart, musky, womanly. For good measure, he tongued her clit.

"Oh. OH!" she gasped and thought "OMG! His kisses were nice. This is out of this world good!".

Curtis sat on his heels. His throbbing dick pointed at her as he said, "Absolutely normal. Wonderful smell and taste. One premo pussy."

He turned to his sister and said, "Crystal, let hurry and get you started. We don't need Mom or Dad walking in on us."

Curtis began the treatment. As he pushed the blood in her thigh back towards her heart. Crystal said, "Brother, you have been so good to us, getting us ready for the state finals and answering our questions

He pushed and pulled on her thigh muscles and said, "But . . . "

"I have one more question. I'm embarrassed to ask, but I'm so worried about it, I have to ask."

She sat up on the bed and spread her legs. She parted her pubic hair and exposed her meaty labia. "My inner lips are long. They hang out of my pussy. Is that nasty?"

"Yes." He paused. He touched her inner labia and pulled gently on one. Then he said honestly, "It is nasty but nasty in a good way.

"Look you two, the female body comes in a variety of forms: big tits and little tits, small, neat vaginas and big, hairy, fleshy ones. Men love them all. If you ever meet a guy who comments negatively on your body, kick the loser in the balls and kick him to the curb. There are a thousand other guys who'd let you pee on the toothbrushes every morning to be with you."

The teenagers guffawed. Curtis had to wait for the laughter to die down before he could work on his sister. He began the deep muscle massaging.

Molly was musing on what she'd learn today. She asked, "Curtis, you say all men want sex. Do all men lie to get it?"

"No, only the immature ones. When I was in high school and college I was a typical meathead who'd do whatever it took to score. Now, I've matured. I've learned that the best sex is with a willing or loving partner."

"What the difference?" his sister asked.

"Loving, I'm sure you understand. Willing is an honorable person who desires sex. They do it in an ethical way and make no demands on you. They treat you with respect.

"A lying, sack-of-shit, meathead will say "I love you" at the drop of a hat to get into your pants. An honorable person will be truthful. They will say. "I don't love you or know if we have a future together, but I'd like to kiss you or I would like to have sex or let's have some fun.

"Aren't their times when we'd all like to have fun, to explore, to learn how to enjoy our bodies without fear? Where no one will call you a slut or make demands on you, "Hey. We're going steady now or you're marrying me."?

"It's nice when you don't worry that you don't have the perfect body or that you might not do everything perfectly. It's great when two responsible adults are having sex in a responsible manner. No strings, no lying to ourselves and each other. No games, just honesty and respectfulness."

"That would be nice," Molly said.

"It is. That's how your sister and I came together. As equals."

"Okay, Sis. Stretch and we're done. Great job both of you."

"No, we're not done," Crystal said. "Molly and I haven't thanked you for everything."

"We're good. You girls were great. You're ready for the game. Your welcome."

Molly grabbed his cock. Crystal did too. Molly said, "We're not sending you home with blue balls. Think of this as our way of saying thank you or think of it as another life lesson, but we're making that erection disappear."

Crystal nodded. She stroked her brother and said, "It's only fair and it's allowed. We are the girls from Cheltingham Way."

Molly knelt and took his penis in her mouth.

"Oh," Curtis groaned on contact.

She bobbed her head up and down a few times. She said, "Am I doing it right? You're the first man I've done this to."

Curtis found her words hot on so many levels.

"Emm. You don't have to do this," he said hoping they would dismiss his half-hearted objection.

Crystal knelt beside Molly. She took him into her mouth and sucked. She pulled off with a loud sucking sound. "You deserve this. We have so much to pay you back for."

Crystal engulfed his cock. She stroked his cock as she sucked him. She looked up at him with her soulful, brown eyes.

He shuddered and moaned, "Ahh. Ohh."

Molly took over. She did the moves that Crystal had told her about, the ones she showed her using her finger as a stand in for Curtis' penis. She moved her hand in a twisting motion up and down his shafted as she tongued the underside of his cock.

"Oh God! I'm coming!" he cried out.

He hadn't lasted long. It was because their sessions were so provocative, their nude bodies so alluring and now this unexpected treat. He fired off into Molly's mouth.

She was surprised. Surprised, he came so quickly and surprise he shot off so much stuff. She gagged and had to swallow some. She stopped blowing him.

Crystal said, "Stroke it out of him, Molly."

She quickly realized her friend was overcome by the moment. She grabbed her brother's dick and jacked him off. His jism went everywhere. Both girls got some on their face and breasts.

Curtis collapsed on the bed when he was done. The girls stared at each other. They had done what they had planned, but they hadn't expected to go like this. They burst out laughing.

Curtis recovered and joined in the laughter. The girls were thoroughly slimed.

"I'm glad you're not mad at us," Crystal said.

Molly said, "It was my idea. I've never given a blowjob and I wanted to practice."

"And we owed you so much," Crystal added. "You did much more than get us ready for the game."

"Thank you," Curtis said. "This can't, it won't happen again."

"We know," they both said smiling so brightly.

Curtis said, "It was a great blowjob and I appreciate it knowing the spirit in which it was given. Go get cleaned up before someone sees or smells you. And win the damn game on Friday!"

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Campus77Campus779 months ago

This story should be mandatory reading for all young girls. I've never read a better description of what girls should know before they get involved with sex with anyone. I preached the same information to my own daughter and put her on the pill before she became involved with anyone. She appreciated it and made good decisions as she became a young woman. I have to say it was a sexy read, but in a different way. I wish I could get a hard copy so I could give it to my granddaughter. Thanks for an extraordinary tale.

Whome1578Whome15789 months ago

Great story I would love a follow up picking up at the game and continued training with loss of V-cards with both present and enhanced performers on main parts to show them what they need again thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Anonymous from about three months before this: Wow. Don't you think you might be overreacting? Just a little? Two grammatical errors and suddenly she's getting gang-banged and he's "inadequate"? I understand that some people can't get past grammar problems, but everything between "study abroad program" and "two glaring mistakes" was entirely unnecessary. Frankly, even the tone of the remainder was too much. Take a deep breath, let go of your anger, and move on to the next story.

Anonymous from about three years before this: Huh? Where did that come from? I mean, yeah, there's a vague parallel in that the medical provider got a bit intimate with the patient, but this is entirely different. There's no abuse here, just a couple of girls getting some education from someone they can trust.

Psychiee: This was set in 1972. There was no morning after pill. And while Misty is likely to be understanding about what he did, I think your recommendation is probably a bit more than she could forgive. It's also a completely different kind of story than this.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

You really need an editor. “…a known smile.” WRONG! A KNOWING smile. ‘…a week long study aboard program.” Did you mean, study ABROAD program? Or is Misty flying to Greece to board a ship with horny Greek sailors where the only thing she’ll be studying is how to pleasure the crew of whatever ship she’s on? During which she’ll discover how woefully inadequate Curtis is and decide to leave his ass. Two glaring mistakes such as these at the beginning of the story made me not want to waste my time by reading any further. 1 star.

Ilovetophoto68Ilovetophoto68almost 2 years ago

Fantastic story and I love your writing. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
pretty rapey

Larry Nassar had to start somewhere.

PsychieePsychieeover 4 years ago
Very Good story

I think there should be a part 2 and both girls should have sex with Curtis and the a morning after pill to stop pregnancy!Hs should fuck crystal, his sister first and then she should help by pushing his dick inside MOLLYs pussy! He should first gently first shave both of them balls and then give them orgasms by eating their beautiful smooth cunts! Then fuckthem both and sleep whole night with both teens naked on either side and when he wakes up with a hard on a repeat of the same with both and then all three in the shower and have naked breakfast!

arrowglassarrowglassover 5 years ago
Loved this one...the way it built up!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

had to read 5 pages of him working up to a least fucking one or both then a bullshit and very very disappointing ending!!Girls decide to get nude for massage so they save their panties from being ruined by oil,get him to go naked sticks finger in anuses then nothing Really!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Good start!!

I like the way the story is headed but hope you don't include mothers or other neighbors. Maybe the girls start faking injuries to get him to work on them plus further their sexual experience. You could even stretch it out a few chapters before he actually has intercourse with the girls by him teaching them how to get off and helping. I don't know how you would handle the GF unless it becomes a running joke that the girls are injured again and he needs to help them.

Stories become ridiculous when the one guy is sleeping with the whole family plus the rest of the neighborhood.

handyman200handyman200almost 8 years ago
A really good read.

Hi regularguy13,

Now this was a really good story. It had true meaning and a learning curve. I for one am glad that he did not hump the two girls. Yes I agree a further chapter is necessary, however the learning/teaching theme is quite strong in this story and you may change the entire background of this story by going too far eg. Mrs Chen and or her grand daughter. I will be looking forward to more stories from you.

If you require an editor I would gladly be of assistance to you.


arrowglassarrowglassalmost 8 years ago
BTW...liked the ideas in your comment below about more stories!

Looking forward to more!!!!

arrowglassarrowglassalmost 8 years ago
A different story...but a really good one!

Well done...wish there was more!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Much thanks

I can't tell you how much I enjoyed this, cute, well written and just fun to read... Okay maybe a typo or two but it was still fun

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