Innocent Devil’s Harem Ch. 36


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And fuck, why did she keep shifting her weight in my lap?

Why was she touching me like this?

I cleared my throat, trying to distract myself from my rapidly enlarging member. "Umm, so are all succubi short?" I wondered hesitantly.

She shocked me by laughing for the first time, suddenly sounding like a completely different person, as if we were magically best friends, her tone much more relaxed and easygoing. "Are all humans short?" she asked playfully, only to giggle. "No, of course not," she then continued in the same amused tone, her thin index finger suddenly seeming very interested in my left nipple, giving it way too much attention. "I'm just short. The reason why all my children are of normal height is because the man who spawned my first daughter was very tall."

I cleared my throat. "Oh, umm--"

She abruptly pinched my nipple, hard, sending a wave of unexpected pleasure throughout my body, even as my cock pulsed beneath her tiny little ass, with Gwen's strong hands keeping me firmly in place.

"Fuck, can you not do that?" I hissed in disbelief, confused as hell about what was happening right now. Why was she taking so much time to kiss me?

"What?" she said playfully, reaching down to lift my shirt up a little, only to slip both of her small warm hands against my bare skin. "You want me to stop making you aroused?"

"I mean...I thought you said I was disgusting," I managed, feeling even more uneasy when Gwen's hands gently rubbed my shoulders reassuringly, only to return to their original position, her radiating heat still seeping into my core.

Fuck, I had no idea what either of these women looked like, only having a general idea of body shape, and yet they were both turning me on so much.

The succubus in my lap sighed, beginning to play with both of my nipples now, gripping and pinching and tugging, not having the shirt in the way to hinder her anymore. "Seduction is a vital part of a succubus's existence," she explained, sounding very educational now. "And seduction is also how a lot of our magic fundamentally works. Your arousal will be the catalyst and fuel for what I need to do." She paused. "Unless you want me to try tapping into your lifeforce instead?" she wondered, sounding almost mocking as she gripped both of my nipples firmly and twisted.

"Fuck," I hissed, unable to believe how powerful the waves of pleasure running through my body were. "Umm, no. Arousal is fine," I finally managed, my head swimming now, knowing I was starting to create a wet spot in my pants as she continued to shift her weight, even as she felt my bare chest and played with my nipples more.

"Well, you're definitely a sex demon," she said, sounding amused. "Seems like you don't have a particular erogenous zone, with it being more like your whole body likes being touched." She paused. "I'm the same, so it's normal."

"H-How do you know that about me?" I gasped, finding myself starting to wish she'd do a little more than this single kiss we were working up toward. Fuck, I didn't even care if she was ugly at this point, though I was certain she was probably gorgeous, desperately wishing she'd change her mind about my pants still being on and decide to sit in my lap with my cock buried inside her.

"It's a succubus thing," Miriam said simply, only to reach over and begin rubbing my forearm. "Although, this transformation phenomenon is a little weird. None of my daughters could do anything like that. But then again, we don't look much like demons, unlike most incubi."

"M-Might have to do with my mother," I gasped, my body beginning to tremble as it yearned for release.

"Hmm," she purred, finally reaching up to the belt holding the bag in place. "You're just about ready," she whispered, beginning to slowly undo it. "Now, you'll be a good boy for me and behave, right?"

"Of course," I gasped, feeling her delicate hands gently rub my neck once it was loose. "I'd do as you asked either way."

"Oh?" she replied, sounding amused. "And why is that?" she wondered.

I tried to focus on my breathing as she seemed to get heavier, like she was somehow forcing more of her weight on my cock. Honestly, despite her size, she was actually heavier than I would have anticipated.

"B-Because I need your h-help," I stammered.

"Hmm, I suppose that's true," she agreed, only to speak to her maid. "Gwen, carefully lift the bag up just past his nose, but don't take it off."

"Yes, mistress," she replied, letting go of my shoulders to do as she asked.

"You know the signal if I don't like what I see," Miriam continued. "And if what I see is harmless, then we can take the bag off."

"Mistress," she whispered in surprise. "Are you sure?"

Miriam actually hesitated, seeming to become preoccupied with tugging on my nipples again as she considered her response. "Yeah, I'm sure," she finally said.

"Very well, mistress," she replied, having folded the bag up to my nose.

I then felt the short succubus lean forward, her hot breath suddenly on my neck, only for her soft lips to follow.

And instantly, I was on the verge of exploding.

Miriam tensed briefly, only to giggle softly. "Wow, you just went from 'almost ready' to overflowing with lust. Damn, this is way more than I need for this spell. I might have to feed a little on this after I determine if I can really trust you."

"Y-You're m-more than w-welcome to," I stammered, my entire body trembling as I tried to hold still even as she continued to plant gentle tender kisses along my neck. Fuck, I knew sex wasn't anything special for her, since I was sure she did it all the time, and I knew I certainly wasn't anything special to her either, but holy shit was she making me feel special right now.

Really special.

She touched me like an intimate lover.

"Hmm, yeah, I think I will," she finally said, abruptly sitting up and grabbing my face. "Now, show me who you really are," she said seductively, leaning in closer.

My breath caught in my throat when I suddenly felt her lips mere millimeters from mine, her hot breath entering my mouth, as if she was trying to get as close as possible without touching, her entire face radiating passion into my skin.

I couldn't take it anymore.

I closed the gap, what little there was, desperate to kiss her...

Only to freeze solid the moment our lips touched, unexpectedly feeling dizzy, my mind feeling disoriented as I suddenly couldn't remember where I was.


"I love you, baby Kai," she whispered to me, holding me in her arms, looking so small, even while I was so much smaller.

A baby.

I was a baby, only two, and she was seven.

Holding me in her arms.

"My little angel," Serenity whispered. "I love you so much."

So much...

---, I was too late. I killed the man who was hurting her, but...

Her heart wasn't beating anymore.

I stared down at my small blood-covered hands, unexpectedly recalling that I was nine years old, my fingers trembling. My whole body trembling.

Sirens were blaring in the distance, growing closer, so much closer, and yet I couldn't move.

All I could do was stare at her vacant expression, her dark skin starting to look dark gray...

Like mine...

"I'm so sorry," I whimpered, my vision blurry. "I'm so sorry I couldn't save you."

I couldn't save you...


They were laughing at me. My mom and dad died, and they were calling me names.

Calling Serenity names.


I hate them.

I HATE them.

I'll never trust them again.



"Serenity!" I exclaimed, knowing the dinner she was preparing was already starting to burn.

"What?" she retorted, clearly stressed from attending the police academy while holding a fulltime job on top of it, all so she could prove to the courts that she could take care of me. "I'm following the recipe!"

"Just let me do it," I replied. "You do enough. I can do it."

"You're still a kid," she snapped. "I should be the one to cook your meals."

"No," I said firmly. "From this moment onward, I am banning you from the kitchen. You can boil water, if you really need to. Otherwise, I'm cooking."

"Kai..." she whispered uncertainly, only to sigh heavily. "I love you," she added quietly.

"I love you too, Ren. It's fine. I'll do it from now on."

From now on...


"Kai?" she asked urgently. "Kai, what's wrong?"

"I'm fine," I snapped, not wanting to talk about it.

"Kai, talk to me," she pleaded. "Please. Don't shut me out like this. Not like last time."

I grimaced, knowing what she was talking about.

Knowing how I'd become depressed when I was nine and wouldn't talk to anyone about it.

But what could I say?

I had to keep my secret.

I sighed. "I'm sorry, Ren," I said sincerely. "Just some guys fighting at school."

"Fighting with you?" she said in alarm.

I paused. "No," I admitted. "They were fighting each other."

"Then?" Her confusion was obvious.

I sighed. "I broke it up. Stopped it."

"Oh Kai," she whispered. "Are you hurt?"

I shook my head. "No, just upset."

"And why are you upset?"

"Because they hurt each other. And it was stupid. Pointless. It makes me angry."

She sighed heavily. "I love you, Kai. Don't ever stop being good."

Don't ever stop being good...


I caught a glimpse of why this bastard was aroused by torturing his victims. It was everything that excited a predator, and I felt ashamed that her vulnerability even excited me a little...minus the panic and terror.

It was time to end this. Now.

The knife was in his chest, his body lifeless on the ground.

I then focused on the vulnerable girl lying before me, her short red hair strewn against the dirt in chaotic strands.

The attack happened fast enough that I watched as her emerald eyes visibly registered that the monster who had been torturing her had unexpectedly been replaced with another.

However, instead of screaming, she began crying in devastation.

I could smell it.

I could smell the brief hope she experienced leave her body as she accepted that she was going to die one way or another. She closed her eyes and turned her head away, her beautiful face twisted in grief as she sobbed.

Without even realizing it, I knew I was in love.

I knew I was in love...


His blood was pooling on the ground from his neck, the life draining from his eyes, as she stood behind me, having witnessed it happened.

I was a monster.

And she saw it.

Suddenly, she was in my arms, her expression firm.

"You see that man? Look at him," she demanded. She waited for me to comply before continuing, once I was grimacing at what I'd done. "That is a monster. A real monster, in human skin." She then paused to let that sink in. "What you look like, or even what you need to eat, isn't what makes you a monster. It's what is in your heart...and you have a good heart."

You have a good heart...

Kai, you have a good heart...


I gasped as Miriam unexpectedly slid off my lap, sounding like she was walking away.

"Uncover his eyes, and release him," she instructed, her tone apathetic. "Bring him up to the dining hall while I go get my daughter. I'd like to offer them a meal before they leave."

"O-Oh, umm, okay, mistress," Gwen stammered, still having the bag bunched at my nose, only to clear her throat. "But all the kitchen staff were sent home, and I haven't prepared anything in advance."

"Don't worry," she replied, pausing in the doorway. "I'll help you cook something simple up. It's been a while since I made my own food anyway."

"Y-Yes, mistress. Understood, mistress."

It was then silent as her footsteps echoed in the hallway, only to unexpectedly disappear entirely, as if she'd crossed a point at which sound wouldn't travel, like an invisible barrier...

"What in the hell just happened?" I whispered, trying to understand what I just experienced.

Gwen didn't respond or budge at all for a long few seconds, before carefully slipping the bag off my head.

She then began working on the straps holding the blindfold in place, her fingers noticeably trembling.

"Umm, hey," I said hesitantly, causing her to freeze in place. "If...if you want me to avoid looking at you, I don't have a problem doing so. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable around me."

She was silent for a few seconds, before sighing and resuming undoing the blindfold.

"I trust my mistress," she whispered. "I'm more worried about what you'll think of my appearance," she added quietly.

"Oh," I said in sincere surprise. "What do you look like?" I asked hesitantly.

She sighed again, already finished undoing the blindfold, but holding it in place now. "I'm a familiar. An indebted servant in the service of a higher being. Most incubi and succubi have such servants, though the word is intentionally vague, since a familiar can be all kinds of things." She hesitated. "More specifically, I'm a magic-wielding demon referred to as an imp."

I laughed. "An imp?" I repeated in disbelief, imagining a tiny little creature. "But you're so tall! Almost as tall as me!"

She didn't respond, her grip tightening on the blindfold.

"Sorry," I whispered. "Wasn't trying to offend you."

She took a deep breath. "Words, and their meaning, change over time, as does manner of speech. Unfortunately, I'm not aware of a more modern word that most accurately describes what I am. Devil is close, but not nearly as accurate as what imp used to mean."

I sighed. "Well, I look like a devil myself when I'm transformed, so I don't think I'll be too shocked to see what you look like."

She paused. "Okay," she finally whispered, sounding almost vulnerable for some reason, as if she actually cared about my opinion. She then released the blindfold, letting it fall into my lap, only to hesitate, before bending down to release my hands from their restraints, apparently already having a key to the handcuffs.

I figured I wouldn't look until she was ready, but unexpected movement in the corner of my eye caught my attention, prompting me to glance over in shock when I realized there was a black furry tail waving slowly in the air, almost like a large cat's tail. Or the tail of a panther, only much longer.

Holy fuck.

She had a tail?!

Looking straight ahead again when she stood up, I waited as she slowly stepped around, inching further and further until she was directly to my left side, now waiting patiently for me to look up at her. I took a deep breath and then finally did, surprised that she...

Well, she looked mostly normal.

Beautiful, in fact, appearing as if she was wearing purple lipstick and eyeshadow, which was a gorgeous contrast to her pale skin and pitch-black hair.

Except that she had...

Horns...pitch-black horns, with vibrant red cracks, rising from the sides of her forehead and curling back across her head, only to curl up and outwards in the back, making it look as if she had cat ears from a distance, with the glowing lines making it seem as if there was an inferno residing just below the surface of those horns, about to erupt...

And then...

Unnatural eyes.

Slitted, like a cat's, and vibrant red.

The exact same shade of crimson as Serenity's transformed eyes.

The exact same shade.

Holy shit.

Suddenly I wasn't so sure that the purple on her face was cosmetic.

And suddenly, I wasn't so sure Serenity had been entirely human before I injected her with my blood...


Holy shit.


Next chapter gets a little heated (in a good way).


I update my Bio on Literotica frequently to reflect my Release Schedule and what chapters are pending review. For a short period of time, I'll also have an explanation for why I haven't posted recently.

Submitted: December 9, 2021 to Literotica (Copyright Kaizer Wolf)

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Fenris420Fenris420over 1 year ago

Serenity... is Kai's familiar!? Holy shit! Now I'm wondering about the other women Kai's blood has transformed. I can't wait to learn what flavor of supernatural being they are. Wow. Your story keeps getting better and better. 5/5*


And...another fine chapter that has kept my attention, making me want for MORE...

I am so excited to be reading a story like is so entrancing...and full of emotion, from all the people you keep introducing to us!! I love it, so much... a Kai her trust like that, and releasing him...Gabriella's part in the 'examination' must have really played a large part in this...

Five**5**Stars...again, and again, and again...🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠💫💫💫💫💫✨✨✨✨✨🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌

skippersdadskippersdadover 1 year ago

I am glad you are continuing to post this I am glad al I have to do is binge

Ravey19Ravey19almost 2 years ago

Good instalment. 5 again.

KaizerWolfKaizerWolfover 2 years agoAuthor


He did transform...


"It's a succubus thing," Miriam said simply, only to reach over and begin rubbing my forearm. "Although, this transformation phenomenon is a little weird..."

SniperkingSniperkingover 2 years ago

I sighed. "Well, I look like a devil myself when I'm transformed, so I don't think I'll be too shocked to see what you look like."

Shouldn't he have transformed during such an arousing experience?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Thank you for not letting the bad experience keep you away. I have enjoyed your story quite a bit and look forward to upcoming chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Welcome Back

Your work is hands down my favorite Lit series, I'll be sure to keep an eye out if it gets posted anywhere else.

dirtywhiteboy67dirtywhiteboy67over 2 years ago
Welcome back

I haven't checked your bio to see why you haven't posted lately, because the why isn't really my business. I'm sure you have your reasons and anyway I will keep checking back for the next chapter. I'm just glad that you are back to posting chapters of this story and I hope that the chapters will come more often now.

Thank you

The Dirty White Boy

Ps, now I'm gonna check the bio.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Well thank you for sharing. I guess people can be ungrateful sometimes.

I agree with a previous anonymous comment, I did not blame you but it felt pretty frustrating, especially when the Bio that was supposed to keep us updated continued to show a planning of posting a chapter every week and weeks came and went without anything added. You can guess it may have felt like it was not the most reliable source of information.

However, no matter how frustrating it was, you owe us nothing, so we cannot really blame you.

Anyway, thanks again for coming back to us, your effort and generosity are appreciated.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

As someone who both has serious digital privacy concerns and appreciates the importance of monetizing your passion, I'm quite grateful you've decided to continue posting here for free as opposed to switching entirely to Patreon. I wasn't someone who flamed you, but I can tell you it's been frustrating seeing you continue to update your Patreon but not this site, though understandable since there's nothing inherently wrong with prioritizing where the money is coming from (even more so now that you've explained you were plagiarized). I would hope you decide to continue emulating the writing models of writers like Tefler, Snekguy, and Annabelle Hawthorne who are three authors I follow on this site shown on Graphtreon as being fairly successful at monetization with posting on Lit several chapters behind what's available to Patrons, plus some extra goodies (Tefler makes over 8 grand a chapter! That's NUTS!).

Looking forward to the next chapter, hope you return to regular posting!

docholliday0007docholliday0007over 2 years ago

Can’t wait keep up the great stories

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

wow 6 months later... thank you for sharing...

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

For the vast majority of us, thank you for making the decision to continue sharing your creativity here for us rather than simply moving over to Patron completely.

I feel humbled that you did that for all of us.

Thank you and have a great Holiday season whatever that means to you and yours!

BriteStudioMKMBriteStudioMKMover 2 years ago

A most triumphant return to Lit, good sir! Huzzah!

Looking forward to more as you make them, as always and keep up the great work!

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