Intrinsic Right


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The name Darla rang a bell with me. I had always assumed that Jesse lived with her parents and I just didn't know them. Darla Fitzhugh was a greeter at our church. Examining Jesse, I could see the resemblance.

"So, about a month before my senior year of school, I moved in with Aunt Darla and Uncle Rick."

"New school?"

"New ... everything. My mom and I were living in Kansas City before we moved here."

"That's pretty far away."

"Yeah. Five hundred and fifty-seven miles."

"Have you been back there since ...?"

Jesse shook her head. "Aunt Darla has no reason to go there. My Uncle Robert took care of selling our house and everything, so she and Rick didn't have to travel back and forth. It was probably part of the deal."

"You have friends here, though ... and a boyfriend, right?"

Jesse frowned. "I had a boyfriend back home. Logan. He was great. But, you know, there's no way we could keep that going long distance. He's with Stacy now. They're going to get married as soon as he finds a decent job. According to Stacy's last Facebook post, anyway. I believe it, though. Logan wanted to get married and start a family right away. That's what attracted me to him. We wanted the same things."

"It's not that easy, Jesse. I mean, it took me years to finally start making enough money to not have to worry about finances all the time. It's hard. And adding kids to the mix, well, that's just ..." I trailed off because I suddenly realized that I was talking out of my ass. What did I know about the hardships of having children?

Jesse flung her hand as if to brush aside what I said. "Oh, I know. Everyone says that. 'Go to college. Get a degree. Find a job. Then get settled.' I get it."

"You make it sound formulaic or something."

"Isn't it?"

"Well, yeah, I suppose. But it's sound advice."

"You didn't follow it."

"No. But, I would have if ... you know, things hadn't happened they way they did."

"So it was a total accident? Did the condom break?"

I was taken aback by her directness for a second, but then remembered a conversation I overheard in the bookstore between teenagers a few weeks ago. The younger generation is so much more blunt about things, and topics around sex are not nearly as taboo. "No. We weren't using a condom."

"So you got pregnant on purpose."

"No, it was an accident."

Jesse cocked one eyebrow at me and I realized for the first time that this was probably closer to her true personality. And that she was busting my balls. Which should have bothered me, but she was so damned cute about it, I hardly cared.

"It wasn't the thing on my mind at the time."

Jesse eyed me in a way that made me know that she was not letting me off the hook, just moving past the topic for the moment. I watched her lift her sandwich to her lips and take a healthy bite before I averted my gaze to the barely touched lunch before me.

We sat in silence for a few seconds, just chewing and drinking. It wasn't uncomfortable, though. We'd managed to break the ice between us enough to share silence.

"Why don't you adopt?"

My eyes widened at that question. "We're a little too old for that now, don't you think?"

Jesse shrugged. "I don't think so. You don't look any older than Mr. Grier, and they just had a baby last week."

I smiled at her compliment. Jack Grier was easily five years younger than me, if not more. He was also married to a much younger woman. I shifted in my seat, suddenly realizing that the crotch of my jeans was getting tight. "Thanks."

"I didn't say that to flatter you or anything. I'm just pointing out the obvious."

I shifted again. "I don't think Corinne wants children at this stage. She's pretty settled in her career."

"What does she do?"

The topic of conversation weaved around Corinne's career choices for several minutes, giving my cock a chance to settle down. I was thankful for the reprieve. I didn't want to get up from the table with a bulge behind my zipper. I had a feeling this girl would notice. And she'd probably say something about it, which would be highly embarrassing.

We moved onto my work, my job as an Oracle DBA for a medium-sized insurance company. She asked a lot of questions about what that entailed and what I liked about it. I found myself, once again, pouring out my soul to this girl. I told her things that I'd never said to anyone. Even Corinne. They weren't particularly groundbreaking epiphanies or anything like that, just thoughts floating around the back of my mind about where I wanted to be in five years, shit like that.

Either Jesse was a real good actress, or she seemed genuinely interested in what I was saying. We sat there and talked all the way up to 1:45pm.

"Shit. I need to get back to my desk and check emails."

"Yeah. I should get to work, too. It was nice chatting with you."

She picked up the empty paper plates and both glasses and breezed past me to the sink as if she lived here. My cock twitched at the thought of seeing that shapely ass every day. She swiveled and caught me gawking before I had a chance to avert my eyes. For a second, we locked gazes before she moved to the trash can. A tiny smile tugged at the corners of her kissable mouth.

Kissable mouth? Really, Ray? Get a grip.

I exited the kitchen before she could notice the growing bulge in my jeans. It wouldn't do any good to be caught ogling a teenager with a hard-on.

Back at my desk, I checked e-mail and glanced over the performance monitor dashboard. Everything was fine. No issues. No fires to put out. The changes I'd implemented over the weekend didn't seem to be causing any problems.

Why is my dick still hard?

I'd noticed that my jeans were now digging into my skin. I unbuttoned the top, and unzipped a half inch to give me some room. I briefly lifted my shirt to check my abdomen. I'd kept in decent shape over the years. I didn't work out much, but I was still fairly active, and we were pretty modest in our lifestyle, only drinking occasionally, and eating sensibly. I suppose that could make me look younger. And I did have a full head of hair, still, with only slight graying at the temples.

I tugged my shirt hem down over my unbuttoned jeans and turned my focus back to work. I only had a couple of emails to answer, then I was pretty much caught up. That was how my afternoons usually were. I worked super hard in the mornings, then my afternoons were light. My cock never seemed to soften fully, probably anticipating what usually came next.

Not today, boy. We're going to have to find something else to occupy our time this afternoon.

After about an hour or so of piddling around and doing nothing, I decided to stretch my legs. I walked to the hall bathroom to relieve my bladder and realized that my jeans were still undone from earlier. I was glad I hadn't run into Jesse on the way. That would've been a little awkward. I silently vowed to be more careful. I didn't want to do anything that might put a damper on our budding friendship.

I hadn't expected to like her as much as I did. She was so much more mature than what I was imagining. Actually, she surprised me on a lot of levels.

She was a lot smarter than I originally thought. I don't know why I just assumed she was all looks and no brains, but I did. Probably a sign of some deep-seated misogyny or something. Or maybe I just assumed that a girl with a rack that perfect would have no need to sharpen her intellect. I don't know. I really didn't want to think about what that assumption said about me. I was glad I was wrong. She was an utter delight to converse with.

She had a bit of an edge to her. She wasn't as sweet and innocent as I had thought when I first met her. She was polite and had manners, but when she loosened up a little, she spoke with a little sarcasm, and had a bit of deviousness about her, as well. I'd bet my next paycheck that she wasn't a virgin. She seemed a little too worldly to have held onto that for this long. It was a safe bet, because just looking at her, I imagine every guy in school struggled to keep their hands off of her.

There were other things about her, too. A way about her that just exuded maturity. She was sensitive and considerate. She looked genuinely wounded when I talked about not having kids, like she really understood what I was feeling. I hadn't even said those things to Corinne. I mean, I couldn't. It would just hurt her feelings, and there was nothing she could do to fix it. It seemed cruel to throw my problems in Corinne's face when her infertility was the cause of them.

I finished my business, then mindlessly walked to where I could hear Jesse working. She was dusting the living room table when I approached. I softly spoke to alert her to my presence.

"Hey." I was pleased when she didn't flinch.

"Oh, hey. Just finishing up with the dusting. Did you want to sit down and watch television?"

"Nope. I was just checking to see if you needed anything."

"Nothing I can think of."

"You want something to drink?"

Jesse eyed me with a devious grin. "What did you have in mind?"

I quickly realized her meaning. I hadn't been thinking of alcohol, but a beer did sound good. "Beer?"


I felt a little uncomfortable serving beer to an underage girl, but I just knew that it wasn't her first. It wasn't like I was corrupting her or anything.

"We used to hang out and drink all the time back home. It's no different here. I just don't have a regular group I hang out with, so I'm not really invited."

"That makes me sad."

"Oh, no. I wasn't saying that like it was something I was missing. I didn't get caught up in all of that by choice. Things had gotten a little wild back home. I could easily see myself going down the wrong path."

"So you changed."

"Yeah. Kinda."

"To getting on the right path."

We lifted our cans of beer to toast to that. It was as good a thing as any, and the timing was right. I had a million questions about what she meant by "wild", but I didn't ask. My imagination was going to go crazy over that as soon as she left. I just hoped I had enough time before Corinne came home to finish jacking off.

"What are you going to do with the money you earn this summer?"

"I'm saving up to move into my own place."


"Yeah. Uncle Rick and Aunt Darla have been real sports about me staying there, but I can tell that I'm crowding their space, you know? They never wanted kids, much less a teenager. I think my presence is starting to cause some issues in their marriage. They've started fighting recently. Not about me, but about really stupid shit."

It was the first time she'd cussed in my presence. The beer was loosening her up. "You know, married couples fight from time to time. It's just the way things are. Probably has nothing to do with you."

I could tell from her expression that my statement didn't even make a dent. It suddenly dawned on me that maybe she was holding back some details.

"Did something happen?"

Jesse shrugged one shoulder. "Nothing major. At least, I didn't think so. Darla doesn't agree."

I didn't have to ask. I just knew what had happened. "Rick made a pass at you."

"It was no big deal. He'd been sort of doing little things like that since I first arrived."

"What did he do?"

"He just let his hand sort of glide across my ass as he passed me in the kitchen. It was nothing. But Darla walked in right then and saw him do it."

I could feel my blood beginning to boil for some odd reason. "It wasn't nothing. How long has he been touching you like that?"

"I don't know. A few weeks, I guess."

"Shit, Jesse."


"Just because you aren't thinking of having sex with him, doesn't mean he isn't thinking about it." I knew that my voice was starting to sound a little too emphatic, but I couldn't help it. I was actually holding back.

"I know."

I was genuinely shocked to hear her say that.

"I'm not naive. Of course that's what's on his mind. It's on every guy's mind, isn't it?"

I opened my mouth to deny it, but the hypocrisy of such a denial stopped me. I'd had similar thoughts about Jesse within the first minute of laying eyes on her. I could not imagine a man on this earth that wouldn't want Jesse on some level.

"It's not the first time I've had to deal with this sort of ... attention."

"I bet not."

Jesse's eyes widened a bit at that careless confession. There was no reason for me to throw myself into the middle of this scenario.

"Sorry. That was ... so uncalled for." Jesse shifted her weight from one foot to the other. "How soon before you'll have enough to move out?"

"I'm not sure. I get social security checks from my mom's death, so that helps. But if I want to go to school ... I don't know. I might have to put that off."

It felt like someone had just punched me in the stomach. I wanted to grab her by the shoulders and shake her until she promised me that she'd go to school. But I had no right to do that. Besides, who was I to dictate what she really needed to do? This was her life. I'd only just met the girl, for christ's sake.

It was a no-win situation for her. Either she stayed where she was until her Aunt Darla kicked her out, or she kissed college goodbye so she could move out. Suddenly, my little problem of not having a progeny seemed a bit shallow and selfish. After all, I had a loving wife and a happy place to live. Jesse had no family to speak of, and was living in a place where she had to lock her bedroom door at night.

I studied her as she finished her beer and tossed the empty in the trash. She didn't seem all that negative about her situation. She was affected by it, clearly, but wasn't overly dramatic about it like I'd seen so many teenagers get over the littlest things.

"I want to finish dusting before I head out for the day. Thanks for the beer."

"No problem."

I downed my last swallow and watched her walk back to the living room. She really was something else. I reached into the fridge to grab a second beer. It wasn't my usual routine, but then again, there was absolutely nothing usual about this day. Or this girl.

I couldn't get my mind wrapped around it all. How calm she was about everything. She had this quiet confidence that was so incredibly sexy. Even things that she didn't quite have figured out were not a problem for her. Most girls in her situation would be panicking right now. She wasn't doing that at all. She was just doing what she could to plan for her future. She wasn't going out drinking, or doing drugs with her friends to forget her plight. Instead, she worked hard and saved her money.

I admired her. She was a strong young lady. She was going to make some guy a very lucky man someday.

I tried to ignore the pang of jealousy that my last thought created. Were I a man of twenty again, I would jump at the chance to make her mine. And I'd fulfill that dream of hers to have a large family. I'd keep her pregnant until she begged me to stop.

"I'm finished."

My eyes suddenly darted to hers. I was so ingrained in my thoughts, I didn't hear her approach. Her gaze dropped to my jeans, and mine followed. My thoughts of impregnating her had hardened my cock to steel. The fantasy was a combination of two fetishes of mine.

I think without the beers, I might've moved behind the kitchen island to hide my erection, but the beers made me less concerned about hiding it. I stood there and waited for her to lift her gaze from my crotch. Much to my pleasure, she took a couple seconds longer to do so than what would've been considered polite. I drained my beer and turned to toss it in the trash.

"I ... so, I'm going to head out unless there is anything else you need."

I let the open invitation hang in the air for a moment. I had all sorts of fantasy responses to it which led to her being pushed to her knees, or bent over the counter. My cock was throbbing within seconds, but I shook my head.


She turned to retrieve her purse off the kitchen counter where she'd left it, then walked to the doorway leading to the foyer. I didn't expect her to say anything else, but at the last second, she turned.

"I really enjoyed your company today."

It could have been my imagination, but I thought she meant more than just what was said. I stood frozen in the kitchen for a full ten minutes after she left. I swear I could still smell her for that entire time.

Then, as if awoken from a dream, I dashed to my office, dragging my steel cock from my jeans as I went. Plopping down on my chair, I began furiously fisting my rod. It took no time at all for my cock to start spouting cum. Satisfying long streams of white goo erupting onto the carpet. One shot even hit the wall, something never before accomplished in the years I'd been jacking in that chair. It made me feel young again. Virile.

I kept stroking, using the last of my cum, which had dribbled over the head of my cock, for lubrication. I wasn't sure I could pull it off, but it felt like I might be able to come a second time. Something else I hadn't been able to do in ages.

Sure enough, ten minutes later, maybe a bit longer, I wasn't counting, I blew another load. This one was less violent, and with less actual substance, but it felt almost just as good. I'd been imagining what it would feel like to fuck Jesse's tits and come all over her face. It wasn't a particularly gentlemanly thing to imagine doing to her, but my fantasies were rarely civil. If I wanted honorable, sweet sex, I'd fantasize about my wife.

Just then I realized that I hadn't even called up my favorite porn site. I'd just come twice from fantasizing about Jesse and nothing else.

Some hours later, Corinne arrived home from work. I'd long since removed all evidence of my earlier session. In fact, if I'd known Corinne was going to work later than usual, I would've gone another round. I could have, too. Not thirty minutes after blowing my second load, my cock was semi-hard again. This time as a result of remembering the hitch in Jesse's voice when she reacted to my news of Corinne's miscarriage. It wasn't just her body that turned me on, it was nearly everything about her, even her feminine sensitivity toward others.

"How did it go today?"

I smiled at Corinne, trying to push the lustful thoughts about Jesse from my mind. "Fine. Good."

"I think the house looks great, don't you?"

In truth, I hadn't walked around and inspected Jesse's work. I'd been too busy thinking about other things. "Yeah. I do."

"Did you stay locked up in your office all day?"

"No. I swear. We sat here and had lunch together."

"I noticed beer cans in the trash."

"Yeah. Late in the afternoon, I gave her one. You think that was alright?"

"I'm sure it wasn't her first."

"No, it wasn't."

"As long as you guys don't sit around getting drunk, I don't see an issue with it."

"I wouldn't do that; surely you know that much. Hey ... what do you know about Jesse's uncle?"

"Rick Fitzhugh?"


"Not much. He doesn't usually come to church with Darla and Jesse, so I've only met him a couple of times. Seems nice, though."

"Nothing creepy about him?"

"No. Why?"

"I don't know. Something that Jesse said made me wonder if she was safe living there."

"I doubt Darla would let anything bad happen to her. She seems pretty in control of that household."

"Yeah, I got that impression, too."

"Is it something serious?"

I thought about telling Corinne what Jesse had told me. Somehow it felt like a betrayal. I mean, most people know that when you say something to a married person, it might be shared with that person's spouse, but I wasn't sure if Jesse realized that. My gut told me that she didn't mean for me to tell anyone. "No. Nothing serious." I left it at that.