Invisible Girl - An Erotic Romance Pt. 06


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Jane deepened her voice seductively and said, "That would be terrible, wouldn't it?" Then after a pause, she said softly, in her normal voice, "I loved that."

"God, me too," he replied. "Believe me, you are in serious danger of being kidnapped again in the near future." Then, in his Bad Man voice he added, "Oh yes, I have plans for you, my dear...heh-heh-heh."

Jane thought he sounded delightfully creepy.

"I can hardly wait," she told him sincerely.

Chapter Thirty-Four

They had made plans to meet in town after work, eat something and maybe see a movie. But a little before closing time at the store Jane got a call from Peter: his boss, who was supposed to take the night shift, had some kind of family emergency and had to go home, so Peter was going to have to stay at work until closing time.

"Oh, you poor thing," Jane commiserated. "A twelve-hour day!" She thought for a moment. "You won't even get a dinner break, will you? Would you like me to bring you a sandwich or something?"

"That'd be great—I'm starving," he replied. "And that way at least I'd get to see you for a little wh-- Hang on a sec."

She heard his voice, more distant, saying, "Nero Wolfe? Yes sir, that would be in the Mystery section over there. You did? Oh. Sir, you need to look under 'S'—the author's name is Stout. Yes, Rex Stout. You're welcome, sir."

Then he was close again, saying, "Sorry, it's rush hour here. I'll see you in a while, okay? "


Then, more quietly, "I love you."

"Love you too."

Jane hung up the phone, turned to go back out on the floor...and almost ran into Suzy, who was smiling at her with an amused expression. "Sorry, didn't mean to eavesdrop. Same lucky guy?"

Jane smiled. "Mm-hm. He has to work late so I'm going to bring some dinner."

"Well, that's nice of you." Suzy looked puzzled. "All the way to Haverson? You don't have a car, do you?"

Jane wanted to smack herself in the forehead. She looked at Suzy, hesitating—and decided to trust her, at least a little bit. She saw that Mrs. Jorgenson was busy closing up the cash register for the day, so she took Suzy's arm and let her away from the counter.

She spoke quietly. "Suzy, I've been wanting to tell you, but I...listen, can you keep a secret? I mean, really keep a secret?"

Suzy looked at her for a moment then nodded, her face serious.

Jane took a deep breath and let it out in a sigh before saying, "All right. My boyfriend doesn't live in Haverson. He lives here. His name's..." She couldn't help hesitating, but made herself speak the words. "Peter. Peter McIlvray."

Suzy put her hand over her mouth to cover a gasp. "Peter McIlvray? Wow! Oh my gosh!"

She looked so excited that Jane thought she might start jumping up and down so she put a hand on her shoulder to calm her and made a shushing gesture, indicating Suzy's mother with a tilt of her head. Suzy subsided a little, then said, "I wondered why he wasn't dating anyone! Oh Janey, he's so cute!" Then she looked puzzled again. "But why are you keeping it secret? Don't your parents like him?"

Another choice to be made. Jane was tempted to say that Suzy's guess was correct. It was certainly a much simpler explanation than the real one. But finally she gave a mental shrug and said, "No, but there's someone else who...whose feelings we didn't want to hurt. I guess it doesn't matter now—she knows about us—but keep it to yourself anyway, will you?"

Suzy nodded again and said, "Sure."

Jane could see she was dying to know more, and Jane appreciated the tactfulness she was showing in not pursuing the subject. Jane wondered if Suzy could handle hearing the whole story without recoiling in horror. Not yet, she thought. Maybe a little at a time, and see how she takes it. She sighed inwardly, and wished again that she had a girlfriend with whom she could share all her secrets. But she liked Suzy very much. Maybe someday...

She put an arm around Suzy's shoulder, gave her a quick hug and said, "Thanks."

Suzy returned the hug, then surprised Jane by leaning her head over until it was touching Jane's and saying, "I'm glad we're getting to be friends again."

Jane found tears prickling in the corners of her eyes. She turned to face Suzy and said, "Me too," and they hugged again.

Mrs. Jorgenson came up behind them and said, "If you two long-lost sisters can tear yourselves apart I'd like to close up now."

Jane pedaled home quickly. She hadn't really expected Chrissy to be waiting for her but had nonetheless been relieved to find the sidewalk empty when she left the store. When she got home she went up to her room just long enough to peel off her much-hated pantyhose—she hadn't had a chance to find a garter-belt yet—and hurried down to the kitchen.

Her parents were just about to sit down to dinner. Her mother said, "I thought you were going out with Peter tonight."

Jane nodded as she headed for the refrigerator. "I was, but he got stuck at work. I promised I'd bring him a snack." She started pulling sandwich makings out of the fridge.

Her father made a show of being impressed and said, "What service! I hope you get a good tip," and laughed.

Jane's mother said, "Hey, I fed you constantly in law school and you never tipped me once!"

He grinned back at her. "Whaddya mean? I tipped you lots of times! Onto the couch, onto the-"

He ducked as Jane's mother threw a grape at him. "Nasty man!" She turned to Jane and held out her hands in mock-martyrdom. "See what I've had to put up with all these years?"

Jane's father had caught the grape in mid-air and now popped it into his mouth. He tilted his head back, blew the grape more than a foot into the air then caught it again in his mouth as it came down and smiled clownishly at his wife and daughter. Jane had seen him do the same trick a hundred times at least but applauded anyway.

Her mother said, "Great—let's get you out of the lawyer business and put you on Ed Sullivan where you belong."

Jane could see Peter through the big front window of the Word Works bookstore. There was a raised dais enclosed by a waist-high counter in the center of the floor, and Peter was standing in it, ringing up a sale at one of the two cash registers. He looked very nice in a tan sport coat and brown-striped tie, but his hair was falling down over his forehead and he looked somewhat harassed.

Poor thing, thought Jane, having to run the store all by himself. She opened the door and went in, carrying the brown bag with his dinner. Peter, preoccupied with the sale, didn't look up and Jane quickly walked farther into the store where he wouldn't spot her unless he turned around. She was getting the glimmerings of an idea.

She studied the enclosed area where Peter was working. At the back was a short set of steps leading up to what must have been the entrance, even though from where she was standing the counter wall looked solid. The idea was obviously to have the staff standing high enough to be able to see everywhere on the floor and thus be able to spot shoplifters. But it also stood to reason, she thought, that people on the floor wouldn't be able to see over the counter.


Two more customers had queued up at the register. Peter would be busy for some time-now was as good a chance as any.

She strode briskly toward the steps. She was still wearing her work clothes from that day—a navy blue skirt and a white blouse with a frilly collar and cuffs—so she thought she could pass for an employee easily enough. She mounted the steps in a business-like way, as if she belonged there, but secretly putting her feet down as quietly as possible.

The hinged section of the counter swung open easily and silently—Thank goodness, she thought—and closed behind her in the same manner. She immediately crouched down as if looking for something on one of the shelves then knelt on the floor, carefully placing the bag beside her.

Made it, she thought. Now what?

She considered quickly slipping out of her blouse and skirt and stretching out on the floor behind him—when he turned around he would find himself standing between her legs, looking down at her slim figure clothed only in bra and panties. She was seriously tempted; the thought of displaying herself to him in a public place with so many people just a few feet away was extremely exciting. And she was pretty sure Peter would like it too, especially since the underwear she had on was, she thought, particularly attractive—white, with lots of white embroidered flowers and lace trim. She'd put them on that morning when she was expecting to go out with him.

But finally she decided against it, mainly because she wasn't one hundred per cent positive that Peter was the only employee in the store. Potential embarrassment aside, she didn't want to do something that might get Peter fired. Still, she hated to pass up an opportunity to make life interesting for him.

She moved closer to Peter and sat cross-legged directly behind him. Something about the situation and their relative positions reminded her of that day in the school library when he had hidden under the table and done all those wonderful things to her.

On impulse she reached out and carefully slipped her hands under the cuffs of his pants, then gently grasped his ankles.

Peter had apparently been just about to hand some change to a customer because a number of coins suddenly rained down on and around Jane. She heard him say, "Oops, must have hiccuped. I'm sorry about that. I'll be right back."

She pulled her hands away as he swooped down to crouch beside her. Before he could say a word she leaned forward and kissed him, then grinned wickedly at him and began to pick up the coins. As the customer was waiting Peter had no choice but to join in, though the look on his face was something she would treasure. When they had gathered them all she gave her share to him and without a word he rose to his feet again and returned to his customer.

She waited just long enough for the next customer to begin a transaction before slipping her hands back under Peter's pant legs. She began running her palms smoothly up and down his calves and shins. When she grew tired of that she withdrew her hands, shifted to a kneeling position again and began massaging the backs of his thighs through his pants.

Then, leaning forward, the fronts of his thighs.

Then the insides.

She heard him say, "Ma'am? Excuse me, I think I gave you the wrong change. Sorry, I don't know where my mind is tonight."

Jane decided to help him find out. She moved her hands onto his zipper and continued to massage him. She heard Peter clear his throat, and when he said, "Next, please," his voice seemed to crack a little.

Then Jane heard a feminine voice asking, "Do you have Hard Times?" This was immediately followed by an apparent coughing fit on Peter's part.

Jane stopped what she was doing and clapped her hands over her mouth to keep from laughing. After a moment she heard Peter manage to say, "Sorry. That's Dickens, isn't it?" Jane heard no reply, but Peter then continued, "It should be about half-way down the wall on that far set of shelves there."

The feminine voice replied, "I'm sorry, but I'm very near-sighted and I don't have my glasses with me. Would you mind showing me?"

"Of course, ma'am. Be happy to."

Jane had just enough presence of mind to scoot out of the way as Peter turned and headed for the door of the counter. Jane assumed that the customer would be too near-sighted to notice that Peter was having hard times of his own.

Which were just beginning, Jane thought to herself with a grin.

When Peter returned he found Jane ensconced directly beneath the cash register so that in order to use it he was forced to stand right in front of her. Taking in her purposeful smile he gave her a wide-eyed and slightly panic-stricken glance before beginning to ring up the sale. She let him finish and move on to his next customer before launching her next assault.

His erection had, unsurprisingly, all but disappeared during his travels but Jane soon massaged it upright again. Then she pulled down the zipper of his pants, very slowly, making sure Peter understood what was happening.

She was a little disappointed when she pulled the flaps apart and saw his usual white briefs—what she was planning would have been a lot easier without them. She couldn't take the chance of undoing his belt and unbuttoning his pants because he might have to go out again.

Oh well, I'll just have to do what I can, she thought, reaching in with the tips of her forefingers to snag the elastic of his briefs.

She pulled the front of them out and then down as far as she could and was pleasantly surprised at how much of his erection popped into view. Still, she figured that in an emergency she could have him tucked away and tidied up in a few seconds. She looked up...and saw him looking down at her, his face held carefully blank. Jane assumed there were no customers at the counter just then. She smiled up at him...then stuck out her tongue.

Without taking her eyes from his she used the tip of her tongue to flick the head of his cock just hard enough to make it bounce a few times.

She did it again. Then she batted it back and forth a few times so that it swayed like one of those inflatable punch-bag toys with sand in the bottom.

Peter seemed fascinated, as if it were happening to someone else.

She saw him suddenly look up and then heard him say, "Oh, h-hello, Mr. Sanders, what have you got today?"

Jane thought he sounded a little breathless, but she wasn't feeling inclined to be merciful. She ran the tip of her tongue up the length of his shaft, just barely touching it, with what she hoped was excruciating slowness. When she reached the head she held just the very tip of it in place with her lips and began teasing him there with great delicacy.

After a while she became aware that Peter wasn't saying anything, although she could definitely hear him breathing—somewhat raggedly, she thought. She hoped that meant that there weren't any customers and not that he was standing there looking preoccupied while they stared at him.

She allowed her tongue to dance around the head of his cock for a little while longer, then opened her mouth wide and wrapped her lips around it.

She heard Peter take a sudden breath in through his mouth, then felt his hand drop to the back of her head and begin caressing her hair. God, how she loved him! Realizing that any interruption beyond this point would be difficult to deal with, she began to work quickly, sliding as much of him in and out of her mouth as she could while deftly employing her tongue to stimulate him.

She felt his hand leaving her head and glanced up to see that he was now supporting himself with both hands on the countertop while pretending to study something there. His face was covered in sweat. She began to work faster, being careful however not to make any loud slurping noises. She wished she didn't need both hands to hold his underwear out of the way.


She slowly wormed one hand inside and began caressing his sack...and heard him make a sound that would have been a gasp if it hadn't come out of his nose.

Then his hips began jerking slightly and she adjusted to his rhythm, which quickly grew faster and faster, and suddenly both of his hands were on her head and she began rhythmically squeezing his sack...

And a moment later heard him sigh, "Ohhh..." and she tasted salt-sourness as his semen began spurting into her mouth. She became very still then, holding him quietly in her mouth until he was done and then using her tongue to gently tease out the last few drops.

When she felt him beginning to subside she removed her mouth from his cock and gave it a final kiss before carefully putting it away and zipping him up.

Then she crawled to the back of the counter area and straightened her clothing before standing up, picking up the bag with Peter's snack as she did so. After a quick glance around she walked up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder, saying loudly, "Here's your dinner, Peter."

Then, as if he'd asked her to join him she added, "Oh no, I'm not hungry. I just had some juice." She gave him a brilliant smile, reached over and gave his forefinger an affectionate tug beneath the counter, then turned and stepped out onto the floor.

Just as she did so an elderly gentleman, apparently thinking she was an employee, approached her. She listened to his request and then directed him to Peter, adding a few choice words of her own before taking her leave of him and making her way out of the store.

The old man approached the front of the counter where Peter was standing and said, "I'm looking for a book by W. Somerset Maugham: Of Human Bondage. Your lady friend told me you're something of an authority on it."

As she rode home, smiling to herself and eager, despite what she'd said earlier, to get some supper for herself, Jane suddenly remembered her promise to Chrissy. The sudden change of plans had messed everything up. Well, she would just have to bring it up when he called after work.

And she was very sure he would call tonight.

"Very funny," were the first words she heard him say after she picked up the phone. "That old geezer bent my ear for twenty minutes about that book, thanks to you, and I had to pretend I had some idea what he was talking about!"

"Oh, poor Peter," said Jane, laughing. "Maybe you'll have to read it when you get to Kenton. Think of how far ahead you'll be!"

"Well actually, he did make it sound kind of interesting," Peter admitted. "Maybe I'll borrow it from the store. Still, that was a slimy trick. I think you need a visit from Mr. Bad Man."

Peter's voice dropped into the nasty leer of Mr. Bad Man and continued, "I'll show you some 'Human Bondage', little girl, heh-heh-heh."

Jane ignored the goosebumps rising on the back of her neck. Business before pleasure, she told herself firmly.

"Oh no, anything but that," she said, just to finish the exchange, then shifted gears. "Speaking of punishment...guess who's still bugging me about Father Brian?"

"Still?" Peter sounded impressed. "Wow. Maybe I should go into business. I could..."

Jane cut him off. "She really wants to see you...uh, him again."

There was a pause. "'re saying...that would be okay?" Peter sounded perplexed.

Not really, Jane thought. "Well, I don't know," she said out loud. "I feel kind of sorry for her. She can't just do what she wants like we do—she's all mixed up, you know?"

"I'll say."

"It's like she has to pretend she doesn't want it, so she can pretend that it's good for her."

Another pause—a longer one. Then Peter said, "Jane, are you sure we want to get into this again with her?"

Too late—we already are, thought Jane.

"Well..." she pretended to hesitate. "It's just that it really seemed to help her some—that's what she told me, anyway. I mean, even if she doesn't really know why." She made her voice more playful. "And it was kind of fun, wasn't it?"

Again Peter didn't reply right away and when he did his tone was thoughtful. "It was, yeah. But remember what we talked about later?"

"Of course I do," Jane replied. "Peter, I don't want to share you with anybody else. You know that. I only did it that first time because I thought you'd like it, and I thought it would help Chrissy. And it did, and that's the only reason I'm asking you now, because I promised Chrissy I would."

Well, the last part's true, thought Jane.