Irene and Alan - Trucker's Delight

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Irene exposes herself to truckers on the road.
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Authors' Note: Some readers of my earlier stories have expressed concern over what they feel is my improper use of pronouns in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd person. They say that it makes some of my works hard to read. In this story I have made an extra effort to make it clear who is speaking. Hopefully it helps. Should this bother you then you may not want to read the story. Those of you who suggest that I get an editor need to know that I have tried. I have contacted over eight different Literotica "editors". Three have been courteous enough to reply although all were too busy to take on extra work. The remainder did not even take time to reply. If you wish to comment just be cognizant of my effort to acquire assistance. I hope that I have done better in this work and, as always, I welcome your comments.

Irene and Alan -- Trucker's Delight

It was a few days after their escapade at Irene's boss's house before Irene and her husband Alan had a chance to discuss what had happened. They were on the road headed to one of their favorite weekend getaways when Alan asked "How are things at work?"

In a somewhat puzzled voice Irene glanced over and said "What do you mean?"

Alan turned to look at his lovely wife and momentarily wondered about how lucky he was to have her. Turning his attention back to the road he continued "After last weekend I thought that things might have changed."

Irene laughed. "Well there have been one or two changes."

"Like what?" Alan shot back.

Sending a mischievous smile in Alan's direction she said "The black guy and one of the white guys approached me. The white guy was polite and just wanted to inquire about a replay. The black guy was a bit more aggressive. He waited until after work when I was preparing to leave for home. He walked into my office and before I knew what was happening he embraced me and gave me a huge sloppy kiss. All the while his hands were busy squeezing my tits and rubbing my ass. I have to admit that it was pretty arousing."

Alan almost ran the car off the road as he turned to look at his wife. "What else?"

Lost for the moment in the memory Irene smiled. "That was it. I told them both that what went on last weekend was a onetime deal. I said that I would let them know it I wanted a repeat performance."

Alan's attention was drawn back to his driving as he slowed to make room for a car that had swerved into his lane without signaling. The heavy traffic was a mix of autos and trucks which demanded most of his attention.

Despite trying to keep his concentration on the road Alan could not help but notice his wife. Irene acted like she was sitting on a lumpy cushion and kept moving her butt around trying to find a comfortable position. As she did so her skirt kept riding higher and higher exposing more and more thigh.

He was enjoying the show and soon he began to wonder if she was wearing any underwear under her skirt. He continued to check out his wife every chance he got as they drove on. Still he couldn't help wondering what her problem was. He was on the verge of asking her when the obvious answer dawned on him.


Finally things began to make sense. Irene was an exhibitionist at heart and she was showing off for the truckers. As Alan continued to split his attention between his driving and his wife's antics the pattern became clear. Every time one of those big trucks came along on the passenger side of the car she would begin to squirm. The truck driver would stay right beside them as long as he could before he was forced to move on. When he did Irene would momentarily cease her squirming.

Their escapade last week had proven that in addition to being an exhibitionist Irene was somewhat submissive. She would do things under his guidance that she would normally never consider.

Last weekend he had set her up to have sex with four different men at her boss's party. That was something that she would never do on her own but, knowing that her husband had arranged it, she allowed it to happen. It seemed as if she found it easy to forget her normal inhibitions under certain conditions.

As another trucker pulled up beside them Alan decided to see just how far his new found power over his wife extended. Irene had begun to squirm around in her seat again and the skirt had risen to new heights. "Unbutton your blouse!" he commanded.

Startled, Irene looked over at him. "What?" she said.

Alan repeated his command. "Unbutton your blouse!"

"Are you crazy?" Irene asked.

Seeing a break in the traffic, Alan turned to look at his wife. "For some time now I've watched you wiggling your ass around every time a trucker gets beside us. Each time your skirt rides up higher and higher on your thighs and I'm beginning to wonder just how far you are willing to go. Why play around? Unbutton your blouse and show them your lovely tits. I know you're not wearing a bra. Maybe we'll find out if you're wearing panties later but for now I want you to unbutton your blouse."

Irene thought how totally amazing this was. She absolutely loved to show her naked body to all sorts of strange men and now her loving husband was telling her to do exactly that. She looked over at Alan and asked "Are you sure?"

Shaking his head Alan said "Sweetheart, you get a thrill showing yourself off and I get a thrill watching you do it. I like looking at you myself so I know that other men do too. I like watching you show yourself and allowing others to look at you. I even like watching other men fuck you. I'm not the type to get jealous when you show off or have sex with others. I know that at the end of the day, you belong to me. The other men are simply getting a onetime use of something that I have every day. So, do what you love to do. Show them your body while I try to keep the car on the road."

A huge smile crossed Irene's pretty face as she reached for the first button on her blouse. She undid the first two buttons and turned to see if Alan approved. His grin and nodding head encouraged her to loosen yet another button.

As she turned in her seat to give the trucker a better look at her tits she heard her husband encouraging her to "Undo them all."

Following his instructions she slowly undid every button down the front of her blouse. When they were all undone she pulled her blouse from inside her skirt and spread it wide open. It was such a thrill to know that her tits were free and unbound. Proudly she turned toward the window giving the trucker driving beside then an unobstructed view.

She was rewarded with a blast of the trucker's horn as he reluctantly pulled away.

Unbeknownst to either of them the trucker had been on the CB radio making the rest of the trucking community aware of his good fortune. He had even managed to get a few good shots with his cell phone. They would come in handy later tonight when he was all alone.

In just moments another trucker was beside them trying to get a good look at Irene's tits.

Meanwhile, Alan was trying to keep an eye on the road and think about how much he was enjoying the situation. Let's see about those panties, he thought. "Pull your skirt up Irene. Show him your pussy."

Without a moment's hesitation Irene lifted her ass off the seat and pulled her skirt up to her waist.

Alan had been right. No panties. Totally caught up in what his wife was doing he directed her to "Spread your legs and finger yourself. Let's really give them a thrill."

More than willing to comply with her husband's instructions she spread her legs wide and inserted first one and then two fingers into her wet pussy. She looked to her right to see if the trucker was watching and saw his huge smile as he used his cell phone to take video as they drove down the road.

As the trucks kept vying for position Alan soon realized just how dangerous this had become. As he wondered what to do he caught sight of the next exit from the Interstate. Moving ahead of the truck on his right Alan turned on his signal and took the exit. Concentrating on leaving the highway safely he never noticed the string of trucks that followed right along behind him.

Just a little way down the narrow two lane road Alan spied a service station. He did not want to get lost on back roads and needed to turn around so that he could get back onto the Interstate. At the last minute he noticed that this gas station appeared to also be a truck stop. Simultaneously he looked into his rearview mirror before making the turn and spotted the trailing group of semi trucks.

While Alan was trying to get back on the interstate by turning around Irene had buttoned her blouse up and was wrestling with her skirt trying to pull it over her ass and down her shapely thighs.

Turning to his wife Allen said "I don't know if this is such a good idea sweetheart."

"What do you mean? What's wrong?" she asked.

Shaking his head Alan suggested that she take a look behind them.

Turning to look behind them Irene muttered a heartfelt "Oh my!"

Alan drove around to the back side of the parking lot trying to find an easy way back to the highway. He soon realized his mistake as a truck coming from the other direction pulled to a stop in front of their car. In a matter of moments their car was completely surrounded by big trucks.

"Alan!" Irene exclaimed. "What are we going to do now?"

"I'm not sure but I think that you are about to become the center of attention in this parking lot. I hope you're ready to get fucked because that may be our only way out of here." Alan said as he opened the door and stepped out

Almost immediately truck drivers began leaving their rigs as they coalesced around Alan at the front of their car. Soon they were surrounded by what looked to be five to ten men and there were more arriving by the minute.

Irene shuddered at the thought. She was new to allowing herself to be used by strangers. It had been a thrill last weekend but that had only been four men. She looked out the window at the gathering crowd and noted that there was quite a mix.

The men were mostly white but there were also a couple of blacks. While most were middle aged they ranged in age from their early twenties to a couple that seemed to be in their sixties. She knew that most of these men slept in their trucks so she was not too surprised to notice that while some seemed to be pretty clean there were a few that clearly had not seen the wet side of a shower in a few days or even more.

OMG she thought. What in the world have I gotten into? While she could not hear what the men were saying to Alan it was clear that they were animated and gesturing at him. What was she going to do? Then the answer dawned on her. Alan was her man and he was in control. He would work something out. All she had to do was to trust him and follow his lead. She had nothing to worry about. At least she hoped not.

Meanwhile Alan was frantically trying to decide the best way out of this situation himself. While none of the men had threatened him or Irene they had made it clear that they expected to see more of his wife. Alan decided that he would have his wife put on a little show for them.

Once he made his decision he walked around to the passenger side of the car and opened the door holding out his hand for his wife. Irene took his hand and stepped out of the car. As they moved to the front of the car they were both surprised by the spontaneous round of applause.

When they reached the front of the car Alan told Irene "I've discussed the situation with these gentlemen. They pointed out that you have been displaying yourself out there on the highway and now they want to get a better look. It only seems fair to me so I told them that you would be more than willing to give them an up close view."

Somewhat stunned all Irene could manage to stammer was "Wha.... what?"

In a commanding voice Alan said "Take off your blouse hon. Show them your tits. Most of them have seen them anyway. You've been showing them to anyone that wanted to look as we drove so they want a better look."

Although somewhat stunned by Alan's instructions Irene could not help but feel the excitement. Her husband wanted her to show her tits to all of these men and damned if she didn't want to do it too.

With a final glance at her husband she began to unbutton her blouse again. She had been unable to tuck it back into her skirt so when she reached the last button she simply dropped her hands to her side and let the blouse hang open.

Alan shook his head as he looked at her. "Sweetheart they want to see your tits. Take off the blouse and give them a good look. You know that you want to do it so let's get this show on the road."

Irene reached up pulling the open blouse wider bringing her tits into full view for everyone to see. She slowly slipped the blouse off of her shoulders and placed it on the hood of their car. Then she looked up at Alan and turned to face the crowd.

The first thing that she saw was the intensity of their gaze. Then she noticed all of the cell phones that were recording her humiliation. That's when she realized that standing here like this in front of all of these strangers was humiliating but it was oh so exciting.

Finally one of the older men stepped forward and said "I want a video."

Alan said "You've been taking video all along. I don't understand what you want."

Stepping even closer the man said "I want you to use my cell phone and take a video of me with your wife."

Without a word Alan reached out to take the man's cell phone and gestured for the man to stand next to his wife.

As he settled in beside Irene she felt him reach around behind her and place his left arm around her waist. She was looking into the camera and smiling when he reached around with his right hand, cupped her breast and lowered his lips to her breast taking her nipple into his mouth.

She was afraid to even move and continued looking into the camera wondering why Alan had not said anything. The look on Alan's face told her all she needed to know. He was as excited by what was happening as she was. After a few moments more the man allowed her nipple to slip from between his lips and looked up at her. On impulse she lowered her head and kissed him. He stepped away and Alan returned his phone to him.

Suddenly it was pandemonium. Every man in the group was waving a phone wanting to get in on the act. Irene was actually a little scared fearing that things might get out of hand. She could get hurt and or raped.

"Hold it!" she heard Alan's voice over the crowd noise. The men mostly quieted down.

Alan recognized the danger and moved quickly to resume control. He was concerned and while he knew that both he and his wife would enjoy the festivities he was responsible for her safety and determined to maintain that safety. He was also a man who enjoyed watching other men use his wife sexually. He had to find a way to do both.

"If you all continue like this someone will report us. When the cops arrive they'll break up the whole thing and you all lose. For all I know some of us might even get arrested. Now everyone will get a chance to pose with my wife but we need to keep this civilized so you all work it out among yourselves who will be next but we need to remain calm. My wife's safety is the most important thing to me. I don't mind if you see her naked, take pictures or video but I will not allow any violence and I don't think that any of you want that either. Now! Who's next?"

This time one of the younger black drivers held out his phone to Alan. As Alan took the phone the trucker stepped up but this guy stepped behind Irene. Not sure what to expect Irene jumped just a little when he reached around her and cupped her breasts and pinched one of her nipples as Alan took video.

Irene could not refrain from looking down at the black hands cupping her breasts. She felt him lean over her shoulder and when she turned to look he took the opportunity to kiss her. When she felt his tongue probing her lips she parted them and allowed the kiss to deepen. By this time her nipples had hardened perceptibly.

When the other men started to complain she reluctantly broke the kiss and the next man stepped up. After that the next couple of men were simply more of the same. Some kissed her. Most of the men wanted to fondle her tits. Irene enjoyed being the center of attention. Allowing all of the strangers to fondle her while all of the other men watched and most took video.

To Irene it seemed like the crowd had hardly diminished in size when one of the less clean men approached handing his phone to Alan. He was big, burly and dressed like a bum. As he approached Irene's intuition went on alert. Something bothered her but she couldn't put her finger on what was wrong about him. Maybe he just seemed more aggressive than the others.

As Alan took video the man approached, grabbed her and kissed her roughly. "I want more than a titty squeeze from you."

He quickly turned Irene around and forced her to bend over the hood of the car. Alan stepped forward and started to say something but one look from this guy made him step back and keep recording.

Irene felt her skirt being raised and a cool breeze caressed her pussy. Then she heard the sound of a zipper and a moment later felt a strange cock probing between the lips of her pussy. When the man found the entrance to her love nest he slid his cock deep into her. She couldn't control the moan that escaped from between her lips.

The man grabbed her hips and began shoving his rod into her roughly. Irene had never been used like this. At first she felt offended at the rough treatment but soon it began to excite her. She rocked forward with every thrust and it felt like he was driving his cock all the way through her. In just a matter of moments she felt his speed increase and then he buried his cock as deeply as possible and held her as he pumped her pussy full of sperm.

As his cock went flaccid Irene felt his dick slip out of her and cum ran down the inside of her leg. Just as she started to stand she felt another hand on her back holding her in place. Another cock slipped into her pussy. She looked over her shoulder to see one of the black truckers forcing his large shaft into her pussy.

When he pumped her pussy full of cum another cock was shoved into her. After that it was a steady stream of strange men using her to rut like animals. She had never had a better time. In no time at all she lost count of the men that had used her.

At some point they pulled her away from the car hood so that one man could use her pussy while another used her mouth. When the cock in her mouth began to pump cum she struggled to swallow every drop. She was also aware of cum dripping from her pussy and running down the inside of both of her thighs.

She didn't even have the strength to resist when she felt a new cock probing her ass hole. At first she thought her new lover must have missed her pussy but he persisted. With her attention divided between the cock probing her ass and the one plunging into her mouth she hardly noticed when the guy behind her was successful and slipped his dick deeply into her ass.

At first this new intrusion hurt but soon he was thrusting into her with gusto. It was almost more than she could handle as the cock in her mouth and the one in her ass erupted at almost the same moment. The sensations were too much for her and she felt her sides clench as she experienced the most intense orgasm she had ever had. She felt her own juices mix with cum flowing from her pussy which then began the trip down her thighs.

At last the final cock slid from Irene's thoroughly abused body. She slowly stood and her rumpled soggy skirt fell down covering her. She watched somewhat in a daze as Alan threw the last man's phone to him as he rushed over to her.