Iron Rain Pt. 02


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"We came together... again." I said astonished.

"Yes..." Petra said dreamily,"...yes we did."

"So do you need a hand with the laundry?"

"Laundry... oh shit... I completely forgot about the laundry... that magical cock of yours..." she snapped back to reality, "no I can handle it but I will definitely need a shower before Kat gets home."

"Need your back scrubbed?"

"Among other places," she said smiling.

I swatted her on her ass as she walked upstairs naked and began bringing down the laundry baskets. I needed a nap... I was dehydrated and in desperate need of some fluids and rest.

"I am going to take a nap."

"Good, you're going to need your strength."

"Wake me when you take your shower," I told her.

"I can do that."

I had barely dressed when the doorbell rang and a courier was on the porch with a package. I opened the door and a cute brunette stepped forward, sniffed the air and smiled.

"I have a package for Nicholas Shaw," she said eyes glinting.

I looked her up and down seeing how well she filled out the uniform she was wearing.

"Yes you do... where do I sign?"

"On the dotted line," she said pulling a business card from her breast pocket and setting it down on the electronic pad.

"I signed my name in the window as she handed me the package and her card at the same time.

"I get off at six..."

"...more like seven... I don't like to rush things."

She blushed and sashayed her way back to her truck.

"Looks like you got a shot of confidence lover," Petra said standing off to the side still naked.

"Did she see you?"

"Unless she's blind... she smelled that freshly fucked scent on you..."

"I..." but she touched a finger to my lips.

"I am not jealous... just save some of that energy for me is all I ask."

"Oh... okay..."

"So what's the package?"

"Oh... one of my buddies from the academy wants me to beta test something for him."

"Is he a gamer?"

"Yes... but he didn't write a gaming program... he designed his own OS..."


"Operating System," I explained.

"You mean like Windows or Mac?"

"Yeah... our little trio has been doing this for the past three years now."


"Yeah one guy designs the hardware, the other the software and I beta test it. I have a knack for finding weaknesses in things..."

"...and people," Petra said smiling. "You played me so I would let you fuck me in the ass didn't you?"

"Maybe... a little..."

"...a little?"

"Okay... a lot... are you mad?"

"Not in the least... I meant what I said... anywhere... anytime... anyway..."

"All I can say is damn..."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"As you should... now I have a new toy to play with."

"Can I watch?"

I smiled and nodded.

"But you better put 'some' clothes on in case Kat comes home early."

I opened the box and slid the foam wrapped tablet computer from its interior and carefully cut the tape holding the foam on and held the sleek titanium case in my hands. Jerome outdid himself this time; it is the finest bit of hardware he ever put together.

"Is that an I Pad," Petra asked.

"Not even close, it may look like a traditional tablet put the guts and display are very different."

"How so," she asked her eyes lighting up as her business persona slipped into place.

"I can't reveal too much but let's just say the processing chip and onboard memory aren't silicon."

"I'm not a techie but from what I understand everything is based off of silicon."

"This isn't, it's a second generation crystal mainframe."

"Crystal... I've never heard of someone buying crystal chips..."

"Made not bought... my friend developed a process for growing stable crystals for use in computers."

"How fast is that thing?"

"Well if the software and hardware remain stable... it holds terabytes of holographic memory... enough to run a city like New York with ease."

"But how..."

"Sorry..." I cut her off, "I can't say anymore... actually I have already said too much."

"No I am sorry for pushing you... can I see the OS..."

I sat down and patted the spot next to me and Petra literally bounced over and sat next to me. I touched the power button and the OS was instantly up and running.

"Wow... no load time at all..." I muttered.

"What are all the weird circles on the screen?"

"That's the display language."

"What language is that? I've been from one side of the planet to the other and..."

I blushed and hesitated before saying anything.

"'s not a traditional language."

"If it's not, how do you read it then?"

"Well we sat down and created it after seeing it on TV."

"Let me guess a science fiction show?'

I nodded and fought off the urge to blush.

"And you can actually read these characters?"

"Yeah we wanted to have something that even if someone stole it would be utterly useless to them."

"They could always just open it up..." she saw the look on my face, "you can't open it up?"

"Not without trashing the interior."

"You guys thought of everything."

I hit certain symbols on the desktop and opened up the camera features and took a snapshot of Petra.

"Even takes hi-res photos, 100 Meg camera built in and even hi def video."

"Don't even think about it..." Petra said smiling.


"No home sex videos for you."

"Oh... let's not be hasty."

"We'll discuss it later..." she said smiling.

"You want to see the real selling point?" I asked her eager to share Terry's cutting edge discovery with someone outside of the group.

Terry was one of those kid's whose I.Q. couldn't quite be measured accurately. The boy loved to build things! When my laptop crashed and burned... he somehow managed to fix the motherboard. It was then that he, William and Jerome decided to build a smaller, better computer. Jerome was the real genius for it seemed like every time the other two ran into a roadblock Jerome cleared the way. I suspected Terry and William were great idea people but Jerome was the problem solver. I felt stupid, like short bus stupid, around those three. But they saw something in me I didn't see in myself. I had a knack for seeing flaws or problems and that helped them polish their ideas. They saw me as an invaluable addition to the group. Together we saw ourselves as the perfect storm. I returned to the present and looked over at Petra and smiled again.

"Sure," she said seeing how my face had lit up.

"See the crystals along the edge of the screen?"


"Watch," I said hitting another symbol on the screen and as the crystals lit up I set the tablet face up on the table in front of us.

Petra actually made a little OOH sound when the holographic display came into being two feet above the tablet's surface. The flat circles became intricate spheres orbiting one another. I touched the appropriate icon and a full color three dimensional image of her now took shape.

"That's... unbelievable..." her voice just above a whisper.

"Walk around it."

Petra stood up and I watched her semi-nude form as she walked halfway around the table still stunned by the display of her beautiful face. I stood and moved behind her pulling her close to me and feeling her mold herself to me. She felt my hardness pressing against her ass and let out a low soft moan but shook it off and smiled.

"I have to go back to doing laundry and you have beta testing and a nap in your near future. You don't want to wear yourself out... we have things to do later tonight."

Then she was gone with a wiggle and a shiver. I stared after her until she was out of sight then I returned to the tablet and thought of how to run it through its paces. I cut and cropped Petra's picture and fired up BORG the special search engine and selected her photo and depressed the facial recognition option and let it run. BORG would search both domestic and foreign data bases for her likeness and thanks to cutting edge software not only would it 'slice' network security wherever it encountered it; BORG would leave no trace of its passing. Thanks to William's fanatical love of the Transformer's movies he had developed his own version of the living software. BORG wasn't quite artificial intelligence but it was damn close. That's what happens when a savant focuses his full attention to a pet project. It's really sad his father sent him away not understanding that William's emotional issues were from his autistic nature and not his quote lack of control. The minute I met William I saw a kindred spirit and took him under my wing; so it took bloodying a few noses to make my point but the bullies left him alone fairly quickly. He was so grateful he became our fourth before he killed himself early senior year after his father announced that William had been accepted into a government job. William just wanted to go home, a sentiment I fully understood. He had hacked the academy's system and ordered enough magnesium to incinerate his body leaving nothing behind but memory and tears.

I tossed the delivery box in the trash and headed upstairs to see what mischief I could get into online. I lay on my futon and looked around and marveled at the money and detail my dad had put into this project for me. Hmmm... I looked up the old and new floor plans of the house and compared them side by side. The first floor was fairly dramatic change as I saw down to the wiring he had upgraded everything. The second floor was completely revamped and there was little to compare. Finally the third floor came on the screen and I looked at the barren looking old plans and then the new layout. What the hell? If I was reading the plans correct the floor was twice as large as what I was seeing. There were hidden rooms up here somewhere. I zoomed up on all the walls and there in the middle closet of the main room was a secret door! I set down the tablet and walked over to the back of the main room and opened the middle closet and began to knock and tap and near the upper left corner was a square of wood that pushed in and with an audible click a six foot section of wall slid sideways into the wall revealing another large room beyond. It was another nine tatami mat room and at a single glance its purpose was obvious, a dojo. The walls were lined with all manner of weapons and against the far wall a short mahogany table with an empty sword stand carved of gorgeous rosewood. It was here that I set my welcome home gift, sword and stand appeared made for each other. Like the main room there were shoji doors on the left and right walls. The room on the left wall was a meditation chamber with sound absorbing tiles and a state of the art sound system to play whatever soothing music I might require. The room on the right was a gym with weight machines as well as free weights. These hidden rooms were like my fortress of solitude so that I might get away from the rest of the world and work out, practice and meditate. Dad had built the perfect place for me and he was thousands of miles away, I would have to be patient and thank him when he got home.

"Nicholas!" Petra's voice filtered upwards from the first floor.

I stepped out and closed the secret door behind me and ran down the stairs to see what Petra wanted. I entered the kitchen and there was Petra with a miffed look on her face and the shipping box in her hand.

"I know you don't know all the rules but just so you know for future reference we recycle cardboard and glass."

"Sorry..." I said as she took a box cutter and began to dissect the box and with a loud clink something fell onto the kitchen floor.

Petra bent over and picked up a small titanium box.

"Looks like your friend sent you more than just the tablet," she said looking the box over before giving it to me.

She shrugged and waited for me to open it. I examined the box and saw a button on the side and gently pressed it. With a soft 'click' the box slid open revealing a pair of colored contact lenses.

"Violet how cool is that," I exclaimed.

"I didn't see a brand name on them," Petra said.

"Hmm me neither but they must be connected to Jerome and Terry somehow."

"They made the tablet?"

"Yeah and programmed it too." I said closing the box and moved behind her.

My hands went up and cupped her tits through the t-shirt she was wearing and I felt her nipples and body stiffen at my touch.

"Mmm we can't... Kat could be home at any time and I still have laundry to do..."

"You owe me a blowjob... I want to see your lips wrapped around me and watch you swallow every... last... drop..."

"Of course..." she licked her lips and slowly pulled away before shivering and quickly walking towards the basement steps, "...your cock... my mouth... tonight."

Then she was gone and I had a raging boner to deal with. I hoped Kat came home soon. I crossed the first floor and walked into the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror. I took out the contact lenses and opened the case. I had never worn them before but I had to see how I would look with violet colored eyes! It wasn't as difficult as I thought it might be. The moment the lens touch my eye it seemed to disappear and I couldn't feel it at all. The second lens went on even easier and when I turned to the mirror I smiled and like the deep vibrant color was amazing! Suddenly there came a flash of light and for a moment I thought I had been struck by lightning. When I could see again there was a glowing dot hovering in the upper right hand corner of my vision. The strangest part is that it wasn't reflected in the mirror. I looked at that point and space and blinked the next thing I know there are for lack of better words a tactical display in the field of my vision.

"What the hell is going on," I cried out.

"Voice Mode Actuated," said a dull monotone voice from nowhere.

"State your ready status," I asked.

"Fully Functional and Awaiting Instructions," it replied.

"Are you the contact lenses?"

"Affirmative," came the voice again.

"Do you have an avatar?"

"No Avatar Scanned Into System... Shall I Activate Holographic Scan?"

"Not at this time, is internet access established?"

"BORG Device Active... Internet Access Available... Notice Search Results Available..."

"Display search results," I said my heart caught in my throat.

"Displaying Results Now..."

There was another flash and a three dimensional image of a much younger Petra was displayed hovering in front of me. The name below her image wasn't Petra Shaw it was Olga Petranova and following it was a detailed FBI report of her placement in witness protection from the Russian Mob.

"Which mob family was she running from?"

"According To Records Her First Husband Was Igor Petranova Head Of An Organization Called The Iron Rain."

"How do Iron Rain members identify each other?"

"All Members Receive a Tattoo Upon Joining."

"Are there are recorded images of Iron Rain tattoo?"

"Displaying Tattoo of the Iron Rain..."

There for my startled eyes to see were the three gray water drops I had seen on Petra's inner thigh. That removed any doubt on the matter. She had turned on a criminal organization and testified putting some of the most powerful members behind bars for life.

"What is the status of Igor Petranova?"


"Display records regarding his death."

The watched once more came to life and another holographic file was displayed showing a Russian newspaper article.

"Translate," I ordered.

The Cyrillic letters faded away replaced with an English version of the article telling of the murder of Igor Petranova by one of his under bosses and the disappearance of his wife and only child. I think I earned a new respect for this woman who was willing to do whatever it took to bring the men who murdered her husband to justice.

"Shut down display and sleep."

The image disappeared; I cut up the rest of the box and placed it in the proper recycle bin. Then I headed upstairs to shut off the tablet before Kat got home. I didn't need her knowing that I had discovered their secret, at least not yet.

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Ravey19Ravey19over 3 years ago
It's Fantasy

And a good read. Yes, it could with a thorough review and check before publication but the errors don't detract much from the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

nice hot

BfreetorunBfreetorunalmost 10 years ago
I just KNEW he was going to fuck Petra but I did not think it would be this soon.

Halfway through Chapter 2, that is fast work even for Lost Boy. I have read some of your other work and liked it, too.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Russian feminine endings

If she was Petranova, wouldn't her husband have been Petranov?

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Too Much, Too Fast

This is probably more a fantasy than a story, but the sex is just coming too fast. First, the stepsister fucks him at first sight, then the stepmother. Also, he should probably feel some guilt/regret about the stepmother. You could have introduced all the sex a little slower and eased the reader's suspension of disbelief.

Could have used at least one more editing pass. Too many wrong words and clumsy constructions.

HamletinChainsHamletinChainsover 12 years ago
Great story

So so good. I wasn't expecting the story to be as sexy as it is. And now I find I'm really being drawn into the overarching plot as well. I can only hope it keeps up at this level - I fell this chapter really raised it.

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichover 12 years ago
Another layer of intrigue added to this erotic tale.

Not only a very good erotic tale, but now we have run into some subterfuge and espionage.

Perhaps our young hero is another James Bond, and can utilize his intelligence to find all of the answers he needs.

A great story and I'm going to be watching for the next chapter.

Thanks for the good read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
"Cloths" ...

are items used for mopping up liquid deposits on the floor.

"Clothes" are items that people wear!

You can use "clothes" as "cloths" but you shouldn't use "cloths" as "clothes".

Eric_ShiftEric_Shiftover 12 years ago
Pretty good

I felt it kind of missed some linking storyline to join how he knew intuitively what to say when he had obviously new technology, even for him.

And he doesn't seem to have much soul searching to do to when he's making it with his stepmum.

She doesn't seem to have much of a problem cheating either.

But apart from those few things, I really want to read more.

BadBrew2UBadBrew2Uover 12 years ago
Great twist

While the descriptive encounters were dick thickening, the tech twist opens a whole new perspective. Very interesting.

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