Is She Smiling at Me? Pt. 04 Ch. 01


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Leaning into the shower, I started the water and shut the door. Liz was beaming happily at me, her big eyes twinkling as I stepped toward her for a kiss. My hands found the hem of her shirt and tugged it up over her head as she shimmied out of her skirt, letting it fall to the floor. I kissed her again, finding the clasp of her bra with one hand and deftly popping it open with a snap of my fingers. Liz giggled as the bra fell from her shoulders, her bountiful tits falling free with a playful bounce. With rapt attention, I watched Liz slip her panties down over her hips, exposing her cute, flaccid cock as she stripped nude before me.

Fully disrobed, I took Liz's hand and guided her into the shower, embracing under the warm spray of the water. She hugged me tight and looked up at me, beaming and smiling her illuminating smile. I found myself struck by her beauty; not just physically, but that brilliant spark inside her that filled the world around her with light and joy, taking my breath away. I nearly told her right then and there, feeling overwhelmed by my love for her. Almost as a distraction, I bent to kiss her, our bodies pressed together, warm and wet, as my tongue slipped into her mouth, feeling her melt against me. We kissed and petted for a while, losing ourselves in the roiling mist and steam of the shower while the glass door fogged over.

"Hey! Keep it PG in there you two, we have a reservation to make!" Alex shouted teasingly, suddenly on the other side of the door.

The steamy glass allowed us just enough of a visual to see she had dressed in something burgundy and was standing at the mirror, presumably applying her makeup. Liz and I looked at each other and laughed. Alex was buying me time to drop my surprise on Liz, as we were indeed on a schedule. Good Lord I loved that woman. We quit messing around and washed each other, finally toweling off and stepping out of the shower.

Alex summoned us into the bedroom to give Liz her birthday present, so we wrapped towels around ourselves and followed the sound of her voice down the hall. Alex was wearing a burgundy halter-top dress with a sequin flower detail over the chest, tight against her slender torso and flaring at the waist, ending at her knees. A sexy pair of strappy black stilettos with ties halfway up her calves accentuated her slender legs and I noticed her new toe ring glimmering brilliantly. She wore her hair down, falling gracefully over her shoulders, her smokey-black eyeshadow contrasting her emerald eyes beautifully. Liz and I both gasped quietly at the sight of her, stunning as she was.

"Happy birthday, sweetie." Alex smiled at Liz, handing her a couple boxes wrapped up in silver paper.

"Aww!" Liz vocalized, smiling brightly.

I watched Liz tear into the paper and open her gifts, the first was a tight black cocktail dress with one shoulder and a lace sleeve, the second a pair of black platform heels with thin straps at the toes and ankles. Liz 'oohed' and 'aahed' as she examined her presents, grinning from ear to ear to giggling happily. She kissed Alex intensely, hugging her tight and thanking her profusely. I dressed quickly in the clothes I had brought over for the occasion and left the girls to finish getting ready, stopping to kiss each of them on my way out. After a few minutes Alex came out to join me in the living room. She smiled warmly at me, making my heart flutter, a passing moment of awe at her sheer beauty and raw, animal sexiness.

"She's doing her make-up in the bathroom. You should go surprise her with necklace." Alex grinned.

"Yeah?" I was feeling nervous, my heart beginning to race.

"Yes!" Alex giggled, reading my anxiety.

I reached for my bag and opened the jewelry box, slipping the necklace into my pocket. I smiled nervously at Alex and made to head to the bathroom when she grabbed my arm to stop me, turning me towards her while she smiled brightly.

"Hey. I love you. Liz loves you. It's going to be great." She spoke softly, my nerves calming considerably as my heart swelled.

"I love you too." I leaned in to kiss her before continuing on my way.

Liz was leaned over the counter applying mascara when I entered the bathroom, sidling up behind her and wrapping my hands around her hips. She straightened up, smiling joyfully in the reflection as she leaned back against my chest. She was stunning in her new dress, tight against her small frame and coming down to just above her knees.

"I got you something too, baby." I said softly.

"Aww, Matt!" She cooed happily.

"Close your eyes."

I watched her in the mirror, her eyes finding mine in the reflection before closing, grinning amusedly. I wrapped the gift around her elegant neck and fastened it in place. The diamonds sparkled brilliantly in the bright light of the bathroom, a shimmering rope that sat just above her collarbone. It fit her perfectly, just the right size for her petite features. She looked breathtaking. My heart pounded in my chest, excited and anxious at what came next.

"Okay, open them." I whispered in her ear, my voice nearly catching in my throat. Liz's eyes fluttered open, registering surprise as her jaw dropped open with a deep gasp. I smiled at her reaction; I had done well.

"Oh my God!" She exclaimed, one hand reaching up to daintily touch the twinkling stones around her neck. Her eyes met mine and she broke into an impossibly wide smile. She spun around to face me, wrapping her arms around my shoulders, beaming brightly and radiating joy.

"Oh my God, Matt!" She exclaimed again.

"I love you, Liz." I said softly, staring into her big, beautiful eyes. Now the shock really hit. Liz inhaled sharply, her mouth fell open again and tears welled up in her eyes.

"Oh my god!" She blurted, a single tear rolling free of her waterline.

"You gonna be okay?" I asked with a chuckle.

"Oh my God, I love you so much!" Liz laughed, pulling herself into me and hugging me tighter than I would have thought she was capable of.

She stretched up to kiss me and I bent to meet her lips with mine. We shared an intense, passionate kiss while time stopped dead and fireworks detonated all around us. My heart fluttered and skipped a beat, finally unencumbered by the weight of my secret as I squeezed her against me, overcome once again with emotion.

"You really love me?" Liz broke the kiss, looking up into my eyes, hers shining brightly.

"Very much, baby." I answered, smiling at her and planting a soft kiss on her forehead. "I think a part of me knew right from that night at the bar, when that guy tried to grab you."

"I've never had someone defend me like that before." She said dreamily.

"Yeah, but that wasn't it. It was after. I was terrified that I'd scared you girls... That I'd lost you. I had just met you both and somehow that was the scariest feeling I've ever had."

"Aww!" She vocalized, snuggling against me.

From the doorway came the sound of Alex clearing her throat. We both looked over to see her leaning against the frame, smiling happily at us.

"She knows." I whispered in Liz's ear.

"Oh my God, Alex! He-"

"I know, baby." Alex cut in with a warm smile.

"Did you-" Liz turned back to me.

"I did, beautiful." I smiled at her as she oozed unabated glee.

"And you-" Liz turned back to inquire of Alex.

"Yes, sweetheart." Alex nodded with a soft laugh, crossing the room to join us.

"This is the best birthday ever!" Liz cried, forcing happy laughter from Alex and I.

* * * * *

"I have you down for three..." The hostess said hesitantly, her eyes flickering down to a tablet at her stand.

We had taken an Uber to the restaurant, since we would no doubt all be drinking in celebration, and I informed the hostess we had a reservation under Liz's name. Liz was hanging off my arm, especially amorous after our earlier revelation, Alex standing close at my other side. The girls both looked stunning all done up for the night in their dresses and heels, Liz's necklace sparkling brilliantly in the low, romantic light of the restaurant. I had even managed to pass for cleaned-up, in my best -and frankly only- dress clothes.

"I have you down for three... Are you expecting a fourth?" She looked to Alex standing next to us.

"No, just the three of us." Alex smiled confidently, leaning into me as her hand slipped into mine.

I couldn't help but smile as the hostess appeared taken-aback for just a moment before quickly regaining her professional composure and escorting us to our table. The girls giggled and I shook my head, grinning to myself at the interaction. Our public appearances had a way of unbalancing people occasionally, and I'd eventually gotten over the awkwardness and learned to see the humor in it. We got to our table and took our seats, Alex and Liz together on one side and myself on the other. Soon a waiter appeared to take our drink order; the girls wanted wine and I asked for a glass of Jameson, neat.

"A toast, to the birthday girl." Alex said when our drinks arrived, lifting her glass and standing up from the table.

Liz was looking up at Alex with an amused expression as her big brown eyes twinkled with delight in the dim mood-lighting.

"Liz, baby, I love you so much. You are so smart, and so beautiful, and I am so grateful that I've gotten to spend these last years at your side." Alex said with a warm smile, staring down at her lover.

"Aww!" Liz blushed, her illuminating smile stretched wide across her face.

"But I'm also grateful," Alex continued, her eyes flicking over to me for a second, "That you brought Matt into our lives. If it wasn't for your crazy, impossible, incomprehensible dream to find a man to bring into our relationship, then I would never have met him, and never known how right it could feel sharing my heart with two people."

Liz looked over at me, light and love seemed to emanate from somewhere deep inside her as she smiled brightly.

"So, thank you. Thank you for bringing more love and happiness into my life than I ever thought possible. Twice." Alex smiled adoringly at both of us, "Happy birthday, sweetheart."

"Hear, hear." I said, raising my glass for a cheers as Alex took her seat.

"Aww! Baby!" Liz said, beaming proudly as she leaned into Alex and kissed her softly.

The waiter eventually returned to take our food orders and we passed the time talking and laughing over a few more rounds of drinks. Liz was absolutely glowing, her glee radiating from her in a palpable, infectious aura as she touched and flirted with Alex and I. She was the happiest I'd ever seen her, a high bar considering her default setting of joy, and the feeling was mutual all around the table. I was on cloud nine, free of every last fear and doubt about my relationship with the girls; everything was right in the universe.

When we had finished eating, I was surprised by the sensation of a bare foot touching the inside of my calf and sliding slowly up my leg. One of the girls had kicked off a shoe and was getting flirty under the table, making her way up my thigh and pressing gently into my crotch. I inhaled sharply as the foot found my cock through my pants and rubbed into it teasingly. Looking at the girls, I tried to determine the culprit; Alex was smiling happily, though her passive demeanor didn't implicate her at all. Liz, however, was biting her lower lip lightly, a mischievous gleam in her eyes. I chuckled softly as my member responded to her touch, engorging against the confines of my underwear.

I let out quiet gasp as Liz rubbed her dainty foot against me and Alex finally caught on that something was amiss. She noticed my reaction and narrowed her eyes, looking first at me, then noticing the playful look on Liz's face, finally bending quickly to glance under the table. She gasped in mock disapproval, swatting Liz playfully on the shoulder. Liz just giggled and smiled at her while I watched the interaction with amusement, growing increasingly distracted by the sensation of her skillful toes playing with my erection through my pants.

"I think Liz wants to go home." Alex giggled, looking across the table at me.

"Liz is going to have to stop what she's doing and give me a couple minutes before I can stand up." I responded with a wry smile.

Liz put on an adorable pouty face as her foot fell away from my lap. I flagged down our waiter and asked for the check, trying to distract myself from the tightness in my pants. Looking across the table at the girls while they flirted amorously, I was struck -as I often was- by the way the intensity of their love for each other seemed to slow the world around them, bleaching all the color from the background until they became the singular focus of the universe. Alex glanced over at me and smiled warmly at me watching them, reaching across the table to take my hand in hers. Liz took notice and reached for my other hand, her big brown eyes broadcasting love and adoration while she smiled cutely. I had a strange moment, a flash of realization; I wasn't watching the girls in their bubble, isolated from the rest of the world - I was in it with them.

I snapped out of my musings when the waiter returned with the check. I paid the man and we called for an Uber to take us back to the apartment. The ride home was abuzz with carnal energy; Liz barely able to contain herself, continually massaging my upper thigh and flashing seductive looks that screamed 'fuck me' in every language known to man while Alex giggled at the palpable sexual tension. We managed not to embarrass ourselves too terribly, but when we finally got back to the apartment all bets where off. Liz needed it bad and I had every intention of giving her what she craved.

We had barely gotten inside when I grabbed Liz and spun her towards me. She gasped in surprised delight when I pulled her into me roughly, kissing her hard with one hand on the back of her neck and pulling her dress up over ass with the other. I slid inside her panties while my tongue probed her mouth, squeezing and kneading her taut little cheeks, inching towards the tight pucker of her hole. Liz shuddered against me and moaned into my mouth as I pressed into her, sliding my other hand down her back to spread her open, pushing my finger just inside her while I kissed her voraciously.

I felt Alex join us, sliding up to our petite lover's back. When I broke off the kiss, I saw her kissing and biting Liz's slender neck, just above the sparkling necklace resting near her collar bone. Alex finished what I had started, pulling Liz's dress up slowly, exposing her tiny body inch by inch until her voluptuous breasts fell free of the confines of the tight material. Liz lifted her arms to let the garment up over her head as Alex pulled it off and tossed it aside, Liz sandwiched between us wearing nothing but her tight black panties and the string of diamonds around her slender neck.

Liz's glorious tits were the only part of her that couldn't be described as petite and dainty. They were not only substantial, but wonderfully formed; high and firm, they defied gravity as they stood naked in the open air. She noticed me drinking her in and smiled brightly at me, her big eyes twinkling happily. I smiled back and leaned down to kiss her once more as I reached up to fondle her chest, playfully wiggling the finger still probing her ass.

"Down, baby." Alex whispered sensually into Liz's ear, her eyes flashing over to me with a playful glint as Liz did as instructed and slid down to her knees.

When Liz had taken her place kneeling before me, Alex leaned over her, pulling me into her and kissing me passionately as I felt Liz's fingers find my belt buckle and pull it loose. I reached for Alex's hips, pulling her dress up as we made out. At the same time, she tugged my tie down and started unbuttoning my shirt. No sooner than Liz had pulled my pants down over my hips, I felt her warm, wet mouth engulf my dick and immediately take me down to the hilt. I moaned softly as I felt my swollen cock stretch Liz's throat open, and pulled back to slide the dress over Alex's head.

I looked Alex's flawless body up and down as I slipped out of my tie and shrugged my shirt off. Her milky-white complexion offset only by a healthy spray of freckles appeared as dappled porcelain, stretched taut over the firm lines of her toned stomach muscles. Small, perfectly shaped tits befitting her slender frame beckoned my attention and her hard, eight-inch cock bulged inside her panties, flattened sideways against her hip.

While Liz's expert tongue and throat massaged the length of cock, I leaned in again to kiss Alex, giving one breast a tender squeeze and flicking her nipple playfully until it stood erect, protruding with excitement. I slid my hand down her stomach, lightly tracing her abs on my journey down, finally grasping her rigid member through the thin material of her underwear. Alex moaned lightly as I stroked her, feeling her firmness and warmth against my hand while our tongues wrestled in our mouths.

Liz began to pull off me, but Alex gabbed my hips and thrust her pelvis forward, driving my cock down Liz's throat once again, surprising us both while she giggled playfully. When she let her up, Liz came off me with a moist slurping sound, a thick string of saliva connected the head of my cock to her lips momentarily before falling to her chest, leaving a wet smear across one breast. Liz smiled up at me beatifically and turned around, putting her mouth on Alex's bulge with a hungry moan. She hooked her fingers into the waistband of Alex's panties, pulling them down slowly, exposing the bright orange muff of pubes that highlighted our lover's pale pelvis. I watched as the material rolled over the beautiful organ it concealed, allowing the rigid cock to spring free, bouncing as it lightly smacked against Liz's cheek.

Giggling happily, Liz dove onto Alex, taking the entire length down her throat in a quick, fluid motion. Alex's mouth fell open in a quiet gasp as Liz swallowed her whole, her eyes closing with a soft flutter of her eyelids. I smiled as I watched her, her face serene and beautiful in a subtle expression of the pleasure she was receiving. I took the opportunity to step out of my pants and came around to her side to get a better view of Liz worshipping her cock. Liz reached up and grasped my throbbing erection, stroking me while she bobbed on Alex, her big eyes flicking back and forth between us, beaming love and adoration.

After some time, Liz pulled me nearer with a gentle tug, guiding my cock until it was side by side with Alex's. She smiled up at us, alternating back and forth kissing and licking each of our heads until she opened wide and sucked us both into her mouth. Alex and I moaned in unison as Liz slid down on us, slurping wetly, causing an airy, vibrating sensation as her breath passed between our members. The feeling was incredible, and I watched in wonder as she bobbed up and down, staring up at us in delight.

When Liz backed off to catch her breath, I took the opportunity to reach down and pull her to her feet, kissing her deeply. The taste of our cocks lingered on her tongue, further heightening my arousal as I kissed her intensely, finally breaking away to guide her to the couch. I pushed her down onto her knees and slid down on the cushion next to her, yanking her panties down and parting her cheeks with my hands, delighting in the sight of her tight little asshole before leaning in to lick her. Liz gasped as my tongue made contact with her pucker, lapping at her hungrily, adoring her cute moans and whimpers as I ate her ass.

Alex came around the coffee table, her big cock swinging side to side with her stride. She sat on the other side of the couch, reclining against the arm rest so that her throbbing dick was in line with Liz. I was only half paying attention when I heard her gasp, indicating Liz had no doubt just swallowed her balls deep, as I probed Liz's sphincter; trying to slip my tongue past the tight ring of muscles. Each of us expressed our passion in a harmony of soft groans and gasps as I pleasured Liz and she pleasured Alex.