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"I need to get you unhooked then go see to my other patients," Gavin told Henry, quickly handing off pills and water to Dante. "Give her those, First, then I'll be back in to put antibiotics in her IV," he told Dante as he began unhooking Henry from his IV.

"I can do this myself," Henry spoke up quickly. "Go see to your other patients! I had courses in emergency medic training in the Army."

Gavin gave a quick nod, then looked over Ismene worriedly as he hovered a moment. She gave him a tight smile and his face relaxed slightly as he smiled back. Ducking in quickly, he kissed her head, then pressed his head to hers as he held her head close in his free hand. "I love you, Little One," he whispered, then let go and squeezed Dante's hand before hurrying out.

Henry looked confused as he took his own IV out, looking over Dante and Ismene warily. "So... that's a thing, I guess?" he asked Dante softly.

"No one else's business," Dante snapped quickly.

"Of course not, First. It's not against any rules even if it were widely known... and it won't be. Not from me. I'm glad you all have each other. I'll go see if there's anything I can help with out there... do you need anything before I go?"

"No, we're fine," Dante answered sadly, moving to lay down with Ismene and spoon her from behind.

"I'll do my best to run interference and let you have time with her," Henry nodded, then left, turning the light almost all the way down.

Ismene turned her face back into Dante's chest and sighed tiredly.

"Take these for me first, babe?" Dante asked quickly, jostling her and pressing pills to her lips.

Ismene groaned, but took the pills before laying back down to go back to sleep.

"First! First, you're needed!" Austin cried, coming in the door in a rush.

"What is it?" Dante asked, sitting up in alarm.

"Ahhh... emergency. Code Sigma," Austin told him, his face pale.

Dante jumped up quickly, then hesitated, looking down at Ismene.

"I can stay," Henry called, coming back in. "I'll stay with her and make sure no one but Gavin comes through that door. I'll protect her with my life, First, you have my word!"

Dante looked down at Ismene as she looked up at him fearfully. "Babe?" he asked, and she could hear the struggle in his voice.

"T-t-tell Gavin?" she managed, her heart rate skyrocketing. She didn't want to be alone with Henry, but Gavin was busy and there was an emergency. She knew it was her only option. He'd saved her? And given her blood? He wouldn't hurt her again, sureley. He'd changed, Gavin had said so.

Dante leaned in close and kissed Ismene's head, then turned and put a hand on Henry's shoulder. "No one but me or Gavin," he reiterated.

"On my honor," Henry agreed reverently. "My life before hers."

Dante hurried away with Austin and Henry pulled the door shut.

Turning, he sat next to Ismene, but kept his eyes on the door and didn't look at her. "You need anything, all you have to do is say it," he spoke softly, soothingly. "If you'd rather, I'll sit on the other side of the door. Say the word, ok?"

Ismene said nothing, hiding her head under the blanket as she shivered and hid her eyes from the light.

"Do you need another blanket? Hold on, I'll get you another blanket! You! It's Savannah, right? Sorry, could you grab Ismene another blanket, she's freezing."

"Yeah!" Savannah called breathlessly.

Henry stayed by the door, waiting on it, then took it from her when she came back.

"Is she alright?" Savannah asked quickly. "I'll put it on her!"

"I swore to first that no one would enter but him or Gavin," Henry shook his head, "I'm sorry. I'll let her know you're thinking of her, alright?"

"Oh... thank you," Savannah mumbled. "Ummm... could I come in with Gavin to see her?"

"I gave my word," Henry told her, sounding apologetic and not angry that she was addressing him.

"I understand, thank you. Please? Tell her I love her?"

"I I I l-love you t-to," Ismene called weakly.

"I'll come in as soon as Dante gets back!" Savannah called in. "Take care, My Lovie!"

Henry shut the door, then tucked the blanket around Ismene gently. "Is that good? Do you need anything else? Anything at all?" Henry asked solicitously. "Here, the water may not be so cold now, try a sip," he insisted, pulling the blankets back and pressing the straw to her lips.

Ismene sipped, wincing slightly as she sighed sleepily. "Dante?" she asked as her head began swimming.

"He'll be back soon," Henry promised, gripping her hand as she searched for Dante.

"I-I-I hurt, Dante," she whimpered, her stomach churning as her head swam and spun.

"I know you do," Henry soothed. "I promise you'll feel better soon! The pain won't last, ok? The meds will start helping and you won't feel anything, ok? I'm right here until Dante gets back and I won't let anyone near you, ok? I promise that no one will ever hurt you again as long as I can help it. I'm here, ok? I'll stay close, I'll stay right here with you. I have you," he promised, his mouth so close to her head she could feel the tickle of his lips on her temple. "I'll make everything up to you. I'll make it up to you and Dante both, you have my word, ok? I'm going to make everything right, if it takes the rest of my life."

He went on, but his words stopped making sense as the drugs took her.

When Ismene opened her eyes again, the room was pitch black. A hand held hers, larger than Dante and Gavin's and she felt confused and disoriented. She couldn't remember what had happened and why she was in a hard and small med-bay bed.

Shifting, pain lanced through both of her arms, and she knew there was an IV in one arm. She remembered then, as she shifted the other arm and felt the bandages encircling her whole arm.

The fight... David coming at her. Henry saving her... Henry giving her blood.

Dante having to leave and another emergency happening.

What now?

What else could go wrong?

"Ismene?" Henry asked quietly, sitting up and squeezing her hand.

She pulled her hand out of his, rolling to her back and pushing back blankets as she groaned. "I I I need... I n-need... ummm..."

"Of course. You want a bedpan or do you want to go to the restroom? You want me to see if Gavin is available for you?"

"I I I w-will walk," she mumbled, grimacing as she sat up, then slid down off the high bed.

"Easy! You lost a lot of blood!" he told her, hovering close and holding his hands like he was going to catch her if she stumbled or fell. When her knees almost buckled, she caught his wrist, then let him walk her out the door.

Gavin stood from scribbling on a clipboard, looking exhausted and alarmed. "Little One?" he called in concern.

"Bathroom," Henry called quickly.

"W-w-what t-time is is is it?" Ismene asked Gavin.

"It's early," he told her gently. "I'll have breakfast brought to you since you're awake now, how's the pain?"

"Hurts," she shrugged. "D-Dante?"

"He'll be back as soon as he can. I don't want you leaving the med-bay, Little One. Can you use a pan for me? I know you hate them, but the bathroom is too far with everything going on."

"W-what's going on?" she asked, alarmed.

"Don't worry about it," he smiled tiredly. "Dante is fine and you're fine, ok? That's all you need to know and all you need to think about."

"I I I n-need to know."

"I know," he smiled again, closing the distance and pulling her into a hug. "I promise you that you'll hear as soon as I know anything, ok?" he told her in a whisper, then kissed the top of her head. "Need anything? I'll send for breakfast for you. Love you!"

Ismene went back to her little room, closing herself in with Henry waiting on the other side of the door.

He came in twenty minutes later with a tray of food, giving her a tight smile. "Gavin sent some pain meds too, but he says you have to eat first," he told her, pulling the table close so she could sit up and eat.

"I I I c-can't eat all th-that!"

"He said try to eat as much as you can, ok? I'll eat whatever's left," he promised.

The day took forever, Ismene in and out with the pain medication and trying to stay up to wait on Dante.

Henry stayed with her through the day and then the night and the next day again.

Gavin came in the night after, giving Henry a nod. "You can go get some real rest in your own bed and spend time with Lydia," he told Henry. "I'll stay with her tonight."

"I promised no one would come in but you and I," Henry warned.

"I won't let my wives in," Gavin agreed. "They told me about it. I know Dante didn't mean them, but it's ok, you gave your word and I'll keep it. No one but me and Dante until you return."

Henry gave a nod, looking tired. Turning to Ismene, he looked worried. "I'll be back in the morning, ok? I mean, unless you want me to stay? If you want me to stay, I will? Do you?"

Ismene shook her head quickly, clutching Gavin's hand with both of hers like a lifeline.

"Ok. I'll be back in the morning, then," he promised, then hesitated a moment. Reaching in, he squeezed her leg gently, then let go and left.

"You good?" Gavin asked, immediately moving her over and climbing into the bed behind her.

He moved like he was going to spoon her, but Ismene sat up instead and pulled him close, kissing him.

He grinned, kissing her back and pressing her back to the bed. "Mmmm, missed you too," he rumbled, stroking her face.

"D-Dante?" she asked, pulling back and looking up at him hopefully.

"Hasn't come out yet," he shook his head. "They have food being delivered and not a word has come down at all. It's full Theta blackout protocol."


"Dunno," he shrugged. "Can't imagine it's good, though. I know you're going stir crazy, how you feeling?"

"It it it itches."

"Yeah, that means it's healing," he grinned. "How are you still so stunning after being in bed for three days?"

"Y-y-you're blind," she smiled back, pulling him down for another kiss. "Are are S-S-S-S... S-S-S-Savanah and and and D-D-Dom w-well?"

"They're good, they're worried about you. They both insisted I stay with you tonight, they wanted you to come stay with us, but Dante wants you protected in here until he can assess everything and clear you to go back out in general population again. Mmm, you keep looking at me like that, and... I may decide you're healthy enough for extra curriculars," he chuckled.

"Am am am I?" she asked excitedly.

He laughed, then leaned in and kissed her again. "I think if you're up for it, I'll clear you, but... Little One? I think we need to ask Dante before things go back like they were. Now that we know what was going on with the birth control, he may want it to go back to just you and him as far as penetration and ejaculating inside you, that sort of sex."

"But other k-kinds are are are ok?"

He laughed then and leaned in to kiss her again. "I freaking love you," he rumbled, pulling her sideways on the bed and shoving her robe high. "You need to come, Little One?" he asked, his voice low as he leaned over her and slid his fingers down between her legs.

Ismene immediately sighed, then moaned, rolling her hips up to meet his fingers. "I I I... mmmm... I I I've been th-thinking of of of y-you and and and Dante... It's all all all there is t-to d-do! OHHHH! Y-yes, yes, th-there!"

"Mmm, you're so wet," he breathed, grinding his hard cock against her thigh. "I love how into it you get! I love you, Ismene! I adore you so much! You gonna come for me, Ismene? I wanna feel it, I wanna feel you squirt all over me!" he groaned.

The door opened and Ismene flinched as Gavin yanked the blankets up quickly.

Dante looked half dead on his feet, but he smirked as he paused in the doorway and looked them over. "Don't stop on my account," he chuckled, coming in and climbing into the bed next to Ismene as she sat up to throw her arms around him.

"I I I MISSED you!" she wailed.

"Missed you too, babe," he grinned, kissing her quickly. "How close are you?"

"Very," Gavin chuckled. "I'm clearing her for sex."

"So I see... Ae you sure she's ok?"

"Her arm was hurt, not anything else, and she's been laying here aching for you since you left. Thinking of you, fantasizing I think."

"Of us," Dante rumbled, turning Ismene to kiss her.

"Yeah," Gavin agreed, pushing the blankets back to reach down and touch her again. "She's aching to be fff... to me made love to," he corrected, not saying the word he was originally going to say. "She needs you."

"Yeah, Izz? You wantin' me right now?" Dante asked throatily, moving to gently bite her nipple as she let out another sigh of need.

"M-m-my n-name," she admonished. "P-please, Dante? M-m-make love to to to me?"

"I want to, baby, I do... I may have to tag in Gavin for this one, though. I haven't slept in two days and I'm dead on my feet. I'll hold you, though, promise," he told her, kissing her jaw as he moved to make room for Gavin.

Gavin didn't hesitate, pulling her back to the edge of the bed as he shoved his pants down with his free hand. Gripping his cock, he pressed it to her opening as she moaned euphorically, then he hesitated.

"Dante? The birth control was keeping her from getting pregnant. Are you sure you want me to..."

"Positive," Dante cut in quickly. "She's yours as much as she's mine, just like you're mine and I'm yours. We all belong to each other and I wouldn't have it any other way. Now get our girl taken care of," Dante commanded, sounding like he was going to pass out soon.

Gavin leaned in and kissed Dante on the mouth, then Ismene before easing his hard cock into her.

She moaned again, wrapping her legs around him as Dante put his arms around her and held her to his chest. Gavin made love to her, but it was almost like he was making love to both of them, stroking their faces, kissing both of them and gripping Dante's hand in his free hand.

When Ismene came, Dante covered her mouth with his, swallowing her moans blissfully. Gavin was right behind her, coming inside of her with a sigh. He gripped both of their faces in his hands, leaning in and pressing his head to both of theirs. "I love you so much," he told them, choking up with emotion.

"We love you too," Dante promised, falling back to lay in the bed.

Ismene kissed Gavin, then fell back against Dante as he passed out, already asleep.

Gavin grinned, then tucked them both in and leaned over to kiss both of their heads. "I'll let him have you tonight," he told her in a whisper. "I'll be right outside the door, though. Sweet dreams, Little One."

"W-w-we n-never asked him him him w-what was was happening."

"He'll tell us as soon as he can. Get some sleep, ok? You need anything, the pain ok?"

"I I I'm f-fine," she promised, then hugged him again before he slipped out.

Dante woke her in the morning as he got out of bed, holding his head in his hands.

"D-Dante?" she asked sleepily, holding on to his arm.

"I'm here, babe, how you feelin'?"

"F-f-fine. W-what's happening? Where've you you you been?"

"I'll let you know as soon as I can, Izz," he promised tiredly.

"N-name," she frowned.

"Sorry," he sighed. "Ismene. I'll try, babe, ok? I've called you that for longer than you've known I was alive," he smiled sadly. "I need to get back there, ok? You good?"

"You you you can't s-s-s-s-say what's..."

"I can't, babe, sorry. I'll make the announcement as soon as I can, promise. Get some more rest."

Kissing her quickly, he slipped out and she heard him murmuring to Gavin on the other side of the door before it closed all the way.

He didn't come back out for two more days and Ismene had to sit in the small room with Henry. Listen to him talk and tell her about how he grew up and his time in the Army and everything else he could think of to keep her occupied. He tried to ask her questions but he stressed her out enough that she could hardly speak at all to him. She nodded or shook her head or shrugged and that was about it.

She noticed the way he watched with keen interest every time Gavin came in and kissed her or hugged her or just held her hand as he spoke to her.

Finally, on the third day, Gavin came in with a smile. "Meeting has been called in the main room, Dante said to bring her too."

"I have her," Henry spoke up quickly, moving to pick Ismene up bodily.

"She can walk and Dante sent orders for me to bring her," Gavin shook his head, taking her chain. "Come on, Little One, you ready to get out of this room?"

She nodded emphatically and took hold of his offered arm.

"I'll stay close too," Henry promised, patting her shoulder.

She gave him a tight smile and a small nod before he moved in front of them to walk ahead of them. Gavin kept her in front of him so she was bracketed completely.

Savannah and Dominique were both in the waiting room of the med-bay and they grinned at her, then hugged her before taking up positions on both sides of her as Gavin took their chains.

Ismene went out to the main room feeling trapped between the four bodies, but she felt safe.

Gavin sat her on the far side of the room, facing the large group of men and Dante gave her a tired smile as he came in and went right to her to kiss her before turning to address everyone.

"I'm sure you're all wondering what's going on, what's been happening. I know we have several men being held without trial at the moment and we'll get to that eventually, just know it's not an egregious amount of time and it's not for no reason. You'll all need to sit down for this... Everyone. Alright... first order of business, there will be no executions. None. If you commit a crime, you WILL be forced to a life in the cell with no comforts and... basically used. Bred like livestock. So do NOT break any laws. That should go without saying, but now more than ever. Read and reread our tenets and don't let vitriol and anger and a bit of depression sway your mind. We're all strong, we can make it through all of this.I'm requiring one hour a day in the sun room for everyone, mandatory. Sunlamps aren't the same as the sun, but they will help. We're also going to be changing up some of the more domestic assignments and jobs so that you aren't always doing the same thing over and over. It will change weekly, unless you have a job like Gavin and you're the only one qualified. Henry, you are being reassigned. You are now going to apprentice under Gavin. We need more people who know the medical field."

"Why, what happened?" someone called out. "I thought there were three doctors in..."

"No interruptions, please! There... are no other doctors anymore. There was a catastrophic failure at the Grand Dragon Horde and... there's been no communications outgoing since we were told life support was failing. Seismic activity was recorded at Dragon Horde 8, the other full horde and contact was severed. Everything there is offline. There was another outbreak at Ark Omega and they say there are only 4 Dragons left, but they have several vessels all working around the clock to keep it up and running alongside the men. They had to cull the herds to numbers they could sustain, but we can build them back up once the time has lapsed and we can leave. We've sent out messages to every single bunker and the city, Sparen, that was saved, they will all be converging on Point Delta on the map."

"That's reserved for global restart," Henry breathed, his eyes huge.

"So it is. That's what we'll be doing... what's left of humanity will all come together to restart. One community."

"If 8 is gone, offline, and so is the Grand Dragon Horde, then... you're in charge," Gavin spoke up, looking at Dante in shock. "Of everything. You're highest in command of what's left!"

"So I am," Dante sighed tiredly. "That's why we have to make things work here, Brothers! We're what's left of humanity outside of a few family bunkers and a small city that can barely run the bunker reserved for it. We're... starting from scratch. We're going to have to stop all of the infighting and save the fight for what comes next! We're going to need EVERYONE to step up from now on and think of what comes next! Starting over in a new world, the world WE make it!"