It Ain't About the Dick

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Everything I wish someone would have told me when I was 21.
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So this is my V2 of this piece. After much consideration, I've added a few things and clarified a few things to make it better.

This is my opinion and knowledge gathered from many years of pursuing better sexual relationships. All I can write about is my experience so take it for what it is. If you disagree with any of it, you're more than entitled and I applaud your approach. I have no desire to wrestle with anyone about these ideas. This is one man's opinion and one man's pursuit.

From the first piece, there was so much love and some very interesting reactions. I think my favorites were from women giving it to their lovers AND telling me it changed their world.

I'm pretty happy about this. So here's the expanded version.)

It ain't about the dick. What I wish I knew when I was a much younger man.

First off. I love women. I always have. I've had a lot of wonderful women in my life and I love them all to this day.

And maybe because of that, I've learned a lot about them.

But let me preface first. Yes, there is no one rule to explain anyone or anything. There are a zillion exceptions to everything and I'm not about to say "this is how you treat all women." That would be just plain stupid.

What I am going to do however, is to try to give younger guys some advice on better sexual relationships with women all based on my personal experience. I'm not your doctor or therapist or priest. I'm just some anonymous guy from the internet that's learned some important lessons. If I can save a guy some fumbling around and save some women from lousy sex from someone they love, then my work is done.

How men deal with men, or women with women or all the things in between, not my pay grade. Y'all go figure that out on your own.

But if you're a young straight guy wanting better sex with women, listen up. I got things to say.


Every guy points to his JohnThomas and figures women will swoon. That his dick is the center of the universe and all he has to do is whip it out and holy fuck, the girls will go mad.

That ain't how it works.

Most women can get along just fine without your dick. In fact, most women can have better orgasms without you even in the room. Sure, keeping a hardon long enough for them to ride it till they're fulfilled, or sore or bored is nice. But there are a thousand ways to make a woman have a fantastic orgasm that have nothing to do with your dick.

Can we see a show of hands of all you women that only want a guy to stick his dick in you and hot damn, that's the center of the universe.

Any takers?

Get over it guys. It's an elective, not a required class. Hell, you can probably give a woman more pleasure with two fingers than with your cock. Even if you're hung like a fucking horse, two fingers can probably take most women further than a massive meatstick. And from what I've seen in life, a big cock can mean more pain than pleasure for a lot of women. Personally, I'm a big guy and I've got a good sized cock. I've had relationships where my dick was just too big for her so I learned a lot of workarounds. You have a million choices here guys. Use them.


I've seen a change in womankind over the years. I think we can thank the internet for that, but women are, in my opinion, much more able to take control of their world. I welcome this. Of course, it seems one political party is doing everything it can to push women back into a little box, but they'll fail in the long run.

I'm really happy to see power being taken by women in business, choices and personal lives. And because they're more able to make decisions and run their own worlds, most guys feel like they're losing their power. Which they are. But buck up guys, live with it. That's just how it is.

But if you listen and you get it, they'll let you drive. In my own experience with the Dom/Sub culture, it's very conditional. Most women I've known are more than capable of running their own show and don't need some asshole guy to do anything for them. But when conditions are right, they'll let go. They'll submit to the right lover and take in all the pleasure they can.

That means guys, you need to understand this. Telling your lover how to do shit won't go far. She's probably smarter than you anyway. But understanding her sexuality, and I mean REALLY understanding is the key.


The best way to understand a woman's sexuality is to ask. Put it right out there. Ask her what she likes. Ask about her fantasies and be prepared. She may have a dark side, she may want to be tied up, spanked, fucked with a rubber cock, shown off to your friends... She may totally embrace her inner slut but only under the prefect circumstances. She may scare the shit out of you once you pull back the veil. She may have a side much darker than you're comfortable with... She may not. But unless you really ask, you'll never know. Whatever is deep inside her, it's better for you both to open up that box and see what's inside. Celebrate it... Embrace it and try it all.

You'll never guess on your own. Ask. Most of the erotica I've written has come about from conversations that opened up new thinking. I use my words to illustrate a lot of secrets that might have never been heard had I not asked.


If you want to know how your lover wants to be touched, see how she touches herself.

Watching a woman masturbate is both educational AND wonderful. Most guys see a vagina and start treating it like a fucking basketball. Too rough. No understanding of the anatomy or the mind behind it.

How a woman wants to be touched in the right conditions can only really be understood by observation. And if you ask your lover to masturbate for you, she may be too shy at first, but be patient. Let her get comfortable with it because this is Orgasm 101.

She is an expert on her own body. Learn at the feet of the master if you're ever going to be a master yourself. Watch her make herself cum...


My lover is gone quite a bit. So our times together are very precious and every minute is worth something. So I plan each encounter and work to make it perfect for us both. For me, giving her pleasure is my biggest turnon. I love helping her lose herself in the experience, turn off the rest of the universe and let go and melt.

So we talk about what she'd like. Soft, gentle, making love... Or rough, scare the shit out her, beat her ass and force her to squirt and scream and thrash and explode and pass out from the intensity.

Or any of the thousand degrees in between?

Talk about it... Build up that visual and fantasy beforehand and plan ahead. Have everything ready and let her know you're taking your time together seriously. Make it good. Don't just stumble around hoping you can stick your dick in her. Talk about it. Be prepared and make her melt.

If you make it through half of your plan, you're still both going to have a much better experience than if you had no plan.


This is my rule anyway but rules are for breaking.

Sometimes the moment is way too powerful to hold back and holy fuck, that was good... OK, now your turn.

But it's great to be able to take your time. Tease her. Edge her (REALLY POWERFUL FOR YOU BOTH). Learn what melts her and do it. Make her cum before you stick your dick in her (if that's the goal). She'll cum again. And again. And possibly again.

I've known some extraordinarily orgasmic women. I've known women who can have 30 and 40 and 50 squirting orgasms in a night. But only if you're in tune with what she loves. Take the time to give her so much pleasure she has her first orgasm before you slide your cock inside. Don't just jam it in and expect the heavens to open.

Open the heavens first dude.


This is a very contentious point.

Some women have assailed me for even bringing it up, which is pretty fucking stupid.

Some women love squirting. Some don't. Some want to learn, some don't. Some women don't feel its possible for them or that it's worth the trouble...

I'm over the opinion that whatever you want is fine.

What I can say though is that every woman I've ever been with that's squirted for their first time, it was incredibly powerful for everyone concerned. And often, it's a surprise. Where the fuck did that come from... What just happened... Holy hell, I soaked my dress and I have a meeting in an hour...

Yes it's awesome to make a woman cum so hard she totally loses it and squirts across the room. I've written a lot about squirting orgasms so dig around and find that stuff. It's real, wonderful and when you figure it out, life changes.

If you hate the idea, more power to you. It's your choice to play or not.

For guys who've experienced it, you either love it or not. Up to you.

For me personally, I love it. And I love making it happen the first time,


This is part of the dance. The game we all play. If she has a fantasy of the big, strong Alpha Male taking over and turning her to jelly, or calling her a cunt and slapping her around, or tying her up and fucking her ass or forcing her to cum or whatever... Ask. Understand and make it happen. But know her hard limits and soft limits. We're all in this together so listen and don't abuse the power she's giving you.

And make no mistake, she's giving it to you. Don't fuck it up. If you're such an Alpha God Ultramale, then you probably don't give two shits about what she wants or not and I'm surprised you got this far. You get a cookie.


This is a great idea.

Traffic lights.

Once you have the keys and know how to drive, it's a green light. If she wants to up the level of intensity but it's getting pretty close to stop, she can say "yellow" and you know to back off a bit.

When she says "red" its time to pull the plug. Stop instantly. She knows her limits.


When you understand her you can build her trust. When she trusts that you understands her melting points, she'll trust you and let go.

When she lets go and you understand her, you'll have the best fucking sexual experiences in the universe.

But without empathy, you're just exercising and she'll end up frustrated. Put yourself in her shoes (literally if you want). When I write erotica for my Wildflower, I write it thinking about how she'll read it... I know what things she'll visualize that will make her heart skip a little...

Yes, it takes some work to think like someone else but it's worth it. Give her that extra effort and your relationship will be much better.


Part of keeping a great sex life great is unexpected change. Bring in new things all the time and surprise her (and this goes for both parties!)

Before seeing Wildflower, I'll ask her what she'd like. Sometimes she wants me to scare the shit out of her. Sometimes not. And nothing ever goes exactly as planned. I may have a whole outline laid out in my mind but things will change and I'll go with it. Forcing something just seems awkward. Once you've opened up the communications, it'll flow much better.

So that's my treatise. My Manifesto For Men Who Aren't Arrogant Selfish Assholes.

I suspect most men start out as arrogant selfish assholes and some dummy up over the years and drop the selfish asshole part. A little Alpha Male Arrogance has it's charms I suspect. But nobody loves a selfish asshole.

So did I forget anything? Probably so. There could be a V3 coming.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
A Sage Rundown

It took me years upon years to figure out that much of the most intense foreplay imaginable is that which is brought to bear via mental stimulation and willing communication; interesting, as most women are not shy in pointing this out to us in the first place! There is even a word for it, often used yet seldom truly understood: seduction. Well done, and, like you, I wish I'd picked up on it at an earlier age. Testosterone-induced enthusiasm is one hell of a blinding force, but it can be a man's best friend if he learns to control it, rather than allowing it to control him!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

I mean, just this, man. As a 53 year old woman, I really appreciate the time and thought that went in to this. Every young man should be given this before he touches any woman.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
As a woman

As a twenty year old woman, I have to say that I hope all guys read this!

LegendInMyOwnMindLegendInMyOwnMindover 6 years ago
Guys, we gotta read this

This is totally on point for doms/subs but the most of it is very applicable to man/woman relationships in general. In fact, only points 8 & 9 seem BDSM-specific.

In my own experience #6 not only turns her on more, it turns me or more--the quality of my own orgasm is proportionate to the quality and quantity of orgasm(s) she's already had.

Indeed, were I writing this essay, I think I would amend #6 to "She cums first and last." Let's get real, guys. Women were designed to be able to cum a lot more times than we can, so clearly the Man Upstairs wants them to. The only valid excuse for not making your woman cum at least six or seven times is her honestly not wanting to.

OTOH, if she wants to cum a shitload more than that, find a way to give her whats she wants--and you don't have to figure it out for yourself, just read #3 again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Good Advice

As a wife of 22 years, I want to spice up our sex life, and he is a quiet soul, doesn't make a sound or breathe heavy when we make love, so it is hard to know what turns him on. This did, he loved me sucking on his balls! This article gave me the idea, and when put into action he loved it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Excellent Advice

Title says it all. I want to read more of your stories but only see two others. Perhaps you posted under another name? (wishing)

This how to, should be mandatory for males, sort of like a drivers licence!

Never having met one who knew how to drive and I'm committed to my vows that I took and can only have my fantasies. I write my desires to satisfy that need and someday, I hope to share my stories here. I'm still editing and re-writing constantly to get it right because that's the way I want to present it. Thanks for this though, I will share it with my mate, I hope he's open to it.

lickitandstickitlickitandstickitabout 7 years ago

Yes there is no single manual for all women but most of this is spot on. I'm in my upper 40's now and from time to time I wish I could talk to the younger me in my 20's about how to please a woman, wasn't till I got married that I started asking alot of questions with my wife, what do I do? What do you like? How do I do that? Show me, Teach me... ect, We didn't have internet back then so your only source was asking a woman YOUR woman. We've been married 18 years now and I've rocked her world for most of them, simply because she taught me how..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Preach it!!!! Amen to all of this.

Totally agree

CocksuckerxpertCocksuckerxpertover 7 years ago
Women are complicated.

I agree with your manifesto. Communication is key on both sides. The best time to ask is when you are both aroused because I think both are more honest about their desires then. In all the animal kingdom only one has a part of the anatomy that is strictly for pleasure and women have it. Learn how to use it and not abuse it.

That said, I tell the young men i know that unless you get in her head, don't bother taking her to bed. What I mean is that women are amazing multitaskers and she could be making out the grocery list, going over next weeks schedule and balancing her checkbook all while making out with you. You have to still those thoughts before she can give in to what her body can experience with you. I can't give you a technique that will work on every woman, because women are complicated. It takes effort and as the writer said communication is key.

Back to the animal kingdom, the females don't choose a mate because of the size of his package, they choose the biggest and strongest male or the one that works the hardest to impress her. The males are the bright colored of most species and by instinct know that they have to work to impress a female and EARN her affection let's call it. Why would you think that our species would be different?

NaliaDeArniseNaliaDeArniseover 7 years ago

This post clearly has the understanding that every single one of us have different sexualities. The fact that you constantly emphasize the importance of asking questions shows experience and understanding I wish most men (of all ages) possessed. Thanks for this post!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Thank you (from a woman)

I'm a 23 year old girl and I love good sex, but I swear I don't even want to have sex anymore because all the guys my age think that I want to see dick pics all the time and that if you beat the shit of out my pussy then I'll come. Seriously, I've had guys eat me out and literally BITE my clit. It was so painful. If there are two things I wish every guy my age would know they are: 1) average size dicks are MUCH preferable to huge dicks. Huge dicks are seriously so painful. Also, I am much more likely to get off on a small dick with a guy that knows what he's doing than a big dick with a guy that thinks all he has to do is go super fast and hard to get me off. It's not happening. 2) Slow and gentle will get me off every. time. I'm serious. Suck on my nipples, take your time, be confident, lick your fingers and graze them over my ass hole, maybe stick the tip of your finger in there while you're flicking your tongue gently across my nipples. Bite my inner thigh really gently. Take your time. When you lick my clit, you don't have to eat it like Thanksgiving Dinner. Just treat it like a tiny little appetizer that you want to savor. All it takes is a little flick of the tip of your tongue, maybe circle it around a little bit. No need to be so aggressive with everything. I swear, if you do those things to a girl before you enter her, you increase your chances of getting her off by like a million percent. It really is an art form.

RegretsRegretsover 7 years ago

One fault of the site is that it does not say how many stars the commentator has awarded . I gave 2. The writer goes out there with a script and that's it. There is no feeling that his partner,who I understand has been gone several years,was involved.

We are being taught by an aggressive alpha male.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Female here. I agree with everything you've said. The only thing missing is paying more attention to what she DOESN'T want. If she says it's a limit, red lights it or gives a negative react, you better be paying attention. Many women may have the dark desires mentioned. Many don't or have very specific desires. Just because both visual and written porn is rife with women appearing to beg for face slaps, choking, pee showers and litanies of derogatory doesn't mean we all secretly long for that. Many things are so far out of our list of possibilities it never occurrs to mention the hell no factor of them. Guys, if you want specific behaviors included, you would be well served to mention them before and not surprise her in the moment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
The one thing you forgot...

is to tell us about women who either don't or won't be honest about their own sexual minds. ...but then I'd expect that you either would know the general parameters for yourself based upon your experience...OR you'd tell us to do...?what?

dreamer3366dreamer3366over 7 years ago
On point

Being a woman, you have pretty much summed it up. Sex is a two way get as well as you give.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Dumb politics

Stopped reading.

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