It Can Always Get Worse


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She had called her friend Theresa the day before and asked her the probing questions that Diane Sawyer and Barbara Walters would ask; she felt like a journalist. "So, where did you take the picture?"

"The mall."

"What time was this?"

Theresa was short with her answers, "I don't know. Early afternoon, maybe?"

Then, "was she alone?"

"Yes." Theresa paused, "I may have seen Miss Reed there too, but I don't think they were together."

And just like that, part of the story unfolded. She felt goose pimples race up her arms. She was a journalist getting to the bottom of a story. She never felt so alive.


Kimberly Turner could not concentrate on her lectures. Her mind was on her parted thighs and the computer that sat in the drawer to her left recording her shame. She had no idea that her pussy was being displayed live on the internet and by the time her lunch hour had arrived nearly forty different people had logged onto the free web page and had watched the open pussy stare back at them. Her students had asked if she was okay, commenting that she seemed distracted and distant as if she was not there with them. And she wasn't; she was hiding away inside herself, trying to will herself away from the college campus and out of Sharon's life. She could not imagine things getting worse than they already were.

She skipped lunch; she had not brought a meal and the thought of walking across campus to the cafeteria dressed as she was caused her to lose what little appetite she had anyway. How was she going to get out of this? She couldn't keep doing what Sharon commanded; each day seemed to be worse than the day before, but if she quit, if she walked away then Sharon would, without hesitation, ruin her teaching career and with it any chance she had of saving her house. But, she wondered, would it really? She had begun making a lot of money at the strip club. Was that the norm? She didn't have any more pubic hair to sell, but if she did lose her teaching job, why could she not sell her panties? She'd no longer be under Sharon's thumb. Could she make enough money stripping to afford to lose this job? David seemed to think so. Still, uncertainty kept her legs widely spread.

And arousal. She was embarrassed by her display but part of her; the kinky, sexual creature buried inside her was extremely aroused at the humiliation she was feeling. She was not able to expose herself at her own bidding, she could always back out of that, but being forced into it seemed to pull some of the shame away and make everything tolerable and even exciting. She had enjoyed the public games with her ex-husband more than she did with Sharon, but admittedly, Sharon was better at it and a lot more cruel. Perhaps her ex-husband really had loved her.

For the entire lunch hour, Kim sat, shamefaced and spread at her desk, unknowingly baring her sex to the world.


Sharon had a busy lunch. She left the campus and drove into town. She stopped at the post office and paid eleven dollars for a small post office box. With the key in hand she made her way back to the car and drove to her house. She logged into her computer and pulled up the web page with Kim's brazen display. There in all her color and glory was little Miss Perfect's naked, nude and gaping pussy. Sharon smiled at the screen and made a note to ask Jason if it was possible to find out how many visitors the site was getting and if it was possible to advertise the site on search engines. If anyone would know, Jason would.

Satisfied that Kim was still obeying her, Sharon drove from her house to the opposite end of town. This time she pulled into a different post office and as before she purchased a post office box. She had such a fun game in store for little Kimmie that her pussy was dripping by the time she made it back to campus for her last class of the day.


The last class ended, and all her students left for the day. Kim sat at her desk reading the papers her students had turned in. Her legs were still held apart in a lurid display, part of her had forgotten about the video camera until Sharon arrived and logged into the computer. She checked the counter and was impressed, Kim had kept her legs spread and her pussy visible for more than five hours, almost the entire day. Sharon wasn't sure it was ninety percent; still it was close enough that she decided to not comment about it. "Stand up and let's go."

Kim climbed from her chair and tugged her skirt as low on her hips as she could. She knew she was not allowed to adjust it during the trek to Sharon's car and she wanted to be covered as long as possible during the journey.

Sharon could only laugh. She thought of telling Kimmie about her web page but then thought better of it. She decided that after a few more pictures and videos were posted, she'd have the address of the web page distributed around the campus. Let rumors get the information to Kim, she thought with malicious glee, that should be much more humiliating for the little bitch.

Kim climbed in the back and spread her legs; she knew she'd be ordered to anyway. Sharon watched her and drove them across town to the mall where Kim had played that horrible game of "tits, ass or pussy," and where Sharon had made her streak naked from the Macy's dressing room. It was turning into Kim's least favorite place on earth.

"You're working here tonight," Sharon informed Kim.

"Miss Reed?" Kim was confused.

"Follow me and you'd best do as you're told."

"Yes, Miss Reed." Kim followed Sharon through the mall back to the Abercrombie's they had shopped at the previous week. Kim could only look around, thankful she did not recognize anyone. Her display in the store had been humiliating and she worried that she'd be reliving it today.

"Hi," a voice called out. "I am so happy to see you two!"

Sharon shook Vera's hand and said, "Pose her however you want. If she disobeys you in any way call me and," she looked at Kim, her eyes hard points, "she'll be homeless in the morning." The threat was evident even if the young woman did not fully understand the comment. "You have my number, Vera," Sharon said. She looked back at Kim and said, "Don't make her use it."

Vera stood next to Kim and said, "Follow me." She led Kim past the register and into the back of the store. Stacks of boxes and racks of clothes stood in cardboard boxes waiting to be put out on the main floor. Various fashion magazines were stacked on a small table next to a small bathroom. Vera looked at Kim and said, "Take your clothes off and put them in there," she indicated the bathroom.

Kim thought of refusing and knew that no matter what happened; tonight she was this new woman's plaything. Vera stood nearly five feet tall with light brown eyes, small breasts hidden behind a white halter top. Her jeans were tight and revealed a small, perky butt. Kim sighed in resignation and pulled the blouse over her head and stepped out of her tiny skirt. She stood naked save for her shoes on the concrete floor amidst clothes that she wished she could wear.

"Wait here." Vera darted into the store and came back after about four minutes carrying two t-shirts. Vera looked at the blush on the woman's face and wondered what the woman was feeling. She'd give anything to be doing what she was about to have this woman do but she lacked the courage. This was an opportunity that she just couldn't pass up even if it cost her her job. She would get her shameful exposure even if it was at another's expense.

Vera handed Kim the two shirts. "You'll hold one in each hand. Don't drop them, okay?"

Kim nodded.

"Good follow me." Vera walked into the store.

Kim stood motionless. She couldn't mean it? Could she? Did this stranger really think she'd be able to walk naked that easily into the store where who knew how many shoppers were present? Her face flashed red and still she remained in the back. Vera returned a moment later and said again, "follow me. Hurry, it's not busy now."

The last sentence made Kim feel a little bit better; Sharon would not care how many people were present. Slowly, almost inching along, Kim walked naked, carrying the two t-shirts into the store. As Vera had said the store was not busy, Kim could see only one shopper. She spotted Vera near the front of the store and made her way to the small woman, hiding her naked body behind the racks of small and over-priced clothes.

Vera pointed to a chair in the window that faced into the central corridor of the mall. "Sit in the chair and hold the two shirts in your hands, one in each. Look at one of the shirts and don't move. People walking by will think you're a mannequin."

Kim read a sign that read, 'decisions, decisions,' that Vera had placed in the window next to the chair.

"People will just think you're a display. Don't move too much and you'll be fine." Almost as an afterthought, Vera said, "don't cover up or I'll make it worse." It was definitely not an afterthought; Vera was nearly bursting in horny need.

Why, Kim wondered, was she always being threatened? She climbed into the open window, conscious of the motion beyond the glass and sat in the chair. She kept her knees clamped together and held the two shirts out in front of her as Vera had commanded. It seemed oblivious shoppers did not notice her climbing onto the cold plastic chair and for that she was happy. She did indeed look like a store display, one where a plastic figure had been posed as if trying to decide what to wear. But she wasn't a mannequin to be posed and surely plastic did not have as much color on their cheeks.

Kim's face burned at her display. She was naked, sitting in a storefront window, staring out at the countless shoppers that raced by. Very few took notice of her and for that she was thankful. Staring out into the mall she watched, trying not to blink and struggling not to move, the shoppers rush around like ants on a mound. Most were seemingly oblivious to their surroundings; men would rush from one place to another with a single destination in mind, all other shops and kiosks as invisible as air while women would typically be with friends, chatting and gossiping and laughing and not really paying attention to their surroundings. It was a small consolation but one that kept her sitting naked and posed as the model in the window.

Vera raced to the employee's bathroom and masturbated herself to a wonderful orgasm. She wished she had the strength and courage to do what Kim was doing, or she wished she had someone forcing her to. That was better, she thought, to be forced into it. She wondered if she could convince Sharon to do things like this to her. Twice before she had stocked the racks in the store after hours naked, but there was no risk. It was the risk and the humiliation that excited her. She almost wished she was brave enough to ask Sharon to help her; she had thought of little else since Kim's first display. She seemed so capable of doing what Vera needed to be done.

The thought fueled a second orgasm and with her pussy throbbing she picked up the phone, horniness and arousal overruling rational thought and before she could change her mind and reconsider she dialed Sharon's number. Sharon answered on the second ring, "hello?"

Breathlessly, her fingers still buried in her pussy, Vera made her request.

Sharon was speechless. She had recognized the number and was certain that she'd be giving some photos to Dean Water's in the morning. This conversation took her totally by surprise. "Are you sure?" It was all she could manage.

No, Vera thought, "yes," she said.

"We'll talk about it after I take Kimmie home." She was speaking slowly.

With weak knees at what she'd just done, Vera hung up the phone, pulled up her jeans and went to see how Kim was doing.

Kim sat as motionless as she could even when people stared at her through the glass. It was obvious that she was not a mannequin and when people did happen to notice they lingered as long as possible a few even snapping pictures with their phones. The first time the flash had gone off; Kim had nearly dropped the t-shirts and if she had the ruse that she was trying to pull off would have been revealed. Still she sat, knees held together, breasts exposed to the world beyond the glass; her face the color of Mars.

Vera walked up behind her and whispered, "You're doing great."

And she was. She sat in the window for two hours before Sharon appeared in front of the glass. She raised her camera and snapped a dozen pictures of Kimmie sitting naked in the store window holding the two shirts beside the sign reading "decisions, decisions." Sharon was happy with how well Vera had done and she wondered what Vera would say if she were ordered to take Kim's place. What was she going to do about Vera? The funny thing was, the answer was yes, she would take control of Vera and force her to expose and humiliate herself. She got such a rush out of dominating little Kimmie, that the thought of refusing Vera never even crossed her mind. It was how to make her obey that troubled Sharon. Kim obeyed because she knew if she crossed Sharon then she'd lose her home. What would it take to get Vera to obey? That was what occupied her thoughts as she retrieved Kimmie from her window display.

Vera was shaking as Sharon entered the store, Sharon could see the look of fear on the young woman's face. It was a look that made her pussy throb; power was an incredible aphrodisiac. "Get her out of the window and get her dressed."

Vera obeyed and within moments a thankful Kim stood in her tiny skirt and white blouse by Sharon's side. Sharon looked at Vera, "I'll be back in an hour. You'll be here, right?"

Vera nodded.

"Let's go," Sharon said to Kim.

Kim followed Sharon from the mall, wondering about the flushed look on Vera's face and the humorless tone in Sharon's voice. What, she wondered, was going on between those two?

The sun had dipped below the horizon, another day passed. Kim sat in the back seat, her legs spread wide and her eyes closed, thankful that the day was spent. She knew she'd be driving herself to work the next day and was looking forward to the time alone and away from prying eyes. She was nearly smiling when Sharon stopped the car in Kim's driveway. "I'll see you in the morning," Sharon said. She stared at Kim, "don't forget to move your dressing rug onto the porch."

Kim climbed from the car, "Yes, Miss Reed." There was nothing else she could say. She grabbed her purse and made her way into her home, shutting the day away.


"This will be the last time I ask this. Are you sure?"

Vera nodded, "I am." Her voice was small.

"Here's my dilemma," Sharon was speaking slowly, trying to piece together what was happening as she spoke, "I don't know how to get you to obey. It's all well and good that this is something you want to do, but if I do this, I will have you doing things you will most certainly not want to do. What's to stop you from just stopping, saying 'nope, I'm done,' and just giving up?"

"I wouldn't do that," Vera said sounding shocked at the suggestion.

Sharon continued, "You may think that, but I need a guarantee." She exhaled. "Okay. Tomorrow I'm going to come by and you are to give me something that will ensure your compliance. It had best be something that if I reveal it, the consequences to you would be worse than anything that I'd have you do? Is that understood? If it's too tame, then I will withdraw my offer to help you and you'll never hear from me again."

Vera was trembling; Sharon took it as a good sign.


"Call me Miss Reed."

"Okay, Miss Reed," Vera said. She knew just the thing. "I already know what it'll be; I just have to get it for you."

"Then I'll see you tomorrow. All of you."

Vera knew what she meant and smiled.

Chapter 7


Early Tuesday morning, five minutes after Sharon arrived at Kimberly's house across town, Emily Bradford snuck into Kim's classroom. She was so nervous, the building did not officially open for another thirty minutes, that she felt like she had to pee, but she wanted to have time to find evidence that something was going on before anyone else arrived. Her story was just too big to stick to the rules. She inched her way to Kim's desk and sat in the teacher's chair. On the ground next to her foot sat a small black box. She crouched down and pressed the pedal that actuated the footswitch. Immediately the small light under the desk turned on, illuminating the small confines under Kim's desk. Emily could see the video camera staring back. She stood up quickly, banging her head on the underside of the desk. She cussed in pain and once again sat in Kim's chair, absently rubbing her scalp.

Emily opened the top drawer of the desk and picked up the stack of photos that Sharon had told Kim to place there. She scanned the photos of the naked woman, dancing, entering, and exiting Pussy Cats strip club. The story she thought she knew just got more interesting and she put the pictures in her purse. She opened the rest of the drawers and found nothing in any of them save for the laptop. She could see the wires snaking out the back and reasoned they connected the light, camera and switch to the computer. Was Miss Turner such a show off, she wondered, that she made it a point to always be on camera? The length of her skirts was no mystery to the students and Emily figured that if she sat and pressed the switch her charms would be recorded. But, she thought, why the blush on her face and why was her head so often hung low in shame? And why were the skirts so short now? Kimberly had always dressed much more conservatively on campus.

The thought that she was being coerced returned. Theresa had said that Miss Reed was at the mall the same time that Miss Turner was flashing her breasts and she herself had seen the two of them carpooling even though everyone knew that the two women did not particularly care for one another. No, Emily thought, Sharon Turner is definitely involved. Emily lifted the lid of the laptop and stared at the Windows log-in screen. She didn't know the password and so she lowered the lid once again. She thought of pulling the wires free from the back of the computer but uncertainty stayed her hand. If she changed anything, then her snooping could be found out, and right now she needed more evidence to piece together the story.

She stood up and made her way from Kim's classroom to Sharon's. After a few minutes she gave up her search; there was nothing to be gleaned from Sharon's classroom.

Ten minutes after sneaking into the English Wing, Emily Bradford slid unseen from the building.


Sharon knocked on Kim's door, grinning at the white rug that seemed to now serve as a welcome mat. She was amazed at how easy it had been to capture Kimmie and how much fun she was having tormenting her. And, with Vera, it was just getting better.

The door opened and Kim stepped back to let Sharon in. "Good morning, Miss Reed."

"Morning, Kimmie," Sharon said. She knew how much the little bitch hated the childish play on her name and so delighted in using it every chance she got. "Let's get you dressed." Sharon led Kim into her bedroom and opened the smaller closet. She pulled one of the denim skirts from a hanger and grabbed a long-sleeved purple and white striped blouse with large cuffs and a pointed collar. "Here you go," she said, handing the clothes to Kim.

Kim took them and carried them into the foyer. Sharon followed behind her, looked at Kim's brown hair done up in the ponytail and decided she still liked the way it made Kim look even younger than she was. "Let's go." Sharon stepped outside to watch how Kim handled dressing outside on her porch step.

Kim took a deep breath, grabbed her skirt, blouse, shoes and purse and stepped naked onto her porch. She was glancing around, eyeing the empty street. Please, she pleaded to whoever could hear her addled thoughts, don't let my neighbors see me. Once again she understood that anonymity was the only way she was able to enjoy the thrill of exposure; there was safety in it. She dropped the shoes and skirt and hurriedly donned the blouse, buttoning only two buttons before grabbing her skirt. She was rushing; trying to minimize the time she could be seen by neighbors. She pulled the tiny skirt up her legs and only realized she had been holding her breath when the skirt was fastened. She slipped into her shoes as she buttoned the blouse to her neck.
