It Can't Happen To Me Pt. 01

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Mature wife cheats.
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Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 02/22/2017
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The amber liquid of the bourbon in my glass was a metaphor for my life right now. My once clear, well ordered life is now dark and murky. I swirl the ice around the glass like the thoughts swirling around my mind. How could she do this to me? Why would she do it? Was it something I had done? Was I not man enough? What do I do now?

All these thoughts and more were banging around in my brain! I felt the tears start to flow once more but shut them down quickly. I would cry no longer for that bitch! I had packed most of my things and loaded them in my truck. I needed a little liquid fortification before leaving to confront her. Finishing the last of my Jack Daniels, I take one last look around what was no longer my home. Placing the glass down on the table, I turn and walk out the door.


How did I get to this point? I guess I should start at the beginning.

My name is Tim Johnson. I am 55 years old. I am 5'11" and weigh around 195 pounds. My best feature is my baby blue eyes, not bad looking but not exceptional either. Cute is the word usually used by women to describe me. I am bald and sport the common shaved head and goatee look. I am in good shape, pretty muscular, though I do have a small spare tire around my middle. Don't most guys my age?

I have been in the delivery field since my college graduation. I worked for a major delivery company for years both as a driver and later in management before starting my own company. My company focused on same day delivery, working closely with the lawyers and judicial system downtown to deliver the copious amounts of legal paperwork they generate. We also deliver for the local stores in the area. With the advent of the electronic age, the business slowed as more paperwork was done online. At that point we got some bigger vehicles to enter the home moving business, trying to stay with local moves unless the price was right. It is a solid business that provides a good income for me but I am not going to get rich doing it.

My wife's name is Pamela, or Pam as I call her. We have been married 33 years. She is also 55 years old, 5'6" tall and weighs around 130 pounds. She works at the local hospital as a nurse. She has shoulder length blonde hair and large beautiful blue eyes. I would say she is pretty, not classically beautiful but has always been the most gorgeous woman in my eyes. She was the love of my life, my best friend, confidante, and my soul mate. I know it sounds cliche but that is how I felt. We were the "home team", always together.

We met in college and had the same circle of friends. We did not date, just hung with the same crowd. I had always been attracted to dark haired, dark skinned, buxom women and Pam was thin, blonde and fair complexioned. She had small breasts but a killer ass that you could bounce quarters off. As we made our way through college, we became closer and were best friends. We talked about everything, helped each other with our relationship problems. Nothing was off limits.

Finally, in our senior year, we realized that the reason our relationships didn't work was because we were meant for each other. We were at a party, and had been drinking but not drunk. I asked her to dance. It was a slow song and her body just seemed to fit mine perfectly as we swayed to the music. She looked up at me and said, "You're the best, why haven't we ever dated?"

I looked down at her and stammered, "Wha...well...becau..." Then I realized, there was no good reason for us not to date! I then tilted my head down and touched my lips to hers. It was like an electrical current flowed between us! It finally crystallized in my pea brain that this was the woman for me. Her taste and smell inflamed my senses.

"Do you wanna get out of here," I asked?

"I thought you would never ask!"

We went back to her place (it was always cleaner!) and left a trail of clothes to her bedroom. We already knew each other so well, there wasn't the awkwardness you normally have with someone new. We kissed long and softly, getting more passionate as we went. I started to kiss her neck, working my way to her small breasts. As I said, I have always been attracted to women with big boobs, but Pam's B cups fit her body perfectly. Her nipples were exquisite though. Long, puffy, and as I found out, vey sensitive. I spent quite some time licking and sucking them as she moaned under me.

Finally I kissed my way down her flat stomach to her pussy. It was covered in a sparse covering of pubic hair. It was darker that the hair on her head, but still light in color and texture. I thought she might trim it but later found out that it was just naturally that way. Her scent was unlike any woman I had known before, I guess I now understood the concept of pheromones. I kissed all around her pussy without touching her labia. She writhed and pleaded with me to lick her. Finally I parted her lips with my tongue, starting at the bottom and licking up to her clit.

"Oh my god," I heard from above my head!

Her taste was like the nectar of the gods to me! I thought I could eat this woman forever. Her juices began to flow as I continued to lick and suck on her lips, avoiding her clit for the moment. I sensed her orgasm approaching as her hips began to buck. I slid one finger in, curling it up to stimulate her g spot. This produced an "Oh fuck!" from Pam.

I then started to lick and suck her clit as her moans increased and her abdominal muscles clenched. I reached up with my other hand and started to gently pinch and squeeze her nipples as her orgasm started.


I held on like a bull rider as Pam bucked and rubbed her pussy on my face, until she fell limply to the bed. I wiped my face and laid next to her, cuddling her as she recovered. She looked at me with love in her eyes and said, "That was unlike anything I have ever experienced, please make love to me now!"

My cock was like a steel rod by then, so I was not going to argue. I knew she was on the pill and neither of us had been with anyone else in a while, so I did not worry about a condom. I positioned myself between her legs and slid my cock in slowly. She felt so hot and wet! I am an average 6" but it was a perfect fit. We seemed to fit together like a lock and a key. We started slow, kissing passionately as I drove my hard cock in and out of her slick tunnel. I would grind the base of my shaft into her still sensitive clit on each downstroke, eliciting a moan every time. My pace increased and Pam lifted her legs, resting her heels on my ass. I held out as long as I could, but as I felt her approaching another climax I let mine go as well. We came together in an explosion of passion and love.

I knew at that moment I was in love and Pam was the one for me! I looked deeply into her eyes and said, "I love you."

She stared back and replied, "I love you too!"

We made love once more that night before falling asleep in each other's arms. When we woke up, there was no awkwardness. We were still best friends, but had taken our relationship to another level. We moved in together when my lease was up three months later. Upon our graduation, we were married and started our life together.

I can't say our marriage was perfect, none are. We had our disagreements, but never anything major. We always lived by the axiom, never go to bed angry. The one exception to our happiness (or mine, at least), was our sex life. Pam was pretty conservative, while I was more wild. I had lost my virginity to an older lady (see my Lovely Linda series) and she had taught me many kinky things. I had enjoyed these kinks with many other women as well before dating Pam.

Our sex life was loving but vanilla. Straight sex, Pam loved for me to give her oral but was not too enthusiastic about performing it on me. We tried anal a couple of times but Pam hated it, so that was off the table. I tried to spank her once but Pam let me know quickly that was not happening either. So we settled into a loving but vanilla sexual existence. She was the love of my life and best friend, our sex was nice and regular, I was okay with it.

After 4 years of marriage, we became the parents of a beautiful girl named Ann. She was the apple of her daddy's eye and a wonderful girl. She grew up lovely like her mother and after college, became an elementary school teacher.

Two years later, we had a son named Scott. He was more of a handful than his sister growing up, but turned out great in the end. He is, thankfully, way more handsome than his dad, after college went into advertising.

Our sex life tapered off considerably after the kids were born and was a source of conflict in our marriage once again. We went from 2-3 times a week down to once every week or two. We had many disagreements about this, but in the end I decided I had three options. Push the issue with Pam and cause more conflict. Go out and find someone else to have sex with. Or take what Pam gave me and make up the slack with my right hand. Neither of the first two were acceptable to me, so I took matters into my own hands to keep the peace.

We went through life for thirty years happy and prosperous. The kids grew into wonderful adults, Pam did well in her job as a nurse and my business prospered on a small but manageable level. We bought a nice 3 bedroom house in a quiet neighborhood and lived the American dream of the normal happy family.

Pam and I were both slim when we got married but had put on some weight as the years went by. I stayed active working in the delivery field and hit the gym when I could. I loved the weight that Pam put on because it made her boobs bigger, which is perfect for a boob guy like me.

So now we are at the point when things started to take a turn for the worse. Pam hit menopause and her hormones raged out of control. She experienced the usual mood swings, hot flashes, etc. The real problem started when she started to gain more weight. She got up to about 170 pounds and was not happy about it! I still told her I found her attractive and loved her, but it did not seem to make any difference.

Our sex life? It became nonexistent. She did not feel attractive, her hormones were out of control, nothing I did seemed to help. Usually I just inflamed the situation, nothing I said or did was right. I got tired of having masturbation as my only outlet. I again considered finding someone else to relieve the stress in my life. I just could not do it. Pam was still my best friend, my soul mate, and you just do not screw your best friend over. It's just not done, so I sucked it up and tried to be supportive any way I could.

Two things happened at this point that I did not realize would destroy my life as I knew it.

One, Pam decided to diet and join my gym to try to lose the weight she had gained. Our diets changed drastically and we both lost weight. I think Pam's doctor finally regulated her hormones, so her weight dropped way more than mine. We went to the gym together in the evening and I showed her around and how to use all the different equipment. We started going regularly and I could see my Pam coming back. She felt better about herself and her mood swings were not as drastic. I would like to say our sex life got better, but why lie? She told me that she just did not think of sex anymore and when we had sex it just seemed like a chore for her.

This hurt me, but I decided that I could not throw away 30+ wonderful years. Again I just took care of my needs myself and soldiered on.

The second thing was when Pam mentioned a new guy that started working with her. His name was Brad Richards, he was 35, about 6' tall and "rather buff" was how Pam described him. She said he was obnoxious and thought he was god's gift to women. I actually think I knew him as the dickhead that recently started at the gym and could not pass a mirror without posing. He was big but with gym muscles. He looked soft, like he had not done a hard days work in his life.

Everyday Pam and I would talk about our work day at dinner and I heard quite a few stories of how annoying Brad was. After a while though, the stories stopped. She talked about others at work but not Brad. It made me start to wonder.

Pam then started to go to the gym by herself after work. She got off earlier than me and said she wanted to take some of the aerobics classes offered then. She had lost about 40 pounds by this time and was down to a fit 130 pounds. She looked great and I was so happy for her! She would bring a change of clothes and shower at the gym before coming home. I didn't really notice at the time that I did not see Brad at the gym in the evenings anymore.

One other thing that caught my attention was that Pam stopped undressing in front of me. We were never shy around each other even when Pam was at her heaviest. Again I started to wonder. You don't live with someone for more than 30 years without knowing them inside and out. She also became a little quieter and distant. Not significantly but again I knew her too well. I wondered if she was cheating on me, but could just not bring myself to believe it!

A few weeks ago, Pam had started to attend Zumba classes on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at the gym. I went to the gym religiously on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. This Wednesday, I happened to glance at the information board and saw that Thursday's Zumba class had been canceled because the instructor had a conflict.

That Thursday, after we had cleaned up the dinner dishes, Pam went in to change into her workout clothes for her Zumba class. Right then, I knew my life was over. I would not tolerate her infidelity, especially after putting up with her attitude towards sex all these years. I felt empty inside, I started to get nauseous. I started to plan my next move. As she was getting ready to leave, I decided to see if she would stay with me. "Pam, stay home tonight, we can open a bottle of wine and spend the evening together. Like old times," I pleaded.

She hesitated, looked at me with a sad expression and said, "I can't honey, I have to go." Then she turned and walked out of my life.

I started to cry when the door closed, I had just lost my best friend. I felt like my soul had been torn in two. I sobbed until my head and stomach hurt and my tears ran dry. Then the anger started. I could not believe that bitch would do this to me! After everything we had been through together. That's when I knew I had to go. I packed all my clothes and personal items I could carry into trash bags and loaded them up in my truck. I then went online with my find my iPhone app to locate my cheating wife. A google search verified that the address belonged to one Brad Richards! Being in the delivery field, I knew right where he lived. I decided to pour myself a glass of Jack Daniels to calm my nerves before heading out to confront her.

My emotions were rampant as I drove over. I switched from anger, to despair, to concern for my kids, back to anger. I saw her car in front as I pulled up. It was a small house in an older neighborhood. I saw a light on in the back which I assumed was a bedroom. A tree shielded me as I crept up to the window to look in. There was a gap in the curtains that allowed me to see in. What I saw broke my heart and inflamed my rage even more!

Pam was bent over fuckface's bed with her hands restrained behind her back while he whipped her ass red with a belt! Her ass was beet red with welts starting to show. He then grabbed her hair and pulled her off the bed and onto her knees at his feet. The asswipe then stuck his dick in her mouth and proceeded to fuck her face roughly. I noticed he was not any bigger in the cock department than me but this did not make me feel any better. I could barely hear him calling her names and her moans through the window. I turned toward the tree shielding me and threw up all over it.

How could she do this with that asshole, when she had refused me all these years? To say I was stunned would be a gross understatement!

I wiped my mouth and then my rage took over. I walked to the front door was about to kick it in when my common sense took over. That asshole and my whore of a wife were not worth going to jail for! I walked over to Pam's car and leaned on the hood. I took out my phone and dialed her number. It rang and rang, then went to voicemail. I hung up and then hit redial again and again until she finally picked up. She was out of breath when she answered, "Tim, what's wrong? Why do you keep calling? Is it one of the kids?"

I replied, "No slut, it's the end of our marriage. I am outside, I suggest you get dressed and come out here. We need to talk."

I heard her sob, "Oh my god, no!" before I disconnected.

About five minutes later the front door opened and Pam walked out with dickhead right behind her. He said, "This is private property dude, get out of here!"

I looked at him with disdain and said, "Go back inside shitbag or I will not be responsible for my actions!"

He bowed up and said, "Fuck you!"

Pam turned and screamed at him, "Brad, just go in the fucking house!"

He thought about it for a second, then said, "Keep the whore, I was about done with her anyway!" Then went in and closed and locked the door.

Pam approached me slowly while sobbing and wringing her hands. "Tim, I'm so sorry. It was just sex. He meant nothing..."

"Shut up," I screamed! Really? She went with the all the usual lame ass excuses? I expected better. "I don't want to hear your excuses Pam. I just came to say we are done. I have all the stuff I need from the house in my truck. I will start legal proceedings tomorrow. "

"Tim, please no," she cried.

I walked to my truck, then turned and said, "You broke my heart Pam. It's like you tore a part of my soul out and stomped on it. I don't think I will ever be the same."

Pam fell to her knees sobbing as I got in my truck and drove away. It was tough to drive with my eyes clouded with tears. What the hell was I gonna do now? I really had no idea, besides finding a liquor store and a hotel room to get fall down drunk! That's just what I did, wondering what tomorrow might bring.

***Part two coming soon, tune in to see what happens with Tim and Pam.***

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norcal62norcal62over 1 year ago

Stories of the crying, running hubby are mostly nauseating. It's the alter ego of the author, but still bad. Too little thought put into development of the man.

nixroxnixroxover 2 years ago

0 star - just a really really bad story

boneham21boneham21over 2 years ago

FED up with the wimps that don't beat the guys ass. 1

26thNC26thNCalmost 4 years ago

Old whores need love too, just not from their husbands.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Why the hell can't you guys write a story where the outraged husband actually does a number on the interloper instead of worrying about going to jail?????

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Oh Tom it didn't mean anything it was just sex

Ok, now this is just a divorce!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

very therapeutic

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

another insane and dumbass comment from annony. This guy is out of his fucking brain!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Not Erotic

It's a story, yes, and there was some brief sex parts, but like so many stories on LitEROTICA, it lacked the erotic element.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
not the only one

you me and a million other nice hardworking guys we always finish last in the sex department . so many good looking women go for the asshole types to fuck its just the way it is.

HankWTullamoreHankWTullamoreover 7 years ago
I vote it was Martian slut ray

Would have been better that way.

John2009John2009over 7 years ago

Been there done that and got the fucking T-shirt

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
re: @Anonymous Re: "Actually, no"

From Chapter 2.


I loved the feelings of submissiveness but I knew it was wrong. I should be doing this with the man I loved, not a guy I didn't even like! Maybe that's why I could do it with Brad, because I didn't care what he thought of me.


THAT was pretty much my point.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
You can't have it both ways. Either she got hit with Martian Slut Ray, or hubby is a stupid detached nincompoop.

So we are left with the obvious question, how could such an empty soulless cruel selfish bitch masquerade all those years as a loving loyal wife and mother? Or, what caused her to suddenly change from demure traditional normal woman into raging cock-hungry whore? Oh, it was master cocksman Brad? But she's a nurse. Do you know how many opportunities a nurse has throughout her career to fuck Mr. God's gift handsome rich sexy doctor? But apparently this just started, and has to do with her weight loss and insecurity and being pursued by Mr. Adonis of the month. So again, what caused her to resist all the years previously, and submit now? And what caused her to want wild crazy sex with a stranger but not her husband? And as a nurse she knows pussy hound Brad has got to be a walking cesspool of sexually transmitted germs. Again, it makes no sense.

Well, except for the puking and the drinking. If the husband is that weak and fragile then maybe Pam just wanted to get fucked by an assertive confident strong man, for a change. Strong men don't get drunk when confronted by challenges. Strong men don't let their suspicions fester for weeks, refraining from investigation and confrontation until they are forced my circumstances to admit reality.

Its pretty simple really. Not at all easy, but simple: "Dear, the whole point of being married is to share aspects of our life that we deny and withhold from everyone else but our spouse. One of the most intense and personal things we share is sex, intercourse, fucking. If you are going to remove that intimacy and pleasure from our marriage, then why stayed married? We can go to counseling, or seek medical advice, or work together to restart our sex life, or you can release me from my marriage vows of fidelity and loyalty." A real man doesn't go get drunk, or puke his guts out, or walk away from his house and life, leaving the traitorous bitch behind to spin an excuse for the family and play the abandoned innocent wife. Maybe Pam just got tired of living with a weak clueless dumb shit? The only thing she will miss is his pay check.

I will wait to rate depending on how you resolve the inconsistencies.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
re: Vickie Tern

I doubt if anybody could teach you more about sex. Aren't you a first class &quot;slut&quot; already?

I can't call you a &quot;whore&quot;, since I don't know if you charge or give it away. It's always a good day when you make your biased comments. Please continue. Awaiting with abated breath. Might even learn something new.

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