It’s Only Being Photographed Pt. 01


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"Ah well nice to know I have a popular body type."

"Not just popular Jay but also rather lovely. It's all the rage in the photographic modelling world, we should give it a try. Popular age as well Jayne."

"Give what a try?"


"How do you mean popular age?"

"Well the slightly older woman with the......... er, um fuller figure is all the rage."

"For what?"

"Posing for photographers."

"What for?"

"Well various reasons, art, studies, practice for people like me, glamour, even nude."

We didn't speak for a few minutes as I went to the loo and then the kitchen and got another bottle of wine.

"Why don't we try it?" Sophie surprised me by asking when I returned and filled her glass, although she had hardly touched the last one.


"Me taking some shots of you Jay, after all you are a beautiful woman."

"Don't be daft I'm not beautiful."

"You are really and you have a fabulous figure."

"Hmmm not sure on that nowadays."

"Jay you have, it's great I'm envious."

"Lots of lumps and bumps and some sagging here and there," I told her.

Laughing she replied. "That doesn't matter nowadays, realism is in, 'warts 'n all' is what it's about."

"Really I would be in with a chance then as I have some of both," I smiled.

"Very much so and I have some exams soon and need a model."

"Exams for what?

"To be a photographer and to teach it."

"What photography?"

"Yes don't tell Pete but if my exams go well I won't go to uni, but will concentrate on photography. So, shall we Jay?"


"Try it?"

"You photographing me?"

"Well not you me love," she smiled. "Although if you want to see the difference between a phone and a proper camera you can as I said earlier."

I said I wasn't fussed about that and prevaricated about me posing for her, but she was persistent.

"I can't pose like this," was one of my half-hearted objections.

"Why not?"

"I'm in my gym gear."

Smiling, but sounding deadly serious, she said. "Well we could always try some nude studies?"

"No, I couldn't?"

"Well you could Jay, anyone could but the gym stuff would be fine."

"So, like this in my gym gear?"

"Yes, why not, you look great? Hold on let me get the gear," she continued getting up and almost running out of the room.

Finishing my wine and pouring another I wasn't sure whether I was excited at the idea of being photographed or nervous about it. I have always been somewhat of an exhibitionist enjoying being in plays when at school and joining an amateur dramatic group in my twenties as well as relishing being photographed though I had not done any serious one on one stuff as Sophie was suggesting although John had taken a few as a prelude to sex

I went to look in the mirror and fluffed up my spiky, blonde hair. I was wondering about make-up as Sophie returned with her camera and a light on a stand that she must have got from her car.

"Do we really need that?" I asked nodding at the light.

"Well in this light yes we do, but if we did some in the daylight we wouldn't."

"Should I do my make up?" I asked.

"No, no, not for this. I want au naturelle for you Jay. You prefer your glasses on or off?"

I was nervous but wasn't quite sure what about as I replied. "Well I can't see without them and I probably squint, so best keep them on if that's ok?"

"Perhaps we can go into the lounge where we have that white wall as a backdrop and the Chesterfields?"


"Ok Jay you finish your wine while I set up in there."

She left me with my wine for a few minutes during which I heard her go out to her car. "Come on in then Jay," she called out.

I went into the lounge and was surprised to see that in addition to the light she had two large, silver umbrellas.

"They concentrate the light and stop shadows," she explained.

"I see," I said not really having any idea what she was talking about.

"Ok luv," she began sounding casually professional. "Let's have you standing with the wall as a backdrop," she said doing what I assumed were light and meter readings as I stood where she directed. "Just relax and look round the room, I'll tell you when to look at the camera.

I did as she directed and heard her clicking away and altering the surprisingly large lens indicating that she was taking close ups, but then she alternated with another camera I guessed taking longer shots.

"Lovely Jay, really gorgeous, keep going."

She took more with both cameras after setting me in different positions.

"Ok Jay, now hands behind you, good but pull your shoulders back and head up, look over the camera, now at it."

More clicks and movements and then.

"Let's lose the track top please Jay."

Feeling a little vulnerable with my bare arms and chest, I did as she said.

"Ok hands on hips and legs apart, tum in and tits out."

The pose came quite naturally.

"Wow that's raunchy Jayne," she said making me realise that I was putting on a bit of a show

"Sophie we are not supposed to be taking raunchy shots."

"Come and have a look," she said linking the camera up to her laptop.

"Jayne with you as the model in that outfit that's unavoidable."

"What do you mean?"

"Just what I say. With a body like yours and those boobs you are like sex on legs so the shots are bound to be raunchy."

"I think we had better stop now," I said probably sounding rather half-hearted.

"Not a chance Jayne, there's no way you can rob me of these shots, come on, please. I need them for my exams"

"But I can't let my son's girlfriend take raunchy shots of me, what will Pete and John think?"

"I am sure they wouldn't mind and I know John would just love them."

"Yes, well that's as maybe I don't feel comfortable with my son seeing such photos."

"Well they don't have to know do they."

"How do you mean?"

"Well I won't tell them if you don't, it can be our secret."

"But why take them?"

"You are enjoying it aren't you, I can tell the way you are getting into it?"

"Well yes, I suppose I am."

"And I am Jay, you're a fab model for me and they'll be great in my collection, I will use some for my exam as one of the genres is a natural amateur. Please Jayne let's continue."

I was weakening and my resolve was going for I was asking myself what was wrong with it? All I was doing was helping my son's girlfriend with her photography exams, there was nothing devious or wrong with that was there? And being honest with myself I was enjoying it. I needed a bit of fun.

"Well just a few more then," I said lamely.

"Let's have you on the floor then Jayne."


"Lying on your back please."

She knelt beside me and started shooting and issuing posing instructions.

"One hand behind your head."

"Both hands on your hip bones."

"Fantastic Jay."

"One knee raised."

"Now both."

"Legs slightly parted."

"Fab. Luv you're 're a natural Jayne."

"On your front please."

"Now kneeling, no all fours not like you are praying, doggy as I am sure you know."

Combining issuing instructions and complimenting me a great deal she took loads of shots in many different poses before saying.

"Phew I'm exhausted Jayne. Don't know about you I could do with a break, before we go on."

I stood up quite close to her wondering what 'go on' meant.

"You get the wine Jayne, I'll set the laptop up."

I returned with the wine and glasses and saw Sophie sitting beside the desk with a photo of me on the laptop. She patted the seat.

"Come on we can share this."

I squeezed into the office chair alongside her our hips, legs and arms squashed together. She clicked the mouse bringing shot after shot up onto the screen, firstly with the track top on and then to my surprise as I had not seen her take them, me removing it. Then just in the tight singlet. I don't know what she had done but my boobs looked massive. I gulped. But that was nothing to what I felt when she showed me some where I was kneeling. My bum completely dominated the shots showing its full roundness and indicating quite clearly that I was naked under the yogas.

"See what I mean Jayne?" she asked bringing up more shots of me this time on my back, the camera seeming to be focusing on my thighs and breasts.

"Great aren't they Jayne?" Sophie said grabbing my wrist.

"Er, um, oh god I don't know."

"Well I do and I tell you they are, they are awesome," she replied stroking my wrist. "You're an absolute natural."

"Don't be silly."

"You are Jayne I promise, you are perfect as a model. I hardly had to tell you the poses to take up, you did it almost without instruction."

"No, I did what you told me."

"But I hardly told you anything, you did it all yourself and the shots are so natural and er....." she paused.



"Earthy Sophie, what the hell's that?"

"You want me to spell it out?" she asked as a shot came up of me on my back with my arms stretched from my sides and my legs wider open than I had meant them to me. It was almost a crucifixion pose.


"Sexy Jayne, you ooze sex."

"No Sophie, no I don't, I can't, and I am too old."

"Don't be daft, Helen Mirren's almost seventy and is still one of the sexiest women on the planet."

"You must never show them to anyone," I groaned, secretly pleased at being compared to her.

"I can for my exams can't I?"

"Yes, yes of course, but no one who might know me.

"Ok that's agreed. Shall we get on?"

"You want to take more?"

"Yes of course, come on let's get going again."

"Ok but you do promise me don't you Sophie that nobody who knows me will see them."

"Of course, they will be just for me and my examiners and they are all photographers so they realise the score," she said setting her cameras, lights and umbrellas up.

"What do you mean, the score?"

"That amateur glamour models don't want their bodies displayed indiscriminately."

"No, right."

"Or their underwear or nudity come to that," she said clicking away as I moved around as instructed. "How about facing the wall and looking over your shoulder at the camera?"

As, without thinking almost, I took up the pose I asked. "What do you mean?"

"God you look amazing like that Jayne, it really gets your great 'tits 'n ass,'

"Sophie no, stop it," I said brusquely turning to face her.

She laughed. "Just joking Jay, don't get your knickers in a twist, woops but then you aren't wearing any are you? Come on face the wall again and bend forward a little."

She took a few more with me moving around and wondering just where this was going. I toyed with telling her that we had to stop but truth be known I was rather enjoying posing for her and I was tingling all over.

"Let's have another check shall we Jayne?"

We huddled round the laptop and Sophie clicked up the shots of me stopping on the one where I was looking over my shoulder.

"Fuck Jayne that is amazing don't you think so?"

"No, of course not I can't think that about myself can I?"

"No, I guess not, but the curves and shapes are fantastic."

"You really think so?" I asked partly genuinely pleased and partly fishing for compliments.

"Oh god yes Jayne," she said turning to face me. "The balance between the size and shape of these," she said nodding at my boobs and running her fingertips over them on the screen. "And the roundness and curves of this is fab," she went on repeating the gesture on the screen but this time with my bum. She left her fingers pressing against it as she looked back at me and our gazes locked.

As she did that on the laptop screen it almost felt as if she was doing it to my actual body. I felt myself getting hot and I knew that my nipples were hardening. Also, more acutely I knew that even through the thickness of the sports bra they would be making indentations in the thin material of the singlet. My body was tingling and my mind was reeling from the atmosphere between us and the sight on the laptop of the rear of me straight on to the camera from behind and the side view of my upper body with my tits looking so large.

The strong light focusing on my buttocks seemed to me, though I may have been imagining it, to show the camera that there was nothing under the yogas. I wondered if Sophie had seen it, but that was silly for of course she had, it was her job to notice such things and she had mentioned it? As her finger appeared to me to be fondling my bottom on the screen and running along the crease between the cheeks, she looked into my eyes and said quietly.

"I would kill to photograph that Jayne."

"What?" I whimpered hardly able to think cogently let alone speak logically.

"You Jayne, this," she said quietly stroking my legs and bottom on the screen.

"What, er, um what do you mean?"

Moving closer so that our faces were almost touching she put her had on my shoulder and looking deep into my eyes.

"I want to photograph your body Jayne."

"What do you mean my body?"

"I'm an artist Jay, a photographer, I want to photograph you naked."

Those words hit me like a blow to the stomach. A couple of times since we had started this I had wondered about things Sophie had said and whether she was hinting at this, but I had pushed such thoughts from my mind telling myself. 'It's ridiculous, she's my son's girlfriend, she's only twenty and I am mid-forties.' But my initial thoughts had been correct, she did want to, she did want me to undress and she did want to take photos of me naked. I panicked. That was not just because she was propositioning me for a most outrageous deed but because the idea of her wanting to see me naked and me posing naked excited and thrilled me.

"No, no Sophie."

"Please Jayne it will be great," she went on squeezing my arm. "They will be fabulous, something for just you and me, something for us to cherish."

"I couldn't do it," I lied for deep down I knew that I could and, even more worrying, that it would excite me and that I wanted to do it.

"I think you can Jayne," she whispered pausing before adding. "And I think you want to."

"No, no Sophie, I don't," I almost groaned knowing full well that I sounded at best half-hearted.

"Oh Jay it'll be great I promise, they'll be marvellous.

"But I shouldn't."

"No one will ever know, just you and me, only us Jayne, just you and me."

"Oh Sophie," I sighed gripping her hand.

"Say you will Jayne, please, please say yes, say you will?" she muttered squeezing my arm tightly.

"Oh Sophie."

"Jayne please."

"Promise me you will never, ever let Peter or John or anyone else know."

"Of course I do. I promise."

I could hardly believe that I heard myself saying one word, a simple one.


"Oh you darling," she gushed throwing her arms round me and pulling me to her. She kissed me on the cheek. "Thank you Jay, thank you so much I promise they will be marvellous."

I went to the kitchen and got another bottle of Pino. Topping up Sophie's hardly touched glass and refilling my empty one I smiled.

"I need this to pluck up my courage."

"It'll be fine, you'll be great, there's nothing to worry about its natural isn't it?"

Now I had committed myself I felt less nervous and replied. "Actually Sophie no I don't think it is natural."

"What being naked isn't?"

"Well that may be."

"Well I know you go topless and that you've been to that nude beach in Majorca."

"Well er, um that's different to being photographed naked by my son's girlfriend."

"Hmmm yes I suppose it is, would it help if I was also naked Jayne?"

For some reason that was unknown to me that made my heart thump. Why? I asked myself gabbling.

"No Sophie, no that's not necessary," as part of me thought it might help, well not help but would make the situation more comfortable. Was that right? I asked myself as Sophie took my hand and led me towards the door.

"Where are we going?"

"Upstairs, I thought your bedroom would be a better location Jay, ok?"


"Well it has a softer setting and colours than down here and nudity and a bed are natural accoutrements."

"Are they?" I asked as she picked up the light and her cameras.

"Can you bring the umbrellas please Jayne?"

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morning31_bmorning31_b2 months ago

Lovely warm up, like the teasing building up and ooo that comment about the leggy news night presenter ..... mmm

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Really promising opening. Love the slow building tension. Can't wait for Jay to start her exhibitionist/ sapphic journey. Breaking down inhibitions is so sexy. 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Lovely story, sweet and so sexy. Well done. Five stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Fucking awesome !!

bbaron2274bbaron2274over 2 years ago

I've always dreamt of being photographed. Being told what to do.......Keep it up

maribel_fmaribel_fabout 4 years ago
Deliciously tantalizing!

Title says it all, really. By the time I got to the end I was feeling lovely tingles of anticipation!



AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Nice beginning

I just took a break and read part 1. I was saving it for later at night but couldn't resist. I loved the slow buildup and the reluctance of Jayne. Hopefully, I can wait until later for the best part. I'll be thinking of it all evening though. Very good and thank you!

shane81ukshane81ukover 4 years ago

Excellent, loved the pace and the reality of it.

Thank you!

RastanuraRastanuraover 4 years ago

I loved the build up and can't wait for the rest.

FriskyMindFriskyMindover 4 years ago
Loved it!

The slow build up was fantastic. Flirting is an art, and seduction isn’t always a fast game. I’m 56 so it’s always nice to see more mature characters showing that our sexual, sensual side doesn’t die at 30. I did whimper when I reached the end of page 2 and there was no page 3. Sincerely hope to see it soon!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Cannot wait for part 2

Love the story

MaonaighMaonaighover 4 years ago

Sounds like Sophie has an invisible MILF-net and is playing it as skilfully as any fisherman. And you have stopped at exactly the right place with an intriguing cliff-hanger. The story is nicely erotic so far, so keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
You’ve begun the journey

Loved your first story and the way it’s developing. Can’t wait for more. Exciting!

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