It’s Only Being Photographed Pt. 04


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"I don't know what do you want to do?"

"Well as I would like to make love to you all day is there any point in dressing."

"Perhaps just knickers then, though I'll have a sun dress or something in case I have to answer the door."

Sophie went back to Peter's room and I finished drying myself and then slipped into a pair of white, lacy bikini panties. Again, as I put them on and realised that I would be with her all day as good as naked and as her words about wanting us to make love all day went through my mind I felt my arousal building up. And sure enough my always prominent nipples were rock hard. 'Hmmm great start,' I thought.

It was a surreal but exciting situation moving around my own house with Peter's girlfriend and me just in our panties. Seeing her youthful, lithe body with her bush of blondish, pubic hair, small, pert boobs, the flattest of tummies, fantastic legs and a lovely, peach like bottom made me feel jealous and realise my age.

She had an almost all over tan with just the smallest patch around her pubes that was not a golden brown although that was not as white as it should have been suggesting that she had sunbathed in the nude as well as topless. I realised that must have been on the holiday in Ibiza that she and Peter had been on just a few weeks ago. That hit home to me. As I made some tea while Sophie messed around on her phone I wondered whether Peter had sunbathed nude as well and whether that had led to them having sex. I knew that just the two of them had rented a small villa that John and I had seen photos of and I envisaged them lying naked on sun beds by pool. 'Oh Christ,' I thought when I found myself thinking that lying there with her naked beside him he would probably have got hard and maybe they fucked beside the pool.

"They got there ok," I heard her say as she wandered into the kitchen. "The guys they got there and will be teeing off soon."

"Oh right good," I mumbled still in my mind beside the pool in Ibiza with Sophie holding my son's erect dick.

"They all went in Bernard's USV in the end. He doesn't drink does he?"

"That's sensible. No not now."

"Probably means they'll be pissed when they get home, what do you mean not now?"

"He was an alcoholic; well still is I guess but hasn't touched a drop in a few years now."

Sitting opposite each other across the glass topped kitchen table we sipped our tea and ate some chocolate digestive biscuits. As she reached for a second one Sophie smiled.

"Sex always makes me hungry?"

For some reason I couldn't stop myself saying. "You must have been starving on holiday then."

"Huh, what do you mean?"

"Well just you and Pete in that villa."

"Oh, right yes it was cool."

"And the nude sunbathing?"

She looked up and said. "How do you know about that did Pete tell you?"

"No love I just saw you naked didn't I and the white patches are nowhere near as white as they should be."

Giggling she said. "Oh' fuck I forgot that, you ever done it?"

"No never."

"Not even in the garden here?"

"No, I wouldn't have the nerve."

"The weather's going to be good this afternoon supposed to be eighty or so, shall we?"

Suddenly doing something else that I had never done before had a strong appeal and smiling I replied.

"As long as John doesn't check out my white patch as I have yours why not?" I smiled picking up the mugs and slotting them in the dishwasher.

As I bent over to do that I felt Sophie's hand on my bum.

"That's a wonderful sight Jay."

"What the open dishwasher?" I joked.

"No silly your arse and legs."

Straightening up and turning I saw that she was so close that I almost fell into her arms. We held each other and kissed.

"This is something I have wanted to say to you for ages Jayne."

"What is it?" I asked feeling her small boobs writhing gently against mine.

"Come to bed with me."

Smiling I replied. "My pleasure."

There was little foreplay and hesitation this time. We walked upstairs with our arms round each other's waist, went straight to my bedroom, stood either side of the king-sized bed, slid our knickers off and laid on it. Sliding into each other's arms we kissed for ages as we caressed and fondled each other.

As we lay there our mouths clamped and tongues probing with our hands roaming over the other's body, I realised that I was getting used to being with a woman. The smooth, softness, the less urgent approach and the gentleness were no longer a surprise. Feeling soft breasts pressing against me and the absence of an erection were not shocks any more. My hands finding the roundness of female curves and protuberances as opposed to the hard roughness of a man's were not only a delight but were becoming the norm. Kissing the silkiness of a breast and licking and sucking the pinkness of an areola and the hardness of a nipple were new and rapidly becoming special pleasures.

Feeling the warm, wetness of aroused and puffed up lips on my fingers was not new as I had felt my own so many times, but feeling another woman's was new but no longer a surprise.

And during that morning spent lying together on my marital bed Sophie and I got used to each other. We did all of those things. I cradled her head to my breasts as she made love to them and my nipples and I opened my legs to her enquiring fingers. She did the same for me as I gained my initiation into having sex with another female's breasts and nipples and repeated the magic of earlier when I finger fucked her to a wonderful orgasm

I don't how many orgasms I had or how many I gave her that morning. What I do know is that the first one I induced in my young lover when I was sitting in front of the dressing table didn't register fully with me. The next which I gave her later did register and how!

We were kissing. Sophie was on her back with one arm round my neck and my breasts squashed against hers. I was sucking her nipples when I slid my hand downwards and into the thatch of pubic hairs. I wasn't quite sure just what I was going to but when she slightly parted her legs it became obvious. I rubbed her clit then slid my fingers along and all the way arounds her lips. I felt the shudders in her body and heard the low grunts and moans of pleasure. The grip of her arm tightened around my neck and she pulled my mouth harder against her breast as my fingers slid into her hot wetness. She started to cum and the feelings that gave me were almost overwhelming. I felt so powerful and emboldened as she writhed beneath my body, mouth and hand. For the first time in my life I felt like a man and understood why they enjoy fucking women so much. As she reached the peak of it her back arched lifting her bottom off the bed and her fingernails dug into my shoulder, I felt as if I were in love with her.

"Oh fuck yes, Jay," she moaned.

As if in sexual ecstasy, she looked so beautiful. Her head rolled from side to side on the pillow, her eyes were tightly closed and her mouth was wide open. My fingers rigid inside her with her gripping my wrist I comforted her through the wonders of a female orgasm that I knew I had created.

"Was it good?" I asked as she went past the peak and started to come down.

"Oh Jay, Jayne, darling you can't know just how good that was," she groaned kissing me.

"Oh yes I can," I smiled back.

And of course, just to make sure I did she returned the favour before we slipped under the thin duvet and snoozed in each other's arms for an hour or so.

We showered again and both put on clean knickers.

"Almost one Sophie, like some lunch?" I asked getting out of bed and making a mental note to change the sheets and duvet cover as it would reek of Sophie's perfume.

"I told you sex makes me hungry so after being with you all morning I am absolutely famished."

"Tuna salad ok although I don't have any fresh bread; I have been rather occupied this morning."

"How nice," she grinned running her hand down my back and stroking my bottom." Have I told you what a great arse you have?" she continued kissing my shoulder.

"Mmmm I seem to recall you mentioning it."

At Sophie's suggestion, we took the food and a bottle of white wine into the garden and had lunch on the patio that is secluded and not overlooked. The wine didn't last long so I opened another.

"Not driving are we?" I said moving round the table and sitting beside Sophie.

"Nope so the afternoon is ours to do with as we wish isn't it?"

With the wine loosening my already in tatters inhibitions I asked. "So, what would you like to do with it Sophie?"

"Well not to put too fine a point on it, Jay I would like to fuck you?" she giggled adding. "I assume I can say that now can't I Mrs West?"

"You can say and do whatever you wish young lady."

"Ok I'll take you up on that."


"Stand up. Come closer and turn round."

Standing fairly close to her I did as she asked.

I felt her hands on my hips as she said. "If I am going to fuck you Mrs West we had better get these off hadn't we?" She pulled my knickers down quickly so I couldn't object. "Now isn't that better mum?"

"Now, now Sophie," I said turning and facing her. "Don't bring any more taboos into the situation there's enough already."

Smiling she stood up and slipped hers off. "Feel good like this Jay?"

"Mmmm yes it's sort of empowering in a way isn't it."

"Yes it is, ever been on a nude beach?" she asked as we both sat down.

"No, I wouldn't have the nerve, have you?"

"Yes, several actually, Pete and I went on one in Ibiza."

Hearing the reality of my son's name gave me a shock and I stammered. "Really he didn't tell me," I said filling our glasses.

"Well he hardly would, would he?"

"No silly me I guess not. Was it good?"

"Well we had a good time it's a very private beach, secluded and sort of intimate."

Thinking of my son and her naked on a beach gave me a jolt and brought me out of the bubble that Sophie and I had been in since early this morning.

"What do you mean intimate?"

She didn't reply at first but leaning forward and putting her hand on the back of mine she said quietly. "What do you think Jayne?"

"I don't know."

"Two kids, alone on a nude beach with dunes and fairly private places, get the idea?"

I got it but didn't say anything.

Naked, we lay on the sunbeds for a while and my mind was racing. I kept thinking that I had no real idea what she meant when she said she wanted to fuck me. In fact, the more I thought about it the more I realised I had little knowledge of what lesbians, or bi women as I quickly changed my thinking to, did to each other. Of course, I had watched some porn, mainly with John getting us in the mood, but also I remembered a few times by myself and in both situations it was lesbian stuff. Whilst I knew from my experiences with Sophie that they fingered each other and I assumed they had oral sex, I wondered whether the main act was with vibrators or dildos or, my now vivid imagination wondered, with strap ons?

"Like to hear what happened?" she asked completely out of the blue.


"At the nude beach?"

"Maybe best if I don't know."

"Yes probably."

"Oh go on then," I said sipping the last of the wine from my glass.

"We had to strip off in a communal changing room which seemed strange but then the strangeness seemed incongruous when you thought about it as we were getting undressed to be undressed together with loads of others."

"Mmmm yes see what you mean."

"We walked out hand in hand and mingled with loads of others most of whom were older than us?"

"Did Peter behave himself?"

"How do you mean?"

"Well I hope he didn't stare too much did he?"

"No more than anyone else I guess."

"And didn't er um get?"

"A hard on?"

"Not immediately."

"Oh, so later then he did?"


"Were you embarrassed?" I asked as I felt a surprisingly strong frisson of excitement run through me that I wasn't able to work out what caused it.

"No not really as we were by then lying in the sand dunes kissing."

"No, you didn't er, um did you?"

"Is fuck the word you're looking for Jay?"

"God this is terrible."

"What is?"

"Talking to my son's girlfriend like this?"

Her mobile ringing saved us both the embarrassment of going further into their sex life. It was obviously Peter telling her how they had got on in the morning round.

"They came in the top ten this morning," she told me standing up and walking down the garden.

She looked quite fantastic as she strolled away from me naked her as good as perfect bum wobbling and swaying so enticingly. I guessed that they were talking 'sweet nothings' and that made me realise that John hadn't phoned me.

If the sight of her walking away from me had been lovely the view as she strolled back towards me was even better.

"They may not be home tonight," she said finishing the call and standing close to me beside my sun lounger.

"Oh, how come?"

"Something about the dinner being delayed as they are running late."

"When will we know?" I asked thinking that might save me washing the sheet and duvet cover this evening.

"About seven, I hope they do stay," she went on sitting down on the edge of the lounger with her bum pressed against my leg by my knee as she added. "Do you Jay?"

"Well if they do it means I can wash and iron the bedclothes tomorrow rather than tonight," I smiled as she rested her hand on my hip.

"And what else?"

"No idea, you tell me."

"We can sleep together and fuck each other's brains out," she said rather seriously as she slid her hand up my body and cupped my breast. "Come on let's go back to bed."

We stood up and quite naturally it seemed to me slid into each other's arms. It was some sensation to be standing on my patio embracing a young woman with both of us naked. It went on for some time as my and I feel Sophie's arousal grew.

"Come on mum take me to bed," she muttered.

With our arms round each other we walked in through the French doors into the lounge and then into the hallway.

"Hold on a sec," I said going back into the lounge and locking the doors. "Don't want any uninvited intruders do we?"

"Not unless they are some stunning blonde."

"Male or female?" I quipped as we walked up the stairs and into the bedroom.

"One of each maybe?" she said as we walked into the bedroom and she added. "I always think a messed-up bed looks wanton and ready for sex don't you," she giggled.

"Yes, I suppose it does."

"And we are too aren't we jay?"


"Ready for sex," she whispered putting her arm round me and gripping my bum.

"Oh Sophie, Sophie," I groaned resting my head on her shoulder and my hand on her hip.

Our closeness, nudity and what we had just said combined with the bed and what had gone on there earlier created a highly intimate and sexually charged atmosphere that we both indulged ourselves in. Sinking into in each other's arms we kissed and slowly eased ourselves onto the bed and lying on our sides continued the embrace and the kiss. We fondled and stroked each other's backs, buttocks and breasts and licked, kissed and sucked their nipples.

I realised that our lovemaking, sex or whatever it was had now become mutual. That made me smile for additionally I thought, 'it started mutual and has now gone a full circle.' With almost every action I surprised myself at how easily I was now accepting both the overall situation of me clearly finding and displaying my bisexual side and the singular one of having such sex with my son's twenty-year-old girlfriend.

I was on my back with Sophie beside me on my right lying on her left side. My arm was round her shoulders and our mouths were clamped in a long and deep kiss. Her right hand had slithered up and down my body stimulating my clit, the lips of my pussy and both of my breasts and nipples. I was able to reach across me with my left hand to squeeze her boobs and pinch and pull her nipples. It was a very loving, tender and erotic scene.

She bent her head so her long, blonde hair tumbled over my chest as her mouth found my nipple and sucked it long and fairly hard. It felt lovely. Then I saw and felt it moving further down my body. She licked the underneath of my breast; her lips kissed my chest and her tongue probed into my navel. She was fondling and caressing my stomach and legs as I felt her mouth sliding further downwards across the slight swell, well when lying on my back, of my stomach.

Then it hit me. It should have done before I suppose. I should have realised it would happen. It was inevitable that we would have oral sex. I was realising that as her tongue found my clit at the same time that her fingers ran along my lips.

"Oh fuck, oh my god Sophie," I groaned grabbing her head.

"Okay Jay?"

"Oh yes," I whimpered gripping her hair and pulling on it.

"You sure?" she asked as I felt her tongue licking all round my lips as she pressed her finger against my anus.

I was gone, totally done and I started to cum. Groaning, sighing, moaning and grunting I roared to what became a massive orgasm.

Removing her mouth from between my legs she slithered her head back up my body and kissed me full on my mouth. It was a very heady and extremely erotic sensation to taste myself on her lips.

"Oh Christ Sophie, that was amazing."

"You enjoyed it then."

"God yes."

We lay there for a while with her holding and stroking me as slowly my body and mind returned to a normal state, although given what we had done together today I wondered whether that could ever be the case and would anything be 'normal' again!

If having a woman's mouth, lips and tongue on me between my legs was powerful when I returned the favour and visited Sophie there the sensations, both physically and emotional were simply mind blowing.

This incredible day just seemed to go on and on with sexual highs and both of us discovering and enjoying new delights. We agreed that we had never experienced a session that had lasted so long for when we ended late that evening experimenting with what she called tribbing we had been having sex for over twelve hours.

That night, we slept together but there was no sex. Just affection and intimacy as we held and cuddled each other. The next morning was strange. It seemed that because our male partners would be home shortly a restriction had been placed on us and we pretty much reverted to being boyfriend's mum and girlfriend.

While Sophie prepared breakfast, I cleaned and tidied up my bedroom and washed and ironed the sheet and duvet cover on my bed.

We hardly spoke. I don't think that was due to guilt or embarrassment but more to there being simply so much to talk about that we would need all day.

Her phone rang. As she walked out into the garden, I suspected it was Peter.

"There'll be home in twenty minutes," she said as she walked in from the garden. She looked sad as she came and stood close by me. For the first time since Saturday I saw her as a young woman, hardly more than a girl and not the lover she had been all day yesterday. She put her arms round my neck, rested her head on my chest and said in almost a whisper.

"Oh Jayne what are we going to do?"

I could feel the tears welling up as I kissed her cheek and whispered back.

"Oh Sophie I just don't know."

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Mom needs to eat her sons cum from his girlfriend, then mom and son and girlfriend need to spend a week away on vacation in a condo completely naked having consensual threesome sex with the son fucking the same hole he came from and licking his cum from it when finished. 5 rating!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

One of the best stories I've read on this site. I love Jay as a character and how she is starting to become liberated. Heading straight to the next chapter. Another 5 stars.

DavBooDavBooabout 2 years ago

A great sensual erotic build up to a sensational climax. Another great read.

LordDeanLordDeanabout 2 years ago

I hope you enjoyed writing "Its Only Being Photographed" as much as I enjoyed reading it. I have always been a fan of hearing about someone being somewhat coerced, but ending up enjoying whatever it is. Thank you for sharing

ArchivisticArchivisticover 2 years ago

Very well written: It's a pleasant change that a writer takes time to explore the emotions behind their characters actions, and doesn't rush headlong towards a physical resolution. Your story is very balanced and much more satisfying because of it.

MigbirdMigbirdalmost 3 years ago

Just reread this delightfully erotic piece with a poignant ending. Like the two protagonists, I wonder where this romantic relationship might go, but unlike some who have commented, I do not wish to imagine the husband and son becoming involved. More demanding of the author, I believe, is to see where Sophie and Jayne go, if you decide to add more (and I hope you do).

justhorny2justhorny2almost 3 years ago

5 stars. Great story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Great story. Is she going to eat her sons cum from the girlfriend, maybe even get caught together by the son??

Looking forward to the next chapter

Only_connectOnly_connectover 3 years ago

A little bit overlong (buildup of their intimacy is rather repetitive) and punctuation is a bit careless (particularly commas - or lack of them - and in the dialogue) but the overall idea is cool and the sex is well done.

OOAAOOAAover 3 years ago
AMAZING STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

I love a story with great character development where the sex isn't the main point, but rather a part of the relationship. Great job!

HardBenHardBenalmost 4 years ago

This has been a thoroughly erotic, yet beautifully sensual and romantic series.

Fabulous writing - and I almost feel as if I have been there the whole time watching.

Now, like Sophie, I feel a little sad as to where things might go.

Amazingly erotic fantasy (or perhaps reality???)

Thanks so much for sharing Jayne


lgb400lgb400almost 4 years ago
Next Chapter

I love the series and hope another chapter is cumming

maribel_fmaribel_falmost 4 years ago

The beautifully paced and deliciously sensual seduction narrated here is one of the best things of yours that I have read!


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