It Started as a Quiet Night

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An exhibitionist wife meets an old friend...
3.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 08/02/2017
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Chapter 1

It started as a quiet night, no big plans, simply relaxing on the deck and enjoying some wine. The breeze was remarkably warm for late September and they knew there would only be a few more warm nights. The fire crackled before them and an empty bottle of wine was testament to the time they had already spent outside.

Claire had slid closer to Billy on the bench and now she draped her left leg across his right, tugging his legs apart. "Soooo", she said huskily, in the voice he knew meant she was getting to that point when things could become interesting, "we only have half a bottle left, the fire is dying, and our son is at a friend's." The statement trailed off, leaving a question, the answer known, hanging in the air.

"I guess I should get another bottle?" he answered.

"Well, since the fire is dying..."

"Oh, another log?"

"Not the kind of log I was thinking about", she whispered, her hand moving up his right thigh to the growing bulge in his jeans.

It was a pattern they enjoyed over 20 years; some wine, some innuendo, and then the unleashed inhibitions of two people who knew each other and their bodies intimately. Claire was 45, but kept fit by walking and dancing multiple times each week. Tall, with long blonde hair that alternated between soft waves and straight, depending on her mood, she carried herself well. She knew she could lose fifteen or twenty pounds but loved that her hips accentuated tight jeans or long skirts. It was a running joke between them that she was almost all leg. In fact, standing side by side her hips were almost at the waist of her 6'2" husband. In leggings with a tunic, or when she wore a skirt, her legs, calves accentuated with what she called "sensible heels", would turn the heads of any male. Her breasts were a full D and that was another reason she preferred not to work for stick thin and leggy. She often joked that it was better to pay fifty dollars at Victoria's Secret to keep them high than five thousand at the surgeons. She was proud of being north of 40 and in decent shape, which she credited mostly to the rigorous, but enjoyable, practice of belly dancing. She had come to dance later in life but it was always fun to watch the faces of friends and family at weddings when she would break into a routine of shimmying, hip drops, and snake arms on the dance floor.

Even now, sitting next to him in an oversized sweatshirt and jeans, Billy was wildly attracted to her. Time did that, he supposed. When Billy looked at himself he knew that a guy pushing fifty probably should take better care of himself but he could walk all day in the woods and enjoyed enough bike riding that his legs still kept the definition she found so attractive. Sure, he could stand to drop 20 or 30 pounds but he liked beer and good food. His job kept his shoulders and arms in fair shape and as long as he didn't have a beer gut, he was content. Dark hair cropped close in the style he had kept from the service had a slight tinge of grey at the temples but if he let any facial grow, it would be ghost white. A morning ritual with a razor kept that in check. Still, he couldn't complain too much as the one point of argument they ever really had was that whenever he had a few too many drinks he started to flirt with other women...any other woman. She hated that. It didn't help that for whatever reason he was very successful at it so he figured it certainly wasn't that he had great game, women just seemed attracted to him. That thought was not on his mind now, though. He figured they were about to retire to the bedroom, light some candles, pull out an array of toys, and screw like rabbits.

"Ok, let's try something different", she said. Billy glanced at Claire with a leer.

"Fine, hot wax? Try the next size larger butt plug?" Only recently had they experimented with anal sex. Each of them found it amazing. He was stunned when she suggested it last summer. They were well into love making, her bent over the bed with him tightly grasping her hips and thrusting away madly in what was, without doubt, their favorite position. Early in their marriage she found, to their mutual delight she was a squirter. Almost every time. They had made hotel beds so wet it was necessary to use towels to dry it enough to make a comfortable sleeping spot and after one lust filled weekend they were mortified to find an obvious stain that covered ¼ of a chaise lounge on the 25th floor of a swank Chicago suite. She was at first horribly embarrassed but then rationalized that the odds of anyone else being able to leave such a blatant mark of lust and passion put her very high on the roles of sexual champions. In wild abandon they were fucking, her head thrown back, gasps and an occasional moan of "harder!" escaping her throat when she turned her head, thick blonde hair cascading over the opposite shoulder and whispered, "My ass, fuck my ass."

He slowed his pace and ran a hand up her ass, spreading her cheeks, "Ass? Pass the lube." He squirted two shots between her cheeks and slid his cock between her cheeks, the bottom of the shaft rubbing the tighthole.

"No, I mean my ass, stick the tip in my asshole!" She stared at him fixedly, her tongue running around her lips. "I want you to fuck my asssssss." Each word separate, distinct, tapering on the final one to whisper. He grasped her cheeks again, spreading them and let the lube run down. He took more, spread it generously around her tighthole. He put even more on his cock, so hard now the head was a broad purple knob. Slowly he touched her. She tensed. He stopped, touched it again and she thrust her hips backward driving the tip past the entry. A deep moan escaped her lips. Her body shook. They began to learn... Billy was hoping that learning would continue tonight. His mind wandered, but Claire's voice jerked him back to the present.

"No, I was thinking a hot tub and some loud outdoor sex."

"I am making the call." He pulled out his phone and dialed the spa in town to reserve a room.

She got up, trailed her finger across his arm and said, "I'm going to pack a bag, don't come in just yet."

He finished the call, fed and watered the dog, and grabbed a clean shirt from the drying rack, pulling it on as he poured two more glasses of wine. He downed his quickly and called up the stairs, "Do you want me to sharpen up or just a nicer shirt?"

"Just something nice in case we go out later", she answered. He heard the door close to the bedroom and stared as she walked down stairs. She had brushed her hair out and put on one of the colorful head bands she liked to wear but it was the rest that stopped him cold. She had donned a pair of dark, straight legged jeans with knee high black boots. Not the riding boots she normally wore but a pair of suede dress boots that folded at the knee with a heel at least three inches high. A black silk sweater, deeply vee'd at the neck line highlighted her ample cleavage and a silver drop necklace held a diamond pendant in the gorgeous valley of her breasts. On her ears were bright silver hoops, hoochie hoops she called them, and each wrist was adorned with bangles. Make-up, perfectly applied, highlighted her large eyes. A swash of lip gloss amplified her mouth.


"You like?"

"Yeah, but I thought we were going for a soak?"

"Oh, we are. Let's go."

His mind raced as he ran through the combinations of bras and panties she could be wearing. He guessed the black push up bra with wide set straps and lace appliques but when he tried to pat her butt as she walked past she firmly grabbed his hand and said, "Surprise for later."

In the car, she leaned against the door and gave him a knowing smile. Her left hand snaked across the arm rest and a finger traced the bulge in his jeans. "Hmm, maybe a blowjob on the way?"


"Nope, you didn't sound enthused enough. You'll have to wait."

Her finger didn't move though and soon she was massaging his cock through the denim. He wiggled a bit and undid his belt. Her hand wrestled with the buttons and soon had worked its way into his boxers. Silk, he knew she loved them.

"Oooooh", she moaned, "good thinking."

She stroked him as they drove, never enough to bring him to climax and he struggled to keep the car from weaving.

"Ok, that's enough for now," she said. "Close it up, we're here."

They parked and she gathered her bag from the back seat. She stopped suddenly and looked across the street where music pounded from the open doors of a bar. They usually stopped there after the hot tubs and had a night cap but tonight was going to be different. How different they did not know.

"What time is our reservation," she asked.

"Well, we have another twenty minutes actually. Want to grab a quick one?"

"I probably had enough on the deck and I grabbed a split of champagne from the wine cooler on the way upstairs so I am kind of primed for the second round. What the hell, let's go."

They put the bags back in the car and crossed the street, the music growing louder as they approached the open doors. Weaving through the crowded parking lot they began to wonder if they would be able to belly up to the bar at all, considering the crowd. It was only a little after 9pm but the college town was obviously in high gear. The strains of classic bar music became cleared as they walked to the door.

Walking in, the stage was bathed in multicolored lights while the rest of the bar was darkened. A row of lights shone over the liquor racks and beer taps while bartenders scramble to fill drink orders. The dance floor, small but crowded, pulsed with couples and groups gyrating to the music. The crowd at the bar was only two deep and they were able to get their orders quickly. As they turned to make their way to the edge of the room, she suddenly stopped. "Hold this," she said, handing him her glass of wine and then throwing her arms around a man, about their age standing near the side wall.

"Oh my god, Charlie, how ARE you?" she cried.

Startled, the man untangled himself from the embrace and held her at arm's length.

"Claire? Claire? Wow, how the hell are YOU?" he shouted.

"Billy, Billy, this is Charlie, he and I lived across the street in college, he was such a sweetheart keeping my car running."

"Hi, Charlie, nice to meet you."

Charlie grasped the offered hand and shook it warmly. "I haven't seen her 25 years? You took good care of her, I almost didn't recognize her with all that hair but the smile is what made me remember her."

"Yeah, she sure has changed since we met. Short hair back then," Billy answered, studying Charlie carefully.

He regarded Charlie as any man would, who meets a stranger from his wife's past in a bar. Running names through his head he recalled that Charlie was the guy who was more like a brother than anything else and distinctly remembered Claire telling him that he was definitely not one of her fuck buddies in school. He relaxed a bit and took a deep pull on his bottle of beer. Then he noticed that Charlie was really starting to look at, no examine, his wife.

"Whoa, you look amazing Claire. I can see the legs are still the big show, but, um, the uh, the..."

"Boobs, Charlie? You are looking at my boobs. They tend to happen after a kid and mine just decided to stay. No more barely 'B' for me. I kind of like them."

"Yeah, um, yeah they...oh, shit."

Billy chuckled, yes, she had done it again. Then he noticed a group of guys had walked to Charlie and were also examining, to be polite, Claire's body. She leaned slightly to the right, kicked out a hip, put her hand on it and said, "Um, boys, the eyes are up here!"

Introductions were made all around and they learned Charlie was in town visiting his son who was attending college. The boys, neither of them could think of them in any other terms, were introduced and soon they were seated at their table along with Ted, the father of one of the students. Claire sat at the end of the table, her back to the dance floor, while Billy, Charlie, Ted, and the three college students sat along the sides. Charlie had ordered a round of shots and they were all soon chatting like old friends.

Claire leaned into Billy and whispered in his ear, "Well, do we stay and drink or go screw around in the hot tub?" He had noticed that the boys had puffed up a bit, like peacocks striving for attention but were only making intermittent attempts at engaging Billy and Claire in conversation. Except for one of them. Introduced as Ted's son Ryan, he was the oldest of the three, a sophomore but 25 years old, returning to college after six years in the Air Force. The maturity showed in how he carried himself, how he talked, and, especially now, as he was beginning to flirt with Claire. He would hold her gaze after the conversation shifted around the table and he was methodically folding cocktail napkins into smaller and smaller triangles. Claire was starting to run the fingers of her left hand through her hair, slowly twisting the ends. She took her right hand next and pushed that side of her hair back across her shoulder and then, coyly, lightly traced her exposed neck. Ryan shifted a bit in his chair. His left hand disappeared under the table momentarily and he stood to adjust his crotch.

Well into his second beer, on top of a full bottle of wine, he considered his watch for a moment.

"Ah, shit no sense in letting you drink for free go to waste, right?"

"We are still going to fuck... maybe the bathroom later?"

"No problem, you might as well catch up on old times. Heck, at this rate we are practically ahead of the drinking game!"

She leaned into him and kissed him, tongue flicking into his mouth. Pulling away she stood up and leaned over the table, the neckline of the sweater falling open. "Which one of you assholes wants to dance?" When she stood he thought he saw Ted's hand fall away from her left knee.

Billy knew she had passed the point of normal consumption and was entering the phase were things were likely to become...unpredictable. He swatted her ass and whispered in her ear, "Hussy"

She turned to face him, wrapped an arm around his waist and pulled him close. Her other arm snaked its way between them and grabbed his crotch. She whispered into his ear, "Not hussy...slut."

A thrill ran through him. He wondered what she was thinking. Years ago they had dallied with another couple and both Claire and Billy had left the experience with some new ideas for their bed but fairly certain they did not want to live in an open marriage. Feelings were hurt, emotions rubbed raw but they regarded the several FMF experiences as fun but never quite got around to having the MFM Billy still imagined Claire craved. In their bed they had performed multiple penetrations with toys and Claire would delight in riding a dildo or rabbit while sucking Billy. Last summer the butt plugs and dildo/vibrator combination had officially made Claire a three hole girl...her BJ's were always an award winning performance and when she was also being penetrated vaginally and anally, well, that was an earthshaking climax of cum, squirting, screaming, desperate pleas for "More, I need more, oh god Billy, oh god oh god oh god...." His mind raced faster. What was Claire's end game tonight?

Ted stood and let Ryan pass by him to Claire. He rested his hand on Claire's hip, guiding her to Ryan. They both eyed Claire as she swept her hair to the other shoulder. Cocking her head, she studied Ryan closely. Broad shoulders, nice arms, a narrow waist...she wondered what was inside the khakis that bulged enticingly below his belt? She hooked a finger between the buttons of Ryan's shirt and smiled while locking eyes with him.

"Ok young man, show me your moves," Claire challenged as she led him to the dance floor.

Billy nearly spit his beer onto the table in a fit of laughter. The others all turned their heads and stared with questioning glances. Billy regained his composure and started to explain.

"Gentlemen, you have NO idea what is about to happen, none whatsoever. Just watch..."

Billy turned on his chair, gesturing to the dance floor with an outstretched arm and smiled broadly. The rest of the group arranged their chairs to get a better view of the dance floor and the mass of people moving to the music. Claire had taken to the middle of the floor, lifted her arms over her head and begun to sway to the beat. Suddenly, she dropped a hip and began to circle Ryan, shimmying and turning about while her hands fluttered overhead. Two revolutions around him and he hadn't done anything other than turn to follow her. His mouth was open slightly, his eyes locked on her hips.

Billy watched the reaction of the other men at the table and smiled. "That, gentlemen, is the difference between a girl and a woman. One you can handle, the other, well...I still haven't figured that out."

The younger guys looked at each other and then Charlie was calling for more shots all around. Billy was really not sure what the night was going to bring but he knew it would be interesting.

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26thNC26thNCalmost 3 years ago

Exhibitionist wife, hot wife, both are just stand ins for whoewives. None of them are possible without cuckold.

Mrhappy4aaMrhappy4aaover 3 years ago
Sad sad tale of a sick marriage...

I agree with most everyone, just another stupid wimp cuck and his slutty wife. His wife obvious has control of his balls and his life. If he did have any balls, he should just divorce her slutty ass.... This is just a standard storyline of wimp husband and slut wife. WHO CARES... 1 star loser...

VitriolhackVitriolhackabout 5 years ago
interesting begining

So, is Claire is a proud and accomplished slut? I guess I'll have to read the next chapter to find out.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Odd fantasty, other people fucking a man's wife, with his enthusiastic approval.

I would say the author has never been a decent husband, and has never had a good marriage. Tell you what, imagine removing your wife's diamond wedding ring and giving it to another woman to go off and play with for a while. Why would any sane person do that? Because they don't give a shit about the ring, nor the wife.

Hope you get one worth treasuring some day, and have the character and the brains to keep and respect her.

Good luck with your future writing, and living.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Why is it necessary for a married loving couple to include other ones into their love life?? Only perverts try that shit!! And all of the commentators and authors at that site claim for them they did it!!! Bullshit!! You are only swaggerer!!!

badgirlfan69badgirlfan69almost 7 years ago
Quiet night

I hope the next part is coming soon! Loved this story!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Another stupid cuck cartoon.

Oh hell, why not. Its not like these cuck writers have any other life. Obnoxious, but harmless. They deserve our pity.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

You mean there is more of this trash coming. When will it ever stop?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
re: Chapter 1

You couldn't be bothered to put this information in the title to warn it wasn't a complete story before people open the fucking thing? Really?

muncher354muncher354almost 7 years ago
What even is this?

Don't put out an intro as a story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Yep, Interesting alright

But the end of a marriage, The last time there were hurt feelings, this time there will be a bad reaction. She will take the bit in her teeth and run with it., Damn the marriage and full speed ahead... followed by "that was the best sex I ever had, but it was only sex and I only love you, but I really will need to do that every now and then, do you think I can call Charlie now and then... say only 4 or 5 times a month?"

and that will make sure he sees a lawyer on Monday... BTW forget the Hot tub that is where everything went to hell.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Much ado about nothing

Don't bother writing anymore. This hasn't even got to the point yet.

Justgr8Justgr8almost 7 years ago

Is there anything worse than a husband who turns his wife into a walking disease while he becomes a closet homo sissy boy wimp cuck???? Just worthless garbage these days with very few exceptions. 1****

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
My Wish

Wish there was a way to convince you that no one makes you read the stories and make such horrible comments.

Impo_64Impo_64almost 7 years ago
Suddenly from nowhere...

Suddenly from nowhere the wife decided it was time to act like a slut...They had tried new experiences with another couple and "feelings were hurt, emotions rubbed raw"...suddenly from nowhere, that night "Billy was really not sure what the night was going to bring but he knew it would be interesting"...So interesting to the point he get hurt and had to ask for a divorce?

One solution is to let the readers decide...Or will this have a part 2? 1*

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