I've Got Issues Ch. 03

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Ali learns Pete's got issues, too.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 07/19/2011
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Ashley poked her head into my office at the end of the day.

"How was your day?"

"It was alright," I smiled at my friend and co-worker.

"Just alright?" Ashley was constantly worried about my state of happiness. She knew I was predisposed to the melancholy.

I shrugged.

"How's Peter?"

I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face, "Good."

Ashley smiled back, "Ooooh. Look at that smile"

"Stop," I paused. "I'm seeing him tonight."


Her phone rang and Ashley waved and shut my door. I knew she was heading home for the night. I started to pack up my stuff when I heard my phone beep: text message. I knew Peter was coming over that evening to watch T.V. and that he had an overseas phone meeting until 7. I glanced at my clock, 6:45. Who could be texting me? I pulled out my phone as I made my way out of the office.

Eric: Want to come over tonight?

I blinked my eyes. Eric? Eric the guy who was in between relationships booty call? Eric the guy I'd known since I was 15. We had been pretty close friends and then crossed the line into having sex. Since then, we had fallen into a casual sex routine every few weeks or so. To be honest, since being with Peter I hadn't thought about him. He was my safety crutch. Not a safety net, because I knew he and I would never be boyfriend girlfriend and I really only had friendship feelings for him. There had been a time when I had thought otherwise, but Eric had solved that for me when he told me I wasn't what he thought of as date material. He had then gone on to tell me why I was perfect for him to booty call.

I twirled the phone in my hand remembering how hurt I had felt during that conversation, not that I had let on. I had smiled and consented to the ridiculous half assed relationship we came to have. I rolled my eyes at myself and put my phone away. He'd get the idea if I didn't respond.

Pete showed up at 7:30. He looked tired and his tie was loose around his neck. I greeted him at the door in shorts and a tank top. He had taken to calling it my uniform.

"Hey babe," he wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled my neck.

Since our little misunderstanding a few weeks back, we had fallen into a comfortable relationship,

spending most nights together. We both understood that our jobs were demanding and didn't need to put the extra pressure on each other to entertain. We were happy spending nights watching T.V. or being on our computers separately and falling asleep together.

"Long day?" I rubbed a hand up his back and he let out a sigh.

"Is it that obvious?"

"You just look tired. Did you eat?" I pulled away and padded into the kitchen.

"I figured we could order. Don't pretend like you have food in there." He laughed watching me in the fridge. It was his joke that I never had food in the house nor did I eat regularly or anything healthy.

I rolled my eyes but closed the fridge knowing there was nothing very edible inside.

"What do you feel like?" He asked picking up his IPhone.

"I'm not super hungry."

"Ali, knock it off." He caught my eye and gave me a stern look.

"Knock what off?"

"I know you didn't eat dinner. Knock it off, you're eating."

I shrugged and sat on the couch. He followed me and sat beside me. His hand found my bare leg as he scrolled through his phone. I switched on the T.V.

"Sushi?" I didn't respond, "Sushi it is."

Peter stood and made the call. I heard him ordering various things and then giving his credit card number. I was flipping the channels absentmindedly when my phone beeped.

Eric: I'm kind of close. Stop by?

I felt my breath catch. Shit, shit, shit. I started to respond when Peter came back in and sat beside me. He nuzzled my neck again and started to kiss me softly.

Alissa: No. I'm pretty tired, sorry.

I don't know why I didn't just tell him. I just kept thinking what if Pete and I didn't work out. I'd want to have Eric around for that comfort I would undoubtedly need after such a failure.

"Ashley?" Peter's voice returned me to reality.


"Talking to Ashley?" He continued to kiss my neck.

I nodded. I was lying to my handsome, wonderful, loving boyfriend. Shit, shit, shit.

"I better ask you before she tells you then. We have a company party. It's a summer is beginning and we have tons of money bullshit corporate party. Will you come with me?"

"Oh, Ashley's told me about that party. The uh, champagne fountain party." I sat my phone down.

"That is the one."

"You want me to come with you?"

Peter sat up straight, "Of course baby."

I nodded my head and began to think about what to wear. Most of the women were wives of super successful lawyers and bought supper expensive dresses. I figured I could borrow something from Ashley if need be.

"Is that a yes?"

"Yes." I kissed him softly and let my tongue push against his lips.

"Ali," he sighed as he pulled me closer to him.

Peter pulled my leg over his lap so that I straddled him. I could feel his hard cock rubbing against me.

"The food will be like 40 minutes. Can we do it?" He laughed softly.

"Better be quick." I lifted his shirt up to reveal his toned stomach and licked him. I crawled between his legs and undid his pants. I let his cock spring out and wrapped my lips around him.

I sucked him into my mouth and began to move up and down his cock. He groaned and played with my hair. I moaned and let my hands move up his chest.

"I'm not going to last long babe." He warned as his hips pushed him deeper into my mouth.

I could feel his cock almost in my throat and had to take a breath through my nose. I began to move faster up and down his shaft. He held my hair tighter and I knew he was going to cum soon.

I reached up and rubbed his balls hoping to taste him soon. He came with a grunt and I tasted him gush down my throat. I licked him clean as he let his fingers lace through my hair.

"Fuck," he sighed as I sat back and looked at him.

"Feel good?" I knew it was an insecure question to ask, but like I've said, issues here.

"Amazing." He pulled me to him and kissed me.

My phone beeped as he began to lie me down on the couch. I glanced and could see the name Eric glow. Shit, shit, shit. I moved quickly to grab it and check it.

"Alissa," Peter was irritated.

Eric: Okay. Busy all week. Maybe weekend or something.

I rolled my eyes. I pressed delete and sat my phone down. Peter was looking at me quizzically.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm not trying to be jealous, but Ashley again? I mean it is kind of unusual."

'Unusual for me to get texts. Gee thanks." Now I got why people who cheat get angry first as a deflection.

"Ali," Right as he started to talk there was a knock at my door. He hesitated then got up to get the door.

I sighed. I had to get out of this mess with Eric.

The night of Peter's work event I finished dressing in record time. Ashley had lent me a fabulous red dress and a pair of strappy black heels. It was a sexy outfit, but still classy. I went to the hair salon and had my hair blown out straight. It hung below my shoulders. Peter had never seen my hair straight, so I knew he would be surprised. He knocked on my door at 6:00.

"Hey there," I opened the door to him and all his gorgeousness. He was wearing a fancier suit than usual with a dark blue shirt underneath. It set his eyes of wonderfully.

"Holy shit," He stopped with his mouth open. I giggled.

"Overkill." I grabbed my purse and spun around to leave. He stopped me with hands on my hips.

"Bullshit, you look amazing. Not that you aren't always amazing, but holy shit." His eyes roamed over me.

"Thanks." I looked down.

"We are only going to stay at this thing an hour tops before I bring you back to my place." He raised his eyebrows suggestively and I laughed.

The event was being held in a ballroom of a hotel. It was basically a morale booster for the firm and a way to make them work extra since high profile clients attended. We walked in and I noticed a few men's heads follow me. I knew I was a pretty girl, but it was always nice to get attention when you were with your boyfriend. Peter kept a possessive hand on the small of my back as we made our way over to Dan and Ashley.

"Hey gorgeous," Ashley was wearing a tight black dress, very out of the ordinary for her usual conservative style. Dan had a hand around her waist and looked tense.

"Hey, you look amazing." I smiled.

"Yes she does, and every damn guy in this room has noticed." Dan's lips were fixed in a grimace. Ashley rolled her eyes.

"Hey enjoy it, she's going home with you," Peter winked at his buddy.

"Enjoy it? Are you enjoying how that dude over there is undressing Lissa with his eyes?" He gestured behind us and we all turned.

My breath caught in my throat as my eyes locked with Eric's. What the fuck was he doing here? He was wearing a suit and his blond hair was messy as usual. He waved at me and winked. I felt my face blush and spun back around. Ashley noticed the panic on my face and titled her head in question.

"Do you know him?" Peter tried to keep his voice casual.

"Him?" I stalled buying time.

"Yeah, the guy waving at you and looking like I'm the only thing stopping him from ripping your dress of," Peter's hand on my back tightened.

"Oh, um, him. Oh, uh, a little." I rolled my eyes trying to look casual.

Peter nodded and Dan and Ashley were quiet. I knew they were waiting for me to explain him away as a business encounter or something. It was an awkward silence.

"Can I get any of you a drink?" I asked.

"Champagne fountain," Ashley winked and held up an empty glass. Dan shook his head still looking grim and tightening his arm around Ashley. I dreaded looking at Peter, and when I turned to him I found his eyes locked on me.

"No, thanks," He hesitantly relaxed his grip on my back.

I maneuvered out of his grip and walked toward the fountain. I picked up two glasses.

"Fancy meeting you here," Eric sidled up next to me.

"Hi Eric," I took in his young, athletic body. He was always in good shape. He looked nice in a suit. Not as sexy as Peter, but nice. I usually only ever saw him in sweats or shorts.

"You look super hot. My buddy and I were trying to figure out who you were when you turned around and I was like damn, I know her, I mean I know her." He emphasized the second know.

"Eric." I warned.

"I'm kidding. What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same question."

"Accountant for GH Enterprises," he pointed at himself, "GH is a big client of this firm. My new promotion gets me an invite."

"Congrats," I finished filling up two glasses, "If you'll excuse me."

"Hold on," he grabbed my arm. I didn't have to look to know that Peter was watching. I glanced and saw him stiffen visibly.

"What?" I pulled my arm out of his grasp.

"I want to see you soon," he let a finger run up and down my arm. I wanted to kill him.



"Yep, just no. I'm not interested." I took a sip of my champagne and stepped out of his reach.

I felt the hand on my back and knew Peter had followed me over.

"Babe, we were missing you." I turned and saw that though Peter was speaking to me, his eyes were fixed on Eric.

Eric smirked and crossed his arms.

"I'm coming. I was just saying hello."

"Peter Welsh." He stuck out his hand. Eric took it.

"Eric Reinhart. I'm familiar with your name. I'm over at GH."

Peter nodded firmly, "Yep, I'm the main contact."

Fuck, I thought.

"Well nice to see you Eric. Take care."

"Sure Lis. I'll text you," he winked.

I let Peter turn me and lead me back toward Ashley and Dan. He was quiet as I handed Ashley her drink. We spent the next half hour talking with Dan and Ashley and not with each other. I felt so nervous by the look I had seen in his eyes when Eric had touched my arm.

The car ride was silent and once we pulled up to Pete's house he threw the car in park and sat very still.

"Who was he?" Peter leaned his head back on the head rest.

"He was a friend. We met in high school."

"Come on Ali, just tell me. Otherwise there's a reason that you're lying."

I bit my lip and looked at Peter, "We kind of had this thing for awhile."


"We would hook up sometimes."

"Why didn't you just tell me that?"


"Because he was the one texting you?"

I nodded.

"Why did you lie?"

"I was embarrassed."

"Of what?"

"The relationship I had with him. I thought you'd think less of me."

"That's stupid."

My eyes welled up. Peter never said things like that to me. I knew he was angry at me, but still. It wasn't like I had actually cheated on him.

"I know."

"Don't lie to me. I know you have issues that you're working out, but to be honest, everyone has relationship stuff and let's say mine has a lot to do with lying and cheating."

"I'm sorry."

"When I saw him touching your arm..." he trailed off.

"I'm sorry." I repeated.

He turned to look at me. I kissed him softly.

"I know." He kissed me back.

His hands grabbed my face and he kissed me harder. I let my hands trail all over his body and heard myself moan.

"You look so amazing. I just couldn't stand another man touching you."

"I only want you," I gasped as he bit my lip.

"Say it again," he whispered against my mouth.

"I only want you."

"Come on," he leaned across me and opened my door then made his way out of the car.

We fumbled our way up to his condo. He pressed me against the kitchen counter. His hands were rough on my skin and demanding. I knew he was proving something to me, to himself. He kissed my neck hard and sucked the skin into his mouth. I moaned his name. His fingers lifted my skirt in record time and he lifted me onto the counter. His fingers found my slit expertly and plunged inside me. I gasped.

"Peter," I moaned. He growled and started to fuck me with his fingers.

"Tell me you want me." He whispered in my ear.

"I want you Pete; I want you to fuck me."

His thumb found my clit and began to circle it quickly. I felt my body tense up as he brought me closer and closer to orgasm. He removed his fingers, but kept his thumb on my clit as he undid his pants. He pushed his cock inside me and I exploded on him.

"Oh, Ali, fuck." He began to pump inside me. I wrapped my legs around him and let him take me. I knew he needed this.

"Fuck me Pete." I moaned.

He grabbed my ass and pushed deeper inside me.

"Tell me...tell me..." he didn't finish his thought, but I knew what he wanted.

"I love you, Peter. I only want you." He grabbed my chin with his hand and looked in my eyes.

"Say it again." He said breathlessly as he pounded into me.

"I love you." I gasped.

He kissed me hard and came inside me. He stayed inside me a moment longer as his breath became more steady.

He pulled out of me and lifted me with my legs around him to the bedroom. He lay me down on the bed and then snuggled in around me.

"I mean it. I love you." I said again feeling the emotion under the surface.

"I love you too Ali." He kissed my neck.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
on point

its such a relief to find good writing after searching for some weeks on this site I especially love this category and so your story would probably be one of the top 10 interracial sequels that I look forward to reading so far.

KittyOh48KittyOh48over 9 years ago
I am in love with Peter and Alissa!

Please continue this story, I believe it is worth continuing! The drama with Eric needs to be worked out so Alissa & Peter can move on to the next phase of their relationship.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
that's it?

Is that it, if it is then I want my money back.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Happily Surprised

Didn't expect to really buy into this one but aha I did. Really l Iiked the two of them together & I would like more Story from them.

chocolatesistachocolatesistaover 10 years ago
so good

i want them to get married and her to get pregnant. write more please

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I really hope you continue this story. It's nice and has a nice pace.

chocolateorangechocolateorangeover 11 years ago
why no more?

I truly love this story, why should it end now.

I'm almost certain she's pregnant all that unprotected sex they've been having, and she never went back on the pill.

There could have been a weeding story, baby fic and a fab epilouge to put us all at ease.

Please reconsider adding more to the story

rocketgirl2011rocketgirl2011almost 12 years agoAuthor
This is the End

So you know this is the last chapter of this story.

Janez9Janez9about 12 years ago

I love this story, I can totally relate to Ali I think Peter is the perfect man for her & Eric needs to back the hell off its his loss. I really hope you update soon! Great story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
You are really good...

I've been looking for a really good IR author for a while. You're it. Thanks for sharing.

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