Jack and the Jotun-Wife

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A rural spin on fairy tale romance.
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Author's Note: This story is a Jack tale, so its going to be told using folksy language.

Once upon a time in the foothills of Appalachia there was a good ol boy named Jack. As a young'un his family was so dirt poor and white trash, they didn't have a pot to piss in and that was afore his daddy went up to Heaven. Jack and his momma had to run a scald of farmland down to its last dairy cow. So little Jack, he grows up as skinny as a beanpole on account of eating lean his whole life.

One of my earliest memories of Jack was back when he still went to Sunday school. The preacher man got up one day and tells us all: "It says here in the Good Book that a man should not covet his neighbor's house, his cattle, or his ass!" and Jack, who was sitting sleepy in the back of the room, holds his hand up and asks "What about his wife's ass?" Just goes to show you what kind of moral character we was a-dealin' with.

Since then, Jack went and earned himself a reputation among us good Church-going folks as a heathen, a drunk, and a ne'er-do-well; lazy as can be when it comes to honest work but crafty as the Devil when it comes to a-drinkin' and a-whorin' on another man's dime.

Seemed like everybody in town had fallen for one of his silver-tongued snake oil schemes. Pretty soon, we all just started calling him Stingy Jack, as to not confuse him with the Jack what ran the corner store during those days.

Remember that last ol' dairy cow I mentioned before? Well, one day it turns out her milk's gone dry. His momma told Stingy Jack, "Now boy, you take this here cow into town, to the dang ol butcher shop, and you have her cut up into some nice steaks for supper tonight." And so Jack went to do just that. But as Stingy Jack was walking down the back country road, leading that dairy cow by a rope, he came across old Mr. Nancy.

Mr. Nancy didn't go to Church on account of being even more of a heathen than Stingy Jack. Mr. Nancy was a Negro loan shark that was crooked as a rattlesnake, and he would go around making deals with folks; you could take one look at his fine silk clothes, and tell this had made him a rich feller. Mr. Nancy wasn't too popular in those days, after it was found out that he'd gone and been paid by the coal company to break the mining strike.

Despite Stingy Jack being a dreg of society and Mr. Nancy having high class friends in industry and politics, the two of them was fast friends thick as thieves, and they's never missed an opportunity to make mischief together.

"Hello there, Jack-rabbit, I ain't seen you in a coon's age!" Mr. Nancy called out with a wave and leaned on his sturdy cane.

"Well I'll be! Old Uncle Nancy, a sight for sore eyes to be sure!" says Jack. "I thought you got locked up when the Sheriff chopped down my moonshine still!"

"There ain't locks forged by human hands can hold me!" Mr. Nancy gave out a hearty chuckle, and hooked a thumb over his shoulder. "Well, seeing as you're out of clear, I s'pose I can buy you a drink the old fashioned way, then?" And Stingy Jack saw there was a rough lookin' bar there that he hadn't noticed before, and he felt mighty thirsty.

"Oh my dear friend, it has been too long indeed!" After tying the cow to a tree, he followed the old man into the bar, and Mr. Nancy motioned for a pretty Negro girl behind the bar to pour Jack a shot of whiskey. Jack threw that shot back, and the rogue gave that pretty bartender a wink, and she was tickled and fluttered her eyelashes at him with a smile.

The two rogues played a game of cards, and o'course both of 'em cheated, and they laughed like old friends do.

Mr. Nancy handed Jack a banjo, and he started picking at the strings. A young fella named Johnny joined in with his fiddle, and Jack's voice sung out above the bar.

"Rye whiskey, rye whiskey, I cry! If I can't get my whiskey, lordy I surely will die!
They say it'll kill ya, but I know a man past 90 and he's still mighty spry!
I'll drink my own whiskey, I'll finish your wine, some ten thousand bottles I killed in my time!
I make myself welcome wherever I go, and them what don't like me can leave me alone!
Jack of Diamonds, Jack Daniels, I know you of old! You've robbed my poor pockets of silver and gold!
Its whiskey when I'm thirsty, home brew when I'm dry!
Pretty women when I'm lonesome, and Hell bound when I die!
Rye whiskey, rye whiskey, I crave! I'll drink this here whiskey til I'm laid in my grave!
Til I'm laid in my grave..."

Pretty soon, Jack had that cute Negro girl sittin' in his lap, and she was planting kisses on him in between shots of whiskey that Mr. Nancy kept lining up for him. Didn't take long before Stingy Jack was good and roaring drunk, and he took that pretty bartender by the hand, and being the classy date that he is, pulled her into the girl's bathroom.

The two of them was kissing and laughing as they slipped out of their clothes, and Jack tugged her britches down and got her bent over the sink. He could look at her pretty coffee-colored face there in the mirror, and he saw her smile as he started working his way inside her sweet folds. Adjusting himself a little bit, Jack slid his arm around her waist and felt down into her soft velvety pussy until his fingertip slid over the nubbin of her clitoris.

Jack started rubbing and teasing it, and he felt her warm little pussy moisten up real good. Her hands was holding on to the sides of the sink real tight when Jack started moving his hips, and judging by the look on her face and the soft little gasps she was making he was doing a good job pleasing her.

When she started buckin' her hips and pushing her ass back against Jack's cock at a certain angle, he smiled and grabbed her waist and gave her some more just like that. She bit her lower lip and looked at his eyes in the mirror, and he gave her another roguish wink.

The tight clenching of her pussy lips around his cock finally got to him, and Jack let his seed gush into her warm depths, the boy didn't even try to pull out. With a kiss on the cheek, Jack stumbled back out into the bar where Mr. Nancy was smirking at their table and dealin' out a hand of Tarot cards: Temperance reversed, The Ace of Pentacles, the Devil, and the Lovers.

"You know Jack, I see y'all are finally getting rid of that old cow out there."

"Yep, I gotta tote her all the way into town to get slaughtered." He said with a shrug.

"Well that's quite a ways to drag the poor beast." Mr. Nancy suggested as he lit up a cigar. "Why not let me take her off your hands?"

Sure enough, Stingy Jack brightened up at the suggestion of shirking his chores. "Well, what are ya offering?"

"I gots me some seeds here." Mr. Nancy pulled a purple felt Crown Royal bag out of his pocket. "They're magic seeds." he says in a whisper.

"You talkin' Mary Jane?" Jack was more interested now.

Mr. Nancy, his eyes get real intense, and he leans in real close. "No boy, I'm talking Hoodoo."

"Haw haw haw." Jack slapped his knee. "Hoodoo, he says!"

Mr. Nancy shrugged and put the bag back into his jacket pocket. "Nevermind then."

Jack's eyes narrowed as he eyeballed Mr. Nancy. He took a careful sip of his drink. "You ain't foolin?" Mr. Nancy shook his head. "What kinda Hoodoo?"

"It'll take you to a world you've never even dreamed of, my boy."

Jack's fingers tapped the table for a good two minutes, and he said nothing. Mr. Nancy stared right back at him, just as quiet. Jack had tangled with magic before, mostly granny witchcraft and Injun medicine.

"Alright. My cow for yer Hoodoo seeds." Stingy Jack slurred out after a while.

Mr. Nancy slid the bag of seeds across the table, real casual like, tipped his hat as Jack shuffled out the door heading back up the road to his momma's house.

Mrs. Spriggins didn't take too kindly seeing her young'un coming back so soon, drunk as a boiled owl without no steaks. She was fit to be tied and started hittin' the boy about the head and shoulders with a broomstick, shriekin' like a right harpy.

Jack ran like Hell and escaped out the backdoor. His momma locked all the doors and told him to go sleep in the barn.

Afore he did that, though, Jack snuck out into the old soybean patch and planted them seeds where the Sheriff couldn't see, just in case they did turn out to be reefer like he supposed. Then he went and passed out on a cot in the barn.

Jack woke up with a right poundin' in his skull. His momma still wouldn't let him into the house, so he went back around of the barn to piss out all the liquor he drank last night.

As he did that, he looked out over the remnants of his daddy's scraggly farm and caught eye of the beanstalk. It had sprouted up from where he'd planted the seeds, a thick tangle of fibrous green. It sure was a marvel, and it looked like it went up and up for a good country mile.

"Sum bitch..." Jack mused, teetering on uneasy legs. "Hoodoo."

Jack examined the colossal plant, and gave it an experimental kick. It seemed pretty rigid, so he peered up to the top. Jack's eyesight was pretty good, but he couldn't see the top of the stalk, as it disappeared into the clouds.

Jack heard a smash as his momma dropped a dish and ran outside to stare up at the magical stalk.

"The hell you think you're doing?" His momma asked incredulous as Jack jumped up with a spring-heeled step, using the leaves and twisty vines like the steps of a ladder to climb up that beanstalk real nimble and quick.

"I wanna see how far up it goes."

"You'll fall and break your crown!"

"I'll be fine, momma." Jack rolled his eyes at her womanly concern and kept climbing up, his hands gripping the twisted stems and tendrils.


Jack had been climbing for a good while. He had to stop and rest his hands for a spell more than once. But he kept at it, and and the wind was whipping him right fierce, and the great beanstalk was swaying in the breeze. His shirt was soaked through with freezin' wet mist as clouds drifted past him.

As he popped up through that mist, he looked all around and thought he saw the Blue Ridge Mountains for a moment, but then he realized he was looking at rolling hills made of fluffy blue-white cloudstuff. Stingy Jack had found himself in a strange and airy land. He wondered if he climbed all the way up to Heaven, but couldn't see no angels or Pearly Gates.

As he tried to look around, he could see a big mansion over yonder, and debated if'n he could get to it without fallin' to his death. He stood stiff for a good moment, but he'd always been lucky, so he took a careful step forward across the meadow of fog. Strangely enough, his feet touched down on a cloud solid enough to hold his weight.

Stingy Jack walked his way up to the big house, real easy-like, til he was finally standing on the front step. Not sure what else to do, he knocked on the big wooden door. Nobody come to open it, so he shrugged and pulled his little leather toolkit out of his pocket; it had all manner of tools for thievery and burglarizing, little metal picks and hooks that could bump open any lock. He was well practiced and had that door open in a jiffy!

That huge wooden door swung open, and Jack stepped into the foyer of that big ol' mansion, and he let out a good whistle. Oh it was a real fancy place, decorated real nice like with all manner of expensive fuss and feathers.

So he goes a-sneaking around, and he hears sound coming from the kitchen. Peeking in real quiet like, Jack laid eyes on a giantess. Jack reckoned she musta been a good 8 feet tall, and 2 feet wide. As everybody knows that male giants, they's mean and ugly, but female giants are known to be quite pretty. Sure enough, this'un was one of the most beautiful gals Jack ever laid eyes on. She had tangles of curly red hair and bright blue eyes, and her bosom was two great mounds of soft pillowy flesh softly jiggling around with her every step.

Jack stood there, mouth open like a right idiot, staring up at the beautiful giantess, and he's too slow to hide when she turns around and looks down at him with a start.

"Who's that scurrying around?" she asks with a frown. Jack could she had a little bit of an accent.

Jack stepped back around from cover. He took his Redskins cap off with a flourish and gave the lady a bow. "Pardon me, ma'am. I didn't expect to find another soul up here."

The tall woman's eyes went wide as she looked down at Jack. "A visitor? I haven't seen new people in many a year!"

"Well, its a right pleasure, ma'am."

Her eyes got real wide, and Jack sees that they are big pools of deep blue like an ocean. "You are an English man? From Midgard?"

"Naw, I'm from West Virginia."

"Where is that?"

"Across the ocean from England."

"Across the west ocean?" The giantess is confused for a moment, but then she realizes where Jack is talkin' bout. "Virginia must be Vinland!" Now that giantess, she gets real sad, and a tear rolls down her cheek. "Oh this cloud kingdom has taken me so far from home! I miss Jotunheim, the mountains and trees!"

Stingy Jack, the sly devil, looks up at the lonely giantess, and he gives his best charming smile. "A pretty girl like you, up in these cold windy clouds all alone? That's a right shame, that is. What's your name, girl?"

"My name is Bebinn." She says, still glum. "And I don't know if living alone up here would be better or worse. My husband and his brother are both worthless brutes."

Jack sidles up to her, and he takes her by the hand. "Oh now, it sounds right lonely. I s'pose it was one of those marriages what your family arranges for ya, without yer say so, back in the old country?" Jack asks, and Bebinn nodded. "Lucky I came along, really." He goes and brings Bebinn's hand up to his lips and kisses it like some kind of gentleman. "You know, if you're mountain folk like me, you might like it down where I came from."

"You live on a mountain?"

"Yep. Right in the middle of the whole Appalachian range, actually." Jack reaches his hand up and starts lightly stroking Bebinn's crimson tresses. "Some days I just head on over the ridge, and from up there I can stare down into the Shenandoah Valley, listening to the birds a-singin', and the wind rustling through evergreens, and I just look out at all of creation's wonder. Almost a beautiful a sight as you."

Now as Bebinn was listenin' to all this, her blue eyes went misty and she stared off into the distance getting real homesick. Suddenly, she goes a-clutchin' at the front of Jack's shirt and picks him up like he don't weigh nothin' at all in a giant hug. "Balor take this dreaded cloud and my husband with it! I want to see real mountains again!"

Jack smiled at the mountainous titties in his face. He slides his arms around the giantess, and he nuzzled his face into her prodigious breasts as he gave her a hug that didn't quite get all the way around her back. Her mouth pressed down to his and she gave him a sweet kiss.

Jack reached up and pulled down the strap of her dress, and one of Bebinn's colossal knockers bounced free and damn near popped the boy in the face like a boxing glove. But Jack wasn't deterred, and he wraps his lips around the giantess' pink nipple and lathers it with his tongue.

Bebinn's dress fell down around her ankles, and Jack ran his hands over her large body, sliding them down her tummy and down into the soft red curls between her thighs. She laid back on the kitchen table, and Jack slides a chair on over to get a step up.

Jack pushed the giantess' thick thighs apart, giving him a good look at her pretty pussy. He gives her lady parts a little massage to start out. When he sees that her clitoris is about the size of his thumb, so he starts slowly rubbin' on it real gentle like.

Jack leans down and he plants a nice kiss on Bebinn's folds.

"What are you doing?" the giantess asks confused, making Jack realized the giant girl had never been on the receiving end of oral sex.

"Just relax, my beauty." Jack murmurs real tender against her pussy. "You're gonna like this." He starts slowly moving his tongue around and around, then hums his lips against it.

"Ahhh!" Bebinn moaned out, her legs trembling over Jack's shoulders, pushing her hips up as he rubbed her thighs and ate her pussy out. "Ohhh!"

When Jack's fingers came up and started moving around inside her as he was a-licking and a-sucking on her moist dripping wet folds, Bebinn's hands were gripping the wooden table so tight that she snapped the edges off. Her mouth couldn't form any words beyond primal sexual groans. Jack felt the spasms and quivering of her first orgasm building up.

Jack lifted his head up, his hand doing all the work inside her now. He brought his face to hers, his arm stretched out far, and as he curled his fingers again he planted a wet kiss on her lips.

As her great body shuddered and trembled with her first climax, Jack pulled his cock free and buried it within the warm depths. While Jack had a decent sized cock for a human, he figured he probably didn't measure up to a giant. Still, he he was artful enough when he needed to be, and he made sure that Bebinn was primed and ready to go off like a firecracker.

The giantess grabbed Jack's ass and pulled him into her, moaning "Fuck yessss" through gritted teeth, and a second orgasm nearly broke Jack's concentration right there. But he regained his composure and figured that a giant's pussy could take more of a pounding than a human, so he grabs her by the hips and starts a-fucking her hard and wild as can be. Sure enough, as soon as he's picked up a good rhythm at ramming speeds, he felt her squirming underneath him and grinding harder. Bebinn closed her eyes and a third orgasm rocked her body.

Jack smiled because he knew that 3 was a powerful number in fairy stories, so he finally let himself release a big load of semen inside the giantess. It was one of the greatest orgasms he had ever felt in his life.

The two lovers lay there on the kitchen table, Jack enveloped in Bebinn's arms as the two caught their breath.

"That was quite a sensation." Bebinn said, astonished and pondering at the new idea that a woman could enjoy sex.

Suddenly the great mansion began to shake with the stomps of Bebinn's husband pounding across the floor upstairs..

"Oh no, Comoran is awake!" Frantic, Bebinn slid off the table and pulled her dress back on. Then she grabbed the human boy and stuffed him in the pantry. "Keep in here and stay quiet, Blunderbore and Cormoran are gluttonous for human flesh!"

"Faich! Fiadh fiu, fogh feum! I smell Saxon blood!" A deep voice boomed as the giant trudged down the great staircase.

"What are you shouting about, husband?" Bebinn asked nervously, nervous about Jack's seed dripping down her thigh.

Jack was peeking through the door, and he saw a great ogre of a man walk through the room. Oh he was a big feller, taller than his wife, who already towered over Jack.

"Saxon blood!" the giant roared. "I smell an Englishman! I'll broil his flesh on toast, I'll grind his bones into bread!"

"Don't be silly, husband. There are no Englishmen here." The giantess shook her head. "Are we even sailing above England right now?"

"No, but I still smell one!" He loomed over his wife, staring at her and grabbing her by the hair roughly. "You better not be lying to me, my melancholy flower!"

Now, I can talk about Stingy Jack's low moral character until the cows come home, but one thing I can say about the boy is that he ain't the type to tolerate putting hands on a woman (in a violent-type manner, at least), and so he got pretty steamed seein' that was going on in the giant's marriage.

Bebinn tilted her chin up, and looked her husband defiantly in the eye. "You must have been dreaming about feasts of old again, husband." She said with a sniff. "How could an Englishman find his way up here in the clouds?"