Jack's Moonlighting Pt. 01


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Tito moved between Bayly and the three. "I'm sure there is just a misunderstanding. I am Tito Bandito, an apprentice just recently assigned to her planet. I believe you are Krreegah. To my knowledge, there are no Krreegah on Danat, and the Dannt and Krreegah have no space flight capabilities to reach each other's planets conventionally."

"We are Krreegah, and she is wearing the skin of one of my race! This is unacceptable!" the middle one bellowed.

The Krreegah on the left pulled a device from its belt and pointed it at Bayly. Before Tito could protest, a light beam passed over her. Tito immediately shone a green light of its own over the one with the scanner, who immediately howled in outrage at the Tik. "How dare you!"

"Sincerest apologies. Your action of scanning the Dannt without asking her permission led me to believe you were giving tacit approval for a similar scan of yourself," Tito said contritely.

That Krreegah glared at Tito as it couldn't argue against its own rude behavior. Instead, it turned to the middle one. "It is from a descendant of one of our people, my Liege!"

Bayly had had enough of this madness. "I don't understand what you're saying about descendants. Rakka are beasts! They don't speak! They don't move upright on their back feet. They don't wear toolbelts or use tools. What they do is hunt, kill, and eat my people. I earned this robe by protecting my village from a Rakka attack. It was trying to kill my neighbor, but I killed it first. As a symbol of my bravery, my leaders awarded me this ceremonial robe."

The middle one gasped in shock. "You killed one of my people? The Krreegah will not stand for this insult and violence against us. We will protect our people at all costs! Give me the remains!"

The three leapt around Tito, pushing it aside as they reached for Bayly's robe.

Seeing the claws swiping at her was too much for Bayly's nerves, and she flashed back to the day of the attack. She gave a strangled battle cry and lashed out with a fist. It caught the leader directly on its sensitive nose, causing him to fly back with a howl of pain. As he crashed to the floor on his back, the other two roared and closed in for the kill, defending their Liege.

Bayly quickly backhanded the one who scanned her, and he crashed into the Gate agent's booth to fall to the floor.

As she was occupied, the other Krreegah leapt onto her back, reached around her, and grabbed the bindings for the cloak. He ripped it open and then found himself soaring over her shoulder. He twisted midair and maintained his grip on the garment. Bayly staggered forward, tripping over the fallen one to hit the floor hard.

The Krreegah holding her robe tugged and yanked, causing Bayly to lift her arms, releasing the cloak so she could get to her feet.

Hovering off to the side of the battle, Tito scanned the cloak with his green light.

Before Bayly could rise, the second Krreegah leapt forward to slam his clenched fists against the back of her head, bouncing her face against the floor.

This Krreegah staggered back as he watched Bayly shake off the blow and slowly push against the floor to rise again. She began to growl.

"Bayly, stop," Tito urged.

The two Krreegah pulled their leader to his feet, and he glared at Bayly through watering eyes.

His voice was squeaky from its damaged nose, but its words were no less threatening. "The Dannt will pay for this gross violation against the Krreegah! It is nothing less than a declaration of war! Our fleets will fill the skies of your world, then we will repay this savagery in kind!"

They turned and rushed back to their lane, where they went through the active Gate, Bayly's robe still clutched in their hands.

She dropped back on her ass and stared at the mirrored surface they'd fled through in shock as the leader's words suddenly sunk into her mind. She turned her head toward Tito, who was also watching the Gate.

"Didn't you say they had no space travel?" she muttered.

Tito turned back to her. "The reference data I have for the Krreegah indicates no space travel capability was detected when they joined the Gate Network. Either they managed to hide it then, or they've kept their activities hidden in the years since. My scan of the Krreegah closely matched the one I did of your robe. It confirmed that it was from one of the Krreegah. I can only assume they traveled to your world long ago. How they reverted to a feral state is unknown to me."

"I-I didn't know. How could I have known?" Bayly exclaimed.

Tito touched her shoulder gently with a tentacle. "The Tik who visited Danat never encountered a Rakka. In fact, the leaders of the Dannt prohibited the Tik from exploring your world beyond the ruins. Had they met a Rakka and scanned it, they might have discovered their true nature."

Bayly nodded in dismay at yet another example of the short-sighted policies of her leaders, or rather their High Priestesses.

The Tik turned to the shocked Rjunella Gate agent. "We must continue on our way to Maghadahn. It is even more critical to speak to the Assembly to warn them of this potential assault."

Bayly returned from her thoughts as she followed Tito through another Gate to yet another world. She staggered slightly once she moved from the Gate on the new planet. She'd lost track of how many they'd passed through, but her body told her she needed to rest.

Tito stopped and turned to face her.

"Are you unwell?" it asked.

"I'm sorry, Tito. I just need to rest," she replied.

Tito nodded. "This is fortunate as we will be stopping here to recharge. I will book us a room in a nearby inn. I will ensure you are supplied with a nourishing meal as well."

Bayly's stomach rumbled as she heard that, and she nodded gratefully.

They spoke to the agent and were directed to the exit after they indicated they'd be staying for just one sleep cycle as they passed through.

Tito gave her some important details about their new destination as they walked outside. "We're on Gilloollee. There is only one land mass on this world. Everything else is under the sea, which covers more than ninety-nine percent of the world's surface. We won't meet any Gilloolleeans unless you are willing to submerge yourself in the sea wearing a special diving suit."

Bayly was stunned as she gazed out at an endless expanse of blue water beginning a short distance down a hill they were standing on. She tore her eyes away to look uphill and realized they were almost at the top. A small cluster of buildings rose from the rocky ground a short distance from the Gate Terminal. What Tito just suggested finally registered. "Submerge myself in that!" she cried.

A few heads turned in her direction due to her outburst. While none of the native population lived above the surface, there were some amphibian residents. One appeared to be taking exception to Bayly's words. It stomped it's way closer, puffing up its chest cavity in preparation for a fight.

Tito immediately moved between the Fevlesh worker and Bayly. "She meant no disrespect! She's a novice traveler—"

Bayly suddenly tipped her head down and clasped her hands before her as Tito had suggested was a proper gesture of peaceful intent on one of the many planets they'd passed through. "I meant no disrespect."

The gesture brought her horns forward, and the Fevlesh jolted to a halt as their points came into view. Sharp points that would have no problem puncturing the air bladders he used to power his punches. He cast a worried glance at Tito, who simply waited.

"See she doesn't disturb the locals," it muttered as it released the stored air and moved away.

"Very good, Bayly," Tito said. "You handled that confrontation perfectly."

She looked at the Tik with a weary smile. "I could use that food and rest now. Before I open my mouth and get us into more trouble."

Tito bowed and gestured for her to follow. A meal, a room to rest for Bayly, and a power source to recharge from would definitely be welcome.


Jinnae was beside herself. "You promised you would let me observe the gestation of the child!"

Jack looked at her in frustration. "It's not like we did this intentionally—I mean, the sex was intentional, but the timing was not."

They were in the doctor's office with SennLann curled up on Jack's lap, rubbing her head against his chin, purring happily. She was finally pregnant with Jack's child, and it had begun the previous night after their practice.

"You should have waited until this morning—"

"If we had, we would have failed again. Obviously, I was ready last night," SennLann insisted.

Jack fixed an eye on Jinnae. "If you are no longer interested in reviewing the pregnancy, we can do this on Chuuruthia.

"No! No, I mean, I was just disappointed I missed a critical stage. I would very much like to continue to document and study the development of SennLann and your child, or children, if that happens again," Jinnae said in a conciliatory tone as she looked at them eagerly.

Jack's eyebrows rose. "Is it twins again?"

Jinnae shook her head. "I believe it's too soon to tell. I've just done the initial exam and determined new life is growing within SennLann. I'd like to run a complete scan now."

He looked at the female in question, and she nodded.

The two went into the next room to perform the test, leaving Jack with his thoughts in the waiting room.

He had another child on the way... with SennLann this time! Her previous children were twins, but the father had been a Phem Kalos male, one of the warriors at that, not an odd hybrid like himself.

What caused her to have twins was still unknown as he understood that Phem Kalos females always gave birth to a single child. SennLann might have had twins because she was the first of her species to conceive off their home planet. Time would tell. No other Phem Kalos females had left their world to date.

Jack smiled to himself as the twins were so incredibly special. He couldn't love them more if they'd been his. He'd been privileged to raise them as his adopted daughters, and they turned out so amazing. He realized he was looking forward to this new child.

He admitted to himself he was still a little worried about what might go wrong with each of his cross-species children. He had no idea how this xeno-fertility worked, and his lack of understanding made it feel too much like magic and not science.

What happened with Adam was especially concerning to him. The ability to create an entirely new species was too much for his mind to cope with. The moral dilemma was profound.

He had to do his best to keep that from Adam. He'd be treated as just another child in Jack's family, deserving of his love.

SennLann rushed back into the waiting room and jumped onto Jack's lap. He quickly wrapped his arms around her to keep her from sliding off. She was very excited.

Jack raised an eyebrow at Jinnae, who had a very wide smile on her face as she joined them.

"Don't keep me in suspense. You've obviously got some news," Jack complained.

"As I said earlier, it's too soon to say if there will be a single birth or twins. From what we saw on the scanner, everything is going well. We'll do another scan in three days, and then I'll be able to give you more information," she said with a grin.

"So, we can go home?" Jack asked.

Jinnae nodded. "Go home. Rest up. SennLann tells me you are going to Maghadahn tomorrow. I've only been there once for a medical conference and found the place exhausting!" She smiled. "Congratulations on the pregnancy!"

Jack smiled and gave the doctor a hug. Then he guided SennLann out, and they caught a taxi in front of the hospital. SennLann snuggled against his side as they flew back toward the Gate terminal.

"Looking forward to the baby?" Jack asked.

She glanced up at his face, then reached up to pull his lips to hers.

"I am very happy. I know what an excellent parent you will be for our new child... or children," SennLann said.

"Do you think it will be twins again?" Jack asked.

SennLann tilted her head as if she was listening to something. "It... it feels different this time. It's only my second time, so I don't know what that means. We will just have to wait and see."

Jack smiled and nodded.

They'd reached the terminal, and Jack wanted to spend the afternoon relaxing with his family. So that's what they'd do.


As his taxi settled down in front of the Chuuruthian Gate terminal, Jack couldn't look away from his security detail standing at parade rest on the sidewalk.

He stepped out and stopped before them. They were smiling at him. Cheeky smiles at that.

Jack was wearing his black Altarian gown once more, its multiple layers of Reever silk ready to protect him against threats he shouldn't need to worry about on Maghadahn.

The team was also dressed in black, but that's where the similarity ended. While his outfit seemed to flow over his body like a gossamer smoke, the commandos wore skin-tight, contour-following body sleeves with reinforced ceramic armored body plates over the critical areas. Strapped to these armor plates were a wide array of bladed weapons. None were meant for throwing. Maxim and Leo also had heavy-looking clubs strapped to their hips.

Cha'Risa looked like death incarnate. She had many combat knives of varying sizes strapped to her. The two ten-inch Bowie knives on her hips were particularly daunting.

When Jack's eyes reached Nann, he froze momentarily before finding his voice. "A KATANA?"

The tall, slim redhead grinned at him as she patted the grip. "A favorite of mine."

At least Ray, their tech specialist in a Tik body, wasn't bristling with blades.

Jack looked at Gee and Bal. "I'm supposed to be an ambassador! What kind of impression will I make showing up surrounded by a wall of blades?"

"And clubs," Leo added with a smirk.

"And clubs! Thank you, Leo," Jack said sarcastically.

"A well-protected ambassador," Gee replied.

Bal gestured upwards. "The Tik delegation has arrived."

Jack scowled at the two Altarians, who didn't give an inch. Finally, he cleared his expression and turned to face the incoming Tik.

"Mr. Danner! You and your bodyguards look quite formidable," Livingstone said with a cheerful voice.

Jack winced uncomfortably. "Uh, yeah. I didn't know we'd appear so severe. Maybe we could change—"

Moo-san waved a tentacle. "I don't believe that will be necessary, and there isn't sufficient time. We should go." It gestured toward the entrance.

After a final frown directed at Gee and Bal, Jack followed the Tik, including Ray, with Cha'Risa at his side and the others behind him. Livingstone spoke to the Gate agent, and they were directed to a Gate.

Jack had been on Maghadahn before, so stepping through the mirror into the vast chamber lined with hundreds of Gates didn't dazzle him as it had the first time. As they walked away from the mirrored surface, Jack's eyes were drawn upwards to gaze through the clear ceiling and admire the breathtaking architecture. The fantastic soaring towers surrounding the Gate terminal were designed to strike awe into the minds of all visitors. This enormous Gate terminal was a hub and one of five equally spaced around the planet's equator. There were enough gates to reach way out into the Galaxy. Energy constraints limited the distance a Gate would span, so very few of these reached beyond the core worlds. Travelers from the outer worlds were expected to make multiple jumps. The farther out they were, the more Gates they'd have to travel through.

A few exceptions had been made, and special overpowered Gates were assigned to these planets. Allsa One was one such planet. It was far enough out that three Gates should have been used, but they had a special dispensation for the work being done to bring home all the remains.

Glancing at the towers once more, Jack wondered at the population of this planet. Inside those structures were the offices of the administrators of the Gate Network. Their homes were there, too, as well as hospitals, schools, shopping centers, entertainment, and food.

Maghadahn had no farming, fishing, or livestock industry. Nor did it have mining or lumber. Nothing was harvested from the planet, and everything was imported. All waste products went into the energy reclamation process. All Cargo Gates were just under the planet's surface and worked around the clock to maintain the lives of the residents and visitors. The planet's sole function was to administer the growing network of worlds linked together by Gates.

When they reached the Gate agent, Jack saw they'd lucked out and were being processed by a MurrMellar. Jack rarely met them as their planet was relatively close to Maghadahn, and most of the population worked in the offices of this planet. It was rumored that their home planet, MurrMell, was simply an incubator for raising new office workers for Maghadahn's administration services.

They weren't a very distinctive bunch physically. Their body shape was roughly similar to Humans, with two arms and two legs projecting from their oval torsos. They had four fingers and four toes. Four eyes and four ears were equally spaced around a smallish head with only two mouths, one forward and one back. Their brains were segmented as well so they could maintain two conversations simultaneously. Perhaps this was handy in an office environment?

Their skin was thick and tough and tinted with an olive tone. Their only unique feature was the two boney plates that projected from their backs. They used them to anchor themselves to their sleep swings.

Mentally, they were unimaginative but highly disciplined. They also couldn't be coerced and had no biases. They made excellent Gate agents as they skipped past all the bullshit and stuck to the script. Jack sighed with relief.

"Purpose of your visit and duration?" the young male MurrMellar asked.

Moo-San spoke for the group. "The Tik Allsa One Petition Team with guest Ambassador Jack Danner and his security detail. We are here to attend the Allsa One Research Committee's Update Meeting."

The agent looked past the Tik. "Which of you is Jack Danner?"

Jack moved forward. "I am."

"Please touch the bioreader," the MurrMellar asked. Once Jack did, the agent peered carefully at his screen and nodded. "Please have your team touch the bioreader, one at a time."

Jack moved aside, and each did as requested.

"Any projectile, energy weapons, or poisons?" the agent asked.

"None," Cha'Risa said for her team.

"Maintain civil behavior at all times. Do not respond to verbal violence with physical violence. If an altercation occurs, remain at the scene until law authorities can intervene. Any lapses will be dealt with quickly, severely, and at your expense. Is this understood?"

"Yes," she replied.

"Exit eighty-nine. Catch the LT503 to the meeting hall." The agent was already looking past them, so they moved forward and found the exit. Stepping through, they walked along an elevated walkway to a platform where light transport five-oh-three was just arriving. They hustled and managed to get into the vehicle.

Cha'Risa and team took up positions around Jack, and he glanced at the others already in the vehicle. They were eying him nervously. It didn't help that Rikki's featureless black orb hovering between his horns looked so ominous.

Jack stared out the window and enjoyed the view as the transport glided out into the space between the lofty towers and quickly closed the distance to the next building. It effortlessly slipped into the transport accessway and slowed to a stop. The Tik led the way off the vehicle, and Jack's group followed. They had to descend several levels, but getting to the actual meeting hall didn't take long. Jack was pleased to see they were early.
