Jacquelyn's Ordeal


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The Viscount lunged forward and thrust with the blade, forcing Versar to jump to the side to avoid it. In a flash, Versar launched out with his own hand and grabbed the wrist of the Viscount, whose reactions were greatly slowed. The Viscount grimaced and swung at Versar's injured elbow. The Viscount's blow connected, but more weakly than he had anticipated and it only enraged his opponent. Versar adjusted his grip on the Viscount's wrist and advanced, pinning the Viscount's arm under his own. He snarled at the Viscount and grinned evilly as he painfully twisted the Viscount's wrist, forcing the point of the blade back towards the Viscount's chest.

The Viscount's arm shook as he tried to find the strength to break free. He watched as the blade inched closer, as the two struggled against each other. The tip of the blade slowly began to press hard against the Viscount's chest and he could feel his arm rapidly losing strength. He tried to pull his other arm free to give himself more strength, but he could not. The sharp tip of the blade dug into his flesh and he cursed Versar. The other vampire was a grinning devil as he gleefully watched and shifted more of his weight behind the blade. It was now only a matter of time, the Viscount no longer had the strength to fight him directly.

Suddenly, the Viscount felt the pressure lift and he heard a snap. Versar's body slackened and suddenly lurched backwards onto the floor in front of him, limp. The Viscount saw Jacquelyn had attacked from behind. A grin returned to his face, his gambit had paid off.

"I knew you would defend your Master." He almost self congratulated.

Jacquelyn snarled at him, part of her did wonder if she should finish the Viscount right then and there. Instead, she ripped the blade from the Viscount's grasp, trying to cause him as much discomfort as she could and turned to Versar's still form. Better the devil she knew than the one she did not.

The Viscount was taken back by the brutality he witnessed from the girl as she drove the silver blade deep into Versar's chest. He pulled himself to his feet with great effort and marvelled at Jacquelyn's behind as she viciously twisted the knife into the vampire's heart. There was an almost savage grace to her movements. Her heart beat so loud, that it was like a drum beat to the Viscount. He leaned in close behind her, took a moment to centre himself and grabbed her shoulder. Jacquelyn tensed up, but before she could react, he reached out with his mind and his words.

With all he had left in him, he began to rein her mind back under his control. The two were locked in a mental battle as their bodies remained still, betraying nothing of the struggle underneath for control. Jacquelyn's grip on the blade remained strong, as the Viscount held her fast, forcing his will upon her. Jacquelyn's mind began to slip back, fighting every step of the way and it was exhausting the Viscount. His wounds were taking their toll. The sharp numbing pain stabbed at the Viscount and he weakened for a moment, allowing Jacquelyn to pull the blade from Versar's body. Slowly, Jacquelyn pivoted and faced the Viscount. He stared into her eyes and could see the fire, the rage and the anger. Despite all his confidence, doubt penetrated him, but his ego would not allow it to breach his voice.

Taking in a deep breath, the Viscount drew himself up and pushed hard, putting everything into mustering the will to hopefully put enough force behind his last assault.

Staring hard into her very soul, he commanded her. "Kneel."


The Viscount watched as the wilful girl began to take a single and greatly laboured step towards him. Despite her grip on the blade tightening, her strength faltered and she fell to one knee. The Viscount redoubled his efforts, pressing his will upon her. Jacquelyn's shoulders fell as her hold on the blade loosened. There was a heavy tension in the air between them. The Viscount in his weakened state lacked the strength to dominate her fighting resistance. He filled her mind with temptations, sweet, alluring hopes and far fetched dreams. He assaulted her with promises of unparalleled desires and pleasures. Every fantasy she countered, he changed his promise, desperately trying to find a desire that would give her pause, make her falter. Yet, Jacquelyn equally had given up too much of herself to him in her struggle. A cold truth dawned upon her. She no longer had the strength to resist him as she did before. The huntress and her quarrel were now in a slow dance of destruction. It became more difficult to keep fighting off the images that were forced into her mind. Every scene that played out in her mind was costing her a little more of her will, a little more time to break free and recall reality.

The hunter and his prey was forced into a stalemate. Both were fighting to survival, to outlast the other. The Viscount struggled to hold his gaze, the numbness had taken hold and he could feel it creeping steadily up his neck. Despite this, there was little else he could do but endure. Were he to let up even one sliver of his attack upon her, she could break free. Time stretched on as the pair stared off and their bodies grew restless, holding tension and muscles began to burn with fatigue. The edges of the Viscount's vision started to fade. The constant strain to maintain the conflict with the girl was about to end. For the first time in an eternity, the Viscount was about to fail. Screwing up his fists, he called upon every last ounce of himself, yet he could feel it would not be enough. He could not outlast her, he was nearly spent. The two figures stood locked in their battle. Time was almost at a standstill as the tension rose. The Viscount strained to hold the girl back as she drove the blade closer to him. The moment was drawn out, moving at a torturously slow pace. Jacquelyn strained to keep hold of the blade now. His voice was in her head, whispering for her to just let go, to release it. Every word was so sweet and the weight of it was becoming unbearable as she held on. Jacquelyn only needed to resist for a little longer and it would be over, her ordeal would be at an end, she would be victorious. However, fate is a fickle mistress, and tonight she was especially amused with toying with Jacquelyn. As Jacquelyn was just about to grasp victory, the doors swung open and then entered a lone sole that would shift the balance.

It took great restraint, but neither Jacquelyn nor the Viscount broke their concentration with the entrance of this third party. They could hear the footsteps across the tiled floor as the stranger drew closer. Slowly the figure skirted around the edges of Jacquelyn's vision, but she dared not to break her concentration. Maintaining her hold was testing her resolve, yet dread was starting to claw at her.

Suddenly the figured appeared in Jacquelyn's field of sight and gracefully sank to her knees. Yvonne had returned, chirping happily as she lowered her head and raised up a goblet, "Your wine, Master!"

The handmaiden waited there, seemingly unaware of the great tension in the air. Jacquelyn could feel his concentration slip for a brief moment and she pushed harder, trying to will her body to move.

The Viscount raged inside and his concentration broke for a moment. He struggled to bring his will to bear against Jacquelyn as she took advantage and slowly inched forward, closing the already short distance. The stupid girl had nearly proved to be a fatal distraction. The rage hardened his determination and he drew upon it. Clenching his fist as tightly as he could, he turned part of his will towards the girl.

Yvonne looked up after a long pause and gasped in surprise as she realised something was amiss, "Master! You are injured! I shall help you Master and..."

Yvonne suddenly went silent, her voice stopping as though it had been snatched away from her. Her eyes widened and she rose up from kneeling, her movement was rigid, far from normal. Jacquelyn tried to find some extra strength to push forward with the blade, but watched as Yvonne moved between the tip of the blade and the Viscount. Yvonne stood there, exposed and venerable, facing Jacquelyn. Her eyes were vacant, as she stared unblinkingly into Jacquelyn.

"Surrender now, little pet or this girl will die." Yvonne spoke in a flat, even tone.

The handmaiden pushed forward and the point of the blade pressed against her throat. Although it was her voice, Jacquelyn knew they were His words.

Jacquelyn tightened her grip as the images in her mind waned for a moment. Her Mentor had taught her that often there would be times where innocents would be harmed and long had Jacquelyn been prepared to cause harm to complete her tasks. However, right now, being confronted with this situation, the gravity of her choice was crushing her. Jacquelyn squeezed her eyes shut and gritted her teeth. If she could push with enough force, the blade would find its mark to slay the vampire, but the girl would die. Jacquelyn knew the decision would haunt her, but it needed to be done. She shifted her footing to strike and then stopped suddenly, a cold horror took hold.

"Please..." The broken and trembling voice of the handmaiden begged.

Jacquelyn opened her eyes and stared at Yvonne. No longer was her face passive and her eyes vacant. She could see the fear and terror in the handmaiden's eyes and feel her body trembling through the blade. "Please my lady...I do not want to die. Please...save me from Him" Yvonne begged again, her voice was soul wrenching.

Jacquelyn inwardly pleaded her to move, to fight against the vampire. The girl only needed to move an inch to be saved. Part of Jacquelyn wished the girl had become nothing but a puppet to the vampire. She could run the blade through Yvonne if there was nothing left of her to save, but now, Jacquelyn's determination faltered.

"Let go of the blade and give yourself to Me." The cold voice sounded from Yvonne's lips while fear and terror remained in her eyes.

Jacquelyn cursed herself, cursed Him and cursed the handmaiden in her mind. The tears welled up in Jacquelyn's eyes as all her strength deserted her, the grip on the blade vanished and it clanged upon the floor. Jacquelyn fell heavily to her knees as they gave, despair and hopelessness were all that remained with her now.

Yvonne stammered as she tried to plead. "No, no, please."

She leaned down slowly to pick up the blade, her movements were halting. "You do not need to do this...I...i...will obey" she began to sob.

Her fingers tensed around the hilt and she brought the edge to her throat, her arm shaking as she held it there. The Viscount visibly relaxed as the mental strained lessened. Jacquelyn watched as he approached, he looked like a wounded animal trying to present a strong appearance. From her knees, she looked up at the monster, her eyes burning him with her fury. She felt him once again try to slip into her mind, pushing images of her, draped over him. She was almost purring softly as he idly stroked her in the fantasy. The slowly extended his hand to her face and Jacquelyn's lips softly parted as she softly took in a breath. She was expecting him to softly brush her cheek. Instead, he darted his hand to the back of her head and cruelly grabbed her by the hair, pulling her up to her feet. Instinctively Jacquelyn gripped his hand, trying to relieve the pressure and instantly wanted to strike out at him. His words pierced her thoughts before she reacted.

"Do not move, you troublesome harlot." He threatened as Jacquelyn heard the feeble sobs from the handmaiden.

Jacquelyn fought back every instinct that wanted to strike out, to fight back and crush and destroy to him.

The Viscount stared into her hard burning eyes, "I should just feed upon you. I should bend you back and sink my fangs into your flesh. I should feed from you and save myself much grief." He menacingly half cursed at her as he pulled her head back and exposed her neck.

"I should have you right here and right now..." he continued before dashing in with fangs bared.

Jacquelyn tensed up, prepared for the pain and her then found herself waiting. He had stopped short and Jacquelyn's chest rose and fell in short, sharp breaths. The vampire snorted in contempt and spun the girl around to face the mirrored wall.

"Look at yourself. You cannot fight me. You are even panting at the thought of being taken." His voice was dripping with arrogance. Jacquelyn's eyes hardly bothered taking in the image of her, barely clothed, an invisible force holding her in check. Her gaze caught a small glimmer upon the ground. The Viscount threw Jacquelyn forward by the back of her head. Jacquelyn fell upon the floor, but did not move as she lay upon the ground, fighting back the growing anger inside her.

The Viscount turned away, and continued, "You brought this upon yourself. You forced me to treat you this way. You know I can be kind when you behave, but I will show you who is in control."

Jacquelyn paid little heed to his words but instead reached out for the small glean that caught her eye from before. She quickly grasped it and could feel its shape and the coolness of the glass. Jacquelyn held it close to her chest, concealing it.

The Viscount pulled away a thick cord that held the curtains and turned to face Jacquelyn. "I want you to come crawling to me, begging for my control before I reward you my gift. Now, crawl here and kneel before your Master." His tone was hard, but Jacquelyn could hear hints of it wavering. There was a long moment of tension after Jacquelyn picked herself up from the floor. She looked at the vampire with seething anger and held her gaze. Jacquelyn clenched her fist and then heard a squeak from Yvonne as her hand moved, making a small cut. Jacquelyn closed her eyes and breathed heavily, unclenching her fist. She slowly crawled over to the Viscount and kneeled before him.

He looked to the handmaiden and she rigidly approached, slowly handing him the blade to hold to her neck. "Yes..yes Master. I will obey..." Yvonne barely whispered as she took the cord from him and leaned in to tie it. "I am sorry...I am truly. He...I cannot stop myself. Please help me...sister" the handmaiden softly spoke. Jacquelyn remained still and unmoving. Sister. The word invoked something inside her, something He had put there. Jacquelyn wanted to help the girl, wanted to protect her. 'Help our sister. She needs us to join her in serving Master,' echoed that soft voice in her head that Jacquelyn tried to ignore. Despite the pleas of the girl and how the words tugged at her very being, she did not act. There was little Jacquelyn could do without sacrificing the handmaiden's life were she to act.

Yvonne's eyes glossed over as her mind was smothered by His will. The handmaiden pulled Jacquelyn's arms behind her and bound her wrists together. Jacquelyn felt the cord being coiled around her neck and as it pulled in tight against her skin, digging slightly into her throat. The Viscount watched Jacquelyn intensely as he continued to hold the handmaiden under threat. Jacquelyn watched almost passively as her eyes were unfocused. In her mind, she was relinquishing precious aspects of herself to the vampire as he pushed. Although retreating, she forced him to work hard for his minor advances into her mind.

The cord tugged slightly as Yvonne secured it around Jacquelyn's neck and lead out the remaining length back to The Viscount. He took the end of the cord and pulled it sharply, causing the coil to tighten and squeeze. Jacquelyn felt it starting to constrict her breathing uncomfortably, but she remained still. The Viscount pulled once more and this time Jacquelyn heard his voice in her mind, 'Rise and follow.' The force of his will pressed in upon her and to her surprise, part of her answered. 'Yes Mast....' The soft inner voice almost purred before she caught herself. Jacquelyn resisted the urge to further rage at the voice. It would only further distract her from holding onto what resistance remained.

The Viscount started leading Jacquelyn through the manor, almost like leading a reluctant pet. Now that Jacquelyn had stopped actively trying to overpower him, he kept a firm hold of her body. Jacquelyn felt oddly disconnected with her movements, moving along behind the vampire. He no longer tried to seduce her into obedience, for the moment, more directly controlling her body. Yvonne followed along beside Jacquelyn. Her movements mirrored Jacquelyn's almost perfectly, leaving little doubt that she was being equally dominated. 'You will help me find a morsel to restore my strength from the distracting nuisances of before.' His voice whispered into her mind and Jacquelyn inwardly cringed at the thought.

It was then that Yvonne's soft voice started to fill Jacquelyn's ear. "Viscount De'Lu Carla is our Master. We are His slaves. It gives us pleasure to obey Him."

'A little idle chatter should hasten the search,' His voice almost oozed arrogance into her thoughts.

Her inner voice started to chant in unison with the handmaiden. 'Viscount De'Lu Carla is our Ma..'. and Jacquelyn interrupted forcefully, 'Monster.'

'We are His sla...'


'It gives us pleasure to ob...' Her soft voice continued without even a pause.

'Obliterate him' Jacquelyn almost sounded in her thoughts with an amused tone.

Her soft inner voice almost seemed to pout. Jacquelyn enjoyed this little clever defiance. Despite each interruption to the chant costing her, she needed to maintain some active defiance.

Jacquelyn became a little lost in her mental games as her body diligently followed behind the vampire. She was unsure if he knew this would be her response to his actions, but it was starting to fracture her concentration. Her mind started to be caught up in the rhythm of the mantra. Even replacing words, the mantra flowed so easily in her mind. It became almost calming and in some ways, pleasing to recite.

'We are not His slaves.' Jacquelyn intoned in her mind as the phrase echoed.

'We are not His slaves.' Her thoughts droned as her attention started to slip.

'We are His slaves...' The softer voice whispered.

Jacquelyn may not have noticed the slip in her thoughts were it not for the sharp tug on the cord that pulled against her neck. The Viscount brought them to a halt and silently Jacquelyn cursed herself for being complacent.

He had brought them back to the main hall, but the ball had well and truly finished now. Through ornate doorway, the hall stood quiet, save for a single maid. It looked vast without the crowds, very empty. The reflective walls gave the illusion of opening out expansively. The maid was at the far end, tidying and adjusting a table that sat against one of the walls. Jacquelyn silently willed the girl to go elsewhere, but her pleading thoughts were to no avail. Yvonne stepped forward and the Viscount spoke to her in a low whisper. Jacquelyn felt his assault upon her mind easing for a moment. She silently noted the changes, observing and waiting for her moment should it arise. The handmaiden responded in a quivering voice, "Y..yes...i will obey."

She walked set off towards the maid, her practised movements not making a noise. The Viscount stood in close to Jacquelyn, cloaking her and pushing her against the wall. He faced her as he pressed the blade into her ribs. "Not one move. Even tense a muscle and I will end our little game." He threatened menacingly.

'No Master. Not even a sound, Master.' Her inner voice almost whimpered. Jacquelyn let her anger smoulder.

It was a desperate move for him He had spent most of his strength in keeping up the facade of absolute control. Now, he needed to feed to regain some strength. He needed stop the girl from striking when the advantage was hers. They listened carefully with a heavy air of suspense between then. The hushed voices of Yvonne and the maid carried to them through the stillness.
