Jada and Ayano - Collection 01


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Their first night, Ayano brought Jada to a dinner for the group in an extravagant restaurant. Their hosts had broad but sincere smiles, clearly enjoying this part of the job. It would be unthinkable to mention business the first night. The bankers chatted with them about travel, work, family, and the like. After dinner, they headed to a VIP room at a famous seaside casino. Jada tried to give no external indication of how grateful and excited she felt. She wanted to look as if she did this kind of thing all the time.

Ayano seemed impressed with how impeccably charming she was to each new acquaintance. Jada also noticed he looked quite pleased with how many eyes lingered upon her in her low cut, backless purple gown. Visible nipples were a huge trend at the time- even mannequins had to have them showing. Jada's breasts were a bit too large to be wearing a dress without a bra. Motionless, it wasn't as obvious, but as she strode across the room, well... it was barely appropriate, as he had requested.

Since getting together with Ayano, she had been training in Răz-nevă vigorously. As a result, her body was especially strong and toned yet she still retained her soft breasts and curvy hips and ass. Being Brazilian and Japanese, she was among the most exotic women in the room. Gisele Bundchen was just becoming famous as a Brazilian model and so many media outlets were talking about how sexy Brazilian women were. This made Jada even more coveted.

Ayano asked Jada to choose what to play. She decided on stud poker because it was the only game that required her skill set. She was enjoying playing against her new boyfriend because she was having some beginner's luck and was also adept at reading people. After ten o'clock, the older bankers were dropping like flies, each trying to be as hospitable as possible before going to bed. Then, with some of the respectability of the group diminished, the night began to have a more ulterior undertone.

It seemed that some of Ayano's friends were perfectly satisfied to gamble and drink for the evening. Very high quality champagne was flowing freely. However, it seemed that some of his friends at the poker table had more in mind than just champagne.

Their table took a break after several rounds of drinks and hands of poker. As they sat in a small lounge area on the other side of the room, Jada noticed Nikos had also arrived in Monaco. She supposed he was acting as a "bodyguard" because that was how he was dressed. But then, she wondered. He kept disappearing and reappearing with one or two people at a time. Nikos whispered something into Ayano's ear.

"Do you want some coke?" Ayano asked her quietly, looking straight ahead. She thought about her response.

Growing up exposed to several large cities, Jada had lost her naïveté early in her teenage years. Up until now, she had experimented with a variety of sordid activities, but had not ventured into cocaine. As an art student, she tried pot, shrooms, acid, and ecstasy but she had heard that cocaine was dangerous. It was addictive and made people do crazy, violent things. Look at that movie Scarface!

But she was in Monaco, laughing, gambling and drinking with her sexy, dangerous boyfriend. Surely, a night as special and unusual as this one could afford her this one-time indulgence. She nodded. Ayano took her by the hand and followed Nikos to a back room near the bar.

"You'll like this, it's a good high. I got benzos to help you come down if time is an issue," Nikos said, cutting lines of cocaine on the stainless steel prep table with a credit card. He let Ayano step in.

"Good idea, I'll take some. Jada? You want some for the morning?"

"I've never done coke. But if you say benzos help later, I'll take some," she said, deciding it was best to be upfront.

"Aww, dulceata, your first time," Ayano teased. He rolled up a franc note and snorted some long lines of cocaine. He handed the scroll to her. "Just do this," he instructed, making her two small lines.

Ayano and Jada played a little more poker but they were too high to sit still. They mingled with various acquaintances, all of whom seemed fascinating, but Jada didn't know this was probably because of the cocaine. Her eyes felt like they were wide open. She was sure she looked like she was on drugs but every time she caught a glimpse of her reflection, she appeared normal. Normal enough. Did it even matter if anyone knew? Everyone was immaculately dressed, very formal looking, but at the same time, the event seemed to be curated as a safe playground for naughty rich people.

Jada was extremely talkative and soon made an effort to tone it down. Most of the people they chatted with were men Ayano's age or older. A vast majority of them were perfect gentlemen. However, one guy-- who had also disappeared with Nikos-- was a bit bolder. They were standing around, chatting with a few people and watching the roulette table when Ayano noticed this man was the only one in the group he hadn't introduced to Jada.

"By the way, Jada, this is Stelian Mihaili. Stelian, this is Jada Versailles," Ayano said. If Stelian had been someone important, Ayano would have called him an old friend or commented in some way as he had with other introductions.

"Jada? What a beautiful name. Where are you from?" he asked, shaking her hand.

"Brazil, but I've lived in New York City for a few years now," she said.

"A Brazilian girl, hmm?" he commented, his eyes lowering to take a subtle look at her ass. The table cheered at something and he went back to watching the roulette players.

Ayano gave Jada a look. He had definitely seen Stelian checking her out. His eyes were asking her if he should do something about it. Ordinarily, she would be annoyed by this guy's knee-jerk response to hearing she was from Brazil, but it certainly wasn't the first time it had happened. However, this evening was different. She kind of liked that some of the men in the room were jealous that she was Ayano's date. She smiled and held Ayano's arm affectionately to tell him not to worry about it. He shrugged and playfully checked out her ass himself. It was, in fact, stereotypically shapely.

They played some roulette, some blackjack, and had a few more drinks. As the night went on, Jada became increasingly exhilarated by all the attention, the chandeliers, the money being thrown around, the beautiful people. When they stepped away from the others, he stopped speaking mid-sentence when he saw someone across the room.

"What?" she asked.

"I see someone I know. Two someones," he told her, draining another flute of champagne. His nose sniffled from the cocaine discreetly.

"You know everyone."

"Well, these two..." he stopped again, considering what to say. "If I introduce you to them, things could get... wild." He had a deliberately secretive expression on his face.

"Oh?" she said quizzically, trying to determine exactly what he meant by that.

"I mean it. These two ladies...:"

"Ladies? Anything to be jealous about?" she purred.

"Of course not. You see those two women over there?" he said, indicating a tall woman with soft brown curls and dark red lipstick. She was wearing black pants and a very low-cut blazer, no shirt underneath. Jada couldn't begin to imagine how much her jewelry cost. Next to her was a woman who had to be her wife or girlfriend. She had beautiful long, platinum-blonde hair which could have been natural-- she looked so Scandinavian. Her flowy dress was light blue, sort of a Greek goddess style. The jewelry she was wearing was a little more subtle. Their body language and the way they spoke to people together made it easy to tell they were a couple from across the room.

"Who are they?" she asked as she observed them.

"They're not bankers," he said suavely.

"Clearly not. How do you know them?"

"Cyana, the one in black, I grew up with her. She was the neighborhood tomboy I had a crush on. We fooled around once or twice when we were young, but alas, she prefers the company of women mostly. She owns a lot of textile businesses or something like that. She's fun, but kind of a bitch. She pretends to hate me, it's very cute.

"Her girlfriend, Ava, I've only met a few times. They've been together for two, maybe three years. She is only girls, lesbian. She is a performance artist and some big-time DJ. Popular in London. But, I'm telling you, if we go over there, I don't know what will happen. Perhaps you will even decide you prefer their company to mine," he took a tendril of her hair and curled it around his finger.

"Hmm, are they that irresistible? You're really... concerned?" she wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Really. I am!" he said. "Look, if you really want to, we can go say hi, but all bets are off."

"Okay, tiger. Let's go over there," she said, thinking she was calling his bluff. She assumed he was trying to make the scene sound more exciting than it actually was.

"Okay. Let's get some more coke from Nikos first. It would be rude to come empty-handed."

"Cyana, draga mea, how nice to see you again!" Ayano greeted her, kissing her on each cheek.

"Ayano," she said dispassionately, reciprocating his kisses stiffly. "It's been forever. How are you?" The faintest bit of a Romanian accent remained in her posh British affectation.

"Fucking fabulous. Hello, Ava. How are you enjoying Monaco?" he asked, kissing her cheeks as well.

"It's so surreal! You should see the room they gave us!" she gushed.

"Ladies, please meet my girlfriend from New York City, Jada," he presented her proudly.

"Jada. Hi, I'm Ava," she said warmly, kissing her cheeks. She was probably only a few years older than Jada.

"Jada. My god, you're simply stunning." Cyana had a small smile on her lips and a sparkle in her eye that reminded Jada of Ayano when he was up to something.

"Thank you," Jada replied. She found herself a little mesmerized by their glamour. And she was pretending not to notice that Ayano had just promoted her to girlfriend. Girlfriend!!

"Come, sit. Tell me all about yourself. How long have you two been together? What do you do in New York?" Cyana led them to a small lounge area.

"We're... new. We've been involved for three months or so. I have my own art gallery in New York City, in Chelsea. We do exhibitions and I sell some modern pieces, some older, for private collectors," she said casually, crossing her legs.

"What's it called?" Cyana asked.

"Oh, just Versailles. My last name."

"I know Versailles! My friend Alistair's boyfriend, Axel, was your DJ last month at the opening of the Madruga exhibit," Ava chimed in.

"He was amazing!" Jada and Ava carried on talking about music and mutual acquaintances.

While those two chattered, Cyana and Ayano spoke to each other in Romanian in hurried, slightly rude tones.

"<And how did you meet your little cupcake, Ayano?>" Cyana asked him over the rim of her martini glass.

"<.I taught her at Marseille, at the Răz-nevă retreats that you said I shouldn't do and were useless as caressing a wooden leg,>" he said somewhat petulantly.

"<.I still don't know why you spend your time that way. But she is beautiful, your fuck-bunny. And the art. Maybe even sophisticated,>" she said mockingly.

"<Well she's no fucking DJ, Cyana,>" he scowled.

Cyana paused and shot him a dirty look. "<.I wonder how she will taste,>" she said in a threatening tone.

Jada's conversation with Ava slowed down and she tried to listen in on Ayano and Cyana, but she could only understand a stray word here and there. Portuguese and Romanian both had Latin roots, making some words similar.

"Stop it, you two. You can't be speaking Romanian together all night," Ava scolded. "It's bad manners."

"Sorry, darling. You're right," Cyana said and gave her a kiss.

"These two," Ava spoke to Jada. "If you don't stop them, they'll bicker like children and spend the rest of the night sulking and licking their wounds."

"Jada, Ayano tells me you've studied Răz-nevă?" Cyana inquired.

"Yeah. I always did capoeira and I needed a change, so a client told me about Ayano's retreat. I got pretty good, I beat all the women except one and a couple of the guys, too," Jada said, still trying to be mindful of her talkativeness.

"Well, it's done wonders for your figure. Look at those arms, that waist!" Cyana commented, smiling at Ayano defiantly.

"Why are we wasting our time with pilates?" Ava laughed.

"Did he seduce you or was it the other way around?" Cyana asked. Jada smiled flirtatiously at Ayano.

"A little of both, but he kissed me first," she said, happy to tell their story to a new person.

"I can hardly blame him!" Cyana said.

"Have you been in New York or Bucharest lately?" Ava asked.

"Both. We're in Bucharest for the summer. We'll probably go to the resorts on the weekends," Ayano told them.

"Oh, I know some people at Mamaia. Their big resort. You name-drop me, they'll bend over backwards for you. There's a bartender named Adi, and a security guard named Ion you should talk to," Cyana advised them.

"I love the Black Sea coast, it's so underrated," Ava declared, sounding a little snobby.

"Ladies, would you be interested in doing a little coke with us?" Ayano asked in a low voice. Ava looked to Cyana for an answer.

"Sure, if it's good..." Cyana said doubtfully.

"Of course it's good, Cyana. You'll love it," Ayano assured her.

"Where should we go?" Ava asked the group.

"We should show off our suite," Cyana said quickly. She called over a hotel employee and had him send champagne and a few bar ingredients upstairs ahead of them.


Ayano followed the three of them into the elevator. Jada was surprised to see how calm he looked, especially after Ava said how Cyana usually got under his skin. She had always known him to be slightly jealous. Ava and Cyana were on either side of her in the fancy elevator, deliberately blocking Ayano's access. Cyana stared him down while she was drizzling Jada with all kinds of compliments.

They got to Cyana and Ava's luxurious suite. She must have indeed owned lots of textile companies, Jada thought, if the bankers put her up in a suite like this. Ayano authoritatively cut up the cocaine he got from Nikos on the coffee table. Cyana poured some drinks for everyone from their bar. Ava linked her iPod to the room's sound system and played some 70s glam rock tracks.

Ayano took off his dinner jacket and snorted some more lines. He passed another makeshift straw to Jada, and on to Ava and Cyana.

"This is fucking excellent, Ayano. Please introduce me to Nikos," Ava said, kicking off her high heeled shoes and collecting cocaine residue with her finger. She sucked on it, rubbing the coke residue on her gums for quick absorption.

Jada felt wired. She walked around the room to examine the art. While Ava and Ayano had an intense but meaningless drug-fueled conversation on the couch, Cyana approached her from behind.

"I do love this dress," Cyana commented, placing her hands on Jada's hips. "Is it Cavalli?"

"Yes..." Jada felt uncomfortable. This was wrong: this tall, gorgeous woman was hitting on her with lessening subtlety. Wrong, albeit skillfully done. Jada had been with women before. In fact, she lost her virginity to a girl her own age years ago. She had been so dazzled by everything that night and she was attracted to Cyana (and Ava, for that matter), so why not? But where would this encounter lead, if she let it continue? Would this set a precedent in her relationship with Ayano? Unfortunately, cocaine and alcohol had a way of instantly dismissing perfectly rational thoughts like these ones.

Cyana began to kiss Jada's neck and caress her stomach over the delicate purple fabric of her dress. Jada felt so sexy and desired. Her nipples got visibly hard through the thin fabric. Cyana turned both of them to face Ayano and Ava. Jada searched for her boyfriend's eyes.

"Ayano," Cyana called over to him. "You don't mind sharing, do you?" she asked, between kisses.

"I rather enjoy it," he said, locking eyes with Jada. She didn't know what she wanted him to do. Was this okay? Her thoughts kept racing back and forth. If she said no, would they all be pissed? Maybe she wanted to be the kind of person who fucked strangers while high on cocaine in European hotel rooms.

Ava's playlist played in the background, some Mott the Hoople. Or was it T-Rex? The odd, dreamy music was persuading her that this wasn't a reality that counted, that it would be overlooked in the future without causing anything of consequence.

Cyana reached behind Jada's neck and undid the clasp that was holding up the backless halter dress.The front of her dress fell, revealing her round, firm, lightly tanned breasts. Her shoulders tensed. She still hadn't decided what to do so she made a half-hearted effort to cover up. Ava did not feel as shy or conflicted. She stood up, took off her dress, and walked over to the two women. She had small, perky tits and wore a blue lace thong. Jada took a step backwards.

"Oh, sweetie," Cyana cupped both Jada's breasts in her hands. "Ayano, tell her it's alright. We won't bite. Unless you ask us to, of course."

"Whatever you like, comoară mea..." Ayano said in a low tone, absolutely transfixed by the sight before him. He looked like someone making a house of cards, worrying that the smallest breeze could blow it over.

"Mmm, you're his treasure..." Cyana cooed. "How precious... what would you like, Jada?" Ava kissed Jada on the lips as she undid the last buttons holding up Jada's dress. All she had on was a see-through black thong and thigh-high black stockings. Cyana squeezed her nipples and Jada released a moan. The two mouths and four hands all over her body was a sensory overload. She wanted more.

"Okay..." Jada leaned back into Cyana, relaxing her shoulders and neck in surrender. Cyana kissed her on the lips, then used her tongue, as Ava licked and kissed her breasts. Jada felt herself get very aroused now that she was not making an effort to hold back. "Oh fuck..." she moaned.

"Let's go into the bedroom," Ava said seductively. "Should we let Ayano play, too?" she called over her shoulder as she left. She sounded like she was teasing.

"You promise you'll behave yourself?" Cyana asked him, taking Jada's hand. Jada wasn't sure what she meant by that.

"Absolutely not," he responded, taking off his shirt. Cyana smirked at him and brought Jada to the bedroom.

Ava pushed Jada gently on to the king size bed. Cyana sat next to her and firmly ran her fingers over Jada's stockinged thighs. Cyana took one of Jada's legs and rested it across her own lap. Cyana caressed down to her ankle and undid the strap to her high heels.

Meanwhile, Ava was kissing Jada from the other side, gently pushing her to lie down while Cyana removed her shoes. Ava kept kissing her down her neck, her chest, her tits, her stomach. Cyana's fingers titillated Jada's inner thighs. Jada's heart tapped frantically in nervous excitement. The women adjusted her position, putting Jada's head on the pillows.

Ava climbed on top of her, giving Ayano a good view of her ass and pussy in her tiny thong. Jada's hands were daring enough to move about now so they wandered all over Ava's willowy frame as they made out, exploring this new person's body. She also wanted to make sure she was doing something sexy for her boyfriend to see. Ava reached into Jada's thong.

"Wow!! You're so fucking wet, sweetie. This is going to be so fucking hot," Ava said gleefully.

Cyana took off her clothes, revealing a B-cup bust with large, puffy nipples and black satin panties. Ava looked at Jada daringly as she rubbed her labia and clit. She slid down the bed, kissing the inside of her thighs. Jada shivered. Ava moved the fabric away from Jada's pussy.
