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"What?" Linda asked at last, unable to take the scrutiny any longer.

"It must be hard," Samantha said simply. "to sit so close to something you so desperately need, but yet you can't reach out and take it." She took another sip of champagne, the effects of the alcohol starting to affect the younger woman, though not seriously. "I can see it," she said, laughing at Linda's surprised look and then immediate denial.

"There is nothing to see," Linda said quickly, immediately wishing she had chosen different words. Samantha's laugh was not cruel, but it made Linda nervous none the less. Before she could press the young girl further the boys were back, offering their arms as it was time to leave for the dance.

Linda kept a wary eye on Samantha during the ride to the hotel that was host to the prom, though the young woman never gave any outward sign of their conversation. Derek and his date were lost in each other's eyes as they kissed softly before the limo stopped and they exited at the entrance to the hotel lobby.

Jake and his mother danced a couple of songs, though it seemed they were at arm's length during even the slower ballads while the rest of the couples were pressed up close to each other. His eyes darted constantly, wondering if anyone would say anything to him that would warrant some kind of confrontation, though it never came. It seemed most of his classmates were more impressed with the way his mother filled out her dress than the fact that he was dancing with his mom.

"You're a hit," Jake whispered into her ear as they inched closer together. "You are causing quite a stir with all the guys."

Linda smiled appreciatively, wondering how many of the long looks she saw directed their way were actually for her son. She couldn't help but wonder how she might have held her son back, if she hadn't made it impossible for her son to look for some other date, who might he have been with here tonight? Which of those girls who she had seen staring at her boy might have wanted his attention? Despite this knowledge, Linda still felt the pang of desire, though she believed tonight would just be an exercise in frustration. Soon it would be over and her son would be free of her to pursue more acceptable women.

"Having fun?" Samantha asked Linda as they waited for the guys to bring them punch. Linda nodded curtly, afraid to look into the other's eyes. "Seems the case, the two of you look cute together."

"I'm his mother," Linda said tersely, a hint of warning in her voice.

"I know," Samantha gasped quietly as if she were in on the conspiracy.

"I don't know what you think is going on here-" Linda started.

"But you do. And so do I." Samantha said coolly, dropping the pretense. Linda's heart felt gripped by fear, panic seemed to quell up within her and she felt the sudden urge to flee. "Easy now, mom, all is well taken care of. You are among friends."

Linda's eyes tightened in confusion at her words, though it did nothing less to ease her fears. Samantha leaned in and whispered into her ear for a minute. Horror, amazement, understanding and then finally relief washed over Linda's face. Samantha pulled back, an understanding smile upon her face as she looked down at the older woman, satisfied with what she had done.

"You know Derek, I'm not so sure Mom and I should be going to the party," Jake said as they left the dance. There were still a large crowd of students dancing, but at 11:30 Samantha announced it was time to leave and head to Jenna Harris' house, where there was a significant lack of adult supervision and lots of bedrooms.

"Yeah, okay if you want we can drop you guys off on the way," Derek said.

"Nonsense," Samantha interrupted, entwining her arm around Linda's, leading her to the limo. "Jake and Linda are going to the party, just as we planned." Jake was going to protest but his mother just shrugged happily, seeming content to go along with whatever the pushy young girl insisted upon.

Jake just shook his head in confusion and climbed into the car after the others, unsure of where this was leading.

The party was a pretty tame affair, Linda guessed. It didn't have the illicit feel of keggers back in her high school days, though she did see some alcohol floating around. While the teenagers were drinking, they were doing it with practiced ease it seemed. It seemed as if the party was more sexually charged than any she'd ever been to. She gaped as one girl was kissing a young man, his hands openly fondling her breasts through a partially buttoned man's dress shirt, all the while another young man was busily grinding against her panty clad ass visible beneath the tails of the shirt.

"What's going on here?" she whispered, but Samantha who heard her words, only smiled mischievously as she led them past and through to another room.

A large den with an L shaped couch was lit by dim lamps. It was so dark it was difficult to make out any distinct features of the people in the room, but it was obvious by their dress which were males and which were females. The sounds of kissing and more seemed to float about the room, as sighs chased groans, squeals rising above the sound of zippers being lowered.

Jake looked about with complete horror, his heart pounding in his chest as he began to fear what Derek might have gotten him into. His eyes shot warnings to the oblivious friend, but Derek just shrugged, following his date further into the house. They ended up in a kitchen where another three couples were busily talking, eating the appetizers that had been laid out on the counter.

Jake and his mother were amazed at the ordinary conversations that were taking place, even answering some questions as these new people had heard of him taking his mother to prom. All the while, in the next room it seemed as if a new installment of Caligula were being filmed. The highly sexual atmosphere didn't seem to phase the couples they spoke with. Samantha excused herself and was gone for about twenty minutes, by which time many of the others had drifted out of the room, others taking their place for refreshment.

At last Samantha returned, whispered into Derek's ear and then nodded to Linda, who followed Derek out a side door. Jake watched in confusion, wondering where his mother was going with his friend. Jealousy welled in his heart, could Samantha have set his mother up with his friend, her date? He was about to get out of his chair and follow them when Samantha pushed him back into the hard wooden chair and sat her petite derriere on his lap. Unbidden, he felt himself grow hard as the smell of her body filled his nostril and he began to react to her closeness.

"Relax Jake," she whispered into his ear. He found it hard to do so, as the others in the kitchen began to look at them, some with rather annoyed looks on their faces. "Come on," Samantha said at last when a young man let out a loud, fake cough. She got up and led him back into the den with the large couch.

Pushing Jake down onto the leather, Samantha climbed up into his lap, hiking her dress up so that she could straddle his thighs. Even in the gloomy dark he could make out the lacy tops of her thigh highs, and though he tried, he couldn't see where her legs came together. She lifted his chin up so that he was looking at her face.

"Where is my mom?" he choked, the closeness of her body was starting to get to him, he could feel himself fully aroused and he began to ache.

"She's waiting."

"Waiting for what?"

"You, but you don't want everyone to know that, do you?" Jake shook his head, his mind not working clear enough to realize that he'd been found out. "So, we have to make it look like it's someone else that rocks your world tonight. So play along. Not too nicely, but remember I am Derek's date and I'd hate to have to tell him you took advantage of me."

Jake was about to ask more questions, but Samantha's mouth was suddenly pressing against his, her tongue sliding into his mouth noisily as they kissed in exaggerated motions. She may have told him to hold back, but she apparently had no intentions of doing so herself. She ground against his lap lewdly, her hips working back and forth across his groin in sweet agony.

Samantha took his hands and placed them upon her breasts, pressing his fingers until he began to knead her flesh, causing her to moan loudly in the room. With surprise on his face Jake looked about to see the shadowed faces looking their way, though he couldn't make out their reactions. Samantha kept it up for a good five minutes before she slid off the couch, standing up with her dress still bunched up high on her thighs, pulling on Jake's jacket until he stood up with her. She led him down the hall, her hips swaying enticingly before him, as they passed a number of doors on the left, around a corner and then at the end of the hall she stopped at the last door on the right.

"We have to go inside together," she began and would have said more, but a couple appeared from one of the doors they had passed and were looking at them, smiling. Samantha put her arms around Jake and kissed him deeply until the other couple headed away. "You kiss nice," she said with a bit of wonderment. "A girl could get real used to that." For a minute they stared at each other, the silence filled with unspoken meaning.

"I think what you and your mom have is pretty cool," Samantha said. "It can't last, but it's still special." Jake tried to speak but she placed her finger on his lips. "Trust me, I know. It's fleeting at best, incredible while it lasts, but it's not forever." Jake listened to her, she was saying the things that he had dreaded to voice. "But," she said slowly, "while it's not permanent, its always nice to visit that place, if you can find the right person to make it work."

"What are you saying?" Jake asked, peering at her intently.

"Just that when tonight is over, maybe you and I should spend some time together."

Jake nodded dumbly, unsure what all of this meant, but certain that more time with Samantha couldn't possibly be a bad thing. He had a nagging feeling that explaining this to Derek wouldn't be as hard as he thought.

"Let's go," Samantha said, slipping her arm in his and then opening the door to the room.

Inside they found Linda lying on the bed, the covers pulled up almost to her chin. Jake's eyes scanned the room and found her dress laid out carefully over the back of a chair at a small white desk situated along the far wall. There was an open door next to the bed that seemed to lead to a darkened bathroom, another door on the far side of it that opened into another room.

"Have fun, stud," Samantha said with a wet kiss to the side of his mouth. She let go of his arm and walked through the bathroom and into the adjoining room, closing the far door. His eyes lingered on the darkened bathroom before returning to his mother.

Linda felt a pang of jealousy as she watched the minx kiss her son, and what the hell was that 'stud' bit? Suddenly her jealousy was proof of how much she felt for her boy. With an inward sigh, she knew she wouldn't be the only woman in her son's life, nor his bed. She'd have to settle for stolen moments, and this moment was destined to be one of their greatest.

"How quickly things change," Linda said enigmatically, enjoying the pained look of confusion on Jake's face. Even in the soft light she could see the obvious arousal tenting his trousers, licking her lips as she made it obvious where her gaze was pointed. "Care to come to mama?" she asked, pulling the coverlet off of her body.

Jake stared down at his mother, as she was only dressed in a pair of white lace panties and a strapless bra. He came to her side of the bed and fell into her arms, pressing the length of his body against her. Linda helped him out of his clothes, dropping them on the ground without care as they kissed each other fiercely. Their self imposed exile from each other causing a flood of emotions as they broke the dam that separated them.

He was inside of her quickly, spreading her legs and climbing between them before he thrust into her sopping cunt. Their combined sighs filling the room as he stroked into her fully, the remembered sensations quickly sending them both into desperately needed orgasms.

"Oh baby," Linda gushed as they lay recovering their breath. "We needed that."

"Yes, yes we did." Jake agreed, caressing her body lazily. "In fact, I need it again."

"I know, I can feel it pressing against my hip," she laughed, stroking his renewed vigor with wonder. "I'm ready whenever you are."

Jake took her at her word, getting up on his knees quickly, ready to mount her once more, but Linda rolled over and lifted her body onto her hands and knees. The sight of his mother presenting her backside to him was an awe inspiring vision and his cock grew hard just looking at her.

"Come and get it tiger," Linda urged him, "give it to mama good."

Sliding into her well soaked cunt, Jake began to pound her pussy with abandon. His first orgasm having been only a few minutes prior he knew he'd be able to hold his load longer this time, though his mother never seemed to mind if he shot early. Grabbing the fleshy cheeks of her ass, he rode her hard and long, taking himself all the way out to plunge back in again and again.

Jake's eyes caught sight of his mother's asshole, the crinkly flesh winking at him as her cheeks flexed open and closed with each thrust of his cock. He was suddenly intrigued by it, having seen anal sex on the internet before, but never having given it much thought. His thumb slid across the top of her ass and then down her crack, until the pad was pressed up tightly against the tight opening.

"Oh baby," Linda shuddered, her cunt clamping down upon her son's cock, an orgasm sliding through her easily. The moment was not lost on Jake and he began to push harder on to the puckered sphincter. With each press Linda convulsed, another contraction around his shaft.

Inspired, Jake slipped his hand down to their joined sexes, wetting his finger on the outer edges of his mother's gushing cunt, then transferring the sticky mess to her asshole. With wetness to spare, her asshole was positively soaked and he pushed his index finger into the tightened muscle. With ease it slipped in and he pushed until the second knuckle was almost swallowed up.

"Oh god, oh fuck baby! Mama likes that! Fuck my ass with your finger."

Jake stopped his pounding of her pussy, instead focusing his attention on her ass, where he was quickly working up to stroking his whole finger into her. Within a minute she was panting for more, so he added a second finger and watching in amazement as his mother was continuously cumming on his cock as he fingered her ass.

"Mom," he began hesitantly, "can I fuck your ass?"

"Oh please! Baby, I have never let anyone do that."

Jake swelled with pride, knowing he would be the first man to have his mother's ass. Pulling out, his cock made a loud slurping sound, leaving Linda suddenly feeling empty, though she knew that in a moment she'd feel fuller than ever before.

Swiping the slick head of his cock over his mother's asshole, Jake looked down at the flexing opening, wondering if he could get in there. Linda reached back and pulled her cheeks far apart, causing it spread open even further.

"I've been practicing, with a toy. Pretending it was you."

Jake growled, lust overtaking his brain as he took hold of his cock and pointed it at her slick asshole, forcing the head past the tightened ring. With a gasp, Linda took him in, the stretching of her ass an exquisite pain she had been yearning for, the burning a physical manifestation of their sinful union.

"Give it to me baby, fuck my ass!"

Jake took slow strokes, the intense grip of her ass making it difficult to keep from exploding so quickly. Linda's continuous moans echoed off the walls, filling his ears and driving him ever closer to the edge. The spasms wracking her body were causing her sphincter to clasp at him ever tighter, making it that much more difficult to keep his impending orgasm in check.

"I can't take it mom, I'm gonna cum!" he shouted at last.

"Do it, cum in my ass baby!"

Jake felt his insides being pulled out of his body, his climax so explosive that he felt the last bits of energy being drained of him. The scalding heat in her ass blinding Linda as she was sent over the highest pinnacle, the spasms causing her ass to slam shut around her son's shaft, pinching him so that he couldn't pull out. Falling to the side he pulled her with him, their bodies locked together until at last Linda's relaxing body allowed him to slip out with a plop.

Jake and his mother made love another time before it was time to leave. Samantha came into the room through the adjoining bathroom, uncaring that the pair were naked on the bed, arms and legs entwined.

"Time to leave you two. See you outside in five."

"She said we should spend some time together," Jake confessed to his mother as they dressed.

"She's an odd one, that's for sure," Linda admitted. "Do you think you will?" Jake looked away, suddenly unsure of how to admit that he'd like to see the girl, even though they had just finished their most intense sex ever. "It's okay baby, I know and understand. Besides, I don't think Samantha would mind if I 'borrowed' you from time to time."

"Yeah, that she knows about us freaks me out to no end. Why doesn't it bother her?"

"Maybe because Derek is her cousin and not the first family member she's had sex with." Jake's mouth hung open in disbelief. "Told you she was an odd one." She placed a small kiss on his lips before heading to the door. "Come on baby, time to go."

With a last look at the bedroom, Jake shut off the lights and closed the door.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

5 stars great story. Could have been a couple of pages shorter and needs an ending

GrandEagle53GrandEagle53over 1 year ago

I was so glad you kept it between mother and son. I was hoping that Derek didn't try to force the issue. Thanks. 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Well done. Clearly described. It's very easy to be in the scene. That's what writing is all about.

Great job exploring the intense and complex emotions involved in MS romance. Wished for more external dialogue for both of them. "wasn't expecting anything, specially from you"??? I didn't get it, at all!

Thanks for the "after school snack" visual, loved it!

It needs a sequel or and ending with a better closure, at least for me.

Great job. THANK YOU.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Amazing. So vividly described. One can imagine the intensity of such activity each time. Just one person's opinion--anal is really unnecessary.

KinkCuriousInNJUSKinkCuriousInNJUSover 2 years ago

Really nicely done story here. The build up was well paced and the progression of the relationship and emotion was well done too. With too many other incest stories, there ends up being everyone fucking everyone else all the time, this really only had mom & son and their fight within themselves. Samantha is kinda unnecessary and I would hope he doesnt see her, but I understand her point of being in the story (to allay mom's fears). To 'the old fart' who apparently doesnt like anal in any way, get over it man. It was hinted at earlier on, and this was the special occasion that mom needed to let him have the ultimate taboo. It wasnt an 'anal story', it was an incest story that had one instance of anal in it. Most people don't hate reading about it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I always wanted to suggest to literotica, that they use a half star rating system. Eg. 3.5 stars etc.

My thinking is, giving a solid 5 is very rare for me, so it turns to be a 4. This particular story was very good, but, I can think of a few that were EXCEPTIONAL, they got a 5.

This story was far better than any 4 star, but, was it as good as a 5 ??

Hmmm...... Okay 5 stars. But, you should have written a sequel.

funseeker1186funseeker1186over 6 years ago
Excellent story

Your story had everything, sex in all three holes, love. & a very outstanding story line.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Damn! You waited right up to the end then went anal with the damn story. What a rotten way to treat your readers. I don't know why so many authors have to ruin their stories with this crap. Don't like it. Don't want to read about it. There is an anal category that this story should have been posted under. Not incest taboo. I gave this a 1 vote.

The old fart

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Great story; Good build up, mature women are amazing. I had sex with my ex's mom, first time was a month before we got married; she caught her daughter sucking me off beside their pool, and came on to me two days later. She was also my first time anal, but turned out my ex liked it too, so I would go visit her mom every week till we moved, last time her mom was 48 and still a horny assed cougar

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