Jake and Toby Ch. 09


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"I'm happy with everything except how my vacation time is dealt out to me, I would like to be able to take it around my employees. So I would like it to be available to me at any time."

"Well, I think if you bring the case up to them like so, they may change how they drop the time in. It never hurts to ask." My Dad responded.

"No it doesn't hurt. At least for the first year, so I can get a sense of how everyone and their habits are. Maybe next year they can go back to the drop bank style."


I called Kevin with my changes and he said he would get back to me over dinner on Saturday, I had told him no problem. I was expecting to meet him at the restaurant but Kevin picked me up at my parents' home. I was a little shocked when my Mom called me down from getting ready saying that he was here to pick me up.

I came down in stocking feet, I had my suit on, but tie was still undone. I knew where we were going was coat and tie place. "Hi, I was expecting to meet you at the restaurant, did I mess up the time?"

He looked me up and down but apparently I didn't notice, but my parents did. "No I just prefer to pick up who I take to dinner." Kevin smiled at me. "Please go, finish getting ready and I'll wait for you."

I ran back up to grab my shoes and finish tying my tie. I could hear my mother talking to Kevin downstairs but my dad was waiting for me at the top. "You do realize this is a date not a business meeting?"

"What?" I looked at my dad.

He laughed at me. "Kevin is interested in you. I don't think he planned on this as a business meeting but I could be wrong."

I laughed, "Okay Dad. I don't think you're right, but okay." We headed down and Kevin stood up when we came into view. "Hello."

"You, look great now that you're finished, your tie matches your eyes." He smiled, okay with that remark maybe he may be gay, but not interested.

We left and walked to the car, and sure enough he opened my door, oh man, I know my parents are looking out the window. "Eh Kevin?" I started to say when he got in.

"Before you say anything, let me explain."

"Okay." I will let him explain.

"I'm just the in between person on your position. I've no say in anything you know you already have the job if you want it, I'm just here to help work on the terms of your contract. Which again I've no real say in, I'm just the go between. I'm not even staying in Boston. That is the sad thing, I finally find someone that I could be attracted to and I'm moving away for another job. It would be just this weekend, that's all we'd have together." He looked at me.

He reached across to me and caressed my cheek. "Toby?" I was breathing heavily, I closed my eyes and actually pressed my face into his hand. He raised his other hand and lean in and kissed me. "Would you like to go to dinner?"


"Would you like to go back to my hotel?"


When we arrived at his hotel, he valets his car and we head up to his room. I know he didn't mean to be forceful about it, but after he closed the door he pushed me against it hard and we started kissing. I needed to tell him before I couldn't. My heart was beating so hard, he was pushing off my suit coat, and pulling at my tie. "Kevin...." Oh my God did it feel so good. "Kevin...oh, God."

Between kisses and pulling off my shirt, "Yeah, Baby."

Oh my cock just twitched and leaked so much precum when he called me Baby. "I've never..... Oh My God!" That was all I could get out, he had my pants down and had my cock in his mouth sucking on it. Before I knew it he had me cumming and I was sliding down the door.

"Baby, we aren't finished yet." He smiled and pulled me up and helped me to the bedroom, I was breathing hard but my cock was ready for round two. He started stripping when he tossed me on the bed and he dove down on my ass. He was licking and trying to stick his tongue in but I was tight. "MMMMmm I think I've found out why you said, I've never. Well we're going to fix that tonight. And don't worry Baby, I'll be gentle."

Every time he called me Baby, I don't know what it was but it soothed me, and made me so hard. Out of nowhere it seemed he produced lube, he was sucking on my cock and fingering my hole. And before I knew it he was between my legs pushing into me. I wanted to tense up, but then he just told me to relax Baby and I did just that.

He fucked me it seemed like for hours. I know it wasn't because what man can last that long. But we fucked and laid together then we would fuck some more. We were like two horny bunnies. We called in room service and at one point we called for a late night pizza delivery, that was a mistake on my end but I didn't tell him.

I think somewhere around four the next morning is when we finally both fall asleep in each other's arms. He had fucked me so many times I think I will be walking funny for a month. I laughed to myself I guess when I was horny and Jack wasn't, but just let me do it anyways, now I know what he may have felt like. But oh it felt so good, I can't believe what I've been missing.

I woke up to a very sore rectum, a hard cock between my cheeks. Kevin was still asleep I could tell because he was lightly snoring and the clock said three fifteen. I couldn't believe we slept almost twelve hours once we'd finished. I stretched a little but it was enough to wake Kevin and he kissed me on my neck. "Good Morning."

"More like good afternoon, it's after three."

"MMMmm, I suppose you would like some real food. Or do you think I could get a few more taps in, before I have to take you home?"

"Well, my ass is more than sore, but I wouldn't mind making love to you before you take me home, and then maybe one for the road." I smiled

"MMMmm Baby, I like how you think." There was that Baby again, and my cock stood to attention. Kevin reached around me and rubbed me. "Wow, I'm going to have fun with you in me." Then he handed me some lube and condoms.

I guess the inquisitive looking I give him over my shoulder, he knew what I was going to ask. "Sucking off and fucking me are separate things, you did notice that I was using a condom every time I fucked you?"

"Actually no, I hadn't notice you used one at all, you had me in another world last night."

Kevin smiled as I turned over to face him. "It's timing and location of the condom. Which I will say was hard with you, I wanted your ass I almost gave into to no condom a few times. But I would suck you a little longer or distract you somehow, Baby. MMMmm you like that." He smiled up at me and kissed me. Kevin had his leg pressed against my cock when he was talking to me.

"It's just something in how you say it, I think." He started to crawl down me and before I knew it had my cock back in his warm mouth, teasing the head licking up all my precum.

He lifted off me. "Baby." And my cock twitched and produced more precum. 'Mmmm, Baby." He had come off of it again and same result, I could handle it any longer, I told him I was going to come. He lifted off me once more and told me to give it all to him and he call me Baby and that did it. I was seeing stars, I think I pushed so hard, I was grunting. I was spasming so much I didn't think I was going to stop. I've never had my dick be sensitive after an orgasm and it was. I didn't want him to touch it but it felt so good, but hurt and I was still partially hard. My eyes were half glazed over at this point but I could see the evil smile on his face and he was still touching me, sending me into this freakishly good sensations. "Toby, I think I'm going to rock your world, I don't think you have been pushed this far have you?"

"Huh?" Is all I got out.

When he said, "Baby." And my cock came back to full sensitive attention and he continue to suck it down. It hurt but felt so good. He was also preparing me and I didn't even notice that until I exploded in his mouth. Kevin then flipped me over and the next thing I knew he was sharing my cum with me and fucking me. I thought it would hurt worse than it did but he was actually gentle about it and it felt fucking awesome. He's good, about putting the condom on while distracting me.

When he came, he pressed me down to the bed. "God Toby, you met me in a good time, but a bad time as well." He kissed the back of my neck, licking it. "You would've been my top Sub, I might have even allowed you to fuck me." I just laid there and listened to him. "You have this wonderful energy about you and I'd loved to have it, I would've pick you up in a heartbeat. But honestly, I would've hated to destroy you and turn you into Sub material." I'm sure he could feel my heart beating many different ways. His cock was still hard and buried deep in my ass, and he was lying full out on top of me and I'm sure he could feel my heart or hear it. "What are you thinking?"

"I'm not entirely sure." And I wasn't.

"I probably can guess for you." I just nodded and Kevin continued. "A little turned on but a little scared. Turned on, because I can tell you have never experienced the lifestyle, only what you have seen or read in books or movies. Scared, for the same reason." Kevin was still hard, I could tell he was turned on just by telling me about it, but he was trying to stay still, his cock was pulsating. I honestly don't know if he came when he pressed me down to the mattress earlier now or not. "It's not like the movies, and I'd have that cock of yours in a cage, anytime you'd get hard, you would be in pain." Then he started fucking me hard. He pulled me up on my knees and I was willing, my cock was free and it was hard. "Baby, cum with me." He reached around but it didn't take much once he called me baby and I was cumming and I heard him grunting to a finish. "Oh God Toby."

We did end up falling back asleep again Kevin holding me. When we woke this time it was after seven, we decided it was best we took a shower and maybe make our dinner reservations this time. Which we probably should've showered separately.

When we walked into the bathroom together naked of course, it was a walk in shower, multiple heads. Kevin turns the handle so it will start warming up. We got in the shower, "You do have a nice body, Toby. God I wish I wasn't moving."

"When and where are you moving?" I don't know why I was asking this, Kevin was pressed up against me from behind and kissing on my neck, I felt him smile.

"Oh when I'm in Boston, I will be looking you up and I will hope you're available, when I do. But sadly, Seattle. I'm not going back to Boston after we finish here, I start my new position in a few weeks. So on Tuesday I will be heading north."

He placed both of my hand up on the shower walls and bit my ear. "Mmmmm, I will definitely have to look you up when I come to Boston. Are you clean Toby?" I knew what he meant right away. I nodded my head. "You better be." He growled as he pushed up inside of me. I had so much lube in me from earlier fucks that it only burned a little once he was buried in me and the lube was working in and out with every thrust he made. "God, Baby, oh shit." He was thrusting in and out of me, holding my hips, fucking me as hard as he could without causing us to fall.

My cock was so hard, I wanted to grab it to rub it. But I knew if I took either hand off the wall, it would throw our balance off. He slammed into me just a few more times before he was coming. "Oh fuck, Toby." He screamed. "Oh shit, Baby." He spasm several time and was breathing heavily. I hadn't come yet, my cock was still at full mass all it would take would be a touch and I would explode. And I think he knew that, because he reached up and held my hands against the wall. "You don't get to cum, not yet at least."

"What?" I asked.

He smiled against the back of my neck and kissed it. "MMMmmm see I would have to break you, and Toby, oh, you're too good." He reached down and grabbed a hold of my cock and I melted back into him as I came. Kevin washed me and then washed himself. We got out and dressed. "We've just enough time to make our reservation." He laughed.

We had a wonderful dinner and he dropped me off at home. We talked in the car for a bit before I went in and of course kissed. "Toby, I wish we'd met under different circumstances, I'd loved to have you as mine."

"To be honest Kevin, as much as I liked what we shared, I don't think I could be a Sub. Don't get me wrong, liked how you controlled things."

"Baby." I looked at him. "I didn't even begin to control anything, stay with me tonight, if you want to learn what even a tenth of control is like." I closed my eyes, I was breathing heavily. "Go in Toby, maybe one day, I will see you in Boston." He lightly kissed me. Kevin got out of his side of the car, walked around to mine and opened the door, I was still just sitting there. "Baby." He pulled me up and pushed me up against the car and kissed me. "I'll see you again one day, Toby."

"We will see each other tomorrow." I smiled, but he knew I knew what he meant.

"Yup, in the conference room. I'll have the final contract for you to sign. We will go over it then, if you don't like something, let me know and I'll call Boston and see what I can do. See you at nine." He smiled at me.

I walked up to my house and stopped at the door before I could turn I heard his car pull away. Fuck weird but awesome twenty-four hours. I pulled out my phone just before I walked in and winced, I had a few missed calls and went in to face to music.


The contract was as I wanted all the little changes and the vacation days were granted. All I had to do was sign and agree on a day to start. I didn't have much as in the way of moving so didn't have to worry about that, just in securing a place to live. I signed the papers, a copy was given to me and a copy was faxed and the originals were packaged up and shipped out to Boston. Everyone in the room congratulated me and left but Kevin stayed.

"There is a really nice condo complex that is far enough but not too far from the hospital, you may want to look into them." He handed me a card. "I knew someone who lived there, they really like it." He smiled.


He walked close to me so I could hear him, "If there wasn't a camera in here, I'd have had you bent over this table, Baby. Maybe in Boston. Mmmm." He walked out of the room and I didn't see Kevin after that.

My start date in Boston was the fifth of May. I had to get cracking on finding a place to live. I found Darren sitting at his desk when I walked back into the security office. "Hey."

"Before you say anything, Toby. I've been told by admin when your last day will be."

"I didn't even get to tell you?"

"Well if you didn't stand in that damn conference room so damn long you could've been able to make it here before they called." He laughed at me. "Congrats, I don't know why you at going to give me two weeks, you need to get things ready. Get a place and fucking move, shit man, go out there early find your bearings."

"The eighteenth is my last day. It will give me two weeks to get out there, I'll be okay. I don't start there until the fifth." Then I looked at him, because I knew he could read lips. "You had the conference room queued up on your computer?"


I had laid the package on my desk along with the business card of the condo complex. I looked at it and said why not, I need a place maybe it will be a nice one site unseen. I called and they said they have one unit available and it was mine if I wanted it. I gave them my credit card information for my deposit and first month's rent.


The two weeks flew, Darren had a little party for me and then I was busy sorting out what was in all my boxes that I had taken from my apartment. I knew I had to take all my monkey suits so needed to have room for those in my car. I pick and choose through the rest. My car looked like I was going away to college.

The day I drove away from my parents' house, I had a sense of freedom, I don't know how to explain it. It took me a four days to drive Boston, I stayed in a motel when I arrived because the complex office was closed for the evening. Which I'd already planned on that. It was chilly but doable weather, I will have to pick up another coat.

When I arrived at the complex office the next day, they pulled out the papers for me to sign. "I'm a subtenant?"

"Yes, wasn't that explained to you on the phone?" The woman asked me. I just shook my head now. "I'm sorry I'm not going to blame it on anyone other than myself. Yes, this condo is owned and the owner has moved away."

"So there is a possibility, the owner could come back and want his condo?"

"Nope, the contract he signed with us states, he has to agree on who rents the condo but he has no plans of ever coming back to the Boston area. You don't have to worry as long as you want the condo it's yours."

She handed me the contract to officially sign and it dawned on me, "You said, the condo owner has to agree on who rents, I called up and was approved right away."

"I remember Mister Phillips calling that day, but I didn't take your call. I had logged your name in his file as a possible renter."

I had to smile, it was Kevin's condo. I thanked her and took the keys, when I drove up to the garage, I parked long enough to walk in and open the garage, to pull in. I emptied my car and sat everything in the living room. The place was clean, I couldn't find a speck of dirt anywhere.

I hung all the clothes that I'd brought on hangers in one of the bedrooms, placed other boxes in the appropriate rooms and grabbed my pillow and blankets and called the floor my bed, I was tired and my first day was tomorrow. I didn't leave L.A. when I should've and I took a little longer getting here. It didn't take long for sleep to come.

I woke up charged the next morning, new job, new city and a new life. I showered and got my monkey suit on, walked out to my car and started driving to work. It was a warm morning so I decided to have my windows down on the way and of course in my style, music was loud. I pulled up to a stop light alongside a Beemer and looked over.

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FosBoydFosBoydabout 2 years ago

I saw no need for Chapter 9. Come on you are better than that.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I hated that Toby let Kevin top him and fuck him over and over. As his first time after all he’s been through, he should have saved that for someone that meant much more to him. The fact that Kevin was so aggressive in dominating Toby (and Toby let him) reminded me that Toby lets people walk all over him and that was not hot at all. Toby definitely should not be a sub to anyone. He needs someone that will cherish him and treat him like their equal and someone that they truly love and respect.

chilliwackbc2020chilliwackbc2020almost 4 years ago

Great story, and so glad Toby had a couple of great experiences, and find his love for life.................

Tink22004Tink22004about 6 years ago

I loved this story! I would love another chapter of the two of them, but I always want more of the stories I love. You are a very talented writer and I have greatly enjoyed the stories you have published on here.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

This was beautifully done...as is your entire body of work!! A wedding epilogue would be great...but not pushing, :-) we'll take whatever we can get from your stories! Thanks for sharing the talent...AWESOME!!!

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