Jake's New Mommy Ch. 01


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"Fuck, that feels amazing," I said.

Letting go of my cock, her hand flew to my cheeks. She squeezed my face painfully. The blanket fell to the floor, exposing me. "Now, now! You should know better than to use cuss words in front of your own mother!"

Not even my arousal could keep me from glaring at her. My real mom had scolded me all the time. She hadn't put her hands on me in ages though. Even then, I would respond with even worse language until she made a meaningful threat, like taking away my video games.

This woman wasn't my mother, but the emotions were similar. It almost felt real. I wanted to scream and curse at her. I wanted to run far away. My cock throbbed in protest, urging me to submit. It needed this woman's hand wrapped around it, my pride be damned.

Lust, I realized, was a far stronger emotion than anger.

"I'm sorry, Mommy," I said through squished lips.

"That's what I thought." She let go of my aching cheeks and made a fist around my cock. "Go on. then. Make love to Mommy's hand. Show her what a big boy you are."

Cheeks flush, I began to rock my hips back and forth, lifting my ass slightly to fuck her warm, smooth hand.

The woman laughed. "That's a good boy. Hump your mother's handpussy!"

Following a dirt path, the car was rocking heavily now. My body burned with shame, but I didn't care anymore. I wanted to feel good, for once. I wanted to experience what the guys at school already had. So I tried to time my thrusts with every jolt and bounce, desperate to fuck her hand.

"Do the girls at school do this for you?" When I didn't answer, she raised her hand and loosened her grip. "Answer me!"

"They don't," I confessed, looking away from her. "But I always wanted them to."

"Have you even had sex with a girl?"

I humped harder, catching mostly air. "I don't know."

Her hand moved higher. I could barely keep the head of my cock inside. "I'm disappointed. We were building such an honest relationship!"

"No, I've never been with a girl!" I confessed. "I'm a total virgin, Mommy, so please!"

Grinning, she put her hand around my shaft and gave it a tight squeeze. "I love honest boys. Bounce up and down, my little hand-humper. There you go. Now, who's my big strong virgin?"

"I am," I squealed, bouncing my hips wildly, loving her touch, her voice. I was an animal immersed in its biological needs. I just wanted to fuck, to cum, to explode! A split second before I reached climax, her hand pulled away. I thrust at the empty air, eyes wide, gasping, "Mommy, no!"

Chuckling, she turned the key in the ignition. The car went quiet. The console went dark. I could see her huge curvy shape in the shadows. "Relax, sweetie. Just breathe."

I wanted to cry. I was seconds from the most powerful orgasm of my life. Why had she let go so suddenly? I leaned against the coldness of the car window, sweating profusely. It was difficult to see anything outside the car. The stars were brighter than ever, and I could see the silhouettes of treetops cutting into them.

I swallowed dryly. "Where are we?"

"Somewhere we can be alone."

A chill ran down my back. It was the sort of nightmare scenario you only saw in horror films. What sane person drove out to places like this? What was this woman planning? In all honesty, I was hornier than I was terrified. I would have probably accepted a gristly death if it meant I finishing that orgasm.

Taking the opportunity, I threw myself against her shoulder and wrapped my arms around her soft body. My right arm draped across her tits. The fabric of her dress was silky smooth. I clung to her like I'd never let go. "I'm scared, Mommy!"

"It's okay to be scared." She stroked the back of my head. "Mommy is brave enough for the both of us."

"You're incredible." I squeezed her tight, loving her warmth, and how her softness seemed to absorb me. I wanted to fondle her breasts, to kiss her neck, to experience this woman in full like a man ought to do. But I knew by now that it was not my place to take charge. I wanted to be a man, but she wanted to be my mommy. Our needs weren't compatible, and hers seemed so much stronger than mine.

"Listen to me, Jake," she said, stroking my hair.

"I'm listening, Mommy."

"Do you want me to protect you?"


"Do you want me to love you?"

"I want that so much."

"I can take very good care of you. I can make you feel things most boys can only dream of. But nothing in life is free. A boy must trust his mother with all of his heart. That's what I want from you. Trust. Obedience. Love. Desire. You will dress how I want you to. You will behave how I want. You will accept every punishment and reward that I deem fit."

"That sounds fine with me," I quickly agreed.

She chuckled. "I want more than lip service, sweetheart. Your devotion needs to be real." She grabbed my wrist and brought it to the hem of her dress. "Here's your chance to prove it to me."

I slipped my hand under the dress, knowing what I had to do. I grabbed a handful of warm smooth thigh, and it was enough for my balls to clench in anticipation. She was curvy, but I could feel the power beneath the thin layer of fat. It was almost mesmerizing, to finally lay hands on her. I caught myself drooling.

"Move your hand higher," she said. "Don't be shy."

I touched the lacy band of her panties. Already I could feel the heat of her pussy. There was a dampness to the warmth, and the smell was intense. I carefully reached between her legs, touching gently the hot throbbing bulge there. Her pussy was large and firm, nothing like I'd imagined it to be. Pulling the lacy waistband out of the way, I prodded with my fingers and found something huge and fleshy. It was long, and hard.

"You have a cock?" I exclaimed, pulling my hand away.

"Don't be so frightened," she laughed, grabbing my wrist. "I'm your mommy, but this..." She slapped the meaty monstrosity against the palm of my hand. "This is your new daddy."

The most beautiful woman I had ever met... The woman I was planning on losing my virginity to... had a cock.

She had a huge fucking cock!

Somehow, the fact her dick was huge made it all the more frightening--and meaningful. I stared at the shadowy silhouette of her upright rod. Listened as it slapped against the palm of my hand. A dollop of hot precum splattered my arm. A few drops even tickled my chest.

I sat there, stunned, allowing her to slap that throbbing mass against my hand. Truth be told, I didn't have a gay bone in my body. Or at least I didn't think so. As much as I got teased at school, none of the guys questioned my heterosexuality. I made sure of that when Jerome, one of my asshole friends on the football team, called me a slur in the locker room.

He was one of those guys who won the genetic lottery, blessed with both height and dick size. I had always considered myself about average, but when he suggested I swung the other way due to our difference in cock size, my vision went red. Swinging wildly, I nailed him a few good times, mostly thanks to the element of surprise, until the gym teacher pulled us apart. No one called me a faggot again after that.

From what I could tell in the dark, this woman would make even Jerome look small.

"But I'm not gay, Mommy," I whispered. "I'm a boy who likes girls."

"Don't be silly. We both know I'm more of a woman than you are a man." She said those words so easily, like it was a matter-of-fact observation. Her confidence was irresistible, and I almost found myself agreeing with her.

Before I could utter a response, she took my hand and wrapped it around her hot sweaty girth. The darkness only emphasized how large she was. I couldn't even fit my fingers all the way around her shaft.

She said, "Now, I want you to introduce yourself properly. Say, hello, Daddy."

"Hello, Daddy," I managed to squeak out.

"I can already tell we're going to be such a happy family. And like in any happy family, it's important to keep Daddy happy."

I squeezed the root of her shaft, more of a reflex than anything else. I wish I hadn't done it, but I'd spent countless nights with my hand wrapped around my cock.

"But Mommy, I'm straight," I said.

"So am I." She kissed the side of my head. "And I wouldn't have it any other way."

"I don't think I can make myself do this."

"You don't have to do anything, love. I'm not going to force you. But think this over carefully before making a decision. This is your last chance to decide whether you want me as your mommy or not."

"But if I say no, you'll throw me out of the car."

"Oh, you silly thing. Do you want me to threaten to kick you out so you have an excuse to give in? We both know you don't want to say no. Did you think I didn't notice how you looked at me when you first got into the car? You adore me. And the best part is, I adore you too!"

Her cock twitched in my hand. I gave it a few slow tugs. It wasn't as awful as I thought. It didn't help that my cock was still rock hard.

"Daddy seems to like you too," she said. "Pwetty please, make him feel good. Won't it be nice to have fun together?" Her voice took on a somber tone as she traced circles around my right nipple. "I suppose if you don't want me to be your Mommy, I can drive you straight home. I'll even buy you some clothes along the way. I'll drop you off near your house and you'll never hear from me again."

I squeezed her cock, considering my options. The thought of never seeing her again put butterflies in my stomach. "You'll really take me home if I ask you to?"

"Sure, sweetie. Just take your hand off my cock and cover yourself up with that blanket, and I'll head straight for Galewood Heights. You can go back to being the same loser you always were." She lifted my chin with two fingers and leaned toward me until our faces touched. "But if you'd rather stay with me and be my good little guy, you have to give Mommy a big kiss."

I felt the cool stickiness of her lips against mine, the gasping heat of her breath. The darkness seemed to swallow us, and for a moment there was only the sound of our heavy breathing, the delicate touch of her mouth against mine, the throbbing of her cock in my hand.

Suddenly I wanted her to be my Mommy. There was no doubt about it. It was like a switch flipped in my head. I wanted her with all my heart. Where would resisting get me? I had to give in. I had to taste her. To be a part of her life. The mere thought of losing her almost made tears fill my eyes.

I parted my lips slightly to suckle on her lower lip, moaning with pleasure. She was as sweet and as soft as I imagined her to be. She welcomed me with her tongue and I gave her cock a few deep pumps. The size of her cock astonished me. I could feel the veins running up its length, feeding life into her immense womanhood. It was the kind of cock that existed within the confines of the internet. Not something you ever saw in real life. Not even in locker rooms.

"That's good. Explore me with your fingers. Don't be shy. Here, hump my hand while you do it. Pretend it's one of those girls you always wanted to lose your virginity to." I felt her lips smile against mine. "Are there any you have in mind?"

"I guess I always liked a girl named Tiffany," I confessed between kisses, between strokes, desperate to be her obedient hand humper.

"Tiffany. What a pretty name." She spoke so close to me that I felt her breathe every word. "Tell me about her. What did she look like? Be detailed."

"She's so hot, Mommy, with dark hair and amazing legs. She's tall and beautiful and has the sweetest smile. We sat next together in lab. We would do our projects together then spend hours talking on the phone. She was always so nice to me."

I felt Mommy's lips pout against mine. "But she didn't want you, did she?"

"No, she didn't." For some sick reason, admitting to my romantic failure made me hump Mommy's hand even harder. It made me angry to feel this way. I gripped her cock and pumped her furiously, wishing she could feel the same pain that I could. But Mommy only moaned with pleasure, chuckling softly.

"Why didn't you ask out Tiffany?" she asked.

"I did! Sometimes she'd sit with her knee against mine. I always thought we'd end up dating. But when I asked her to the dance she said no."

"Because she found someone else to go with?"

I whimpered. It was scary how easily Mommy saw through me. "Yes, Mommy."

"Explore my cock, Tiffany," she said. "Like you did for the boy you went to the dance with. The boy whose name wasn't Jake."

I obeyed my mommy without question. I tried making a fist around her cock, gripping at the base. Her cock was at its widest there, and I could feel the slight fuzz of pubic hair tickling my pinky finger. I let my hand slip under her balls, feeling the loose skin of her scrotum. I weighed her balls in the palm of my hand. They seemed so heavy and full, bigger than my balls for sure. I wondered if Tiffany felt the same way after she had gone home from the dance with Jerome...

"It's not fair, is it? How everyone else gets to have fun and feel good while you're stuck at home humping your hand? Well, it doesn't have to be that way. You have Mommy to take care of you now." Her cock throbbed in my hand. "See how much I like you? We can feel so good together. All you have to do is commit to being mine."

I gripped her shaft again, testing her firmness beneath her huge mushroom tip. She moaned into my lips, licking my teeth, flicking the tip of her tongue against mine. Stroking root to tip, it was incredible how much length there was to her cock. In the dark, it seemed to go on forever.

"It's bigger than your little clitty, isn't it?" she said.



"Yes, Mommy," I corrected myself.

"Say it out loud while you fist my cock. Tell me which of us has a bigger cock."

"You have a bigger cock, Mommy." Truer words had never been said. I humped my clitty into her hand in frustration. "Yours is so much bigger and better than mine."

"How does that make you feel?"

"It makes me jealous. And a little angry."

"And a little horny too?"

"Yes, Mommy."


I felt her nose pressing into mine as her tongue snaked to the back of my mouth, tasting me with a long slurp. I marveled at the fact that such a beautiful woman lusted for me so strongly. I licked her back, sucking eagerly, loving the taste of her saliva as I pumped her shaft with wild abandon.

"That's good," she grunted into my mouth. Her fingers found my left nipple. She gave it a few light flicks, as if to encourage me.

For a time we stayed like that, tonguing each other's mouths while I pumped her cock with my fist and humped her Mommy-hand-pussy with my wimpy boyclit. She tweaked and teased my nipples, constantly heightening my pleasure, yet whenever I came close to cumming she knew just the right moment to pull her hand away.

"I'm not like those stupid girls at school," she whispered. "You don't have to pretend to be a real man with me. I like you for who you are. For what you are. Your mommy loves you."

Tears ran down my cheeks, and I started to sob as I kissed her. God, it felt so good to be wanted. I stroked her cock with my hand, slick with precum, twisting and rubbing her length. I could feel her desire, her love, all twelve inches of it, ready to explode. Whenever I reached the root of her cock, her smooth balls seemed to purr against my hand.

"There, there. I'm so close. I want us to come at the same time. Just an innocent little guy and his mommy, sharing a special moment. Wouldn't that be beautiful?"

"Yes, Mommy," I said, fully entranced now, drooling and kissing and crying. I felt her lick the tears from my cheeks. "I want that too."

"Stroke harder. Squeeze the tip at the top. There you go. Now bring it down my length. That's a good boy." She pulled away and gave my nose a little kiss. "Look at me, Jake."

My eyes just have adjusted to the dark, because I could see her face fully now, and those bright green eyes. She was beyond beautiful. It was like gazing upon a work of fine art. When I reached out my tongue to lick her lips, she let me. When I pressed my mouth against hers, she smiled and giggled. She was all the woman I ever wanted. How had I ever thought of resisting her? Of running away?

"I love you, Mommy!" I said, sniffling.

"I love you too, sweetie."

I thrust and humped and she tightened her hand. It felt so smooth and silky around my trembling cock. I grunted and squealed as I began to shoot strings of seed into her hand-pussy.

At the same moment, she bit into my neck, and I felt her throaty moan shudder through me. She grabbed my stroking hand and squeezed it hard, jerking herself up and down, using my fist like a sex toy. Then she raised her big fat hips toward the passenger seat and I felt it, the flood of semen coursing through her balls and into her shaft, a volcano of stinky girl-cum that exploded in the dark.

A wave of wet heat splattered across my chest, my belly, my shoulders, even my legs and my face. She basted me in her womanly seed, and I squealed with delight, stroking out her seed as I continued to cum in her hand, loving her spunky smell, loving all of her with all of my heart.

"I love you! I love you! I love you!" I shouted.

"I know," she said, sounding satisfied.

The last jets of her cum tapered off long after I had finished cumming. I heard some of it dripping from the car roof.

"Mommy, I--"

Mommy shushed me. I felt her hand on the back of my head as she kissed my eyebrows. I was swooning with pleasure, dizzy and stupefied. It felt like I hadn't slept for days.

"Just relax my little love. You're safe with Mommy now."

I smiled as she wrapped the blanket around me, trapping my arms, forming a cocoon around me with all of her thick sticky cum. Her seed was all over me under the blanket, hot and smelly. I couldn't even move my hands without finger it between my fingers.

"Mommy," I began, not even sure what I wanted to say.

"Shh." She kissed me on my ear and whispered, "Just relax. Mommy will protect you forever and ever."

"Yes, Mommy," I cooed, the world spinning, my thoughts hazy. "What do you mean by forever?"

"You can worry about that later. For now, close your eyes and get some sleep. It's a long drive to your new home."

I obeyed my mommy, shutting my eyes as she started the car. I felt her pulling onto the road. She put on some classical music and I soon drifted toward slumber. I didn't know where we were going, and I didn't care. I loved and trusted my mommy. I felt safe.

But part of me was also scared. It occurred to me as I fell asleep that I didn't even know her name.

(To be continued...)

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AnonymousAnonymous1 day ago

I wish there was more!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Where is the next part???

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Loved the story. You gotta keep continuing this series.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

It was going superb until you went freeky. I bailed out there & left a very promising story not to return.

Archangel_MArchangel_M9 months ago

It's truly unfortunate that this incredible setup has been abandoned.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Did not like this it doesn't belong on this incest site it's just a shemale taking advantage of a helpless young man it's just a 2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DaikkennDaikkenn10 months ago

Been two years and no new chapters I was going to give this a 4 maybe a 5 but now it’s a 2 because 2 yrs with out an update is either he’s gone and not going to update or he’s just done with our desire to read his stories so I’m done here.

boomehildaboomehilda11 months ago

Iove the story can't wait for the next part

4Leather4Leather11 months ago

Loved it. Having me wish it was me sitting next to mommy in the car. Please the next chapter.

JackiemichelleJackiemichelle11 months ago

Great story. Please finish his journey. I need to keep reading how you want it to end

someonesGoodBoysomeonesGoodBoyabout 1 year ago

NEED more please!! Great start!

SissyBoy1WarszawaSissyBoy1Warszawaabout 1 year ago

A very wonderful start, a wonderfully put search for yourself by running away from home, seeing yourself as rejected by the whole world and finding a mommy who cared and loved her, despite the question marks or seeing something else, breaking boundaries. I already see myself as Jake, I would love to meet a domineering mom like that. In my mind's eye, I can see Jake changing for his mummy, but I'm curious what his fate will be? Regards SissyBoy from Warsaw, Poland.

Bardzo wspaniały początek, cudownie ujęte poszukiwanie własnego siebie po przez ucieczkę z domu, zobaczenie się jako odrzuconego przez cały świat i znalezienie mamusi która zatroszczyła się i pokochałeś ją, po mimo stawianych znaków zapytania czy widzenia czegoś innego, złamania granic. Już widzę siebie samego jako Jake, bardzo bym chciał poznać taką mamusię dominującą. Oczami wyobraźni widzę jak Jake zmienia się dla mamusi, ale ciekaw jestem jakie będę jego losy? Pozdrawiam SissyBoy z Warszawy, Polska.

LatexZashaLatexZashaabout 1 year ago

Can't wait for part two. Will she turn him into Tiffany

OutlastfateOutlastfateover 1 year ago

Great start, would love to see a part 2!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Omg I stumbled upon this story and I absolutely LOVE it!!! Please make more, I love how small and sexy I feel reading it!

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