Jamaica Vacation


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"Roy saw what was going on and he moved me in front of the glass to have me to watch you two. I was so engrossed in watching I didn't even realize his hand was playing with my tits. It was like watching a train wreck about to happen, knowing I couldn't do anything to stop it. Maybe it was the booze and the pot but watching you two made me hot and when I felt his dick enter me from behind, I just let it happen."

"But then you spent the rest of the night with him." was my accusation.

"And you did the same with her." was her retort.

We were quiet for a few minutes until I said, "I think we were set up."

After a few more minutes she responded with, "I think so too."

We were both silent for the remainder of the trip home. Each of us wrapped up in our own thoughts, neither of knowing how to complete the conversation.

Life returned to normal, neither of us mentioning the fateful weekend until one evening in mid June, as we were preparing for bed, Alicia said to me, "Rachel called today."

"Oh," I said, "Another Waldorf weekend?"

"No," she answered, "the Fourth of July, they are having a pool party. She said we could stay with them and we would fit in with the rest of their friends."

"What did you tell her?"

"That I would have to talk to you first and see what you thought."

Suddenly there was a big elephant in the room with us. We both knew what it was but neither of us wanted to bring it out in the open. Alicia sat there silently, waiting to hear my thoughts and I, not know how to express them.

Finally, I began, "That Waldorf Weekend........."

"Yes.....," she replied expectantly.

"It doesn't seem to have hurt our marriage."

"No, it hasn't as far as I am concerned." Alicia admitted.

"It hasn't for me either and it was exciting."

"Yes, it was for me too."

"When she said we would fit in, she probably meant there would be swinging going on."

"Yes, I thought so too."

"Would you swing?" I asked, trying to put her on the spot.

"Would you mind if we did?" she answered, dodging the bullet.

"Only if we adhered to certain ground rules before we began and agreed to others as we went along."

OK," she said, "do you have any rules in mind?"

"Only the one that Rachel told me in Jamaica. We only do it when we are both present and never when either of us does not know it's going to happen."

Neither one of us ever really said yes to swinging but neither did either of us object. I think we both were excited by the prospect of multi partner sex and in our ignorance of what to expect, were planted the seeds of our downfall.

The weekend of the Fourth dawned beautifully and after unloading the kids at Alicia's parents we got to the Carter's a little after noon. Their house was magnificent, as was their property, with the pool well hidden from prying eyes with well placed shrubbery. It was a good thing too because several of the women were already topless.

We were six couples in all, four others about our age and the fifth about a decade older. She, a beautiful woman in her mid forties, wonderfully endowed with a generous bosom of which she seemed to be inordinately proud, for she was topless also. I was seated across from her during lunch and it seemed to me that her tit was constantly coated with mayonnaise from the chicken salad she was eating from her plate. I wondered what her clothes must have looked like. Maybe they rode higher when she was dressed and wore a bra.

Lunch wasn't finished until almost three o'clock and that's when the serious drinking began. Also that's when the sex started. There were several woman of interest to me but I wasn't quite sure how to approach them and I hadn't scored yet. So I wandered around observing some very public fore play until Ava cornered me. She was the lady of the big bosom.

"You and your wife are new in our group, aren't you?" She asked.

"Yes, we met Rachel and Roy in Jamaica last winter. This is the first time we have been invited."

"Then this is your initiation. Your first time swinging with us?"

"Yes it is."

"How do you like it so far?"

"OK, I guess, I haven't ..... errrr ..... done anything yet."

"Well your wife has gotten right into the swing of it."

"What does that mean?"

"Come with me," she said, and taking me by the hand she led me into the house.

We were standing in the kitchen, looking into the family room where I saw Alicia and two men, all three were naked. There was a layer of smoke in the air and the smell of marijuana was almost overpowering. I saw one of the men lay down on back, his hard-on tilted up over his belly. Alicia, who was obvious stoned, was led by the other man to straddle the supine one and then he guided her to lower herself onto the cock that he was holding upright for her.

I saw the look on her face change from blank oblivion to pure lust as she felt the hard cock penetrate her. She was slowly rocking her pelvis on the cock inside her when the other man stepped in front of her and offered his cock to her lips. She greedily accepted it as one hand went to her pussy to stimulate her clit and the other stroked the proffered penis.

Ava, who was standing behind me, was pressing her tits into my back as her hands reached around me to stroke my erection. "That's my husband she is riding," she said, "and my lover she is sucking. How about we keep it all on the family?"

We did. I bent her over the kitchen table, leaning on her elbows. I wanted those magnificent tits in my hands as I fucked her from behind. Her tits were a handful and so was she and she insisted on another go around before she let me go on to another woman who came looking for me.

I had awakened in the morning in bed with Rachel. She was sucking on my stiffening cock and trying to talk at the same time.

"Ou were wonnnerful lass nighh Errrie, fuhh me aginn."

My cock was obviously a speech impediment. But I complied with her request and, morning mouth and all; I fucked her to a grand climax for us both.

I didn't see Alicia again until I came down to breakfast. She didn't look any the worse for wear; in fact, she looked freshly fucked except she had trouble looking me in the eye. I knew what was troubling her and I felt some of the same. So in order to relieve the tension I said, "I woke up in bed with Rachel. Were you with Roy?"

"No," she hesitatingly denied, "somebody else." not knowing what else to say.

"It's OK," I said, "We both walked into this together, not knowing what to expect. Now that I know I don't think I want a repeat so let's just go home and forget this weekend ever happened."

"OK," she agreed and we made our excuses to Rachel and Roy and left for home a day early.

"This weekend was a bit more than I expected." I offered, "I don't want to do that again."

"But it was exciting."

"I saw you fucking two guys at the same time."

"I was drunk and stoned. I hardly remember what was going on."

"I don't want to ever see anything like that again."

"That's OK. I wasn't looking for it then and don't expect it to happen again."

We never mentioned the weekend again and refused any further invitations from Rachel. I never expected to see either of them again.

Several months went by and I was scheduled for an out of town overnight trip to see a very important client. Alicia told me that she and Sandra Ellison were going to go shopping on the I was to be away and since I would be away overnight, they might stay in the city and take in a show that evening. So I shouldn't call in the evening as I usually did, she would talk to me in morning after the kids left for school. Her mother would look after the kids. It was fine with me since I had no desire to see that show anyway.

As luck would have it I never did get to see that client. He was to pick me up at the airport and take me to meet the people he was negotiating with. I was there to make sure there were no ambiguities or misunderstandings in the contract. He never made it. He was killed in a pile up on the interstate the night before. When I called his office to find out why he didn't show at the airport I got the sad news. All I could do was turn around and catch a flight home.

I tried calling Alicia on her cell phone while waiting for my return flight but all I got was her voice mail. I tried again when I landed and again, no luck. I thought this a little strange since Alicia and her cell phone were seldom parted.

When I got home my mother in law was relieved to see me. She was happy that she could now go home. Alicia had called at 7:30 and had asked her to stay with the kids until morning because the show would be over too late for her to catch the last train out of Penn Station. Alicia would get a hotel room and be home after the kids left for school in the morning.

Now I knew that something was fishy. Most Broadway shows are over by ten, certainly by ten thirty and I know the last train is at eleven thirty, plenty of time to catch a train home. So I called Alicia again and again no answer. If she was in the theater it would be turned off, if she answered she would be lying. She didn't answer.

Then I called Sam Ellison, using as a pretext, making a date to play golf in the middle of next week. I knew he would never take the time off from work but I wanted to know if Sandra would be home. Sure enough she answered the phone and after the pleasantries were over and finding out that Sam was out of town, I said, "We have to get together for dinner."

"You're right," she agreed, "I haven't seen Alicia for ages. I'll call her this week and make a date."

So much for shopping and going to the theater with Sandra. I tried calling Alicia again at midnight, she still didn't answer.

So I called Alicia on her cell phone, at eight forty five in the morning just like I always did when I couldn't get her in the evening. It would be just after she got the kids off to school and she answered the phone cheerfully. "Good morning my wonderful husband."

"Good morning to you sweetheart. Did you have a good day in town shopping with Sandra yesterday? Did you spend all my money on clothes?"

"No," she laughed, "not a dime. I couldn't find anything that I liked. See what a good wife I am."

"Oh, I already know how good you are." I replied, "Kids off to school yet?"

"Yeah," she answered, "I'm just sitting here in the kitchen enjoying my second cup of coffee recovering from getting them out of the house."

"Exhausting isn't it, especially after you have been fucking two guys all night."

"W w w what do you mean by that?" She questioned.

"Look at the caller ID on your cell phone."

"Oh shit" she moaned.

"Yep." I said it's got my name but it's the house phone number. You never noticed. I must be drinking your coffee."

"Ernie, please let me explain......."

"Nothing to explain Alicia, I've got it all figured out. I spoke to Rachel last night; she thanked me for being so broadminded and letting you spend the night with Roy and his friend. She told me she was so surprised when you told her I knew all about it. She didn't think I would ever get into swinging so soon and so completely. Is Roy still there?"

"He left, he's gone to work," was her admission. "I didn't want him here when I spoke to you."

"Thanks for being so considerate." was my sarcastic rejoinder and I hung up on her.

The phone rang several times after that but I didn't answer. Anything to be said now, would have to be face to face.

She got home a little after noon. I was seated at the kitchen table eating a toasted cheese sandwich. She sat down across from me, I didn't say a word. I barely glanced up at her.

After looking at me for a few minutes she gathered herself together and said, "I really messed up, didn't I?"

"Big time." I said and went back to munching my sandwich. I wasn't going to make this any easier on her.

"I'm sorry. No, I'm really, really, sorry. It was a mistake. A stupid, stupid, mistake. I really don't know what I was thinking when I agreed to meet them. I'm sorry I did and it really wasn't worth it."

"Were you sorry after the first time they fucked you yesterday? You must have liked two cocks at the same time. Did you want to get dressed and leave?"

Her hands were one on top of the other on the table in front of her; she couldn't take her eyes off of them to look at me. I heard her murmur, "No."

"How about after the second time?" No answer.

"Or the third time?" No answer again.

"You were with them for almost twenty four hours. How many times did they fuck you Alicia?"

She mumbled something I couldn't understand and I repeated, "How many times?"

"I don't know."

"HOW MANY TIMES?" I was unrelenting. She quietly crying now.

"I'm not s s sure. Maybe f f five........or six.

"And the last time was at about eight o'clock. Just before they left. Just before you kissed them goodbye and answered the phone with, 'Good morning my wonderful husband'. Their cum must have been leaking out of your cheating ass as you said that."

She burst into loud sobs. I got up and left the table.

I called my lawyer and told him my tale of woe. He is a family friend and would not take either of us on as a client in a divorce case. In fact he advised against divorce if at all possible. There is no way that I could keep her out of the house, we owned it jointly, and if I left she could claim abandonment. Stick it out and go to counseling or split and go broke, was his advice.

I moved into the basement playroom and slept on the pull out sofa we had there. She ate with the kids and left my dinner for me to eat alone when I got home. I spent Saturdays with the kids and she had Sundays with them. We didn't even watch TV together. She got to watch if there was no ball game on and I stayed away when she watched what ever.

About two weeks went by before she came to me and said, "Ernie we can't go on like this. The kids see what is happening and are fighting with each other and with the other kids at school. I'm going crazy waiting for the axe to fall. We have to resolve this thing one way or the other. You haven't said anything. What are you going to do?"

"What do YOU want to do?" I retaliated.

"Me?" Alicia said, "I want to crawl into a hole and die, I'm so ashamed of myself. But the kids need us even if you don't want me. I'd give anything to get a chance to make it up to you and be the best wife any woman could be. That was the first time I have ever been untruthful to you and I swear it will be the last. I just want my life back the way it was."

We tried counseling and eventually, I moved back into our bedroom. Eventually, we had sex together again but it was never the same as before when we made love. Eventually the kids got back to what resembled normal behavior. I never had reason to doubt her but I was never sure I could trust her again. Our marriage never was, what it once was, before we went to Jamaica.

So we went on with our lives together for four more years, until our youngest started college. A week after we dropped our daughter off at her dorm Alicia said to me as we sat at the dinner table, "I can't go on like this anymore, I want a divorce."

"What?" was my surprised response?

"Ernie, when you make love to me I know some part of you is holding back. Some part of you still resents what I did with them. Still wonders why I did what I did and will I do it again. I think, maybe you are wondering if I am comparing you to someone else. And some times I find myself trying too hard to please you because I still feel guilty over what I did to you. Every time you touch me I feel myself competing with myself to be a better wife to you than I was before. I can't take it anymore. All I want is my car and half of our savings so I can get started in a new life without the guilt."

By the end of the week she was gone. Two months after she left, she filed for divorce and three months after it was final, she remarried. No it wasn't Roy, it was the other guy that was with Roy the night I caught her. He was loaded, maybe that's why she didn't ask for alimony. Also the hundred thousand she got from our investment account was enough to tide her over,

I found out later, he was one of the guys she woke up with on that swinging July weekend. I think she had been fucking him and whoever else he bought along, for a couple of years before his wife found out that she was being left out of his swinging. I never had a clue that Alicia wanted multiple partners at the same time. When his wife divorced him that opened the door for Alicia to join him and his pals in the swingers club. I figure she must have had him lined up before she walked out on me. She just waited until the kids left home.

I guess she found out that two cocks at the same time are better than one. All I knew was that I was all alone and I wondered if she ever loved me or ever told me the truth.

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AnonymousAnonymous26 days ago

A good cautionary tale.

schulz777schulz7778 months ago

Awful story

2 starrs

redboat7redboat79 months ago

Wow!! I agree with timriv. It could also use a part 2. I liked it!!

AstordatairAstordatair10 months ago

Very sad but very good story. They did everything they could to avoid sitting down and having an open-heart conversation about their needs and expectations. Their downfall was unavoidable. Thank you for your story!

timrivtimrivover 1 year ago

He needed a little revenge on both the wife and her new husband,

The wife’s new husband needs to be mugged and beaten so his Jack never works again. Then he needs to have his ex-wife kidnapped and turned in a whore by some low life pimp who for six months keeps high on drugs and fucked senseless.

Then dump her back with the new husband. By that point with him unable to have sex and her addicted to heroin and se their future together would be pretty bleak. Karma!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

The story ending in Jamaica, the rest was just garbage. A cheating slut is a cheating slut.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
What a cuck

Should have dumped after jamaica. Of course after telling her to go get het panties so she wasn’t commando at security on “HER” flight home to pack and fuck off!

WargamerWargamerabout 4 years ago

For fucks sake some of your characters are dead shot stupid.

Another cuck story I stopped reading half way thru and went to the end for confirmation which I got


AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Why would he be upset?

He got to keep the house and had to pay no alimony. He got rid of a cheating whore that probably has several std's, aids and herpes. I'd say he got a deal.

1 star

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago
Crappy story

Crappy story about crappy people.no.one cares about.

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