Jamie - The Journey Begins Ch. 34 Pt. 01 - Sunny Days


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I gave Ben an 'oops, my bad look' too, as I grimaced again, pulling Steph into another hug. He had sensed something was up, somehow, steadying me a little with his arm across my lower back and resting on my hip. "Thanks, Tim-tam," Stephanie was giving me that know-it smile... "I see your ninja skills are as good as ever, huh?"

"Well, you know we all have skills, mine-Ninja," I tried to laugh it off but fuck my ribs hurt. With that the four of us walked arm in arm up the drive. Steph was holding little Logan.

"So, Tim-tam, I've got-well, we've got some news." We stopped walking, turning slightly facing my sister and brother, and little Logie too. "Todd I want to tell you first before everyone else."

"What's the go? Everything ok?" I was a little surprised, my mind running to maybe something bad has happened.

The smile on Todd's face was like the sun. "Yeah, we're all good. Couldn't be better." They exchanged looks and started to giggle like school kids. "Ok, so Jamie, Ben, your sister and I are expecting another baby in early November."

Even though I knew, I'd forgotten in the moment. Their delivery threw me off. Sure, Mom let it slip the other week, but it felt so amazing, them telling us face to face, seeing their reactions, and how utterly happy they were. "FUCKING YES!" I couldn't hold back the happiness. I felt like someone had just amped me up to 1 million volts. I was ecstatic!

"I thought until Logan came along that you guys weren't going to have kids." I was so excited that I was speed talking, "And shit, there is nothing wrong with that at all! Look at Mason - I reckon the ship has sailed there. He never seemed the parent-type." 'Oh shit, here I go again, off on a tangent. Back to the topic Jamie,' - this all delivered in rapid-fire speed.

"But you guys... another wow! That is just amazing. And you, Todd..." - I kissed his cheek -- "...you big stud, you, hmm..." I continued, giving him a real slutty look, then bursting into laughter. We all did.

"You know they are so gonna hook up if something happens to us, Ben, right?" Steph deadpanned to Ben.

"Haha, totally believe it ... with Lucas looking on." Ben replied.

I felt my face redden, but I knew he was just joking about it. "Looking on, no way, a three-way for sure. You heard about that too, huh?" Todd answered.

Steph looked that him with a mix of surprise and mock outrage. "You, Todd Werner, ... you're just pissed that you missed out. It was years ago."

Todd mock pouted for a moment. "Yeah, it was like the only night I hadn't been at your parents place for three weeks, and they go do that without me," he pouted, crossing his arms like a spoilt brat, but a killer smile too.

"I gotcha! Next time, ok? Promise." I gave Todd a wink.

"Make sure you're around for Hailey's birthday, Todd." Ben smiled.

"Why, Benny?" Todd always called Ben 'Benny' from almost day one. it was their thing. I loved how my family accepted Ben and made him feel special, involved, connected.

"Jamie and Lucas are doing a porn show for her."

My sister looked at me, then Ben, then back to me. "What? Did I miss something?"

"I'M IN NOT MISSING OUT THIS TIME!!" Todd blurted out.

Ben just shook his head, laughing. "You know, Todd, one day you're going to say that, and they will take you up on it, and I'm sure Stephanie will let them teach you a lesson. I might even help arrange a hall pass for Lucas and Jamie. Then you'll see."

We all started to laugh at that. "Ben as long as we get to watch," my sister replied.

"Todd can, as long as I get to watch," she deadpanned. I almost fell over.

Lucas and I had half-joked, half-wondered, what it was like - Todd's meat bat, or should I call it a human python? At 10 1/4 inches, it was fucking huge. Okay I'd seen it a few times at three-fourths strength. When you've been around each other for years and sharing houses, rooms, or holidaying, it's gonna happen - not that Todd put on a show or anything. It was just more we boys were all comfortable with each other and our bodies.

I remember when we convinced Step to measure it for us. Before they were married, it was a thick fucker too. Not that I've ever thought of doing anything with my brother-in-law, just wow... right, that's some big dick energy right there. But Todd is the nicest guy, an absolute sweetheart that worships the ground my sister walks on, they are so in love.

Todd half-closed his eyes and smiled in thought: he wasn't sure if she, or we, were joking.

We were all having a little hug when I heard voices coming from the street. Lucas, Hailey, Uncle Reid, and Aunt Ann Marie turned the corner, with another onslaught of kisses, hugs, but strangely, no baby news from Steph or Todd. I was just about to blurt out 'Hey, you forgot something' when Ben poked me in the rib, then thought on it as I almost dropped to the ground in pain. Fuck, it hurt!

I looked up at him for a second, wondering what I had done wrong. His eyes were large like dishpans mouthing, 'I'm so sorry, Skip,' while he discreetly shook his head at me.

"Oh yeah, they must be going to tell everyone at once," I whispered, kinda grunted, still trying to get my breath back.

Ben returned with the coolers for his mom as I herded the ever-increasing crowd along the driveway into the yard. As Ben walked past me, I leaned in. "Guess I'm not getting that coffee now, hey..."

'I know' he mouthed back.


Steadily over the next hour, most of our combined families arrived. Josh and Zoe, Aiden, and Amanda Spence all filed in with kids and food. Ben's brother, Daniel, and Ella arrived with Jules right behind them. Every time I looked around the yard, there was someone else waving, or another couple of kids zigzagging in and out of the adults. Gotta say, it was pretty cool, actually.

I was heading down toward the BBQ area. Hailey, Ella, Amanda, and Jules were all gathered on some chairs. The future mothers' group I guess... kinda what Ben's and my folks were like, I guess, when they were younger - a lot of laughter, lean in talking, and more laughter.


"Hey you, got that coffee yet?" Lucas playfully punched my arm appearing from the crowd.

"Nope. Ben's mom cockblocked us just before you arrived. The kids did the same this morning, and you guys got us yesterday... I swear to God, I'm gonna end up blue-balled before long. This adulting with kids and family sucks balls at times -- plus, Ben told Todd about the sex show for Hails' birthday. He wants in - still pissed that he missed out that night with us."

"Isn't that what you want, balls sucked?" Lucas feigned confusion.

I could see he'd brought his A-game today. "I'm gonna let that go, but 'yes' to the ball sucking, and 'no' to the cockblocking. Come on! Let's see what these women are up to. This can only end badly for us... shit, even Steph is in their posse."

"Yeah, ok, let's break that shit up. They all know too much about us all... get a few dirty drinks into them and we'll end up done for." Lucas nodded with a slight look of horror on his face.


"Howdy, ladies. My name is Jamie and I'll be your server today," I said, making a huge false bow in front of the assembled group. "Can I or my assistant, Lucas, get y'all a drink?"

The drinks orders came hot and fast dirty: LLBs were a hit today. Then Hailey stood up. "Um, Lucas, I don't feel so good. Can I get some... OMG water, my water has broken!!"

Lucas' head snapped around, looking straight at Hailey and the small amount of water that was on the ground next to her foot. "OMG Hail's, shit, fuck! Let's go! Jamie, her water has broken! Help me carry her to the car." Lucas was half-panicked, totally like a deer in the headlights.

Me? "Oh shit, yeah, of course! Just go over to the side here. My truck is in the garage. We can use the side door." We both moved forward and took an arm each guiding Hailey a few steps when she started to laugh.

"That's good, honey. Better to laugh than panic or get upset. It's not good for you or the baby." The next second, all the girls started to laugh. Hailey, who was partially hunched forward stood upright with the biggest smile on her face. "You're my hero Lucas."

I stopped and looked sideways at my sister and sisters-in-law. "What the fuck? A prank?"

"Yep, Lucas and Jamie. We got you go-o-o-od," Ella managed to get out while dissolving into fits of laughter.

Lucas just stood there looking at Hailey with a bewildered look on his face. "It's a... it's a joke?" He was totally confused. Hailey was nodding 'yes' while trying not to give birth, laughing so much. "OMG, Hails! That was... OMG, your too good." He saw the funny side of it.

"I have a pair of excellent teachers on how to joke about, hey," she chuckled while looking at Lucas, then me. Her pack of friends were still laughing.

"Yeah ok, gotta give you that. Hailey, 1, Lucas/Jamie, 0," he announced, holding my hand up and drawing on the air scoreboard.


"Hallo -- Hu hu.." came from side gate. Ben's face lit up like the Rockefeller Christmas tree.

"Jamie, look! Ben was excusing himself and heading toward the gate as I looked up.

"Na-NA-NA!" I was almost yelling as I leapt over a table, chasing down Ben.

"Meine liben freunde. Es ist so schön euch zu sehenv."

Informal. "Hi-hi-hi, my dear friends. It is so good to see you."

"G-day mate. Your schoolboy German is still ok. How is my Aussie, mein Freund, Jamie, mein Freund, Ben." Peter and Mia were all smiles. Mitt and Lina have just squeezed past them as Ben and I grabbed the girls and hugged them, then the guys.

"Peter, my god! Did you move to Australia. Your Aussie is so good," I laughed. His German accent mangled the Aussie slang probably as much as my cross-over Aussie/Southern did to German.

We stood there talking and laughing, and shedding a few happy tears too, for a solid 20 minutes. These guys are just amazing. Ben and I had just literally stumbled across them when we were in Frankfurt so long ago, just needing someone to take a picture for us. We ended up spending the majority of the day with them and stayed in touch ever since.

Because our wedding was a bit, ok a lot, of a surprise, we didn't have a chance to get them out for the wedding. So they came out about 6 months later for a week while they holidayed in the States. As the six of us all walked arm in arm toward the rest of the party, everyone wanted to meet them. They were an instant hit, plus Mitt was wearing his lederhosen too, more as a joke between the six of us, but fuck, he still looked good in it.

Before long, our German friends were sitting with my Aussie friends and US relatives on both sides with loads of laughter and talking. Now, the booze and food were flowing.


After escaping the posse of girls who were still congratulating themselves over their prank earlier -- okay, it was pretty good -- they sucked Lucas and me in 100%. I thought I might try and locate my husband, see if I can steal him away for fifteen minutes, and yes, just a quick one. Trust me it's been days. I'm gonna go off like a firecracker anyways.

As I made it to the back deck of the house, I saw Ben inside the kitchen deep in conversation with Trav, Amber's husband. 'Good - at least I know where he is, let me just...' thinking to myself, 'I'm gonna get me some....'

A firm hand grabbed my shoulder, Looking over my shoulder to see who owned that familiar feeling hand, its owner, Daniel - with Aiden by his side -- stopped me in my tracks. "Wow, Jamie! Nice fat lip and black eye! How are the other guys? All fucked up, I guess," Daniel asked.

"Yeah, thanks, Daniel," I meekly replied, okay with a hint of eye roll for good measure. It's got to be like the thousandth time someone made a joke about it. Shit, my eye was almost good. If anything, it looked like I'd had a big night, but it was really just a little mark and a little swollen lip. Ok, a cut and little bit swollen, but shit my lips have looked worse after a hot session with my husband, and, fuck me, if everyone doesn't stop cock-blocking me/us, I'm gonna forget what that feels like. I'm more resigned to my blue balls continuing than being mad.

Daniel smiled a knowing smile. He knew parts of the conversation going on in my head was censored. He leaned a little and rubbed my shoulder while smiling.

"Uncle Reid was the best. He asked if I liked getting my butt kicked by a little old lady. I didn't get the old lady bit?"

"I think he meant it was a bit of a bitch, getting hit a couple of times, but whatever..." Daniel offered.

"So, is this what happens when the moms join forces, hey? There's a sea of people here. Hey Jamie, Dan," Aiden said, pointing his drink at the sea of people across the yard, all swept up in conversation

'Oh my fucking god! I'm never gonna get fifteen minutes with my man at this rate ... deep breath, Jamie, deep breath.' "Yep... If you leave Kate, Lisa, and Aunt Ann Marie alone, this is the result - plus the new cohort down on the side deck getting ready to take the baton from our moms, right?"

"Oh shit! That's scary! I didn't think of that look. Amanda and Zoe are in their element, and your sister is in the middle of it."

"Yeah, hey Aiden that was your life flashing before your eyes. Don't mess with the posse, hmmm?" Daniel offered to us both.

"This is madness, Dan, Jamie. I thought my momma, well your MIL, was a force to be reckoned with, but this is just ... a July 4th cook up. Nothing special, I was told."

I kinda laughed at the minimalist spin the parents had tried to put on all of this. "Except for the fact that almost my entire Spence US family and those visiting were here, not to mention the Rushes too." I thought we had a huge gathering for Australia Day here, but it is just insane, right.

"Yep Daniel, but you know it's your Ella's fault, right?" Looking straight at him and keeping a straight face too, there was solid logic behind that statement. Slowly turning sideways, he gave me that 'what the fuck are you talking about' look scarily like the exact same one his brother does sometimes.

"Ok," holding my hands up in fake surrender, I explained, "I mean that your now-wife was the one that got your brother and me together, Zoe too right! So, if that didn't happen then this wouldn't happen, right?" I thought it was pretty solid logic.

Daniel stood there silently, gently shaking his head every few seconds like he had a bug flying in his ear or something. "Jamie what the fuck have you been drinking? I know you and Lucas can be dumbasses at times, but man, that...that takes the cake."

Aiden was but seconds away collapsing in fits of laughter. I could see it in the shocked expression on his face. "Sorry Daniel... had to jump in there. Your brother is a brave man or dumb one for not knocking some sense into my cousin here."

"Ben says his thoughts are an acquired taste, still - after all this time! Like, don't go with your first reaction to whatever is coming out his strange talking Aussie mouth. Go with the most obscure weird possibilities and you'll get it."

"Nah, it's not an Aussie thing. Lucas is pretty much the same at times. I think our moms dropped them a few too many times as babies, haha."

"Ok, I'm not sure if I should be offended here, or that this is just another piss-take, but anyways, y'all want another beer? I need one now." Both boys held up their three-quarter empty drinks. "Be right back," I acknowledged with a nod as I headed to the back door of the house. I had to get hold of Ben or, I swear, I'm gonna throw him down.... The first place I can find, corridor, mudroom benchtop, the garden... I was beyond caring for where.

'There he is!' My eyes were drawn to him as I opened the screen door. 'Okay, I've got the exits covered,' I thought while looking around the room. My mind was racing as I scanned the kitchen - it was overflowing with another small sea of people. Ben was over to one side chatting to Lucas and his mom, Lisa. In amongst saying hi and exchanging kisses to random family and friends while weaving through the crowd of people that were now filling up my kitchen, I had arrived at my destination.

"Hey sexy," I winked at Ben, while wrapping my arm around my mother-in-law, Lisa Rush. She'd become accustomed to her Aussie son-in-law's humour somewhat now.

"Hi Jamie. You come to steal my son away again?" she replied with a smile on her face.

"If that is alright, ma'am. I need his help with something for a moment or two."

"Sure," she kissed my cheek. "You two go say hi to people. Send my grandbabies my way."

"Absolutely ma'am. Expect Ava, Asher, and the rest to be incoming right-away," I replied with an air of confidence that I normally reserve for the fireground. Grabbing Ben's hand, I gently pulled him toward the back door. I thought it would be too obvious if we cut across the kitchen in the direction of the bedrooms. Ben offered no resistance - he was light on his feet. As I looked over my shoulder at him, a cute smile told me he knew.


As we walked out back of the house, I handed Daniel and Aiden their refills just as Harper, Zoe, and Ava squealed while being chased by Asher and Noah. "Hey kids! Run toward Grandma Rush. She's in the kitchen - she's running low on hugs and kisses, plus she's got a whole batch of fresh snickerdoodles ready to be eaten." Without losing step, the girls swung around and headed toward Ben's mom with the boys in hot pursuit.

"Hey Jamie," a smiling Hailey replied.

"Looking good, Hail's, looking good, I see you've left the posse and made the long trek from the wilds of the back of the yard up to the house." Giving my beautiful cousin a wink, Lucas appeared from the kitchen and sat down beside his very pregnant wife, still walking and not diverting from my destination.

"Oh, hey, cute Texan. Come here often?" I held Ben's hand and gave a very overdone wink, okay, and the biggest smile, nodding over my shoulder in the direction of the mudroom.

"Occasionally, but don't let my husband see you talking to me or holding my hand. He gets jealous and all - you know how those foreign types are," he smirked, looking side-to-side, as if he was keeping a lookout.

Smiling brightly enough to light up the entire backyard, while holding his hand, I stopped monetarily, pulling his hand to my lips and gently kissing it. "Hi! I'm Jamie. What're you doing for the rest of your life?" I asked, looking up into his eyes.

"Oh, just the usual stuff you know - happily married to an Aussie, got a few kids and such. No pet kangaroo, though, which is a bit of a letdown, but guess you can't have it all."

Lucas and Hailey watched us play it up.


"Yeah Hail's."

"Don't you guys ever change, okay?" She smiled.

Smiling at his wife, my cousin is such a kiss-ass. "Don't plan to. Maybe a few grey hairs, but other than that, you're all good here." He leaned in and kissed her cheek.

"Hey Ben, don't be watching those two ... you'll see shit you can't un-see. Plus, you'll end up like Lucas ... all you know ... all." I pulled a face like I'd just smelled my old gym Nikes.

"Think carefully, Jamie ... I know where all the bodies are buried." Lucas remarked.

"Yeah, ok - that's true, actually. So, Ben, could you help me with something for a few moments?" I started to drag him away. Yeah, I shouldn't have stopped to kiss his hand, but couldn't resist. The moment just took me away.

Ben opened his mouth to speak, stopped, then went again - he kinda looked like a fish gasping for air, haha.

"Few moments, really? By the way you've been walking around like a horn dog since last night, I'd say that's plenty with overtime." A smug Lucas chimed in.

I leaned in close, as there were kids and parents, aunts and uncles everywhere. "Get fucked, Lucas, you smart ass." I whispered, while blowing him a kiss.