Janet - the L Club Pt. 02

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Janet continues her development in the L-Club.
5.2k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 04/30/2024
Created 02/25/2024
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Janet woke up the next morning after having had her first day at the L-Club.

She was trying to take it all in. There had been a lot of new experiences during the shift the night before. She had never tried 'gaper panties' before, but was kind of liking the idea of being held submissively open to everyone.

She had slept with her familiar nightly 15 cm. diameter dilator plug. It was the same diameter as her retention plug to allow her to get some rest. She was mentally drained from all the impressions, so she treated herself to a lenient night.

Luckily she was alone and no Mistress Anne or anyone else watching her.

Janet rolled out of bed on her side and she grabbed the note she had read yesterday from her prison Mistress, Mistress Anne.

It described what she was supposed to do in the mornings. She should get out of bed and prepare the smoothie as instructed.

Also, Janet knew that as this was day 2, she would have to present a photo to her new boss Olivia, documenting that she indeed did prepare the smoothie as per Mistress Anne's instructions.

She went to the kitchen and found the blender. She cut up a few apples, added blueberries and poured in some milk. It looked good and appetising to her. Now, the worst part came. The note instructed Janet to add a piece of her morning shit to the blend to make it a 'chocolate smoothie' suitable for a submissive toilet slave girl.

Janet honestly did not want to do it, but she also knew that Mistress Anne had people on the outside that could get to her, did she not abide to Mistress Anne's instructions.

She felt herself stuck in a web of people and control. She did really not have her own free will anymore, but was controlled by someone else. Always. Her mindset had developed over the last 6 months whilst in prison.

Due to it being morning, Janet felt a need to use the bathroom and went towards the bathroom. She pulled out the butt plug from her asshole with some effort and witnessed it being dirty on the top. It was a clear sign to her why she did need to use the bathroom and it did fit well with her morning duties.

She placed the plug on the sink next to her and reached behind her to catch the first morning shit with her fingers. She managed to do so, and let it dump into the blender she had brought with her to the bathroom.

"What a pity destroying such a nice smoothie," she thought to herself. But, on the other hand she was a self-declared toilet girl, so she knew she needed it to maintain her submissive mindset.

Janet finished her business in the bathroom and went to the kitchen to finish the preparation of her breakfast. A very large glass of water to motivate the daily water bottle filling, was also part of the regime for the morning.

She ate some cereal and drank the smoothie with it. It did her well, and she felt a strangely satisfying feeling in her body knowing she followed the instructions set by her Mistress. Mistress Anne still was in Janet's head as her Mistress, even though she was no longer physically with her.

Finishing breakfast and letting the large glass of water go into her; she needed to relieve herself. Being the first morning piss, it would be pungent and strong she knew from experience. Janet grabbed her water bottle and placed it between her spread legs.

She heard the familiar sound of a 'jar' being filled as she emptied herself into the plastic water bottle. It was half-full as she took it and held it in front of her face.

"Nice," she thought to herself. "It's going to be a hot day today, anyway."

Janet was to report at work at 7 PM and as such had the day to herself. She had a few things to prepare during the day, but apart from that, not much to do.

She cleaned the table, and placed her daily plug on the chair, and lubed it up. She squatted and felt it enter her asshole giving her the familiar 'stuffed' sensation she had grown used to and was craving. Standing up, she felt her body being full. She drank one more large glass of water to help fill the water bottle later during the morning.

Janet heard the familiar sound of a text-message on her phone which was left in the living room, and she walked into the living room to grab the phone.

It was a text from her boss, Olivia.

"Good morning, 'Miss Gape'," it started. Janet smiled at the introduction.

"I want to congratulate you on your first day. It was a success, I hear from the customers, so I'd like to say 'Well done'.

Janet, today, I have a task for you before you arrive at work: We do some 'shows' at the club from time to time and given your well-known merits, I have some ideas for new tricks to show. I want you to go to the hardware store downtown and purchase 2 full size traffic cones. They come in different sizes, but I'm sure you know which ones to buy ;-)

Also, on your way back I want you to visit the grocery shop. They have some nice and sizable eggplants and butternut pumpkins. Purchase 4 of each and bring them with you today, as you arrive at work.

PS: I believe you have a photograph to show me when you arrive tonight?



Janet was looking at the text on her phone. Oh - so, all of a sudden she had errands to run that day it appeared.

She packed her bag and looked at the water bottle in the mesh pocket on the side. It was only half full.

"I cannot leave home without a full bottle," she thought to herself. She went to the kitchen tap and filled another large glass with water and drank it.

30 min. later the clock approached 11 AM and Janet started feeling the urge to use the bathroom. She took her water bottle and squatted over it. She let go and heard a strong stream of piss enter the bottle. She easily filled the water bottle to the brim.

"Well - time to go," she said to herself as she placed the warm water bottle in the side pocket of the sports bag.

As she approached the bus stop in front of her apartment, she registered how hot the day already was and grabbed the water bottle to take a large sip of the contents. It was not cool as such, but it was nice to at least get some hydration, given the day's temperature.

She went to sit on the bench by the bus stop and felt her butt plug being pushed into her as she sat down. She reached into the sports bag to find her little plastic piece that she placed beneath her, between her buttocks and sat back onto it. It pressed her butt plug only further into her body and she got the familiar 'impaling' feeling that she liked.

10 min. later the bus approached and Janet got up from her seat. She took the plastic piece in her hand and put it into her back pocket. She boarded the bus and found a vacant seat in the bus. As usual, she preferred the hard seats as they gave her the ability to maintain the 'impalement' feeling. She put the plastic piece on the seat and sat down.

Half an hour later, Janet got off the bus as she was in front of the hardware store downtown. She had been enjoying the 'hidden' impalement during the entire trip, but now she needed to get off the bus. She put the plastic piece into her sports bag.

The hardware shop had a section focusing on construction and roadwork and as such had the requested traffic cones available. They were not a lot different from the 'trophy cone' Janet had 'won' whilst doing the bike race in prison some weeks back, but these ones were proper orange traffic cones.

Janet weighed the different cones in her hand and noticed how surprisingly sturdy and massive they were. She kind of already had guessed what Olivia's idea was with these cones, so she was mindful of the bottom diameter as she knew who would be 'visiting' that area.

She took two cones. One that ended in 25 cm and a larger one ending in 30 cm. She knew she would not be able to take any of them to the floor, but did know that she could sit and rest on them, still getting the stretch Olivia requested.

Janet took a sip of her water bottle. It gave her a good submissive feeling, as she swallowed the now cold piss that was in the bottle.

She went to the cashier line and paid for the traffic cones. It felt weird walking around with large traffic cones in public. As if she had stolen them from a construction work site or something. Luckily, they were still wrapped in plastic, so it did not look entirely like she really stole them.

She walked to the opposite side of the street and entered the grocery store. The first department she met was the vegetable section where she would find what she was instructed to buy. She found the eggplants and chose some that had a hard feel to them. She knew where they would end up later, so made sure they were 'appropriate' for the intended use.

Next, she found the butternut pumpkins. They came in quite a lot of different sizes and Janet chose an array of 4 different sizes. The ones she had chosen went from 10 cm. to 18 cm in diameter. She knew she could handle at least the ones below 18 cm. and was not entirely sure about the large one of 18 cm. Perhaps, if she became horny enough and/or drank enough alcohol she would be able to handle it, she thought to herself.

Janet went to pay for the groceries only to receive a 'knowing' look from the woman sitting in the cashier line.

"Doing 'gardening'...?" she asked Janet with an impressed look to her face as she was looking at the dimensions of the vegetables.

Janet blushed a bit and stammered, "Yeah, it's about that time..." Janet just wanted to get out of that shop as fast as possible.

As she completed the payment, she briskly walked out of the shop and made sure to put all the vegetables into her backpack. She took a zip of the water bottle to console herself.

Man, did she hate being called out like that!

"Okay, what next?" she thought to herself. "It is about all I needed to buy today."

Janet walked back to the bus stop and sat on the bench waiting for the next bus to arrive. It was nice to feel the familiar 'impalement' from her butt plug again as she sat down, and not having to be confronted by nosy cashiers in shops and stores.

As Janet arrived home 45 minutes later, she hastily walked to her front door. It was still a bit weird to be walking around with traffic cones, so she made a fast entry through her front door. She placed the cones on the floor and looked at them.

"They are honestly massive!" she thought to herself looking at the 30 cm. cone towering over the smaller 25 cm. 'brother' next to it.

She placed the bag of groceries on the table and thought to herself, "Perhaps, I should give it a try to see how big they actually are?"

Janet went to the bathroom to find her lube and returned to the smaller cone. She unwrapped it and washed it with a soapy cloth. She stood back and looked at a glistening traffic cone on the floor ready for her squatting attempt.

She squeezed some lube into her hand and applied it generously to the traffic cone. She turned around and pulled on her butt plug to take it out of her asshole. It came out with some effort and given she had worn it the full day, it was starting to show a brownish colour to the top of it.

"Hmm, " Janet thought to herself. "Cleaning time..."

She started licking the top of the plug in her hand to remove the brown colour on the top of the butt plug. It did not bother her a lot as she was used to the taste and sensation given her previous 'occupation' in prison.

Having cleaned the plug, she placed it on the table in front of her. She went to the bathroom to clean out herself as she expected the cone to be quite a massive 'experience' and she needed the room for it. Having inserted the end of the shower head into her rectum, she opened the lukewarm water and let it flow into her asshole.

She squatted over the toilet seat and let go of the water inside her. She did it again and felt clean and empty.

"Let's see what a 25 cm. traffic cone can do," she smiled to herself and went back into the living room. It was still standing on the floor glistening in the light with lube running down the sides of it.

"Here we go," Janet thought to herself and squatted on the traffic cone. She felt it enter her asshole and soon found a 'resting place' as her sphincter started to have difficulties to keep expanding. Janet got off the cone and turned around to see how far down she had gotten.

She saw the lube being cleared about ⅔ of the way down the cone. She was quite satisfied with her own accomplishments and went to grab a measuring tape. Returning to the cone, she measured the place where the lube seemed untouched. 15 cm? It was the same size as her normal retention plug, so not much progress there.

She was struck by a sudden humbling feeling of shame. Perhaps, she was actually not as adept at dilation as she was walking around thinking. Expecting to be taking part in a 'show' later tonight at the L-Club, she all of a sudden could see how that would be a challenge to her as he had bought two cones measuring respectively 25 cm. and 30 cm. in diameter.

She never expected to take them all in, but still - stopping at 15 cm. Already? This was going to be a painful night for her.

Janet stood up on her feet feeling ashamed of herself being unable to demonstrate more than 15 cm. dilation of her asshole.

Time was about 3 PM and she needed to arrive at work in 4 hours. She still did not have a lot to eat yet, so she went to the fridge to find something edible to not arrive completely famished. She prepared 2 sandwiches and had them with sips of her trusty water bottle sitting on her daily retention plug which she had inserted into her asshole as per her usual day instructions.

She cleaned the traffic cone she had experimented with and added both the larger and the smaller one to a large sports bag she had available. The vegetables she still had in her normal backpack.

Some hours later, Janet prepared herself for going to work on her second day at the L-Club. She had the two bags prepared, her butt was plugged and her 3/4 fulll water bottle was inserted into the side mesh pocket. She had managed to refill it somewhat during the afternoon after having had the sandwiches.

Second Day At Work

As Janet arrived at the L-Club the same night, she pressed the doorbell as she did the previous evening.

Olivia answered the door with a smile and with a face full of anticipation, as she was dying to see the 'goods' she had instructed Janet in the text message to buy during the day.

"So, show me!" she said, looking at Janet with the patience of an 8 year old. Janet placed the large sports bag on the floor and opened it to show Olivia the two traffic cones she had bought.

"Why is one of them not wrapped...?"

"I had to give it a try before I arrived," Janet answered with a shy smile.

"Hmm, I see," Olivia answered. "You are cheating already...?"

"Okay, let me see the groceries as well."

Janet opened her backpack and took out the 8 different vegetables she had bought the same day.

"Oh - they look nice!" Olivia said, looking at the large yellow and purple fruits before her.

"Before we forget, do you have a picture you would like to show me?" Olivia said, looking Janet directly into her eyes without blinking.

Janet felt a bit of intimidation from Olivia's gaze, she knew exactly what picture Olivia was alluding to and took out her phone. She found a picture roughly 10 hours old and presented it to Olivia. It was a picture of a kitchen blender containing a 'chocolate' smoothie.

"The date is from today, and the timestamp is from this morning...?" Olivia checked with her eyes focused on the screen.

"That's approved," she said acknowledging Janet's efforts to stay aligned with her instructions from Olivia's friend, Mistress Anne. "I'll make sure to inform Anne of your progress and your behaviour. Don't you worry."

"Janet, we open in 30 minutes, so you now go downstairs and get changed. You will not need 'gaper panties' tonight as that will give you an unfair advantage to the guests participating in our show tonight, but you can continue to wear the large retention butt plug you already are wearing," Olivia instructed Janet who started walking towards the staircase leading to the staff room downstairs.

Janet returned in her maid uniform with stockings and garters. She wore no panties, but had her asshole completely sealed with her own butt plug. It seemed massive to some people, but to Janet this was a day like any other. It would change during the evening, though.

Guests started arriving at 8 PM in anticipation of the show advertised. Janet was not aware of the details of the show being announced, but kind of had a hunch that that would be happening tonight.

The show having been advertised before Janet started working at the L-Club was titled: "The Best Lesbian Slut". It was a show showcasing employees of the club to attract a large audience to the club to maximise sales.

Several of the employees were employed not due to their waiting skills, but rather due to their ability to take large objects in different orifices.

Janet was standing in the bar wearing her maid uniform, plugged and with no underwear as Olivia had instructed. She felt vulnerable wearing no underwear, but also to some extent 'protected' by her large butt plug as nothing could enter her unless it was removed.

She spotted the group of women she had 'entertained' the night before. They already were going heavy on the alcohol and seemed to be having a good time.

"I wonder what they will come up with tonight?" Janet thought to herself. She feared for what they could 'invent' being inspired by after the show tonight.

As the clock struck 10 PM, Olivia, the owner, called for people's attention as she entered the stage in the club.

People stopped speaking to each other and focused their attention on the stage where Olivia was standing with a microphone.

"Good evening, dear members," she said looking at the audience.

"Tonight, we will present the long awaited show to nominate the Best Lesbian Slut of the L-Club."

"We have 4 participants that are going to show you some tricks they have 'up their sleeve' (so to speak)," she continued. "They will be demonstrating acts that you did not even think of. But, to meet your requests as well and you being the audience, you are welcome to throw in challenges to the girls during the show."

"We have a 'suggestion-box' on stage that you are welcome to use to throw in a dare that the girl will take on if she accepts the challenge. To make this fair, if the girl succeeds in performing the challenge, the guest suggesting the dare will have to perform a similar 'dare' to the girl's liking."

"It means that you yourself can be put on stage and asked to take part. There is a veto possibility to that; if the guest simply refuses to perform the dare, she will have to perform cunnilingus/analingus on the girl for 10 min."

"Are we all ready...?" she asked, cheering at the audience.

"YES!" Olivia heard a massive response from the Club.

Music started playing and the first girl entered the stage.

It was a Thai girl, named Aie, employed by Olivia recently. She came from a beer club in Bangkok and brought with her the 'dart-shoot' trick. Aie was a petite girl weighing no more than 45 kg and was very small.

Aie was 26 years old, but had already mastered some impressive control of her vaginal muscles. She was able to shoot a dart from her pussy and hit a target with magnificent precision.

Aie went on her back on a table on stage and spread her legs open. A balloon was found 6 m. away from her and she inserted a single arrow dart into her pussy.

The crowd started cheering and the music was pumping. Aie lifted her pelvis, aimed at the balloon, and forcefully pushed outwards. Both her anus and vagina were temporarily aggressively prolapsed as a result of her pushing the dart swiftly out of her pussy to shoot the dart 6 m. away from her.