Janeway's Balls - Star Trek Voyager

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Captain Katherine Janeway has balls.
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This is something a little different I have been toying with, sweeties. I don't know if I will continue it or not. I don't think I have the tone quite right and I am not sure where I want the story to go. I do know who Janeway's target is for the blind date. If I continue this, I might rewrite these chapters. It depends on the inspiration that hits me. I have SO many ideas as to how to tease you all.

What do you think? Should I continue this?

Let me know in your comments.

Love, Mistress Tawny!

Janeway's Balls

by Mistress Tawny Suede

Chapter 1 - Doctor's Orders

"Please state the nature of the medical emergency!" said the Doctor as the EMH appeared in Voyager's sickbay. "Oh, it's you Captain! What can I do for you?"

The USS Voyager's captain, Katherine Janeway said, "I'm here for the same reason Doctor. The itch won't go away. I need a stronger cream or some other solution. It isn't seemly for the Captain to be squirming around on her chair on the bridge, much less scratching herself indiscretely!"

"Please remove your uniform trousers and underwear and hop up on the examination bed! We have previously increased the cortisone in the creams. We may have to try other solutions! Lean back please!"

The Doctor took hold of Janeway's soft penis and lifted it so that he could examine her testicles. "Hmm they do seem to be a bit larger than normal, Captain. And they are a bit red. There is some slight abrasion of the skin due to what I assume to be repeated scratching. There is no sign of a rash or any infestation of lice or other animal life. You could perhaps trim some of the hair..."

"I like my balls hairy, Doctor, but I will take your suggestion under advisement. As to scratching, yes! That's what I am saying. The itch will not go away. When I am on the bridge it would not be appropriate for the Captain to scratch her balls in full view of the bridge crew. I have to keep excusing myself to my ready room so that I can reach into my panties and give my balls a good scratching! It feels so good to scratch but it only gives me temporary relief. Like this!" she said and then reached down.

Since her cock and balls were free of clothing, she used one hand to hold her penis to the side and then raked the fingernails of her other hand repeatedly and forcefully across her ballsac. Red lines appeared briefly across her skin as she scratched repeatedly and hard. She moaned as the scratching felt so good! And her cock began to get erect!

"Yes, I, um, see what you mean, Captain!" said the EMH. "I can tell you that none of the other crew have complained about their groin regions having similar problems. So I do not believe this to be anything that is endemic to the ship. Similarly no complaints from any of the crew who have accompanied you on recent away missions, so it is unlikely that you have an infection arising from any of those planets, or spacecraft!

"The only contact that is unique to you only is your, um, interactions with Kes. Perhaps I should examine her again?"

"That will not be necessary, Doctor!" said Janeway hurriedly.

"Very well, if you say so!" The Doctor held a hypospray against Janeway's arm and injected her. "This spray contains a more powerful antihistamine. It should give you relief for the next twelve hours." He handed her a tube of cream that he had just synthesized through the medical replicator. "This is a stronger version of the same cream. Same instructions. Use sparingly three times a day. Would you like me to apply some now?"

"Yes please Doctor. I would be grateful!"

Janeway leaned back and the doctor applied some of the cream to her testicles. He held her penis to one side as he did so. Clinically, he remarked, "This handling does not give you additional arousal, I see!"

Janeway smiled, "You aren't my type, Doctor!"

The EMH finished applying the cream. He dematerialized his hands briefly and the cream that had remained on them fell onto a towel he had placed on the work surface for that reason, thereby cleaning his hands completely.

"For my medical records, Captain, have you had any other problems in your groin region lately? You really are best to inform me. If you had told me earlier that first time, with Seska...."

"Yes, yes, Doctor!" The memory still hurt her. Once she finally told the Doctor about the rash, he had informed her that it could only have come from intimate contact with a Cardassian. And so, Seska's deceit had been revealed!

Soon after she had betrayed the ship to the Kazons and then fled with them.

"I will keep you informed, Doctor." replied Janeway grimly. "As you know, the crew of the ship are fully aware that I am transgendered. While I am not the first transgendered captain of a starship - far from it in fact - my sexuality, and the sexuality of all starfleet personel are personal matters. Both as to who they are and as to their preferences as to their partners. Since I present as female, my crew treat me as female.

"My fiance Mark and I had a wonderful, if brief, relationship before Voyager was lost in the Delta Quadrant. Being bisexual, I was more than happy to find a man who loved me for who I am. I was beginning to train him so well, both for fucking me and for taking my cock deep in his ass!

"Much as I love him, I have pursued sexual liaisons here on board Voyager. All as the dominant, of course, since I must maintain my authority and it would not be seemly to have a subservient role in a relationship."

"Yes, I have treated Mr. Kim several times, amongst others, after your aggressive encounters!" said the Doctor.

Janeway smiled. "He has proved to be a splendid plaything at times! But I am glad he does not gossip too much! It is best that my personal tastes are indeed kept private. As to public perceptions, I am quite happy with the crew perceiving me preferring female partners, as they did when Seska was sharing my quarters."

"Seska may not have been the best choice but I thought I should choose a Maquis partner in order to help consolidate the crews!"

Janeway smiled. "I think that if I was to openly take a male lover in the traditional sense, where he was perceived as the dominant, then the only possible person on the ship would be Chakotay. While he is definitely handsome and appealing I very much doubt he would want a relationship with his direct superior, especially a female with a cock larger than his own. And yes, I have seen his when it is fully erect."

"If I may ask, have you been having anal intercourse at all?"

"With a real person, sadly, no. I do very much enjoy having my ass "ploughed" as you have sometimes crudely put it, Doctor." she looked at him with a stern gaze. "But I have had to be satisfied with my dildo and some limited holodeck fantasies."

"As I say, it would not be appropriate for me to have any males on Voyager penetrate me in that manner. When we met the Simolleans to negotiate for some grain and other food stuffs, I had hopes that their ambassador might fuck me. I got him into my cabin and he had a very large cock. Unfortunately when he discovered that I wanted him to fuck me in the same hole as the one that I defecate from, he fled my quarters very quickly! That sadly led to us having to pay an even higher price for the goods we needed from them."

"You do need to get regularly fucked, Captain, or your anal flexibility will be lost!" said the Doctor as he ran his tricorder across her ass.

"I am not concerned, Doctor. The holodeck and my dildo will suffice for now. For the time being there is no shortage of holes to put my cock in on this ship. In fact I have a blind date on the holodeck this evening. Another reason why I would prefer not to have itchy balls!"

" A blind date?"

"Well, I know who my date is, but they are not aware that their date is the Captain!"

"Keep me informed on the itching, Captain!"

Janeway pulled up her trousers and walked towards the exit. "Oh Captain?" the Doctor called after her.

"Yes, Doctor?"

"Please turn me off!"

"Of course," she said. "Computer, end EMH program!"

Chapter 2 - Harry Kim

Katherine Janeway returned to the bridge to complete her shift. Voyager had thankfully not encountered any hostile species for the last two weeks and so the ship routine was fairly relaxed.

Relaxed, but still vigilant. That most recent encounter, with the Borg, had been terrifying. The ship had gone through many troubling pockets of space over the two years it had been traversing the Delta Quadrant on its way home and so they were all glad for the respite.

Tuvok was at the science station. Chakotay was seated in his number one chair. Tom Paris was at the helm, looking very tired. B'ellana Torres must have given him a good work over the previous night.

And Harry Kim was at his station, whatever that was. Even though she was Captain, she was still not sure what Harry Kim did on the bridge; why he was necessary.

Except that she did like to watch him squirm in discomfort. For the past year she had been toying with him, making him her personal project. Oh, the EMH doctor assisted with some of the mental conditioning and physical tweaking. Assisted reluctantly she admitted, but she had had B'elanna Torres tinker with his programming and now the Doctor obeyed her even when his medical ethics might have otherwise made him hesitant.

For the first several months of their voyage, Katherine had been satisfied with her relationship with Seska. But she had had a need for a toy, a pet. Kes partly filled that need. And for a brief while after Seska almost killed her, Kes had been her only continual sexual outlet. But Kes had been... was... too submissive and so she had soon after turned her attention to Harry Kim. She was not sure how much longer Mr. Kim would be suitable for his role on the bridge, whatever that role was.

As she looked over at Harry, Harry blushed and looked away. As per her personal orders to him, he was wearing light eyeshadow and other makeup, including a lipstick close to his own natural lip colour, but which added a sparkle to his lips. Each of his ears was pierced several times and he wore a Bajoran earring in his right ear, which signified to those who knew that he was open to sexual encounters with other men.

His hair was long as she had forbidden him to cut it, and it was styled to look very feminine. His shoes had slightly raised heels.

Oh fuck it, Janeway thought, it was still several hours until her date and she needed some relief! She rose and said, "Mr. Kim. My ready room please!" Harry looked up, a bit startled, but he immediately made his way to the door to the captain's private office, swaying his hips as she had instructed him to. He was a pace behind the captain, but she stepped aside and waved him in, saying "Ladies first!" He blushed again as he preceded her.

Harry was embarrassed. He didn't know why the Captain had picked him to tease and humiliate. What had he done to deserve this? He had begun his assignment on Voyager as a virile straight ensign. But over the past several months the Captain had made him appear to be a gay faggot who was eager to satisfy any man on the ship with his mouth or his ass. And she made him dress the part!

But he wasn't gay! He wanted sex with the Delany sisters! He wanted sex with women, not with men! He hated the idea of sucking cocks and being fucked in the ass. But sadly that was the only sex he got since Janeway had started paying attention to him.

Harry had joined the crew just before Voyager had been whisked into the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker's array. He had read the captain's official biography on the crew manifest that was available to everyone, just as he had read up on everyone of higher rank to him. He had been surprised to find that she was transgendered. Without that official confirmation, he would have assumed she was fully female but just a bit more masculine than the norm with perhaps a slightly huskier voice.

But her gender had no influence on how he thought of her, and their mission. At least not until late one night, ship's hours, when he had been sitting alone in the mess hall, reading on his datapad. The captain had sat down beside him, a coffee cup in front of her. She had been a bit drunk. They had a short conversation, but soon her hand was resting on his thigh, rubbing it. She had remarked that he looked cute when he blushed and then had leaned in and kissed him.

He tried to push her away. It was not right for a lowly ensign to be kissing the Captain. She had looked at him with a bit of anger and perhaps it was in that moment that she had made her decision to make his life miserable. She had kissed him more forcefully and he had given in. Her tongue invaded his mouth and her hand reached for his groin. Then she taken him by the hand and led him to her quarters.

Had he been curious about her? He didn't think so. But her words had played with his mind and she had teased him until he had found himself naked on his knees between her legs. She was equally naked. Her toes had played with his hard cock as she had forced her own dick past his lips and then she had guided his head to bob up and down on her cock. He had never wanted to suck a cock and had not particularly enjoyed the experience. She had not cum in his mouth, at least not that first time.

Because he soon found himself bent over her table, crying as she slid her cock in and out of his ass. That is where she had come, seeding him with her jism. And when she had finished she had made him suck her cock clean, like a good obedient ensign should.

That was the first time. And there had been many others since. Harry had become accustomed to sucking her cock and having the captain vigorously shag his ass. He couldn't say that he ever liked any of it, and he certainly never asked for her attention, but he had come to be a reasonably acceptable vessel to receive her cum.

And of course, it was not just Janeway's sexual advances that he had to endure. Over time, she had made him get his ears pierced and to start wearing some makeup. She had forced him to admit at one staff briefing that he had decided that he himself might be transgendered, or perhaps just bisexual, and at that meeting Janeway had applauded and encouraged him to explore his true nature. In private she had forced him to approach other male crewmates for sex.

He had not wanted any of this. He was a man. He wanted sex with women. Tom Paris never touched him. He just laughed at his sometime friend. Chakotay had no qualms about taking advantage of Harry's mouth and ass though. And he could be very rough at times. As could Janeway herself.

Harry often found himself in sickbay, asking the Doctor for healing creams to soothe his well fucked ass. Or for the Doctor to use his medical tricorder to heal welts left by whips or birch canes that Janeway materialized from the replicator in her quarters.

Taking her treatment of Harry a bit further, Janeway had ordered the Doctor to begin Harry on a regimen of female hormones. While Harry's skin was now smoother and he was susceptible to mood swings, he had not shown any signs of breast tissue growth. But his dick was limp all the time now. Much to his disappointment.

And to help him more easily take the cocks of Chakotay and other Voyager crew, Janeway and the Doctor had required Harry to wear a buttplug constantly. And they had increased the size a couple times over the months. The captain would surprise inspect Harry every once in awhile so he was never able to skip a day of having his ass plugged.

Such as right now, in her ready room. Janeway took a seat behind her desk and instructed Harry to walk back and forth in front of the desk. She was making sure that he was walking with the bit of swish with a limp wrist that she required of him. God, she really loved humiliating this ensign, she thought, as her cock twitched - and her balls itched!

"Take down your pants, Mr. Kim. And bend over!" she ordered him. He did so, without hesitation. He did not need another caning! He wore no underwear, as per the Captain's standing instructions. He reached back and pulled one ass cheek aside so that Janeway could see the butt plug was buried in his ass.

"Very good, Mr, Kim. Very good!" said Janeway. "Now get on your knees and crawl here!" Janeway sat down, her pants already around her ankles.

Harry needed no further instructions. He crawled to her, opened his mouth, and took the head of her cock into his mouth. He rolled his tongue around the spongy head of her dick and then slowly took the entire length into his mouth, and throat. She had an average size dick, but it still pushed past his gag point. He had become used to holding his breath as her pubic hair teased his nostrils.

As he bobbed his head, he took his hand and scratched her balls. Janeway sighed in relief, and pleasure. Harry now sucked the cocks of many men on Voyager. Some wanted their balls licked, some wanted them sucked, but no one wanted their balls scratched, other than Janeway.

The captain wiggled her hips about, increasing the pleasure from Harry's sucking. She tensed herself but then pushed his head back. She was using him to edge herself, close to cumming. But finally she pushed him off without finishing. She had enjoyed his mouth, but she wanted to save her cum for her date tonight. Though she suspected that she might cum several times when she did.

"You may go, Mr. Kim. By the way, the stockings look very fetching!" As per her instructions, Harry was wearing a garter belt and stockings under his trousers, but no underwear."

"Um, uh, thank you, Captain!" he replied, with his head down.

"Mr. Kim..."

"Yes Captain?" He now looked up at her and saw the mischievous smile on her lips.

"At the next staff meeting, I am going to inform the crew that you have asked, and I have agreed, that staff from now on refer to you as Ms. Kim in formal situations, and as Harriet in casual conversation. I will have your official starfleet records altered as well. Congratulations!" she smiled, and waved him out.

Will this never end, thought Harry! How can I escape this?

But there was no escape from Voyager!

Chapter Three - Dear Sweet Kes

At end of shift Janeway headed straight for her quarters. She was eager to shower, shave and change for her date this evening. Yes, shave. She still enjoyed the sensation of lathering her face and using an old-fashioned razor to clear her face of any hair. Just as she enjoyed keeping a thick patch of public hair, and loved the feel of the hairs on her balls. She had lived most of her life as Thomas O'Hara Janeway and had even married a woman and had a daughter with her immediately after graduating from Starfleet Academy, before the overpowering urge to explore her feminine side. She had slowly altered her physique to a more feminine nature over the last five years and it was only in the most recent two years that she had lived full time as a woman. Well, a woman with both breasts and a cock.

She loved her cock, and her balls, and never planned to fully transition. As was her right as a Federation citizen. But as well as keeping some of her male body parts, she also kept some of her masculine habits, and shaving was one of the pleasures she refused to give up. Yes, the hormones had made her facial hair much lighter, both in colour and in texture, but she still had to eliminate the fuzz from time to time.

Janeway exited the turbolift one hundred meters from her cabin. In the final few meters of her walk she experienced the same feeling that many older people felt. She had to piss! She had to pee, immediately. Why did this always happen. No need to urinate most of the day, and then just moments from a toilet she thought she was going to make a mess in her uniform. In fact as she waved her hand in front of the sensor, she could feel a small squirt from the tip of her penis into her panties.