Janus Coins: John's Story - Ch. 03


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"God no," I said to her. "Am I in trouble if I ask for a Screwdriver?"

She smiled at me with a shrug. "You're drinking it, so what do I care if you want something boring? I just pour them."

The bar had a decent turnout, especially for just opening, and it certainly felt a bit more dangerous than any place else in Iowa City, but it was still sort of the last choice, I think, at that point, anyway. I didn't realize it then, but by next fall, Night Before would be the hottest bar in town. It was owned and run by women, and because they controlled everything about it, they could push the envelope as far as they wanted to. You ever see that movie, Coyote Ugly? Yeah, it was a lot like that place, only less country and more punk.

The bartenders were a great looking bunch of women, most of them dressed provocatively, tight shirts, tight jeans, a surprising lack of skirts until I realized that a number of them liked to hop up and stand on the bar regularly, and they were all heavily flirting with the customers, although they also had pretty clearly drawn lines, and it seemed like most of the guys knew to respect them.

(For most of the next year, I was something of a regular at Night Before, and only a couple of times did I see someone try and get handsy. One of those two times, the guy got picked up by the police. The other time, the guy got picked up by an ambulance and the police came along with it. Neither time did any of the girls have so much as a scratch on them.)

"Here you go, John," Teresa said to me, sliding a Tom Collins glass over to me. "One boring ass Screwdriver. I may have put a bit more vodka in it than you're used to, though."

Shannon leaned against me firmly, pressing her body against mine, her hand giving my butt a squeeze. "Drink up quickly, Johnny boy," she said to me. "I've got a date with whatever's inside those jeans of yours."

"I think it's a cock, Shannon," Teresa teased, while I took a good draw from my glass. She wasn't kidding; she'd definitely gone hard on the vodka.

"Then aren't I a winner?"

"Before you go, lemme talk to both of you in the break room, okay?" Teresa said. "Hey Rochelle, cover me for five minutes, okay?"

"Are you serious?" one of the other bartenders said. "We need all hands on deck tonight!"

"Either you cover for me now for five minutes, or I'm not covering for your cigarette break later tonight."

Rochelle sighed, shaking her head. "Momma needs her puff puff. Take your five, but no longer!"

"Yes ma'am," Teresa said, grabbing me by the wrist, pulling me down along the bar until we reached the end, where she slipped under a gate and then led me and Shannon through a door that said "Employees Only," closing it right behind us.

"He's gonna fuck you, Shannon," Teresa said to the girl draped over my shoulder. "You don't have to pretend to be all wasted. You've had, like, two drinks all night."

"Awww..." Shannon said, standing up straight suddenly. "You're no fun." Once she did, I realized the leather boots she was wearing had two inch heels on them, and they made her stand taller than me. I didn't care, but it was still a surprise. "Anyway, a door opens," she said, extending one hand to her roommate.

"A door opens," Teresa said, shaking her roommate's hand. "So I gotta work until past bar close, so why don't you go home, have a test run with Shannon, and then tomorrow midday, I'll get my first shot, so we're not stepping on each other's toes. Sound fair?"

I was about to answer, then I realized she wasn't talking to me. "Yep, sounds square to me, although I may get a bit of fun in with him in the morning. We'll try and keep the volume down."

"Shit, Shan," Teresa laughed, "there's a whole living room between your bedroom and mine, so as long as you're not breaking the headboard on the wall, you should be fine."

"I don't even have a headboard, Ter," Shannon giggled. "Anyway, we shouldn't keep you."

"Yeah, I should get back to work," Teresa said, "but before I do--"

She grabbed the front of my shirt and pulled me in to kiss me with a bit more heat than Shannon had laid on me a few minutes ago, her other hand sliding down to grope my cock through my jeans, giving it a squeeze. After a moment, she pulled back and shot me a cocky little wink. "That gun better have reloaded by the time I'm up tomorrow afternoon, mister."

"I'll do everything I can, ma'am," I said with a smile, "but I'm only human."

"We can work on that," she giggled. "Now scoot, before I miss out on all my good tips for the night. Oh, wait, John, one thing before you go..."

"Yeah?" I said, my hand on the door knob.

"Who was the better kisser?" she said with a Cheshire cat grin.

"That's not fair! I didn't even know we were competing when I kissed him!" Shannon protested.

"Then give it another go, so he can make a fair comparison!"

"I will!" Shannon said before spinning around, grabbing the back of my neck, pulling me down to mash my lips against hers, and this time, it was clear that she was trying to impress me, as her lips parted almost immediately, and she hummed slightly as her tongue hooked against mine, her hips grinding into my just a little bit. Thank god I didn't have the coin in my hand that time.

When she pulled back, she patted my chest with the palm of her hand. "That'll let you make a fair comparison," she said with a nod.

I knew I couldn't lie so I just let the words slip from my lips. "It was very close, but Shannon edged it out just a little bit."

"Damn," Teresa said, frowning for a moment. "Gonna have to step my game up. Now go!"

On the way out, I left a $20 in front of Teresa and my half consumed screwdriver, which she scooped up before we were even close to the door.

As soon as we were out of the bar, I looked at her with a smile. "Y'know, I don't know where you live, so you're gonna have to lead."

"We're not that far from here. Me and Teresa rent a shitty little two bedroom house, but it's all the two of us can really afford. She's hoping the bar'll start letting her pay a bigger chunk, and I hope that's true, because it's been a motherfucker paying most of the rent by myself," she said, taking my hand in hers, pulling me along. "You don't mind that I came onto you so strong in the bar, do you?"

"Shit no," I said, looking down at my feet while we walked. "I like aggressive women. I think I'm more the shy type than any of the women I've dated, so it helps when women come after me."

"I imagine that happens a lot," she said, "strapping guy like you."

"Yeah, well, most of them tend to flip out when they find out I'm still living in the dorms, but I gotta pay my own way some how, so being an RA has been my path forward."

"You're still allowed to have girls in your bed as an RA, though, yeah?"

"Oh sure," I said, "but not more than a couple of nights a week. My last girlfriend wanted way more than that."

"How long had you two been dating?"

"A month or so? We broke up the Tuesday before Christmas break."

"Your decision or hers?"

"Mine, mostly," I confessed. "The sex was great, but we were just heading in different directions at high speeds, and sooner or later, it was going to snap from the tension, so I tried to ease it off gently. What about you and Derrick?"

She looked up at the inky night sky, shaking her head. "What about me and Derrick? I caught him getting blown in his car by some lanky blonde bitch last week, and you know what he said to me? He said he couldn't help himself, that he had needs and that I wasn't taking care of him. Fucking prick."

"Sounds like it," I agreed. "He try to talk to you about it, or go straight from 'things are fine' to 'I've got my dick in some other girl's mouth' instead?"

"The latter," she grumbled. "And don't you go thinking that I don't suck cock, mister, because I am going to suck your soul out your dick like it was a milkshake and your prick was a straw."

"Hey," I said defensively, "you don't have to do anything you don't want to do with me."

"That's just it, John," she sighed. "I like sucking cock. I like the feeling of control and power it gives me. I know there's girls in my Modern Feminism classes who think sucking cock is a demeaning thing, and that it's degrading to women, but I think they're just shitty at it. When I'm down on my knees blowing a guy, looking up at him, he may be above me, but I'm in total control at that point, and I'm the one with the power."

"See?" I said. "You're already one up on them. So forget all about Derrick. You didn't need his ass anyway."

"Not now that I have you," she laughed. "Or now that I'm fighting for you, I guess. I don't blame you being hot for Teresa, but I gotta ask, John, why me? I'm not all that special."

I stopped in my tracks, holding her hand to prevent her from walking forward for a moment. "Pardon my French, Shannon, but what the fuck is the matter with you? You're fucking gorgeous, and I think most of the guys on campus can't take their eyes off of you."

"I'm chubby," she said, rolling her eyes. "And sure, it means I've got great big tits, and that's great and all, but it also means I've got a bit of a belly that jiggles when I'm fucking, and no dudes find that hot."

"You have got a lot to learn about dudes, Shannon," I said with a grin.

"Besides, my tits have got freckles all over them, and that's not sexy either."

"Fuck you, that's so sexy, Shannon."

"Now you're fucking with me."

"I promise you, I am not fucking with you." I paused half a second. "Not yet, anyway. We're still out in public."

She giggled, seeming a little more at ease. "Like anyone gives a shit on Saint Patrick's Day. Even the cops are getting loaded." We started walking again, and some of the tension in her general demeanor had faded. "Most guys don't like redheads anyway. They say we're too pale for them, or they try that shitty pickup line, 'does the carpet match the drapes?' Like that's one I haven't heard a thousand fucking times since high school."

"Most guys do like redheads, Shannon, but because they're super worried about screwing it up, they try and play it off like they don't care. You're in fucking Iowa for God's sake. Everyone here is used to the Children of the Corn blonde girls, and anything different can be intimidating."

"Are you saying I intimidate you, John?" she said, sliding her hand into the back pocket of my jeans. "Because you already know you're getting laid tonight."

"So why were you pretending to be drunker than you were earlier?"

"Because that way if you turned out to be a jerk, I could just kick you out in the morning and not feel bad about it." Her other hand brushed across my chest a bit. "I mean, no offense, but I wasn't looking for someone permanent to keep tonight, but now that I have you, I'm reconsidering."

"If you want me to go--" I teased, starting to pull away.

She giggled, shaking her head. "Nononono! I want you to stay. I want you to fuck me. I wanna be fucked by you. Does that make me a bad girl?" she said with a wink, as we stopped in front of a older looking house. "Don't answer that, 'cause we're here. C'mon. I'm sick of waiting."

The house was key lime pie green with white trim, a porch patio in front, and looked like it was the bare minimum amount of space two college aged girls would need in a house. There were a couple of cars parked in the drive way, both of which had seen better days.

Shannon unlocked the door and opened it, pushing me into the house without so much as even turning the lights on. Thankfully, the entryway was mostly free of clutter, although my thigh bumped against a table along one of the walls. She laughed once more. "Don't break shit, other than me."

She flipped on the hall light, closed the door behind us, locked it again and then tossed her keys into a bowl on the table I'd bumped into. "I'd give you the tour," she breathed against my neck, "but fuck that. We need to get to it."

I was along for the ride at this point, as she pulled me down the hallway, through the living room to a bedroom at the back of the house, kicking off my shoes and she kicked off her boots along the way. She shoved me in backwards and I regained my footing just as I felt the backs of my thighs press against the edge of the bed.

"I gotta really make this count," she purred at me, stepping into her bedroom, closing the door behind her. "You have no fucking idea how competitive Teresa is."

The bedroom had a couple of movie posters on the wall, one with Uma Thurman on the bed from Pulp Fiction and another with the opening monologue from Trainspotting on it. While she may have gone out earlier with the intent of finding a meaningless fuck, she'd probably planned to go to his place, because her room was a disaster area, with piles of dirty clothes strewn across the floor. The bed wasn't even made.

She stepped over and pushed me back to make me sit on the edge of the bed. "You said you thought freckles on my tits was sexy, so let's see if you were lying or not," she said, untying the bottom of the shirt before popping the buttons off, sliding the shirt from her shoulders, letting it fall onto the floor to add to one of the piles.

As she'd said, she did indeed have freckles all over her tits, the large mounds of soft flesh covered in tiny brown spots that gave her so much character. Her skin was milky white, as if tanning would only go from pale to burnt in the span of a heartbeat, with large pink areola that offered a rosey offset to the heavy white swells of breast. Her arms had tilted forward a little, to make her tits press together just a little bit. "See? It's gross, isn't it?" she said, shyly.

I grabbed her by the hip and pulled her close enough to bury my face between her breasts, taking one of her hands down to press it against my swollen cock through my jeans, much to her surprise.

"Oh. Oh!" she said, realizing just how hard I was. "Okay then, I guess I was wro-ho-ho-hoooo that feels fucking good," she whimpered, losing her train of thought as I began to suck hard on one of her nipples. "Fuck, you feel hard."

I pulled my lips from her flesh with a loud smack, looking up at her. "We're still pretty over-dressed, though, don't you think?"

She pulled back from me and turned around, letting me see her back, which also was covered in freckles down to her midriff, although they seemed to taper off before her waist. I heard her unbutton those denim shorts and then slowly unzip them, as she bent forward to push them slowly down over the curve of her ass, exposing a deep forest green thong that formed a demarcation line between those halves. "Maybe you should join me?" she said, and before the sentence was out of her mouth, I was peeling my Pogues t-shirt up and over my head. (It was the one with the cover of their album "Rum, Sodomy & The Lash" on it.) She then stood up, and bent over again, pushing down her thong this time, stepping out of it before turning around.

To all those guys who asked her if the carpet matched the drapes, I can say that indeed they did. She had bright red pubic hair in a large wedge shape that had been trimmed, but only enough to keep it under control, as if she was proud of the shade of it, a sharp contrast to how light the rest of her skin was. "Is... is this okay?" she said, nervously, folding her hands behind her back, looking down, as if she thought I might say no.

I didn't want her to worry, so I stood up immediately and shoved my jeans and my boxers down to my ankles, exposing my thick cock to her eyes. "I think it's more than okay, don't you?"

"Fuck you're big..." she whispered. "I'm gonna feel that going in."

I crouched down to my jeans, reaching to get my wallet. "One sec, lemme get a condom," I said, "so we're--"

"I'm on the pill, and I'm clean," she said, moving past me to flop down on the bed, grabbing the backs of her thighs to pull her legs up. "So unless you're not, get the fuck in here."

When you're in college, caution tends to go out the window, so I wasn't going to wait around. I grabbed her hips, moving to rub the length of my cock across her pussy, finding it extremely wet to the touch, before lining up and pushing forward, sinking my dick inside of her, a deviant's moan escaping her throat.

"Fuck yes yes yes yes oh god you feel so fucking good inside my little pussy oh fuck that's so fucking nice," she babbled, her head rolling to one side.

My hands held onto her hips and her head thrashed around enough to make those copper locks of hers swipe through the air, the sound of her whimpers and moans from beneath the jungle of hair.

"Harder harder harder fuck me fuck me fuck my cunt stretch me fucking open plow me harder god harder harder! Pound it! Shit, I'm gonna cum already!" she squealed. "Oh fuck oh fuck I'm gonna I'm gonna oh shit oh fuck oh god oh god I'm cumming I'm cumming I'm fucking cumming!"

Her voice devolved into mostly guttural grunts and whines as I felt her pussy trying to crush my cock, clamping down so hard it almost hurt and just as she eased up on the pressure, I could feel myself rushing to the finish line.

"Do it!" she hissed commandingly, like she wasn't going to give me a choice, her legs sliding off my shoulders and moving to wrap around my waist like she was locking me in. "Fill me up fill me full pour it in me gimme that cum gimme gimme gimme fucking cum in that hole in your fucking hole it's your fucking hole you claimed her she wants it she wants her cream do it and fucking cum in me!"

With her heels digging against the small of my back, I wasn't going to resist, and my body finally just gave way, and I poured what felt like a bucket's worth of cum into her pussy, which seemed to set her off on another orgasm, as her green eyes rolled shut and her arms wrapped around me, trying to pull my body through hers, as we both crumbled under the intensity of our shared orgasm.

I slumped down on top of her and wanted to pass out, but didn't want to keep my weight on top of her, so I rolled onto my side, as she nestled her head into the pillow, not letting me pull even an inch away from her.

"Let's see that cocky bitch top that," she whispered to herself as we drifted off to sleep.

She was right, though.

Teresa was super competitive...

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maxsteelemaxsteele10 months ago

You know, even if they don’t turn out to be the life mate he wants, he definitely going to have a great time of his life.

GentlemanWriterGentlemanWriterover 1 year ago

Lovely chapter, and I adore redheads! I also like the premise that the girls compete but in a friendly way and all is good. Keep it up!

SorchakSorchakover 1 year ago

Waiting hopefully for the next chapter, as it's been over 6 months since this one came out. Just one nitpick, and that's about the name "Janus Coins". Plural means more than one, and so far John's only gotten one coin. Unless there's going to be more stories about more people with more coins...

rayironyrayironyover 1 year ago
Yeah, never Theresa

Shannon wins coming off the line.

Sure appreciate the variety of your work

goinghighgoinghighalmost 2 years ago

I’m enjoying everything of yours that I’ve read so far. Thank you

pk2curiouspk2curiousabout 2 years ago

The " coin " is a good premise . Even the a little too familiar with the ritual the girls display is a way to move it faster . But takes a little of the coins mystery away . But this is about the erotica Right ? To hell with the mystique .

GR8 job . Fine ass girls . And I can't wait to hear about Teresa . Nothing hotter than a hot Asian . ( except an elf ) lol .

Wonder if you pick one of these 2 ? Or is this just the 2nd pair of 10 ?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Another really good chapter. I'm impressed. You have your own voice, you give each character a distinctive personality, and the detail is wonderful.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Good chapter. I'm partial to readheads over southeast Asians.

Looking forward to more If I'm Honest chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

It's been nearly half a century since I've been in an intensive college scene like this (at U. of Wis, Madison) but this story brought it all back. Thank you for that.

The setup was good, the lead-in to the meeting of the (current) protagonists also, and the segue to the sexual activity great--but perhaps that's because I'm married to a coppertop whose appetites still mirror those of Shannon. I suppose (like most who read these stories) I am vicariously imagining myself as John--the focus of a breathtakingly beautiful and assertive redhead whose lust for the irresistible me is...irresistible.

Kudos for writing well, and getting me there.

But now I've gotta go back and find Chapters One and Two to find out just what the hell the "Janus Coin" is...although it seems not to have played much of a part in this story. Loved it. Thanks again. More please.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

You do an excellent narrator's voice. The observations, the digressions - the fact that he never found out what happened to Chip and Rachel... wonderful.

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