Jay's Loelife Ch. 31


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No point in denying it at this point, he has the hardware to prove it. "You knew."

"And now you know."

"I do."

He looks shocked. "You're not supposed to say that yet, not until we're standing in front of our friends and family. Don't you know how this stuff works?"

"I hate you," I tell him. "Give me the ring back."

He holds his hand against his chest protectively. "No take-backs."

I grab his hand, but instead of taking the ring, I examine his hand. The way it makes me feel is foreign as fuck. I did that, I put that ring on his finger.

"Do you like it?" I ask him. We never did talk about rings or anything like that. "I did my best."

He turns his hand over and studies the gold band. "It's better than I ever imagined."


I feel bad for stealing Seamus' thunder. Even though the trip has evolved over the last few years, it always lands on his birthday. This year is the added celebration of the legal battle. But now everyone is celebrating Jay...well, me and Jay, but mostly Jay.

And boy, is Jay on cloud nine. He's larger than life. I don't think there is a thing in the entire world that can bring him down. Every time I look at him, I smile. From my spot in the kitchen, I have the perfect view of all that happiness as the entire group congratulates him.

"Jay sure is happy."

"Fuck!" The cup in my hand bounces twice on the counter, spilling its contents everywhere before rolling onto the floor.

Seamus chuckles. "I didn't mean to scare you."

I grab the rag and clean the mess up. "I thought everyone was outside." As I get my heart under control, I refill the cup with ice and start over with the current drink of the week: one can of Fresca, one tropical peach Body Armor, and one packet of raspberry-flavored True Lemon.

Seamus walks to the window and looks outside. I don't know if he's thirsty, but I make an extra drink in case. As I finish up, I glance at him. He hasn't said a word, just stared out the window. I walk around the kitchen and hand him his drink.

He blinks, then smiles and lifts it toward me. "A congratulations is in order."

Olive branch acknowledged. Olive branch accepted.

I clink my cup with his.

Seamus takes a drink, savoring the flavor, then smiles. "I never know what I'm going to get with your concoctions, but this is good."

"You win some and you lose some."

I stand awkwardly. I should take the drink to Jay but I feel like Seamus came in here for a reason, so I should stay.

But he's not saying anything.

I struggle through another minute of painful silence before breaking. "Are you here to warn me off of him or threaten a beatdown? Because I have no intentions of doing anything to jeopardize what Jay and I have so you don't have to worry."

He looks at me and his eyes are crinkled. "I know."

"It's just, I know I'm not your favorite person."

His brows furrow. "What are you talking about?"

I scoff. "It's kind of obvious."

Seamus pauses, opens his mouth, then closes it. "I followed you on social media before I knew Jay was pursuing you. I was honestly impressed by you and all the things you could do, plus you were hot. When I found out you were the Loren he was ga-ga over, I panicked. You had heartbreaker written all over you and Jay was already half in love. In my eyes, it was a recipe for disaster."

"And once we were dating? It didn't feel like you warmed up all that quick."

"What can I say, I had my guard up. It was hard knowing you could break Jay into pieces by barely moving your pinky."

"And now?" I ask. "What's to say I won't do it now?"

"Any of us could hurt the ones we love. But I've seen the happiness you bring him and it seems like a fair trade. Plus," hey says with a casual shrug. "If you hurt him, I'll kill you."

I throw my head back and laugh. "Fair enough."

Seamus grins and I can totally see why Matt likes him. It's a good look on him. He nods outside where everyone is gathered in a circle laughing. "Let's see what they're gossiping about."


"When I asked Loren if he wanted to hold Mya, he said 'oh, no, that's okay. Thanks anyway', and I said, 'Dude, it's a baby, not a cup of coffee that you politely refuse', then I set her in Loe's arms before he could get away." Corey recounts my first visit with Ms. Mya after she was born. She was too tiny for her own good. "Ever see those cats that fall over when you dress them in a sweater?" he continues the terrible retelling. "That's what Loren looked like."

"I don't think he even held Carson until he was six-months old," Matt adds, not really contributing anything useful if you ask me.

"I don't like little babies," I mumble. "I hardly tolerate big babies." It's a lie...about the bigger ones. They're chill enough.

"Then why are you with Jay?" Matt asks. "He's the biggest baby I've ever seen."

Jay's mouth drops. "Hey! This is my engagement. You have to be nice to me."

I pull Jay into my lap and pat him on the back. "There, there."

He growls. "That's not helping."

I glance at my watch. It's kind of late and Jay promised to run me into the ground tonight. I push Jay off and stand up. "It's past someone's bedtime," I say, making Matt smile victoriously and Jay roll his eyes.

We leave to the serenading sounds of cat calls and suggestive teasing...and a 'no buddy, you can't follow them to their room tonight'."

Jay blushes at the last comment.

Halfway to the room, I tug impatiently. The bastard is lumbering along like we're on our way to grab a snack of rice cakes and peanut butter from the summer camp cafeteria. Hell, he might even move faster if that was the case.

The door isn't even shut behind us and I'm peeling off my clothes. I start unbuttoning his funky tropical shirt that looks stupid good on him. I tug it down his shoulders so I can toss that baby across the room when Jay lays his hands over mine.

He gives me a forced smile. "I want to talk."

"You wanna talk dirty?" I ask, waggling my brows. "Sounds hot."

Jay laughs and pushes me towards the bedroom. "I'm serious."

I stop tugging on his shirt and try to gauge what's going on. He was smiling when we got to the suite but now he looks a little stressed, which has me a little stressed.

"Okay...you got me in the bedroom and my boner is completely gone so...what's up?"

He puts his hands on my shoulders like he's calming a spooked horse, which I resent. "I just want to talk."

"Well, we came up here so you could 'rail me good' and now you're looking like that might not happen."

"That's kind of what I want to talk to you about." He nudges me towards the bed. I follow, reluctantly. He corrals me where he wants me, which is on my back with him on his side next to me. His eyes follow his fingers as he traces them over my arm muscles. I really don't know what the fuck is coming but Jay looks like he's about to vomit which has my stomach twisting like a hoodie string in the spin cycle.

His hand stops moving. "I-don't-want-to-have-sex-until-we're-married," he says in one breath.

I blink. I think. I might not blink, I can't be sure. Nothing is real.

"What?" This time I know I blinked.

"I've never been interested in waiting until marriage or anything like that, but I always thought abstaining while engaged would be kind of sweet, like a grand gesture of sorts. I never brought it up because I never thought we'd get married, but here we are."

My jaw drops. "I think I'd rather get unengaged..."

Jay laughs. When I don't join in, his smile falters and he pulls his ringed hand away from me. With his hand hidden behind his back, he leans down and gently nudges my neck with his nose. "We only have one honeymoon and I think it would be a sexy build up if we couldn't touch each other until then."

My breath hitches. "I think it sounds like torture."

"It will be, but it will be awesome, too. Just imagine what it will be like to finally have me on my knees in front of you, as your husband, taking you in my mouth."

"I imagine it will not be all that romantic because I will cum all over your face before you even touch me."

"C'mon," he pleads. "Tell me you get where I'm coming from?"

I let out an exasperated breath. "I get it. You want some romantic bullshit."

"Yes," he deadpans. "You know how much I love all that romantic bullshit."

I close my eyes and give myself a moment to come to terms with what's about to happen. I'm obviously going to say yes because it's Jay and he's so fucking earnest and pure as shit. I think it might even be worth it to see his reaction on our wedding night.

"What if we're engaged for like, two years?"

He laughs. "I don't think that would happen."

"Yeah, probably not." He'd likely get married next week if he could. I open my eyes. "When you say abstaining, what exactly do you mean?"

"No sex—of any kind."



"And you don't think you'll cave?"

"I know I won't," he says with conviction. I believe him. Jay has a crazy kind of willpower.

I frown. "I'm kind of offended."

"I didn't say it wouldn't be hard. It's going to be the most difficult thing ever, but I waited a long time for you and I can abstain for a few months if it means making our wedding day and our honeymoon that much more special."

"So...you're not going to rail me tonight? Like you guaranteed?"

He has the decency to look a little guilty that we're not getting down.

I roll out of bed and get dressed. Jay sits up. "What are you doing?"

"I need reinforcements."

I'm pretty sure Jay thinks I'm on my way to get alcohol. I'm not. I need something stronger. A lot strong.

I step outside. "Jay wants to be a born-again virgin on our wedding night," I tell the group. Because why the hell not? No secrets here.

I grab Mya's, Wyatt's, and Carson's diaper bags and sling them across my chest like I'm a pack mule heading down to the bottom of the Grand Canyon, then steal the kids from their parents. With an armful of babies, I whistle for Aidan.

He comes galloping over like a horse from pasture. If I had an apple, he'd eat it right out of my hand. I look at the slack-jawed parents. "Might as well put this new celibacy to good use. Y'all should enjoy your night. I know I won't."

Jay tries not to laugh when I get back to the room with the cast of Kindergarten Cop. He takes Mya and Carson so I can offload the diaper bags. "Dramatic much?"

"Har har har," I laugh humorlessly. Then I give him a are-you-fucking-serious look because he's the one that wants to put my dick in abstinence jail for who knows how long. The only get out of jail free card is marriage. Do not pass Go, do not collect two-hundred dollars. I'm not complaining.

Okay, I'm kind of complaining.

I used to do whoever I wanted whenever I wanted. Now I'm some goddamn sap begging for a goodnight kiss on the front porch. The worst part? I'll fucking do it because it's Jay Petermeyer and if he wants to be treated like a gentleman, then I'm going to treat him like a fucking gentleman.

Then I pray for the shortest engagement ever.

Copyright © 2022 Mrsgnomie; All Rights Reserved.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Anon 4 months ago,

So you think you're slick by jumping off your Loren hate train inyo Jay hate train? Notice how you kept repeating the same thing over and over, pathetic much? The only thing you should vomit at is how pathetic your existence is for staying this long and thinking that you look intelligent by dropping the hate every chapter. Get some help.

Also sm1982,

Don't think that you are that smart either. You made some ridiculous comments in the past with your hasty assumptions, and you keep using the "I'm a woman" card which has nothing to do with your ridiculous claims. Don't act smart that you predicted that Jay will do this when you were the one that missed all the details regarding Loren and Jay during one of their conflicts in the earlier conflicts, and justifying it because "you're a woman."

dnsontndnsontnalmost 2 years ago

Hey Anon with the @sm1982: take several seats, please. Once you’ve settled I’d like to have a chat with you about fiction. And fantasy. Most importantly? Reality. My contact information is in my (not anonymous) profile and it appears you need someone to talk to. In the meantime…mind your manners.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

sm1982: "They'll have the rest of their lives to fuck each other's brains out". If only. No, they have not. When Loe wants to become physical, Jay rather goes rafting, or avoids his advances in bed comparing him to Gollum searching for the ring (thinking it's hilarious!) after not having seen each other for weeks or they get interrupted by his brothers, parents, the kids, work, ... Jay even forbids Loe to pose shirtless on instagram. He is thirty years old and a versatile gay guy and does not know how to use an enema (thereby postponing sex yet again). As I said, I think that he has a screwed up relationship with sex. Jay thinks it is romantic NOT to have sex, generally. He should go to church and pray. I am reading this story for Aidan and Carson (so cute!) and for Loren, Matt and Seamus. But in this last chapter my dislike for Jay just exploded. They are super in love and have all the time in the world (retired!) moving into this dream house together, newly engaged - and yet again Jay suggests celibacy (in fact, no touching at all, not even kissing) for romance (??) and makes fun of Loren when Loe is not enthusiastic about it ("Dramatic much!"). I would leave Jay in a second. This is the final straw and I find it disgusting.

sm1982sm1982almost 2 years ago

Yes to these two finally being engaged! I had presumed Jay would be the one to propose since the start where he told Loe he was going to marry him. Glad he got in that “I knew it!” to Loe! And more babies to fond over! Lucky Jay and Lowen. At this point, Loe should change his name to what Aido Potato calls him!

💀🤣 how has anyone read this story and knows Jay’s character, can’t picture him requesting a temporary celibacy. It’s. Jay. Lol. He was like that in the beginning and Loe stayed. They’ll have the rest of their lives to fuck each other’s brains out.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Well Mr. Anonymous, you are as rude AF. To call an author's work disgusting is disrespectful. If you hated the character so much, why the hell did you keep reading? Seriously, idiots like you should be banned.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

What a wonderful surprise - Loren really shocked Jay with his proposal. I really hope that they can be happy. But the celibacy request from Jay came out of nowhere. Not that it is out of character for Jay but he did “guarantee” a railing just a few hours earlier. Plus I don’t see these kind of things as romantic - it seems more like an outdated purity thing that a very sexually active couple for years doesn’t really need to make the wedding night special. I’m not a fan of Jay’s request - and it’s clear that Loe is not either. It also points out again just how very different in many ways these two really are. Still seems like these gaps could cause trouble in the future. But for right now, I’ll just be happy for them.

bittersweetoptimismbittersweetoptimismalmost 2 years ago

Ohmygod they’re so cute. Oh my god. I was really really hoping we’d get an additional perspective to the Boss Nanny epilogue and I’m SO happy to see it!! I don’t really follow or keep up with real life influencers in any way, but it’s really funny to imagine someone like that just. Covered in small children against their will. Jesus. One question, how old is everyone at this point in the stories? I know I’d probably be able to figure it out if I paid closer attention to the order of events and seasons and stuff but I can barely keep track of the passage of time in real life, there’s no chance I can do it for a fictional story lmao.

dnsontndnsontnalmost 2 years ago

I absolutely love the 180° turn of Loren’s story, his love life, his love, his life. I was certain we’d reached the end with the proposal but turns out it’s just another (delightful) plot twist. I’m highly amused by an anonymous comment below that expresses hatred for Jay and further suggests he should ‘go straight’. Excuse me while I ROTFLMAO that this opinion and hatred is expressed after anonymous has read over 30 chapters! Power of the written word, Mrsgnomie! Power of the written word …

MrsgnomieMrsgnomiealmost 2 years agoAuthor

Love anonymous feed back lol. Can’t tell if you’re the same persons who leaves shitty comments on every chapter or not. But damn, you’re one unhappy person. I hope things turn around for you personally.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

This is disgusting. I hate Jay. This is not romantic at all. I would dump his ass in a minute. From the very beginning Jay had a screwed up relationship with sex and I hated the first six chapters. That's because he comes from a traditional, picture perfect family constellation (vomit!). He should be with a girl and have a marriage like his parents have. Loren should man up and leave him. These two don't fit. And did I mention that I do not like Jay?

RikAlAdRikAlAdalmost 2 years ago

I have Jay's affliction for romance. I'd want to wait, too.

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