Jebidiah's Change Bk. 01 Ch. 06


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"I understood from the others you had official business call you back to the Keep this morning which caused your delay of our meeting and you missed the discussion with your group as a whole. I am guessing it has to do with the attack against you yesterday. Part of our instructions have been to avoid questions about your Keep activities, specifically questions about the attack, but I will need to know a guestimate on the frequency of the disruptions. Also, again, not normal, we will be having a memorial service tomorrow for the fallen. Time will be allotted in your schedule to attend."

"You have been assigned one of the upper class group suites. Your day begins at sixth bell with time for ablutions and a meal before your formal classes and training begin at eighth bell. Lunch break an hour starting at twelfth bell and coursework finishes up at eighteenth bell. The Academy has a curfew and all attendees must be back in their assigned rooms by nineteenth bell. Classes run from the 1st to the 8th each tenday with the 9th and 10th reserved for personal use but the curfew remains in effect. I think that covers the basics. Are there any other special requirements or things out of the normal you are aware of that I need to take into account?"

When Madeline had finally wound down. Dana asked "You already met our Joy earlier, yes?" Madeline nodded, curious. "You aren't related by chance?"

Jebidiah couldn't hold his laugh in. "I'm sorry, but you and Joy do share some similarities we noticed. It's not meant to be disrespectful, is it, Dana?" He said as he admonished Dana. Back to Madeline he said, "That was a lot of information at once, but I'll try to answer some of your questions if I can remember the order. I will require weapons training, primarily for my sword. I also plan on attending some of my groups classes and training sessions with them. That should handle my training schedule."

"Next, Yes, I and possibly others, especially Dana and Crystal, will have business at the Keep. No, we will not be able to discuss what we are doing. I also have no idea of the frequency that we need to go. As for other needs, I have a lot of research I need to do. I will need full access to the Academy's archives and I foresee we will have more requirements, some probably in the near future."

"It is funny," Madeline said. "I normally have to answer a ton of questions for new admissions, not look for direction from them."

Two men entered the room and, upon seeing their larger group at the desk, walked over. "Ah," Madeline said, "it seems your instructors are here Dana."

Standing up, Dana greeted the two. "Thank you gentlemen. Jeb, are you joining or will I see you after we're done?"

"Sorry Dana, I am needed." Jebidiah answered. Back to Madeline he asked "Where is Crystal at? I need to see her immediately."

"She would be down with a magic instructor. I can take you to the area if you would follow me."

Dana rested a hand on his arm, "Is everything ok?" she asked.

"It will be soon. Don't worry, I have it covered." Jebidiah replied cryptically then looked at the instructors. "Go easy on them Dana."

Dana left with her escorts and Madeline led Jebidiah out of the building. When they were back outside she started across a large open area. The layout of the area was a large paved square surrounded on all sides by buildings. In relation to Jebidiah, they had exited a building in the bottom left corner of the square. To his left were rows of duplicate buildings that he knew were the dormitories, suites, mess hall, and infirmary. Across from him were several larger buildings lining the top side of the square. To his right there was a large garden plot and several impressively sized trees with more buildings behind them lining the right side of the square.

Madeline was leading them across the open space in the center towards the opposite corner of the square. She noticed Jebidiah looking around and started her tour spiel. "The building we just left is the Administration and Bursar's Office. To the right of us is the Bh'orel Hall where general classes meet. Next in line in that round building that is a little hard to see is the Priest's Domain where divine instruction takes place. The area we are crossing is the Parade Grounds. Directly across from us on the left is the Rogue's Hideout. To the right of it is Warrior's Hall, and finally our destination the Mage's Tower which amuses everyone because as you can see there is no tower. As you might be able to tell, the naming of the buildings left little to the imagination, except the tower part."

Jebidiah saw more buildings through the garden area as they drew closer. "What is back there?"

"The Bh'orel Guard Headquarters is over there. Do you know the history of the Bh'orel Academy, Jebidiah?"

"I only really know that full citizenship and all Adventure Group contracts are earned through it. The best Groups are elevated to the Bh'orel Guard and act as personal guards for the Crown and Peerage."

"That's the general gist of it." Madeline agreed. The Academy was established in 503 to train Warriors as part of the Citizenship Act. By 600 there were enough of the neighboring kingdoms trying to send students that a lottery system for non-residents was instituted. All that tuition money allowed the Academy to rapidly expand training to every Talent and specialization. By the time of the Water Crisis in 640 the student population was around eight thousand spread between all four semesters, or blocks as many of us call them. There weren't enough graduates to cover the Water Riots so the Conscription Act of 641 was used to draft common criminals into the Academy ranks. It has been a good program for rehabilitation and was kept in place after the Crisis ended. Now the Academy grounds house close to forty thousand from all over the known world. We expect to expand even more because of the airships' appearance. There's a landing pad under construction beyond the coliseum."

"That many students? That means what, twenty thousand citizens graduate every year?" Jebidiah asked, amazed. "The barracks where we are housed is not large enough. Eight thousand would be too many."

"The barracks you are at are labeled Row A and Row B and some of the dorms go underground. Again, very descriptive names. On the other side of that wall behind the Rogue's Hideout are Rows C through F which were built after the second expansion. There are also many more general classroom workshops over there along with the main Cathedral, Gymnasiums, Grove, Ranges, and the warehouses and docks against the river. And don't forget our coliseum."

"That one is hard to miss." Jebidiah admitted. The Coliseum dominated the northern skyline.

"And here we are, Mage's Tower. I will leave you here. If you go inside and head directly to the right you will find the main office. They will escort you to Crystal." Madeline departed with a quick bow.

Jebidiah had not mentioned to anyone the real reason he needed to see Crystal before anything else. When he made it back to the Academy grounds he was able to sense Crystal through his bond but it was distant and without any emotional flavor. He only had a rough idea what direction she was in. While meeting with Madeline at her desk he was able to catch subtle feelings of excitement but as their conversation lengthened the bond strengthened and her mood had changed to consternation with hints of anger and fear. The nearer they came to the Mage's Tower the stronger the feelings coming through the bond.

He entered the building and saw to the right of the entry foyer a double door label 'Office' with a large rectangular window through which he could see the secretaries and other office staff. He made for the door when his bond spiked with strong fear, anger, and most importantly, pain. Jebidiah took off at a run not knowing where he was going but following the general direction of the bond connection. When he reached the center of the foyer he sensed Crystal was beneath and to the right so he took the closest set of stairs heading down. Behind him he heard a doorway bang open and someone cried out to stop before footsteps started running after him.

Not caring to wait and explain, he descended the steps two at a time then headed down a hallway until he sensed Crystal behind a door. Opening it he found a lavatory with Crystal lying in the far corner, arms over her head and curled into a ball while two other women repeatedly kicked her. Jebidiah quickly crossed the room and picked one of the attackers off the ground and swung her into the nearest wall. When her companion vanished from beside her the other turned in surprise in time to see Jebidiah's hand shoot forward to grab her neck. He lifted her up with one hand and slammed her into the wall. When she struggled he slammed her again until eventually she stopped.

Jebidiah dropped the unconscious woman and reached down to touch Crystal. She flinched at his touch and did not react until he called her name. "Crys, love, it's me. You are ok now." She looked back at him with fear in her eyes and said "Please don't be angry with me." It was not the reply he was expecting. "I can't be angry with you. I'm sorry I didn't come earlier, I was too far away." She only replied, "So angry, I'm sorry.' over and over.

Looking around the room like there would be some idea just sitting around waiting for him to pick and know what to do next he glanced at the crumpled forms of the two women. A small pool of blood was coming from under the first he had thrown into the wall. Looked at them and trying to calm, he realized he was angry to the point of blind rage. He had done some extensive damage to the pair. He experimented with pushing some of that calm through the bond still filled with fear and pain. It didn't take him long to understand his rage was projecting back into Crystal. He worked to replace that rage with calm and when that failed he instead decided to concentrate on Crystal and his love for her. That finally had an effect when a cry rose from the still open doorway.

"By the Divines what happened here?" An older man stood in the doorway and several younger men and women were behind him trying to see past. Jebidiah, calm now, asked in a very pointed voice "Who are you? Are you their instructor?"

"If you are meaning Miss Stark, yes, I am Senior Fenton. She had requested a small break and the use of the facilities. I had just come looking for her when I heard the commotion." He came further into the room and knelt by the first woman Jebidiah had dispatched. After a brief examination he looked back at the doorway now filled with faces gawking at the spectacle. Pointing to a younger man Fenton said, "Joel, fetch a couple healers, immediately. Do not dally to gossip. Tell them to hurry."

Jebidiah's soothing through the bond worked enough for Crystal to crawl over to him. He gently picked her up and cradled her in his arms. "Which way are the healers?" Jebidiah asked no one in particular. A woman looking into the room said "I'll take you if you'll follow me."

It took a couple more hours to sort everything out. Crystal was looked over and several healing spells applied. She related to Jebidiah how she went to relieve herself but her attackers were in the lavatory when she entered. They freaked out that a goblin was on the loose and while Crystal was trying to say a greeting one of the women sucker punched her and she never had a chance to defend. Madeline showed up with two of the Guard and demanded Jebidiah's arrest for assault. That is when Jebidiah fully lost his temper..

"Assault? You are damned lucky those two are still alive! They gave Crystal two broken ribs, a broken arm, and countless bruises and you want to charge me with assault? She is a Crown Asset and under protection for fucks sake! She should not have been wandering around without an armed escort! Neither should I for that matter and here I am enforcing the Crown's will instead of the Academy."

Madline wilted under his tirade only able to offer feeble rebuttals. "We didn't know you and her were under protection. She's a goblin! Of course people thought the worst especially after yesterday's attack!"

"She was one of the people who were attacked! If you already thought people might think the worst of her then she should have been escorted regardless of being under protection. Just how incompetent are you?"

One of the guards then asked Madeline, "Why were we not informed someone here was under protection? There are protocols that must be followed." To Jebidiah he said, "Please forgive the misunderstanding. This should not have happened and we will find out where the lapse occurred. With the battle yesterday we should have clarified if your group was needing protection. That was our failure. How many of you are there?"

"We weren't informed." Madeline stammered.

Jebidiah turned to the guard saying, "Thank you..?"

"Corporal McEntire, 2nd company."

"Thank you Corporal McEntire. The pod consists of myself and Crystal here who is from House Stark." He put emphasis on her house and glanced at Madeline to make sure she heard it.." Dana Tonstar, Tenner Stockmar, Charlene Crag, Stern Blackrock, and Joy Fortlin."

"Divines," said McEntire, "the Queen's niece is with you?" Turning to Madeline he said "How do you not assign the Queen's niece protection? The administrator will hear of this."

Turning back to Madeline, Jebidiah continued, nearly shouting at her, "Not only is the Queen's niece involved, but House Stark, Stockmar, and Crag, your own House! If I hadn't known something was wrong Crystal might have been killed! We were attacked in the Keep, lost two of our group on the Promenade just yesterday, and now we are attacked by our own fucking people in the supposed safety that the Academy was supposed to afford us! Instead of a simple apology, you threaten me with arrest and offer excuses for Crystal's treatment. And as for me assaulting them, the next person that lays a fucking finger on any of my girls will lose every fucking single one of them,"

Madeline's eyes had grown wider as he berated her. "But she's just a goblin!"

Jebidiah raged. "She is my prime!" CRACK! The sound of Jebidiah slapping her echoed in the room and she sprawled on the floor holding her cheek. When she looked back up to Jebidiah she whimpered in fear.

McEntire put a hand on Jebidiah's shoulder. "Master Overton, I can't excuse her behavior nor can I excuse the lapses in protocols but we really can't be slapping around the office staff. Even if they deserve it." Looking down at Madeline crying on the floor he continued, "It is convenient though we were warned and had a guard already assigned for Charlene Crag."

"I apologize, Corporal. We need to get back to our barracks and we will obviously need a different advisor to start tomorrow off."

By the time Jebidiah and Crystal made it back to their rooms most of the others had already returned. Only Charlene and Stern were missing. Everyone sensed something was wrong with Crystal and Jebidiah's anger was still easy to see. The questions, especially from Joy, got a little overwhelming all coming at the same time. Jebidiah held up his hand for a pause.

"I am told all of you met with Madeline at some point today?" Everyone nodded and Joy added, "She met us all in a group, gave a run down of the schedule and sent us out to someone to start working with us."

"Well, I wouldn't expect her to continue to be our advisor. If you remember, Princess Stephanie declared us Crown Assets under protection which means all of us should have Bh'orel bodyguards instead of just wandering around the campus and left to our own devices. I'm not looking forward to having a babysitter but Crystal was attacked by some of our fellow students today. We've just come from the healers."

A chorus of angry cries and "Are you ok?" broke out among the girls. Dana stood up angrily asking "Do we know who they were?"

Crystal finally broke her silence. "It's ok Dana. It's been handled."

"Like the dark it's been handled, Crystal. We all love you and there's no way we can allow anyone to try their hand against you. I'll crack whoever's skull it is and break their fucking hands. Damned whatever they try to punish me with."

"It's been handled, Dana." Crystal reassured her. "Jeb nearly killed them."

Dana blinked rapidly trying to absorb that. "Oh, then I guess it's been handled." She said looking at Jebidiah oddly. "You aren't the violent type Jeb." Jebidiah looked down at his feet slightly ashamed and quietly said "None of this is what I wanted but I cannot stand idly by while the rest of the world strikes against us."

"Let's eat and we can all catch up with what is going on." Joy said, trying to lighten the mood. "Yes, we should have a family meeting and discuss the day." Jebidiah agreed. They prepared dinner together and ate while chatting. After their meeting with the advisor, Dana and Stern went to weapon training. Joy was sent to a session with another artificer to evaluate where she was with logistic support. The rest had been sent to a magic evaluation to see what aptitude they had gained after the Change. All of them agreed that the day seemed wasted. None of their instructors acted interested in them and most wanted to gossip about what was happening with their group.

When evening came Charlene and Stern finally arrived right before curfew and kept to themselves. Of the two, only Stern gave a meaningful reaction to news of Crystal's attack. Jebidiah gave himself an internal reminder to have a word with Stern about what was going on with Charlene the next time he found Stern alone. Tired, he bade goodnight and left for his room. Unlike the shared space of the dorm in the Keep, their quarters at the Academy provided individual sleeping rooms. Through his bond he could tell Crystal was more comfortable so he left her be with the others.

Not long after he had gotten under the covers there was a soft knock at his door. He really was tired so he ignored the knock and hoped for sleep. He heard the door slowly open and close, whoever was trying to be quiet at least. When someone sat on the edge of his bed he gave up his hopes of dreams and opened his eyes to see Dana staring down at him. "Knew you weren't asleep." she smirked. She sat near the foot of his bed wearing a night robe carefully tucked around her with a sash. He noticed it was in the colors of her house which meant someone already had a valet bring personal items.

"Dana, it's been a long tenday and it's only the 1st." He sat up against his headboard and Dana took the opportunity to occupy even more of his bed, sitting where his feet used to be.

"You know this is all your fault." The smirk stayed on her face.

Jebidiah sighed heavily. "I know. And I'm fumbling my way through this, which means I'm fumbling our way through all of this. While my instincts say we each have our own part to play in whatever game the Divines are playing, knowing that all of it is because of me it disturbs me to no end. We've lost Polly and Henna and now I fear we will soon lose Charlene as well. She's quickly drifting away."

The smirk left her face. "Well I was speaking about my sneaking into your room but if we're going to get all dark and real then maybe we should talk about that." She let out her own sigh. "This may all be centered on you Jeb but that is the fault of the Divine, not yours. If anything you really have stepped up and tried to help steer us through it. I'm not sure you ever took notice of how much everyone in the pod took your lead. Sometimes there were disagreements about direction but we nearly always went back to your way of things. Now, here we are, at one point literally running for our lives, and without thought we took your lead over what our protectors were saying to do. I know we lost two of our own, but you saw the damage from that second attack this morning. And the scene of where the retreat was ambushed again before the Keep was even worse. All of us would have died if not for your leadership."