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"Of course not, it's actually pretty comfy." I admitted, blushing yet again.

"Good, it's comfy for me too." She replied, smiling before her eyes returned to the game, and started playing.


We had been sitting with her leaning against me for a long time, I had no idea how much time had passed. Eventually, she got to a level she couldn't beat, and passed the controller to me.

"I can't do it, could you please beat it for me?" She whined, pushing the controller into my hands.

"Alright, but you're not gonna get better by having me play instead." I told her, laughing a little at her whining voice.

"I know, but I'm kinda tired. I wanna keep playing, I just don't wanna do the really hard levels." She explained. I glanced at my clock, and my eyes widened.

"Is it that late already? Should I take you back to your dorm now?" I asked, realizing it was nearly midnight.

"Do you think I could stay here tonight? I don't really feel like walking all the way back, and I haven't got any classes tomorrow. Plus your couch looks pretty comfy anyway." She explained, her eyelids drooped a little from being sleepy.

"Of course you can stay, but there's no way you're taking that couch, god knows what Drake gets up to on it. You take my bed, and I'll take the couch." I said, patting her head.

"No way, I'm not making you sleep on your couch in your own house. You're sleeping in this bed no matter what." She told me, poking my chest with the last three words.

"But you-" I started to say, before she interrupted.

"How about we both sleep in your bed?" She suggested, her eyes suddenly looking away from me.

"I, uh, I mean if you want, but are you sure?" I asked, suddenly feeling my cheeks getting warmer.

"I trust you enough not to try anything, don't worry!" She told me, rubbing her head against my side. We sat quietly for a couple minutes, as I kept playing the game.

I swore after dying again.

"Maybe this level is just impossible." I sighed.

"Maybe you just need encouragement! How about I promise to do something for you if you beat the level?" She said, and suddenly I felt all the blood rush to my crotch. I shifted in my seat, before replying.

"W-what do you mean? I mean, I uh, what?" I asked, my mouth feeling dry.

"Beat the level and you'll find out." She replied, a twinkle in her eyes that made me swallow hard. The next couple minutes were the most I had ever focused on a game before. After painfully getting through the entire level, I managed to finally beat it.

"Oh my god, you were right about the encouragement. So uh, what did you mean by, um, promising to do something?" I asked, my cheeks red with the thoughts running through my head. Without a word, she leaned forward with a smirk and kissed me, her tender lips pressing firmly against mine. I felt all of my anxiety wash away between our lips, as she kissed me gently, her hand grasping my cheek softly.

After a few more seconds, she pulled away, her face flushed.

"You're amazing, oh my god. Was that okay?" She asked me, smiling nervously.

"That was incredible." I told her, stuttering.

"You were really amazing. Thank god you beat that level!" She joked, laughing.

"So I uh, you're still comfortable with sleeping in the same bed as me, right?" I asked, checking to make sure.

"I just kissed you. Do you really need to ask?" She teased, leaning her head in my chest. "You're comfy."

"Thank you." I replied, my cheeks still red.

"Did you wanna borrow some clothes, like a large jumper or something to sleep in? I don't know if you'd be comfy sleeping in those clothes, so uh..." my voice trailed off.

"Sure, if you're okay with lending one." She replied softly. I got up awkwardly, untangling myself from her arms. I opened my wardrobe and grabbed my biggest jumper.

"Is this okay?" I asked, showing her a large red jumper I got a few weeks ago.

"Yep! That looks really comfy. I'll be right back!" She said, winking as she left the room. I saved and turned off the game, and prepared my bed to try and make it more comfy for her.

When she entered the room again she seemed to be wearing nothing but my jumper. It went down to almost her knees, but her jeans were in her hand, along with her shirt and hoodie.

"So I guess we'll go to sleep now?" I asked, unsure and shrugging.

"Yeah, sorry about this. I'm just really tired." She replied, dropping her clothes in a neat pile by the foot of my bed. "I'll pick that up in the morning, if that's okay." She said.

"Its fine, and of course." I replied as I got into bed, closer to the wall.

I already had my head on the pillow by the time she was starting to get in, so I saw under the jumper as her knee lifted, and could see her black frilly panties underneath. I felt my cock swell and my cheeks turn red. She wriggled under the blankets getting comfy, before she put her glasses on the bedside table. She turned off the lamp beside my bed, making the room fairly dark although lights from outside kept it lit enough to make out her face close to me.

"Thanks again for letting me stay here." She whispered, moving closer to me and kissing my cheek.

"Thank you for giving me that kiss." I whispered back, making her giggle quietly. "Your giggle is so adorable." I told her, grinning. I saw her smile wide, before hugging me closely and thanking me.

Unfortunately, my cock had just become hard, so after she thanked me, she stopped moving for a moment, before I saw a sly grin on her face.

"Looks like I'm not the only thankful one." She said, smirking. My cheeks turned red yet again.

"I-I'm sorry!" I apologized, feeling embarrassed.

"It's fine, silly! Are you gonna need to take care of that to sleep though? I don't mind if you do." She told me, still holding me close. My erection throbbed at the thought of it, and I saw her grin grow wider. "That seems to be a good idea in your opinion." She remarked.

"I uh, I don't have to, I can wait until-" I started to say, when she pressed a finger to my lips.

"If you're not gonna take care of that, I will." She told me, and my eyes grew wide. I could see her grin get wider as I felt her fingers wrap around my waistband, and I felt my boner get harder.

"You want this, right?" She asked, looking into my eyes.

"Of course, I'd love for you to uh, do that. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, why wouldn't I?" I asked her. She looked at me with her eyes filled with joy.

"God you're amazing." She told me, as she leaned closer and kissed me softly. I felt her lips press against mine as her fingers slipped below the waistband, when I suddenly stopped her.

"Wait, can I ask for one favour?" I said nervously.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Can you turn the light on?" I asked, blushing. She giggled, before reaching over and turning it on. I could feel her fingers toying with my pubic hair, and I shivered slightly.

"I thought you were gonna ask for me to do something extra or something." She laughed.

"I'm lucky enough to get this, I'm not gonna try to push my luck." I joked back.

"It wouldn't really be pushing." She replied, smiling gently as her fingers reached lower and wrapped around my erection. I gasped at the feeling of her soft fingers. She started slowly stroking me inside my pants, the fingers sliding slowly up and down the shaft. I started to moan as she sped up.

"Jeez, I haven't even got it out of your pants and you're already moaning like you're about to cum." Jenny teased, as she pushed the blanket down.

"I-it's my first time being touched, you can't exactly blame me." I gasped, as she pulled the front of my pants down and started to stroke me properly.

"Don't worry, I'd probably act the same if you were fingering me." She replied casually.

Her hand felt like heaven. She was slow, but firm in her grasp.

"H-holy fuck, you're incredible." I groaned. I saw her smile grow as her hand sped up.

"Am I doing this right?" She asked, her hand going faster and faster.

"Yes..." I moaned, the pleasure growing more and more. "I think I'm gonna cum soon..." I gasped, barely able to get the words out.

"You'll make a mess though, right?" She asked, her fingers slowing down a little. I simply nodded, unable to speak. She suddenly shifted down, her head positioning over the head of my cock. Her hand slid down to only stroke the shaft as her lips wrapped around the head of my cock.

Her tongue lashed out and ran across the head of my cock, as her lips sucked me quickly and her hand stroked even faster. She looked up at me seductively, as I started to cum. I shot deep down her throat, rope after rope of cum. She started to cough, trying to swallow. She kept sucking until I couldn't cum anymore.

"O-oh my god, that was amazing." I blurted, unable to think. She giggled adorably.

"You know, cum doesn't taste too bad. I figured if I swallowed then there'd be no mess." She explained, wriggling back up to the pillow, and wrapping her arms around me.

"G-good thinking. Really good thinking." I said with a constant grin on my face.

"So you think you can sleep now?" She asked.

"Yeah, thanks to you. Although, are you gonna be able to sleep?" I asked, and saw her cheeks turn red.

"I uh, I mean, well that was kinda hot..." Her voice trailed off, her face blushing profusely. I opened my mouth to offer, but her finger pressed against my lips again.

"I'm sorry, I really would like you to finger me too, but I feel like we'll end up doing stuff for too long if you do and I really need to sleep." She explained, smiling sadly.

"I understand. Would you rather I turned around or?" I asked, as I pulled my pants back up.

"No way, are you kidding? It'll be way hotter with you watching me." She told me, her cheeks red. I watched as she pulled the blanket back partly so I could see, as her fingers pulled the jumper up slightly, enough to see her panties.

She slipped her fingers in her underwear without taking it off, and I heard her fingers squish inside her pussy. My eyes ran back up to her face, and saw her eyes locking with mine as I heard her finger move inside her.

Her lips curled on one side as she fingered herself, before my eyes. I watched her gracefully finger herself for a few minutes. I loved watching her, as her eyes flickered open and closed. As her mouth twitched constantly. Listening to her rapid breathing, watching her chest rise and fall. Slowly, her eyes still watching me, I moved closer and kissed her gently.

Her other hand ran through my hair and pulled me closer, our lips smacking together passionately as her fingers flew in her panties.

"Oh my god..." She moaned softly in my lips, before jerking away, her back arching and gasping loudly, before her waist fell to the bed.

"Holy shit, that was intense. Do whatever you just did more often please." She whispered, her voice quivering.

She pulled her fingers out and sighed a breath of relief. She leaned back, switched the lamp off and curled up beside me. My arm wrapped around her and I saw her smile in the dim light. I moved closer to kiss her gently, our lips pressing against each other briefly, before I pulled away, blushing. She giggled a little, before closing her eyes.


I watched her falling asleep, listening to her every breath, and I remember the feeling of her chest rising and falling against mine. At some point, I must have fallen asleep though, because I woke up to find myself alone in the bed, with faint sounds in the kitchen. I got up quickly, and stumbled to the door.

I opened the door to find her standing by the oven in her clothes, holding a frying pan full of bacon.

"Good morning!" She cheered happily, as I collapsed into a nearby chair.

"Good morning, I didn't know you were the kind to wake up early." I mumbled, wiping my eyes.

"Well, I guessed you were the type to wake up late, and it seems I'm right." She smirked, sticking her tongue out. I laughed a little as she started serving the bacon onto plates.

"It was okay for me to cook your bacon, right?" She asked, biting her lip adorably as she passed me a plate and fork.

"Of course, I was gonna cook it one of these days anyway, you just saved me the hassle." I grinned, before digging into the bacon. She sat beside me with a plate of her own.

I finished eating quickly, and looked up at her with a piece of bacon sticking out of her mouth. She looked at me sheepishly, and I burst out laughing. She started laughing too, spitting her bacon onto the plate. We sat there laughing for a couple minutes, before calming down.

"I can't believe we just laughed over nothing for like five minutes." She gasped, grinning. I loved her soft wide smile. Without thinking, I leaned over and kissed her gently. Her eyes widened, before she melted into my lips, closing her eyes. We parted after a few moments.

"That was amazing." She whispered, her face flushed with excitement.

"You're amazing." I told her, grinning. She smiled wide, before jumping on top of me, her lips pressing passionately against me as her hands wrapped around my head. I fell off the chair to the hard tiled floor, with her on top of me.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, are you okay?" She stuttered, panicking. I kissed her quickly, calming her.

"I'm fine, no harm done silly." I whispered gently, my hand softly sliding against her cheek. She smiled softly, before her eyes widened.

"I think you're more than fine." She said smirking, her thigh rubbing against my hard-on.

"Well, with someone like you on top, you can't really blame me." I replied. Her smile grew, before she jumped off me.

"Go to your bed, just trust me." She yelled, as she ran into Drake's room. Confused, I got up and walked into my room, and lay down on my bed. I waited for a couple minutes and just as I was thinking of going to see where she was, she crept into the room, with a cheeky grin. She kept her arm behind her back. She crawled towards me in the bed, seductively staring into my eyes. I gulped, my boner getting completely erect.

"So, I was wondering..." Her voice trailed off, as she showed me what she was holding. In her hand were a handful of condom packets. "This might be a little soon, but would you be okay with being my first?" She asked, biting her lip adorably like she always did when she was nervous.

"As long as you're okay with being mine..." My voice trailed off, and she grinned.

"You know, the fact we've known each other for two days doesn't seem to faze you in the slightest." I pointed out, as she pulled my pants down.

"I feel like I know you well enough." She replied, happily wrapping her fingers around my cock. I gasped at her soft touch. She stroked me a couple times, keeping eye contact until I felt myself grow to full mast.

She let go, and opened the packet. She pulled out the small circle, and flashed a nervous grin before slowly pulling it down the length of my shaft. I gulped, as she started pulling her jeans and underwear off, exposing her cute bald pussy. She began positioning herself over my cock, her wet pussy glistening in the light.

"Wait. I uh, I want to make sure of something." I said, her knees quivering as she held herself above me. "We're not just friends, right? Like, we're uh, more?" I stuttered. Her smile grew wide, and she leaned towards me, and kissed me gently.

"I'd love to be more." She whispered, as she fell on my cock.

She breathed in sharply, as my cock felt her tight wet hot pussy walls wrap around me. I was in heaven.

"Just... Give me a second." She panted. I pressed my lips against hers, and kissed her gently. We kissed for a couple minutes, before she started moving her hips, slowly sliding off my cock up to the head, before falling back as her hips connected with mine. I gasped, as she started to bounce up and down on my cock slowly.

She leaned her head back, her mouth twitching, as she sighed. I raised my hands, and grasped her breasts through her thin shirt. She looked at me, with her eyes full of lust, as she leant forward again and kissed me passionately. I felt her speed up on my cock, as I started to raise my hips to thrust into her.

We kept fucking faster and faster, I began to really pound her. Jenny was moaning now, quietly into my ear. I loved the sound of adorable voice whispering into my ear, of watching her face each time my hips met hers, the feeling of wet pussy wrapped around my cock. I loved her.

My arms wrapped around her, and I pulled her closer to me as we fucked. She grinned, her mouth twitching with every thrust. I reached down with one hand, and flicked my thumb against her clit, making her jump. I began playing with it, rubbing it faster and faster, making her turn into a mess.

"Fuck, I, fuck... Don't stop. Please, please, I'm gonna cum..." She stammered, frantically thrusting harder and harder against my cock. "Please cum inside me." She whispered. I groaned, as I thrust faster and faster, feeling my cock start to throb. I thrust one final time, and shot my load inside, my hot semen filling the condom as I groaned louder. Jenny kept bouncing on top of me, milking me of all my cum. eventually she slowed down and stopped, rolling to my side.

"I love you." I whispered, looking into her eyes as I breathed heavily. Her beautiful smile spread across her face, as her eyes twinkled. I leant over, and gently wiped some hair out of her face.

"I love you too." She whispered back. I couldn't help but grin, as she leant closer and kissed me gently. Her soft lips pressed against mine, and I loved the feeling. I was in love, and I knew it wouldn't change. Not now, not ever.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Good story, but deserves more chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Nice story. Would have been better with more of a build up of the romance.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
What A Delicious Fantasy <3

This was a very pleasant, heartwarming story and I suspect I'll come back to it again and again. The couple was believable and the roommate was a lifesaver. Great, immersive writing overall. Thank you for putting out such a wonderful, uplifting story!

Chief3BlanketChief3Blanketover 7 years ago
Ah another very nice story

Somehow I stumbled into this author on Lit. I am finding this author's stories verity entertaing and enjoyable to read.

auguy86auguy86about 8 years ago
Still my favorite...

Over a year posted on the site, and this is still my favorite erotic short story ever. Its beauty is in its simplicity; it's as pure a story as I've read. Many returns to this one are in the future.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Amazing Work

I love your work, first "Chrissy" now "Jenny" keep it up

ReiDeBastosReiDeBastosabout 9 years ago
Sweet, and gently erotic

a welcome change of pace from the usual fare here.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

This is like a terrible porn script

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Great stuff

Romantic and erotic. Jenny is a person I would love to lose my virginity to her if I was still a virgin

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Great job.

Nice story. Many stories here only satisfy the sex drive, but yours here also satisfy that part that wants to experience what it feels like to be with a girlfriend. Your story is like the complete girlfriend experience.

sandymonroesandymonroeabout 9 years ago

Nice, coherent and detailed text. I liked it!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Very Nice

I agree with Lonely Quad........more would be good !!!

lonelyQuadlonelyQuadabout 9 years ago
nice one

i love both of your characters and would enjoy reading more about them...

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