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Unexpected encounter with my one-time babysitter.
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It started with a football match: My friends and I had long planned to meet at the pub and sink a couple of beers while watching the Manchester United v Liverpool fixture on the TV. The game then got re-scheduled to suit either the TV Company or perhaps the Police for security purposes and was now to be played at midday on Sunday; that clashed with a lunch date I had with my girlfriend Karen and her parents.

Karen gave me the whole "who's more important to you?... I thought you loved me?... If you don't come for lunch then don't bother coming again" routine. What can I say, I was eighteen years old and Karen wasn't putting out anyway, I went to the pub with my mates. It was great game and the fact that I'd dumped Karen to be there -- none of the guys liked her anyway; too much of a Karen -- only added to the festivities, so more than a couple of beers got sunk!

The final topic of conversation before it came time to leave was that of 'finding Scott a new girlfriend' and as we departed in his car -- he had to have been way over the drink-driving limit! - my mate Tom had his great idea: He'd drive around the town and pull over whenever we saw a single girl walking along the pavement alone and I would proposition her for a date; what can I say, we were eighteen and now pissed as well; it sounded a brilliant plan.

It was a cool, damp afternoon which didn't help us in our search, but after perhaps ten minutes Tom spotted a girl walking a dog down a residential street to our left and promptly turned onto it: "There's one Scott; she looks to be a redhead too, I know you like those." We couldn't see much more, as the girl was walking away from us.

We confirmed that she was indeed a redhead as we approached -- Tom obviously had better eyesight than me -- that she was tall and that beneath the sweats and running shoes she was wearing, probably slim too. But we hadn't seen her face and as Tom started to slow down I began to wonder just how 'brilliant' his idea really was:

"No, keep on going Tom; I can't chat her up; she's got a dog with her."

"What difference does the bloody dog make? It's not very big; so it's hardly likely to rip your throat out. Just wind the window down and ask her as I roll to a stop; I'll tell the other lads that you bottled it if you don't." What can I say, I was eighteen years old; an age when nothing's worse than having your mates know that you bottled it?

I was already leaning out of the window as Tom pulled over and I gave her my chat-up line in the instant we did : "Hi babe, wanna come for a ride?... We could have a whole lotta fun." OK, so I'm not Shakespeare.

The girl, or to be more accurate, woman, turned toward me looking stunned and none too pleased at my crass suggestion, but a moment later her face lit up with a huge smile as she replied: "Scott? Is that little Scotty? Wow, you've certainly grown-up since I last saw you." Oh shit, maybe there was something worse than having your mates know that you'd bottled it!

It was Mrs Beresford... Jenny-B... Aunt Jen, that I'd just propositioned! Jennifer Beresford's not actually my Aunt and is a very attractive woman -- she'd featured in some of my earliest wank fantasies -- but the good news ended there. Mrs-B and her husband Mike had moved into the house next door to us when I was about five or six, they'd been our neighbours for the next ten years until my parents had downsized once my older brothers had left home a couple of years back and we'd moved about five miles away.

Mrs-B would've been about eight or ten years younger than Mum, so now around forty; the Aunt Jen thing having started when Jenny-B used to babysit me and my brothers as kids when my parents went for an evening out; even half-pissed, this was embarrassing and likely to get worse. Despite our move my mum and Jenny-B remained good friends, often meeting-up for coffee and chatting on the phone; my mother was going to go ape-shit when she heard what I'd just proposed.

"Erm, Hi Aunt Je-, Mrs. Beresford, I didn't know you had a dog; have you moved house now too?" I must've been as red as a beetroot, I could see that Mrs-B was trying to contain her amusement at my embarrassment and I also knew that Tom must be doing similar behind me. Tom was going to rip the piss out me when this was over and tell the other guys all about it too, the day had gone downhill in a big way!

"No, we're still in the same house, but my sister Helen and her partner live near here; as they're away today I've offered to look in on their dog and take him for a walk. Anyway, what's with the 'Mrs. Beresford' bit, you're a little too old to be calling me that nowadays, Aunt Jen too for that matter; Jen or Jenny have a much better ring to them... especially when you're hitting on me."

I continued to squirm with embarrassment as Jenny continued: "Though I suppose that's a step forward from your lurking in your parents bedroom window, trying to get a sly-peek at me getting undressed in mine; did you enjoy the view? Whenever I thought you might be there I would give you a glimpse of my bra and panties; I even flashed my boobs for you a couple of times, I think once was on your birthday and the other one Christmas..."

Tom was audibly chuckling behind me as Jenny finally concluded: "But while you're old enough to be calling me Jenny, I think you'll always be a little too young for our 'having a lotta fun' together; we'll never bridge an age difference that indecent."

It was Tom who saved, indeed made, the day: "Come on love, there's me here too; come for a ride with both of us and you can use our combined ages, I can promise you that together we'll give you twice the fun."

A whole raft of expressions flitted across Jenny's face and the one she finally settled on was... strange; when she spoke -- more of a mutter - it seemed to be directed at herself: "Helen and Dan won't be back until seven or eight, Mike probably even later..." Having checked her watch and mumbled a little more, Jenny returned her attention to Tom & I before continuing more coherently:

"Do you know where the car-park is on Moor Lane? Of course you do, what courting teenager around here doesn't know the Moor Lane car park. Leave the car in there and walk down the hill, after about two hundred metres you'll see a green and yellow garden-gate on your right with a 'Beware of the Dog' sign on it; it'll be unlocked, but don't let anyone see you going in. Half an hour and remember, be discrete." Without another word Jenny spun on her heel and walked away, the confused looking dog following behind, while an equally nonplussed Tom and I watched her departure over our shoulders.

Moor Lane was barely five minutes drive away, but by the time I'd explained who Jenny was and we'd debated whether this was a wind-up, it was twenty minutes before we were parking the car. There was a long row of bungalows on our right as we walked down the lane and as promised, we found the green and yellow gate and it was unlocked. Looking around furtively as we approached -- now glad of the cold dank weather keeping the streets empty -- we slipped through and headed up the garden path.

There were glass patio doors on the rear of the bungalow and we could see Jenny looking out of them as we approached; the sweatshirt and running shoes had gone, she was now just wearing those jogging pants and a tight, black, scoop-necked t-shirt. I heard Tom's low mutter just as Jenny opened the door to us, it concurred with what I'd thought since puberty: "Fuck me, but she's got a cracking set of tits."

The first thing I noticed as we stepped inside was a blue bed-sheet spread across the floor, which Jenny promptly explained: "We can hardly use one of the beds and I don't want us leaving any stains in here either; I found it in the garage, but it feels dry and smells clean." Tom and I exchanged glances, this really wasn't a wind-up!

"Good manners suggest I ought to be offering you guys a drink, but tea or coffee seems a little banal given the situation and as for anything stronger... well, I got the distinct impression that you've both had more than enough already; especially your friend who's driving."

We both nodded our agreement with Tom looking suitably contrite; I did manage to formally introduce the two of them, but beyond that Tom and I were still too stupefied in our good fortune to do anything beyond look blankly at each other. Jenny was again the one who carried us forward: "So, with the refreshments issue resolved, we may as well get on with the whole lotta fun that you boys have promised me."

Jenny grasped me by the wrist and strode purposely forward, while I mutely followed thinking how much like that little dog I must look. When we reached the centre of the open floor, about in the middle of that bed sheet, Jenny swung around, draped her arms around my neck and shoulders and kissed me; it wasn't the first kiss I'd received from Aunt-Jen, but it was far and away the most memorable: Warm, wet, open-mouthed and protracted, then once I eventually got my head into gear and responded, Jenny's tongue darted out to dance with my own.

I wasn't a complete virgin. Well, OK I hadn't actually 'gone all the way' with a girl yet, but like I suspected Tom had too... I'd claimed that I had. In hindsight, it wouldn't have mattered a damn even if I had; Jenny was so far removed from the girls of my own age that I'd fooled around with as to be almost a different species! Those full, mature breasts of Jenny's pressing against me fulfilled all the dreams I'd had about them; I could feel her nipples digging into my chest!

My own hands were on Jenny's hips as we kissed and twice I slid the right one up her flank to 'accidentally' stroke the thumb against the side of her boob, but both times my nerve failed me and the hand slipped south again. On its third foray Jen's arm slid off my shoulder, she grasped me by the wrist, stepped back slightly and then planted my hand firmly and squarely on her own breast. "Just do it; they won't bite."

I was in heaven. I could feel the erect nipple pressing into my palm and as I slid my hand lower to cup and weigh Jenny's breast, the nipple slipped free and I caught and rolled it between my finger and thumb; Jenny's groan of pleasure was matched by my own. In the same instant my already hard cock felt to pulse, almost bounce against Jenny's belly; the raunchy smile she delivered confirmed that she'd felt it too and her hand immediately went to work on the belt of my jeans.

This too, while not new was a whole different experience, the girls who'd previously unzipped me had done so with a frantic, almost fearful haste; glancing over their shoulder's to ensure that nobody was going to see us. Jenny however, was calm, confident, simply... experienced at the task; it felt to take much longer than it ever had before, but in reality I suspect that her hand slipped inside my pants more quickly than either of those other girls had achieved. No concerns about her being seen doing it either; we were both aware of Tom watching our every move; how could we not be, he sounded to be breathing as hard as I was.

Jenny's had slipped inside my jeans and boxer-shorts without hesitation, sliding down the full length of my erection to cup its root in her palm, while her fingers and more especially their nails teased at my scrotum and that proved to be the end of me. I all but bellowed under Jen's touch and resist as I might, I couldn't stop the inevitable, I came... gouts of semen spraying both the inside of my boxers and Jennifer's hand and wrist. I was devastated by my lack of control, the chance of a lifetime and I'd fallen at the first fence, that bellow of release faded to a whimper of frustration.

Once again Jenny said and did just the right thing as she withdrew her spunk-spattered arm from my trousers, looking directly into my eyes and smiling almost gleefully, Jen whispered "Ooooh goody, with that one out of the way you'll last for ages once you're inside me." Thereafter brazenly licking every drop of my come from her arm and hand, concluding by slipping each of her fingers in turn into her mouth and sucking those clean too, in a series of audible slurps.

My disappointment faded yet further when Jenny and I too turned our attention toward Tom in response to a his growl; we did so to find him standing with his pants around his ankles, cock in hand and a series of damp spots on the sheet beneath his feet, he too had shot his load! Tom received a similar reassurance that his premature ejaculation was just what Jenny wanted to see and in practical confirmation she sank to her knees to lick and suck his flaccid cock clean again; I can't say I wasn't jealous about that.

When all was re-ordered to Jenny's satisfaction, she suggested that we might: "Like to finish getting undressed before we move on to the main event?" Hell, we both all but ripped our clothes as we tore them off beneath Jenny's appraising gaze; on conclusion she added: "And I suppose mine will need to go too?"

I don't think I've ever seen a woman take so long to remove so little, Jen could definitely have made a career as a strip-tease artiste, the t-shirt and her pair of jogging pants seemed to take forever, whereafter she somehow had insurmountable difficulties with both her bra and panties. The bra she called on me to assist her with -- those tits had by now surpassed the fantasies of my youth! - while Tom's help was needed with those recalcitrant panties. Damn that lady new how to arouse a guy, it wasn't ten minutes seen we'd each shot our wads and we were both as hard as nails again; Jennifer's sexy smile suggested that she wasn't averse to those prompt rejuvenations.

Having spent a further minute or two 'inspecting her studs' while we just stood there - quite happily - like a pair of lemons as Jenny touched, stroked and tasted us, she then played a slow and seductive game of eeny, meeny, miney, mo; all in good taste though, Jenny caught a tiger rather than nigger by its toe. I won, though concede that I would have been devastated if I hadn't; she was my Aunt-Jen after all!

Jenny lowered herself seductively -- hell, she did everything seductively! - to the floor, rolled onto her back and parted her legs. Perhaps to emphasise her need, she then placed both hands between her thighs and drew them slowly upward, the action parting her labia as they passed by, across her taut belly and over those glorious tits, before flinging them outstretched and crooning: "My pussy needs filling."

I didn't need a second invitation and was between Jenny's legs in an instant, only to have her pull in one arm to press a hand against my chest. "Easy tiger, we need to start slowly." Jen's hand grasped mine and she guided it between us, directly to the heart of the burning-red bush between her thighs; my hand was trembling, so I simply relaxed and allowed Jenny to direct it and direct it she certainly did.

Jenny's hand covered, indeed mirrored mine completely, it might've been my fingers which touched her, but the position, direction and pressure of that touch was all her own. Only in that moment did I realise that this was the first time that I'd properly touched Jenny; oh I'd groped her boob, but that was through her t-shirt and other than that it'd been Jenny touching me. Jenny pressed both of my middle fingers past her vulva; Christ but she was wet, I almost heard the splash as they penetrated... and burning hot too, Jen was on fire!

Jenny worked those two fingers deep into her pussy, then hooked them upward before drawing them back and forth inside herself, my thumb was directed to and applied hard to her clitoris, there to begin circling as her hips pressed forward and did similar to meet the assault. What commenced as gasping breaths from Jenny quickly progressed into rasping calls of "Yes -- oh yes -- that's it -- oh my fucking god yessssssss!" the last screamed out as she pitched and bucked against my intruding fingers.

I was open-mouthed in amazement, Jenny had used my hand to bring herself off and it hadn't taken her above thirty seconds; Tom and I had been... overly prompt in our climaxes, but Jen had done little better, she'd been gagging for it too! Jenny's smile suggested that she'd been reading my mind: "Now we can all relax and take our time..." she pulled my hand away from her pussy, transferred her grip to my rigid cock and steered that back in replacement to her channel's entrance: "Start quietly tiger, make them long, deep and slow." How could I refuse?

I pressed forward gently, but firmly and found Jenny to be a slick as butter; no strain, little resistance, just a single smooth stroke saw my full length buried in Jen's receptive gash; was it always this easy? Taking heed of Jenny's instruction I withdrew slowly until only the tip of my cock was still inside her, then forward once again to the very limit; I pushed so hard that my buttocks clenched tight in an effort to penetrate even a few millimetres deeper. And so it continued; I was concentrating so hard on fucking Jenny that it was three or four strokes before it registered that those gorgeous breasts were now right in front of my face.

Up close and personal they looked even bigger; full, firm and gently shuddering in response to each penetration, I must've spent another half-dozen strokes in a way torturing myself by just watching them move before allowing my resistance to give way. Leaning forward on the next penetration I encapsulated Jen's right nipple between my lips, keeping it there and teasing at the hard bud with my tongue as I withdrew. Until then our coupling -- beyond heavy breathing from us both -- had been in silence, but Jenny now broke that silence with a small squeal, followed by a rasped "The other one too".

I continued with my slow, deep and steady rhythm between Jenny's legs while my mouth began working in earnest on her tits and quite quickly it was again Jen who began to direct those attentions; initially with whispered verbal encouragements, but soon after her hand entwined in my hair and she was directing me physically too. While Jen seemed content with my cock working at its steady pace -- me too for that matter, I was adamant that I'd last until Jen climaxed this time! - the assault that she called for on her breasts became far more aggressive.

Those softly whispered requests, strengthened in both their volume and demand; Jennifer forcefully pulled my head from one breast to the other, calling for me to maul one with my hands while biting her other breast and more especially its nipples with my teeth. Once I'd complied, Jen's pleadings became demands: "More -- Harder - I said roughly -- Bite them dammit -- Harder still!" I could see the teeth-marks and bruises beginning to appear on Jenny's pale flesh, her nipples and areolae, were swollen and red; they looked angry, painful and I was beginning to waver, Jen's demands were getting a little to much -- scary! - for me and then it no longer mattered:

One moment Jenny was in full control, her lower body in particular almost motionless as I slid my cock in and out of her yielding pussy, only that hand in my hair and her voice were really animated and then in the next moment she simply exploded. Jen's legs swung up around my hips the ankles locking behind my arse, I thought I'd penetrated as deeply into her as I was able, but in that instant Jen felt to pull me in a half-inch further as she unleashed a febrile scream of release. That rolled on in a keening wail as I felt her pussy clenching, almost pulsing around my deeply buried cock; fuck me I'd done it! Jenny had erupted like a bloody volcano! Come like the proverbial train and I was still in control; hell I wasn't even on the edge!

Jenny was some time recovering, during which both Tom and I remained silent; I suspect that his look of concern was reflected in my own eyes, clearly he'd never seen anything like it either. Had Jen simply orgasmed as I'd hoped, or was it something more, possibly dangerous? I was heartily relieved to feel Jenny's legs ease their vice-like grip on my hips, her breathing begin to slow and perhaps most importantly, that glazed look finally clear from her eyes. I'll bet it was a minute or more before Jenny's eyes met mine with any degree of coherence in them and as a smile spread slowly across her face; I was equally pleased to see a hint of embarrassment in that smile.