Jerry and His Women


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Jerry watched in his rear view mirror with a huge grin on his face waiting for Angela to screech to a stop. To his horror her car continued to roar through the intersection. He lost sight of her as a Semi Trailer moved into the intersection. Even from almost a block away he heard the loud crash when Angela's car impacted the truck.

Jerry quickly turned around and drove back to the intersection. He pulled into the parking lot of a convenience store on the corner. He walked into the street and looked at the accident. Angela's car was trapped underneath the semi. Jerry stood for over an hour as the car was first pulled from underneath the truck then carefully cut open with the Jaws of Life until all four lifeless bodies could be pulled from it. He felt many sorrowful glances as it became evident to the first responders, firemen and ambulance crew what had been going on. Angela was naked underneath her dress. The dress was unbuttoned to her waist. She had sperm draining from her pussy and in her hair. The men with her were only half dressed. Oh, yes, they knew what had been going on.

Finally the evening's ordeal was over. Jerry was told he could pick up the accident report in four days at the main police station. Angela and her deceased Deacons were taken to the hospital for official pronouncement of death. Jerry went home alone.

Almost immediately the phone calls and visits from church members began. Strangely, about two hours after he got home the calls and visits almost stopped completely. The next week was a blur as Jerry made funeral arrangements and said good bye to his wife the Right Reverend Angela Stringer.

One surprise for Jerry after the funeral was being fired from his job. His boss had been one of the Deacons riding with Angela. His first day back at work after the funeral his bosses wife called him to the office. When he entered she looked at him and hissed, "Close the door, Jerry."

After the door was closed Jerry started to sit down. With her eyes flashing and shooting sparks Mrs. Tuttle said, "You don't need to sit down you little shit. I know what you did that afternoon. It's your fault my husband and those other people are dead. I've already had the office prepare your last check Jerry. You're fired. Because of your antics I've lost my husband and this town has lost three other fine citizens. There's no place for you here. You need to move on. Now get out."

Jerry was so shocked he almost just left. He was turning when the anger hit him. He turned back to Mrs. Tuttle and said, "I don't know what you think happened that night but it damn sure wasn't my fault. If Angela hadn't been cheating on me with her Deacons I wouldn't have caught her. If they hadn't wanted to catch me and take my camera from me so they could delete the pictures I took they wouldn't have had the accident. None of this was my fault at all. I'm the one who got shit on here."

"Bullshit. The Youth Minister filled me in on your antics. He said you left in a jealous rage making threats against Angela and those men for having so many meetings. They were trying to stop you and explain things to you when they had the accident. Now just get out of here."

Jerry started to say something else then just decided fuck it and left. He picked up his last check and returned home. To his surprise when he got home there were three cars in the driveway. He was met at the door by the Youth Minister and two surviving Deacons. The minister sneered at Jerry and said, "Jerry, I've been appointed minister in Angela's place. Since this is the church provided parsonage I need you to get out of my new house immediately."

When the new minister moved toward Jerry he finally recognized him. He said, "Now I know you. You were one of the assholes Angela cheated with in college."

The minister smiled and moved to Jerry. He hit him in the stomach. When Jerry bent forward a Deacon took each arm. The minister placed his arm around Jerry's shoulders and said quietly, "You might look at it that way I suppose. Angela was my woman then and she has been my woman ever since. None of us had enough money to party like we wanted to so she hooked up with you. Didn't you ever wonder how she managed to drink so much beer and whiskey between your visits to her apartment? Hell, you kept us in booze for over a year until we got drunk and fucked up and you caught us. We've been friends with benefits ever since but you'll never prove anything." He laughed and continued, "We came in the night Angela died and got the pictures off your camera. Now it's just your word against ours as to what really happened the other night. We're fine upstanding pillars of the community so who do you think they will believe? We have all the movers and shakers in this little hick town covered so you really need to move on now Jerry."

The minister hit Jerry once more in the stomach and then he and his Deacons walked off laughing. Just before he got into the car the minister said, "You have three days to get your personal possessions out of the house asshole. Remember the furniture belongs to the church too buddy."

Jerry staggered into the parsonage. Now at least he knew what happened to the pictures on his camera. He thought he erased them by mistake in the aftermath of the accident. Jerry rested until his stomach stopped hurting then he began to pack. He had intended on leaving anyway because he knew they lived in the parsonage. He just hadn't intended to leave as soon as he was. At least he had an apartment to move to over his parent's garage. Some of his belongings were already there.

Thankfully Jerry was able to get all his remaining personal possessions in his F150 Super Crew. He left everything he considered Angela's where it sat. He was out of the house headed for his parent's home outside of town by 6:30 that evening. On the drive he had a sick little thought. He thought, at least I didn't have to go through a divorce and lose half our savings. It was quick and relatively painless, at least for me.

Jerry decided to take a couple weeks off before hunting work. Three days after he got to his parent's house he received a phone call from an insurance company. He didn't even know the church provided life insurance on the Pastor. He was informed the church had filed the claim for the death benefit. Because the death was accidental and Jerry was listed as spouse and beneficiary of the policy he would be paid $400,000.00 for Angela's death. The policy was for $200,000 with an accidental death indemnity that would double the original policy in the case of an accidental death such as Angela's.

Jerry received the money by bank wire transfer six days later. Five days after that Jerry received a phone call from the Minister of Angela's old church demanding he turn over the money from Angela's insurance policy to the church. Jerry laughed and hung up on the man.

A week later Jerry received a letter from an attorney who he remembered was a church member demanding the insurance settlement money or face a lawsuit. His letter informed Jerry that the policy beneficiary was supposed to have been the church and a clerical error caused his name to be entered as beneficiary. Jerry didn't know if that was true or not but his name was listed as beneficiary and he intended to keep the money. This time Jerry contacted the insurance company and they told him they would handle the matter from their end. Jerry never heard another word from the church.

A couple of weeks after he received the settlement Jerry was driving around on the back roads one evening heading for an old friends home. He drove through a small town called Wilson's Mill. Heading out of town on the road toward his friends house he drove past the mill that had been restored and turned into a restaurant, café and still operating mill. About half a mile past the mill he saw a sign advertising 40 acres with river frontage for sale. Jerry stopped and looked over the land for a moment then moved on down the road.

When Jerry got to his friends house they began hoisting a few and tripping down memory lane. During the evening Jerry asked if he knew anything about the land. He said, "Yeah, it's a pretty nice little piece of ground. Pete and Jenny Ficke own it. Their house burned down several months ago and they decided not to rebuild. They took the insurance money and bought a place in town. They're both in their 70's and quit farming several years ago. It's a pretty good buy I think. There is still a large three car detached garage on the place and a couple of old barns about to fall down. I think he even plans to let his old worn out machinery and tools go with the place when it sells. The house and buildings were on a bank about 200 feet from the river in a bunch of trees. Some of the trees were killed by the fire but most of them are still alive."

Jerry took down the name of the real estate agent and their phone number on his way home that night. Three weeks later Jerry owned 40 acres of riverfront property with a three car garage and two falling down barns on it. The well was deep and gave sweet water so he was all set. He only had to pay $100,000.00 for the land also. Even after he turned the garage into a small house by adding a bathroom on one side Jerry had nearly $280,000 left from the insurance settlement. Jerry still had almost $7000 in his checking account also.

Jerry invested the insurance money in conservative investments. He bought some utility stocks, some high yield bond mutual funds, and splurged on 100 shares of Apple Computer Company. His investments were paying him a monthly income of about $1,600.

As his friend said, part of the purchase price of the farm included some old nearly worn out machinery. It still ran but was 20 to 30 years old and too small for current large farming operations. Jerry used the bush hog to keep weeds cut and the tractor and plow to put in a garden. He even increased his income slightly by putting in a crop of wheat on the tillable acreage.

One of the last things Jerry did before leaving town for good was exact his final revenge against the men and women he knew to be Angela's lovers. He purchased enough CD's to send a copy of everything he had recorded of her trysts to everyone on her mailing list. He also sent copies to the local radio and TV stations and the local paper. Many of the largest business owners as well as other important people in town received the CD's.

Within three weeks of his leaving town all the remaining Deacons and the Minister were replaced by the church. Everyone who starred in the orgies was in the process of divorce and the scandal was spreading. Apparently, Jerry did not get pictures of all Angela's lovers but those who he did get threw their friends to the wolves. By the time it all ended there were 19 divorces in the church hierarchy caused by the fallout of Angela's wanton behavior.

Jerry became next thing to a hermit. He didn't know anyone in Wilson's Mill, Steelville, or Prineville with the exception of the one friend he had visited when he found his place. He didn't make much effort to meet his neighbors. He had been born and raised in Joplin where he and Angela had lived. All his friends were there but he had no interest in returning to the town where he had known so much heartache. He also had no interest in moving to Centerton where he and Angela had gone to college.

Three years after he moved to the farm Jerry was a changed man. His hair was cut in a buzz cut and he constantly had a three or four day growth of beard. He had not purchased any clothes since he moved to the farm. His wardrobe was looking rough and worn, threadbare. Jerry worked on his small farm, raised his wheat or soybeans and a large garden. He raised his own chickens for meat and eggs. Every year he purchased two or three weaning pigs and a couple of bottle calves for his pork and beef. He sold what he didn't eat himself. If he wasn't working in his garden or field he was either fishing or lying around on the stream bank or inside if the weather was not good enough to be outside. He cut wood for the majority of his heat. He was actually saving money on his small monthly income. His garden, animals and the small profit on his crops normally paid his yearly living expenses.

If you asked Jerry he would tell you he was fine, ok, pretty happy. If you looked in his eyes you would see a dead empty look, the look of a defeated man, one who just existed. Jerry read voraciously, both printed books and on the internet. He even traded stock off and on but not much. He had a gravy train from his death benefit and didn't want to chance losing it because of a bad trade. Other than reading, his one extravagance was a trip to a local beer bar every few weeks to pick up a barfly for a piece of worn out pussy. He would show up around midnight usually and hit on one of the better looking drunk women who abounded in the bar. Most times he would fuck them in the back of his truck or their car and be home before the bar closed. It usually only cost him a couple of beers and a little begging.

The summer Jerry was 29 his life changed again. Jerry didn't know it for a several months but it began changing when the local outfitter began their first guided rafting trip of the year. One of the female guides took to waving at Jerry every time they floated past his farm if he was outside and in sight. When he was close enough to the river for her to talk she would say hi and they would yell conversation back and forth until she had floated far enough away that conversation was impractical. To his surprise Jerry found himself looking forward to the conversations. On busy days sometimes she would pass twice in a day.

One day in late July, instead of paddling the raft past Jerry's place, the woman and her charges guided it onto the gravel bar by his house. Everyone jumped out and they pulled the raft from the water. Jerry walked down to the group and the woman walked up toward Jerry. She said, "I'm sorry we stopped and bothered you sir. We hit a broken off tree branch wrong just up the stream and punched a hole in the raft. If it's ok with you I need to patch it and then we'll get on down the stream and leave you alone."

"Yeah, sure," Jerry said. "Can I do anything to help?"

"No, all I need is the gravel bar and a few minutes for the glue to dry after I patch the hole."

While the woman worked and waited for the patch to dry she and Jerry talked. To his surprise he enjoyed every moment of the conversation and hated to see her leave. Perhaps happy was not the correct word for how Jerry felt; content might hit the nail on the head however. Jerry lived in his own home even if it was a converted garage and one room to boot. He had more money coming in than he spent; he was healthy and only did whatever the hell he felt like doing.

Most of the next month what Jerry felt like doing was keep up with his garden during the cooler early mornings and then lounge around the river bank between dips in the cool water during the remainder of the day. When his new friend came by he would wade out then float in the deeper water and visit with her and her charges as they slowly floated past. Occasionally, another of the guides would be with her and all of them would visit.

One Sunday afternoon to his surprise Jerry heard himself inviting Brittany, "his" guide, back to his place for a BBQ after she got off work. She had told him she normally had Monday and Tuesday off and was lamenting the fact she had no plans for her upcoming "weekend" off. She smiled and said, "I would love to. Would it be ok if I brought Tessa also? She and I usually hang together on our time off. We've been best buds ever since we started grade school. We're even taking the same major in college and have all our classes together."

Jerry and his guests had a blast. They did BBQ beside the stream and had tater salad, baked beans, coleslaw, and the obligatory beer with it. By the end of the evening Jerry realized he had more fun than he had since before he married Angela. It seemed like he and the women were always laughing. They spent almost as much time in the water as they did on shore. Between the swimming, the food, and the beer, they were exhausted by ten p.m.

The women insisted on helping clean up after the party. They staggered into his house giggling all the way and placed dirty dishes in the sink and left over food in the refrigerator. Brittany staggered up to Jerry and placed her extended arms on his shoulders then looked him in the eyes. She said, "Thanks for the good time and the food Jerry. We gotta go now though. It's bedtime." Brittany giggled and moved back from Jerry before continuing her conversation "Gotta get our beauty rest ya know. 'Sides, a girl's gotta get something to relax her before she can go to sleep, don't ya know."

Tessa gasped and grabbed Brittany's arm when she said that. Both women blushed slightly and Brittany staggered slightly when Tessa pulled her away from Jerry. Tessa looked carefully at Brittany and said, "Damn, girl, we're both sloshed. How we gonna get our asses home without getting in trouble? Guess I'll haveta drive. I dint have as many beers as you did."

Jerry stood in indecision for a moment and then said, "Look, you two, I know you don't know me very well but I think you should stay here for the night. I don't want you driving while you're drunk and getting a ticket or injured. We shouldn't have had so much to drink but I let things get away from me, too. Guess we were having way too much fun. You can use my bed and I'll rack out on the couch."

The women giggled again and staggered toward Jerry's bed. To his surprise they began taking their clothes off as they walked. By the time they stood beside the bed they were both nude. They turned to him and caroled, "Good night, Jerry." He watched as they crawled into his bed and pulled the sheet over them.

Jerry opened up the sleeper sofa and got out a couple of sheets for it. He turned the lights off and crawled into his bed. Jerry was drifting off to sleep when he began hearing soft giggles and smacking. He heard movement on his bed, springs creaking and whispers. Things quieted down for a moment. Jerry was drifting off to sleep once more when he heard light moaning. A feminine voice moaned once more then he heard "Ahhhhhh." He heard a short scream that was cut off almost in the middle. Finally he rose up and looked toward his bed. The sheet was off the bed and his two guests were in a 69 munching on each other's pretty little pussy.

It looked like Brittany was on top. She had her head up staring straight toward Jerry with a glassy look on her face. Her hips were writhing and wiggling around on Tessa's face. All at once she rose up on her extended arms and her hips went into overdrive as she wiggled her pussy against Tessa's tongue and face. Tessa grabbed Brittany's hips and held on as Brittany screamed out her orgasm.

Jerry felt his cock surge to steel hard readiness in an instant. He watched spellbound as Brittany sighed and collapsed onto the bed with her head toward the foot. Just as she collapsed she looked straight into Jerry's surprised face. Jerry lay back down and thought about what he had just seen. He couldn't believe the two drunken women had actually done a 69 right in his face more or less. He finally forced himself to relax but it still took several minutes of tossing and turning before he managed to go to sleep.

Jerry had not been as drunk as the women were the night before so he woke well before they did. He was used to rising early anyway. Mornings were his favorite time of the day. He usually drank his coffee and watched the sun come up and burn the mist and fog off the river whenever he could. When Jerry rose from his couch he looked over at the sleeping women. They were both lying uncovered. Brittany still had her head at the foot of the bed. Tessa was on her back with one knee drawn up, legs spread. He took several heartbeats to admire the wonderful view of her spread pussy and Brittany's beautiful breasts before he made himself move toward his coffee maker. He made coffee as quietly as he could and took his cup outside to his favorite spot. He enjoyed his morning outside even though this morning there was a much better view inside his home.