Jessica's Change Management Ch. 15


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Oh shoot! I did understand, and that was why I was at a loss of words. I didn't know what to say to my defense 'cause there was no excuse.

"Just another LGZ hoe better at sucking than talking. Figured that much." Perez concluded when I didn't respond.

"Um... not really. I'm, like, Miss Bimbo. You know, D-Rod's hootrat coug, fer shure." I finally objected.

Oh shoot! I had tried really hard to sound like my sophisticated executive-self. It hadn't worked, though. It so hadn't worked. As soon as I opened my mouth, I babbled totally bimboy. Could it be that bimbo was my default mode nowadays? No way!

"I don't know why Danny took a fancy to some random hoe but he's young. He's gonna learn." The gang boss wasn't impressed. "This puta should be glad about it 'cause LGZ hoes are a dime a dozen."

Gawd! The way, he talked to me in third person like he was actually addressing someone else really annoyed me. It also made me feel so disposable and replaceable. For him, I was just another big-titted, gussied-up hooker. I guess I really should be thanking D-Rod for keeping me safe from the usual LGZ rituals. Still, my man hadn't taken a fancy to a hooker but to a sophisticated business executive. That was long ago, though, wasn't it?

"Checo's tasked with bringing Danny back. An unnecessary inconvenience that'll be tricky 'n take time." He said.

I so badly wanted to ask about the plans he had discussed with Checo. I wanted to know what they were scheming to bring D-Rod back. Obviously, the old gangster wasn't about to tell me, though, 'cause he didn't think me capable of understanding it.

"This puta better hope he's successful." Perez continued. "She gotta pay the price of failure otherwise."

OMG! Seriously? The way, the gang lord uttered his threat didn't leave a doubt. I wanted D-Rod back so much. But now, I wanted it so much more, 'cause I didn't want to imagine what the price of failure would be.

"Does the puta have good reason to bother me or is she wasting my time?" Perez suddenly asked. "Checo should have taken care of this annoyance already. She seems more burden than benefit."

Oh wow! That was scary. Especially, the way he talked about me like a pesky bug that should be squashed.

"Why should I care about what happens to this puta?" He inquired. "Why shouldn't I order Checo to dispose of the cause of Danny's distraction?"

Um... what should happen to me? Dunno! I didn't really have any arguments, did I? Besides, I was totally taken off guard by the gang lord's authority. It still gave me a hard time finding any words.

I was panicking, however. This old dude was really scary and seemed capable of anything. Checo had said I had been kicked out of the gang. I guess it wasn't so easy or so inconsequential after all. I had to make a case, and I had to make it quick.

"I'm, like, totally acquainted with Ortega, fer shure." I started babbling at the top of my head. "You know, the dude who's, like, blackmailing your nephew 'n stuff."

"Hm, I can barely understand a word the puta's trying to say. With those lips inflated like a dinghy, I'm surprised they don't squeak when she speaks." He responded.

Oh wow! He wasn't taking me serious! I was a senior exec talking to a convicted criminal. Still, I was the one talking drivel whereas he was the one making sense. I was the one prattling in a high-pitched tone whereas he was the one with the sinister smoky voice. What a contrast!

By the way, another joke about my lips? They were really popular with these alpha machos, weren't they? Actually, every taunt made the lip enhancer more valuable. Yay! That wasn't really important right now, however. Nay!

"She might be right about this one, though." Perez continued before I had a chance to reply. "That acquaintance might come in handy."

Phew! I had made my case, even without much contribution on my part. Still, it had been a good one. At least, it had convinced Perez for the moment.

"Fine, the puta's got a reprieve." The gangster concluded. "It won't be enough to save her though."

"I'm not known for dragging around unnecessary ballast." He added a new threat. "She better prove profitable as of now."

Profitable? Seriously?!? Another dig! Another hint that he considered me nothing more but a hooker. How could I ever convince these jerks of the contrary? Dunno! Ugh!

"Let's get to something more up the puta's alley." He quickly moved on. "Let's see if the puta's potential's worth all the trouble."

Oh boy! Something up my alley? Whore potential? I guess he meant something I should be skilled at, right? Then he was probably talking about fucking and sucking, wasn't he? That was my area of expertise, for sure. Yay!

"The puta failed LGZ so she's unworthy of being an LGZ hoe." Perez stated out of the blue. "That's why she gets relegated to LGZ pet."

Please, what? Relegation?!? Pet?!? That caught my breath.

"Those dinghy lips and cow udders make her look more like a pet than a person anyway." The gang boss continued unfazed.

OMG! Dinghy lips?!? Cow udders?!? He really wasn't taken me serious, not at all. In a way, however, it could also be seen as a compliment for my ample boobies and pouty lips, right? That was what I was going for after all, wasn't it?

"The puta fails as LGZ pet, she's unworthy of being with LGZ altogether." The gang lord gave me an ultimatum.

"You better satisfy me here 'n now, pet." He told me staring me straight in the eye.

Gulp! Perez' icy glare said it all. There was no room for debate. This was my decision day. I had to succeed or else...

"Let's get started." He simply continued. "A pet doesn't need to talk anyways. It pouts to say yes 'n shakes its udders to say no. Simple as that."

By default, I pushed out my plumped up lips, showing my best duckface. Oh Lordy! I was already implementing his orders, showing Perez my understanding with a pout.

"Beyond the lips 'n udders, everything's shimmery 'n shiny, sticky 'n glossy with this pet." The gangster remarked sternly. "My hoes, however, need to look like legit street walkers so you can always recognize them for what they are. Hookers!"

"The pet wanna reclaim the position of LGZ hoe, it better learn how to look the part." He gave an implicit order. "Good thing, we're well prepared here in my little love shack."

"You won't believe all the things you get with money, even in jail." He joked totally straightfaced while pointing to the black dresser.

Somewhat confused, I turned around and walked over to the chest of drawers. I didn't like where this was going. I wasn't a hooker, even less a street walker. Remember when those suppliers had called me an alley cat? I had loathed it then, and I loathed it now. Did I want to dress up like a hooker now? No way! Did I want to dress up for some convicted criminal? As if!

Despite my aversion, the gang lord's little 'hoe talk' had brought the sweat to my brow. I was ready to do anything and everything 'cause I so didn't want to find out what would happen if I failed again. It wouldn't be a good thingie for sure, so no goodie.

That was why I opened the drawer without hesitation and rummaged through the pieces of clothing. All of them looked über-tacky, like super cheap and ultra trashy. They literally screamed whore. Simply looking at them gave me the creeps.

I shied away from any kinda animal print or faux-fur clothes. Instead, I pulled out an ultra short vinyl mini skirt in fire-engine red and a matching vinyl bra. The skirt didn't even cover the lower curve of my buns, leaving my ribbon tattoos plainly visible. The bra was two sizes too small so my titties bulged out on top.

I felt totally exposed in that outfit. I also felt the urge to cover more of my skin. So I added a black faux-leather bolero jacket and black stockings. The jacket was so small that it didn't even reach my bellybutton and couldn't be closed. As a result, it only covered the outer thirds of my udders. The stockings were fencenet hold-ups with extra large diamond pattern that didn't hide anything. Unfortunately, they were the only stockings I could find.

In the lower drawer, I discovered some shoes to finish my outfit. Calling them stripper hooves would have been a total understatement. The boots were black with a 6" pointed stiletto heel and 2" platform. They were also really shiny and thigh high. All in all, I couldn't have looked more like a hooker, even if I had tried.

Turning a coupla pirouettes, I presented my street walker outfit to Perez. He was still lounging around on the bed with his arms clasped behind his head, totally chilled. Apparently, he approved of my new clothes 'cause he gave me a slight nod.

"Now that you're properly dressed to meet the 'Rey del LGZ', do you bear the hospitality gift?" He asked.

Please, what? Nobody had said anything about a gift. Hospitality and prison? What a contradiction!

There was no way around it. I had to shake my titties to say no. Moving my shoulders, my titty meat jiggled massively, so much that my right nipple slipped out of the too-tight, red vinyl bra. Oopsie! Whatever! Perez understood what I was trying to say.

"I can't grant you an audience then." The gang boss concluded with his chainsmoker voice. "I assume Checo has the mandatory item at hand, though. You can go back 'n fetch it from him."

Wait! Seriously?!? He wanted me to go back and get a hospitality gift from Checo. He wanted me to give him a present so I was allowed to serve him? Totally unreal!

I so didn't want to go back to the admission center, especially not dressed like this! There was no way to discuss it, however. I didn't even dare to hesitate, instantly pouting to signal my affirmation.

With my heart thumping and my skin crawling, I turned around and headed to the door. Woah! It wasn't easy to walk in these boots. The high platform made it impossible to roll from heel to toes. It made me totter epically. I would have toppled over without the thigh high shaft that reached over my knees and gave me some stability. Phew!

I had to knock on the door to have it unlocked. Pornstache Dude was obviously standing guard outside the construction trailer 'cause he quickly opened the door. Making my way back with the officer at my side, I had to walk down the fenced corridor. This time, though, I ran out of luck. The prison yards were filled with inmates. They were playing street ball in the left yard while a bunch of prisoners was busy weight lifting in the right yard.

When I appeared, both yards fell silent. Whatever the inmates had been doing, they dropped it when they noticed me. The weights hit the floor and the basketball rolled down the court while every inmate turned around to watch the bimbo hooker. They mustered me like predators. Actually, I literally felt like prey hunted by predators.

After a few seconds of scary silence, the two yards erupted in noise simultaneously. All inmates started wolf-whistling and yelling and shouting. They were hurling every obscenity I had ever heard and more.

While I tried my best to hurry down the corridor super fast, the inmates rushed to the fence and lined up all along. Oh darn! Those platform boots didn't let me gain ground any fast. The prisoners started beating the fence like a drum, making it swerve dangerously. So lotsa scary! So lotsa attention!

Even though the inmates were going bonkers, the officers guarding the yards weren't doing stuff about it. They just watched from a little distance, paying more attention to me than to the prisoners. Despite my fears, my body began embracing the attention. Oh gosh! I started wiggling my butt and shaking my titties with every step. This way, all inmates got a great look at my udders bulging out of my bra and my exposed thigh tattoos.


Just then, my phone rang. I tried to disregard it but it continued ringing and ringing. Eventually, I stopped and pulled my smartphone from my glitter purse. Oh fudge! It was Shelly calling. I had to pick it up.

"What are you doing, barbie? You didn't send a selfie in quite a while." The secretary chided me.

Oh no! The selfies! I had totally forgotten about them. She was right, though. I hadn't sent a picture since I had left the car wash. Duh!

"I, um, I was busy, you know, with grocery shopping for Mr. Ortega and stuff." I stammered in response. "There were, like, so many items on his list, fer shure."

"Aw, too busy for a quick selfie? Is barbie with her head in the clouds again?" Shelly taunted me. "Mr. Ortega expects a selfie in the next 5 minutes."

"What's all the noise anyways? Doesn't sound like a grocery store to me." She kept pressing.

Uh-oh! I hadn't thought about it, but I was still standing in the middle of the corridor. The inmates were going berserk with their hollers and wolf-whistles. They were whooping it up louder and louder.

"What was that?" Shelly suddenly asked. "Sounded like a few scraps of conversation. New correctional program... jailhouse hoe...?"

Oh dang! She had overheard some of the shouts. She had picked up some of the obscenities. I had to distract her. I had to set her on the wrong track, somehow.

"Oh, um, you know..." I was stammering and stuttering, trying to buy time while I was searching for an excuse. "The grocery store's, like, super crowded."

"It's so loud in here, you know." I made something up. "Their playing some kinda announcement or stuff."

"The promo so didn't say correctional, you know, but coriander. It's on sale today." I blatantly lied. "And the radio's, like, totally blasting, fer shure. Playing stuff, like, jailhouse rock. You know, that old song."

Oh wow! What a cheap excuse! So easy to see through that humbug. However, it was the best I could do on such short notice. Creativity wasn't really a bimbo skill after all. Whatever! For the moment, Shelly didn't ask any further questions. Instead, she once more reminded me to shoot a new selfie before hanging up.

Okay! That had been a train-wreck, almost. I had barely managed to avert disaster. No way, I could bear contemplating what happened if Ortega found out about my little detour. Not now! Not ever!

Still, I had to shoot a darn selfie. I couldn't wait any longer, or else Shelly would call again. I had to be quick about it. That was a problem, though, 'cause I was standing in the middle of a prison dressed as a cheap, tacky street walker.

How was I supposed to hide that from the selfie? Dunno! I had to try anyhow. So I slipped off the black bolero jacket, fully showing off my naked shoulders and deep cleavage. Of course, it earned me a new round of hollers from the inmates. I guess I had to be glad that the fence was still holding up 'cause those dudes would have eaten me alive otherwise.

"I've never, like, been to prison, man, you know?" I told Pornstache Dude apologetically. "So exciting! I totally gotta record it, like, for eternity. You know, a pic says more than a thousand words, like literally."

With that said, I held my smartphone up in the air, and shot the first photo. Oh darn! It showed the fence and an inmate dressed in orange in the background. I had to try again. Of course, the prisoners roared even louder when they saw me shooting selfies. On top of that, they tried to get into the pictures, jumping around behind me. Dang! It didn't make it any easier.

Besides, all the attention and the silly act of shooting selfies really made my pussy surge and clouded my mind. Frankly, though, I welcomed the familiar bimbo haze. I was so ready to stop worrying so much, especially in my current situation.

Whatever! I was busy making a coupla more photos, but every time some thingie spoiled it. When I managed to blend out my surroundings, the red bra gave away that I had changed clothes and vice versa.

"Fuck, bitch! How hard can it be to shoot a fucking selfie." The officer was getting impatient.

Uh-oh! This was taking way too long. The inmates didn't stop making a fuss and the guards were getting antsy. I could see them starting to walk up the yard. Hastily, I held the smartphone up and close to capture my face without any surroundings showing. This wouldn't be the bestest selfie ever but it would have to do. Pouting dramatically, I did the 'lip grip' with my squeaky dinghy lips to direct all attention to my face.

It worked! Finally! I had captured my face and bust without the red bra showing at the bottom. Sending the selfie to Ortega and Shelly, I took a deep breath and quickly got going.


The noise had gotten so loud that the guards were forced to react. They blew their police whistles. The sudden noise snapped me out of my bimbo haze. With my head clearing up, I finally blushed, feeling a rush of embarrassment. Oh boy! I really went epically red in the face. It felt like it was burning up, 'cause it was glowing so much.

Even though I became totally conscious of my situation and surroundings, I didn't start behaving any differently. Totally the opposite, actually! I threw a peace sign at the inmates before continuing my way down the corridor. Oh gawd! All level-headed, this action felt way more silly and foolish and inane.

Reaching the visitor area, I found Checo in the waiting room. All out of breath, I asked him about the hospitality gift. It only made him chuckle. He didn't even pretend that he had forgotten about it. He hadn't told me, 'cause he enjoyed toying with me and making me look bad. So unfair! So frustrating!

I was so furious I stomped my foot right then and there. It didn't impress Checo at all, though. Instead, he pulled out a little wooden box like he had all the time in the world. Opening the box, he presented a coupla cigars.

"Gotta present a cigar to show respect to da 'Rey del LGZ', biatch. Never forgot dat!" He said as if I should have known on my own.

So sorry I wasn't well-versed in dealing with gang lords. Duh! Whatever! I took a cigar and turned around.

"Stop, puta del barrio! Not so fast!" Checo held me back. "Dat ain't no way to bring a gift fo' a hoe."

Getting up, he stepped behind me. Pressing his hand against my back, he made me bent over. Before I understood what was happening, he had positioned the cigar between my ass cheeks. Oh boy! For sure, these gangbangers knew how to hammer home the message that I was nothing but a hooker for them. I had to use my assets to carry the hospitality gift. Those assets weren't my hands as with a normal white-collar worker but my sexholes. If the tacky outfit wasn't enough, this stressed it to the max.

Checo started adding pressure. The girth wasn't that thick so the cigar slipped up my butthole kinda easy. It only validated Perez' whore assessment, didn't it? A slap to my butt made me stumble forward and got me going. Once again, I found myself walking down the corridor. This time, however, I was mostly staggering 'cause platform boots and cigar.

Mercifully, the guards had taken the prisoners inside so the yard was empty. Almost empty 'cause two guards remained, keeping watch and making their rounds. Of course, they saw me, but at least they didn't holler and shout at me.

Reaching the construction trailer, Pornstache Dude knocked before unlocking it. Obviously, the knock had alerted the old gang boss 'cause he stood squarely in the door blocking the way.

"Is the pet ready to pay respect?" He asked, not letting me pass.

"Yes, sir." I quickly replied.

Stepping up to me, Perez got really close, so close that his chest almost touched my juicy juggies. The way he towered over me was totally intimidating, so much that I instantly took a step back. He followed staying close. I took another step back and he followed again.

Oh Lordy! He was leading me around without even touching me. His authority was enough to make me move. Umph! The gang boss basically walked me backwards until my back hit the doorframe.
