Jessica's Change Management Ch. 15


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He didn't stop there, though. Instead, he gave me another prompt with a nod. Oh boy! The way, he ordered me around without words was so overpowering. His piercing gaze literally worked like a grip on my throat. It had more bearing than Checo's chokehold. Led by his icy stare, I turned around to face the doorframe. Shoot! I was offering my weak side now! I was totally at his mercy.

Still not saying a word, Perez nodded his head pointing at my rear. There was no doubt about what he wanted me to do. He was expecting me to properly offer the hospitality gift. With my hands trembling, I grabbed the doorframe of the old, decrepit trailer. Partly to give me some kinda security, but mostly to bow to the old gangster.

Bending down, I pushed my ass out until my absurdly short mini skirt had slipped over my butt cheeks. There it was. My buns were exposed and the cigar was peeking out from in between my ass cheeks, ready for the taking.

Holding my position, I nervously looked around. I could see Pornstache Dude standing guard next to the trailer, watching Perez, but mostly leering at me. I could also see one of the prison yards from here. More importantly, though, I could be seen from there.

Oh no! I noticed one of the guards pounding the beat. He had stopped patrolling, though. Instead, he was standing at the fence watching me! He was close enough for me to see that he was black and very young. He was also close enough for him to see my naked ass. Umph!

Even though I was offering the hospitality gift like a good, little pet, Perez didn't react. Looking back at him, he once again nodded his head to point at my backside. Dang! He wanted me to do all the work. He wasn't about to lift a finger himself.

I had to reach back and spread my ass cheeks open. My skin was crawling from knowing that I was out in the open with two prison guards watching me. Still, I dialed up all my sexy moves. I mean, I shook my ass seductively, showed off my long, red, ombré nails on my fake tanned buns, and made sure to place my hands right between my red ribbon tattoos and red kiss tattoos. All of it must have looked sexy as fudge.

Too bad Perez didn't bother reacting. Oh darn! I wanted so badly to get out of the public eye. Still, he left me to stew and show off to the guards. He was literally letting me rot in prison. So ironic!

I had to start clenching and unclenching my butthole. I was really working my ringpiece to push out the cigar ever so slowly. Trying to blank out my surroundings, I fixated my look on the yard. Oh dang! It only made me eyeball the young prison guard. Adding insult to injury, he had started smoking a cigarette while watching me work the cigar. Totally ironic!

When the gift got close to slipping out, I reached out. Making sure to use the tips of my long fake nails only, I pulled the cigar out the rest of the way. Now, I had to find a way to properly hand it over to Perez, right?

Turning around, I squatted down. Knowing that the guards were still watching gave me the creeps. I mean, they were seeing my total surrender to a man I scarcely knew. A man who had barely said a word to me.

By the way, it wasn't easy to squat down in my thigh high boots. I only managed doing so by spreading my legs really wide which also caused my pussy to get exposed. Eventually, I was in position, holding out my hands with the cigar placed squarely on my palms.

That was how you presented a gift all obediently, right? Obviously not 'cause Perez didn't take it. Obviously, it still wasn't enough. But why?

The gang boss cocked his head and shot me a reproachful look. Had I forgotten something? As if! I had followed his orders to a tee although all the instructions had been implicit with nods and gestures. Yet again, I had carried the cigar up my ass, hadn't I? You couldn't present the 'Rey del LGZ' a dirty, filthy gift, right? The only dirty, filthy thingie here should be the 'Puta del LGZ'.

Ugh! What a stupid thought! Goodie, I didn't say it loud.

However, I grabbed the cigar from my palm. Once again, I made sure to hold it with the white tips of my fake red porn claws only, even if it looked totally clumsy. Then I pushed it up to my mouth.

I didn't need another silly -- yet oh so scary nod -- as a prompt. Still, I couldn't bring myself to look Perez in the eye. I felt kinda ashamed that I had dared to offer him a dirty, filthy gift after all.

So I found myself staring at the young prison guard once again. He had finished his smoke but didn't show the slightest inclination to continue patrolling the yard. I guess watching my degradation was way more entertaining.

Giving the lewd act the final touch, I pushed my lips out in an epic pout while opening my mouth. Oh woah! The look must have totally resembled a trout. Oh well, it had been called a trout pout before, right? It only fit my role.

Placing the cigar between my lips, it must have increased the appearance to the max. I guess it must have looked like a hot dog now, two plump buns and a sausage in between, although hot bitch would have been a better name for it. Tihi!

Anyways, I slid the cigar through my trout pout, trying to look super content. However, that was super hard 'cause ass flavor and all. I could see the prison guard in the distance looking in amazement. Apparently, I was doing this right.

I finished off my cleaning job by pushing the cigar's end into my mouth and sucking on it. Remaining in my squatting position, I finally looked up at the gang lord offering the gift to him. No move from Perez. Shoot!

Close to desperation, I grabbed my red vinyl bra and abruptly pulled it down. No time to waste anymore. No time to play around. My soft titty meat spilled out. Oh goodie! I was totally exposed giving a full frontal in the outdoor area of a correctional facility with an old inmate towering over me and two prison guards watching.

However, it did the trick. Finally, Perez took the cigar from my mouth. Just then, Pornstache Dude stepped next to him and lit it up. Woah! The correctional officers really were in LGZ' pocket. Starting to puff away with relish, the gangster didn't make another move. Apparently, he wasn't about to get back into the trailer. Instead, he was savoring the moment of showing off his obedient pet outdoors.

Almost casually, he held his free hand in front of my face, literally like a king awaiting a kiss on the hand. The 'Rey del LGZ' took it a step further, though. When I leaned forward to obey another implicit order, he pushed his forefinger into my mouth.

He was having me clean his hand as an aside while he was having his smoke! Oh wow! Once again, I tried to look extra contentedly while I suckled on his fingers, licking each and every finger until all the sweaty taste was gone. Then I licked all my drool off to finish my cleaning act. Ewww!

As soon as I was done with the left hand, though, the gang boss held out his right hand. He expected me to go all the way and be über-thorough, didn't he? Barf! The sheer thought of licking another sweaty hand made me heave a little. I was so ready to throw up in my mouth.

Yet, I dutifully proceeded to suckle on each finger and lick them clean. When I was done, I looked back up to Perez. Only a third of the stogy had been smoked. After all, it was a cigar and not a cigarette, silly girl!


I suddenly coughed. Perez had blown a thick wisp of smoke in my face. I had never been a smoker, ever. I wasn't used to the smell and the fume. It made me grimace and cough convulsively. Oh, yag! So gross!


The gang boss obviously took a liking to my discomfort 'cause he blew another billow of smoke right in my face. The smoke burned in my nose and made me twitch and tremble. My arms were flapping through the air while I doubled over and coughed hysterically. Totally gross! However, there was the first hint of an amused smirk on the gangster's face.


Another billow of smoke in my face! Another hysterical fit with coughing, twitching, and flapping! And another one, and another one...

Perez didn't stop as long as I threw a conniption fit. After a coupla more exhalations of smoke, I was panting heavily, 'cause I was getting exhausted. The next time, he blew a wisp of smoke in my face, I was so weak I kept still, inhaling the thick fumes without moving a muscle.

And it was over. Once again, the 'Rey del LGZ' had managed to subdue me, and now he was proceeding to the next task. Suddenly, he grabbed my pink glitter purse that had been hanging over my shoulder all that time. Using the long strap, he hung it around my head. What the fudge?

Giving the purse a sharp tug, he directed me onto my hands and knees and started walking into the trailer. OMG! He was using my glitter purse as a leash! He was using my accessory in the nastiest way ever! It was supposed to make me look so pretty, but now it was getting used to treat me so salaciously.

I stood no other chance than to follow him on all fours. On the bright side, I was out of the guards' view. Yay! On the not-so-bright side, however, I was crawling around in a correctional facility! Nay!

"A pet belongs on all fours." Perez simply remarked.

Woah! It was the first time he was speaking in about half an hour or something. With what he said, though, I would have preferred his silence. While he continued puffing away on his cigar, he took his LGZ pet for a walk through the construction trailer. It was kinda like I was visiting an apartment, only from a pet's perspective. Un-fudging-believable!

After leading me halfway around the whore room, Perez suddenly made a stop. I didn't really know why, but on closer look I noticed one of the tacky chairs next to me. Pulling on the ridiculous 'purse leash', he made me turn until my ass faced the chair.

"The pet surely wants to mark its kennel, right?" He teased me although it didn't sound like a joke but more like a command.

Yes, it definitely was an order, no doubt about that. He wanted me to mark the chair. I mean, mark a chair in a correctional facility like a bitch in heat! You have to let that sparkle on your tongue. Off the charts!

The gang boss wasn't kidding, though, not at all. He proved that when he walked me back until the chair leg was between my hind paws, I mean my legs. Duh! There he stopped. His message was clear anyway. He wanted me to rub my pussy against the chair leg. No way, I would do it! No way, I could do it! Too crass! Too gnarly!

A brief glance at Perez' face, however, quickly changed my mind. His expression didn't allow any excuses. So commanding! So imperious! Pushing my ass back the final inches, I grunted in despair. Feeling the wood on my soft, shaved pussy made me twitch in revolt.

However, my grossed out grunting turned into silly giggling when I realized that I had to rub my pussy up and down the wood. So what happened? It didn't take long until my coochie got wet, of course. No wonder 'cause I was constantly on edge nowadays. On top of that, my state of arousal had only grown from the skanky clothes and inmates' attention and stuff. Leaving a spot on the chair leg! That was what the old gangster meant with marking my kennel. Gasp!

As soon as Perez noticed the wet spot, he gave my glitter leash a tug and pulled me away. It wasn't over, though, not even close. Instead, he let me over to the second chair where I had to repeat the whole degrading procedure. Then he went on to the legs of the king size bed and black lacquer drawer. The worst part of it? I could see every little detail of myself doing this humiliation action in the huge mirror hanging over the bed. Sob!

Anyhow, my cunny was leaking by now. So much so that it didn't take long to mark each of the legs. Oh goodie! Despite my success, however, I couldn't tell if the gang boss was content with his pet or not 'cause his face didn't show any kinda emotion.

Probably, he was pleased. After all, he continued walking me through the construction trailer using the 'purse leash' to lead me into the second compartment. As it turned out, my assumption had been correct 'cause it was a small bathroom with a shower, sink, and toilet.

Inside, the gang boss made me turn before leading me backwards until my legs were placed on each side of the toilet bowl. Oh no! No, no, no! He wanted me to mark the toilet, didn't he? He wanted me to rub my precious pussy on the cheap and dirty ceramic bowl! Barf!

So nasty! So inevitable! So obnoxious! So obligatory! The dirty, filthy LGZ hoe on the dirty, filthy trailer floor marking the dirty, filthy toilet. Sounded logical, sorta! Sounded consistent, sorta!

I totally loathed it, but I could see the reasoning behind it. There wasn't much to argue about. There wasn't a need to argue anyways. I did it, of course. Totally grossed out, I literally trembled like a leave while I crawled the final inches backwards. With my head clear, I was consciously aware of every little move. Gosh! The bimbo haze appeared more and more compelling by the second. I really wished it back.

When my cunny touched the cold, mucky toilet bowl, I groaned in revolt. That groan only happened inwardly, though. Outwardly, I giggled stupidly instead. Oh gosh! I continued thinking like a senior executive but acting like a ditzy bimbo. That was why I rubbed my pussy up and down the ceramic with some level of enthusiasm while I totally felt like complaining.

Even though I didn't need long to leave a wet spot on the toilet bowl, Perez let me continue while he contentedly puffed away at his cigar. The gangster didn't let me stop until he had smoked about two thirds of his stogy. Whatever was about to happen next, it would be better than marking the dingy, shoddy furniture in this decrepit trailer, right? Right?

It wouldn't. Not necessarily. Reaching the middle of the whore room, Perez slouched down on the king size bed. He didn't lay down on it but sit there with his legs dangling down the end. Once again, he didn't say a word but gave me a nod. A gesture that pointed to his feet.

By now, I had learned to read his signs. He wanted me to undress him, starting with his shoes. Oh darn! He wasn't content with simply fucking me. Nope! He was literally making me serve him like a king. He wasn't satisfied with using me as a hooker but more like a maid or a dresser.

It was such an archaic, old-timey role. For a well-educated, high-powered career woman, this was so misogynistic and so sexist. For a bimbo, however, it was a worthy and dignified task. After all, this powerful gang lord deemed me capable of doing more than taking his dick, right?

With my role clarified, I started slowly slipping those canvas deck shoes off his feet and the khaki overall off his body. Woah! Kneeling in front of this old gangster and undressing him made me feel so small and unskilled. Especially, as he offered no help whatsoever. Continuing to savor the rest of his stogy, he didn't even lift his ass when I pulled on his pants. I totally had to wrestle with the material to get it off, almost breaking a nail. Duh!

His underpants proved the worst part 'cause it was really hard to get them off, and mostly 'cause those classic white briefs hadn't been changed in days. They looked so grime-stained! I only dared touching them with the tips of my nails. Ugh!

Whatever! In the end, I managed to undress the old dude. Seeing him naked for the first time, I noticed that every little hair on his body was white as snow. Oh by the way, there was lotsa hair. I mean, his chest and legs and arms were like hirsute. His entire body literally looked overgrown like a jungle.

Even though he was naked now, Perez didn't make a move but only gave another nod. Once more, he pointed at his feet. Again? What was it now? What was it about his feet for fudge sake? Actually, it was kinda clear if you thought about it. I mean, he didn't wear shoes anymore so there was only one thing left to do.

With my perception hypersensitive, I weighed all my options, inwardly only of course. Outwardly, I did the silly 'lip grip'. This was bigger than marking the room in every way possible. This was the ultimate sign of surrender.

Emotions were literally running amok inside of me - petulance and tenseness, anxiety and worry, belligerence and feistiness, disgust and refusal, reverence and docility. So many mixed emotions, so many contrasting feelings. One blank expression, one 'lip grip'. Duh!

Really slowly, I lowered my head. With every inch, all those warring impulses increased. With every inch, my expression remained the same. Every fiber in my body felt like it was overloading. Every muscle in my face remained strained creating my duckface.

Reaching my destination, I pressed my plumped-up lips onto the span of the gang boss' feet, first the right and then the left one. I gave each one a short, hesitant kiss. Feeling super uneasy, I looked back up. It wasn't enough. Perez wasn't impressed.

That brought back those contrasting emotions. I felt like I might blank out any second 'cause my body was about to short-circuit. It also brought back the 'lip grip'. I really looked like my mind was totally empty, 'cause I appeared so devoid of ideas.

With puckered mouth, I started planting kiss after kiss on Perez's right span. I worked my way up his foot really methodically until I reached the ankle. Then I repeated the process with his left span. I felt the hairs tickling my lips, I felt the sweat assailing my taste buds, but I did my job nonetheless.

I was done! Phew! I had worked my way through this ordeal without making too much of a fuss. I guess I could be proud of my work. Um... why was Perez lifting his right leg in the air then? Why was he holding his right foot in front of my face?

Oh no! He didn't! He couldn't! Holy fudge! He wanted me to proceed with the rest of his foot! Actually, he could make me proceed with whatnot! He knew it, I knew it. By now, the contrasting emotions were literally besieging me with twice the intensity. By now, the wide-eyed expression was literally plastered all over my face with twice the blankness.

Reluctantly, I grabbed his foot and stared at it. Crooking my fingers, I ran my fake ombré nails over the span, like I was combing his hairs. Those long claws turned out really useful. Tihi!

Nice start but not what Perez had expected. He wanted more. But more of what? He didn't tell, I didn't know. With my laser focus, I started making a list of pros and cons. So many options! So many ifs and buts!

Out of the blue, I grabbed two toes and spread them apart. While my mind was still mulling over all possibilities, my body was acting on impulse. Looking at the gap in between, I realized that I was getting into filthier territory here. I mean, think about all the fluff and fuzz and stuff stuck there.

All that thinking didn't help calming my warring emotions, though. I was already acting by default anyways, running a red claw along the skin of the toe gap. Ramping up my efforts, I started scratching at the web of skin between the toes. I couldn't tell what I was scooping up with my nailtip, but I knew that the skin was greasy and unwashed. Something got stuck underneath for sure. Ewww!

More importantly, though, I was using my fake nails like a scraper. I had found another way to use my porn claws. They might make me act clumsy and awkward but they were really versatile. Tihi! Tihi!

Another look up to Perez, another realization. He still wasn't impressed. Au contraire! Another action plan forming in my head, another vapid look and twirling of my braided ponytail. I felt like the warring emotions were reaching a peak. I felt like my pondering and contemplating was at the max. Those dumb ifs and buts! Those dumb pros and cons! Shoulda coulda woulda! Whatever! It so didn't help!

I was so hounded and harried, like I was literally about to fall off a cliff when my mind maxed out. There it was! The peak, the cliff! I fell, I short-circuited. Suddenly, my SMART goal setting stopped. Suddenly, I felt empty. No, empty was the wrong word. I felt free, exempt from the emotional struggle. There was no feeling left but servitude.