Jessica's Intervention


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Seconds passed, no one spoke. And then,

"She works hard for the money! Sucks hard for the money!" Annette suddenly broke the tension by doing her best impersonation of Donna Summer. "She fucks hard for the money, so you'd better treat her right!" Tom looked at Annette and shook his head like he would do with child being a nuisance. No one else said anything. They were too caught up in the drama in this middle-class couple's living room.

"You want me, to be, a hooker?" said Jess slowly once Tom turned back to look at her.

"Yes," he said simply. This is one of his games, Jessica thought. He doesn't really mean it. He's bluffing, but in a way he's not. What he wants is me to agree to do it in front of everyone so that I'll be humiliated and they'll think even less of me. He wants to dominate me in front of them. Get back some of the power he feels he's lost. I've hurt him more than I thought possible.

"Tom, this is crazy. How could I agree to that? I'm your wife. We've been together for over ten years...married for over seven. You don't really want that," she said.

"Oh yes, yes I do," he said.

"Do I have time... time, you know, to consider it?" she asked.

"No, you don't. You'll decide right now. You'll either pack your bags and leave tonight and I'll begin legal process in the morning, or you'll agree – in front of everyone here – to begin working as a whore."

'Oh my god.' Jessica heard someone whisper.

"You can't be serious," Colleen said from the kitchen. She came quickly into the room, pushing aside Pat and Eric who were blocking the doorway. "You're not seriously asking your wife to become a prostitute, are you Tom?"

"I'm quite serious Colleen. If she wants to stay married to me, this is what she must do."

"But it's illegal!" exclaimed Colleen.

"Are you going to report us to the police Colleen? Is anyone going to report us to the police once Jessica here gets to work?" Tom looked around the room. No one spoke, including Colleen who crossed her arms and took a deep breath. He turned back to his wife.

"Well Jess?"

Colleen pushed her way back into the kitchen, muttering "I can't take any more of this, I've got to get out of here" as she left the living room. She whispered something that no one in the living room could hear to her husband Ken in the kitchen and then left quickly out the back door of the house. Everyone could hear her quick steps as she walked down the driveway away from the house.

"Tom," said Jessica after the sound of Colleen's footsteps began to fade, "I understand you want to punish me. I know I deserve it. But isn't this kind of punishing yourself as well?"

"Yeah, Tommy," interrupted Annette. "You're just letting the skank do what she loves to do best. How is that punishing her?"

"I know what I'm doing," said Tom staring down at his wife intensely. Jessica didn't like that look. Something about her husband had changed. She hadn't seen him this engaged and worked-up in years. This event had certainly enlivened him. She was seeing his dark side. He clearly wanted an answer and he wanted it now. I'll give him what he wants, she thought.

"Ok, fine. I'll do it," she said. There were unspoken reactions in the room to her decision. People shifted in their seats, made unconscious noises as they grappled with the meaning of it. Annette was not one to hide her thoughts.

"Tom," she began. "you're going to let this slut go right on fucking other guys?"

"It's clearly what she wants to do Annette," he answered. "She might as well make us some money while she does it."

"And you're OK with that?" she implored, trying to figure out where Tom was coming from.

"I have no intention of making this easy on her," he grinned devilishly, tilting his head. Jessica looked into her husband's eyes and realized that she was looking at a different man than the one she had known for these last ten years. Everything's different now, she thought.

Chapter Three

Tom looked down at his wife, watching her visibly squirm under his gaze. Her dark, shoulder-length black hair still looking tossed by the wind, framing her tear-streaked face. She was an attractive woman , relatively small-breasted perhaps, but she made up for it with a pretty, small, oval-shaped face and a full, but shapely behind. Tom was aware that he had an erection, and he didn't care who noticed it. He wanted everyone to notice it. He wanted Jessica to notice it. He took a quick peek down at his pants and saw that he was quite tented-out. That's good, he thought to himself. Let everyone see that I'm turned on by the idea of my wife being a prostitute. They'll know I'm serious. This was a dream come true for Tom. Beyond anything he'd experienced with Internet porn, or fantasies he'd exchanged with others online. He wanted to watch his wife fuck, and get fucked. He wanted to see her become a total slut.

The temperature in the room was continuing to rise. Beads of sweat had formed on Tom's forehead. "Steve, open that window for me will you, and Annette, please close the blinds."

"Sure Tommy," said Annette, quickly responding. She moved with a sense that she knew where events were heading.

"Everyone, please join me in congratulating my wife on her new business venture," said Tom as he looked around the room. "To celebrate, we're having a grand opening sale! Everyone here gets the heavily discounted price of merely one dollar to have sex with my wife this evening. Offer is only good for tonight. After tonight it will cost you more." He continued to look around the room at people's expressions. He rather enjoyed the combination of disbelief and amusement that graced his guest's faces. "Any takers?"

"I'll take some of that, " said Steve standing up and reaching in his back pocket for his wallet.

"Count me in," said Pat.

"We should leave," said Nick to his wife Sarah. Having heard little from them, people turned to look. Jessica looked at Sarah, a last chance for some words from her that might defuse this escalating situation. People waited for Sarah's response. Jess couldn't imagine that Sarah, this mild-mannered woman with two daughters, would allow this ludicrous situation to continue without saying or doing something.

After a dramatic few moments, she said, "I've come this far, I want to see the rest of the show." The men in the room, except for her husband who sat looking at her with raised eyebrows, let out a holler and commotion.

"It's gang-bang time!" announced Andrew. He stood up and flexed the muscles in his arms.

"You're not putting your dick in that," retorted Annette.

"I didn't say I was honey," he responded, looking at her. "But it looks like a lot of these other guys are. We're staying to watch, right?"

"Keep your cock in your pants, and you can watch," she answered. Annette looked over at Jessica with an expression that suggested a disgusted curiosity. Without looking at him, she grabbed her boyfriend's thick forearm and pulled him back to a sitting position.

Jessica looked around the room, not believing what was happening. She was finding it difficult to find the right words to speak. Each time she opened her mouth to speak she found she didn't know how to begin. Everything was happening so fast. The men in the room were handing Tom dollar bills. Steve was first, and then Eric, Pat, and Tomas stuck their hands out to her husband Tom nearly simultaneously. Steve walked over to where Jessica was sitting, undid his belt and began unbuttoning his pants.

Suddenly, Jessica found words. "Wait, wait, wait," she said quickly and loudly holding up both of her hands. "This is not happening. Not here. Not tonight."

Tom didn't miss a beat, quickly responding and with equal volume, "Oh yes it is. We've got four paying customers so far. We're not going to disappoint them."

"I don't get any time to adjust to this...this...this new situation?" asked Jessica incredulously.

"You've been practicing for fucking weeks Jessica," responded Tom with anger in his voice. "You know how to fuck and suck. What do you need to adjust to? Open your mouth, open your legs, you know what to do." He laughed falsely and looked at the men assembled in the room with a "duh?" expression on his face. The men laughed with him. "Any of you other guys or ladies want in on the action?" he continued, looking around. Andrew feigned raising his right hand. Annette grabbed his wrist before he could raise it very far.

"OK, ok," said Tom, commanding attention and acting the master of ceremonies. "Before you start whipping your dicks out, let's put Jess to work. She's got to learn how to do her job properly. Since I'm giving you such a discount, please help us out by making her work for her money. I want you to pretend that you're actually spending say, three, four, maybe five-hundred dollars. What would expect for your money?"

"I'd expect her to get me hot and turned on," said Pat, "but I'm already well on the way there. Plus I'm still hot from the time we spent together in the motel room."

"You can tell us all about that later," said Tom. "How about she does a little whore-dance for us? Or a strip show? Something like that?"

"I don't know how to do that Tom," said Jessica, beet-red in the face. She was nervous and sweat was forming on her forehead and down her back.

"Show everybody your cunt then!" said Tom, with energy just below a shout. "Let everyone get a better look at your cunt. Stand up, hike up your skirt, and then lay back down on the chair and spread your legs wide."

Jessica looked at her husband. "Do it!" he commanded in a loud voice.

Jessica did as she was told. She stood up and brought the snug skirt up above her waist. "Now sit back down and spread your legs wide," he commanded in the same tone. "Guys, move aside a little bit," said Tom, speaking to the men standing in the middle of the room. "Let everyone get a good look at my wife's cunt." Jessica slowly sat down on the edge of the easy chair. She then rolled back so that her back was on the seat of the chair and her head was against the back of the chair at an awkward angle. Using her hands to stabilize herself on the small of her back she opened her legs and gave the room an easy view of her vagina. She began crying again and her legs were shaking.

"I'm sure this twat is familiar to many of you," said Tom. "Everyone get a good look. Has everyone seen it already? Or are you a first-timer? Nick have you seen my wife's cunt before? Has she shown it to you? Ken, out there in the kitchen...have you seen Jessica's pussy? If either of you guys, Ken or Nick, have fucked my wife in the past, you can tell me now. No need to keep secrets anymore. I won't be upset. I'm no longer upset about my wife being a cheating slut, but I'm ready to do something about it."

Ken squeezed his way into the crowded room. "Tom, I'm only still here because Colleen asked me to stay to make sure Jessica was safe. " He looked at Tom earnestly, waiting for his response.

Tom looked back at him and laughed. "Ha! Like you don't want to see Jessica's pussy? I've seen the way you've looked at her over the years. Check it out. There it is. Grab an eyeful," he said pointing to Jessica in the chair. It was hard for Jessica to see through her tears but there was no mistaking the fact that Ken turned and looked at her in her vulgar and exhibitionist's pose. He was a bit embarrassed but that did not stop him from looking for more than a quick second. The extra second he took was all Tom needed.

"Ah ha!" Tom exclaimed. "I knew you wanted to see it!" Ken got flustered with that and blushed.

"Folks, this is a very strange situation. I'm not sure what I should do here," said Ken looking around the room.

"Seems simple to me," said Tom. "You can hang out in the kitchen like you've been doing, you could watch Jessica work, you could go home, or you could get out a buck and take advantage of tonight's discount."

"OK," said Ken, clearly shook up. He walked into the middle of the room, began to approach Jessica and stopped himself. "Jessica, what do you want here?" He couldn't look directly at Jess without getting a full-frontal centerfold view of her genitals so he looked off at an angle. When Jessica didn't respond, he asked, "Do you want to get out of here? You can come stay with Colleen and me."

"My wife has made her choice Ken," said Tom. "Right honey? Nobody's forcing you to do this, right?"

"Jessica?" asked Ken, forcing himself to look past her nudity and into her face.

Jessica shook her head, tears streaking down her face. "I'm staying. I'm going to do what Tom wants me to do," she said with a meek voice. "It's OK Ken, you can go. You don't have to watch this."

"Oh, fuckin' spare me!" yelled Annette. "It's OK Ken, sniff, sniff, can go. Poor little Jess is being whored-out and abused." She looked from Jessica to Ken who was still standing in the middle of the room. "Don't believe her bullshit. She's getting off on this. I know her type. In fact," she said getting up, moving Ken aside, and kneeling in front of Jessica's out-stretched legs, "I bet she's wet as hell." She dug the first two fingers of her right hand into Jessica's vagina. They slipped in easily. "See that Ken? She's ready to go. She wants this. Don't believe her little bitch-act. She's wet and ready to fuck."

When Jessica didn't respond but only looked back at Ken blankly, he moved back into the kitchen without saying a word.

"Thank you Annette," said Tom. "Thank you for putting an end to Jess's little charade. Unless of course, Jess's act is for her customer's benefit. Any of you guys get off on the scared, naughty little girl? The teary-eyed, little innocent girl who's getting taken advantage of?" He said this with a mocking tone.

"It's working for me," said Steve. "I'm dying in these pants. I need to get my dick out before I burst the seams." Steve didn't wait for approval. He finished undoing his pants, unzipped, and pushed his pants and underwear down below his hips. His cock was pointing straight out, nearly fully erect. Tom watched closely as Steve's cock got longer and thicker. Steve did not touch himself, he just stared down at Jessica. As Steve's penis became more fully engorged, it actually began to hang down lower between his legs. Steve had one of those penises that was too large to stand up when erect, Tom mentally noted. Good way to start off, Tom thought, feeling his own penis stiffen even harder. "I want you to take me in your mouth first," said Steve to Jessica. Jessica awkwardly rolled herself back up to a sitting position. She was looking back and forth from Steve's large, erect penis to her husband's face, appearing to be not sure what she should do. Displaying myself in front of a group of people is one thing, thought Jessica, but if I actually start to suck this guy's dick, well, there's no turning back.

Tom broke his wife's indecision when he announced, "For the rest of the evening I'd like you to address my wife as any of the following: 'whore', 'bitch', 'cunt', 'slut', or 'twat'. Jessica got on her knees and took the head of Steve's penis into her mouth as she heard Annette chime in: "or 'Skank', 'Fuckmeat' or 'dirtbag' will work too!" It was at this point that Jessica decided she would give in and not fight this anymore. She would let them do whatever they wanted to do to her. She would obey her husband's every command. She would show them how much of a filthy 'dirtbag' she could be. She felt herself surrendering her dignity and the feeling brought on intense feelings of lust. She opened her mouth wider and took more of Steve's cock into her mouth. She felt the head touch the back of her throat. She moved to grip his cock in her hands but Steve slapped them away.

'Mouth only," Steve commanded. He pushed his hips slightly forward to drive the head of his cock into Jess's throat. Jessica relaxed not wanting to gag. "That's it, take it bitch," said Steve. Steve pushed harder, forcing Jessica to move her head back. At that point, Steve reached out with his hands and grabbed her head firmly. Jess knew then that his intent was indeed, to gag her.

"Yeah, gag her with that big dick," said Tom. Jessica peeked over and she could see that her husband was rubbing the front of his pants, clearly turned on at the sight of her on her knees with another man's big penis in her mouth. She put her hands on the front of Steve's thighs hoping to convince Steve to work with her on his thrusts into her mouth and throat. This seemed to work as he began to pump his cock in and out of her mouth, only going deeper when he felt Jess's throat relax. Pretty soon, he was getting a large proportion of his cock into Jess's mouth.

"Oh yeah, that's it," said Steve, his hands still on either side of Jess's head, loosely covering her ears. "The bitch sucks a good dick," he announced to the room. "She should be able to make some good bucks with just her mouth. Let's turn sideways so that everyone can see how good you're doing." As if carefully choreographed, Steve and Jess moved sideways while Jess continued to suck his penis. She was working up a hefty amount of saliva to accommodate Steve's large pistoning cock.

"Suck it bitch!" Annette yelled. "Suck that dick you fuckin' whore!" Annette got up from the couch and stood by Steve and Jess, leaning down towards Jess's face. "You've always been a fucking whore, haven't you? But now it's out in the open. No more secrets Jessica. Now everyone knows you're a cock-sucking whore." Jessica was doing her best to ignore Annette and concentrate on Steve's penis. Realizing this, Annette grabbed Jessica's head. "I'm sorry Steve, I don't mean to interrupt you're getting a good blowjob, but could I borrow her for a sec?"

"Sure, go ahead," Steve replied, withdrawing his penis from Jessica's mouth. "I think I want to pound her cunt now anyway."

"You heard him, get up!" Annette commanded, her face just inches from Jessica's. Jessica got on her feet. "Bend over!" Jessica turned away from Steve and bent over at the waist. Steve positioned the head of his penis between her pussy lips and circled it around until he found her opening. He pushed just the head of his cock into her and then grabbed her hips. At the same time, Tom moved around slightly so he could get a good view. He didn't want to miss any aspect of watching another man slide his cock into his wife's vagina. Tom felt he was more turned on then he'd ever been in his entire life. He hastily undid his pants and took out his own penis. Hardly aware now of the others in the room, he began to unashamedly masturbate while watching his wife get publicly fucked.

Annette now crouched on her knees in front of Jessica and took Jess's face in her hands. For a moment Annette only gazed into Jess's face, but then said, "You like this, don't you?" Steve was working his cock deeper into Jessica's cunt. Jess's eyes fluttered as she took more of him into her body. "Oh yeah," continued Annette, "how could you not like that big cock working its way inside you? Any girl should feel lucky to have such a nice big cock to pay her attention....right?" When Jessica didn't respond to Annette's question, Annette shook Jessica's head in her hands. "Right!?" yelled Annette into Jessica's face. Jessica nodded in response. "Speak bitch!" yelled Annette huskily.

"Yes, I'm lucky to be getting such a nice big cock in my pussy," said Jessica breathlessly and softly.

"Speak up so everyone can hear," Annette commanded.

Jessica turned her head towards the middle of the room. "I'm lucky to be getting a nice big cock in my pussy," she said more loudly than before.

"That's right," said Annette, pulling Jessica's face back to meet hers. "If I were your husband you'd be receiving a beating for being a lying, cheating bitch. Then you'd be out the door with nothing but the trashy clothes on your back. But Tom's too kind to do that to you. You don't deserve Tom. You cheated on him, you've been cheating on him for years, and what does he give you in return? More of what you want. You're getting what you want....isn't that so? Say it bitch! Look at your husband and thank him for giving you what you want."