Jessica's Intervention


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At this point Steve had already worked himself deeply into Jessica's pussy and was thrusting in and out vigorously. He held her firmly by the hips but each of his thrusts send shockwaves through her body. Although it was difficult to speak in such a position, she turned her head again to face the room. Her husband was standing slightly behind her and Steve and she could not find his face. She said anyway, "Thank you Tom for letting me get fucked by this nice man. This is what I want." Steve began to bang her even harder. Waves of pleasure moved through her. Her legs began to tremble as she gave into the fucking. Jessica was close to orgasm and Annette could sense it, along with everyone else in the room. Annette stood up quickly.

"Steve, don't let her cum," Annette said urgently. "Stop, stop." Steve immediately pulled his cock from Jessica's pussy. Jessica gasped at the sudden removal of Steve's penis. Her face showed shock as if cold water had been thrown in it. "Straighten up Jessica," said Annette. "This is not about your pleasure and you getting off. Your job from now on is to get other people off. Turn around and ask your husband what he'd like you to do next."

Still shaking from the vigorous fucking she'd been getting just moments ago, Jessica turned to face her husband. She kept her head down, her hair falling into her face. She could see that Tom was stroking his penis. She did not look up into his face. "What would you have me do, my husband?" She asked softly.

After a moment of consideration, Tom replied, "You'll do what Annette tells you to do."

Jessica hung her head even lower. Annette grabbed her and whirled her around. She took Jessica's head into her hands and raised her face up to meet hers. "You are SO mine, bitch!" she said with an evil smirk on her face, and then spat into Jessica's face.

Chapter Four

Later that evening, hours after everyone had left their home, Jessica lay in bed next to her sleeping husband, exhausted in every way, but unable to sleep. So much had happened in such a short time and her mind was buzzing. Her body was making it very clear that what had happened had not been some kind of amazing and bizarre sex dream. Her senses and nerves were still agitated and she could feel the blood coursing through her veins. She was sore all over, in her orifices and deep into her muscles. Even her hands were sore from all of the grasping, pulling and steadying herself in awkward positions. Whenever she closed her eyes images filled her mind. Mostly of penises and scrotums and men's backsides but also, most disturbingly, of Annette's face. Annette's angry, snarling face. The way her upper lip moved up in a sneer as she barked out commands into Jessica's face.

Jessica lightly touched her kneecaps. They were raw from being on them for hours and she winced as her fingertips contacted them. She would need to take care of them in the morning, she thought. Tom snored next to her. She could feel his arm along her left-side. She did not feel the comfort she normally felt by having him sleeping next to her. He was no longer her protector, her refuge from life's storms. He was no longer her loving and dutiful husband. He was her pimp.

She decided that after a few more minutes, after she was sure Tom was deeply asleep, she would get up and take a shower. There would be no sleeping for her on this night, of that she was sure. She badly needed a shower. I am absolutely covered and filled with semen, she thought, not without some disgust. It was in her ass, still leaking out of her vagina, in her belly, and drying all over her body. Worst of all, there was a lot of it that had dried in her hair. In her beautiful hair that had just been washed, cut and shaped when she had arrived home that afternoon. She had been given no time to look in the mirror before Tom brought her to bed but she could just image how awful she looked. Her beautiful black hair wet with cum, spit, and sweat. And her breath! She couldn't stand the smell of her own breath. She couldn't believe that Tom has been so willing to kiss her after what had been done in her mouth that night. But he did, he kissed her deeply and repeatedly. He kissed her constantly as he was fucking her in their bed. He came in her, and then after a few minutes, he was fucking her again, and then he came again. It was the first time in their marriage that Jessica had witnessed her husband having an orgasm more than once in a night. Despite being tired from what had gone in their living room and responding to Annette's increasingly outrageous demands, she had given herself completely to her husband. Responding to his movements, embracing him as hard as he embraced her. Kissing him, pulling his mouth hard against hers. She never once flagged. When Tom collapsed exhausted next to her, she rolled him on his back and rubbed his back until he fell asleep, despite the soreness of her hands. She was impressed with her own stamina.

After listening to Tom's snores for a minute more, Jessica stood up from the bed. Sure enough, semen came leaking out of her vagina and down her right thigh. Normally, this would have her reaching quickly for a tissue or something to wipe it off of her leg, but after this night, well it just didn't seem like that big of a deal. She walked slowly to the master bathroom feeling sore all over. Her jaw ached, her knees burned, and she felt so fucking sticky! Her plan was to stay in the shower until the hot water ran out. She was already completely naked so she was grateful she needn't bend over and remove any stockings. She wanted to just get into the shower and avoid looking in the mirror but she couldn't stop herself. The mirror seemed to command her to look. She didn't look all that bad, she thought, but her hair was indeed a mess. It hung in clumps around her face. She reached up and ran her hands through it, working out the tangles and searching for the clumps of dried semen. There were a lot of clumps of dried and still-drying semen. She had Annette to thank for that. Annette had given everyone the idea to ejaculate in her hair when she had jacked her boyfriend Andrew off and aimed his spurting cock-head squarely into her hair. Andrew's first orgasm of the evening produced a copious amount of semen, and at first it hung in her hair in a big blob, but then as it thinned out it began dripping down onto her body. The feeling of it reminded Jessica of lewd and vulgar images from porn flicks.

She breathed in deeply and sighed.

Did this really happen? She thought to herself. The stickiness and soreness testified to the fact that it most certainly did. Jessica looked at herself one last time, shook her head, and turned to get into the shower. A thought occurred to her and she stopped and grabbed the bottle of mouthwash. She was still rinsing her mouth with the Listerine as she got into the shower. As the hot water began cascading over her body she spit out the mouthwash when she could no longer take its burning effect in her mouth. Despite the scouring effect of the mouthwash, Jessica couldn't rid herself of the sense that should could still taste everything that had been squirted, spurted, and inserted into her mouth that evening. She had been made into a receptacle for spit, sweat, cum, and even piss....and worse. As she showered, she pissed long and hard, hoping that she was cleaning herself on the inside as well as on the out.


Jessica was dreaming.

In her dream she was running through a gauntlet of men with obscenely and absurdly large penises, as big as baseball bats. As she moved through the rows of men, which seemed to go on forever, they were hitting her with their penises and trying to knock her down. They were trying to trip her up and tangle her legs between their ridiculously long cocks. The further she went the harder the men were beating her with their cocks. Then they started to squirt water out of their cocks, as if they were fire hoses. But it wasn't water, it was something slippery and this caused her to fall. She was on the ground now and the men circled around her, beating her with their cocks and hosing her down with the cock fluid. She covered her face and squeezed up into a ball trying to protect herself....

Tom was shaking her awake.

"Wake up Jess," he said. "You're obviously having a bad dream." Jessica found herself curled into the fetal position she had been dreaming about. She looked up at Tom who was standing over her. He was naked and as her eyes began to focus she could see that he had an erection.

"Tom, what are doing?" she asked.

"Nothing," he replied. "Just looking at my sexy, hot wife." After a beat he said, "Ok, and maybe jerking off a bit." Jessica groaned softly and sat up in the bed. She was naked too and pulled her knees up to her chest and hugged herself tightly. "What time is it?" she murmured.

"It's early," Tom said. "About six."

"Why are you up so early?" she asked.

"We went to bed pretty early Jessica."

"What time was it when we came to bed?"

"Probably only about 9 or 9:30."

"I'm exhausted," Jessica said sleepily.

"I'm sure you are," said Tom with energy in his voice. "You were a fucking sex machine last night. You were awesome." He was stroking himself now.

"Are you going to want to fuck again?" she asked him.

"Nah, that's OK," Said Tom. "I'm horny as hell, but I want to stay this way. We have a lot to talk about. If you want, get some more sleep and we'll talk later. I've got big plans Jess, big plans." He was stroking his penis harder now and then suddenly stopped. He bent down and kissed Jessica on the top of her head.


Later that morning Jessica walked into the kitchen to find Tom looking at pictures on his digital camera.

"You've got to see some of these pictures Jess, they're incredible," he said.

"That's OK," she replied. "I've got all of those pictures in my head."

"I shot some great video too," he said excitedly.

"What are you going to do with it all?" asked Jessica as she moved to the coffee maker. She felt she badly needed some coffee. She was still sore and tired from the sexual circus she had performed in the night before. She was nude beneath the silk bathrobe she wore.

"It's all going on your website," said Tom, still flipping through the pictures on his camera.

"Website?" she asked absently, still focused on getting the coffee-maker going. As she was putting the filters into the coffee maker, the term "website" finally registered. "Wait a minute, website? What website?"

"The website for your business," he said matter-of-factly.

"Are you serious?" she asked with a touch of exasperation. Tom looked up from his camera and saw that his wife was looking at him intently, waiting for his response.

"Yes I'm serious," he said with a firm tone. "Last night was just the beginning and your introduction to our new world. You agreed to become a prostitute. Of course you remember that, don't you?"

"Yes, I remember Tom. I remember everything about last night. But I thought after last night, you would have gotten this preposterous idea out of your head. I took my punishment last night, Tom."

"How many times did you cum last night Jessica?"

"That's not the point. Yes, OK, last night was not all punishment. Yes, I did get off on the sex, but the punishment was the humiliation. And the sex was certainly not on my terms. I was ordered around, made to do stuff that I wouldn't normally do, and let that bitch Annette totally control me. Not to mention being totally and completely humiliated in front our friends and neighbors! Can you image what they're talking about this morning?!"

"Yes, I can imagine," Tom said.

"I was forced to drink piss last night Tom!"

"I know," he said, "I've got it all here on video".

"I'm glad you're enjoying all of this," said Jessica, starting to get angry. Sensing this, Tom put down his camera.

"Jessica," he began slowly, "come sit." Jessica took the kitchen next to him.

Tom looked at Jessica squarely in the eyes and said, "Jessica, I know that last night was a freak show, however, I was serious about what I said and asked of you. This is not on the table again for discussion and debate. I'm ready to end this marriage if that's what you'd prefer." He stopped there and waited. Seconds passed. Jessica realized that although it was strange after what transpired in their living room last night, that she could doubt Tom's seriousness of his proposition, she had been still questioning if this was for real or not. It all seemed so surreal. Twenty-four hours ago, everything had been normal. At least, the lifestyle that had been normal for her. Yes, she was no longer working and yes, she had been spending more time on the Internet arranging sexual liaisons, but she had still felt in control.

"So I become a whore...for real....or we get divorced?"

"It's as simple as that," replied Tom.

Jessica was a mixture of emotions. She felt her ego wrestling for control. She felt sexual excitement at the idea of having sex, and making money doing it. She felt repulsed at having sex with men she was not attracted to. She felt excitement at the idea of having adventures with powerful and attractive men who wanted to have no-strings-attached flings. She felt immoral and ashamed at the illegality of it. Most of all, she felt her ego not wanting to let Tom call the shots in their marriage. He had never 'called the shots'. If anything, she had. The tables had turned, and she realized it. She also realized that she loved Tom.

"Do we have to start off with a website?"

"That's my girl," Tom said with a smile. As Jessica got up to finish making her coffee, he said, "We'll start off with craigslist. I've already written your Ad. And I got you a separate cell phone to take calls on. We have to go over your prices and services. So how much do we want to charge for a blow job?"

Jessica turned and looked at her husband and simply said, "Lots."

Chapter Five

CL -> Montview -> personals -> casual encounters:

Mar 16 – Let's Party! – w4m – 37 – NH

Party girl here, loves fun times with generous men of all types. Clean, discreet, my place or yours. I'm fit, 5'2" brunette, married with hubby's permission to party. Email for pics. Call 555-932-1921.

"So, 'generous' is the keyword for the fact that I'm a working girl?" Jessica asked after reading the Ad.

"Yes," said Tom.

"And this Ad is already up and live?"

"It is."

"So my phone is already working?"

"Yes, it's a prepaid phone and it's ready to go."

"Wow, you've wasted no time, huh?"

"Is the time of doubt over now Jessica?"

Jessica sighed and said, "Yeah, it's over. " She thought for a moment. "We need to talk about last night still. You do realize that there were no condoms used and we were all having unsafe sex?"

"Yes, I realize," said Tom.

"I'm going to need to get tested, and I think you should too."

"You're right, we should," said Tom.

"I'm not fucking anybody again without condoms. At least when I was running around, I was always using condoms and keeping you safe. I want you to know that."

"I appreciate that Jessica," Tom said with a little laugh. "It's the least you could do, right?"

The sarcasm was not lost on Jessica. She rolled her eyes and said, "OK, so let's talk about these 'services' and prices."

"Well," Tom began. "There's the standard fucking and sucking, hand jobs, and hourly rate for guys who just want your time and company. Then there are specialty services."

"I think fucking, sucking, and giving hand jobs is enough Tom" said Jessica, cutting in.

"Oh no," said Tom quickly. "Any woman can fuck, suck, and jerk guys off. But you're going to offer things like rim jobs, gang bangs, and golden and receiving. You know, dirty and perverted stuff."

"So basically you want me to do the nasty shit you watch on the internet?"

"How do you know what I watch on the Internet Jessica?" Tom asked, looking up at her and raising his eyebrows. He was seated at his computer so that he could show Jessica the craigslist Ad.

"Well," she said, "if truth be known. I've snooped on your computer too." Tom nodded his head, not surprised. "You know, you should really try to hide some of that stuff. Some of it is awful. People throwing up, pissing, and shitting on each other. Do you really get off on that stuff?"

"What I get off on is none of your business," Tom said dryly.

"The fuck it isn't!" said Jessica incredulously.

"Yeah, that's true," said Tom chagrined. "We're deep into each other's sexual business now. Literally. The question is, why weren't we before?" Jessica had no answer for that, but the question was intriguing. Yeah, why have we tried to keep such secrets from each other?

"Well, I'm not letting anyone take a shit on me," said Jessica firmly. "Fuck that."

"What if some guy wants you to take a shit on him?"

Jessica shook her head. "I can't even believe we're having this conversation. What if some guy wants me to take a shit on him? I don't know. That's so gross. How much is he paying me?"

"Now you're thinking like a whore Jessica!"

"Shut up jerk," snapped Jessica, but she was also smiling. She stopped smiling when a memory came back to her from last night. It was a memory of Annette, of course. Once Annette had taking over the proceedings, she was non-stop. At one point, Annette had pulled Jessica away from a cock she had been sucking, should couldn't remember whose, put Jessica on her back and straddled her face. At that point, Annette had removed her pants and panties and had been walking around the room half-naked.

"You're going to learn to eat pussy now, whore!" Annette had announced. By then, all fight was out of Jessica and she let Annette lower her pussy to her face. "Lick it bitch! Lick it good. Eat that cunt. Suck my clit." This had been a first for Jessica. She'd never done anything of a bi-sexual nature before. She tentatively stuck out her tongue and searched for Annette's clitoris. Annette never gave her a chance to be delicate. "Don't be shy bitch," she yelled, and proceeded to smash down her pussy into Jessica's face. She was very wet and ran her pussy lips all over Jessica's face. "You like that? You like my cunt? Eat it cunt-face. You're going to eat plenty of cunt as a whore too. It's not all about dick, ya know. You're going to have to learn how to eat pussy. Oh, and something else you're going to learn to do. Check this out everyone!" Everyone had already been checking out what was going on.

Annette got up onto her feet in a squatting position, and placed her pussy over Jessica's face. "Open your mouth bitch....I need to piss." Although Jessica opened her mouth obediently, Annette's aim was no good. She proceeded to piss all over Jessica's face, only getting some of it in her mouth. "You like that, piss face? How's that taste? Drink it! Drink my dirty piss. You piss-toilet whore. You can't eat pussy for shit, but at least you make a good toilet." Everyone was crowding around trying to get a good view of Annette relieving herself on Jessica's face and in her mouth. When she was done, Annette stood up, bent over and spat in Jessica's face again. She straightened up, and announced to everyone in the room: "The toilet is now open. If you need to go, there's where to go." As she said this she was pointing down at Jessica. She bent over again and said, only to Jessica, "You'd better hope that no one needs to take a dump."

Coming out of the memory, she saw that Tom was typing a list on his computer. She bent down to look at it more closely. He was creating a spreadsheet and on it he had the following list:

Vaginal Intercourse    $300